Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #24 – The Protective Wall of Da’wah

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The Hadith holds a history and character brief, highlighting the importance of strong manhood and the need for a strong woman to handle relationships. The discussion touches on the use of a book by a scholar of Islam to explain the ratio between man and his wife, dressing oneself in appropriate ways, and the importance of avoiding distractions during prayer and not being too busy during sex. The discussion also touches on the concept of "has been" and how it relates to a situation where a woman is the only person who has a problem.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla narrow hem and Al hamdu lillahi Nando when a start you know when it's stuck federal for when that rule to be 90 minutes showed all the fusina women see it or Nandina Matthew LA who Philomel nella who I mean you didn't fella had yellow Why should Ilaha illa Allah Who are the WHO Lashley color? By shadow? No Mohammed and do what are solo? Yeah, you're living in total Allahu Akbar to karate we'll add two more tuna in our intimacy moon. Yeah, you heard NASA Taku Rob Bakuman levy

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Hello cockman nevsun Wahida 10 Mahabharata Minh has Ojha were Bethlehem in Houma, regering cathedral when he said with tequila Nellie to sir and when it be around in Allah Canon A camera Cuba Yeah, you're living in Amman otaku Allah or Kulu colons sadita Usili la comme la calm. We are filmed the new back home, while main Uteri now Rasulullah who forgot Faza Fosun are Vemma Amma Babu for in hydro Karam Karim, Allah will Halal Houda Houda Rasulullah He is Allah Allah when he was sold. Was

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Sharon more fair to her. Were coulomb death in Bidda. attune Wakulla be the atan de Alana Kula Gualala Tenshin na

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become to the next Hadith in the book, the Darwin the Duat, the hadith of Abu Huraira May Allah azza wa jal be pleased with him. He was one of the illustrious and virtuous companions Ridwan lie on the edge mind. He

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set himself aside and above many of the other companions, although we don't say that he's from or better than the 10 that have been promised Jana, but we love them tremendously because he played a significant role in preserving force to sunnah. He was the companion that memorize majority of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, despite the fact that he came into slam late. He accepted Islam seven years after the Prophet may Hijra to El Medina. Salam Allah, why do you send

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them so you miss 13 years of Mecca. And he missed the first seven years of and Medina. And yet after embracing al Islam in the seventh year, with only three years left of the life of Rasulullah sallallahu, it was sending them a boo hoorah memorize and narrated the majority of the Hadith.

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He was a tremendous companion from those companions. He's a companion who is known by his cornea, Abu Huraira more than he is known by his name, like Abu Bakar people don't know i Bobak is up to LA for an example people don't know I will versus another ferry. Abu darda. Those are companions, who became known for the Kuhnian more than their name as relates to Abu Huraira His name is Abdul Rahman, Abdullah right man even will suffer Abdurrahman evil who suffer a doozy or dosi. Elia Manny.

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Elia Manny was from in Yemen originally, as I mentioned, he was from those scholars that was a tremendous companion. So anyone who loves the Sunnah, he loves annual Hadith. He loves the Salafi year, then Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him is a different companion. He's different, because of the role that he played in preserving the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam and the sacrifices that he made in order to become who he became, as it relates to him being a

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Muhaddith and a fucky. Someone who knew this religion, may Allah to Allah be pleased with him, one of the great scholars of Islam, Al Imam, Ibn Hazm, from Spain, even hasm. He said that he found and he read a book by a great scholar of Islam by the name of Bucky Bluma led to tremendous scholar. He wrote a book called The Muslim said that like the Muslim devil Imam, achmad, so this man Bucky Bluma Khaled. He has a Muslim but it's been lost. And the MammaPrint or hasm and other scholars said that

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the Muslim imam Bucky blue mathlete was olsa Ashima It was bigger than the Muslim devil Imam Malik Al Imam admin. Anyway, he mentioned that Abu Huraira had 5000 Hadith, and the Muslim Bucky bookmarklet and

