Abu Bakr Zoud – When Is Laylat Al-Qadr 2024

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the confusion around the timing of Easter, stating that it is in 10 out of 10 nights of the year. He suggests that people should focus on what is about when they know it, rather than when they are aware of it. The speaker also discusses the importance of not focusing on the timing of Easter, as it is a reflection on what is about oneself and what reward it carries.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters in Islam, Ibn Qayyim Rahimahullah

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said something profound about when Laylatul Qadr is.

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He said if I knew that Laylat al

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Qadr was one night out of the entire

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year and it wasn't exclusive to Ramadan,

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So if Laylat al Qadr was potentially 1

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night out of

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nights of the year, he said it would

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be worth it that the believer

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gets up every single night of the year

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and worships Allah for that entire night

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just so he can earn the huge reward

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of Laylat al Qadr.

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Imagine then brothers and sisters in Islam when

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we definitely know that Laylat al Qadr is

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in only one of 10 nights of the

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year and they are now in Ramadan.

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How much energy

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and how much motivation should a believer have

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to get up for the last 10 nights

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of Ramadan?

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Brothers and sisters in Islam, this question always

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comes up from time to time when we

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are especially in the last 10 nights of

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Ramadan. People are always concerned and asked when

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is Laylat al Qadr? Did you see the

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signs? Has anyone seen a dream? When? And

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so on.

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Laylatul Qadr and when it is, there are

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over 40 opinions as Ibn Hajar

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Some said it is in the odd nights,

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and that is something authentic that An Nabi

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said. Some said it's on even nights, some

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said it's on 27th, some say on 23rd,

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on the first night of the last 10,

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in the last night of the last 10.

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There are so many opinions,

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and so the idea here is don't focus

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on when Laylat al Qadr is. Don't pay

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attention to when it is.

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Your attention should be paid on what Laylat

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Al Qadr

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is, when you know what Laylat Al Qadr

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is and what virtue it carries and what

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reward it carries and its honor and its

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You will be motivated to worship Allah Azza

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wa Jal for all 10 nights

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as opposed to the one who is focused

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on when Laylat Al Qadr is. When it's

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an odd night, he is motivated to worship.

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When it's an even night, he is not

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motivated to worship. If someone saw a dream

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that Laylat al Qadr was last night,

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then he gives up on worship all the

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way until Al Aid and this is the

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problem that happens when you focus on when

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Laylat Al Qadr is and if you pay

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attention to the Quran Allah Subhanahu wa'ta'ala never

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made a mention of when it is, rather

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Allah Azzawajal He said

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what will give you a clue as to

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is about Allah focused on what

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is and he never said

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Allah never focused on when laylatul Qadr was

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and then that's why in Suratul Qadr It's

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all about what laylatul Qadr is when you

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know it's virtue and what it's about you

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are motivated to worship all night

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and it is Khayrum Al Fisar it is

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better than a 1000 months of worship. You

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know, there is

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a narration in Al Mu'ta that Nabi

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saw the ages

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of the previous nations and how they lived

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for long lives,

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and he compared it to the ages of

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this Ummah, which is between 60 70 years.

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So he felt worried

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that we with this short age might not

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what the previous nations achieved of reward because

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they lived longer and were able to worship

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Allah longer.

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So Allah Azzawajal

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gave him Laylatul Qadr

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We were blessed, we were gifted with Laylatul

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Qadr, so we can add a lifetime of

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reward into our good deeds.

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Imagine you live 10 laylatul Qadr in your

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life or 30 laylatul Qadr, or Allah gave

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you life and you witnessed 40 laylatul Qadrs

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in your life.

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Imagine that then that means

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are added onto your good deeds Allahu Akbar.

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You meet Allah

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with mountains and ease and ease and centuries

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of worship.

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We ask Allah

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to make us of those who stand up

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in worship in Laylatul Qadr. We ask Allah

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to accept from us all.

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