Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #28

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of authentic hadiths in Islam, with some considered true while others false. The speakers stress the need for people to be quiet and not give up on their actions. The importance of speaking out against false statements and the use of tongue language is also discussed. The segment touches on the history of Islam, including its use in media coverage and the impact of media coverage on people's views and actions. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book called "The OTA."
AI: Transcript ©
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photo share

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Smilla ma Rahim

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Al hamdu lillahi Nando when a stain or when a stir fertile

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when are all the Binhai humans surely Allah phocoena woman seen you at the AMA Lena? Mania the Nahu phenomenon the Lella hoomin nucleolin Fela Halina

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by a shadow era in lung wow what the whole actually can

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what I should do and Mohammed and do what else who SallAllahu Alaihe was sending him a bottle for in a halal Cannan caramel Allah he will hate and who the

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Buddha rasool Allah his son Allahu alayhi wa sallam will show more Martha to her McCullum death it can be the item.

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But could there be the item galana or Coolangatta confit not have come to the next Hadith

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tremendous Hadith from the Yoruba of the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu and he will send

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and it's been nomadic may Allah be pleased with him said the Prophet says Allah Allah while he was salam

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Kapha been murky Kevin and you had difficulty Colima, Samia, it is enough to constitute a person as being a liar. A person is considered in Ellis slam to be a liar. If he speaks about everything that he hears

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Kefa been murdered Kevin and you had Diffa be cool Lima Samia. So if a person everything that He hears, He mentions it, and this is enough to constitute to him as being a liar.

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Similar to this hadith,

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there's a word into the Hadith. That said Is it enough it is enough for a person to have a sin Kapha Bill Maher, E F min, it is enough as a sin. That a person speaks about everything that he hears. So we have two narrations and two different words, but for the most part, it's the same thing.

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It is one of being from a person who you hear news, and you're quick to spread the news shed the news without weighing it and without taking a religious position. That would suggest you send it out or suggest that you conceal it, and so forth and so on. Before explaining the hadith is really important. This famous Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was collected by the Imam Muslim and his Sahaba. Remember who told Al Hakim and Nisa Bori as well had been he banned and

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In Sahih Muslim this hadith is in there, but it's in the introduction of Sahih Muslim is in the Mocha Dima. So Imam Bukhari he doesn't have any introduction. He just starts off Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and then he goes into the first Hadith in the Malama. Lubin yet

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an imam Muslim on the other hand, he has an introduction like you find in most books, this is important. He has an introduction. And in that introduction, he is talking about the science of Hadith before he gets to the first IDF and the Chapter II man

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in the introduction of an imam Muslims book Sahih Muslim, there are authentic hadith and they are weak Hadith. So as a student of knowledge, you have to know that because someone will come to you and take a hadith as introduction the maca Dima, about Imam Muslim and say to you in Sahih Muslim there are some weak Hadith and he's talking about the introduction. Al Imam Muslim himself knew that in the introduction of his book, there are weak Hadith that he put there, and they are authentic

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hadith that he put there. An Imam Al Bukhari, an imam whatever maybe I remember that widowed throughout the book, there are weak Hadith that they knew are weak, they were not relying on those Hadith. They will put that hadith there to show that when Narrator narrated from another narrator, mammy Telemedia himself at the end of the Hadith, was saying that this hadith has some issues.

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He was just trying to show a poem. So for the regular student of knowledge to Muslim who just says, St. Bukhari and Sahih Muslim are the two most authentic books after the Quran, and that's enough for me then how I'm doing that's a good thing. That's a good thing. But it's upon the student to take it a step further. Someone will come today and try to make you doubt about the authenticity of the Sunnah. And they bring shuba hat to you. Things from the Quran, the Sunnah, that will make you doubt

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your religion.

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Because if you don't read how you're going to push that stuff off, if you don't read, you want to do the right thing, but it's not enough wanting to do the right thing if you don't know what you're doing. So in the Kadima in the introduction of Imam Muslim, this hadith comes and he has no doubt that this hadith has some issues in terms of his authenticity, no doubt, no doubt about that. And that's why the majority of the Hadith, they said that this hadith is Hadith that's Marcel that a

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tabby is narrating on the profit and from the profits on the light of the sun. So entertaining, that ratio is the missing link. The companion is not there. So if the companion is out on chain maturation, and there's a Tabori the people who were learning from the Companions, if he's narrating not letting it be solid letters is a brief because the chain of narration is broken.

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So the majority of the trilemma, the courier and those scholars who are all thought they are more stronger and more thicker than the ones who said that this hadith is authentic, they said it's a problem. And if you go to the books of a ll you're going to find this hadith in there. But despite it being graded, as being merciful and as such narrow, authentic, although it's in Sahih Muslim and the Kadima there's some great scholars who nonetheless still said it's an authentic hadith from

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them, is the great scholar will Islam and Imam even up the burr. Tremendous Gowanus, let you say that this hadith was an authentic hadith, an imam even had been hijacked a spell Aenean for Tilbury so that this hadith that we're dealing with is authentic is from the animal half of Ellison, as well as he shaved his Saharawi and a book that he wrote about standard Hadith called fit through Heath. He narrated this hadith and said it's authentic and others and others Al Imam Sinani in the book

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super setup, and Anil Benny doing the current contemporary time. So why did he pay attention to this?

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The hadith, there's some nice zap between the scholars seems like it's not authentic. But some of the scholars said it was authentic, based upon the meaning chains of narration, but it appears to be weak and Allah knows best.

