Islam at the Crossroads: Revival or Reform | Winter 2019 | Class #2 | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick
Abdullah Hakim Quick – Islam at the Crossroads – Class 2
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AI: Transcript ©
to snow is expected if there isn't snowed and it's actually bad
for this I
have to have a
cold environment
and then and then the moisture.
Okay, we just wait a couple minutes and see
smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah say Allah will he will act in the Vienna Mohammedan Allah Allah He was happy he was adequate Salam. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Alhamdulillah. Allah subhanaw taala has blessed us with another opportunity to reflect upon a very crucial issue for the Muslim world. And I believe that in terms of leadership, and in terms of families, in terms of communities, even as individuals, this is one of the most important issues that we are facing now in the 21st century. And that issue has to do with change. So change of our status, you can look at change for many different levels.
There's change on an international level,
which you could call oma based change.
There's change in the different nation states where Muslims live,
there's also change within Muslim communities. In many cases, you will find that a type of stagnation
has come in.
And I can recall vividly being in Cape Town and in downtown Cape Town.
The Muslims were concentrated in the downtown area called the Malay quarter.
And when the apartheid system came in, on the political system of * of people of color,
they forced the Muslims out of the downtown area, into the back of the mountains to the word Southern, lower, worse type of area. And it was forced removal. They literally would come with trucks, and they would put people in the trucks and take them to another area and force them to settle in other areas. And but one thing was a slight problem for the apartheid regime. And that was that the Muslims said clearly, I'll move but you cannot move the house of Allah. You can't do that. We will fight to the death. So they kept the masters and there five or six machines in the downtown area of Cape Town around the master is now colleges, condominiums and all types of things where it
used to be a village of Muslims, but the master is still there.
And one of the Masters I sat
You know, the Imam. And he said that,
you know, there's just a few people came for salaat that day.
And then he said, He's been a mom for like 45 years, okay, 45 years? And what type of programs do you have? He said, Well, we still have a little halaqa and whatever. But then, you know, I said to myself, 45 years, you're the mom in one place. Okay, and it's the same programs you had 45 years ago. This is stagnation.
Okay, that's not what a mustard is supposed to be. It's supposed to be like the heartbeat of the community. So the different issues, the different challenges faced by the community,
are reflected in the activities of the masjid. So that if it is stagnated, if is dead, then it means really, that that community in that area is dead. If you go on the other side of the mountain,
where the Muslims are, where they were forced to live,
one of the blessings of being forced all together, is now in those areas, Islam is thriving.
Now they have schools they have so many institutions that are over there, they live together in some areas. The area I moved in was 90%. Muslims is like a mini Islamic State.
But the issue
that is faced by the Muslims there and everywhere is change. How can we make this major make this move? How can we gain the help of Allah subhanaw taala in order to bring about this change, and in terms of change itself, scholars, writers, activists look at it in different ways. So this issue of change, there's a lot of people who have written about this. And I'm bringing together a lot of information for you, to give you some cutting edge ideas about this change, because it is impacting us and will impact in the future. We learned clearly and Sarah to read verse 11, in the La La UV, Roma, B Coleman, Hata, umami unforseeable, Allah will not change the condition of people until they
change that which is in themselves. So this is one of our clues, the one of the key clue about change that we will be returning to as we go on. And the focus of our discussion, for the most part is concerning Muslims in the West.
We're not so much interested, or even qualified to deal with the change in the Muslim world, because it's very complex, very complicated. But some of the things that I'm going to say to you will have impact on it, you'll be able to, again, see what is needed, even in the Islamic areas. And just to reiterate, to review what we looked at in the first session,
the concept of change itself.
People will use when it comes to deal with a political system, social, economic, whatever, reform or revival, these these are two key words, that's in here. And reform, as we learn is to and this is the Webster dictionary, to port or change into an improved form or condition,
okay to amend or improve by change of form. So you change the form of it, or removal of faults or abuses.
But the next one now says to put an end, they say to an evil, but to put an end to something by enforcing or introducing a better method, or course of action. So you change the method completely. That's a reform. So now you will see what happened to the Jewish religion where they have Orthodox Jews, reformed Jews, the Christian religion, you'll see now different types of churches and forms of Christianity. This is how generally we're looking at reform. Okay, and three, of course, to induce or cause to abandon evil ways, like the person went to jail, and he came out now he's reformed. So that that's another way of looking at reform. That's not the one we're looking at. It's more like
what number two is like we will reform something you literally are changing its shape.
Okay. And that's different than a revival.
Okay. And the key Hadith in this area that we want to reflect on, tonight again, leading us in and this scholars have this a lot of reflection on this idea. Right. And the prophet SAW Selim, told us in the La Jolla, Bethlehem Hill oma, Allah rasika limits center, may ujet, dead la ha, Dena Ha. So Verily, Allah will raise
up for this oma
at the head of every century, or you could say as 100 years, someone who will rejuvenate for them their religion.
