Abu Bakr Zoud – The Soul Of The Soul
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My dear respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Today is hope by today's brief hotbar I want to share with you a few reflections from a very famous powerful statement that came out a few months ago from the blessed land. There was a man that lost two of his grand children. And one famous expression that went around the world and became viral up until this date is trending was two words he said and that was a crucial rule which translates to the soul of the soul. Many millions hundreds of millions were inspired by this. non Arabs non Muslims memorize the people that didn't even know the Arabic language memorize that learnt it and this man became an inspiration and guidance for
people during a moment of calamity.
Brothers and Sisters in Islam. In today's homebuyer, I want to share with you the reality of rural rural, and what is that exactly? You see this man may Allah azza wa jal bestow mercy and patience upon him and those who he lost. But this man is a story of someone who lost something in this world they live something de and valuable to him. Then he is a story of how did he pick himself up and become very resilient and patient in the face of this adversity and calamity that Allah azza wa jal decreed for him.
This is a story of each and every single one of us. Human beings suffer losses in their life. This is what Allah azza wa jal promised. Allah azza wa jal he said one and a blue are not Combi che men and hope you enjoy 1x max loss 1x in mineral M while you will unforeseeable Thammarat Allah azza wa jal promise since day one has always been that each and every single one of us will face loss.
Whether it's financially related people lose their jobs, people lose their social status. People may lose relationships, divorce separation, people may lose loved ones and friends that are around them. People may lose the sense of security that they once had. People may lose some of their safety. People may lose their independence when they become disabled and in old age and need others to care for them. The idea is loss. Allah azza wa jal tests mankind with loss from day one, from when Adam Alayhis Salam was removed from the paradise and put on Earth. This is a world of trials tribulations and the main trial that tests our relationship with Allah azza wa jal is the trial of Las Beenox sin
And so this man he uttered a word, he said, the row who are the soul of the soul, I heard this, and many weeks later, something struck to my mind, in the sense that people must understand what is the soul of the soul? What is it? We know, of course, the soul of the soul referred to that young girl, his grand daughter that he carried, because this is his granddaughter, so he had his daughter, that's the soul. And then this is her daughter, that's the soul of the soul. And so this is how people understood this word. But the reality of
it is actually the Quran. And if you look at this man, and were amazed and surprised, that how was this person, so patient, holding his granddaughter, lifeless body, and his grandson is laying there already? No T's, nothing other than words of patience and hamdulillah was when Allah when,
when you scratch your head, and you see how has he come to this state status in life? How has he remained this patient and resilient and after that, and we see now his life now, after this, he is comforting others, he is going from 110 to another seeing what people have lost, what they're hungry, feeding them, looking after them, keeping them firm and patient and steadfast with the ask, where did he get the strength from? Where did he get this piece in his heart from? Where did he get this tranquility from? Because we will all go through us. We need some of that as well. We need that. And we need that we have from now until the loss comes to to learn what is going to keep
steadfast and patient and resilient in the face of any calamity that we face. So rule or rule here is the Quran. It's the Quran and the message of the Quran that made this person an inspiration to the world. And I tell you something, you see all of us have a role within us, right? This is the sole, Allah azza wa jal, you said who is Aluna? Can you rule?
They ask you about a rule about the soul. We have this inside of us. Allah azza wa jal said about Adam Alayhis Salam when He created him for either as a way to win a fight to female rule. Hey, so there is no doubt we have a rule inside of us. And this rule inside our body may die, it can die.
How do we revive this rule? And how do we nurture it and make it alive?
You need to make this law that's inside of you feed on a law that came from Allah azza wa jal, and that is the Quran. When Allah described the Quran Subhan Allah He used the same word. He said, What can Lika Hayner elago who hanged mean a marina?
Allah referred to the Quran as a rule
as a soul,
they say because the Quran gives life to the soul that is in the body. So the Quran is called,
we have inside of us, therefore Quran becomes
a war. It becomes the soul of the soul of a person. Allah azza wa jal, he said in the Quran, Yuna zero mela Bill rule him in Emery, when Allah referred to the revolution, he said that he sends down the angels with the raw with the revelation, you see, we have a body and this body
was made from organic matter. This body it was made from the earth from clay and mud. So all its needs are from the earth. You need to eat from what the Earth produces. We need to drink from the water that is available with us here on Earth. We need some of the sunlight so that this body replenishes and remains strong and healthy. And that's all here on Earth.
A rule also has needs.
You see if the body if you deprive it of food, it dies, what also needs food
and the food of the raw comes from where it came from.
