Abdulbary Yahya – What Is Considered A Sunnah – Umdatul Ahkam

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of the Prophet sallama in clothing, with the importance of not following actions and proving that one is not virtuous. They also discuss the importance of praying at home during busy prayer times and the use of visual signs to indicate when people are praying before or after a prayer. The importance of timing for prayer and avoiding loss of handles and misunderstandings is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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for Katherine Bader Juma work

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for UK IT environment.

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So this particular hadith is from Abdullah neuroma, the Allahu Anhu. And Norma uma is a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very keen in trying to follow the Sunnah, trying to follow the footsteps of the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam. So much so that he would sometimes when he would make hides, he would go to a particular place, and he would lay down to rest and he said, I actually didn't need to rest. But when I made hij, when I was with the province of Lavanya, herself, I saw him doing so there. And even from Arafa to must deliver the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he went to urinate at a certain place, after hours. And then he

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made he made a quick look. And then he arrived again had mostella find him it will do again then he prayed. So he made a quick note that he actually made a longer will do when he went to Metallica. And when he went to urinate at that particular place, the Messenger of Allah Allah and he has urinated because he had to do so. But Abdullah Abdullah, I have seen the message remember that the Messenger of Allah went to a particular area, he remember that during the heads down the prophets of Allah who was time and they went to urinate there also. And he told the people who are with him, he said, actually didn't need to urinate. But I remember seeing the Prophet silver linings and doing

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so. And sometimes he was with the Messenger of Allah Azza wa. Jal, he was

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in Hachi. He said, I wish my Campbell stepped on the same area where the camera of the prophets of Allah annex have stepped on. So when you look at this hadith, or look at his actions, the actions of Abdullah Muhammad Abdullah was someone who love to follow the actions of the prophets of love and to love the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who wanted to follow every single footstep of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so this was, this was the type of person that he was, this is the kind of person that Abdullah adenoma, Noma, the law and who was, and so you, you'll see him relating ID, from the messenger of allah sallallahu. And many ideas about

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fall about the Sunnah and his actions, because this is what he loved. But also I just wanted to mention it. So now, let's say if you know that the purpose of them urinate at a certain place, is it so not to do that? No, it's not. So in fact, whenever the Prophet summarize or more, or whatever he did, if there is no principle or no acid, in the Quran, or the Sunnah, that tells us of its virtues, then it remains something it's known as AI that is just regular normal things that people do. So it doesn't mean that sooner to do those things, it's just something that's necessary, or something that was part of their culture. And so like, there's some types of clothing that the Prophet symbolizes

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from when used to where are we it is so nice to wear those types of clothing. If there are no virtues connected to it, we say it's not so nice. So for example, there are many, many a hadith about the prophets of Allah has been wearing a turban, and then that's considered an action that is Motorwagen. That means there's no doubt that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Companions, they used to Wear the turban. And there's no doubt about that. We know that they did that. But it's it's certainly to wear a turban, do you get extra reward for wearing a turban? Well, there are many ideas that mentioned the virtues of wearing a turban. But those Hadith are not

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acceptable. Those Hadith do not reach the level of acceptability in terms of its authenticity. So if they're not, so hey,

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not Hassane not acceptable, in terms of the level of the Hadith, then it cannot be applied to us as legislation, or as a rule to say that this is virtuous. But if someone does so out of their love from the profit or the profits of a lot of some of them wanting to be like the Messenger of Allah, so wanting to follow his actions, even though they're just in regular normal actions, then we say that love the purpose of the lives and this was sunnah, but not the actual action itself. Why? Because the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah has some use to where it is. Right? What's the EES are? Is out is the lower garment. Right that we use that some some of the elders in Southeast Asia and

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Somalia, I think in Somalia, they call that out

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Marquise, Marquise, so the Companions used to wear them.

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And they also used to, they used to, you know, even during Hajj, right, they believe

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the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, discover opinion and the narrations. And he made him when he made his

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was not white.