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Second thing and is important.

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But how do you set a person is a liar. If he speaks about everything that he is, this is important.

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A person it is enough that he is a cadaver Elia. If he speaks about everything that He hears, it is enough of a sin for him that he speaks about everything that he hears. The scholars in explaining that portion of the Hadith clearly show us It is haram in the religion of Islam. They be a blob, a mouth, a motormouth, everything you hear from people, you're telling the next man who comes to you, that's against the radula of Al Islam. You're not a man, when you do that.

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You don't have the qualities of a man women do that. They make thorough thorough when

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you're one of those. Every time you see someone someone has something to say, you don't wait. You just can't wait to tell the next person. That's a bad quality Ellison that. So what's the meaning? He is a liar if he does that. The meaning of it is clear. If a person wakes up in the morning, listen to this. He's going to meet people from the time he wakes up until the time he goes back to sleep that night. is my first time meeting you people today. It was in Liverpool. I met people in

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Liverpool today. I mean to you today. From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep, you're going to meet different people. And they're going to tell you things. It's going to be on the internet. It's going to be on the news. It's going to be in real life. It's going to be in text messages. It's going to be what you read in a newspaper. Every day from the beginning of the day to the nighttime. You're going to

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Meet people and hear what they have to say. Some of what they say is true.

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And some of what they say is not true.

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So if you're a person who talks about everything you hear, you will have that because you're lying.

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If you're one of those people, the person says to you, hey, La Ilaha, Illa, Allah, anybody who says Subhan, Allah will be hundy 100 times who will be forgiven for all of his sins, even if his sins were the size of the ocean. That's the hack that you heard from that man. That is the truth that you heard from that man. And then someone else says something else. He said, hamdulillah your hammock Allah, that's the truth. So if he went and told someone, he told him the truth of Quran and the

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Sunnah, that something happened, and it's real, doesn't only have to be in the religion. It was snow on the ground today, I heard they sit in on a new snow on the ground, look outside the snow on the ground. But what about those other kids that boom that we have to deal with?

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We live in a time of liars. It's the time of credit. The time people lie for real for real because they mean it. And just a time where people are loose, just say anything, just say anything. And that's not the way so if a person talks about everything that He hears, then it's a sign an indication that he's a liar. The Muslim is the person who, when he hears something, no matter what if it's not in the Quran, and Sunnah. He hears it. He looks at it and says, does this benefit me?

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Does it concern me? Someone comes and says to him, hey, for lands such as such as such flan, okay, you just told me about this brother. Does it concern me? This doesn't concern me. I'm not talking about it. Anybody because it's not my business. That man he stole this. That man he apostate that man. He's LBGT that Matt doesn't concern me. You're not trying to marry my sister. I'm not trying to borrow any money from doesn't concern. I don't have to tell anybody. Somebody tells him something.

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He listens to it. And he finds Oh, this does concern me. This is beneficial knowledge. So it's benefit. He'll tell somebody.

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It does concern me. It is harmful knowledge is harmful information. He doesn't tell people. Someone tells him something. He says I don't know. Beneficial harmful. I'm gonna leave when I doubt for what I don't know. I'm gonna be quiet about it. Today Today, the vast majority of people cannot control the utterance. Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. He's from the ODF Allah. He used to point out his tongue and he used to say, I will read the NI Hava and Mahalik. This tongue has put me in situations that

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are going to destroy me. That's Abu Bakr Siddiq, the vast majority of people can't control the tongue.

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And when we talk about the tongue of 20, the kennemer or the Cannan, the Kedem speech, speech in Islam is a big thing. When I hear to talk about the importance of speech and its land, but your words, there's a great responsibility connected to our words. And if there was anything that deserved to be in prison, instead tongue, whoever believes in a lot of last day, let him speak good or let them shut up. Just be quiet. Just be quiet. Because the person doesn't ever see a single

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word, except that it's going to be written against him or for him.

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And then he may not even think that the word is important. The Prophet says Allah when he was setting the second part of the Hadith in the raw Juliet the kalam Kenny meetin

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men Socrates Allah heeta Allah Allah Yuki Lucha Bala, for ya we be happy now to Johanna Sabrina.

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It may be that a man will say some words he doesn't consider how serious it is. Another Hadith said he didn't think it will reach that level. He didn't think it was serious. He thought it was simple thought it was a Nayeon simple. A man will say a word from that which angers Allah He doesn't give it any consideration because of that one word. He gets thrown into the Hellfire 70 seasons. What's that we're someone comes to him and he says Halal haram. He doesn't know anything about the deen

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talking about Halal haram. He doesn't know his l bow from his ankle bone and he says he's a cashier. Someone wants to know, hey, this brother, we want to invite him to our Masjid. Maybe you can give a talk. What? What do you think? He says he's uh, his be. Where'd you get that from? I heard the people say that. Or he's not with me, or I saw him at that message.

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But yeah, he just be quiet. If you don't know, the honor of the Muslim is sacred. You can't talk about people like that. The man says a word. He doesn't consider it. He gets really upset. He gets upset. He says, May the curse of Allah be upon me. He feels remorse for when he did he feels bad for what he say May Allah curse me and then given any consideration, and it's from those things that Allah azza wa jal is displeased with. As a result of saying that we're he gets destroyed 70 years,

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and the opposite can be true. A man can say a word that he doesn't consider it doesn't think it's that important. But that word that word is from what pleases Allah azza wa jal.