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That is a lot for companion to narrate 5000 Hadith in a particular book, keeping in mind there are so many other books of Hadith. Now the Muslim that we have now that is the biggest and the best one is the one of an imam I admit the most not an image admit that most of you my acne brought over 3000 Hadith on and from Abu Huraira so they share it from that cannamd colo is that Abu Huraira is an imam from the image of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whatever the Allah

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I known as my in today's hadith is a tremendous Hadith from the kalam and JaJuan and Kelan. The Prophet said and it's some Allah while he was sending them like yeah for Rocco movement Mina, either Katihar minha Holika Robbie Amin Ha, Arthur, oh, great, who who come a call sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said it's not okay. It's not acceptable for a Muslim man for the husband to hate his wife is not acceptable for anybody who's married to hate his wife. If the Muslim husband sees a character trait, a character flaw in his wife that he does not like that I've even said Let him look and then find a character trait that he does, like this hadith has been put in the book about a Dawa, and the dot. And this hadith is a cornerstone from those important a hadith that deal with the issue of attorney

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sang. Alicia, how do you live and continue to get along with your wife.

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So those brothers who are not married, it takes politics Yassa takes a particular understanding. It takes a special man to be able to deal with a wife in a good way.

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This hadith is explaining that it should attend Nisa, how to live in harmony with women ratio. You have those books, a fifth of a hadith they always bring this chapter they chat of as a husband, a Muslim man and a Muslim wife. What do you do and now in order to have harmony between the two, based upon the book of Allah and based upon the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this hadith is one of the cornerstones of what the Prophet said concerning the one who wants to be

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successful in his marriage. Salah while he was settling, it is not acceptable. It's not befitting for a Muslim man or husband, to hate his wife to hate her to have animosity towards her to you know, have rank core towards hot doesn't want to deal with her talk to her treat her with respect. He hates her regrets the day that he met her. He may have love for her, but they just don't get along. So they say terrible things to each other and they deal with each other in a very bad way. We just

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common I don't think it's anyone here except that we know people this is their situation. So then maybe of Islam some Allah What are you sending was x by a man goddess Allah what is the Huck have a wife over the husband, when he told her what he told him shows us the ratio. If you do these things, Inshallah, these things that help you to safeguard the love, respect the honor of your wife, the loyalty, you compromise these things, you may or may not have problems, but if we do what he said to

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do, you will eliminate inshallah and reduce the fitna. If the man doesn't do what he's supposed to do, woman doesn't do what she's supposed to do, it's gonna be trouble. He's gonna hate her, she's gonna hate him. So in regards to this one more time that he mentioned it, it is not okay for a Muslim man to hate his wife. If he sees in her character trait that he dislikes. Let him look for a character trait that he likes before explaining further. Clearly, this hadith is not talking about

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if he sees that his wife is an innovator. He sees that his wife has a problem and nakida he sees that his wife is a magician. He's not gonna say, Okay, I don't like this, but let me look for something else that I like. He's gonna say no magic lady. If you don't get yourself together, you ought to hear.

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Can't be doing magic.

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So if he sees her doing magic, if he sees on some hocus pocus Islam, if he sees her doing things behind his back, it's going to jeopardize his relationship with his children. They're a slam. She's a fatahna. This Helene is not applicable. He sees from her. She doesn't respect them. She goes out when she wants she comes back when she wants. She says what she wants. She has a lot of issues.

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Are we telling him to be patient with him or her to be patient with him not saying that we're saying in general and general Shala as we're going to mention when we come to it isn't that he Teina The man said God also loves to hop that the man has over his wife. He says the half that she has over you, Abdullah is you free her from what you feed yourself. So you shouldn't allow yourself to do what some people do. He goes out, he hangs out. He goes to Teeple soltana. He goes to Akbar over in

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Hagley row, he goes to these high end restaurants, but because he has beef and drama and static with his wife, he leaves so her like tuna fish, or eggs. And he says they are fed you know, she has to eat from what you eat. He said number two from what you wear, you have to dress her in what you wear. So again, he wants to go out designer, this designer that high end clothes, this that latest fashion, and he gives her those bunny coats and he says hey, I'm clothing you. The hadith said you

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feed her from what you eat, and you dress her from what you wear. And he's saying you shouldn't hit her in the face. And if you do hit her, he said it's the hidden that doesn't break bones is the hidden that doesn't leave marks. He said well, I have to cut there. And this is something many men fall short of May Allah help us from the hack of the woman is led to cut bear, which means you shouldn't say to a stupid, Hey, dummy, you're so dumb. You don't have a brain. Did you get one of

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those brain surgeries, Allah bother me and he took your brain out stupid. He said don't do that.