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It was actually green

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that he wore was actually green. But it's not, it's just acceptable. Most people now

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dev allah sallallahu is and didn't specify what color to wear. So there's no virtue over this color or that color. It's just that people have it's come to this to sort of like, something that's acceptable that people were white. But it's not necessary. You don't have to wear white, whatever clothing clothes you have, in the old days, not everybody had the sheets, they just wherever they had, and whether it's different color or not just as long as it's not clothing, pants and shirt, that is permissible. In fact, it was their normal clothing around the poor people. That's all they had was sheets that they used to wear. And that was their daily clothing. And sometimes it was just

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white. Other times it was certain colors, whatever they could find, wherever they could find. So when it comes to some of these actions, how do we define what is sadhana and what's not. So we'll have their certain virtues connected to those actions, either via by word of the prompts on the line. So for Hadith, or

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for by general principles of Islam that we can establish from Hadith, or if, then we say that those are considered add in something that's added, for example, if somebody were to, you know, were, you know, during the time of the province, so they used to work open, but that was something that was out of necessity.

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You know, when you're in the desert, and you know, when you're traveling in the desert, especially in hot countries, what do you need to cover yourself?

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You need to, you need the sheets, right? And you need to, you need to cover yourself from that heat. I mean, it's so hot, right? You might say, well, you know, we want to let the heat escape, the heat outside is hotter than your body temperature. And if that's the case, of course, you don't want you know, either the heat and so it's so strong, that you want to cover yourself, but you want to cover yourself. And so they used to use that often to cover themselves. But when the when the wind storms on the sand storms, very difficult to see. And very difficult to breathe when you don't have anything to cover yourself. So they would use that. And they also used to wear the call they put on

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their head. That was something that was not stylish.

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It wasn't something that was was it something that was, you know, something a fashion statement? No, it wasn't, it's out of necessity. That's what they used to tie their camels

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to kind of camels because in the desert, you don't have trees to tie your camels to. So you put that in the needs of the camera and the camera can't get up. And so is it Sunday to weather and we know that some of the competitors they made the profit some use of it. Maybe he worked on his head. And that's what that's easiest place to put it right? We keeps also your your turbine, or you can you know, it's where are you going to put it, you know, it's easy to put it, wrap it around your head. And then when you need it, you tie your camel with it. And so that's what they use. That's what they need it because they have camels. So they're just like us carrying keys, just like us caring for

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them. That's like how they used to that's like the keys to lock up the account was they'll go. So is that so no, no, we say that it's not so now because there's nothing virtuous, it's just something that they needed. A necessity. And so as long as a as an action, like you're needing something that's, that's normal, if we say that that is So now imagine that place how bad it would smell if everybody every program came and we went to he said okay, so now you have to urinate in that area. Leila, right, but it's not. But if somebody does, so is a you know, out of love for the province a lot of times I get the love of the province of London. And that's not that's, you know that that is

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an action. That's not considered sudden. And so if somebody believes something that's virtue, something is virtuous, you have to have proof that it is virtuous, but you don't have proved it is virtuous. Otherwise, it remains just an act, a normal normal act. And so our beloved alma de la and he said so late

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Rasulullah sallallahu

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I prayed with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Iraq

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before the

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two raka before, who was Abdullah neuroma? He was a young man in the battle that he wanted to join the Muslims.

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He wanted to join also, in even in the battle as a side of the battle. He wanted to join the Muslims in fighting for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not allow him because he was under the age of puberty and in the mountain, the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah who did not allow them to fight until they have reached the age of puberty. So he was a very young man. But he said, I pray with the prophets of Allah and it was up to us before the horse. So here, Salat what, what chapter we are speaking about, and the very mirror. This chapter is about what

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it's the section on prayer. But what's the chapter on? What are we speaking about? All these ideas are about what

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the Bible remember.

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Prayer, what kind of prayer? Yes.

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This chapter is on Bob guitar was Bob tagless.

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Algebra. Remember, we said, this is this chapter that we're talking about? All the ideas are about praying and congregation. Now, this hadith here says I prayed with too much as before.

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This is this congregational prayer.

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said it's not a prayer, but it sort of is what remember they have different route different Hadith. So by default, what kind of prayer do we pray? Do we come together to pray?

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Do we all come together to pray Sunnah prayers.

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We pray the obligatory for every every person. Praise the Sunnah individually, right? And then when it's time to pray the prayer, prayer, the mother prayer, the Isha prayer, or the fajr prayer. That's when you come together in GEMA. In congregation, so what version of prayer? But here, why is this hadith mentioned in the book, the chapter on congregational prayer, because it's, it's indicating to us that of course, obligatory prayer, you can play mandatory, but it's also permissible once in a while if you want, you can pray, you can pray congregational prayer, with an individual, one person and so forth. Especially for example, you have a young man or you have your son coming to the masjid

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with you. Right? He's learning to pray for you bring him to the masjid. And you say, Come on, son. Let's pray. And so what do you do? What do you pray? You're waiting for the word prayer. And while you're waiting for the word prayer, what do you do? You stand up to pray sunnah. Now, when you pray sunnah, what should you do? Can you say? Can you pray with your son like you need your son is next to you? And he follows you? Do people do that?

