Abu Bakr Zoud – 7 positions in which Dua is made in the Prayer

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The importance of following seven positions in Islam is emphasized, including the position of being the only person to pray in a lithe way, the position of being the only person to pray in a row, and the position of being the only person to pray in a row. Representatives of these positions provide examples and recommend solid positions, including the position of making an argument about Allah's mercy and forgiveness, the position of making an argument about a record, the position of making an argument about a suit, and the position of making an argument about a meal. The importance of following these positions is emphasized, and the Rosolier's teachings are also discussed, including the position of a believer in a Christian faith, the position of a believer in a spiritual need, the position of a believer in a prophetic faith, and the position of a believer in a critical position. The importance of following these positions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah haywire Allah Allah He also be mine. My Brothers and Sisters in Islam as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh in sha Allah Allah today we're going to have a very short discussion about the seven positions in the prayer in which a dua is recommended and legislated when Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us to make dua in the seven positions of the pray some of these positions, we are to make the DUA as mentioned by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we are not allowed to add anything to this door and inshallah Allah, I will address them. Number one, is the position of Thy

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Will is still there. So when the believer begins, his solid Allahu Akbar,

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there is something known as dua, SDF, they're the opening door. And this is something that is said just before you read surah Al Fatiha and one of these many, at least if they're one of them is Allahumma. They're at bay new are they in a hopper you can activate one machine to another if you say oh Allah make a distance between me and my sins in the same manner, you have made a distance between the East and the West. And this door focuses on asking Allah Azzawajal for forgiveness, and it has another two parts, you can check them out in many apps that would have died in the prayer. So that is the first position of dua in a solid do I will stick to the second position in which it is

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recommended, or you would make dua in a solid is during the RE citation of the Quran. And so of course, the first one that you will be making is in salted Fatiha when you see a dinner solo upon Mr. Team, when you ask Allah subhanahu Medina to die due to the straight path. And then during the resuscitation of the Quran, you might come past a et in which you ask ALLAH has vision for His mercy and for His forgiveness, and seeking Allah's protection from his wrath from his anger from the Hellfire from punishment and so on. And this was narrated that one of the companions I think it was unassailably Allahu Anhu that prayed with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a night pray a

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voluntary prayer. He said that I prayed with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he read sorbitol baccaro salts earlier in Milan when he said and when he would read an A. It was speaking about Allah's mercy, he would stop and ask Allah for His mercy. And when he would read an area of forgiveness, he would stop and ask Allah for his forgiveness. And if he came by or read an area in which there was dimension of Allah's punishment, he would stop and seek laws.

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He would seek Allah's protection from Allah's punishment and so on. So, it is recommended that you stop and you make dua for Allah azza wa jal to grant you mercy. If you read an area that had a reference to Allah's mercy, will hola hola, hola. all agreed that it is allowed to make such dua during the voluntary prayers and the different whether this is allowed in the obligatory prayers or not. Will Imam Shafi Rahim Allah Allah, he said that this is permissible

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to make dua

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as you're reading the Quran, and you can pass a ad of Allah's mercy and forgiveness. He a Chevier Rahim Allah said that this is permissible to make dua in the voluntary prayers and in the obligatory prayers. So that's the second position of making dua in a solid, the third position of making dua in a solid is in a row Kumar, when you go into a record, primarily a record is to glorify Allah subhanahu wa taala and declare His perfection by saying Subhan Allah BL Arwin. However, this generation in Sahil body, that is shall be Allah one has said that it may be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make this dua in abundance in his record and sujood in record he would say Subhana

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Allah whom model Alohomora Ben our behind ik Allahumma Li, this is the DA and in ROCOR This is the only da that is permissible. You cannot make any other da it is not allowed to make other da The only door that is permissible in Procore is to say this Subhan Allah Humala, Ben aldehydic Allahu no fiddly of Allah forgive me. So that's the third position of dua in the prayer. The fourth position of dua in a solid is when you arrive

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is from our core. And when you see a burner wallet can have Hamden Cathedral on the heap and Marbella can feed mill Somerset or mill a lot of mill Anabaena humo mill and they're in shape in back at the center it will merge up on a call and up to a cool Lunella cab. Allahu melomania Alima our pipe Allah ma aqui aluminum and Aquila and follow the legit deeming culture. This is the app that is made when you arise from a Roku. And all these my brothers and sisters in Islam, just download an app and you will find download the app and you will see a section that caught that says Salette you can open that and you'll see all these dots in it. So that's the fourth position of

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making dua in a solid. The fifth position of making in a solid is in a suit when you go down to a suit. This is a place in when the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam emphasized and recommended us to make do and this is the best position to make in a suit. And one of these is to see Subhanak hola como de Hamrick Allahumma fiddley, the same dua that you would make in a record except that in a suit, you can add more to it. And it's best to make the DUA that is mentioned in the Quran or mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as some of the relevant mentioned that a person that is ensued should only be making the dua of UML, killing the dua of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi

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wasallam in the Sunnah, and the dua of the Quran, such as our Benetti Nephi dunya. Hassan Warfield Erica Hassan Joaquina as ever knelt, the believer in his su should only focus on dua related to the afterlife and related to his spiritual needs and his Eman and his only relationship with Allah subhanho wa taala. Another automat mentioned that a person can can make whatever do i He likes, such as an imam Shafi Rahim Allah and there's no issue to make whatever do you like in a suit and this is where the DUA is most recommended. That's the as we mentioned, the fifth position. The sixth position, in which dua is made in a solid is a Julius Zubaydah search detain when you sit between

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the two sujood. That is a moment of dawn, but this position of dua, you should only make the DUA that was narrated in a sunnah and you're not allowed to add to this. So from the start is to say a little bit fiddly or Bill fairly two times.

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That's it. And you can add to this, as in the narration of an abbess, all the Allahu Anhu that Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, Allah humo fiddly what honey? What I have feeling what Dini Otto zucchini. A believer is not allowed to add to these dua when he is sitting between the two sujood. So people that say Allahu mo fiddly Willy well today, this is impermissible, it is not allowed to add while you led as a dua when you're sitting between the two sujood. And then the final seven position in which dua is made in a solid is just before the slim. So once you're concluding the prayer, and you've made a diet and you finished your diet, just before you say Salam aleikum, wa

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Rahmatullah and conclude the prayer, this is a position of dua, and so also stick to the DUA that is found in the Quran and in the authentic sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that would be better and more recommended than making any general dua. Even though making general dua is also permissible as a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, while yatta yatta minute da inertia, choose whatever you want, and you can make now and some of these recommended prophetic diet is what interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu and that is to see Allahumma in new volume to nfcu Holman Kathiawar Oh Allah, I have wronged myself a lot. We're in the wholesale

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fit of the Aruba Illa and, and no one forgives sins except you for fiddly. Mothra 10 minute Indic so grant me a special forgiveness from you what how many indicate until off or Rahim

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and bestow Your mercy upon me Verily you are the old forgiving and to act such as Allahumma fiddly mechanism to allow her to solder to Ireland to on that soft on that island will be hidden me and then we'll continue on thermonuclear ilaha illa and these are recommended Daya to make just before you conclude the prayer, and this is a powerful position for a very powerful position. Why? Because this dua at the end of the prayer is coming after you have began your prayer at Lahore cabal and you've read Quran

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And, and you'd made the wrong call. And you came up and your priest Allah by saying, I've been our local hunt and you've made Zewde. And then you've prayed another, third or fourth Raka. So now, by the end of the prayer, you are in the best position to make do it because you are so humbled

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by the entire prayer have prayed. So make sure you make dua during that time. These are seven positions to meet that in a solid. So be focused, be aware and be conscious of this. And if you pay attention to something, all of these to 95% of them are all focusing on asking Allah for his forgiveness, Allahu Akbar, how beautiful is this to know, a solid, the majority of dua in a solid 90, let's say 99% of the DUA in these seven positions is about asking Allah for his forgiveness. And that is teaching you and I a very good lesson and an important lesson that the primary role of the prayer is to forgive our many sins that we commit during the day and during the night. This is why

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we pray five prayers a day, because we are in need of forgiveness. We are in need desperate need of forgiveness, and five prayers that are the obligatory prayers of the minimum of wise the believer should pray more should pray more. And that is the voluntary prayers or sunnah neuroactive the ones before and after the obligatory prayers, and something of the night prayers and select the Buddha and the different prayers in general. For we ask Allah subhanahu wa Tada to accept that we ask Allah azza wa jal to accept our prayers, and we asked him SubhanaHu wa ala to forgive our sins and our shortcomings. He has come along he'll ask Allah azza wa jal to accept from us all Allahu Allah. Wa

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sallahu wa salam ala Bella Kalenna Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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