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If you get upset with your wife, you shouldn't say words like that. He said number five, you shouldn't make Hutcher of your wife except in the bed. Now if you make hagit from your wife and you leave the house, now there's going to be a bigger problem. You're not doing their Israa that Allah azza wa jal has commanded in the Quran. And with the Prophet commanded so many things, so many things, when I hear to give a talk about an extra, but this hadith is from that. Allah said in the

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Quran, clearly, when I'm Hoonah, mythical Levy, la Hannibal maruf.

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The women have rights,

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similar to the rights that the men have over them.

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So we have rights, and the women have rights. Well, Mr. Levy, la hinda been maruf they have rights similar to the rights that we have over them, the right to be respected, the right to be held down, protected, the right to love for what you love for yourself and so forth and so on. I do love non bias concerning this ayat of the Quran, women have rights similar to the rights that men have over them in a bad set for my rights. And a bias is the man for my rights is that I love to see my wife

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looking nice. And I love to smell my woman, my wife smelling nice. He said as a result of that. I dress nice for her, and I smell nice for her. So the man he drives he grinds and we'll applaud them for that. We said Hamdulillahi bien, let the heat Timo asylee hat, we said Hamdulillah, but you got a job you grafted. But you got to get on top of your hygiene.

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Just because a man is a man. And he's gonna usually be on a lower level of taking care of his hygiene than a woman. It says it's two different things. But that doesn't mean that the man should smell doesn't mean that at all. Someone should be schooling them, amen. You got to raise your hygiene game up. Because to expect your wife to deal with this smell. That body odor is one you won't want to free yourself. They have rights similar to the rights that are over them. So Abdullah,

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now bats, may Allah be pleased with them, was just letting us know as men. None of you truly believes you love for your brother, what you love for yourself. So you want your wife to take care of your kids, then you should take care of your kids. What I found.

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When people invite you and ask you can you come and be an arbitrator? Can you come and talk to me and my husband, me and my wife? When I found 99 98% of the time, both sides want all of the marbles. The man wants all of the marbles and he doesn't want to give anything. And a lady wants all of the marbles and she doesn't want to give up anything and it's never going to work like that. You have to give up something in order to give something yes

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Yes, he has the lion's share of the problems, but you have to be practical. You have to be pragmatic. The reality is the reality he's, we made all the problems still, if you want to go peacefully from this point, you're gonna have to give something in order to give some in order to receive something. So this hadith is a cornerstone of the issue of kidney sack.

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How to be nice and live with your wife. If you see from her, something that you dislike, then look for something that you like. There is an IRA of the Quran in surah nisa similar to this is this hadith, Allahu Tida. mentioned in the Quran for encouraged to Munna for en character Munna for assaying Allah who feed Hyten que Fira.

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I send to crochet engage Allahu fi writing cafetera. If you mean, dislike your wives, if any of you men dislike your wives, you want to divorce your wife. It may be that you dislike something that Allah has put a lot of good in it.

