Abdullah al Andalusi – Right-wing news channel attacks Mohammed Hijab & UK Muslims to distract from Gazan genocide

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The conversation discusses the negative views of Sharia law in Britain, including those of Muslims who want to see the prophet's face and want Sharia law. The potential for viral videos to penetrate and harm young people more easily than traditional hate clerics is also addressed. The discussion touches on the concern of women's rights in the UK where the majority of Muslims are opposed to Sharia law. The importance of mental maturity in Islam is also addressed, along with the age limit for sexual activities and the use of Sharia law. The speaker suggests that the British public may be hesitant to switch to a different approach to the issue.
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It's 9 PM. I'm Patrick Christes. Tonight
Stay at home. Women's job is to stay
at home. They only come out when there
is a need.
Some Muslims back Hamas want Sharia law around
women to stay at home. Devastating polling reveals
the truth.
Also, we have to face facts. There is
a big problem with the views that too
many Muslims hold in Britain.
Here are those facts.
Only 1 quarter actively don't want Sharia law
in the UK.
want it to be illegal to show a
picture of the prophet Mohammed.
want halal food to be compulsory at all
schools and hospitals.
Only 28%
are opposed to making homosexuality
illegal. On homosexuality,
it's hardly surprising when you've got people spouting
stuff like this online.
We're sitting next to a guy who's gonna
go and penetrate and *
another guy tonight.
And you're gonna you're gonna expect a lot
to give you victory because you're standing next
to a guy who's gonna literally insert his
* into another man's back
passage. We've spoken a lot on this show
about the desire for a Muslim political party.
Well, it turns out that only
16% of British Muslims would be opposed to
that. Hamas is a prescribed terror group. They
are a terrorist organization.
of British Muslims have more sympathy for Hamas
than Israel, and only a quarter of British
Muslims apparently think Hamas committed * and murder
on October 7th.
This is stark,
but here are the statistics that show that
unless something changes, Britain is frankly
doomed. Here are the stats for young British
18 to 34 year olds tended to have
the most extreme views.
53% of them sympathize with Hamas apparently.
They are the most likely
to want to make Islam a national religion,
and they are the most likely to want
to impose
Sharia law. I think this is probably the
nail in the coffin for integration and assimilation.
It also appears that Muslims who were born
and raised in Britain, who had exposure to
our way of life and our culture
are more likely
to have
more extreme views.
So what is happening there?
I suspect that viral videos online are penetrating
and poisoning young minds
more easily than traditional hate clerics in mosques
ever could, for example. We have young, high
profile Islamic scholars appearing to justify having sexual
relations with children.
If you look just at the Quran,
you will get
the indication that you can have sexual *
with a 5 year old. No. The reason
why it's haram to have sexual * with
a 5 year
old is not found in the Quran at
If you just read the Quran, it is
halal. It would just it would be halal
to have sexual * with 5 year old.
Chapter 65
verse 4.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us who you
can divorce and who you cannot divorce.
And then he says, and
the ones who had never
been pubescent before.
I think most people will find that concerning.
We have people preaching about women being whores.
A woman who comes out of her house
perfuming herself,
every single eye that looks at her.
She's an adulteress woman.
Clips like that show that this really should
be a women's rights issue. The pushback,
I think, should be on women's rights if
nothing else.
What would women's rights be in this man's
version of Britain?
Well, that brings down governments because what?
When men men and women start free mixing.
Allah destroys the government.
Islam is reportedly the fastest growing religion in
the UK, and there is a surge in
young white British boys converting.
The latest figures show that the generation of
British Muslims coming through now are apparently
more extreme than we've seen before. Look. People
can make their own minds up about this.
I mean, do you honestly think that the
so called religion of peace is here to
and blend in or not? Well, let's get
the thoughts now, and I'm looking forward to
this, With Abdullah
Al Andalusi,
who's cofounder of the Muslim debate initiative. Look.
