Abdulbary Yahya – Gems From Surah Yusuf

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the benefits of using words in writing to attract listeners and emphasize the importance of interpreting dreams and the use of words in a positive way to avoid feeling lost. They also discuss the difficulties of aligning with the Prophet's words and the importance of patient behavior in dealing with loss of power. The speakers emphasize the need for patient behavior and strong family connections, particularly in teaching children in Arabic and English language. They also mention a woman who had a difficult time finding a new job due to her loss of power and emphasize the importance of teaching children in Arabic and English language to benefit their children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Canada, oceans

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in the

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movie, right?

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beginning of the movie, you see, you see this guy running, running, running, running, all of a sudden, you see that he has a scar on his face.

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And you see this flash.

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It's one of those lights, a couple of the police officers. And he's running and then you hear the sirens. And you see some gunshots.

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And it's a very intense scene, isn't it scenes, which is two people having breakfast.

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And you have no idea what has just happened? Who is this guy? Who is this guy? That's just one across the screen with the Scarface? I know he looks pretty ugly. Why is it that people are shooting at him.

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And so we don't know. right from the very beginning of surah. Yusuf.

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Allah Subhana, Allah tells us with the use of the

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end right,

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was shocked.

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He said,

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Indeed, I saw the dream

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11 stars,

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and the Senate that would prostrating to me

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the very beginning, you're like, Whoa, what happened? What does this mean? That it starts, but just you start reading it, and you start finding.

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And then at the end, Oh, you know what that means right? Now, probably, this is a movie, you go back to the beginning season, oh, I understand who that guy was. Right, you come back to it. And so if you think and reflect upon the story of profit use of a seller, you have everything

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to handle, you have jealousy, you have envy. You have a very merciful Father. And you have yet to have somebody who was very old, and you have someone who starts off

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being thrown into the world and he ends up in the palace as a slave and then he becomes the most influential person in Egypt. Not only is he the most influential person, in the whole area, why? Because when, when the drought afflicts the whole area.

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People come from all over the place, he has done such a good job of taking care of the finances of Egypt, that during the hardest times,

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they have extra surplus of grains and food that other people from other areas are cutting into. So look how much how beneficial proper use of it was for Egypt.

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Very, very beneficial. And you also have, you have everything, every anyone everyone can relate to it also, if you're a father, you can relate to it. If you are a mother, you can relate to it. If you are a slave, you can relate to it. If you're a king, you can relate to it. If you are a merchant, you can relate to the viewer. You can relate to the house, all right, there's everything there.

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Everything is mentioned there. And so there are so many benefits that we can extract one verse after the next, another intriguing aspect of the story of Prophet Yusuf, that everybody loves,

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interpretation of dreams.

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Who amongst us does not have dreams. And sometimes we see dreams.

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we look forward to the patient who can interpret the dreams are not

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remembered from the very beginning to the end. It's just the Curiosity because everybody wants to know the future.

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Everyone wants to know the future. And so we learned from the story of Prophet Yusuf,

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that our dreams are from a loss of Canada, that a pious person and some people are given the ability to interpret dreams. So how do you know if somebody can interpret dreams or not? How do you know that you can interpret dreams

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or not?

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How do you know

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if you're able to interpret dreams or not? And so in the story, of course, the use of those things are also covered.

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Yeah, talk a little bit more about

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the already like that.

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I just mentioned to you every single aspect of it.

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That's because it's the most beautiful story

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in the history

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of that

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engine knows that this was revealed.

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And so that's why every single verse of it is so beautiful. And it's a miracle in itself. And the loss of Hamlet starts off with

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And of

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course, there are different opinions amongst the scholars are what this actually means. For some of the scholars have mentioned that Allah Allah knows best what it means. Some of the scholars have one of the opinion, but

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it's something that's a secret. And of course, we say Allah knows best with everything. But some of the scholars have said this is a challenge for the IRS,

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a challenge for their housing a challenge for them. And that these are the same ladders.

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The same the exact letters that you use lm lab RA, and you have to understand

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every talk, every speech, every article that is written,

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you have to get the reader's attention from the very beginning. You have to get the listeners attention from the very beginning. A good speaker will get your attention right off the bat.

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Right off the bat.

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He doesn't take off. Oh, today I'm going to be speaking about the story of profit off.