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The man was riding with the NABI SallAllahu it was sitting and his horse began to buckle and Buck and his horse threw him over and he fell and hurt himself. The man said Taser shaped on me shaped on be cursed because the whole storm down carries a shape on Prophet Muhammad heard that word and told the man several Allah what He was setting them. Don't say me che Thonburi curse lenica either Kuta Ha

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ha, your call methyl Jevin or mythical bait. What I can call this Mila vena cava

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cassava shaped and had taken me through bad

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don't say, Me, Allah curse shaytaan. When you kick your foot, you carry in a coffee and it falls and you say Shakedown B curse or some other words some people say M F foot OSHA, whatever people say all kinds of stuff.

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Don't curse shaytaan Rasul Allah said if you say, Curse of Allah be upon che thong because this thing happened. Then shaytaan becomes big like a mountain.

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And he says, Be Kuwaiti and made him say this thing that he said, I made him look at me and give me all of this attention, as it shaytaan has the ability to make the horse do that. Jeff Don didn't make you kick your foot and he's got big feet, and you're not paying attention.

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That's why you cook Jeff, but if you say Tyson shaper, you make shape are beginning his reality. All you have to do is say Bismillah he could concrete this mean that because his foot, he drops the glass Bismillah whatever it is. So the word is an easy word. He says Bismillah before coming into the house, shaitan can eat with him. Shaitan can sleep with him. He says Bismillah before he takes off his dog, before she takes off her phone shaytaan can see the IRA. So the word may be from what

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Allah is pleased with a get tremendous reward on the other side.

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So the Kelly MA and Ellis lamb is serious. We have to be more cognizant of what we say. And being in control of our tongues. The companion.

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Why have they been who Jebel was from the scholars who say God also Allah? Is Allah going to hold us accountable? For what we say for everything we say? He made a dua against him and said, fucky let's go omocha yam Well, I've made your mother lose you.

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But that didn't mean that.

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It means you should have known better than this. How can you answer that question? You're from the realm of the companions, all of those ayat of the Quran. Were my girl filmin colon in Lana daerah keevil it. He doesn't say a single word except the angels are recording all of that stuff. You should know that while you're from the people memorize the Quran, you know that he sent me your mother lose you. He said our people thrown in dead at hellfire and wild on the faces for anything

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other than what the tongues put forward.

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With the tongues put forward. The man was traveling with some of the companions. And that man had a *. He had a *. So when he woke up for fidgeting had to make a vessel. But the man had abscesses and sores on his body. And he didn't want to put water on his body. He asked some of the people who didn't know Can I just make pm mom because if I put the water on my body, it's gonna fester and they said no, there's water. As long as there's water you have to make a hole also. So

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the man made the hole. So they started traveling. The wind was blowing the sand gotten his source. The trip became difficult. The man got a fever, abscesses, sepsis, all of that stuff. He was poisoned. He died

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as a result of a fatwa of people.

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When they arrived into Medina, they told the prophet what happened. They said His face became red and he

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Sam like he said to my wife, let como Camilla mother loose. He said, You people killed him. May Allah destroy you. But he didn't mean that.

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He asked Allah azza wa jal Oh ALLAH anytime I make dua against someone for my ummah, make it a reward for them. He wants to show them what they did. You people have killed that man. May Allah destroy you. Verily, the ingredient for ignorance when you don't know, then all you have to do is ask someone who knows why you give a fuck to us like that. But you're gonna fuck to us. So we find people who don't know anything about the religion. They they're being opinionated yaki the religion

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is not like that.

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Does that mean that the mole visa was the only one because talk the chef, no, you talk based upon what you know. But this religion is not like that. Everybody has a right just to say something

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like this thing with Corona, this new this new strain that's coming. It's not for every Tom, Dick and Harry, I'm a bucket and Zaid in our community talk about stuff.

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You talk about what you know, you got your report card, you talk about your report card. How many days were you absent?

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What's the name of the teachers in the class? You know that that's connected to you. But here you're talking about, you're talking about COVID 919, and the different variants of COVID-19. And you didn't even graduate from primary school.

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And I'm not saying if you don't graduate from primary school that you're gonna go to not have Jahannam right, because Prophet Muhammad didn't graduate from the primary school, some Allah who it was settling, but the point here is Min ntfp, who you talk. What are you talking about? What are you talking about?

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It is enough that a person is considered to be a liar. If he speaks about everything he is, there was a companion His name is Sophia and even Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with me say God, tell me something that I can ask you of. And it will protect me Yeah, so many. He says say I believe in Allah and then be up right. And then he say yeah, rasool Allah. Ma Hua, woof shaken. Shania. What are you most afraid for me of? What is it that you're afraid? Is it the John? Is it the gin? Is the

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shaytaan Is it the yo hood? Is someone that fit? What are you most afraid of? He said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam took his hand and he put his tongue out and said, This is what I'm afraid of the most for you. This is what I'm afraid of the most because people don't give it its rights. A man came he told them you know so Allah gave me some advice. He said cough wine calm. cough.com Hold your tongues. Hold your tongues.

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Whoever believes in Alana last day, let him say that which is good. Or let them be quiet. So the tongue has musalia whiny. You have to issue love. Lion. You have the issue of exaggerating. You have the issue of talking about people. It's not true. You have the issue of talking about everything and you're not discerning. It's a lot of stuff connected to the tongue, a lot.