And that is the raw came from Allah when Quran came from Allah as well.
So this song of ours, it nurtures and it feeds upon the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala now I share with you how does the Quran provide comfort for a person that faces the calamity of loss? You see in the be sallallahu alayhi wa salam. When he was in Makkah, he lost two beloved ones to him. He lost his wife Hobbesian of the Allah Juana, the mother of all his kids, except Ibrahim, while the Allahu Anhu and he also lost his uncle Abu Talib. Abu Talib was a very strong support and protection for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The day Abu Talib died Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I faced intense attacks from Quraysh meaning he was defending him all this time. He lost two members
in his family.
On two separate days, the entire year was known in a Syrah as
the of sorrow and grief. That just died on two different days. But all he was called
to so you can understand the intense calamity Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam faced when he lost two family members, how did the Quran comfort him? During this time? Allah azza wa jal revealed Surah Yusuf
sold a tool so for the story about profit, Jaco Valley has Salam, also losing two children of his when I reflect on this incident, and I say our brother there in the blessed land also lost two of his grandchildren. Look at the ID
sola Yusuf alayhi salam was revealed
and it is talking to Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about a prophet that also suffered loss of two Dion's beloved one steam
following through his story and see how he responded in this calamity and implemented in your life. And that would be the tranquility and the peace and the comfort you need.
He says Allah narrating unto you
a story about a person that went through the same loss, it becomes a lot more relevant and accepting for a person that lost as well. I tell you something, let's say, you lost, like Eros, you lost big time in a business of yours. And I never experienced the loss in business. So I came down, I said, Brother Alhamdulillah patience, may Allah reward you, my words will not be effective. Because you might look at me and say, You didn't suffer the same loss. You got no idea what I'm going through. Please stop talking.
But in this case here, what we're seeing is that the words that Allah azza wa jal reveals, are stories of profits that face loss.
So now, when I read and explain it to, and I explained the story of a prophet that went through loss, I'm telling you, it is very relatable to you're not unique in this situation.
You have a prophet that last. Look what he did, look how he behaved. Look how he acted. Look at his attitude and his word, copy him.
That's the point of a story. Allah azza wa jal at the end of surah. Yusuf, he says, Look again at the console see him,
literally, and bab. In the stories of Prophets, there is a rebuttal for people with sin minds for the believers. What does the Hibbeler mean? Employees translated lessons, valuable lessons and wisdom,
but ever actually comes from the word about all about all about our meaning to go from one side of the river to the other side. Like they like the little boat that takes you from one side of the river to the other side is called the liability.
Meaning the stories of the Quran are enough to take you from the sign of weakness to the sign of strength. They'll take you from being hopeless from a state of hopelessness, to being into a state of hopefulness hopefulness. It takes you from the side of misguidance to the side of guidance. It takes you by God, this is the stories that's what they're supposed to do. So when you're injured when your heart is injured, and broken, and you're sad, you're on this side of the river, when you read the story of the Quran that is very relevant to your calamity. By the end of the story and reflecting over its lessons, you should travel in this boat to the other side, which is the side of
happiness, the side of relief, the sight of who pull us in Allah subhanho wa Taala look at the story of use of Allah his setup. It's a father they are Coulibaly, he is Salam that suffered loss of his two kids. And he suffered the loss of their trust as well.
They said to him said and use of Allah you set up send him with us, we'll look after him.
And then we'll send him a We'll bring him back and they betrayed their father. So he lost their respect and he lost their trust in his life. But how did he respond when he lost that? He would say bill so when I click on camera, he said to his kids you made there's no story there's no wolf there's no blood no what no and actually at Bell so one o'clock, I'm forced to come amberleigh He said for sombrelune Jamil. I will find beauty in patients, beautiful patients in which it means when you do not complain about anything, see there is patience. And then there is beautiful patience. The difference is that patience is you might complain and it's fine. You can complain, but don't
complain about Allah. You may complain to Allah azza wa jal about your suffering about to calamity. Beautiful patience is to not complain to anyone of mankind at all. It's like you close the case, you raise it to Allah azza wa jal and I'll only seek help and seek strength from him alone for Somboon Jamil wala Hoon Mustafa ano Allah metastatic foon he said only Allah azza wa jal is going to help me from these words that your utter words of fabrication and lie Jacoba Allah, He said, lose his two children. The calamities intense, intense that he
cries every single day to the point where we're built but I know who Meena loosen his eyes. He became blind, but the worst type of blindness you see the blackness in the eye that became white.
The blackness was gone. The entire it was white what build but I you know who mean and who isn't from grief from sadness for who are covering him. He was
form of grief. That was his state watch this now.