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Right off the bat, you take something you mentioned something that will attract people's attention right away. Why? Because believe it or not, people make a judgement. And they decide whether they want to listen to you or not in the first 20 seconds. You got 20 seconds to make that first impression.

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20 seconds. So you know how sometimes you get up? Everyone's deep, right? He gets up. And he's on the bottom. Everybody's listening right? ready to listen. Immediately when he starts believe or not. At that moment, after 20 seconds, maybe 30% of the people

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they've already decided this lady,

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are they here soon. accent so this person

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let me just come.

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bills to pay, they've already decided whether they want to listen to you or not. You don't have time to start slow. And that's why in the end, a lawsuit starts.

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When the earth

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is shaking, right from the very beginning, it's very powerful

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to get your attention right off the bat. So how does that get you attention?

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Let me see.

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If I started as a lm like that, what do you think would happen?

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with the Arabs, when, when it comes to linguistics, when it came to, to language for Sahaja eloquence that was something that they loved. It was a part of their life.

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It was so important to them that they had fares for it. Like you know, nowadays, what's something that's really that people really like? They like gadgets, right?

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So what do they have, like, you know, Las Vegas every single year when they have What's that? What's that called? The gadgets

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Consumer Electronics Show, right, something but all the new gadgets. That's what they used to have for poetry.

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And so every society that respects something, love something, they will have their sport, so they have various word

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for poetry, for eloquence. And so they get together in these areas, in fact, you know, but,

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but that was an area where they gathered together. That's where they were

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Welcome, and then people that are not the people who live there, but they will come together. And of course, there's other markets in other areas that are bigger than that, that will get together, they would buy and sell. And they would also, the show that they would have with was the eloquence of poetry, and the winning the prize polls would be called the behind him, and the cap. So

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the prize thing they would, people would memorize it.

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So that's what they were proud of.

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Every single time, at the beginning of the song is making these matters, because he's challenging them, that you yourselves are using these letters.

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But can you put together something like that, with the same letters that you have

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these words that you yourself use, this is our ob, R, it's an Arabic or an MS wherever should handle it

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right away.

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This is a book

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in which it is

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every single verse is a miracle I remember before I did not understand that,

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I had to learn Arabic.

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And I remember praying, this is the first time I started, started really comprehending, studying, studying natural thought all of these things.

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And the human brain was

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immediately the first thing that came to my mind. So

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how beautiful is

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that can cannot be

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it cannot be made up by and no no human can put together words like this

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so beautifully. With so with such eloquence and full of meaning. It's not just like, you know,

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what is this? black and blue, and I love you and all kinds of things like, that doesn't make any sense. But it rhymes with my sound nice man has no meaning. Everything is put together some thinking.

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And that's why I love. I love to teach Arabic because

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I wish everyone could experience that. And sometimes, we don't realize

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that even though you know, you might know Arabic but you don't know the classical Arabic, it doesn't have the same effect. So you might use some words that are in the court and in our daily life, but it does not have the same connotation. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala says you are going to be in Wolof

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you're going to be more of a lot of mentions, also the people in our verses.

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Why? Because there's a difference. When you have a house, the top room is a waterfront apartment.

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So you're not going to be in the in the lower floor, you got the Presidential Suite guys,

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presidential suite overlooking the rivers,

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the trees, you got the Presidential Suite, you will have not in the bar.

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And that's why if you know the little little bit difference, it's so much more beautiful. And so this the way that the story of profit use of

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an adventure

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in itself.

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The beauty of it,

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everything, every part of it, that's full of lessons. It's speaking about woman how they gossip. And it's speaking about a society and also how to solve and if you're living in a non Muslim country, believe it or not, it is for us. Prophet Yusuf alayhi salam, you might say, Well, you know, we're surrounded by non Muslims. It's difficult for us how can we be patient prophet Yusuf Ali, Salah was a Muslim in Egypt, which is a non Muslim.

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And he was able to be firm and strong.

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And all the trials and tribulations that he had to go through this Sora was revealed during the hardest D years, the most difficult time for the process of aligning.

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It was after the death of Khadija de la vida, who was his support wherever whenever he would have find any, whenever he would face any problems outside the house. He would, he could always depend on the support inside his house. The comfort was always going to be there.

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But then that was also gone. And then his uncle also who protected him who helped him so much.