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He doesn't like the fact that his wife doesn't like his children to go to his sister's house. He doesn't like it because of the beef and the drama that he gets from his family. But his wife doesn't want the kids to go because his sister has no Dean. Because the case there Islam is under threat, because the system is really not taking care of situation. He doesn't like the fact that his wife gets him up for fudging. He doesn't like it. The thing that he's not liking, it may be that Allah

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has put good in it. Like these issues clearly what he's not liking her for. He shouldn't be disliking her for those things. But he may dislike something about I really dislike something. But Allah put in it a lot of good. So the Hadith, the iron, it's not okay for most of the man to hate his wife. If you see something that he dislikes, let him look for something that he does, like I did said to him, q1 morale truly herba the woman gets married for four reason you marry a woman, you

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marry her because she's beautiful. You marry her because she has money. You marry her because she comes from a good family a good lineage. You marry her because of the Dean forbid that the Dean terrible dad, married a girl with the dean. Out of all of these four things, the one you want to really pay attention to is the dean, if you do that, you'll be successful. Now, the lady may have all four, or she may have three, or she may have two, she may have one. So he married a lady who's

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religious, but she's overweight. She's not as Slim Jim like he wanted or like she used to be. She's overweight massively, because she gave you five, six kids.

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Maybe she's thin, maybe she's short. Maybe she's tall. Maybe her nose is crooked. Maybe she has very strong glasses. Maybe she's not a good cook. Maybe, maybe, maybe maybe everybody's going to find something from his wife. That which he doesn't like, you don't like that thing. Look for the thing that will cause you to like her. Because listen, this hadith is from the Jiwon al Kalam it's a lesson. It's a chi that's a principle in life. This hadith is telling you and telling me telling us

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if you want to take care of your interpersonal relationships on all levels, especially marriage, one of the most important levels. If you want to take care of those relationships, then you have to have something that is known as the raffle. raffle is when you ignore stuff. You saw it, you heard it, you smelt it, you know it, you have to ignore it. Because if you held everybody to every single thing that you saw, you won't be able to get along with everybody.

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You definitely won't be able to get along with your wife. You don't want a mother and a father who always picking on everything you did. You don't want them why in the morning, Why limit and the mother is in the fossil. Always you didn't do this. You didn't do that. And maybe you didn't do it. Maybe you didn't do it. But you have to let some of that stuff go.

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I'm teaching I'm teaching. I don't like that noise from this bottle. I don't like it. But I see someone's doing it home. This person really doesn't come to the class. This person looks like he needs to be in a class and around us. I have to let that go. Because if I go off on him, maybe he won't come back again.

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Some people ultrasensitive even in this prayer you

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Pray next to someone and you hear the recitation of the Imam. And that person starts to do that recitation on his own. You know, I will slap his lips you know I'm talking about I will slap his lips, the man on my knees, and he's gone.

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You want to say to him, yes, the imam is reading the Fatiha or you want to get out of the line. Some people are so sensitive. They say, I'm not coming back to this Masjid again. When something happens.

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Something happens they go to extremes. I'm never coming to your house again. Never coming back to this Masjid again. No, no, no the Hadith said Al Mina levy your Hydra to nurse where your spirit Allah Allah whom Hyrule melon movement, Levy, la Johanna to last? What are your spirit?

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The believer who mixes with the Muslims, and he's patient with what he sees from them, sees from them hears from them smells from them. He's patient with it, he's better than the one who doesn't mix with them. And we have seen those people I think, when something doesn't go their way, they go extreme. Their responses to extreme. So this hadith of the NABI SallAllahu. i They were it was setting them, it's clearly showing us the impermissibility, then permissibility of being a person

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who looks at your wife, and you criticize her for everything, there is no good and that husband or the wife who does the same thing, or the mother or the father who does the same thing. You have to let up off of people.

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The other issue like honey is this important. This hadith is talking about the woman. The man shouldn't hate his wife. But as we mentioned before, this hadith is also applicable to the wife. She shouldn't hate her husband. And this hadith is also applicable. Not hating other people other than the husband and the wife always has been it's the husband and the wife. No, sure mother's your father's your neighbor. It's the people in the masjid. Don't hate them, you see something about him

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that you don't like? He gives a hope that you don't like something you don't like? Well, his recitation is nice. There are other aspects to his existence, that ended his height. Just don't be one of those people who you have glue and you go overboard, and you expel people and you throw them off of the sheet of being beneficial because you saw something in them that you don't like or you dislike. So as it relates to the lady, the woman, we know that the woman has looked son and our

