Abdullah Oduro – Nightly Reminder 15-04-2024

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering Allah's teachings and following his teachings is emphasized, along with the need for authentic sources and proof to determine a specific time. The sh matter, which is praised for his behavior and ability to receive praise, is also discussed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a blessing in life, and the use of the name Islam for peace, prosperity, and safety. The sh matter is used to describe Allah's actions, and the speaker concludes by discussing the sh matter and how it is used to describe Allah's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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For tomorrow.

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Yeah. He

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says in his book entitled

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in the gardens of the righteous in the

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chapter of the virtue of remembering

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Allah and encouraging

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others to do so.

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We actually talked about yesterday in the the

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chapter of,

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good manners.

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But here, this is the chapter we're actually

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on. It's a remembrance of Allah

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whenever the prophet

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concluded his prayer, he would beg forgiveness from

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Allah thrice

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and then would recite

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which translates to mean, oh, Allah, you are

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the granter of security and security comes from

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You are blood you are the blessing,

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and owe you and owe you who have

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majesty and nobility.

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Al Ozai, one of the narrators of this

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was asked how is forgiveness to be sought?

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He answered, the prophet

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used to say,

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I beseech forgiveness

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from you, oh Allah. And this hadith is

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recorded by Muslim and Ahmed and then Nasayid

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and Islam.

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This hadith is,

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alim jid, and it's a it's a great

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hadith because many of us say this after

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prayer. When we are done, as soon as

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we say, and

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we say,

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Is there anything else that one can say

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after the salah?

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What else is there?

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To the very end of it. So there

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are numerous

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things to say after the salawat al kams,

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after the,

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5 prayers. And this is just one of

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the hadith. And make no mistake

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that whatever we say from the adkar

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is worried. It is present. It is found

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in the Sahih

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Sunnah of the prophet

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This is important

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because whenever we remember Allah

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there's the dua, the generic dua you can

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make to call on Allah with whatever hijack,

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whatever needs that you have.

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But if there is anything

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that is at a specific time or a

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specific number,

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that is where it is it is relied

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we rely upon

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authentic sources and proof.

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So if I say, if you say this

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6,000 times,

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that would I my next question should be

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Where is your proof? Not in a ridiculing

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and not in a, you know,

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a rigid

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but we ask, is there any authentic evidence

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for that? Because if you say 6,000,

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I may say 5,024

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because it feels good to me. And if

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we open that door, then what can possibly

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Right. You you start to make some scholars

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would even say you're doing your own sharia

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because you are creating a systematic

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approach to get to Allah at a specific

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time that hasn't been legislated by Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala. And if anyone can do that,

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then we have lost the integrity

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revelation, the integrity of prophethood, the integrity

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of following the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. Because

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when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam legislates

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this, make no mistake that that is given

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to him by

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That's what we need to remember. That is

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why this area

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in in regards to this type of,

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is fairly rigid when speaking about,

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saying this at this time or this particular

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place or this amount of numbers. So for

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How many times do we say that?

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10 times. When?

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Primarily after the fajr and after the Maghrib

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prayer. Why is it you know, can we

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say it after the other prayers? Yes. There's

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nothing wrong because it's generically good. But if

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someone says, no. You have to say it.

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You have to say it after this prayer.

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Or there is the virtue that has been

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processed on between,

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you know, after Fajr and after Maghreb, we

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associate to other than that, that's where there

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could be slight,

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disapproval of that. But generically saying it, there's

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nothing wrong because it is khair. It is

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good. Okay? So the prophet,

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He said the prophet,

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after he finished

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When he left from his prayer, he would

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So it means

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after saying the istighfar 3 times, he would

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So will the the Allah the prophet said,

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oh, Allah, you are

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does salam

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Peace. Okay. What else?

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Blessing, greetings,

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K. What else?

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So this is the name of Allah.

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Have Have you ever heard of the name

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Abu Salam?

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This is what we get.

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So one of the names of Allah is.

