Abu Abdissalam – Guidance Of The Traveller

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallali wa sallam is the last known individual to die, and reciting a shitier parable should not be killed. The importance of reciting the Prophet's teachings during busy times is discussed, including the punishment after the Day of Judgment, the punishment of the grave, and the importance of protecting from evil actions and not fearing blame. The importance of the god's teachings during the Islamic period is also emphasized, including the belief that the god will protect us from the deadly virus and the need for a solution to the pandemic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah shuffle ambia evil mousseline, Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa Safi edge mine As salam aleikum wa rahmatullah warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to another episode of guidance of the traveler, where we are discussing the book nonhydrostatic in the path of the wayfarer by Allah mama Sadie Rahim Allah Tyler. And this book is a book on Islamic Islamic jurisprudence for Islamic folk. And we are in the book of prayer in the chapter about the description of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his prayer

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then one should sit for the first Tasha hood.

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The following is the supplication for the tashahhud

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they totally left he also lowered what boy you but as salam wa leka you hanabi you are Mata la he wabarakatuh a Salah Marlena Wa La Eva de la his solly heed a shadow

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Illa Illa, or a shadow and Mohammed and Abdul who were solo.

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All Salutations, prayers and pure words are due to Allah. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and also the mercy of Allah and His blessings, peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah.

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And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger

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smil Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah about so then one should sit for the final Tisha hood. All this is the first Tisha hood, the chef is talking about the first the chef then one should sit for the first Shahada. And this is an obligation of the prayer it is not a token or pillar, but it is an obligation. And the difference between an obligation and a pillar is that if a person misses an obligation out of forgetfulness, then there is no harm, and he can complete the prayer without returning to that point. And he should just do sujood a sahoo. So do the sahoo, the prostration, for forgetfulness. And we'll study this in a bit more detail in a future episode in sha

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Allah. However, as for a broken or a pillar, if a person misses a pillar, like the second Tisha hood, the second to shadow the final shot, if a person misses that, then his prayer is invalid unless he goes back to that position, and continues from where he left off, and that will be discussed. In another episode in Sharla. The chef said that the following is the supplication for the shot. At the here to Lila he was Salatu was

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salam, aleikum. Wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato salam O Allah, Allah a birdie la sala hain, a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shawanna Mohammed and Abdullah who was who all salutations to hear salutation or greetings was Lila belong to Allah was Salawat likewise the prayers with a bat and pure words, and will belong to Allah Assalamu alayka you Hannah be

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Peace be upon you, O Messenger, O Prophet. What a metal la he wa barakato and the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

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As salam o Elena, may peace be upon us, while either arriba de la sala hain and upon the righteous slaves are worshipers of Allah eyeshadow en la ilaha illAllah I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah watch had one Mohammedan Abdi who were a solo and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave or worshiper and messenger.

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So once you say this in the Shahada, look at the

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the beauty of these words, uh, to hear to lilla salutations to Allah one is directly talking to Allah subhana wa Taala

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was Salawat and prayers belong to Allah again, another reminder for keeping away from Russia or keeping away from any showing off, that All praise belongs to Allah. What a birth and pure words a salam alayka Peace be upon you or messenger or Prophet.

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And it is narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if a person sends prayers and peace upon the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam then an angel will be sent to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and convey him the Salaam, even and basically, basically he'll be given his life and be given his soul for that period in order to reply to that Salaam. Now how this occurs, we don't know because we do not know how the matters of the unseen happen. We shouldn't question how or why or where and so on and so forth. But what we do know is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has died, because the last kind of dialysis in nicomedia into May June,

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you will die and they will die. And likewise a Lost Planet. Allah says Rama Mohammedan Illa Rasul kottelat Minh company hydrostone that Mohammed is a messenger. And before him, came messengers, likewise a Lost Planet Allah says in the Quran called in nama Anna Bashar myth lucam. You have Elijah and in until the end of the ayah, let's say, say oh Mohammed, I am a man just like you, but I've got revelation. So this is the difference between Muhammad Allah sallallahu Sallam and us that we have been given that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been given revelation. But otherwise they are both the same in terms of humanity, or humaneness. Both of them are humans, both the profits and

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losses and the rest of mankind.