Okay, so this is an authenticated Hadith. It's in the midst cattle and wasabia. But it has roots, even scholars like Sharknado Dino Danny, who's considered one of the great muhaddith people of this century last century, authenticated the Saudis. Okay, so at the head of every 100 years,
and another ad that said cotton, which could be also
not just the century, a generation,
okay, at the head of this period of time,
somebody would rejuvenate
the religion. Okay, touch Dede ujet did its touch deed. Okay, so Touch, touch deed literally means renewal, rejuvenation, okay, restoration, to restore to how it was prior to the change, you see the difference? reform is going to change the methodology almost completely. But a revival is to restore how it was prior to the change. So this is the key point. Another word which is used by scholars is VR. And AR is also a revival. Put life into something you're putting back life. So restoring the status quo without necessarily any attempt to improve or to reform it. This is a Yeah. So you you are bringing life bring it back to its source. But another word sometimes that comes into this is
Okay, so that's another word Islam. Now Islam
literally can mean if you look it up in dictionaries, it will say reform.
Okay, and even the negative reform that we're talking about, they could use an Arabic, Islamic, but it also means to repair something
to improve it. So within touch deed, in the results of the tragedy, there is Islam repair, but not reform, you see.
Because if you just renewing everything just to renew it,
that doesn't make sense, there's got to be a purpose, and that is it's going to be repaired.
this is law
comes you'll see this in many different places. It's also a very important word, Islam and these three can be interchangeable sometimes. But but the clearest word for us which is in the authentic hadith is taggi deed.
So that is the clear the clearest one for us in terms of dealing with the arguments, but sometimes, yeah, is a very beautiful word. Because it talks about life giving life. Okay, now in terms of the scholarly definitions of tax deed, and we'll look at from the old old early generation, middle generation and new scholars, that debuchy have Azadi who died in 724 of the Common Era 124 years after the digital so he said that, you know, touch deed is Yeah.
Right. So, he said it is a revival of that which has disappeared or died out due to neglect of the Quran and the Sunnah and their requirements. So requirements is a big word now. What is required from the Quran and Sunnah is big right? So it's been neglected or disappeared so you put life back into it so sorry said the touch deed is a a
c putting life back into that which was needed the mama so UT Rahim Allah jalala dentistry UT, this is a great scholar. And many put him in the list of the magentas. They put the UT for his century because that would have been the 10th century after the hegira. He died in 911. It's 1505.
of the Common Era. And he said touch deed in religion means renewal of its guidance, explanation of its truth, as well as eradication of evil, innovation, bizarre,
right and of extremism or laxity in religion. So he says so he's getting deep down. He said we're gonna is going to be renewed, your guidance will come. Right you explain the truth, and you eradicate bidda. So he's action oriented, right?
The movement people like this, because he's action oriented. So he say, eradicate the evil innovations, also
Get rid of extremism you got to be balanced now. And and this is important for us today when we look at the Muslim world because extremism is one of the problems we face and also laxity in religion lazy Muslims right there are Muslims sometime Muslim not another time. You know that they are they're lazy in their Deen. Come on and brother your brother and see when it
can happen.
So UT so UT is Egyptian.
Yeah, he's Egyptian, because Salut is one of the big cities in Egypt. So youth. So he's a suti meaning from there. Yeah. So we also said touch deed also means observance of people's benefits.
Right? societal traditions, and the norms of civilization and Sharia. So he said, that's part of the, he's giving a broad definition.
Right? So you got to deal with the benefits, the people's traditions, right? And you got to deal with civilization. What's happening in civilization. Now a contemporary scholar, that is Dr. Yusuf al qaradawi.
has written a lot about this as well. And some of his shorter statements, which has right to the point and clear, he said, combining the beneficial old with the appropriate new l Kadeem and naffaa. Well, God the solid,
right, so the beneficial old with the appropriate new so he said, appropriate, right? So here, he condensed a lot of thoughts, in a few words, then he said, being open to the outside world, without melting into it.
Okay, so you're open to the world, you open to the west, but you don't get lost in the West. Okay, to rejuvenate the religion by the religion itself. So use the dean to rejuvenate the instead of using Marxism, or Freud, you know, or feminism, or socialism, to rejuvenate. And that's the that's the fault that many people fell into. And when you have Islamic socialists, and they took over the country, they may be bringing back justice for the poor. But the problem is Marxism and socialism has baggage to it. You say you're a socialist, you've got a socialist theory on your back. And in that theory is godlessness.
They don't most socialists do not believe in God.
If you're feminists, many Muslim women want to change rightfully so. Especially the 20th century, when Muslim countries had stagnated. And women lost their rights, so they want to change. But the problem was, they solved the feminist movement in the West, fighting for change. And they said, Let's become Muslim feminists.
Now you want rights for women. But when you say you're a feminist, you got baggage on your back. Because in feminist theory, they they focus more on the individual rights than the family.
And some feminists go as far as not even caring about men. They don't want a man at all.
