Abu Bakr Zoud – Best of Days Series #4

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The importance of "fitful" in Islam is discussed, along with the use of the "helpful" phrase. The use of " ham" in English is emphasized, along with the importance of praising and thanking Allah subhanho wa Taala. The use of "ham" in English is also emphasized, along with the importance of teaching others to use the word "ham seek a" or "ham seek a" in order to achieve success. The speakers stress the need to teach others to use the word "ham seek a" or "ham seek a" in order to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato. My brothers and sisters in Islam today I want to share with you some wisdoms and secrets and meanings behind the word Alhamdulillah in your authentic hadith interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says Alhamdulillah them lobotomies and that the word Alhamdulillah when it said sincerely, it fills the scale. Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam. The biggest concern and worry we have on the Day of Judgment, when the skill is brought forth is how are we going to fill it up with good deeds, and the use of the Mohali yourself in this one simple Hadith teaches us that

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Alhamdulillah when it's said only once template will be there and it fills the scale. That is the solution to our problem on the Day of Judgment, the word Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar. Imagine the one who repeats the word and hamdulillah during the day and during the night. What kind of reward is he going to earn on the Day of Judgment, a lot of work about my brothers and sisters in Islam. The Orion began with the word and humbly laying in salt and Fattah al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen. And the first word that mankind other was an humbler when Allah subhanho wa Taala created Adam alayhis salam, and he blew breath into him. Adam, Allah, he said, I'm sneezed. And when he sneezed, he said

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Alhamdulillah It is Allah who guided him to the word and humbly Allah, Allahu Akbar. And hamdulillah is the last word that mankind would utter in the paradise and continuously say, Allah azza wa jal uses in school to those who dwell home and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. When a lot of social describe the believers in the paradise, he said that the last call And the final thing they would say and continuously say, is Alhamdulillah and hamdulillah. Your beloved I mean, my brothers and sisters in Islam, one day, and the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam lit the believers in Salat. And as he rose from a record, he said, semi Allah holy man, hamidah and a companion from behind, said, and

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard him, he said that a banner like Al hamdu, Hamed and Kafeel on bergevin Mubarak and fee. He said, O Allah, to you belongs all praise and thanks, and to you belongs all praise and thanks in abundance Hamden. caphyon given only the pure praise and thanks belongs to Mubarak and Fie, a praise and blessing and thanks that he's blessed and he's full of Baraka. So then when the prayer finished Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he turned to his companions, and he said to the manual multicolumn who's the one who said this word? I heard someone who wasn't so he companion said meos will allow from the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said, la

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casa de la a to Bill Barnwell una Malika Yep. De de Roda a umiak. A what I love about what a huge reward and the recent amount of honor you sell me You said, I saw over 30 angels competing with each other, who's going to write the reward of this word first and reserve to Allah subhanho wa Taala See, see it now. And hamdu lillahi Hamdan caphyon even mobile can feed when this word when such a phrase is said angels rush and compete with each other, who's going to write its reward first and reserved to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is how much Allah social is pleased with a servant that said this word. So my brothers and sisters in Islam, what is unhemmed and what does it mean and

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hammer home Allah they say that alarmed essentially contains two meanings and it contains two matters. A phenol was sugar and hummed is made of two things a Fennec which is praising, praising Allah subhanho wa Taala What does it mean to praise Allah subhanaw taala it means that you acknowledge and you believe that Allah subhanho wa Taala belongs the most perfect and the most best of names and attributes. And to him only belongs these names and attributes. And the second part of unhemmed is a sugar to sincerely be grateful and thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone and believe that he alone deserves this. My brothers and sisters in Islam and hamdulillah is based on

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sincere love and honor of Allah subhanahu wa taala and it must be done with full submission and humility to Allah subhanho wa Taala and hum cannot be fake. It cannot be a lie. It must be done with sincere love and honor to Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters in Islam, the word Alhamdulillah is enough to earn you the complete pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the rissalah Why don't you send them he says in the authentic hadith in the La La Oh ball on Isla de the Atlanta and Yamato la well Anisha sure better

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Allah, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is completely pleased with the servant who eats something, and he says Alhamdulillah after it or he drinks something, and he says Alhamdulillah after that simple, you own the complete pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if one was to own a loss pleasure, this means a lot zoid would forgive him, and he would admit him into the paradise, Allahu Akbar, and the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he also teaches us that the word Alhamdulillah is enough to fulfill all your worldly requests, and your hereafter needs as well. Where do we learn this from? When we arise from our core, we say semi Allahu Allah, Mohammed, did you ever wonder what that

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meant? semi Allahu Alem. And happy that means Allah has answered the call and the request of the one who praises and thanks him by seeing Alhamdulillah when the riesel Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the authentic hadith, of Bollywood, and humbly LED, that the best dryer one could make is saying Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar. But you might wonder and ask, how is the word Alhamdulillah a dryer? How is it a dryer?