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Yeah, people do that all the time. They bring their sons to the masjid. And they're praying and then the son is placed next to the Father.

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The same page next to the Father, and that's congregation by default. Normally, you don't do that. But what

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he's saying here, I prayed with the province on to reference before it's over to run before. He says ma Rasulullah sallallahu earliness. And I prayed with him. So that means the

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Sunnah two rakats, which was and Abdullah Norma was playing next to him with him. He was of course a young man. Right?

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It's permissible. It's permissible, but it's not something that you gather people to pray congregation behind you. You have one person with you. You want to pray and prayer? Because it's yours. You bring in Matthew to the masjid.

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And then of course, they just want to follow maybe they have reached the age of puberty, even if they have like, you know, in case I miss prayed

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and prayed this prayer before. So he says here so late to my house to the law he's

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coming. What are these two before the word? This is not before the prayer. Do you understand? This is before the actual prayer or not before

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don't have time. Because of the Florida time, about 15 minutes before Uber.

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It's one of the times it's forbidden to play.

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Like we live right now comes at 115.

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Do you see what?

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From one from 105 to 110 Oh 105 to 115. Before.

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This is not permissible to pray, because that's when the time is right above your head. And it's one of the times it's prevented. Most people come because that's why we love our prayer department we pray 130 We make the payment

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before the other during that particular time there's a time of forbidden that's before the hook, it means before the whole prayer after lower prayer time, after the third time

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and to rock

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and I pray to rockers after Juma

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to rock as after mother for rock I attained raesha. So if you look at this, this

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how many rockets is in total here

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and another narration for home as

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well Asia was late to man visa. So a lot of people at

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all Asia world Juma verse on a tomb and visa Lola selfie baby I pray

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the Messenger of Allah someone prayed in his house. What is this prayer is a sunnah

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it also shows that is definitely asked to pray at home. But you can also pray in the masjid. And that's why I asked for Moshe and try. which means which means worded in the masjid with the messenger Allah. So love.

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So he's telling he did the message. So I have a lot of ideas of why you might say, Well, what's he doing inside the house of the prophets of Allah?

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How is he and how does he have access to you? Let me go to the house.

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And then everybody gets access to the house of the prophets of Allah.

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has expertise in the spec.

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is still Yeah, but a lot of young people

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just go you know, just go to somebody's house right after prayer like okay, I'm gonna go to your house. Unless there's a reason

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because it's part of his family who's his family

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whose daughters who

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have survived the law? Who is house have some related to the law.

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house I assisted so if you go, let's say they have a license pending. This isn't his house. This is he knows right? He knows that this today is half psychotic. At the Messenger of Allah when he goes, he's gonna be with Hofstra. Right. So what does he do? Because you're busy, my sister

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has a reason. Oh, yeah, you got your sister's house. Right? You can go any time, right? Most of us. Our families are very close. Okay, system, I'm hungry. Can you get the food? Right?

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You're hungry? You're like, you know, neighborhood. You're like, Can I get some food sir house to pray with a

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is able to read that he says the Messenger of Allah Allah, You know what, it's today, he's gonna be with my sister, I'm just gonna visit also to so that he can benefit and be with the Messenger of Allah. So I'm also he has reason to do so because that is, you know, that's my sister's house, that the Prophet said a lot of times, there's a heap size on what we mean. And she's also the sister of our beloved

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woman. And so he says, I pray.

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I pray to that as before.

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Now, when we learned about Sunon

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cloud workouts, how many is before the hot enough?

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Is it two and two?

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Is it two and 442424? First, and then two. So this is another indication here. Notice it says, I prayed before and after. But the Messenger of Allah used to pray for

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Like as I also knew, he said, I prayed for I pray to rockers with the process of aligning who I prayed with the promise of their lives in this house. So, what is this? Indicate? There's some there readers that have narrated that the Prophet sallallahu prayed after Juma to Raka. And there are some narrators that say amongst them as Abdullah Ahmad, they said that the Prophet Salam used to pray after Doom I forgot.