They're at war with men.
They believe they come from different planets with different mentalities completely that and that's a problem for a Muslim. So what Shaq is saying is, use the religion
you can find within the deen if you study it, you will find something that you can rejuvenate
but the problem is people don't study into the deen itself to be able to rejuvenate to rejuvenate it properly with the deen. Now, to go further now, that we were we want to look at the qualities of the magenta
okay, because remember now,
it says in the low hiab as we have the hill oma alert sikuli me at center men, men ujet did Latina men who
now the
every 100 years start another word men can mean an individual It could also mean a group or it can mean a movement.
So the Majed did does not necessarily have to be an individual.
It could be a group of people
working simultaneous together. It could be a movement, what we call an Islamic movement. So there's a certain ideology or approach to Islam, taken up by people and they're part of this touch deed type of movement. Scholars also showed that you could have more than one regedit in different parts of the world, simultaneously
Because the Muslim world is so vast, that what happens in the indo Pakistani subcontinent may be very much different than what happened in North Africa or West Africa. It's way different culture, although it's Islam, right? So you could have a magette did reviving in West Africa, and then magette did reviving in India.
Okay, so it doesn't necessarily have to be one person that everybody simultaneously in the Muslim world is following.
Okay, so these are different concepts, but now,
given you the basis of a lot of discussion on this, what are some of the qualities of a widget?
Okay, because somebody might say, this person is a magette, did you hear this being said, what are some of the qualities number one, that person should be an excellent Muslim, fully practicing in thought and an attitude. Okay, to, they should have a thorough and comprehensive grasp of Islam is a comprehensive one. So they're not in the narrow method.
They have to study other schools of thought.
They have to have a comprehensive look, if you're talking about touch deed now, then you'll see that the people who qualify with this, they study other scholars, not just one method, but they go outside of it. Okay. Next, the ability to distinguish Islam from an Islam. Okay, what is other than Islam in the finest details, they can distinguish it. Because if you're going to renew, if you're going to take us back, we're in a contemporary period now. And you want to go back to the original,
you have to distinguish those issues that are not Islamic, you have to know how to do this, right? It's not everybody can be rejected.
A person could be a great scholar, but they would not be a Magento.
Okay, also the ability to extract the truth, from long established falsehoods. This is deep, because, and I found this out practically in our community that most Muslims base their religion on their culture.
So it's what my people used to do in my village, or in my city, or we in this part of the world. And sometimes there's falsehoods, things that are wrong, that they do, and they just do it. Like I remember in Cape Town, I had a lot of experiences in Cape Town, actually. And I remember that the capetonians are originally Malaysia, from Indonesia, Malaysia, and you know, whatever. And they have this thing that they used to do in the spring, cutting the rum piece, they call it cutting rumpy. So what they would do is when the spring season came, they would cut from grapefruits and other plants and the leaves at a nice smell. And then they make it into a nice bouquet. And give and the man
would wear it to the mask. So everybody has this, the sisters cut the rumpus. And the man would bring it, he would wear it on this special day, to the masjid. And Indonesian scholar came to Cape Town.
And he said, this is a Buddhist tradition. This is Buddhism, we used to practice in Indonesia, right.
But the Muslims were so far away. I mean, he didn't know the difference, right? So they did it because the people follow seasons for their religion, right.
And so he brought that there. And, you know, when he
did that, some people get angry, right?
And they say, like, my mother used to do that.
And he said, Well, this is what I say. Are you saying my mother is wrong? So he's gonna fight you, right? You don't say anything about his mother. Right?
And so this is this part is gets the magenta and a little bit of trouble.
Okay, but it's but it's part of the requirement. So the magette did needs a clear mind. penetrating vision.
Right, unbiased, straight thinking is not biased.
Either doesn't care about those Pakistanis or those Arabs, or those Turks. No bias.
Right, clear, straight thinking,
the ability to see the straight the right path, clear of all extremes. And he keeps balance. So you could think he stays on the straight path in his thinking, say and it keeps his balanced, right. It's very important for magenta. The ability to think independently of contemporary and century old social and other prejudices. Right independent thinker. Now here, the courage to fight against the evils of the time,
then rejected has to have courage.
Because it's got to fight against whatever the evils are. And, and this is where the scholars look at the type of scholarly mujaddid. And that is competency in HD had
and the work of reconstruction HD had is the ability to make a religious decision. Right based on that takes a lot to be in which debt, you have to have a comprehensive knowledge of the deen and the ability to make the decisions in the particular time zone or environment that you're in. Okay, and then you see what it says and the work of reconstruction
to reconstruct, okay, now, there's some misconceptions about magenta
and check to clear dinos, many, many of you may have heard him from Pakistan. This is from some of his writings, very, very interesting points that he made because Pakistan had a lot of projects running around in bodies and they had a lot of things over there. So, this is some of his writings. This is important, he said the magette did is not a formal designation, like a prophet and a messenger. A prophet is chosen by Allah subhanaw taala or a messenger magette. That is not a formal designation, okay. It's only through his his work that he is recognized as such.