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He also passed away that year, and the people rejected him, he did not know where to go, and he went to file, and they rejected him also, they stone tend to the point where his feet was swollen,

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and blood, and has his

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shoe or his hope, were filled with blood.

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And he did not know where to turn

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to call others to this deal. And so it was the most difficult time and part of the

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core and one of the reasons for the revelation of this

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surah is to console the messenger of a loss of

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patients, the consultant. So it was to console the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, to keep him strong also to be to remind him that others before him had faced the great difficulties. And indeed, he faced very great difficulties as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, I said the nasty Bella, and

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those were tried and tested the most of the prophets, and then those who follow in their footsteps.

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They are the ones who are tried the most.

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Why? You might say why, we might say, they were the best, why were they tried the most. So that they can be examples for us in patience.

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So that whatever we will go through whatever we go through, we know that they have gone through much more difficult times, and we did, why can't we be patient, so that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, to be the leader of your patient, so that proper use of money can be a leader. So those are patients and example for us to consult us in our difficulties. And that's why the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, he was on one day he came in, and he said,

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he saw his wife's heart, his wife is above the law. And she said, Oh, wow. All my head, my head words, and the promise of a lot of things. And these were in his final days. He said, but

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when he told me he said, We the profits

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do not feel pain, like what have you. Our pain is multiply.

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And that's why the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah, he was heard when he had his fever. When his fever increased. One of the companions, they touch, he touched him. And he said, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so hot, I could not keep my hands on again.

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Imagine he could not bear to keep his head because the message the message of Allah, so long was so hot. So how much pain do you think?

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And it's fun.

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But you might say that's the message of

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it is to console us. So the next time you feel a headache, you realize that, you know, the messenger bots

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to go through much greater pain than we had for that headache that he felt would never be felt like any one of us. So that we can console yourself, be patient, and I'm going to follow the leader of those organization. And he's the profit margins.

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In patience, if you lost the child, the Messenger of Allah

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three, count them three sons,

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three sons in childhood, when they were very, very young.

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You know how difficult it is? 123 so much so that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever has three children, and they pass away and he's patient,

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they will have what

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they will have.

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They will have paradise.

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A companion said O Messenger of Allah, how about you?

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How about to

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even to

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everyone else who has

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And if we were there, what would you say?

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How about one? Anybody know why the why the companions did not have?

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The reason?

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It wouldn't be obvious like if I was I'd be

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how about one?

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What did you mean?

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Yes, they were

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shy, but they have manners.

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They have manners.

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And that's why when you read the Hadeeth, you will always find the companions asking 123 then they stop.

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Unless he gave the same answer, like, for example, the Hadith of the Prophet SAW

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What happened?

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Right, the who's who has more right for my

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son, your mother. They said, Who next? Your mother, who next? Your mother, they would have stopped, they would never have gotten another question after three minutes. Why did they go? And why did they say

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So that they said, then who next? Your father, right, your father. Now because you stop now for us? How would x

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witnesses stop, but they have manners. That's why they did not go further.

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And by the way, this how to handle this has been such a great fit.

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And that the loss of

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the messenger the loss of mentioned this to show the importance of the status

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of the mother

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and mother.

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is the career that all careers

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any career any job that you have to support that, because they take care of they take care of half

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half the old man, and they don't have the old man.

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So that's why

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a mother.

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That's what the prophet

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gave her. If this was an Olympic race, the mother would have gotten the gold, the silver and the bronze. And the father would have gone home crying.

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But to get back to this,

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but patients of of how a loss of power can solve the problem

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by revealing this

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net the profit and loss to subclass three. And I'm going to continue. How about one? What do you do?

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Well, you know, you have manners with other videos, the companion.

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But there was somebody who has a special place who is with the Prophet, some of the more than others, who was who heard this hadith and was curious.

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And she asked How about one, but not in front of the other? Because the others were there. They said, if we were to ask, how about what if we were to ask.

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But we have confirmation of it. And even

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when she said she has more leeway, she has this. She's what the promise on the bottom all the time, you know, it's like, Hey, you know,

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you're my husband.

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Right? This is her husband, of course he has special privileges.

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And then

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but I step further to benefit as possible, because she herself that she has

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children. And there are many people who don't have the children have children or their children don't didn't die in infancy or when they before reaching puberty. So he said so she said, How about those people?

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And so what did the Prophet say this is for all of us.

