Adnan Rashid – Conwy Castle North Wales – History Bites 11

Adnan Rashid
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The Virginia whiskey is a popular attraction in West Wales, where the throne was built in the 93s by English king Edward the first and the construction of Conway Castle. The region is also mentioned as one of the largest castles in the US, where the city of Acre was built by monks. The video discusses notable individuals buried in the church's burial places, including famous people and art. The whiskey is also a large church built by Edward the second and a large church built by Sir recession.
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A lot of Mother Rahim brothers and sisters, Nan Rashid, I'm back with another history bytes. Today is the 27th Fast of the month of Ramadan, and the date is the 28th of April 2022. And guess where I am, you can see the towers behind me this is a very special place due to the history it possesses. This is convict castle in north Wales, this castle is almost

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nearly 750 years old, 750 years old, it was built in the troll 80s by an English king called Edward the first who died in 1307. See, and he was a very, very interesting character. So I will give you a very quick tour of the castle up the towers behind me the four powers, the fourth one is on the other side. And it's still standing, very strong, magnificent structure very imposing, and the purpose was to actually subdue the Welsh in this area because the Welsh were fighting against the British or the English rather, because Wales is also part of Britain. So Britain consists of four countries, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. So the Welsh in the 13th century were

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fighting against the English because Edward the first was trying to subdue this territory, of course, invasions that had started before him, but he was the first king to completely conquer the territory of Wales, right. And when he occupied Wales, he built a number of castles in 1280s, to be precise, in 1284, he completed his conquest of Wales. And as a result, he built a number of castles for example, this one, this magnificent structure, if you look around, if you start looking at the towers, this these are the outer walls of the castle, and inside the castle, we will quickly go in there, there is like a town it's like a city inside the castle, the castle walls. So let's keep

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walking and keep talking. So in trov, 80s, Edward started to build castles to strengthen his his hold on the land here. And he built Conway Castle, this one, then he built another castle called carnavon Castle, a very, very important Castle, a very beautifully built Castle, a very imposing structure again, then there was another castle called harlech Castle. Then there was another castle which was incomplete, called the merest Castle, which is not very far from it. So many castles were built by Edward the first so that he can actually strengthen his his hold on to these lands. So the history is far too long for me to discuss in detail. But Edward first who built this castle was a

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very interesting character for a number of reasons. One of the reasons is that he was

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a crusading king, he went for a crusade in the 1270s. As a young man, he went for a crusade to the Middle East, and he remained in Acre the city of Acre. He remained in the Middle East for nearly

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one year, and he was even attacked by a Muslim assassin allegedly

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for bomb Weber's the famous meme, Luke's Old Town of Egypt, sent an assassin to kill Edward the first because he had brought a large army with him a lot of influence a lot of power. So Edward the first even dealt with the Mongols. He tried to get the Mongols on board to attack the Muslims, while he himself was there, launching a crusade and he remained for a while, when when he was attacked, he was injured severely, and he didn't fully recover. So he had to come back to England after nearly a year, a year in the Middle East. When he came back, he started to conquer lands within the British Isles, right? So he wanted to conquer the entire British territory, including Scotland, and Wales.

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So we are right now in Wales, where he built these castles he even fought against the Scots, we know about the famous movie that was made about it, called the Braveheart. It was about William Wallace, a Scottish hero who fought against the English at the time. And you can watch the movie, although it's not historically accurate fully, but main events described in the movie are pretty accurate. Historically, Edward was also known as Edward the long shank because he was very tall for the

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For that reason he was called the launch and now we are walking into the town. We have come across

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the outer walls and now we walked into the gate. You can see the gate behind me there.

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It is very muddy, he will still original. This is what it looked like 750 years ago,

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when he was built in the 80s. We're gonna walk up to the Abbey, the Abbey is called Aberconwy Aberconwy was an abbey, a monastery, which was built here by monks. And before that, before the RV was built in 1730, not 7011 and 72.