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A lot, Heba, Mima, all of those, all of those things, now concerning this hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Aquinas is really important, and that is, this is important.

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We live in right now in the era of the millennials, social media. The very nature of social media is 99 point cent. 99.9% of the information that comes to you from social media is not true.

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It's coming from people who you don't know.

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Pay attention to this idea.

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And Islam, how was the Sunnah protected through the knowledge of Hadith? And this is how we know every single Hadith that anybody narrated. There is a grading on that hadith. And why is that grading there? The more you know, the more you are equipped to appreciate it. Allah azza wa jal, he preserved this Quran and he preserved the authentic sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa, it was setting them both of them are preserved as it relates to this issue. The Muslim is the

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individual who is especially the one giving Dawa. He's a person who is going to pay attention to what he hears.

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He's going to pay attention to what he hears today. If a person is much whole

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much Hall. We don't know who he is. We don't know where it came from. We don't know where he studied. He just popped up into the mess he just do just popped up.

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We never seen him before. We're not going to say he's a monad fit. He's with the Mi five. He's with the CIA. We're not going to say that. But we're going to say we won't let him get on this minbar and give a hug but until we find out where did he come from? So a man is unknown in the chain of narration that narration is weak.

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And Prophet Muhammad's Hadith Salah is if someone is in that true gentleman, and he is much hold and Heil. You don't know what situation much Hold on. I ain't we don't know him. His name is Ibrahim is hawk.

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But we don't know which one.

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Even if his name is similar to this other great scholar, we're not taking him because we don't know who he is. Much Hulan dalla? Does he know what he's talking about? Is he a religious man?

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Listen to me, let me repeat this again. And the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Hadith, the Sunnah, you have to have the chain of narration, so and so sad that song so told him that song, so told him that song Soto and the Abu Huraira say this. So the scholars come and look at someone, someone look at this and look at that. And they're able to tell this man is strong, this man is weak, that man is a liar. That man used to be strong, that man used to be strong

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and this one and that one, but he's weakened that that I love protected the sooner like that.

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And if a hadith comes and you don't know someone in that chain, it is weak.

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So when your religion

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you don't know people, where they come from what they're talking about, and you just take note, and that's why the great scholar of Islam from the tabbing Hamad bin serine, he said that this knowledge is your religion.

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Be careful and beware and look who you take your religion from. The knowledge of Islam is your religion. You guys have been saved 15 years ago, 10 years ago, you in the masjid. And the guy speaking was a rough, tough, extremist. And the way that he was speaking a pill to the emotions of a lot of the youngsters who didn't know. As I told you last week, some of our youngsters if you scream loud, you get a good, good hold. But good lesson. Some of our youngsters if you're three utricle,

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and you do something, take your coat your coat, your coat, your shirt, your hat thrown in the air, or throw something up and shoot it boo, boo, boo, boo boo. People say wow. It's not about what the person is saying.

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So back then, some of these people will get up, and they would challenge

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people in government members of parliament, they will challenge people with knowledge. They will challenge you to be rough and tough. And our Chabad will say, wow, look, this is like sallahu demon IUD. This is like I will do Jana. This is like Omar,

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when in reality, it was closer to Abu Lahab and Abu jarhead. And some of those Shabaab got in trouble. Because they went to ISIS, and some of them got killed. And some of them in prison. Because they were young, am I here to apologize and say, Let's be weak, people slap us in the face. I'm not here to say that by any stretch of imagination. I'm not saying that. I say we're going to be Muslims, but we're going to be Muslims, based upon the reality of our situation, not like the

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wattage who were young, and the age and very while and the things that they were saying. So take your time, take your time. You know, I find very amazing how some of you, some of you, when it comes to the thing like the vaccine, when it comes to things like COVID Real or not, you actually miss it to what a lot of these people are saying. And all you have to do is say many of these people are just like you and I they don't know anything about medicine. They just like you and I and you listen

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to it because it makes sense to when you look at him as if the guy is a is a master.

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Find yourself a Muslim, a scholar in medicine and ask him or her then break it down to That's what I'm saying. Don't listen to the regular people like that. What's wrong with you?

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You know, the flu jab. How many of you got the flu jab? How many of you got the flu jab? Nobody. That's your hawk not to get the flu. I didn't get the flu jab neither. But I didn't get the flu jab because I never got the flu jab. That's all. I'm not going around telling people

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And the flu jab is this and that you could get chicken pox in his center and the flu jab. If you get it, they're gonna put, you're gonna go, they're gonna control your mind.

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Like, why would you listen to people like that? That's all I'm saying. Go to a Muslim who knows what they're talking about. And then the Muslim who is educated and informed when you listen to what they say, and they are against a flu jab, then you take what they said to another Muslim who knows what he's talking about, until you can get convinced the same way we do in our religion, this hadith, it is enough for a person to be a liar. If he speaks about everything that he hears some sentence

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authentic, some set is weak, are you going to just sit there and say, I am to stand aside and once it's authentic?

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If you want to do that, because you're forced to do that, I'm going to be on the side of the ones who say that it is weak because they're the majority, and they're more thicker. That's knowledge. Because you have to make a way to make Turgeon,

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the other person says, not

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I am going to take the side that the hadith is authentic, because I'm gonna study what both sides say and see why they are saying that.