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religion we've been informed that the woman has deficiency in her intellect. And in her deen the witness of two women, it goes to shahada of one man, that's the knock sign, not that she's a beer jameelah doesn't mean that at all. As a matter of fact, more women get master's degree PhD degrees bachelor's degrees than men doesn't mean that they're dumb. Inherently, they don't know doesn't mean that and we also know that from their creation, there's a knocks the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam and nama Mara to Mandela when the herland Testa Pema laka, either Tamika with the they had 32 Kima Cosanta were katsu ha de la cuchara. A woman has been created, the woman has been created from the rib and the rib is crooked, and it will never go straight for you never. If you tried to straighten that rib, I will straighten her out. You're gonna break it and breaking it is divorcing her breaking is divorcing her.

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So if a man wants to be successful with his wife, he has to practice with the Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He just didn't tell us words. He told us things to help us to understand that lady to understand how clearer to understand her at that time of the month. Ellis lamb came with a lie Dylan hikma and our Moratalla and most times, if the man is just a decent man, and he's halfway practicing the Quran and the Sunnah, in most instances, he can call his wife out

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and I'd say yes, there is a deficiency in women no doubt about that fitna. But from my experience, and from what I've seen, the majority of the drama, the lion's share of the drama is coming from the men in our community. It's coming from the men. We have issues with certain

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Women, but for the most part, it's the man. But these ayat and Hadith, we don't want to weaponize them. Use it as a weapon against people. A weapon against the woman. No. We know her nature. And nature is, as the Prophet says, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she will make a man who has has him. A man is a serious man. He's Hysan series man is not to be played with not to be joked around with. He's not the one to play with. But his wife can make his brain can make his brain go go mushy, like,

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like really make him.

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You say when what happened to the seriousness, his wife dealing with the woman made him like that, leaving his house coming to the masjid with one shoe on and one shoe off. And we say your man with your shoe and he said, don't ask me about my shoe.

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You guys are laughing. It's real.

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He will punch the wall with his fist in his fist, kick the tire to his car with his foot. Because he's so upset with his wife. He buys a nice, big big TV, he'll kick that TV over and pick it up and be stamping and then stepping on it like that.

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And he paid all the money. And then when it's all over, you'll say you see what you made me do.

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So the Prophet taught us take it easy, as it relates to this hadith According this hadith is applicable to us as applicable to him. The men and the women are twins to each other. But the men should have more control over their emotions and they should be more in control of the situation. That's not always the case. As it relates to this hadith here. There was no human being except that he has deficiency. Every share has deficiency. The only perfect who was the only one was perfect,

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the prophets and the messages and that's it. Everybody else he has deficiencies. The Prophet said all of Adam's children, they make mistakes all of them. And the best of those who make mistakes are the ones who make Toba will allow you to the one who knows B will meet him my Tara Carly Harmon DAB button Well, I can use a hero who Mina Edgerton some forever Jai Angelou home liars that he ruinous. I tell him when I get started, be mourn. If Allah were to hold mankind responsible for the mistakes

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and the sins and the oppression that they've done on the earth, Allah will not leave a single person on the face of the earth. But he leaves them there for a certain amount of time. When that time comes, they won't be able to delay it one minute, one hour, they won't be able to bring it forward. Those I add a hadith show. Everybody got mistakes. So her husband, he's a good earner. He's a good earner. Her husband, he has good clock. Her husband is truthful and honest. But he has no backbone.

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He has no backbone. He can't stand up for her hop against people, whether it's his family have family outside.

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So I would tell every Muslim sister Listen,

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there's a hadith and has been translated by our brother Mustafa post Chisago lo hara, and he gave a commentary to an English, the hadith of Ozora. And Abel Zahra, you should go back and read that hadith for the sister, the hadith of Omar Zara and Abu Zahra, in which those women came together and said, each and every one of us you mentioned something about our husband in this assembly. And then each woman started saying my husband is my husband that my husband is my husband that some of them

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were very negative. My husband is like an iron up an earner a rabbit, a rabbit. That can mean he wants to have relationships like rabbits have relationship or means he doesn't do anything. He can't do anything different interpretations. The other lady said, My husband is like a lion. He comes up in the house just biting people's limbs off.