Okay to a true magenta does not claim to be and rejected with certainty, nor does he invite others to believe in Him as such. As I said before, if somebody comes to you and says, If somebody's saying he's the MADI run the other way,
run from him, let me tell you
and rejected if somebody is claiming to be a mujaddid he's not a Majid
even if the majority of the Muslims as of the opinion that particular person is in regedit, there is no religious obligation on others to believe in him as a Majid.
Okay, you benefit from the person is not an obligation.
Okay, and this is this is a point in a place where he was coming from India and Pakistan, where there's a lot of movements and groups and they say, my shack is the best one, and my one is in regedit, so you must follow Him, or you're not in Islam or something like this said no.
Because it's not a designation like this. Okay.
For the magenta does not receive any authentic revelation from Allah,
like a prophet, nor does he make such a claim.
So he's saying he's getting visions and revelations.
It'll have run the other way.
Now, he may get ill ham, it's possible. It's not why. Why is revelation Hill ham would be like a dream, right? But you if you have a righteous dream, you can't say it's true until it happens, right? It's got to happen. Five, it's not necessary that mujaddid knows himself to be a magenta, let let let alone laying any claim to this effect. Okay. And next mujaddid is not infallible in his sayings and acts like a Prophet is saying is an act normally conform to the Islamic teachings, but they are not treated like the sayings and actions of a prophet. This is very important because when it comes to the religion, the prophets the prophets have isma the prophets of Salaam you know, if
it's authentic hadith, can we believe it is he did not speak for himself? Right, he is what your new ha
that a lot gave him this knowledge
anybody else not treated like that?
We benefit from the knowledge of this individual or this movement, but it is not treated in the same way.
So these misconceptions are very important misconceptions. Of course, for those who are looking at tax deed
on the level of,
you know, Omar, Omar and this individual who will rise up, this is a certain level, which we are actually in need of today, by the way, we could use somebody you know, who has this type of
consciousness. Now, the concept of remember the Hadith that this mujaddid would come at the head of every 100 years, or a century right now one of the greats scholars named Eben Khaldoon Rahim Allah great Tunisian scholar.
He wrote a book. This is called the mo Kadima. It's an introduction to the world history.
And will Padma and this is a very important book in Islamic history.
And in this mokaba
he looked
At society and he looked at change in society. Now, even Khaldoon is actually called and recognized even today as the father of sociology.
Because sociology is the study of interactions of people. So he, as a historian, for the first time didn't just look at history like string all these dates together. He looked at the relationship of people to each other. And what comes out of it. And Eben Khaldoon is got a cyclical theory, he has a theory of a cycle.
And he said, the Muslim coma.
And even all nations sort of go through this cyclical change. He did this after studying Muslims, he especially focused on Andalusia, on Spain and North Africa, he focused on this, and but this is good for even other nations as well. And that is that the first generation that establishes a movement, say Islam is established in a certain area, they strive they struggle you they give of themselves, their children are with them. So the next generation coming up, that's maybe 20 years later. So the next generation now, they're still striving and struggling, but they're not the original, they're a little, it's a little softer, because they they sort of won the battle like, Okay, the next
generation that comes because the battles won, they've consolidated themselves, and now they're in a palace. So the third generation
is now living sort of a softer life. But because they're a third generation, they still can remember,
the founder, slyke, 60 years later, or, you know, you know, 80 years, you know, they can remember the founder, but the fourth generation,
they unless there's a revival, unless there's touch deed, then the fourth generation can literally turn around and go against what the original generation did. And there are some movements in Andalusia, North Africa that we study, the Morabito noir hidden. And you'll see the cyclical theory, this is his theory. You can apply this to many empires, Islamic empires and movements, you, you watch them, watch what happens to a nation after about 100 years or so. Right and see the changes that have caused. So this is another concept in touch deed, which is also very important, this is even Khaldoon and his mechanical. Okay. Any questions anybody has on the general theory of touch
deed or the mujaddid
that we're talking about? Remember, this is a big idea, right? can be political touch deed, it can be oma, it can be groups, it can be nations can be individuals, a lot of different levels. Okay. Any questions anybody has are concerning that
talked about unbiased, that's one thing that is really crucial issue. Yeah.
Based on culture.
That's right.
And this is why it's important to go back to the Jamia Masjid. The jammy is where everybody comes. And it was okay. I mean, I remember the Jami mosque and when we were in the Jami mosque and boasted, and Mashallah, you know, we had our problems and everything, but somebody came back to me and he said, you know, brother, those were the Golden Ages of Islam in Toronto. Why is it the Golden Age? Like, why would he say this? Not because we were doing anything. I think that's special, because we had a lot of problems, right? But
everybody was together.
So we had all schools of thought, all movements.
Everybody was in the same bastard.
Okay, and so, and we will learning how to tolerate each other.