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That's knowledge. That's knowledge. No one throws the dice like that. Isn't niqab wajib or not? Whadjuk? Well, I saw that brother over there, his wife when he says Why did you because she does not knowledge. That's not how you make decisions. You put the situation in front of you look at it, you weigh it and you make a decision.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:51

The dean and your dunya but especially as it relates to the deen, so concerning this issue of money,

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when it comes to speaking about issues and people, especially people that die, and every Muslim but especially the die is the person who has to make the third bullet. He has to make the booth in Tobago he has to into issues, a speak about the religion. Make sure what you're saying is true.

00:32:17 --> 00:32:48

That is authentic, and you're not lying on a lot on his messenger. You're not misrepresenting, you're not miss leading people. You can't just narrate just Hadith like that, because you heard them here and there. Now some people are gonna make mistakes. That's just the nature of what we're dealing with. For many years, how many people have said, the hadith of Irma Radi Allahu Anhu the effort where he was putting his daughter in the sand, and she was cleaning his beard. Many of us use

00:32:48 --> 00:33:20

that hadith thinking that hadith was authentic. But then the information came to you saying no that I believe is not authentic. You come you clean that up. That reflects negative on Irma, that never happened. We could use weak Hadith when it's other than the NABI SallAllahu Sallam as long as it doesn't compromise, the hop halau haram aqidah and it doesn't reflect negatively on a companion. So of my birth, his daughter that's negative. Unless you had the lily did that don't say that.

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He punched his sister in the face. He came to the sister's house. She was reading the Quran with her husband. When he came he didn't know that they were Muslims. So the husband got up ran the closet or my grabbed his sister and then manhandled and punched a nun and made a bleep. We're not going to narrate that hadith, because it reflects negatively on him beating up his sister. We're gonna say Don't say that hadith. So how do you even narrate it? Well, you may think that it's authentic, but

00:33:51 --> 00:34:17

you come to learn, so you have to have that min Hajj that if the thing comes to you and it's clear that you will make a mistake, you come by you rectify, that's it. But don't be one of those people read from these books to believe in the sap from geomatica belief in these other books like that, and you just a narrated Hadith, and I don't say that to put anybody down from Jamaica to bleed brothers from Jamaica blink should stop that thing that they're doing. Just getting a book and

00:34:17 --> 00:34:23

reading the book like that, and the Hadith that go against the Tawheed and go against the religion and go against the sun

00:34:27 --> 00:34:55

so Allah mentioned in the Quran very quickly. Yeah, you live in an AMA no enjoy a confessor can be never inferred to be genuine to Cebu calm and be Jahad it for to speak who am I to nadie mean are you believe? If an evil person comes to you with some news talking to you, they come to you with some news evil, then ascertain and find out the reality of that news before you deal with it because you may unknowingly hurt someone.

00:34:56 --> 00:35:00

So there was a tribe called Benny Mustafa up there

00:35:00 --> 00:35:33

accepted Islam they got the as a cat together and they were waiting for the Prophet to send someone so Allah do something to get this a cat from them and they were happy to give the Zakat. One of the companions his neighbors will lead the bundle Akbar. May Allah be pleased with him. May Allah be pleased with Willie they've been Akbar, radi Allah Allah when he was sent by Rasul Allah to go and get that as a cat from benomyl stirrup. So when they saw him come in, they got on their horses, and

00:35:33 --> 00:35:49

they started writing to him, and their swords were glaring, and the way their horses were running. He remembered in Jamia, he had some problems with his tribe. And the way they were coming, he thought they were gonna get him in his people. So they turned around and ran away.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:19

Because of what they thought. When they got to Medina, they told the prophets of Allah what He was sending them, they came to kill us. They don't want to give this a cut. That didn't happen. Rasul Allah made preparations. Let's go deal with that. And when the prophet sent the people go deal with them, he saw those people come in, because when he didn't send anyone they said something's wrong. So let's say let's go to Medina they came. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi. Salam greeted them. Why

00:36:19 --> 00:36:26

didn't you give my man that I sent to you? There's a cat. They say yeah, Rasul Allah, I never came to us came and he left.

00:36:27 --> 00:37:01

And then this ayat was revealed, some of the scholars of Islam said that this suburban nosal is weak and some of them say this authentic seems to be authentic inshallah. Oh, you believe if someone comes to you with some news, ascertain as to his reality, evil person. This is not calling al Walid Al Akbar, a fantastic, a saint, just generally speaking, all of the companions, all of the companions, they have I doubt that all of them, all of the companions, no matter what they did, if

00:37:01 --> 00:37:26

they died as a companion, they're going to Jannah not any of them were facet, none of them. It goes against the narrow definition of being a companion. So Allah wasn't calling Walid Tasik. Here, he is letting us know, anybody comes to you with some news, specially the evil person, as a team as to his reality. Can you read the newspaper, the sun, and believe that?

00:37:27 --> 00:37:35

Can you believe CNN and Fox News? Who sits there and actually believes that stuff?