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By the time he goes back out. If you look back in my house, there's blood everywhere. The kids has a bitten off, the foot is off the hurricane went in there, because that's how my husband is.

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So what does the Muslim woman do? What does the Muslim man does? He doesn't look at other people and have hassad and say, Oh, look at them. I wish they wouldn't have that. No, he doesn't do that. He doesn't do that. But he looks and he says you know

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This one is worse than mine. That one is worse than mine. Look, cow has his his wife is look up. And then you think Allah,

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your wife can cook, your wife takes care of those children. Your wife is making jihad as we mentioned a million times during the school run

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the school run, and for some reason, I don't know why now in Birmingham, they have roadworks everywhere. So if you have to take your child to school in the morning, you have to pick your child up in the afternoon is jihad, jihad, but your wife does it every day without complaining, cooking cleaning. Is those kids making salah?

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And then we have some fathers, we deadbeat dads, you want the scene you're not on the scene, not giving money be given a little bit of the money, given a hard time get married behind the back this drama this and that. No, no.

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So although this hadith aquatennial is talking about how to have the extra without wives will bring it down to why the chef brought it in this book. Why did the chef bring it in this book? Because you have to have this thing with everybody else.

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You have to have this thing with everybody else. Everybody who's here, if you spend time with him, as we mentioned in the class about racism, all of Adam's children came out different colors, white and black and everything between

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a beef and for him and everything between husband and son, easy to get along with and impossible to get along with and everything in between. So you're going to see people who is a problem. Everybody, somebody showed me, his favorite child, his favorite child. If your favorite child is going to do something to you to get you upset. You're sleeping in your favorite child comes and hit you in your face with his head while he's sleeping. You didn't you just woke up, you push him off. You push him

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off. And he rolled over and fall on the floor

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that sort of person does he's not responsible is kid him in his face with his head and his tooth.

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So everybody has that we're giving Dawa. Now we're giving dower This is the season of the Molad we're giving Dawa now and giving Dawa. We're going to be rough and tough with everybody out there.

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Okay, he practices the moment. He's on that molded. Your family is on that molded? I'm not saying this is simple, easy thing I told you. I key the innovation. But the regular people. They're regular people. They like you. They like me. They like your wife. They like my wife. That when we see from her something we don't like, let me not chop her head off and destroy the relationship.

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Let me not do that. Same thing with the person on the moment. I don't want to destroy them.

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At least they seem sincere. At least they seem like they want to know. Allah mentioned I had in the Quran when i Little Kitabi men and men who be contaning you a D Day from anarchy time, Jews and Christians are those people. If you leave them with a trust and a manner you left them with a whole treasure, a billion pounds a million pounds. You left them with a whole treasure and said hold this to I get back. They'll take care of it until you get back.

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Look for a character trait that they had.

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So it's baffling. The person comes to a slam and his mother and father confab. And somehow someway, Islam causes him to turn into an anti sociable monster a beast.

00:33:58 --> 00:34:34

He looks at his mother and father and he looks at him says non stingy making kuffaar with the Jets in their clothes. And he looks like that in his parents. They have no Jessa non stingy of making pork eaten comma drinking lion and that's how he's looking at his parents. Brother. Something's wrong with you. Something's wrong with you. The way we should be looking at our family members is with the eye of Rafa and Rama and lot of feeling sorry for them, filling, filling, filling,

00:34:34 --> 00:34:37

remorseful for them, having hope for them.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:59

That's our job when it comes to Darwin. Allah is 20 when it comes to Darwin, Allah the dye in the Dawa. Look at the people and say yes, that guy he got up and he prayed every single day instead of coming to the masjid early for the to rock out of the Sunnah Fisher he

00:35:00 --> 00:35:28

comes, were praying, he goes to the side he prays those to rock out. And he doesn't want to leave it. He doesn't want to put his foot next to you in the Salah. These things. He doesn't want to do it. But he's praying in the masjid every day, every day. And then there's the Salafi brother, who you have camaraderie with. But he never prays for John time can pray for John time. He's talking about the mold the mold in the morning, but he's falling into a cold, cold windy day.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:50

disrespecting your mother and your father is worse than the mold. It is worse than the moment. So he doesn't do the moment that hamdulillah better began, Kibera from the Caribbean, but being disrespectful to your mat and to your mother and father worse, not getting up for fetcher worse than the Molad.