And this, Allah they see
that he was separated from Yusuf alayhi salam and his brother at ease.
At ease he was separated from them.
Well Hassan Rahim Allah he says, there was no one more beloved to Allah on earth than his Salam.
The more beloved the person is to Allah the greater the test. That's the message we're getting from solar Joseph imaginery sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reading it. He's lost two of his own. And he's smiling as he's reading. There's someone I can relate to. Allah decreed this calamity on Jacobi is 1000s of years ago, to reveal it to me today. So it can be a source of strength and comfort for myself and for my own bizarre
after this period and his is gone white, he gathers his children you know what he says to them? He said, If Hubble Fatah sesame use of go and look at go look for use of Allah his setup, he says to them what they assume not Rohilla Do not despair from the mercy of Allah. For indeed in Nola, Asuna Rohilla he Lancome will care for your own. No one gives up hope in the Mercy of Allah except the disbelieving people because they don't believe in Allah, let alone hope in him. I tell you something. You see these words he said, when he said to his kids, do not despair from the mercy of Allah. He did not say it when he was sitting in the balcony of the hotel, with his feet raised and
drinking and ice cold the cup of juice or whatever. He said it after he had lost two kids. And after his eyes had become white from grief and sadness, and after he stayed was full of sadness.
This is an achievement.
To say later He,
Allah, if that point of life is indeed at achievement, that's what Allah wants to see.
That is it. Look, Allah azza wa jal, you can give him his kids any day. Any time. Look at the entire story is a miracle in terms of how events happen, Allah azza wa jal could have brought the entire thing earlier and gave him he reunited him with child after a day or week or a month. But Allah azza wa jal loves to hear from the servant words of hope in Him. Allah loves to hear from the servant that he praises him despite his intense calamity. That's the achievement in life. You know what the end of the story, Allah azza wa jal would reunite Yaqoob with his son use of and they meet. He said to them, don't despair from Allah's mercy.
A few moments later, he smells the shirt of his son. A few moments later, his son is in his hand, he's hugging him. This is all from the relief and the goodness of having good faith in Allah azza wa jal, in a moment of calamity, he reunited him. But you see, I tell you something, what is the biggest achievement in your kid's life? Was it that he got to be reunited with his children at the end?
That's not the greatest achievement. The greatest achievement was his steadfastness during the calamity.
That was the greatest achievement. The greatest achievement was that he said, Let the Osama Rohilla Do not despair from the mercy of Allah, even though that is a moment in where it would be so difficult to say.
He achieved it in life. Because look at the end of life. He died, Yusuf alayhi salam died, but because of his steadfastness, in that calamity, now they will live forever in the Paradise United ever and ever Subhan Allah, Allah solutions reward is true. And even Yusuf alayhi salam himself, he goes through these many calamities in life,
separated from his parents when he is young, thrown in a well alone and dark, then he is sold as a slave. Then he ends up in the palace of Al Aziz the king of Egypt. Then he's brought among the woman he's played around with, imagine this. Imagine you're taken and you are forced to display your beauty to a group of women.
What an intense calamity and a fitna that a person would go through. He was forced to expose in display His beauty to a group of women that all were mesmerized and loved what they saw that they began to cut their own fingers.
What a calamity to the point where he says, are besieged or Habu to ruin any delay. He says, My Lord, prison is more beloved to me than what they call me to. Why, how is it how is a calamity a prison more beloved to someone.
Where when prison when a calamity saves your iman and your faith, it becomes beloved to the believer. You see how Allah azza wa jal changes our perspective
going through a calamity that saves your Eman is better than earning this entire world the life and losing your Eman with it.
So he begins to say, My Lord, this prison this calamity that he'll sit in for the next nine is oppressed
and the worst type of oppression because he was innocent of what they accused him of. And he wasn't able to prove his innocence. The worst type of oppression This is it. He'll spend the next nine years in there. But despite the calamity, it is more beloved to him because there's a protection for his Deen in that as opposed to being out there on the stage displaying his beauty to the woman. He said if you do not remove the evil planning from me, or spoiling him, I will eventually inclined to them only inclined to this dunya welcome middle Jaya Helene and after that I'll become from the foolish. That's a prophet talking.
How much comfort does this give the believer when he reads it in that time of calamity?
Seeing that if this calamity, keeps me straight in line, protecting my faith, my email, and Wallahi it's more beloved to me than having this entire world the life and losing my Eman slowly and slowly.