Thank you very, very much. I know a
lot of people, myself included, are concerned when
we see figures and stats coming out like
that. Is there a concern
with assimilation? Do you think assimilation has failed?
I think you've, perhaps forgotten the the supposed
traditional values of Britain. Britain doesn't is not
meant to care what you believe.
Many of the beliefs that you cite for
Muslims have held by traditional Christians,
Jews, and many other religions in this in
this society. In fact, for the majority of
English history, they've probably been more aligned to
Muslim views than your post Christian and more
atheistic secular worldview.
Oh, have we still got him? I think
we might have lost him. I'll just trouble
chat. Sorry. I'm not sure if we might
have lost you there. I'm just gonna ask
you another question just to make sure. Do
you think it's a concern? Do you think
have we lost him? Okay. Alright. Well, look.
Let me go to my panel. That's a
shame. Hope we will try and get him
back. Let's get to my panel now. Daily
Express columnist Carol Malone, journalist
and broadcaster, Benjamin Busworth, and political commentator,
Susanne Evans. Hopefully, he'll be able to bring
Abdullah back very, very shortly. But, look, Carol,
I will start with you on this now.
I think there is a concern, isn't there?
When we look at some of the statistics
that we've seen there
about the number of people, for example, who
would like to make it illegal to show
a picture of the prophet Mohammed. I mean,
that is blasphemy laws, isn't it? That yeah.
That's the truth. Yeah. Absolutely.
You know, I'm shocked by what I just
saw there. I mean, those people should be
behind bars now. Advocating * with 5 year
olds. My god.
Yeah. For the people who want Sharia law,
no, Sharia
law directly
liberal democracy. It's an it's an extreme
oppressive law, which mainly hurts women and children
by the sound of it from from your
film there. You know, it it it has
no place in this country. These people, you
know, who are advocating this, they they you
can't have 2 laws running in one state
because what they want is a state within
a state, and that's called a caliphate, Patrick.
Alright. Alright. We're just gonna park with that
because I believe that we can just bring
back in now Abdullah Andalusi. Yes. Thank you
very much. Sorry that we knocked you there
for a second. Look.
More than
57% apparently want things like compulsory use of
allowed food. I think I'm a bit less
bothered about that, to be honest with you.
I mean, I think things like, for example,
52% of people making it illegal to show
a picture of the prophet Mohammed. I mean,
that is turns out to a blasphemy law,
isn't it? Would you be in favor of
Well, Britain had a blasphemy law, actually, only
until very, very recently. It was, it was,
against the law to blaspheme the trinity
and so on. So this was actually part
of the British statute, a traditional British laws
for for centuries. Not that now.
So well, okay. So you wanna if you
would change your mind, that's up to you,
you know, but the issue is this that
in England, you should have the right to
have your beliefs as long as you don't
violently force anyone else to change theirs. Why
is that not acceptable for Muslims to to
to hold this? We a 100 years ago,
they were complaining about Jews not assimilating and
doing that. That Jews were having a separate
society, ghettoizing themselves, having, belief that were on,
un British as Oswald Mosley, the the union
of British fact the the the British Union
fascists leader said. And now we're having repetition
of the same arguments, but now it's the
Muslim's turn, to be asked these questions. Can
I just ask you, is that is that
fundamentally true, though? I mean, when I look
at these things now, like, younger Muslims are
the most likely to sympathize with Hamas, which
are a prescribed terror group, or that younger
Muslims are most likely to want to declare
Islam as a national religion. There is, I
think, a concern
that potentially the younger generation is becoming, dare
I say it, more radical?
A national religion, not the national religion. Look
at the questions that was asked by the
Henry Jackson Society, a society who's, associate director
previous one, Douglas Meyer, was famous for saying
that conditions for Muslims must be made harder
across the board.
Some might say that it's an attempt at
race baiting a religious demographic whose opinions
are shared by many across the British demographic
spectrum. I do think that this poll is
a red herring to divert people's attentions away
from the more impressing issue of a current
genocide and and, and 40,000 dead Palestinians
as well as UN reports of systematic *
of Palestinian women by the Israeli Defense Force.