00:37:37 --> 00:38:04

Because it's all they all intertwine. They're all together. And they dumbed everything down just to control people, all of them. And that's why it's the same news. And then when our brothers from Palestine would get in what they were getting recently. It's as if it's not happening right now. That stuff is happening right now. They're being killed right now. And when it happened on the love what happened few months ago, you saw the way the coverage was

00:38:05 --> 00:38:18

the poor poor dog of the Zionist It was frightening when this happened, and that happened. And then all these people get killed him in Mr. Aqsa, and it's made to appear as if they're terrorists.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:39

So when it comes to the media, Abdullah, when it comes to the media, your main hedge has to be, am I believing anything these people say? Unless it comes to me, and the religion of Islam says it's true. Or the life that I'm living right now says that this thing happened and it's true.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:45

But if it's not true, you have to be careful, which goes to show this is put in the 20

00:38:47 --> 00:39:16

you get a text message that impresses you and impresses you and you send it out right away. That's not the message of unless snap. There was a French girl who they wanted to show this French politician lady how evil and bad she was. She's an older white lady. And he had her face looking droopy and real. It was what do you call that again? When they mess with your face and stuff what they call that again?

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19

Now me

00:39:21 --> 00:39:54

printing No, no, we call it when you Photoshop. You can Photoshop people's bodies and things like that. They photoshopped her face. And it had a look at real droopy, real droopy, like extra extraordinarily droopy, but it looked real. So they had her face because she was against the hijab. She was against it in front. She is against it. She's a far right politician, and then had like an Algerian girl with hijab a young looking girl. If you look at the to the Muslim girl with a hijab

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

look looks much better. The old lady it said something like no one that

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

She needs the hijab as ugly as she looks something like that it says something like that. When you look at it, you say, Oh man, this is good, this ugly lady and you send it off, brother that's photoshopped.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:14

That's not real. And although you

00:40:15 --> 00:40:18

although we feel not you we feel

00:40:19 --> 00:40:30

when something happens to these people, we feel a we happy there's something what happened to these people, that man who wrote those dribbles pitches against the nebi, Salah, and some didn't have the accident.

00:40:33 --> 00:41:01

Or you shouldn't talk about the prophets and the messengers like that. You shouldn't disrespect our privacy and our messages like that. What's wrong with you? No one's sitting there praying for something like that to happen. But that's evil, to be disrespectful to a whole Ummah, of people and that kid and say that, that's democracy and freedom of speech. And then when something happens like that, and we say, you see a classic case of chickens coming home to roost. Now we get in trouble for

00:41:01 --> 00:41:01

saying that.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:04

We get in trouble for saying that.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:28

So my point here is, even if something happens to make us feel like what happened with the Prophet sallallahu was sending them when the Romans when the Romans defeated defeated the Mushrikeen the Muslims were happy because the people of the deen people the book, they were happy that it happened. So something may happen in the world today as Muslims were happy that this thing happened.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:50

Because it's under the umbrella of Islam. Not something crazy Sunday, the umbrella of Islam, although you're happy, don't be too quick to send that finger because it may not be real. It may not be true. The Muslim has to make an effort every day. Don't send anything out. That's not real.

00:41:51 --> 00:41:56

That's your job? Because if you don't, you will cause that you're a liar.

00:41:57 --> 00:42:09

You're a liar. You're peddling and misinformation. disinformation. Look what happened honey in the Quran. Surah Al Mia known.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:28

Prophet Muhammad was coming back from the trips of Allah while he was setting up. Our mother I Isha had to go to the toilet out in the desert. So they took it out. She went out by herself. It was time to get up and go, everybody left. And I Isha was out in the desert. And they left her out in a desert.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:59

When she came back, everybody was gone. She sat in her place, one of the companions came to pick up the end, pick up the rear, make sure nobody was lost, make sure nothing was lost. He came he saw I Isha, the wife of the Nibi sulla Why do you sell them in the middle of the desert? Rasul Allah left her the community left up. This match your wife, my wife, your systemised. Your daughter, my daughter. That's a big Musa brother's daughter guy hit last week, two weeks ago, three weeks ago.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:29

That's a big receiver. That's a big moose. Eva. May Allah to Allah give that baby Rockman help them parents dealing with that. This is the wife of the Nabil of Islam in the middle of the desert. The man said in Allah he were in LA he Raju this will Siva. So that's why he said that. The wife of the Prophet here in LA who were in LA Raju, what about the one who comes and says the wife of the Prophet is a Kathira the wife of the Prophet committed Zina.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:40

That's some Sheba and your religion your cat and you said that that's all he said. He made his horse come down. She got on a horse. He didn't ride in front of her.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:48

He didn't ride behind her Harshad Allah. He walked that horse for the whole journey to he got to Medina.

00:43:49 --> 00:43:54

When he came into Medina in the broad daylight, people started looking so Oh, looky looky, looky

00:43:55 --> 00:44:02

boo, broad daylight. Everybody has that look, look, look of that. The hypocrites started saying

00:44:04 --> 00:44:09

he was having an affair with that man. That's why they're coming in like this.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:17

And there was some of the companions who when they heard this, they mentioned it to others.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:24

The hypocrites, they lit and ignited the fire fitna.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:28

The Muslims got ready to have civil war.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

They got ready to fight in the masjid

00:44:32 --> 00:45:00

one man over here, he said, Hey, you will mafia and you guys are helping them when after King who said that? We're gonna get all of you. Those people said no, no, you monastics. We're gonna get all of you and they were going to fight over that. The Muslims. problema Hammami came to see SEC who will help me who will help me against the man minimal natural doula, even soloed who helped me a

00:45:00 --> 00:45:18

against a man who says this about my wife only no good about my wife and they say we'll help you yada sola man said no, you won't. You're not gonna do anything. It's a human asset. And you You protected him or nothing. We're not going after you're not gonna do anything. And he went back and forth they got ready to fight.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:28

Prophet Muhammad was on his member and then he told the people leave it leave it leave this thing, leave it and he got off of the member because it's gonna be a fitna.