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Anybody know why he said, Pray for Raka

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because he saw him praying and the message to me is I'm praying another two in his house. So he says four and the other one says two because they didn't go to his house. So they only saw two. So this is another also another benefit they think we can extract from this idea is to try to divide and to make some of your Sunnah prayers at home. And if you think you can pray at home, then you do so. If you sometimes you know you I am the leader for home, you just pray in the masjid, right? Better than you waiting to go home and maybe you get busy. And then the best thing to do, why don't you try to hear and then you go home, you pray another two. That's the best. Why? Because you get the virtues

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of praying. And even if you're not able to pray at home, you're deployed to Iraq as at least. And if you're able to pray at home, you remember and you have time you can pray at home. You have the virtues of praying your Sunnah prayer at home, which is more rewarding. That's more rewarding and that's why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam divided his suddenness between the masjid and his house. Sometimes you would pray in His house sometimes you'd pray in the masjid sometimes he would split them two and two. And so this is we've even been either before or after. So here we are left within an abnormal radula line we'll call our destiny Hafsa. And then another

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narration Hafsa is the one that told him right so Hafsa is I told him and then the beasts of Allahu Allahu wa sallam Can you suddenly say the detainee huffy fight any bad yet?

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Alpha so here any said have I heard from Hafsa? Right? Why would he? Why did he hear from Hassan because you know, at nighttime, you don't want to visit your sister at nighttime. Right? In the daytime, maybe right early in the morning, you know, people are just waking up. It's not an appropriate time to visit. So he said, so he wanted to know why is he's mentioning this. Remember? He's very keen. He's trying to find out how did the Prophet sunnah pray. So he's waiting for the days as he goes to have such house and there's some times in which he's not able to go because it's not appropriate to visit someone at nighttime. Even though you can sometimes like a build up now,

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but he also would do the same thing. And Abdullah has also had a special special

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relationship also and he was able to visit the houses the rules of the prophets of the room of the Prophet some of the lives and why how's he related to any any anyone? How's the family? Like you have to have some tap very close? Right? To really visit them you don't just visit them because you know they're your cousin

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only you know cousins that are right right but sometimes who are the people usually visit so your sister or

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so who is the art of the prophets of Abdullah numbers?

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Anybody know?

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Who the art

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is art was my Mona

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was the art of the word numbers or the line so he's able to visit also. And sometimes he would spend the night with the prophets of Allah and he was in the rooms are very, very small. But

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sometimes, you know, you don't you don't do it all the time. But he knows that these youngsters like Abdullah

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Abdullah Noma, they were keen, they wanted to go and they had special special position and they wanted to learn from the prophets of Allah Himself. And so they wanted to spend time with the messenger of a muscle alive so Hafsa his sister said that the prophets of Allah I need from Ghana you suddenly such the tiny coffee per day back then yeah tolerance for can and sat and lad Hulu I didn't the visa la vie. See, he even mentioned this and that used to be the time that I would not enter upon the profit some of it

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like that's private time he respected the privacy of the profits of a lot so yes, he visited he took advantage that you know, Hey, that's my that's my sister. I'm gonna go but there certain times you don't visit.

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You're like give him some space. Give them some time. You know, the day time yeah, I'm the last time the whole apple job. Nobody's you know, there's no

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nobody's doing anything little private time that needs. Usually at nighttime, you want to leave them alone. Right? You want to leave them alone. So he said, That was a time that I used to early morning. That's not the time to visit. Our respect for the for the Messenger of Allah still alive. I mean his family. I didn't go visit during that time. And so he had to ask, okay, I want to know, what did he pray. So he says, Sister, how what it is to pray before. And so she said, whatever font you want at

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the break of dawn

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comes in the wake of dawn, he used to pray to dark as very light. When during the break of dawn, that is after fajr came in, which means what? What time is that?

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After the dawn of it,

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before he would go to the masjid. He used to pray to light. And that's the time when he wasn't able to see. So he wanted to ask, he wasn't he wasn't, he didn't feel comfortable. And he thought that was disrespectful to go to his house at that time. So he said, you know, he's asking his sister, how did he used to pray after fajr? Like, did he play anything before at home? He's trying to figure out at home the other times I can go I can see myself and when he sees him for his pray with him.

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Did he at home for the time when the alarm goes off? After that, how much did he What did he used to pray? He used to pray to rock

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to lay very, very light,

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you might say to very very light. So some people when they pray for the two are very quick, very light. You know, light is relative.