00:35:52 --> 00:35:56

Not good enough for Fisher is an action of Cofer.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:03

So now, we're giving dower

00:36:04 --> 00:36:29

the man makes a mistake. It's an honest mistake, or whatever kind of mistake, he says something as simple and as easy and as generic and as innocent as but a share. Yusuf al Qaradawi said that. And because he says share use of Dawie this person says you an innovator, and then cuts him off.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:52

Come on, brother, come on, come on. What kind of religion is that? What kind of religion is that? He just made a mistake. How many people caught them share, you know, suspend people for things like that. That's just an example. He did a podcast over here. He went to that Masjid over there. He said this thing or that thing?

00:36:53 --> 00:36:56

You're going to reject them because he made that mistake.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:03

belie early, you're going to reject them because he made that mistake.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:05

Because he's a die.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:23

And what about the one from the Muslims, just the regular cats, regular people? Well, he's the friend of the person. That's all just as friend. So we expel him. She got married to the person. So we cut her off.

00:37:25 --> 00:37:58

We live in a time of drama and fitness and Jalen volt, this is a crazy time that we're living in. So when giving Dawa and 20 We have to put people in the right places, our relatives, and the Muslims who we know who don't have knowledge. But if you ask those Muslims, hey, let's give the Syrian people some money. These people give you 1000 pounds, 2000 5000 pounds sadaqa for those issues, and we won't give nothing anything, but we'll go to momos and eat and that's permissible. But how are we

00:37:58 --> 00:38:00

going to look at them as being no good.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:03

That's how you to give that sadaqa

00:38:04 --> 00:38:38

and it's great that you're a student and that you're doing what you're doing. But take it easy with the OMA. That's the reason why chef ID and Leb brought this hadith here. And before concluding, I say about chef IBL Halaby Ratna, Talia Ali without any Hulu and going overboard. Anybody who got a chance to meet that man, anybody who got a chance to meet that man, that's one of the things about his character that will jump off of the table at you right off out of the book at you how he was an

00:38:38 --> 00:39:08

a nice like Ennis, a nice. He was moto oneness. He was a person who was very sociable. You will never get tired of being in his presence. share all that in you. Encyclopedia. Serious Hey, Bob, but he knows how to joke with people and be with people. Not the joking that goes overboard. And his Haven respect goes out of the window. But he knows how to be with people.

00:39:10 --> 00:39:34

Elia 20, I've seen with my own eyes, here in Birmingham, and Leicester, people get degrees, master's degrees and stuff like that. And you look at some of this behavior in terms of the Enter sociable behavior. Is that a chef? I'm telling you if I was a new Muslim, and the shift is like that, real rough and tough like that

00:39:35 --> 00:39:59

harsh course bland, not I don't want to be around the ships if that's how you're going to treat people can't treat people like that. That'd be in the service of the people that could love the people, not way up there that people have to get with the program. So that's the meaning of today's Hadith akoni as it relates to our wives first and foremost, it's a principle and as the wives and the Nikka

00:40:00 --> 00:40:29

Hyattsville Jia, there is a principle for every married person, whatever you don't like and your wife, she has a plethora of other things that you can like. And another issue is Shavon. You know, because shaytaan as the Prophet said, some Allah, what do you say to them? He puts His throne over the water every day, he senses and sought out, they come back, what'd you do today, I caused this man to kill him. I caused him to say this as long as it and this one said, I split a man between

00:40:29 --> 00:40:40

himself and his wife. He said, Come sit with Me on My throne, because he loves that he loves that. You're married to your wife, when you first hooked up. She was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