00:45:31 --> 00:45:36

Anyway, from that long story is the lesson of this thing right here.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:40

Because careful what you say and how you take the news.

00:45:42 --> 00:46:00

Careful what you say and how you take the news. If telecom will know who remember when you took it be L Cinetic. Calm what Okolona B F why he Kamali? Silicon B and, but tassa boo Haley and and Wu and Allah He, Avi

00:46:01 --> 00:46:12

Well, Lola is submitted to move to Maya Kunal Lena and Nicola, maybe other. Other booktown have been tremendous. I

00:46:13 --> 00:46:39

remember, when some of you took the news and you took it with your tongues. Normally, when you hear nose, you take it with your ears, you hear it? By some people, the news comes and explain it right out. How soon as you hear it, hey, did you hear this thing like that? Hey, listen, is it true? What does that have to do with me? Where did you get that from? About two weeks ago? Someone said that I died.

00:46:41 --> 00:46:42

Did you Did you hear that?

00:46:44 --> 00:46:47

Somebody said that I die. Well, Allah He hopes and be laid.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:57

And one of the brothers called another brother call another brother, they started calling me I was in the madrasa in Leeds, so I can answer my phone.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:02

When I got out, I saw a call from my wife.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:04

I called her she said,

00:47:06 --> 00:47:11

they say, somebody came to the house and told me you die.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:23

Are you going to tell that to my wife? Are you going to tell that to my kids, your father die.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:58

I respect that brother because it was love. And they were trying to make it the third but they were trying. But don't go to my wife, man. Don't go to my wife. That's the last person you go through. Because maybe she didn't hear that news. And then when we tried to get to the bottom of it, we got to get to the bottom of it couldn't really figure it out. And it was at the same time they Mike Tyson. Our brother man like guy Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson said, I died when he was experimenting with

00:47:58 --> 00:48:19

some of the things that he experiments with Dow two weeks ago, and he said he died when it happened. But what he meant by that is he had an out of body experience, experience experience, but they want to click bait. So they said Mike Tyson dies. So when you wake up Mike Tyson is dead. Yo, you heard Mike is dead.

00:48:20 --> 00:48:26

Did you hear Mike Tyson die? Take it easy, brother. Just read the finger little read the finger again.

00:48:27 --> 00:48:28

You will miss read it.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:33

And I got those text messages that Mike Tyson died.

00:48:34 --> 00:49:01

So be careful. Be careful. The I said, Remember, when the news came to some of you? You took it with your tongues? And you said about it. You said that which you had no knowledge about. You thought it was a small thing what you did in what you said, but it was a big thing with Allah. And only when you heard it when you heard, I insure this, I insure that he's this he's that only if you heard it when you heard it had you said

00:49:02 --> 00:49:11

we shouldn't be talking about this. We shouldn't be saying something like this. This is a big thing. And this is a great slander.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:49

So instead of people taking in that way that was fitting in the community, so whiny in concluding, let's do a better job and shout Allahu Taala as it relates to what we say. The dye in the DUA and you know, this thing with a judge with tideal is really a joke that people shares, shares and the students we're talking about that mess that nonsense innovation and of itself, using that to see who's on the Sunnah. Not on a sunnah. Show me where the the relevable Islam did that in the past.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:50

Show us where that comes from.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:54

Billahi Alikum where does that come from?

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

But one thing people should have been doing put that gentle with

00:50:00 --> 00:50:22

deal on OSI, they should have been paying attention to who is mature and who was jacking. That's something we have to do in our religion, who's known who's not known, who's competent, who's not competent, who can do it, who can do it. And that's there has to be a part of our religion, then the Prophet Tella people had before.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:33

had the flu and Benny asstra II will 100 bene Israel Jews, Christian, and rocky type. If they tell you something. Don't believe it. Don't disbelieve in it.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:46

Don't believe it. Don't disbelieve it. If it's supported by the religion, believe it or not supported by the religion rejected religion was quiet about it, be quiet about it. That's all religion.

00:50:47 --> 00:50:48

That's already cheap.

00:50:50 --> 00:51:15

So we're going to stop here Inshallah, big jihad is required, say about people and things that which we know and that we think er come were cooler Hadith in your fellow men who beware of every form of speech that will cause you to apologize. Okay, well, if you guys have any questions, any tests, we bet corrections, Thalia cod,

00:51:16 --> 00:51:20

taught me, you could do that the kind of the machine for the

00:51:27 --> 00:51:28

how do you correct what

00:51:30 --> 00:52:02

the body, I think, has the ability to discern between nice methodology of dealing with people and rough and tough and appropriate, abrupt, harsh Darwin dealing with people. So if you want to correct anybody, you have to look at who he is. Is he older than you? Does he have position in this society? You have to consider all of that because it's going to help you to determine and to dictate how you're going to give him advice. That's your mother, your father, that's your teacher. That's the

00:52:02 --> 00:52:06

Imam saw who's in half, if that's the polies that's whatever.

00:52:07 --> 00:52:19

But for the most part, everybody can discern Dawa and advice that's gentle and not nice. And it smells like the aroma of someone was trying to get someone to change.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:41

To giving nice, Dawa is a delille usually many times, someone wants change. Rough and tough dollar is a sign that a person is doing it for himself. He's trying to put the person down, put the person down. So have hikma and advising people any more questions at one?