You know how to pray 100 free how to pray with a sharpie.
The person can say, you know, he's being taught that, you know, did the Prophet sell sell them? You know, how did you pray?
People were stuck in their methods.
So then the person says, well, Darlene, the mom says, and he says to himself, right?
But the shower is an army.
Okay, so now that might make the person uncomfortable, right? I was in a Masjid one time in the Caribbean. I won't say which country and
the man was beautiful.
And he said well
Dolly and I said army. I was the only person in the mosque.
When they finish they said slower like let's say wisdot shaytaan Where is he?
Right? So they came to visit areas. I said get because he had this
and they got procardia decent I showed them how the Sahaba said I mean so loud, it shook the building.
And they said the stock for LA
like we didn't notice.
Our teacher didn't teach us that.
Right. So in the Jami mosque what was happening were hunter fees would say amin out loud
or they wouldn't feel bad because somebody next to them said I mean out loud because they knew that it was Sunday.
See, so that is unbiased teachings.
Okay, all these arguments are, you know who what's what slot is better? Which one who's the biggest demand? Whatever. A scholar like use of Gaddafi, other people. You know, they had a big argument and he said, you know what the answer is? The problem is lm said, Sal Lu Kamara, eita Mooney, who sadly, pray as you have seen me pray. That's all he said.
He didn't say pray according to that email. Or that he said, Pray as you have seen me pray.
So that if somebody is praying, like the Prophet, someone prayed, that's authentic.
If the person follows a certain Imam who takes on the Prophet that's authentic,
but we don't need to get you know, agitated with each other, or have hatred and the magette did is the one
who will take us back to Salou Kamara, it Mooney or Sally, right, the magette did brute renews the faith. And everybody's has a breath of fresh air.
The End Lucien jurist,
Ibrahima shot TV, is a famous scholar fucky. He observed, he was talking about this hadith about the tragedy, the death. And he said, this idea contains a positive message. And it is concerned with the common good and benefit of the oma. Generally. So he said, it has that added positive
Musleh it's generally helping the Muslims. And this is what we are looking at today. And I believe, again, that this is
this is cutting edge. This is cutting edge. And
after being in the field for a long time,
I went through the different lectures and talks and footballs to see, you know, if there's anything happening.
And I realized that there were certain ideas are repeating themselves over and over again.
And so I took them and I'm just I'm just a product of my circumstance, right? Because I would try to gear my talk in the communities based on their issues, what's happening in this community? What's going on? So I try to gear my talk based on the issues. Right, so now all these issue oriented talks. Okay, I put them together into a 40. Hadith.
Right, and these hadiths, you will see, and Alon knows best
that most of the talks that you run into, you're going to see one of these edits. That is unbelievable. I was watching a Turkish movie on Abu Hamid, the Turks have made some very interesting movies on Abu Hamid, the second, the Neo, the last great Sultan of the Ottomans. And he was under a lot of difficulty.
And he went to his his chef.
And the chef told him a hadith. And I was sitting there shocked, it was one of the ones in this book. Yeah.
This is the Ottomans. Right. This is an ottoman chef.
Right Way back. Right, but the issue that he was facing with the West,
and the problems, it is reflected, there are certain traditions, and that's the great beauty of the Prophet souls element is traditions, that they can literally benefit us at other points in time. So the 40 Hadith now is a methodology, and we inshallah for the next few weeks as we go into the spring, we want to be looking at this methodology. And if anybody who cannot make it, it's very cold today and people can't make it. Any way you join on into the class is going to be like you just started the class.
Because each one of these sections can stand by itself.
They're all issue oriented things that the issues we faced with
face as Muslim. So what I'm talking about, the greater part of this change is an individual change. It's more of a family, maybe a community type of change that we face in the West, some of these ideas can be applied to the whole Muslim world. But for the most part, we're looking at, remember what a law said he will not change the conditions of a people to they change that which is in themselves. Okay, so it's got to begin on the inside. And the beginning of the 40 Hadith set here. And this is done on the system of Mr. manoli. Mama no is famous 40 Hadith, right? But this is not the 40 odd remember? No. But there's a system how he set it up, right so that you can easily be able
to digest, right and you have a meta, you'll have a base structure, and you can build off the structure. So it's based on that. And all of the 40 Hadith books because there's one done by Eben hydrolases Kalani, another one on Monday. There's a number of these Hadith books done by scholars. Right. They all begin, how do we begin? This is part of his system.
And this is a deed number one.
There's different versions of this.
But this one, I took
an abbreviated, you know one, and this is all Mahabharata reports that the messengers of Salah Elisa said in the model our model B net, we're in the Malika Liam Liam Manoa for men cannot higit ato Illa Illa dunya you Cebu ha Oh Allah mo da attend young ke ha ha. For hegira to Allah Mahajan, la Tavakoli. So you might have heard this idea said in the ml ml Lubin yet we're in the molecule libertarian MANOVA.
Right. And somehow deed says for men cannot hegira to Ella law he was solely for his editor in a law he was fully.