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Right? Why did the companions or some of the comparison people

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it was very, very light to the point. Yeah.

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So so love that so quick, does even finish a tattoo. Like it was very quick. Why? Because before that, remember what rap battle is how much

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one rock I was very lucky. So in relative to those records. This is very, very quick. These are two quick doctrines that the prophets of Allah anticorrosive used to pray before Fajr. And so

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this is the just a summary of this Hadith from Abdullah Omar.

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And this hadith, as I mentioned is in

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the chapter on praying congregation and so this is he's talking about what congregational prayer sooner or whatever, and that it is permissible once in a while, not on a regular basis to pray. sunnah proactive, especially in his case, what is he doing? He's trying to follow the prophets of Allah. So he's trying to find out what he prays and he sees him praying he prays with him. He says, I'm praying to pray with him. Did the prophets of the Lord say Come pray with me, congregational prayer? Come join me? No. There's no mention here who is looking to pray with he's looking to pray with his with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in the Messenger of Allah did not that's why it's not

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sunnah, sunnah to call people to pray the congregation of prayer, but if someone wants to pray, then it's permissible. Especially when someone who's younger that you're teaching them like the Prophet civilizer is teaching these young companions these young companions Hey, come come you know he if he's praying with you, and they let him pray with you? And you're like you're saying this pray with you because you're coming especially when the young son you're teaching him you pray with them right and he's gonna when you make report he's gonna make real cool awesome he makes it God makes me dude awesome. You can't you don't need to tell him Hey, no, no, we're not supposed to pray congregation

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that's the next prayer.

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Pray okay. This and this hadith based on what

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the Lord had it and he also subnet to do so. At home because the prophets of Allah Allah who said that, will you to come cavora

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To come people, UT como let's

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make some of your prayers at home and don't make your houses like graveyards. Why? What are graveyards? One of the places that you're not allowed to pray.

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The graveyard. You can pray. You can pray. The only prayer you're allowed to pray in the graveyard is the gym that they're selected.

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If you view if you need to pay Janessa because of janazah prayers only it's mainly due. There's no rule. There's no security. You don't go down. You don't go to court you also do you only stand up

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We are and then

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it you make dua and then that's it. And so you can even pray. It's a dua so that even if you somebody's already buried and you didn't catch the janazah you can still pray Janessa even after they're very why because it's dua supplication is not actual ritual like like the regular five daily prayers or the Sunnah prayers that have reported scheduled. And that's what the prophets have said do not make your houses like the FUBU like the, like, the graveyards, and also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, read surah

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in your houses, because any house do not make it like graveyards

00:30:48 --> 00:30:52

because what the graveyards are not a place where you sit to read Quran.

00:30:54 --> 00:31:12

graveyards are not a place where a person sits to do work to worship Allah. It's a reminder of death. Yes. But in the ritual acts of worship are not supposed to be done in the graveyard but you don't have some Muslims. When somebody passes away and some Muslim countries, what do they do?

00:31:13 --> 00:31:20

They actually hire someone, they pay them to sit at the grave to recite the whole Quran.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:38

Yeah, they actually then the you know, the, you know, what, how long they read. The even it's nighttime is to have light there, they continue to read at the graveyard. And they actually paying them like, first of all, number one, if you're paying someone to do an act of worship, why would he do it?

00:31:39 --> 00:31:45

Why is he doing it because he wants money? And if you want money, what's the value of that act of worship?

00:31:49 --> 00:31:56

Is not sincere you're doing you're paying somebody to do something, but by paying it you're nullifying it.

00:31:57 --> 00:31:59

So you're paying them for

00:32:00 --> 00:32:01

causing more problems.

00:32:03 --> 00:32:27

Yeah, it's not beneficial at all. It's an act it's a bit it's not an act of worship and Allah Subhana Allah knows best. So there are a lot more rulings are conducted this hadith. And I don't want I usually don't like to go past 40 minutes inshallah. So I would like to end it here. If anyone has any questions, we'll continue with this hadith inshallah next week? And shall anybody have any questions related to this? Yes.

00:32:31 --> 00:32:35

We do have the beginning of is when the sun reaches

00:32:36 --> 00:32:44

the roof, that means that your viewer, spheres light, and it's usually the earth is between six and between seven.

