Abu Bakr Zoud – How to remain grateful when facing difficulty

Abu Bakr Zoud
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Speaker 1 advises against looking at people who are less financially secure and higher in risk than them. They suggest that being grateful for the blessings of Allah Azza wa Jala will keep people safe. They also mention that people who have income less than a wage are considered ungrateful for the blessings they have received.
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Look at those who are less than you financially. And do not look at those who have higher than you financially. And obese Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, look at those who are less than you financially. And don't look at those who are higher than you financially. Because if you do so, if you continuously look at those who are less than you financially, it will keep you safe. From belittling Allah azza wa jal, his blessings upon you. Because if you always look at that, which is above, if the sky has mentioned, look what car he's driving, look at the income he has, look at the job he has, wow, I wish I had that. What happens in that case, you begin to belittle, you begin to

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become ungrateful for the blessings Allah azza wa jal has given you. So one of the means to remain grateful to the blessings of Allah keep looking under you. Look at those who have an income less than you a wage less than you. Look at those who don't have jobs. Look at those who are sick and bedridden. Look at those who own you know, just perhaps one room in one kitchen, and he's got five of his children in there. Look at those people. When you look at that you'll see it humbly Allah for Allah azza wa jal has given me and your value and appreciate the blessings Allah azza wa jal has given you and as a result, you will remain grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala for the blessings He

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has given you

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