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But he deserves a special type of respect and love and unbinding unconditional love and that is because our Lost Planet Allah has obligated us to love him. As a Lost Planet. Allah tells us in the Quran, and bu Ola mininum and unfussy him, the profit is closer to the believers then their own selves. And likewise the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said law you know hadoken had the akuna ambala him in Walla Walla Walla de he would not say Jemaine that none of you truly believes until I'm more beloved to him than his son, his father, the whole of mankind. So all these things show how beloved and dear the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam is to us, however, nonetheless, he is but

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a man who revelation was revealed to him through the angel jabril alayhi salaatu wa Salaam in the majority of times, so likewise, another proof that the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam has passed away is dead, and he should not be considered to be alive is that when he died? Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala on who he said outside the masjid when people couldn't believe that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had died he said man can a Abu

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Mohammed and Mohammed and whatnot that whoever used to worship Mohammed then let him know that Mohammed has died. One then can a Abdullah and whoever used to worship Allah

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for Allah how you name would then let him know that Allah is Ever living he doesn't die. So this is a clear cut proof from the statement of a worker of the Allahu anhu and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has passed away.

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However, a Lost Planet Allah gives him of course his life in bizarre and it is no different to anyone else who dies, then he has got a different type of life in Bursa. So some people, the evil people they'll be punished in the bodies of and others the the righteous will be rewarded in the bursa, in the period between the grave and the Day of Judgment is called the barossa. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is given a special status here that if a person gives Salaam Salaam upon him, then the angel conveys the Salaam to the prophets a lovely, solemn and he is given his soul to be able to reply back to that person. Now an important point is Some people claim that the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can hear or he can see, and this is incorrect, because if he could hear then there was no need for the angel to go to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to give him or convey the Salaam to him. Because some people use this as a proof to say that he can hear and this is incorrect. So this Assalamu alayka you have to be Peace be upon you or prophet. And some people say this means that the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam can hear us when we say this, and this is also incorrect because as salam alayka means it's like a de, you're actually addressing Allah subhanaw taala saying, Oh Allah, send peace upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. Likewise when we say

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Assalamu alaikum although I'm speaking to you and I say Assalamualaikum in reality I'm I'm giving

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it as if I'm saying, Oh Allah, give peace upon so and so. What a little lie he wabarakatuh and mercy and blessings as salaam Elena May peace be upon us, while Allah I

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della Sala hain and Eva de la, the worship of the righteous worshipers of Allah are the angels. However, the meaning is more wide than that. So any righteous worship, worship of Allah can fall into this category and that we are making Salaam upon them.

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I shall do Allah, Allah Allah Allah I bear witness that none has right to be worshipped but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. So if one ponder over these words, and memorizes their meanings and tries to think about what he's saying, then he will have a Salah which is full of Sure, of concentration, humility, and devotion to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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This is the first Raka has finished now. And the second Raka has also finished and if it was fudger, for example, or to rock opera, then he would continue. However, if it's low harass or mockery, Basha, or more than to rock as then the chef said, then one should rise and say that could be he says, Allahu Akbar, and he rises to the third rocker. And the third,

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and the fourth Raka should be prayed

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with reciting only alpha. In other words, he shouldn't recite the another surah after that, so you should say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Then we'll fire to her and then amin and that's it, he should not go on to the to another surah.

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And this is because of the hadith of sad,

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which is reported by Buhari, in which he described the Prophet sallallahu his prayer, and he said he used to lengthen in the first two records and omit in the last two records. So when he says lengthen, he means that the surahs omit meaning the Sooners after fat. So you recite fat on all four rockers or all three trackers by you recite the surah afterwards in only the first two. However, some scholars say that you can recite a surah in the third and fourth record based on the hadith of Abu Zeid, which is reported by Muslim. So there's no harm if a person does recite a sutra in his third and fourth rockers also. But in the majority of cases, he should do what the Prophet salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam used to do in the most in most cases, which is to just recite a sutra after the fact, in the first and second broadcast, whether that prayer is supererogatory, whether it is obligatory.

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Now, if he gets up, when he gets up after the first shot, to go into the third Raka

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after he gets up, he should raise his hand, he should raise his hands just the way he did. Because this is a this is one of the four positions where a person should raise his hands up towards a load or up to his shoulders. Then in the third and fourth Raka depending on which record this is, if it is a last record, then one should recite the last shot. So if it's fudger he's already done that we've already described that if it's Madrid, Asia verfasser then he would complete another one or two records respectively and then come back and then recite all that at the here to the law he again in the sitting position.

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And then the chef says

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then one should say the final Tasha hood, as stated before, however, one should add the following

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Allahumma salli ala Mohammed while early Mohammed Camus Allah tala Ali Ibrahim, in nikka, hamidou Majid Baraka Allah Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed comma Baraka Ali Ibrahim in nichia hamidou Majeed O Allah sent preys upon Mohammed and on the family of Mohammed, as you sent prayers on the family of Ibrahim, you are indeed worthy of praise full of glory and send blessings upon Mohammed and on the family of Mohammed. As you send blessings on the family of Ibrahim. You are indeed worthy of praise full of glory.

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smilo Henry Lovell salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah, he was a happy woman. Voila.