00:53:08 --> 00:53:38

As I mentioned, when we hear things from people, our parents say things that have a lot of wisdom in it. They never give us a hadith but they give us things that have a lot of wisdom in it. So if what's being said as truth behind the truth connected to it, there's no problem. No problem. But if it's just hocus pocus, and it doesn't have any reality to it, and wisdom is horrified. And this is a problem. And as I mentioned, we're living in a time of Kevin Dejan. This is the time where this

00:53:38 --> 00:53:43

fraud and the digital digital extreme lion

00:53:44 --> 00:53:45

a lot of games

00:53:47 --> 00:54:07

in America they had Thanksgiving recently last Thursday, in November, Thanksgiving. What is that holiday that's celebrations of celebration that the people went to America found the Native Americans and they had more guns than them and they shot him and killed them.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:15

So they gave thanks, thanksgiving for being able to annihilate these people and take their land.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:21

And then one of the presidents of America who we grew up liking his name is Abraham Lincoln.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:27

They told us that this to free the slaves and they had us liking his guy.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:30

They literally had us liking him

00:54:32 --> 00:54:56

because they told us he freed the slaves. They told us that they were brainwashing us anyway. The other day they had this celebration things give it how can you celebrate such a celebration? After what happened to the peoples like the Iraqis, the Iraqis, a million people going to celebrate that people are going to celebrate what happened to African Americans and slavery

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

Kashmiris the Holocaust

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

US people going to celebrate that

00:55:03 --> 00:55:08

is tasteless. Can't do that. But because as I told you,

00:55:09 --> 00:55:38

untruths, this celebration Christmas, Easter, people don't care. Is it true? Is it not true? Because that's Christianity doesn't have to be true. This has to be something we're going to have a party about. Islam is not like that. Muslim shouldn't be like that. The Muslim is the person is going to say, where you get that moment from man when you get it from? Where did you get that moment from? And don't get upset, because you know, there's no difference between you in that mold and

00:55:38 --> 00:55:50

Thanksgiving Christmas. Why you get upset when we were just talking about Thanksgiving because we use with the program. But when the moldy gets put in the equation, now suddenly you can't you can't see straight anymore.

00:55:53 --> 00:56:21

The Muslim is not like that. People come and tell us do this, do that. Celebrate this, celebrate that and do this to ship. We then say where does that come from? If people can't support that they can't present it. We don't do it. I would die with us. Mubaraka What do you think about that? He's a his BS. What us all from the Sunnah. Did he go against for you to say that? No. So the Sheikh said, we feel that way.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:25

We feel that way. Come on.

00:56:27 --> 00:56:29

Any more questions or want any more questions?

00:56:34 --> 00:57:12

Prophet gave the definition of Riba. So the Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said well, Heba to the Cuca had to be my yatra. The Cuca a haka theory, Abby, be micro. Eva is mentioning something about your brother in his absence that he doesn't want you to mention. The man say Allahu Allah. But what if what I say is true about him? My brother, he has bad body odor. My brother is stingy. My brother, he has a spurious scourges and is difficult dealing with him, because he got a spurious, it doesn't

00:57:12 --> 00:57:13

have social clues.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:45

So I say that to someone. But Muhammad said, If what you said is true, then this Hiba and if it's not true, you have slandered him, it's worse. So even if it's true, he's not there. And there's no religious reason to say that. If there's a religious reason, but you could say, hey, there Brother Guy by the OTA, we probably want to tell him, you know, he should put on some deodorant before we go in here for the Janessa. So you there's a reason you said that.

00:57:46 --> 00:57:51

But I'm just saying, as body odor, he's this he's that. He said, That's Eva.

00:57:52 --> 00:58:04

And if it's not true, then that is Bhutan. And that's what the ISA soup Chanukah tileable term to have him go into Allah. This is a great great book done great

00:58:08 --> 00:58:12

slander of Asia, as for the Mima, right you send them email

00:58:13 --> 00:58:46

me my is when someone tells you something about someone and then you go and you tell them he said that this this that that carry entails to make fitna between the people. So this guy said that Brother, you did this, this this this, he goes and he tells him knowing full well this is why I said the Cannan the Kadima has musalia given me, man, so many issues like this, that it says to him, that man said that you were this and that, then that guy gonna get mad and say go talk by his mother, his

00:58:46 --> 00:59:17

father gonna say, and then you messed up the relationship. But the opposite is permissible. Prophet Muhammad allow one man to go tell a lie to another man to make peace. The opposite is not lying and three things and one of them is when you go to a person, you know, they got problems, a segment I was talking, I was with a brother last night. And he was really sad at how the relationship has, you know, soured between you and me, between you and him. And my brother was like, what serious? He was

00:59:17 --> 00:59:24

like, that's what happened. He was sad. And then that'll make him more apt to call up in the CMA and they call out

00:59:25 --> 00:59:49

so you can lie. So let's there's between Viva and Mima. Okay, honey, we're gonna stop right here in sha Allah Tala want to welcome my brother Jamal back, Jamil back, Jamil back from wherever he's been. And welcome all of you brothers as well. Hi, that was southern Allah who was settling robotic and in the beginning, it was hobby Jemaine where his brother Musa

00:59:50 --> 00:59:54

let's moves over there. Okay, when somebody come up to me

00:59:56 --> 00:59:58

where's my man are you

01:00:02 --> 01:00:02

How're you doing?

01:00:04 --> 01:00:07

I'm good. I see you, man. Are you okay?

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