00:40:42 --> 00:41:16

He was really into it. Now was only one year. And you're, you're complaining, you're gonna always complain, always you're gonna complain. But remember, she gonna complain as well. And also shaytaan shaytaan will always make you believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. That grass is greener on the other side of the fence. You'd be happy with what you have, and work that situation out and appreciate what your wife brings to the table even today. We should go back home,

00:41:16 --> 00:41:19

get them something nice.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:55

Whatever you want to do, and say I appreciate took care my babies. I appreciate you put up with me. You put up with me. I appreciate you help my mother down with respect. I appreciate this Jihad that you're doing. I appreciate you gave birth to the baby. You carry that baby around. We have a million things. So why is it your mother, your mother, your mother? Because there's nobody like her. There's no one like, and that's why I really didn't mean to do that. That Friday, I was stressing out. I was

00:41:55 --> 00:42:08

like stressing from the stress that I had. I just wanted to tell the brothers in the community. We should appreciate our wives because they make a jihad. Okay, if you guys have any questions you could put your questions forward. I want to thank brother

00:42:10 --> 00:42:34

Nora Dean for making the sweep of the aisle Mashallah. We don't have any problem with anybody from this mystery coming in saying you said that that was wrong. This is right this was right. And we're going to rectify that thing right there in public. Well, I should una bitten my roof for any character Munna fastening edge Allah Allah who feed Hayden cathedra

00:42:35 --> 00:42:45

five Santa Cruz che Allah Allah houfy He heighten cathedra if you guys have any questions, you could put your questions forward. Let me ask you a question.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:54

And the man may have been or hasn't said the greatest Muslim that even greater than the Muslim the minimum admin was which must lead

00:43:06 --> 00:43:20

here's a piece of piece of annual Hadith information was the greatest Muslim according to an imam Ebano hasm. And the fact that Al Imam Abu hasm Read this book is a big important issue in the knowledge of a hadith

00:43:23 --> 00:43:29

P abou MK lead, he was from the share mean, he was a tremendous scholar.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:38

So he has how many a hadith of Abu Huraira and Musa de Bercy and the Muslim minimum I made

00:43:40 --> 00:43:44

5000 And the key and 3000 and then

00:43:46 --> 00:44:00

also I forgot to tell you in Abu Huraira he died in the year 6060 He died in the year 60 After the Hijrah, of animal stuff in Wichita and matar

00:44:01 --> 00:44:02

it for the RV

00:44:15 --> 00:44:17

Barrow post

00:44:18 --> 00:44:19

you're on a roll today brother

00:44:20 --> 00:44:27

on a roll today forever my shallot and movement to movement were mirrors to one another eight for the AQ?

00:44:40 --> 00:44:42

With the bliss

00:44:46 --> 00:45:00

Hello item did the scholars say that they are Shayateen of the men who go to the throne alone item it could be possible right because these people are plugging into the jinn and things like that. Getting famous people that carry

00:45:00 --> 00:45:10

Is Back rich people money and things like that people go into contracts with them but does that happen over the throne? Allahu Allah, Allahu Allah

00:45:16 --> 00:45:17

any more questions have one

00:45:21 --> 00:45:27

what's the beginning of the I look evatik Ajah Allah the Quran in a billion Shayateen ins will Jin

00:45:29 --> 00:45:29


00:45:33 --> 00:45:45

there Lika Allah Ali Kalina Vivian ADO when she appears pin Elgin will ence Hakka okay you he ba boom the Bob zakura filco

00:45:46 --> 00:45:48

any more questions a whiny

00:45:49 --> 00:46:07

alright inshallah we want to keep these numbers up business law he Tyler but once you guys do right little bit few students arriving but on an island become welcome everybody have a wa sallahu wa salam Mubarak and then the beginner while it was hobby of mine was sent on my they come to LA he will better catch up

00:46:13 --> 00:46:14

I'm sorry always good to see you, man.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:19

I shall have buckled up after finishing. I love you more man.

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