Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Qur’anic Reflections Believers on the Fence

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases, making it difficult to summarize a clear message. The ruling classes change behavior based on political and social conditions, and individuals are not willing to take risks. The importance of Islam is emphasized, as it is a bounty and bounty for those who are not willing to take risks, and it is a risk of losing their position. The speaker also discusses the importance of learning Islam and finding the right religion for every situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Welcome back to our

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Quran reflections. So we will start with our verse for today.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, I will do Mila Jimenez che Bani rajim

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Bismillah hir rahman al Rahim Wamena in Simi Buddha Allah Allah,

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how have you feign? Asaba hoo ha You don't need to Nabi we're in

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Asaba to fit Neptunian caliber either watch hacia duniya Well,

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hero, the Anika who will host Raul Moby. This is from chapter 22

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Surah Al Hajj, verse 11. And again, it underscores a really

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important point regarding how people are with regards to their

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faith. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I mean, unless you mean

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Yeah, Buddha, Allah, Allah Huff, there are some among people who

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serve Allah, they worship Allah. But Allah half, which means as it

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were on the verge, so they do it on the verge, they do it half

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heartedly, they do it sitting on the fence, okay, then, if good

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comes to them, due to that worship, and due to being Muslim,

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and due to being with the believers, they're very, very,

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very content, they're happy that Allah has given me Allah has

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bestowing me with, with goodness, but if a trial comes to them,

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and they're afflicted by a trial, they turn on their face. So

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they're willing to turn away from their religion. Okay, they are

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losers, they are losers of both this world and the Hereafter,

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because they're neither here neither they in this world, what a

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bad situations to be in, you know, what a bad place to be when you're

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neither here neither there, right? That is a loss for all to see that

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eagle Hassan will be basically this is a an obvious, evident,

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clear loss for anybody that can anybody can see that. Now, I guess

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you get an idea from this, what kind of people Allah subhanaw

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taala is speaking about here.

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And again, if you look at this, from the Arabic perspective, and

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the derrick wording of Allah subhanaw taala, you see the

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miraculous quality, the graphic nature of the Quran, how Allah

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subhanaw taala.

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You know, you can basically put it up as a mirror, to see the mindset

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of both individuals and communities. That's what you can

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do, you can reflect of this.

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These are, this is speaking about people and nations communities who

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have submitted to Allah, but just nominally.

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So they've got one foot inside.

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Right? The there's a very thin line that marks the distinction

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between Joe Healy and Islam. We've discussed Jaya Helia. In an in

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another reflection,

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the Quran is speaking about the mental state of these people.

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Right? And their response system, it's a very vivid

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it's a very vivid depiction of it. Basically, these people, they sit

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on a fence.

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And what's the benefit of sitting on the fence? What's the benefit

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of just being nominally in and not out, is so that they can change

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their stance in no time at all. So quickly, they can change their

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Because if they took a firm stance in anything,

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then it would be difficult for them to recant it and go against

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it afterwards. So they're not willing to take a proper stance,

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you've seen many people, you know, there's a really critical issue.

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And you want support, because it's a religious issue. It's a issue of

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correctness of rightness of virtue, but they're not willing to

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put their name in there. Because they feel that if they do, they're

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going to lose out in some way or the other. So they're not willing

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to fully that they tell you, Oh, we're with you. But they're not

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willing to come in together with it. They're not willing to sign

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the petition. They're not willing to come to the protest. Okay.

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They are better known as opportunists and self seekers.

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They keep, for example, its things to do with the state and policy,

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they keep a close eye on the policy, they want to please the

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ruling class. They're only thinking about their own loss and

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gain, not about the loss and gain of bigger ideas of larger groups

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of people of whole communities. So if the condition of the day suits

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them, they they become fully engrossed and they'll join you in

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pursuing the objective because they see no harm in it. They have

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without any qualms or conscious

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qualms of conscience they

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carry on the agenda. But it's all for a selfish end, when it's

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adverse circumstances.

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And there's a change start stance of the ruling classes change in

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policy or whatever the case is, compared to the early position,

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they will recap the early, early position, they no longer want to

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be identified with what they once believed and supported. They

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follow their friends, seeing this in numerous issues, quarrels in

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disputes, land disputes, in Masjid, disputes, possession

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disputes, position disputes, there's you get, you get the few

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that lead, and then you get the others who are literally, they do

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the bidding of others, they just on the side.

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And meaning they have basically no problem in changing their tone in

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changing their appearance. You know, if if it suits them, they

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will basically take off the hijab, if it suits them will take off the

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beard, if it suits them, they won't pray, if it suits them,

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they'll change their name.

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Right, for selfish ends, they'll change their name from beautiful

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muslim names, they'll change them to seem otherwise, even though

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there's no proper danger or anything like that, which would

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you know, which could justifies maybe, you know, changing a name

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or something like that in some cases. So

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they basically changing their lives, their beliefs, their views,

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social cultural, things that they they relate to, right, they change

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their language

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Subhanallah they will change their language.

