Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Q&A Sports While Fasting

Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of Makrooh during worship worship and how it can lead to fatigue and sleepiness. They also mention that anyone who works too long during Easter worship will be considered lazy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Also one other thing is that any activity during the month of

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Ramadan, any x strenuous activity, which ties you out is and then you

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can't worship properly is Makrooh to do. So if you're asking can we

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play sports in Ramadan? If you're healthy enough, that is not going

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to tell you out or you're praying it or playing it at a time where

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it's gonna be a long time afterwards. That is probably okay.

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But if it tells you then you just have to sleep for the rest of

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them. You can't read any Quran or anything is Makrooh to do that.

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Now, you might say, Well, my work makes me tired as well, but that's

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a necessity of your life. Unless you can work with one take your

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holidays in Ramadan. Many people do that they actually keep all of

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their vacation for Ramadan so that they can really do their worship

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in Ramadan.

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