Cater to how the people could be able
to respond to saying that the Quran
justifies you having * with a 4 or
5 year old.
Okay. So this is, someone I know, Mohammed
Al Jabbar. If you watch the entire video
clip, he doesn't say that you can have
* with a 5 year old. He he
then makes you you cut it. Alright. Continue
seeing the rest of the clip. He actually
explains that when you look at the other
evidences that Islam has, it it is clarified
the age limit when you can have, when
you can get married to somebody. Age limit?
Well, in in traditional Islam as well as
in, Judaism and so on and so forth,
it is, it is puberty and mental maturity.
So once you have mental maturity and the
the body is physically capable of reproduction with
no health, issues,
that's which can can depend on on on
the individual and society, what have you,
then that's what's the there's no hard and
fast that It must be 60 or 80
years old. What would would is is that
what would happen then? So under sharia law,
would the law of the land be
that interpretation?
only 1 in 4, apparently, Muslims say that
it would be undesirable to have Sharia law,
which the implication would be that they will
be quite happy to have that in this
country as the law. Well, when when you
ask a Muslim, do do you want Sharia
law? You're you're basically asking them, do you
want to live under like, you're asking a
Christian. Do you want to live on the
Christian values? You're asking a Jew. Do you
want to live on the Jewish lines?
The Sharia law only applies to Muslim. It
doesn't it's never ever applied even for the
the medieval Islamic caliphates. It never applied to
Christians, Jews, and others. It's only for Muslims.
There's no point making Jews and Christians follow
Sharia Sharia law. It's not going to improve
their their Muslimness.
Right? So, the key the case is that,
Sharia law is only a a work to
get Sharia. So because what Sharia just means
Sharia is only for Muslims. And, of course,
Muslims want to live well. Just even if
they're not following Sharia
by by being polite and I do appreciate
what you're saying. I do understand what you're
saying. And and, you know, I do really
appreciate you coming on. I I do wanna
just drill down on this. It's the final
point there, which is the yeah. If we
do have only 1 in 4 people saying
it will be undesirable to live under Sharia
law, And if under Sharia law, it would
be okay to engage in sexual acts with
someone of puberty or or mental capacity. Do
you not think that's a concern?
Well, you're saying you're saying it's a concern
if you have a a law that allows
people who are both mentally mature, so they're
mentally adults,
and they're physically adults, to engage in consensual
relations. So what what would be your contention
against that?
Well, be that the law of the land
at the moment is that you have to
be of consenting age, which will be 16.
Well, you're currently 16, but in all the
European countries, it varies between 14 to 18.
In some European countries, in some place, even
20 years old is the age limit. And
6 and 16 is is sleeping with a
minor, so to speak. So British might be
the British might be So you're not you're
not against it being younger than that. You
know, you wouldn't be against it. I'm I'm
simply saying that the the you're asking Muslims
what is the the Muslim belief is in
this poll. Right? So they're going to explain
it to you. They're not gonna say that
they want to change the law of the
land, law of Britain Oh. To make it
into whichever system. That that wasn't in there.
But but also, you see the thing is
this, the the the poll brought out some
really strange results. Because if you're arguing that,
we have to follow the majority opinion in
whatever poll. According to this poll, 56% of
the British public said that they don't trust
trust Jewish community leaders in the UK when
they talk about, Palestine and Gaza. That's actually
in the poll. So do we have to
follow the majority then?
Also in the poll, apparently, the wider British
public is,
is twice, expressed 6% of the British public
has expressed a positive attitude towards ISIS.
Right? So where's the outcry about this? Is
the wider bridge possible? There is I think
there is quite a I think, to be
fair, there is quite a lot of outcry
on that. I mean, I've had I've certainly
expressed a lot of outcry about that on
the show. But, look, thank you very much.
Abdullah, I would like to talk to you
again, and I hope we can do that.
So Abdullah and Lucy, though, is the cofounder
of the Muslim debate