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So, Allah subhanaw taala is saying that as long as such people expect

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to derive some material gain from their association with Islam,

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they make a show of their allegiance.

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And that helps them then to obtain wealth because if the Muslims are

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aiming strong, then they get something out of it, they may get

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a worldly position or wealth or whatever, and we've had so many

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people like this, right? However, if they, as soon as they sent any

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kind of loss on account of their link with Islam or with the

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righteous people, they're going to be abandoned. I have no hesitation

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abandon it altogether. They're just not willing to take risks. So

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says in another verse, In the verse of

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sort of anchor anchor boot, which is chapter 29, verse 10, encircle

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anchor Bucha Allah subhanaw taala, says, Amin, and as you may know

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who I am, and he felt either with the villa he died of it Nitin

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Nasik, either Billa What are you John Nostrum, Mirrabooka colon in

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con, Macomb. Our There is Allah who will be our LM IV mafia, so do

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rely on I mean, what this means is there are such among men who say

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we believe in Allah. But when they suffer an affliction in the Cause

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of Allah, they treat men's oppression as if it were the Wrath

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of Allah. They blaming Allah for that. And if help comes to you

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from your lodo prophets, they are sure to say that we have always

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been with you, meaning that if you get support, and the tables turn,

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and the prosperity is with you, then they will turn around and

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say, we've always been with you. Does not Allah know best what is

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in the hearts of his creatures?

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That's the verse that it's this same thing that he's saying. So if

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Islam bring somebody glory, they take pride in their association

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with it. They like to call themselves and dress like Muslims.

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And they start talking about their Muslim ancestors that you know, to

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show that they've got a place and they've got history. And they only

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do this to share Allah subhanaw taala is bounty, right? However,

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Allah subhanaw taala knows the truth. There's no credit in

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pledging a loyal one's loyalty to the ruling class, right, or the

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group that enjoys the the power and authority. There's people who

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are generally associated with politics, they have to play this

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game. Right? People who are associated to politics in the

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various countries in the world, they have to wrestle hamdulillah

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we're not I mean, I wish we could in a positive way. But, you know,

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there's, there's always, you know, all of these movements and things

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they're fraught with difficulties and dangers, may Allah subhanaw

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taala make it easy for those who have sincerity and give them

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sincerity. So, you know, while when things are going great, it's

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okay. And everything is fine and rosy. However, as soon as there's

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adverse circumstances that's when the that's when the test comes

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right. And that is when it calls for true chivalry and manly

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spirit, unwavering resolve to then profess and practice your, your

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principles and your beliefs and continue that even especially

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rather, when people are hostile to it. Right because in such

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situations, even the loyalist gets shamed.

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You can, and that's when you get really tested. Okay? And fighting

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for survival, right becomes your real trial. In that case, only the

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loyal person at that time is going to display his sincerity, even in

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unfavorable circumstances. So, you know, it's absolutely a privilege

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to be honest to say, Muslims, when you understand how far Islam is

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gonna go compared to everything else, and how it's going to carry

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on and how important it is, then it's an absolute privilege. And

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when you think of it from that perspective, then it doesn't

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bother you, where you have to undergo some difficulty, because

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it's worth it. Yes, if our faith was just to the end of this world,

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and to the end of our lives, and there was nothing beyond that.

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There'd be no point, right? Maybe then just find a more comfortable

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way, if you're ever in a challenge like that. But our life is all

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about the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala is going to promise

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us is has promised us for every bit of patients that we do, what

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is to come, that's why when is going to be rewarded in all

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circumstances. Right? That is what Allah both adverse and favorable,

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and Allah subhanaw taala shown us a way to do this and Allah will

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reward employee that's why we're told that for a believer, good

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circumstance, you thank Allah subhanaw taala and you're

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rewarded, and if it's a bad circumstance, and you do subpar,

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and you're rewarded as well, it can only be good for believers,

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but we need to hold that view and be very clear about it. May Allah

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subhanaw taala grant us an understanding of this and may

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Allah allow us not to be on the side but rather as Allah says,

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enter into Islam wholly and fully. May Allah make us of those who

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find Islam, the ideal religion, in every way in every shape and allow

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us to fill it full, to follow it fully. Please keep us in your

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doors may Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you. And as salam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato. The point of a lecture is to encourage

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people to act to get further an inspiration, and encouragement,

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persuasion. The next step is to actually start learning seriously,

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to read books to take on a subject of Islam and to understand all the

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subjects of Islam at least at the basic level, so that we can become

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more aware of what our deen wants from us. And that's why we started

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Rayyan courses so that you can actually take organize lectures on

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demand whenever you have free time, especially for example, the

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Islamic essentials course that we have on there, the Islamic

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essentials certificate, which you take 20 Short modules, and at the

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end of that inshallah you will have gotten the basics of most of

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the most important topics in Islam and you'll feel a lot more

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confident. You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue

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to live, you know, to listen to lectures, but you need to have

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this more sustained study as well as local law here and Salam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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