This is what we're learning how much comfort what would what book on Earth can give you this comfort? What book on earth could be a soul for your soul?
read 1000 books that have been offered by psychologists. They won't have the same effect as the Quran in any
use of Alayhis Salam. That's his calamities at the end of life. You know what he says at the end right after all this, at ease of suffering, of separation going from place to place being played around with
at the end, he says
he says what could the center be? My Lord has always been good to me. He's always been kind. He's always been compassionate merciful to me. Then he says in Nabila P for limonaia Shah. My Lord is compassionate to whoever he wants.
At Ease of suffering. His response is my Lord has always been kind and merciful. This is success more than him seeing his father.
Because this is something stored with Allah azza wa jal, and he will give you a great reward for it. Allahu Akbar. And that's why use of Alayhis Salam, the only thing he wanted on Earth, you know, what was what was the only thing he wanted, after all the suffering? The only thing he wanted at the end said, there were funny Muslim and while Hackney we saw the head, cause me to die upon Islam the tip. I don't want anything else. I just want Oh Allah, I want from you to keep me that steadfast and guided, until I die upon La Ilaha illa Allah, and then admit me among the righteous companionship among the messengers and the prophets and the good people. That's all I want. I will take all this
suffering, all these calamities, all these losses, I lost ease and ease of being with my father and my family, no problems. What can I say? You've always been good. I just want one thing that we're funny Muslim, brothers and sisters in life, Brothers and Sisters in Islam, that is the reality of life. This is what it is, test and test suffering and calamity. And a believer will never ever, ever be able to remain resilient and strong and steadfast and patient without.
Without the stories that Allah azza wa jal narrates, in the Quran. They were a source of comfort for our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the Companions also, and they remain a source of comfort and tranquillity for all of us until the last day. Ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to allow us to appreciate and
we ask him subhanho wa Taala to allow the meanings of the Quran to penetrate deep in our hearts. We asked him SubhanaHu wa Tada to forgive us a cuckold they had our stuff that Allah Allah confessed and fill in the Hall of Fame Alhamdulillah
wa salatu salam ala Milena V about the
Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Allah Mabon is around the corner
This is the month of the Quran.
And it is incumbent upon each and every single one of us to develop and strengthen that relationship with the Quran. It's not a matter of choice. It's not a matter of choice. The believer is the one that says life in the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam was described Kanoko Adenium she, he was a Quran that walked with a team that his life was a Quran.
And so, I believe that cannot afford to remain far away from the Quran and the lessons and the word of Allah and the instruction of Allah and the law and the legislation of Allah assertion. You will become corrupt, you will become misguided, you will become ruined. You will become a transgressor you will rebel. A life without the Quran is a miserable life.
In every calamity, you will lose more and more of your deen you will lose more and more of your steadfastness. It's not worth it. Remember, the end goal is still affecting Muslims. How are you to offend the Muslim? How's it going to happen? If you're far away from the path of the Quran Park far away from the path of Islam, how the miracles don't happen like this. There needs to be work there needs to be sacrifice. We said like use of making a sacrifice I'd rather the calamity than this dunya and he was honest and Allah who would give him death upon Islam at the end of his life. What are the sacrifices you've made in your life? What dunya Have you cut out to increase the
relationship with the Quran? What investment Have you made for yourself to strengthen your understanding of Islam? What have you done? This is a question each and every single one of us must ask himself, Abu Bakr, Umar Radi Allahu Anhu Allah. They said let's go visit Omar even this is way after the death of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said let's go visit because the enemies are selling us to go visit Wyman and Wyman was the caretaker of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was young. So they went they said, we'll go visit they visited her and she began to cry. So I will work with began to say to her young women relax, patience for Salah Salem is in a
better place is with Allah. She said, I'm not crying because he died. I know where he is. He's in a better place. But I'm crying because Allah has been cut off from the sky. Why he doesn't come anymore. It doesn't come. That's why she's crying. And I took from this hadith, that it is permissible for a person who reads the Quran to cry, remembering that there is no more hate coming down from us. Allah doesn't talk to us anymore through and why? It's a reason to cry. I read this hadith and I ask, this is a person that reads the Quran he should cry. Because the wire stop. Imagine a person who actually kept away from himself doesn't read, doesn't listen, doesn't reflect
and ponder doesn't care at all. How much should he cry? How many buckets and buckets to decry upon himself? The reality is those that are away from the Quran. Don't even cry.
The hearts have become very very, very tough and black. Well ask Allah azza wa jal to purify them during this month of purification the month of Ramadan. Do your best my brothers and sisters in Islam to establish something of the Quran in your life and in your family's life? Ask Allah subhanaw taala to except for masala