00:32:46 --> 00:33:07

The safest is about after 15 minutes. But if you want to be exact, it's about seven or eight minutes after sunrise. Because seven, eight minutes after sunrise, that's the earliest you can pray it. And the earliest you can pray. So when you're looking at it. And it also really depends on depends on where you live also, because if you mentioned it,

00:33:08 --> 00:33:18

it's actually different in different countries. Like reliving a note in the Northern Hemisphere, the sun doesn't rise as quickly. And the summer is different than winter.

00:33:19 --> 00:33:41

Takes longer, because of the time and so forth. So just generally it's about 10 minutes afterwards. So and then from 10 minutes after sunrise. Until Until Until before before the tour went to autonomous comes in, then that's the end. I will do heartbreak. So that's that's the monetary analysis.

00:33:42 --> 00:33:44

And yes

00:33:46 --> 00:33:47


00:33:49 --> 00:33:52

Yes. What time is the winter?

00:33:53 --> 00:33:56

The winter prayer, the beginning of what the prayers

00:33:58 --> 00:34:10

after Asia, South Asia, because during the with the prayer starts, after all the obligatory prayers on that day are done. Dr. McLean starts after motive.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:37

Em a lot of people don't realize that they will actually start tomorrow, if you want to do the AMA lane, because the late night time comes before or after. So if you want to be started after Monday, but with a prayer to only be active after Asia, and from Asia, all the way to is the time for the prayer. It's time for the for the actual with

00:34:39 --> 00:34:40


00:34:45 --> 00:34:47

when it comes to pictures

00:34:49 --> 00:34:59

of course it's considered one of the major sins to to make pictures or to Musa sweat as well as to make

00:35:01 --> 00:35:50

So, if a person does so like making statues or idols or, or pictures of the light on the day, they will be asked to, to blow into it. And then of course, they will not be able to blow life into into these pictures. And so it's not permissible. And the word the worst theme of the Prophet, some of the worst people are the ones who, who make images. The worst people, on the day of judgment are the ones who make images. So now you want to say okay, the ones who make images more severely who what does that mean? Some scholars have mentioned that it's a picture that someone is taking of another person. That's exactly, you're not making the picture. But you're just copying like somebody, like,

00:35:50 --> 00:36:15

like, like a camera, the camera is the exact image of you, they're not trying to draw or anything like that. Because it's like looking in the mirror, right? When you look in the mirror, but at the same time, you're looking at the mirror, as soon as you God, it's also gone. And so that's why some scholars, I mentioned that as long as it's not something that a person keeps in pictures, unless it's out of necessity, like, for like,

00:36:17 --> 00:36:59

passport pictures, or ID pictures, that's something that's necessary. You know, that's something that's necessary, and maybe later on, it might not be necessary anymore. Why? Because you might just use this. There's so many places right now are your eyes, like I can, you know, like I used to go to the airport. And I don't have to show my idea, I have to bring my idea. And I wouldn't be able to go why? Because I would just do this. And they have you know, they have a company called Clear. They take your information. And they take your biometrics. Yeah. And then as soon as you go, you go to the skip everybody line. And they already know because they have your this is more, because you can

00:36:59 --> 00:37:03

take a picture. But you can't take your finger.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:06

You can't take your finger.

00:37:07 --> 00:37:48

You can't do it. There's no, there's no way you can like, you know, pretend to be somebody you can't be unless you have the fuel have nobody and hope nobody has the same exact same thing. Like Suhana Allah's creation, it's like amazing. And so, you know, maybe not maybe later on it won't be necessary, but when it's necessary, then it's permissible. As for digital photography, it's like most scholars have mentioned that it's like more like a mirror. Because if I have I can have, I can have a million pictures here. But as soon as I don't have electricity, says My battery's dead. Can I see an Emmitt? Nothing, it's gone. It's totally gone.

00:37:49 --> 00:38:13

So as long as you're not you, it's not hanging? Because once you do so, it might cause a person to just like, how do the Buddhists they have ancestral worship in China and Southeast Asia, and different in India, they have ancestral worship, so they worship their ancestors. And so when they need something, who do they consult? Oh, ancestors, Please guide us?

00:38:14 --> 00:38:16

Well, your ancestors going to do they're dead.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:40

They don't hear you. And you're calling upon them thinking that they can hear they can't hear you. They're, they're dead. They so it's just the shade long makes them worship them. And then they have pictures of them. And so that that, of course is ship. So doing so might lead to something like shipping, and thus, that's why that's the beginnings of that you have to

00:38:41 --> 00:38:47

review that's not necessary, you should avoid at all costs. And the loss of handles Miss

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