So in other words, your Verily, Surely your actions are based on intentions and surely every person will get what he intends. Okay, so this is the difference in some of the reports. They're all basically the same.
Some say that whoever's migration is to Allah and His Messenger, it is for all our messenger, then the second part that says, Whoever has migrated to achieve a worldly goal
or in order to get married, then his migration will be exactly for what he intends.
And that is important for us here on the west. It's very, very important that Nia, what is your intention, and I can remember vividly,
vividly being in a conference here in Canada.
And to a chef, Jaffa shack, Idris, who is a famous Sudanese scholar
who was in Washington is in the Sudan, but a great scholar. And it was a huge conference. And he gave his talk. And he was looking at the position of Muslims in the West.
And he said to everybody, because he's a very straightforward person. He said, I went through my sources of all the deeds, everything, and I cannot find a justifiable reason for you being here in the West. As what he said everybody, is I looked everywhere for you.
In in our books, people migrate to the west, or they migrate out of the Muslim world, for business. Business people go. Some people go for political reasons. They're diplomats. Right? Some people go for struggle reasons. They're fighting against an enemy.
Right? Some might go for a tablet, they might go to spread Islam or something, teach people but ultimately they return to the Muslim world, right? You just temporary right. But you have come here to stay. Because there's a nice big Metro supermarket. And you know, the lights stay on all day. And the water doesn't turn off for 10 hours a day, like in many of our countries, and he shocked everybody.
And he said, I'm just being honest with you. May Allah help us that night, they went to his room, and they kept him up till three in the morning there was a crowd in front of his room.
The next day he came back, and he said I changed my fatwa.
Because you have shown me that there are actually valid reasons why people have come to the west.
Because some people are fleeing from religious persecution in the so called Muslim world.
In many cases, you have more religious freedom here than you do over there.
I went to one of the Muslim, I don't like to call the names of the Muslim countries, but I went to one Muslim country.
And there was a guide who was with us.
And we were going along the highway.
And we stopped at a restaurant. And it is the Muslim world. So they have little Masjid around the backside.
So myself and the other brother with me, we went to make Salah. And the guide is there is practice and Muslim and everything. So we went, we made salaat and he stayed in the car. So afterwards, we came back and we said, Okay, brother, you know, the hora, NASA we were on the road.
And he said, I can't. And this is the desert. I didn't see anybody. A few people asleep, sleepy place, drinking shy, whatever he said, but he was afraid
that somebody would see him praying with us
with beards, and they would tell the secret police and they will put him in jail.
He was so terrorized, he wouldn't even go around the back of the thing and makes a lot with us. This is a Muslim country, which I can say Alhamdulillah now has changed. But at that point, which is like you know, 15 years ago.
So other people have migrated out of the Muslim world because of horrific warfare.
With a life their family has been destroyed their family everything ruined and they had to run to save themselves.
Okay, so check Jaffa then said
I changed my fatwa.
If your intention you should make your intention to be accommodated deem
that you will establish the religion.
Right? If you have this idea of establishing the religion, in yourself and in your family,
right, then you have you have a valid reason for being here. In other words, if your reason is as the Hadith says,
because you wanted to marry a Canadian girl
or you wanted to get a job in a big corporation,
if that's what your intention is, that's what the deed says. That's all you're going to get.
So your digital is useless.
Your migration is useless. There's no blessing from Allah subhanaw taala. So in other words, many people did migrate here for some of these reasons, but allows merciful and you can change your intention.
Right? So it changed your intention that you want to establish the deen establish the religion in your life. You want to establish it in the lives of your children. Right and you will do something to help the community, you will do something for the religion, that's part of your intention. There's nothing wrong with living in a peaceful country that has good conditions. That's okay. But that should not be the only reason why we're here.
Okay, so this is the way imama know we start his book. Everybody starts the same way.
Because it is crucial it is a crucial issue. Nia is essential.
Okay, so this is the beginning.
A deep Okay, open up I'll open the floor for question when we go from different now.
Referring to the
kitchen in general.
From what we understand, it's it's it is in general.
Of course, that was the big that was the great higit that was there, but it is in general because some people may go to Ethiopia, they may hit you there before. Medina, right. They went to Ethiopia, it was two times they went over.
So it is in general, the concept of, you know, migration.
That's right.
That's right. And and many people move, they may feel like they're even refugees. And, you know, we all move for a certain reason. Just about everybody came here for a certain reason I came here myself. I'm not from Canada. I'm from the United States. So everybody comes from different places, you know, to a sanctuary like Canada.
Right, but what's the intention of coming here?
It may initially be just to escape the fighting
Escape the drought,
right to escape ignorance.
But it has to change.
We have to we have to be able to. And that's the concept of touch deed, right? That you renew yourself.
You see, if you renew you put life into yourself. So maybe for a period of time, you have the wrong hegira. You make touch deed of your nia.
You see it, you renew your intentions.