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in the final Tisha hood, the person will recite at the hair to lilla he was Salatu was

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. As salam o Allah, Allah, Allah is Allah He eyeshadow and either Illallah Muhammadan rasul Allah.

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And then after that, he would add the following. He will add this, which called durood Allahumma salli, ala Muhammad

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While early Mohammad comma so later on early Ibrahim, in nikka, hamidah, Majid Baraka Allah Mohammed while early Mohammed Kama Baraka, Allah, early Ibrahim, in nikka, hamidah Majeed that our law centers upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and on the family of Mohammed, as you sent prayers on the family of Ibrahim, you are indeed worthy of praise and full of glory

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and send blessings upon Mohammed, and on the family of Muhammad. As you send blessings on the family of Abraham, you are indeed worthy of praise full of glory. So this is an obligation in the final

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Now, some scholars, they said that one should do this in the first shot as well. However, the stronger opinion is that one, there's no harm if one does do that, after the first shot. However, one should only do that in the second two shot in the final shot. And this is the view of the majority of scholars. Likewise, there are different acceptable ways of doing this durood of this Tushar hood. So one can say Come on, so later Allah Ibrahim wa Allah Ali Ibrahim,

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or you can say commerce or later Allah Ibrahim, what early Ibrahim or he can say commerce or later Allah Ibrahim alone, or he can say comerce or later Allah Ali Ibrahim. So again, there are four ways of saying this. And likewise comer Baraka Allah, Ibrahim, Ali Ibrahim, cannot cannot direct Allah Ibrahim while we're early Ibrahim, come about Dr. Ella Ibrahim, and come about ACTA Allah, le Ibrahim. So there's a number of different ways of saying each of these salutations of this truth.

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And then the person should seek refuge in for things in his prayer.

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And that he should say

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out we'll be late he mean other big handsome woman at the bill cover. Woman fitness mahiya Well, mammootty woman fitness, mercy that

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I seek refuge in Allah from the punishment of the Fire, the punishment of the grave, the trial of life and death, and the trial of the jail.

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I also Billahi min Azerbaijan. Woman as I will call the woman fitna, tilma, Hiya, woman, RT, amin, fitna t lmsc, the journal. So here, the person is saying, I take refuge in Allah, from the punishment of the Fire, from the punishment of the grave, from the trial of living and dying on the life of death, life and death, and the trial of mercy, the jar, the Antichrist. Now, this is because of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which he said, if one of you performs at the Shahada, let him seek refuge in Allah from four things.

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The punishment of the Fire, the punishment of the grave, the trial of life and death, and the trial of the junk, or the Antichrist. So these four things now, some scholars have obligated this, because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam commanded us to do this in his head, he and other scholars, the majority of scholars did said it's just merely mooster habits recommended. However, a person should not leave something like this up, because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam recommended it. And not only that, but he did order it. So it's not befitting for the Muslim to leave out doing something like this. And the same time he should think about what he's saying. He's seeking refuge in Allah from

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the punishment of firstly the fire. And Allah subhanaw taala says workqueue Hannah Sawalha Jara, that the it's fueled his men and stone men and stones. So this shows how hot this fire is.

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In some situations, it is 70 times hotter than the fire of this world. So once you imagine this during his Salah, and also we should imagine how the punishment of the actor is far, far, far more severe than the punishment of this life.

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Likewise, he seeks refuge in Allah from the punishment of the grave. So and this is a second matter that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam ordered us to seek refuge from. And this is because the person will be asked three questions about his Lord about his Deen and about the Prophet about his prophet.

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As for the believer, he'll be able to answer this. But as for the unbeliever, he won't be able to answer that.

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He won't be able to answer who his Lord is. Instead he will say, ah, Audrey Sinatra, NASA yaku, Luna Shea of Apple to who? I don't know, he screams in pain. Ah, I don't know. I heard the people saying such and such. So I said it.

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So the unbeliever, he'll be hit with a rod. And this rod is so severe. That son narrations mentioned that if this rod was to hit a mountain, the mountain would blow apart, would rip us under and would be turned into dust.

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So the person will be hit on his forehead with this with this rod, may Allah Spanish Allah protect us from this punishment. Now the person screamed so loud, this Kaffir will scream so loud in the grave, that all of creation can hear this, all of creation can hear this sound, except for mankind, except for mankind. And some narrations mentioned, that if man, if a human being was to hear this sound, then he would drop down dead instantly from the sound itself. So can you imagine being hit by such a powerful object.

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And with this, even after this, the person, the Kaffir, he's praying to Allah because this is going to happen continuously. What's he praying, he's begging Allah, don't let the Day of Judgment come near by, even though he's going to be hitting this until the day of judgment. He's begging a Lost Planet, Allah, that Allah Don't let the Day of Judgment come close. Because he knows that on the Day of Judgment, the punishment is more severe after the Day of Judgment, in the Hellfire, this is something like this is a minor punishment, the punishment of the grave is minor, compared to the punishment in the in the in the hellfire. And this is why when a person is praying, then truthfully,

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he can, if he knows what he's saying, and he concentrates and has humility, even if his prayer is short, it doesn't mean that a person has to elongate his prayer. But he merely has to concentrate on what he's saying. And you'll find his Eman, rising, who remember the day of judgment, he'll have continuous thought of life after death. And this will, in and of itself, purify the person. And this is why the Sahaba they would turn to prayer. This is why the Sahaba because they couldn't find any risk by

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better than that of prayer, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he had any problems, he returned to prayer.

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Now Lost Planet Allah protects us from all the punishments of this life in the

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main fitness, Alma amati, from the trials of living and dying from the trials of life and death, this is the third matter that

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we are seeking protection in Allah subhanaw taala from

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and the trials of living and dying, can be summarized as two main categories. Number one, is a trial of a doubt. The person has doubts. He doesn't know he doesn't have knowledge, so he doubts.

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And the second type of trial is that of desires.

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So all trials that a person faces, all tests and hardship that he faces revolves around these two matters, number one, trials. So the person the trial of the doubt, chubu hat shewhart. And this means that a person has doubts. So for example, if a person this believes in Allah, and he starts doubting his creed, or theology, then this person can be said to have this trial is a doubt.

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As for if a person a Muslim, for example, is tempted to perform Zina? Well, I have the Balaam Allah protect us from that, or to drink alcohol, or any kind of intoxication, that law protects us, then this is a desire, this is a desire, and the person should

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should realize that this is actually his desires coming into action here.

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And the scholars have said that there are two types of these two diseases, doubts and desires have two kills as well, they have two shields or weapons. As for the doubt, and the cure for that is to seek knowledge. So when a person doesn't know something, and shaitan comes to him, what about this? What about that, what about this, then he should go and seek knowledge about this. You should ask the people of knowledge Allah subhanaw taala says, first victory in Platinum asked the people of knowledge if you don't know. So this shows that a person if he has any doubts, then he should have

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Ask the people of knowledge.

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As for desires, then the cure for that is to have patience, a cure for, for diseases to have patience, he should realize that the pleasure is temporary, the pleasure of this world is temporary. And the real pleasure the real life is the life of the asker. As for the trials of death, mahama Marty, we seek refuge in Allah from the trials of living and dying, then the scholars have two main opinions about this. One group of scholars said that this is the angel of death. So this is a trial of death, the angels in the grave when they come, and they ask a person about his Lord, his religion, about his prophet, then the one who's Islam is pure, then he'll be able to say that my

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Lord is Allah. My prophet is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and my Deen is Islam. But as for the disbeliever, he will say, ah, la de Sena atanasio Kowloon a a call to, I don't know, I heard the people saying this or that and so, I said the same. So, this is one opinion of the scholars that this is the test or the trial of the death. And although this has already been mentioned, they say that the reason that we mentioned that again, is because of emphasis because of how great this trial is. May Allah Spanish Allah protect us from this test. And the second type of test of the of dying, the scholars have said, the second opinion is that what happens at the end of a person's life, I

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just before he dies, this is because she thought he pays extra attention. And he tries very hard at this time, to make a person disbelieve and to go away from the deen of Islam. So even if he was a person who's worshipping Allah all his life, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about this, he said, one of you may perform the action of the people of Paradise, until there is only an arm span away from him and part and the people of Paradise, him and paradise.

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And the book of Decree overcomes him, and he does the actions of the people of health. So Subhan Allah, a person could be worshiping Allah, his whole life, sincerely devoted, but because of his own evil inside, he turns away from my last panatela right before the end of time before the end of his life. And so he does the action of the people of Hellfire, and he ends up in Hellfire must want to protect us from that. And this shows we should never be arrogant. We should never feel secure that yes, we are right, we're always correct. And we will enter Paradise and so on and so forth. Rather we should always realize that he Daya or guidance is from Allah Subhana Allah and is upon us to

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follow and but to ask Allah subhanaw taala for tofik to guide us to the straight path. Finally, we should not fear the blame of the blamers and get up with prayer get caught up in peer pressure and so on and so forth. Rather we should prepare for our answer. And we should always seek protection from Allah Subhana Allah from these four matters. Now the fourth matter is that of the jungle, but because it has a bit more detail to it. We'll leave that for the next episode. When someone Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad and Wallah early he was happy as mine Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa

Guidance Of The Traveller – Ustadh Abu Abdissalam

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