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They see that when one says and hamdulillah he is saying Allah, I acknowledge your blessing, and I acknowledge your fever upon me. And Allah, I asked you to continue this blessing and to continue disfavor upon me until I meet you subhanho wa Taala for this is why Alhamdulillah counts as the best and the greatest form of a lot about my brothers and sisters in Islam. We also learn in the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, that one of the rights of a Muslim towards his Muslim brother or sister is that when a person sneezes, he says Alhamdulillah and in response, were supposed to say your hammock Allah, and then the one that's nice would say de como la. Bella, have

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you ever noticed the sequence right here? What's happening? First, the one who sneezed said Alhamdulillah he praised any thank the last part of what Allah after that he heard your macula. In other words, when one properly makes the hum of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The result of this is that Allah subhanho wa Taala encompasses him with his mercy. And if Alaska's origin was to encompass and envelop someone with his mercy that leads to de como la jolla. bellicum, that Allah subhanho wa Taala would guide such a person was upon Allah, the sequence will also find in the beginning of the poet in solitude, Fatiha and humbly leg behind me proper handover most panna who leads to

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leads to the fact that a lot Zoysia bestows His mercy upon you. And if Allah bestowed His mercy upon you, that eventually leads to a dinner so upon him, you will enjoy the guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you, my brothers and sisters in Islam, and the result Allahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that there is a special house in the paradise called beat will hummed the house of praise. When there is some alone while he was alone, he teaches that this house is reserved, it's special, it belongs to people who are able to thank Allah subhanaw taala, during good and easy times, and we're able to thank and praise Allah subhanaw taala during difficult and tough times, and were also able

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to thank and praise Allah subhanaw taala during tough times of trial and tribulation, and so on, Allahu Akbar, they have a special house in the paradise hold beta. But then shifted Islam even taymiyah Rahim Allah, He says, and he asks the question, how is one able to reach this status? And how is one able to reach this level? In where he's able to say Alhamdulillah? No matter what the situation before him is? It's tough. It's a challenge. It's not easy. How does one reach that level? He answered it. So Pamela, and he said, there are two things that the service is always supposed to, but supposed to be conscious of. And you're always supposed to keep these two things in your mind.

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Number one, that Allah subhanho wa Taala deserves the complete praise and thanks at all times, no matter what the situation is, you're always supposed to be conscious of the fact that a lot of solution always deserves no matter what number one, why, because he is the most knowledgeable and the most wise, and number two, that the servant, you're always supposed to be conscious and cognizant of the fact that whatever must be part of what Allah has chosen for you, is always going to be much better than a choice you're going to make for yourself. As a result. If you have these two kinds of knowledge in your mind and in your heart all the times, then no matter what happens

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before you you'll be able to say Alhamdulillah will be if nilla if that Alhamdulillah has accepted from you. The house they will hummed is reserved for such a person in the paradise my brothers and sisters in Islam, one law he the fact that you're able

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To say Alhamdulillah for every blessing you see and recognize in your life is a blessing more than anything you are given physically in your hand. In the result Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the authentic hadith anomala hota. Allah, Allah Abyssinia method for call Al Hamdulillah Illa can levy appa hyoni mouth and the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he says there is not a single blessing that is given to a servant. And then the servant says Alhamdulillah, except that he is hungry, let that he said, is much better than anything that he received in his hand, Allahu Akbar. In other words, the fact that you're able to say Alhamdulillah is a blessing more than the blessing of

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wealth, more than the blessing of children more than the blessing of marriage more than the blessing of health, and this is the benefit of it's upon Allah, my brothers and sisters in Islam. Finally, let me share with you the best form of hum that one could ever see for Allah subhanho wa Taala in the authentic hadith one time in the vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam walks by Abu Mohammed de Robbie Allahu anhu. And he was sitting and he was making general Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said to him, Allah to look at Alana who are higher on laka min Vika La La La Banda help Shama inform you and teach you of something that is much more rewarding

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for you than you sitting down and making general Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala day and the night with it as well. Allahu Akbar

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam is going to teach him the most superior of dry and the most superior of wicked, the master of all wicked, that if you were to say once, it is much more rewarding than if you were to sit and make general Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala during the day and during the entire night, so we never use Allahu alayhi wa sallam he said to him, say Alhamdulillah he other than a hillock and hamdulillah he mill Mr. Han up, and hamdulillah he added matter of his semi well to fill up and hamdulillah he added, US Aki Tebow, and hamdu lillahi Allah socketable and hamdulillah he added the cliche Alhamdulillah he mill a cliche, Allahu Akbar. And he said to him,

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learn them and teach them to those who don't know them yet for support Allah. This is the ultimate reward and the grand reward of the word Alhamdulillah. When it is said sincerely from the heart first, and then others on the tongue, my brothers and sisters in Islam, let's not waste time in this life. Let's not waste time in what is cursed, this worldly life and that which is in it, take the best of words. Take the words that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves, take the most rewarding of words and begin to say them, teach them to your family. Teach them to your children, teach them to your neighbors Alhamdulillah continuously say it We ask Allah subhanahu wa tada to give us the ability to

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always meet praise and thanks of him subhanho wa Taala We ask Allah Subhana Allah to accept from us. Just like Kamala Hello Sarah monokuma to LA he

The Meaning and Secrets of Alhamdulilah

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