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So what does that mean? Allah is the

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peace. Source of peace. Source of peace?

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Okay. What else does salam mean?

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Have you ever heard nus alallahu alafiya was

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So peace,

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safety, mhmm,

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good spirits,

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salama. Salama means that you are in a

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good state or that you are dare we

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even say safe.

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Because when you're in a state of peacefulness,

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you are in a good state.

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Right? So the it's very it's a very

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comprehensive name. So Allah is the one that

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dare we say,

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we wanna say we could say

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the the one that is not peaceful,

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but he is the one that is dare

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we use the word sound for lack of

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better words. Okay?

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So the first thing is the name of

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Allah. When you study the names and attributes

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of Allah, the scholars always say, okay. There's

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the ism

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and then there's the sifa.

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There's the name,

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and then there's the attribute

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tied to that name.

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Right? So Allah is Al Hamid.

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He is the praiseworthy.

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The attribute that's tied to praiseworthy is what?

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Hamdah. So he has the attribute of praise,

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deserving praise,

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right, because of what he does. So when

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Allah says a salam,

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he is the one that gives

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Right? Why is this important?

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Because Allah gives salam to those that request

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When one follows the deen of Islam, this

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is indirectly

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requesting the pleasure of

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Of who?

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As salam.

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Who is Allah?

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So when you do an action

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of good and you may think of the

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name of Salam. Oh, Allah bless me with

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When we think of what is happening in

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Gaza right now, this is one name we

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can think about.

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So when we after our prayer,

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Right? Save those salem. This will actually be

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said on the day of judgment,

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That some of the the individuals in the

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day of judgment will say,

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if you've heard of this hadith.

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This is what some of the the the

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inhabitants at that time will say, salam, free

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me. Make me safe. Make me safe. Safety.

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Safety. So

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then lost then after that he says,

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are you are the,

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you are the the blessing and you have

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the majesty and nobility. So can mean security,

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You are the

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blessing the majesty

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and the no the no and nobility.

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again, mentioning the name of Allah.

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And what's so beautiful here is after you

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conclude the salah,

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you make it stilfar

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and then you praise Allah.

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He has blessed you with safety and security.

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So right now that you are even able

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to pray and to thank him is a

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Able to pray and to thank him is

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a form of security.

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From what?

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Security from what? And this is deep, and

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we'll end it here.

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Hellfire? Well, okay. What else in this dunya?

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You just finished praying. Is that an action

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that shaitan wants you to do?

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You just concluded your prayer and you asked

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salah for forgiveness from any deficiency

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from the nazala to shaytan during the salah.

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That's why we say astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah is stuff

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for any deficiency that happened during the action

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of Ibadah.

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And then after that, you're praising a law

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that made you safe throughout that process.

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You understand?

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And that's why he he he is a

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safe the one that is is is he

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grants of security, and the security comes from

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him. We said,

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you are a blessing.

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You are blessed

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because no one can do that except you

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to that to that to that degree.

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The majestic and the noble. And then El

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Alwazarih. El Alwazarih was a was a scholar

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that was,

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during the time of al Hanif, actually.

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And he was in,

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and he was one of the narrators.

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And he mentioned he asked about this.

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And how did the prophet say astaghfirullah? Because

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he said he sought forgiveness

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three times,

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and he said he would say astaghfirullah astaghfirullah.

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So that's how he would say it. So

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that's that's the sunnah that we practice. After

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we say

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And this hadith is authentic, so know for

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sure that when we say this, this is

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what the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used

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to do. We ask Allah to

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forgive us for all of our shortcomings

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outside and inside of our acts of worship.

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We ask Allah to make us remember his

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in secret and in open. We ask a

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salaam to grant us a salaam.

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We ask the one that is a granter

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security to grant us security in this life

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and security from the shayateen and security in

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our iman and security in our duas where

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we hope and know that he will grant

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it to those if we are sincere.

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We ask assalam to grant salaam to our

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brothers and

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in to where they worship you with

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