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He said,

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he said I am that

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for those who don't have a meaning if you're patient, because of the death of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when you love him so much. You know how when your child dies, you love them so much. You're just waiting

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To be with him in Iraq.

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So if you have that same yearning to be with the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, also to the point where you're thinking about being with him in gender, and farrotto Mela,

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for the one who doesn't have who doesn't have this privilege, and of course, we don't have never asked for, don't ever, ever, ever, ever ask for problems. Okay, I don't have to have one of my children I want to give birth and my child.

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always asked the last panel that you'll be free from all calamities

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or calamities, apparently, out of all the climate is always asked. But if you're offended by something, then

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you don't look to meet the enemy. But if you meet them in the farm, you know, some people speak about the gentleman Oh, yeah, Joe comes, I'm gonna show you why. Yeah, you're right. Don't ever ask for problems don't ever ask. But if it comes, then be firm, be strong. I know, it's time is running out. And I don't want to ruin my reputation here in the area. Also, I have a bad reputation in Seattle. They say they have a say they say, never give a woman a telephone or

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a microphone.

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So I don't want to, I don't want to I don't want that reputation to bother me. We ask Allah Subhana Allah, to benefit from what he has taught us and teachers that would benefit us. And so

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this is just a glimpse. I mean, you can we can only we can even cover our medium and cover when I

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sort of use

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is a very beautiful, the whole

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sort of use of specifically sort of yourself.

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As is for forum that everybody likes, everybody does. Why? Because everyone loves stories. Who doesn't like stories

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and stories, I wanted the best methods and ways to get a point across. And to remind others you remind them so you and let's say you have a brother or sister or someone in your family that doesn't pray, if you keep on telling brother in common thread.

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Sooner or later. Just leave me alone. And he might come with money. I don't care. Cuz he's so angry so mad. He was asleep. But you know, I don't care.

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Cuz you feel like you're nagging all the time. Okay, I know, I know. I know your back. Right?

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So how do you take care of people like that?

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tell them stories related to that. They won't even feel it. But they'll be reminded.

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And they can't argue with you. Because they're saying, you know, you're telling them to do something they'll always think when they don't want to listen to you. They'll always find objections, like they're not even listening to you. Okay? They're not even listening to you. Though. As soon as you say a word they're thinking about what to say after you bite

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Okay, so they're so half the words that you're speaking

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to what you have to be follows already we thought it was like what they have this big bottle machine in their head and it's just going off when they're speaking every time

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and you just as soon as you call him up boo boo boo boo boo.

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And you just give up then you never listen.

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So how do you make them not argue and not turn on?

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The because they can argue with you. You where they start speaking my story rather.

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You have to point across without

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them when they are about to wake up.

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Can I tell him?

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I promise you guys.

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This one won't get this one. Okay, this is the final I promise.

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Okay, so

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it's all of this will benefit also, all of us here, the parents and so forth. We're trying to teach our children

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I used to teach in Cambodia. After I graduated from the University of Medina. I went to Medina, we open up schools, a couple of schools and I was teaching middle school, middle school, high school about eight ninth graders.

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I was

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teaching in Arabic. And it was very easy to teach them in Arabic because they

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they were very well.

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They were very well, very well mannered before they came to me. I didn't have to hit them or anything like that, of course, they had to learn the hard way they had to learn from Mr. sticks. Right? So then I came to America.

00:30:19 --> 00:30:23

And I try to teach them secondly, those guys, six months, I talked to my speaker.

00:30:24 --> 00:30:30

And they were able to translate a chef that came from Saudi Arabia. And they translate it for

00:30:32 --> 00:30:37

every word, I would give them something like 50 words a day, they would memorize every word

00:30:38 --> 00:30:44

50 words a day for six months, every single day. 50 words, a lot of vocabulary, especially,

00:30:45 --> 00:30:59

you know, especially when you have a really memorize it, and you're speaking in Arabic all the time. So I came to America and I want you to replicate, duplicate that same thing. But every time I turn around,

00:31:00 --> 00:31:00

somebody made me

00:31:03 --> 00:31:05

sad, somebody poked me with a pencil.

00:31:06 --> 00:31:08

So what am I going to do?

00:31:09 --> 00:31:10

What am I going to do?

00:31:11 --> 00:31:16

Two weeks, and we have we have only covered two pages. 24 words.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:24

I used to get 50 words a day, two weeks ago, 24 words? Where are we going?

00:31:27 --> 00:31:32

I felt like pushing a ship, or a boat or sound.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:42

And so I'm teaching Arabic. I said, forget this. I'm not gonna teach Arabic until these guys

00:31:45 --> 00:31:47

have manners, because I found out that you know, they're lacking in that.

00:31:49 --> 00:31:51

But how do you teach children?

00:31:52 --> 00:32:04

manners, right? By the way, if you want to teach your children, the first thing you should teach them as manners, his gift to be obedient to you, then you can teach them anything you want. After that.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:13

If you haven't taught them to be obedient to us, then you won't ever get anybody, you're just pushing that same ship that I was trying to push.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:27

Right? Teach them manners first. And you will see if you read this, the biographies of the best scholars of the past, that's what they started off with. So anyways, I started to teach them. I said,

00:32:28 --> 00:32:30

forget a nice story.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:36

story. And you know, Islamic School of Islamic school.

00:32:38 --> 00:32:40

You get the worst students and the best.

00:32:41 --> 00:33:00

You get students home parents are very concerned about their children. So they bring in and they are very, they've been very careful with their children for from the beginning. That's why they're sending them to Islamic schools. And then you have students that the public schools can't even handle the many types of them.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:06

So these are public school rejects, which equals to criminals.

00:33:09 --> 00:33:10


00:33:28 --> 00:33:39

Everybody loves stories. So for two whole months, the only thing I did was teach them.

00:33:40 --> 00:34:03

I gave them stories of profits, the scholars for two months, every single day, they would come in Oh, it's story time. And they're really happy. They're waiting for my class. Cuz they know it story time. We just sit down enjoy entertainment, Islamic school style, right?

00:34:04 --> 00:34:09

And so that's killing all these comedy stories after two months.

00:34:14 --> 00:34:15

And then when somebody

00:34:16 --> 00:34:19

does not behave, he doesn't sit properly. I say.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:23

Do you know how he used to sit?

00:34:26 --> 00:34:26

Tell me something.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:29

So wonderful.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:34

Dude, that dude was cool.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:45

He used to memorize it a billion times. Like we memorize all of that. Yes, that's the guy. Aren't you tell? How did he say

00:34:47 --> 00:34:59

to you? Do you remember anything? So he's like, Yeah, he said, I felt uncomfortable. stretching my legs towards the direction of my teacher who is his teacher.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

IBAMA Sharpie. That's another cool dude.

00:35:05 --> 00:35:09

I felt uncomfortable. And he lived three blocks away

00:35:13 --> 00:35:14

when he was sitting like you

00:35:22 --> 00:35:25

so they have an example now, and he sits up.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:28

And when he turns the page like this

00:35:30 --> 00:35:31

I look at him, I said,

00:35:35 --> 00:35:40

Do you remember how Amanda Shabana used to turn the pages of his notes and books?

00:35:41 --> 00:35:43

He remembered anything. Yeah.

00:35:46 --> 00:35:47

All these guys are cool.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:13

And so he said, Yeah, he used to sit in my in my magic. And he would say, I wouldn't be so careful in turning the pages that I would be missed. I would make sure it would not make any noise. Okay, Mama Shafi when he were here, when he turned the pages like that, no, no, I never had the tip. Don't turn the pages. Don't do this. Don't do that. Do it like no. They always had an example to go back

00:36:14 --> 00:36:26

in city in talking in respecting parents and respecting the teacher in working hard. They had an example I just had to mention, just like right now, I told him I mentioned something, you guys how do you?

00:36:29 --> 00:36:34

What's the best that you can do? You do the Jordan tably.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:41

That's what they would say they would know that. And then they would be at the basketball court and pretend to do it.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:47

Why? They like Mike, everybody wants to be like Mike, but how about

00:36:58 --> 00:37:00

and they would say he was a cool guy.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:08

Every single day before you start to teach anything you have to teach

00:37:10 --> 00:37:11

to teach.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:16

So how do you do it?

00:37:17 --> 00:37:18

How do you

00:37:25 --> 00:37:29

do it so often? They will look forward to it and you will learn.

00:37:34 --> 00:37:38

So you are improving yourself while at the same time about your children

00:37:43 --> 00:37:44

benefit from it.

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