So this is a really important concept for us. And that's the reason why I believe part of the reason why after the mercy of Allah, why this Omar has lasted so long.
Because otherwise, with all the attacks that have been on the Muslim world, we should have been they should be writing about us in history books. After the Mongols hit us. We will not supposed to be left alive.
After the Crusaders came on us, over and over and over and over and over again. destroying everything to the last outpost on Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, the last outpost, and then even abolishing the caliphate.
They abolished our leader.
Right? But still, we're the fastest growing religion in the world.
Up until now, it's a headless body. It's a chicken like running around without its head.
But it's alive.
Okay, so this is this is a really important way to start.
Number one is number one, because Nia is the important thing of everything right? Is your Nia and your prayers, your fasting? He has a cat everything you do. We have to make nia.
Right. So it's it's the important part of our tax deed, also that we do it for a loss of pinata
serving the community.
Yeah. And you know, and we have stories, and this is what Chuck Jaffa also learned when he was speaking to the people is that there were some people who came here, not practicing Islam. And after a while they stopped practicing Islam here.
Because for the first time, they had to say to themselves, I'm a Muslim, what is a Muslim?
Because when you everybody else is a Muslim around you, you don't even ask. You just do this a lot like everybody you fast like whatever. But now you're in a place with as Christians, Buddhists, people with no religion, people who hate religion, atheist. Now, you say you're a Muslim, what is a Muslim, somebody's going to ask you.
And if you don't know, then you're forced to do research. And that research is actually a blessing.
So the person does the research, and then reads the life of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
and falls in love with him,
reads the court and for the first time for the meaning.
So just listen to Tada, we have prayer. You're like a parrot.
Now he reads it, the explanation, and now knows what it says for the first time.
So that person in a sense, you can say, takes another Shahada.
They renew their Dean, maybe at 25 years old, maybe 35 years old, he renews his religion. Maybe she never used the cover up at all. And she comes here and now she puts on her job. And the strange thing is, they may go back to the country.
Right? And when they go back, they're practicing Islam. And everybody looks at them. So what happened to you?
You're Canadian, man, you're supposed to come here with you know, like, look and cool, man, what you're here flipped up and, you know, whatever. And now you got to be it and you want to go to Asia. What is this
is supposed to look good. I was on a plane one time flying to the Caribbean. You know, and I looked at this, this girl at the sister and I looked into something different about her.
And her eyes were like, blue, but she doesn't have blue eyes.
So I said like, excuse me like what is this?
She said no, I'm coming from Canada, right? So I gotta have blue eyes. You can put in the fault lenses make your eye change. So she won't look Canadian, right. So she put her blue eyes.
This is a complete reversal.
It's coming back with Dean
and inspiring people. That is
The power of Islam.
You see, some even say it's part of what the western sunrises like the sun rising in the West.
Right out of the Western countries came many Muslims who inspired people, even in the Muslim countries. So this hadith of Nia is very intention important to set the stage. Another one, ID number two,
which is a very important ID for me
to explain what is happening
sometimes people will say like we're Muslims, we have the Koran we have prophets of Salaam, why are we not on the top?
Why are we not the best in the world? Why is these things happening?
What's going on?
The Prophet Sal seldom said this hadith number two.
Abu huraira reported that the messenger will also sell them said gomati howdy he omoton martoma Lisa la hora de bonfils Akira at Abu hanifa dunya alphington was the Lazarus cutter. So he said this my nation Almighty have he?
Oh, Martin mahoma you see it my nation. Almighty. Right is a nation that has mercy on it. Mercy mahoma right, from Rama.
Its punishment is not in the hereafter.
But it's punishment is in the dunya in this world fitten sollozzo Kata
fitten is the plural of fitna,
which is a trial a temptation, a gray area confusion.
And Zazzle is the earthquakes and cuttle is murder.
So when you look at this now, it's an Abu Tao Dibley, magia and Akhmad slightly different forms. Very important to understand what's going on.
What's happening to us, is actually a mercy.
It's a wake up call.
Allah subhanaw taala is waking us up from a deep sleep.
Okay, what is because the punishment is not going to be in the next life meaning.
And when we were looking at journey of life, we found out that there are some Muslims who because of their sins, they will enter the fire.
They are Johanna miyun. The people of Johanna they're Muslims, right. And they will burn for a period of time, but
then they will come back out. Because there is a grain of tawheed in them.
Right, they would not last forever in the fire.
Okay, so the punishment is not a next life. I mean, ultimate, but the punishment is here.
In other words, yo, yo, our way, our wake up call is right here.
And it will be fitna there will be trials, temptations, confusion, like this is part of a wake up call, right.
There will also be natural disasters.
right. And many of these earthquakes in the past 20 years or so, have hit Muslim countries. Look at the list of them. Look at the tsunamis and whatnot. And earthquakes. Okay and murder. And now we see it. Of all the people in the world. Muslim blood right now. It means nothing to people.