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It was a quiet town, it was a quiet place actually was like a Quiet

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quiet place remote place. And these monster

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you can see the towers behind me there again. And we're going to show you now some history of the local

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Now, this is the FBI.

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Most of it, which was built in 1172 originally has gone only the gate, the main door remains to keep walking with me.

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And some of it is actually from the 14th century built by Edward the first and his successor Edward the second successors or his people, his officials were ruling a town

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in that period, so this is the you see a lot of old graves, many, many old graves with years written on them. And we're gonna keep walking to the gate. Let's go

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the power looks very old. It is a church it is a church.

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So there's a very short introduction of this RV I want to read very quickly. Cistercian monks marked out the foundations for Aberconwy Abbey 1172 When this was just quiet farmland beside the Conway River.

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From 1186 The monks enjoyed nearly a century of simple common life based on a daily rhythm of prayer, work and study. Aberconwy became the leading monastic community of North Wales under the patronage of liberal in the great liberal in the great who died and was buried here in 1214. The Abbey's famous library health laws and public records are the princess of good Gwyneth good if it was this territory. At that time, it was known as Gwyneth, it's Abbott's were key political figures in the power struggle with England, then, we will show you the very gate, you can see some of these old graves are absolutely, you know, if you come and look at this.

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This is Jane, a wife of Richard Hughes of Conway. Okay. So she's been,

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if I'm not mistaken, is that 11? So 1847? Yeah, that's

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June 1918 47. When she was buried at age 70. And you see a lot of tombstones, they're giving away the details of people who are buried. So the reason why I'm making this video brother sisters, that you get some interest in our local history of Britain, and we need to know more about it. Absolutely. This is amazing history. And there is so much to know there's so much to learn. And we need to get out of our homes and start visiting the country and see how much history there is for us to see.

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And how it is so connected to even our own history, right, this is

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this is actually medieval. This very gate or this arch is from 1172 elevens to this very odd you can see is the oldest part of the monastery, there are tombs inside that go back to the Tudor period 1500s And later on 1690 1670s and even 1700 There are people buried inside and there are two stones on the walls and even the arches from the 14th century from the time of Edward the first there are artists inside very quickly we're going to go inside show you very quickly so that you can see and we're gonna try to be as quiet as possible because of the church

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Yeah, so

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imagine that

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you're looking at these arches. These

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were big

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later on in the 14th century

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in the 14th, century 1300s, early 1300s, mid 1300s.

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So if you keep walking

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there are some famous people but today they are interred into these places and we're going to quickly

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so, this is the Abbey in Conway, where many important people, many important local important people are buried.

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Okay, we have their sacred to the memory of Robert Howard is quiet, who died the Fifth of July 1776, aged 83. So, his grave is somewhere here underneath, right. Then we have

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a tombstone from 1694 1694 Yes. So it reads here liat,

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the body of Jane Williams widow, and relict of Holland Williams, of Conway, Esquire, who was interred the 31st day of August 16 94. Someone buried in this tomb was buried in 1677. Okay, so we have another tombstone here. Okay, from 1703. Okay.

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So this place is filled with

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tombs, people lady in different times,

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dating back to the 16th century,

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17th century, 18th century, and even the 19th century. Someone was buried in 1810,

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to the memory of Margaret Roberts, widow of Reverend Robert Roberts, okay. And she was buried on the 27th of August 1810, aged 89 years old.

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So this is a medieval church. This church is medieval it was built originally in 1172. Some original part remains to this day. And these arches you can see behind me are from the 14th century 1300s built during the time of Edward the first and his son Edward the second. So this is part of the Conway castle complex or the whole castle, the settlement and it continued as an abbey as a church for a very long time. I hope you enjoy enjoying the video, do visit Conway in north Wales, which is about four hours drive from the city of London. If you happen to be in Britain, you have to come to North Wales. The landscape is absolutely amazing. It's beautiful. And the history is amazing. It's

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very very rich and before you travel do read up on it. You will find a lot of fascinating details and subscribe to the channel for more content and support our work by following the links in the description salaam aleikum

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