Right? Look at the press. Look what happens
every day. How many 100 die in Afghanistan. These one die in Syria. This one dies in Iraq. This one dies on Somalia. This one dies in Mindanao in the Philippines. There's no Muslim. I mean, over a million Uighur Muslims in China are in prison or in concentration camps. Could you imagine if 100,000 Europeans were in concentration camps? Could you imagine if 1000 Canadians were in concentration camps
being tortured? What would happen?
You see? So this is a punishment. And it is to wake us up. And this has happened to us
at different points in Islamic history. And this I believe we're where we're going now. There's there's something big major coming next. That's what we said when we looked at the Hadith. And we found
that just about all of the minus signs of cuyama have been completed.
Only thing that appears
To the left of the major is the muddy
that literally one will be raised up. But oppression is going to be intensified on us until the reaction comes. Okay? But Allah knows best.
It could be another 100 years, because they thought the same thing 500 years ago. Mr Masuda he thought that it was close.
Right? Mr. Massoud
that 16th century, right?
So So Allah knows best when it's going to actually happen. But we do know, it is what we call Sonata law.
It is the way of Allah. And I go back, and it's important for you, many of you have studied this. But I always go back, when I look at our situation, to the 13th century of the Common Era,
when the Muslim world was widespread,
Baghdad was the richest city on earth.
And Muslims were divided into nation states, right all on their own.
The Khalifa was symbolic. He was a young guy, and he just played most of the time with roses and writing poetry.
Right, his army was only like 12,000 is supposed to be the ruler of the Muslim world.
Right, and the allama would pay the tiny amount of money. They said the slave of the halifa
alladhina Tbilisi, his crops, brought about 300,000 dinars per year. This is the slave of the halifa slave accord doesn't mean somebody in the plantation is rich man, right. But he's under the control of the Khalifa.
And all of them are only getting like 50 you know, dinars per month.
Right? That one of the scholars Eben alethia. He said around this time of the explosion,
there was no Hajaj from Baghdad Tameka
nobody went no * group, because they said they didn't have time to make Hajj.
So nobody went from Baghdad to Mecca. And it's the richest city in the world, right? It's not that far, either. Right.
And it's at that time that they came in conflict with a nation far to the north east,
the north east of Asia.
And they insulted some of their merchants and killed some of their people. And the leader of this group, whose name was gangers. Han,
he said, there's only one sun in the sky. And there's only one con on this earth.
Right? And he unleashed his people on the Muslim world unleash them.
And you read the story of what Mongols did, you will not believe it.
You think it's a fantasy? It cannot be real.
Okay, what they what they did. And the biggest problem was our disunity, all the things that we were doing to each other. Right, the weaknesses. This is a punishment unleashed on us.
Serious punishment. And it is forces continued going through killing hundreds and 1000s of people.
Right, moving from city to city. And when he came to Baghdad, and the writer is reporting that
they surrounded by dad and the halifa was listening to his favorite belly dance.
So she was dancing. He was enjoying it right? And they shot an arrow, and it went through the curtains in the hollyford Castle, and it killed his belly dance.
This isn't a report.
Okay. Now, what would you do?
He said, Take her out of there. Get me another bellydancer
This is a state of insanity, right? Your city is surrounded like that. It's a total insanity. It's like somebody's on drugs, right?
And the Mongols, as you know, destroyed Baghdad, you know, killed millions destroyed the books. And when they were about to destroy the rest of the Muslim world, and to go into Mecca and Medina, then sayfudine Kratos Rahim Allah of the mom, Luke's of Egypt, he united the Muslims, and they defeated the Mongols and Angel loot, which is in Jordan.
They defeated them. They were on their way to Mecca, Medina.
They defeated them and they drove them back. And some of the Mongols when they saw Muslims standing up, they start taking Shahada becoming Muslim.
Right. And then Islam spread amongst even the Mongols. They became the moguls of India, right
It started to spread and that period of time under the mom, Luke's is one of the Golden Ages of Islamic literature.
Many of the scholars you know, even Cathy and you know, you know federal badie many scholars, you know many of the books is in mameluke period
right after the destruction, right? It was a golden age.
Okay. So, this is our reality. And as we go into the methodology of tax deed,
we need to reflect on our situation.
When we have the context, context is important, then we understand the need for change. So, this is how we will approach
our subject, we will reflect upon, you know, what is happening in the Muslim world, and then we will look find the methodology of change, how do we bring about the change within ourselves and the change within our families and the change within our nation?
What open up the floor for any final questions that anybody has concerning
tax deed floors open for any questions.
So, this text here 40 Hadith, we have there are available here, the $15 online and here just for $10. And those who may be listening in the listening or visual audience, Hakeem www dot Hakeem quick, h j. k. Im qu ic You can get it online. Also 40 hadith of Islamic revival. Okay, so this is the text This is the button and we will be looking at the different
subjects, you know, and how we revive Islam in ourselves and our families and in the Muslim world. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot Have mercy on me and you are Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh