Abdul Wahab Saleem – Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad – Episode 02

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and cultural significance of modern day Arabia, including its duality, cultural practices, and language. It also touches on the cultural and cultural significance of the Prophet sallavi and its impact on the culture. The segment discusses the history and success of Islam, including its implementation, cultural systems, and the use of rocks and dirt. The segment also touches on the importance of worshipping the Islam and the use of people from other countries to make hedges.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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have in your in your classroom as iida

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Allahumma salli ala moderator who Salah

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Salah Welcome everyone to the second class on the theater of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Today I

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wanted to discuss another pre face to this journey inshallah Tada. So as of yet, we're not getting right into the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because there happened to be some very, very key and important points that we need to discuss, in order for us to properly understand this life of the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, in the previous lesson, just to do a quick recap would discuss the different religions prior to pursue the love that societies prior to pursue the loss of the love it was Sallam or around the same century and why Allah azza wa jal chose the Arabian Peninsula. inshallah, today, I want to talk about the Arabian Peninsula itself, and how

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the Arabs came into this particular Peninsula, specifically when it comes to Hejaz, and so forth. Right. So what exactly is it when we when we say that we're Arabian peninsula, what are we discussing? What are we talking about?

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Firstly, the Arabs like to refer to the Arabian Peninsula as just an Arabian Island. Okay, even though it's not an island, but this is how they refer to dependency light in their language

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as a as a metaphor, because most of the peninsula is in fact, surrounded by water. So they refer to it as a as an American, even though it's not, that's the important point there. Okay. So when you hear dizzy lifted out of the island of the herbs, they're not talking about an island, they're talking about the peninsula, which means the water body, the water bodies are all around it, except for one portion of it, which is connected to being like, right, that's what that means, kind of like

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Peninsular Malaysia as well, right? water bodies are all around it, except that it's connected to one.

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From one angle, it's connected to mainland as well, right to land as well. So the Arabian Peninsula is the same in that way. Except that the Arabian Peninsula happens to be the largest Peninsula in the world, okay. And when we say the Arabian Peninsula word today, from a modern perspective, we're referring to a number of different places, not just modern day, Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula was inclusive of historically, Saudi Arabia was included, inclusive of young men inclusive. And what we know today is our mind, it was inclusive of a number of these different places, all of that would be called Arabia. And in one of the museums that I visited, last year, I believe, earlier this year,

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I found a passport of an individual, I think it was from the 50s or 40s, or something like that. Around that time.

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That the passport though the person was born in Yemen, it actually said born in Arabia. Okay. So, at some points in history, this entire region was known as Arabia, and people would refer to this particular land all of it as, as Arabia as well. Okay. So that's very important to know, because we're going to be discussing Arabia as a whole. All of these different countries that make up what we know today is

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the Arabian, what we know today is the Arabian region, all of them will be with us within our discussions when we talk about

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a few major areas in which there happened to be civilization in Arabia during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam happened to be a lp jazz, okay, and jazz. When we say jazz, we're referring to the western side,

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Northwestern side of the Arabian Peninsula, okay, it covers a very major landmass included, includes included in there is central Arabia as well the western part of it, which happens to have Mecca and Medina and so forth, right and beyond as well. Okay, that's the first meeting.

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major point that are first major area that's important to us why because of course, a lot of the data of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in entry jazz itself, and then it expanded out to other places as well. Okay, then we have something called the hammer, which is also on the western side, except that it happens to be in the southern Western side, but not right to the south.

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From the central to the, to the southern area, okay, but not right to the south, because when we get right to the south, and we'll have young in there, okay. And then, of course, it brings us to the third point, which is Yemen, which is the southern side, more so in the West, then the east, okay, then we have central central land, which is known as nudged. And the word nudge literally means a high place, okay. And if you've been to the central region of the Arabian Peninsula, you'll know that it's quite high, in order for you to get to it, you actually have to drive up a very, very high, you know, very steep sort of road. And not just once a couple of times, if you actually are

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trying to get to a reality, you might, you might have to drive, drive a hike once and then you have to go again, a few miles later, you go up another big hill. And then you are finally in reality, if you're coming from Mecca, right? But again, the way I'm describing all this, I'm not describing it as the Mac modern map has it. I'm describing it as the historic not used to be okay, because all of this was one area called Arabia. And then within that were different regions, what they would refer to as provinces perhaps, okay, or states or something similar to that.

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And then you have

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another region, that's the last most important insignificant one, what are the most important insignificant one? So these five regions, I wrote this on the east, within, which happened to be

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a lot of the eastern side of Arabia, and within which happened to be what we know today as

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what we call today by name, but behind is also inclusive of not just the islands, but the mainland as well in historical or historical Arabia. This is a little bit about the geography of Arabia. Now, how is this land? How many of you have first of all been to Arabia? You might have went for head drama or

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any time in your life. Okay. Have you been anyone been there? No. Okay. Well, let me tell you a little bit about

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the region. Okay. You're talking about a landmass which is massively, a desert, a largely a desert, okay. largely a desert land.

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A lot of it still till today happens to be not inhabited by anybody. Okay, much of the Arabian Peninsula till today, there are no people to live there. Why? Because people can't live there. Considering the circumstances that are most of Arabia, the geological circumstances of most of Arabia, it's all set. Okay, deserts in

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at least a fourth what they call a Reuben Holly, the fourth empty area of

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Arabia is as it's called, a quarter, which is empty. in Arabia, there's really nothing there. There's no people there, there might be, you know, animals and so forth, and desert life. But other than that, there's nothing there. If you go in here, you might die. People go in here, they try to, you know, pull a stunt and try to stay there for the night or so on and so forth. And their GPS stops working and, and then after several months, some rescue commission finds them that,

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you know, in this region, because they had no access to access to telephone, they had no access to anything. This is a large portion of Arabia until today. Okay. So sand and desert sand and sand dunes. This is part of life in in Arabia. Now, of course, current date Arabia has caught up to civilization, our civilization has caught up to it. And that's why you find very very urbanized cities as well within Arabia. So much so that within Arabia today, you might find cities which are more civilized and more urbanized, then some of the most advanced countries in the world as well. So there's a bit of a duality you might have areas which no one can live in, no one can reside in no

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one can even go there except that there's a danger they may get lost and die and and there's regions where you have

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civilization, every single thing that modern civilization has to offer. Okay. So this is a little bit about

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Arabia today. But if we look yesterday, modern civilization in sixth and seventh century Arabia hadn't caught up to whatever

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Was modern at that time hadn't caught up to this particular land. And that's why you have people who are pretty much nomadic. What that means is, every single time they would find water and hay for their animals, they would go and live there. When this finishes the water, then they would pack their bags up, pack their tents up, and they would walk somewhere else until they find water and and a place for their animals to graze in as well. Right. That's what Arabia looked like yesterday, and because of that, you did not have any signs of an empire within Arabia, with the exception of Yemen. And the reason for that is because that Empire, before the birth of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi

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wasallam was an extension of the Christian Abyssinian Empire, okay. But other than that, you had no signs of any civilization within this. Any development within this particular region, you had people living

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nomadic lifestyles, but in terms of a complete civilization, you know, buildings and so forth. At that point in history, there was no signs of this before that, yes, there were signs, and I'll discuss that as well in a minute in trouble.

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these people were used to come back, and fights and problems. So considering that people who are civilized, many of them didn't want to live within this region as well, they would go and find themselves an external space, to live in to avoid the wars and to avoid all of these other bloodshed and so on and so forth. But along with the bloodshed, that's why I said there's a duality in this society, there is bloodshed, there is wars, there is pride that leads to all of these nasty things. But at the same time, there is also trustworthiness, meaning if you get if you give your work to someone, that person will fulfill their words, they might, you know, they might not,

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they might not enjoy it. They might not

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deal with you to well if you do something wrong to them, but if they've given you their word, they will stick to their word, they will fulfill their trust, they'll fulfill friendships as well, you have a friendship with someone, the person will be willing to die for that friendship. So there's this duality within this society. Now.

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Arabic Arabs can be divided into three categories as it's been done by historians.

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Now we're moving on from the geological and civilizational perspectives to a to looking at the Arabs themselves, you can divide them into three categories.

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The first category which are known as EDA, these herbs are the very, very early herbs who

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cease to exist now.

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Okay, they're known as and their children and their lineage and so on and so forth. We don't know exactly what happened to these people, except the fact that we have within the Quran is telling us that they adopt from Allah azza wa jal had come to some of these people and and if we look at the word out about it, that it means the ones who have finished they have

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they have been annihilated almost right.

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These are a number of different

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tribes and a number of different people including whom happened to be the people of who the Elisa Lam, we're known as hot. Okay, we're in the southern region, in Arabia, in Yemen, and off in modern day Yemen, and off which is not too far from remote. Okay, what happened to these people, a lot of soldiers tells us in the Koran that Allah azza wa jal sent upon them, a very severe wind, which caused

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them to completely be swallowed almost by the land, okay, they were covered by a desert storm that came and there is no signs of them anymore, they cease to exist in there, of course, children and so on so forth, everyone got buried within the land, and their dwellings are not too far from what we know today as modern day government, okay? This is out of body that these are Arabs who cease to exist today and also their lineage ceases to exist as well. Okay.

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Now, these people, the question that we have about these people is whether they're Arabic the same as the Arabic of the nature Arabs, and those are the next category that I mentioned, who are known as out of it by Arabs, who are absolutely

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the early Arabs, who Allah subhanaw taala destroyed in this incident with odd

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the people of hood

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the language of these people

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Is it the same as the language of the later people? This is a question that never really was there until

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well, let me let me put it this way.

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Their language is not the same as the language of the later years, it's a it's slightly different. It is somehow connected etymologically speaking the words and the development of the language, they're etymologically connected, but they don't, they're not one end the same. Okay? They're not one in the same. And that were on was revealed, not by the language of these early Arabs who are known as out of out of who have

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who do not exist anymore. It was rather revealed by the language of the later ears, this is very important to know, because some of the researchers today they say that the Arabic language of the Quran is actually the language of these people of odd and so forth, people who do and so forth. Why do they say this when they say this, then they disconnect you from all of the literature of pre Islamic Arabia.

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Because then they say this literature is not useful in understanding of what our because of the fact that the language of the Quran is actually the act of the Arab poor before the pre Islamic Arabians. But we say no, the language of the Quran is actually that language that was there at the time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent, which is the language of the body back and out of the study. And that brings me to the third category of the Arabians. So you have out of body that they were extinguished. They're no longer existing. Then you had our body. But these are people who were the dwellers of Yemen, largely known as the honeymoon. Okay? Then you have a third category,

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these are our most Daddy, but these are the ones who were in Mecca.

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And why are they called Miss Daddy, that was Daddy, that means those who gained Arab pneus Okay, how did they gain Arabic as well, because the out of it by the original Arabs they married into

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its married Elisa ROM when he moved with his father to Mecca as he grew old, he married from the tribe of Judah home, and the people who are born to this particular wedlock, their children are known as out of them study by those who gained the darkness, okay. All of them are considered Arab. But it's important to divide this in, in this way, because of reasons we'll find out in Charlize are reading through the sila inshallah, because some of them happened to be from the second category in the CLR, from the Sahaba, some of them happened to be from the third category. And the prophet SAW, Selim happens to be from the third of the three categories that I get, right.

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And this brings me to my third point, okay. And this is also a very important point and very unique point. And this gives you another window into why Allah azza wa jal sent the prophet to Arabia, specifically, Arabia is a very, very large region. Okay. A very large regions, it's actually a lot larger than it seems on Google Maps. Okay, if you were to go look at Google Maps, because it falls in the middle of the map, it's naturally made smaller, right, because the type of system that's used to knock the world today makes all of the all of the bands that are in the middle of the map, it makes them look smaller than the ones that are in the north, and the ones that happen to be in the

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south. If you were to take Saudi Arabia, for instance, which is not all of Arabia, but only part of it, and you take it to the north, it will be as large as Greenland. It's a very large region, if you consider all of Arabia.

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Now in the land this big, which can fit at least to Nigeria, or maybe three, Nigeria that's within it, right? You have all of this region speaking just one language, all of this region is just speaking one language.

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Now, you may say, Well, we speak one language, most of us speak English, many of us, all of us pretty much speak with the exception of myself, Malay. Right? And, and maybe all of Malaysia, we have people that can communicate with each other within one language. Now this is in modern times, right? Historically, we did not have exchange of civilization the way we do today. We didn't have television, we didn't have unified a unified schooling system. We didn't have all these things. So every tribe, every region would have their own language but in Arabia, all of Arabia happens to be speaking one language today. In the world, there happens to be over 7000 languages that are still

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Okay, people still, people are still speaking. And

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in Africa alone, there happens to be almost 2000 languages, okay or more.

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And in Nigeria alone, there happens to be over 500 languages and that's why I was mentioning Nigeria earlier on that in Saudi Arabia alone, you can probably fit more than two Nigeria's. Okay? Not all of Arabia because all of Arabia, you can probably put three maybe four. Nigeria's. So in Nigeria alone today there's about 500 different languages that people speak. There are, of course, languages that unify everyone that so people can communicate with one another. But every region, every tribe, you have a different language. in Arabia, people in the north, people in the south people in the West, everyone can communicate with one another. Think about that for a second. That makes it very,

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very easy for the Dow to spread. That's not the case, if you go take it to another region. In Europe, even at that time, people didn't have a unified language. So until today, people don't. And because of that, it would be difficult for a call to spread within this region at that time, especially where you didn't have a unifying language such as English or any other major languages of the world, right. So in Arabia, all the people north south east west, everyone is speaking the same language that we use, even though you'd imagine that they wouldn't do that. Why? Because a they're nomadic. So that means that they don't have cultural exchange too much, B.

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Oftentimes, the reason why they can't have cultural exchange is because of the the way the geological,

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the way the loss of kind of data has made this land, you have mountains in between the Hama and

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and Eastern it, you have Medina itself is surrounded by three mountains, you have all these different reasons why people cannot travel to one another. So you'd imagine people would form their own languages, but no allies are allowed that moment in history for these people to have a unifying tongue. Okay. That's something very, very unique.

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This God, the zero this Arabian peninsula, is mentioned about and the people of it have been mentioned by historians, before Islam as well. So for example, we have mentioned of the Arabs and different cultural practices of the Arabs by Ptolemy himself, who died in the year 160, who is of course, a very important

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philosopher of Alexandria, right. And you have

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a lot of mention of Arabia and Arabs as well in Christian literature. You also have

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you also have Doris, who is a Greek historian of Sicily,

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who died in the year 30. Before Christ, he says about Arabs and Arabia, and I mentioned this point yesterday, but just to reiterate it, he says they love freedom, they love freedom. And they choose to live a style in which the only thing that's covering them is the sky, meaning nomadic lifestyle. And then he reiterates again, they love to make their decisions on their own, and they love absolute freedom. So these people they loved freedom, as opposed to the rest of the world at that time. Okay, as I described to you before, the

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sassanids they, they're the citizens over there, they would almost refer to their leaders as Gods as a, as a set, you know, shared with you some of the other civilizations of the past as well of that particular era, most of the people of the world did not have freedom, whereas Arabians had freedom. This was one of the things that made them set them apart from the rest of the world, okay.

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Arab lands and Arabia in general, was also connected to a number of the past prophets as well. Okay, so Allah Subhana, Allah Allah had sent more than one prophet to this region.

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Allah tells us of course of odd, who I described to you earlier who are in the southern region of Arabia in modern day Yemen close to Heather omote. Allah subhanho wa Taala says was a hard and remember the brother of art who's the brother of ad, Elisa, remember who it ended up moving off when he warned his people in an off rocker the holiday newsroom invading the human country and before him and after him mess

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gingers had already come look at that. So ally saying goodwill center ad and remember when who'd worn out were Arabians? And he said he says that before him. And after him there was also messengers that had come right. A lot taboo in a lot in the halfway la comida Yeoman lb do not worship anyone but Allah azza wa jal. I am fearful of a very severe tournament that may come your direction. Okay. This is one example of a prophet that had come to Arabia. Similarly, we have Salim Ali Salaam, right. And the remains of the civilization of the mood to whom sala de Serrano sent is there till today you can go visit when you're visiting Saudi Arabia, if you are, you can go to a place between

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the book and between Medina, literally almost centered between these two. So on the northern side of this place, is the book and on the southern side is Medina, a place that is known as medallion swan. Ok. medallion solid is a place which is there for you to see till today, the civilization of them and how they lived, what they, what their houses were, like, what their dwellings were like. And there's also documentaries online that you can watch, at least to get an idea of how their dwellings used to be. So this was a place to whom a prophet of Allah azza wa jal was sent in Arabia as well by the name of Allah Alayhi. Salam. Another one is, of course, it's mine, who is the father of the

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adnani? Arabs, right? Because he was the one who married into Jerusalem, and then from there came,

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you know, his progeny from whom was added. And then from whom was of course, it was sort of La sallalahu, it was sent them as well, right? So you have a number of profits that have been sent to this region. Another pointer that's really unique about this region is that this idea of freedom was perhaps there before as well, in that you had a number of prophets who almost sought refuge in Arabia, okay, or a number of people who had sought refuge and not just profits, but people as well. And I'll give you a couple of examples. Firstly, you had Musa alayhis salam as well as himself as he fled to Meridian, right. And according to some accounts, madeon actually happens to be

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part of larger Arabia. Okay, so if that's the case, then you'd have Musa Alex and I'm fleeing to this region. Why? Because he's trying to seek production, then you have a number of Jews who are persecuted in

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it, where they come from, by the Romans, they've been persecuted. So they fled to yesterday. And they fled to parts of Yemen as well and settled down there. So you had these Jews who couldn't find another place to settle in because of the fact that they were being persecuted. So they fled to Arabia to seek shelter, okay, and safe haven, and also some Christians who were also persecuted by the Romans as well, they fled to a place not too far from Yemen today and agilon as well, okay. It flooded in a drunk, which historically part of Yemen By the way, okay. So you see this idea of people having the opportunity to do really whatever they want, except if you come in the face of

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someone else, then you have to get yourself prepared for work. This is how the life is in Arabia, early Arabia, okay. It's Marian Holly salam, as I mentioned a few times moved with his father and his mother to Makkah as he was still a young baby, okay. Ibrahim Ali said I'm settled down, is married at a Salaam in Makkah, and of course with his mother as well. And he went on after leaving them here in Mecca, which was an absolute bear in line and I'll come to that in a second. He went off to his dalla. Then he spent many, many years whilst his marine was being raised up in this region, he spent his time giving Dawa to Allah azza wa jal traveling to one place from one place to

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another, and so on and so forth. Until finally Ibrahim alayhis salam came back and he settled back in Mecca as well where they built the house of Allah azza wa jal, which we know as Al Qaeda, right? They both gathered together to build this house and ally soldier describes this to us in the Quran, when he says, Well, if your federal Ibrahim will collaborate them in and beat us Marine, I've been out in the valley. Remember when Ibrahim alayhis salam was building the foundations of this Kava. He was building the foundations of this house of Allah azza wa jal and they were married as well. And they were saying Oh Allah accept from us You are the ever hearing and you are the ever knowing as

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well. So a lot reminders

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I have this particular story where Ibrahim is married, they're gathering together to build this house. To which by the way, we have people going to till today, right? Hundreds of 1000s millions of people, the largest gathering congregation in the world takes place where it takes place in Mecca, right? People go there this is the single hedge is the single largest event

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that takes place every single year in the world. Okay? And this of course, is part of the draw that

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that Ibrahim Ali Hassan made and I'll get to that in just a minute. But one of the daughters Ibrahim Ali saddam had made was this and this might as well I'm gonna What the I seem

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Rasulullah minmum Oh Allah first of all, make up make our own Matt Muslim over here for you. And Omar, which is submitting to your you Allah as origin over here, right? I've been our journey now mostly mainly Nika. woman's re Athena Alma Thomas, limited, oh, a lot make us to Ibrahim in Israel, people who happen to be Muslims and make from our progeny, also people who happen to be Muslims as well and teach us how to do the rites and rituals of others, as well. Then he makes another law and he says, oh, a lot. Bring within them a messenger. Yet you're on Am i otic? he recites upon you upon them you're not alone. And in teaches them your book, oh, Allah azza wa jal. And he teaches them the

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Hickman and the wisdom as well. And he purifies them you Allah are ever capable, and you are ever wise you all are ever mighty and you owe a lot are ever wise. So who is he talking about here? When he says Oh Allah send a message and the messenger is speaking about Muhammad Sallallahu it was he speaking about our Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam. Okay, so this law of Abraham was accepted that a lot as it were just sent, a messenger missed. the progeny of Ibrahim is made

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of both Ibrahim and married together, got accepted. And another drop that Ibrahim made. Allah tells us in the Quran in surah Rahim itself, what if Allah Ibrahim will not be drilled, harden Bella da, O Allah Ibrahim, when he said, Remember Mohammed, when Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said, Oh, my Lord, make this land a peaceful land of land in which there happens to be peace. What do you know when you have any? Yeah, a novel that does not protect me and my children from worshipping the idols, Oh Allah, he continues. They have misled many, many people.

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He said,

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Oh, Allah, these idols have misled many, many people. So Brian Manley said, I'm recalled all of the incidents within which these idols had misled many, many people, and he made larger a larger agenda to protect himself and his progeny from worshipping other than Eliza, which worshipping these titles, then he says a burner, by the way, this is a very, very important point. Every time I read this verse, I think about a lot of different ideas. And it really gets stuck at this particular of Ibrahim aneesa. Look at what he says. He says, one of the NA in the US can tune into reality, Oh Allah, I have taken my family and I've placed them in a place where there is nothing at all in the

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skin to mean Juliette de Beauvoir, the lady design and the vertical Muhammad, Allah, I've taken my family and I've placed them in a place where there happens to be no vegetation at all. there happens to be no agricultural, you know, facilities at all, and produce it all. But I have done so because I'm placing that next to your house which is very, very sacred. So Ibrahim Ali said I moved his family for the sake of Allah to a place which has nothing in it. Absolutely barren land. Okay. And nowadays, we often are looking to move ourselves from a situation to another simply for the sake of the dunya. Here is Ibrahim alayhis salam, he is placing his family in a situation where there

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happens to be absolutely nothing at all, no vegetation, no water, no nothing but he knew that Allah azza wa jal will be looking after this family. So he did that. And Allah xojo gave him what Allah azza wa jal accepted is next to half. Now he says, Why am I doing all this? Why am I placing my family in this situation? I don't wanna do a lot. I'm doing this for a lot. So my family may be able to do what pray to You are allowed to have children. So that ability to worship allows you to freely

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He was so important to Ibrahim and he said that he took his family and placed them in a place where there is no civilization. There is no vegetation, there is no water but he wants to make sure that one thing is fulfilled and that is the rights of a law soldier. And that is the worship of Allah or Buddha is that he will open it up inside federal as editor minasi Terry imaging what was Oklahoma Minnesota a lot so Oh Allah make hearts from the people turn to them

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and give them also the fruits as well. Okay, now that barren land Mecca, or bunker where Ibrahim alayhis salam and placed his child and

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and Hydra, Hydra as well. in Mecca, absolutely bear no vegetation, no signs of water. What do you have over there now? You have everything that the world has to offer, right? And the dollar that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam made became accepted. Oh Allah make hearts from the people turn towards them. How many hearts turn towards Mecca on a daily basis today?

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If people are doing their job right at least 1.6 billion hearts turn towards America on a daily basis. Right. We all turn towards Mecca, for our Salah, and how many hearts

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how many hearts turn physically towards Mecca on a yearly basis in the millions without a doubt, millions of people frequent Mecca. All of this because of the after the will of Allah azza wa jal because of the Ibrahim on a set up that Oh Allah make hearts from the people turn towards the people and gives them all types of fruits now because of the fact that people are coming in such large numbers to do mock up. Basically, anything that the world has to offer immediately gets them. Okay.

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Anything it may get delayed from other parts of Arabia, but Mecca specifically because people are frequenting there. So there's the Java happening as well. There's also, you know, seals and business taking place here as well. So people will be frequenting and they'll be bringing along with them all sorts of goodies and, and fruits and every single thing so everything can be found within the city that was absolutely barren. Why? Because the Nia the intention of Ibrahim alayhis salam was not great, not accurate. Okay. So it's Marylou settled down and then he got married into Jerusalem. Is the father then of the adnani. Arabs, okay. The non Arabs from Adnan came a man by the front of the

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children Adnan came a man by the name of feed mallet. Okay, who's the head?

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Say it is

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the original name of the person we know as Porush. Okay, so basically, all of the children of the hit are known as the furoshiki ORS. Okay?

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That's the original name. And that's why when we look at the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, within that lineage comes also to him as well, hardly even here, and I'll give you the lineage of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam in a minute as well. And then from the children of this particular individual, who was a very, very famous individual within the herbs, came a man by the name of pulsate, even kena. This will say his name original name was Zaid, okay, well say even Kira

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will say even kidnap became really, really important in that a lot of Arabs even to later continue to look to him and his opinions, because he had gained a very, very noble opinion of the Arabs, okay.

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Now, when it's married, had passed away, who was taking care of the Kaaba and everything related to the Kaaba, the first child of one of the children of his married himself, then what happened then all of the tasks related to the cowbell which happened to be a little bait, which means taking care of the house of Allah xojo having the key to the house of Eliza which and opening the door to the Kaaba, closing the door to the Kaaba, taking care of the

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taking care of the cloth, the kiswa of the Kaaba, and also washing the Kava all of these duties can be summarized under the word see diner. Okay, so this is Dinah to debate at that time was right away given to the child who is married, okay. Then it was taken by the tribe of Drupal to whom is married Ali Salaam had married with right from home. It's very obvious that I had married a woman. Okay, then it stayed with me.

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These people

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until finally it got to a point where whose art took it away from Hosea or another tribe. They took it away from Google Home. And they started taking care of the house of Allied soldiers. They started taking care of another important task, which is these psychiatry isms of which is allowing people to drink. Thumbs up. Okay. They started taking care of this prior to that, who was taking care of it, gentlemen, then it went to kusa. Then when it came time for it to come back to the

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tribe of orange. It went to say he had been kidnapped. That's why he became a very, very famous and important person will say, even get up started to do all of the major tasks around the Mecca. He had sit down at the debates, meaning he was the one was taking care of the callbacks off, he was the one who would do the supply to them, meaning that anyone that wanted to drink them, it was actually the water damage will say you've been killed up, okay, you have to go through per se in order for you to get your water.

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Similarly, referred a third very noble and important task in America. The father meant that people who are coming as the guests of Allah azza wa jal to Mecca, you feed them food, right? You Be kind to them. So all of these tasks were taken a Bible so you can get out he's got to say Donna is got the supplier and he's got the father. He's the one that's the caretaker of the Kaaba is the one who takes care of the wells ends up. He's the one who feeds people when they come for Hajj as well. Okay. So because of this, people thought, This guy is really the most important Arab, we've known because all of the football and all of the virtues of Mecca have been given to this person plus

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they've been kidnapped. Right.

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And in addition to that, they had something similar to the parliament, okay, they would have something similar to that, which would be a najwa, a club in which all of the elites get together and they discuss the matters of society. So that's where they do their Shura, that's where they do their Council. Okay, so this particular task was also given to us I even get up now. On top of that, he was the one who had the flag in battles as well.

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So when you go for battle, he would be the person that will be the flag bearer, he can give it to someone else he wants if he wants but that means that all of the shut off of Mecca all of the grace in Mecca is gathered together in this one person by the name of Jose even Kira with within the children of course, I even kid up

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a man by the name of abdomen asked became also very noble, okay.

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so, so some of these tasks were handed over then to abdomen metruff, specifically, his child, Hashem was given these tasks as well. Okay, passion.

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And so it continued downwards, until it got to Abdul Mutallab himself. Okay. And this is how we can see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a very, very noble lineage that, that we're talking about all the names that I mentioned. Now, I'll tell you the lineage of Rasulullah sallallahu. And you'll find many of these names within the lineage of the messengers. So you have Mohammed, Abdullah, Abdullah, ignore Abdullah, Mohammed, the child of the law, the child, already you have, right who was the last person to whom the suppiah and the father was given the last person to whom the task of dealing with them and also taking care of the Forgot when they come was given,

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right. So that's the grandfather of Rasulullah sallallahu. Even Hashem, if not the manuf, even possibly even Kira, right? So a very, very noble lineage in the eyes of the Arabs at that time and also to Allah azza wa jal as well. How do we know that? We know that because the Prophet told us in a Hadith, that in the last of our kanaky, Nana, Allah azza wa jal chose Kiana from the children of Israel in Arizona, and from him, Allah azza wa jal chose to ration meaning fail, and the children of faith, right, Medina was author manipulation by the Hashem from Quraysh Allah azza wa jal chose specifically by no hardship, right, who is the great grandfather of lawsuits, the loss of a loved

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one he was and the passion himself and Allah azza wa jal chose me from both

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this elitism Sahih Muslim. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is then a chosen person from a mister chosen from a mister chosen, I asked Allah subhana wa tada to send the Peace and blessings to upon us a lot sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now the last point that I want to discuss today,

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or the second last point is how this particular great area within which Ibrahim is married and settled down and it's Marion's progeny remains until today, actually, how did suddenly this place which was completely on toe heathen, Ibrahim had made the draw that they the people of this area remain on though how suddenly did this place become filled with machete key people who are pagans, people who were polytheists. Right? How did that happen? How did that take place? Well, to understand that we have to understand the events that took place not too far before the birth of a lawsuit of loss of a loved one. So what I mean to say is, it wasn't several centuries before, okay,

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because remember

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Arabia was genuinely upon the defeat of Ibrahim.

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But a man by the name of Allah even knew Hey,

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came about within Arabia. And he traveled to a place called a sham. Okay, Syria today.

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And when he traveled to this place within this place, in some of his travels, specifically went to a place according to some historians, by the name of Petra, okay, but all

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right, this place is there in Jordan. Till today, okay.

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And you can see a lot of

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historic sites, this place as well. So he went to Petra, and whilst there he got affected by the idol worship that was there. Okay.

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And it is said that a lot specifically came from Petra as well. Okay, a lot is one of the idols that the polytheists in Arabia really used to glorify and that's why they did a little bit in the face. The person we talked about yesterday, right? They did not live in the fate who was the only one of the only monotheists in Arabia he said I left a lot and I left reserve as well to Lata will recharge me on camera, Alec, if I will jelly do so. I left lot and I've left reserved. That's how he perseverant and patient man does. Okay, so he left worshipping a lot. And he left worshiping and

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so not as a very important idol to the Arabians. Right? Where did this not come from? Some of them said it came from also a shaman specifically from Petra wallplates, of all places, right? on one of the journeys.

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He picked up this new culture of worship, and so on and so forth. He brought it along with them, with him to Arabia, and slowly but surely, people fell for it. And people began to worship other than a lot of soldiers in Arabia, despite the fact that it's only saddam, and Ibrahim had done everything within their capacity to ensure their project needs remain upon right guidance. Now, of course, the guidance came back a lot of soldiers sent a messenger thereafter, right.

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Now, the Arabians, as I mentioned before, they slowly started to worship, not just the one idol that was brought from a sham, but they started to worship everything, someone so that they would now some of them would even worship the seed inside of a date, they would pick it up, and they would make an idol out of the seeds of the date. And they would start worshipping them. And then when they're, you know, they'll check it out on their travels or so on and so forth. And sometimes they would take the dates themselves and worship them. And when they're hungry, they would just eat the dates and throw them away. Right. So this is the type of Johanna This is the type of ignorance that some of these

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people had gotten to write. And some of them would take the rocks in the head on and they would take it with them in their journey as well. Okay.

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So they would think that that rocks of the atom have some special quality and by the way, some of the ignorant Muslims still today do do this practice. They go to the helm, and on the way back, they pick up a rock from the *, right? They bring the rock back with them from the * and they say, Well, this is you know, I got this rock from the bottom, this pebble from the bottom. This is not something that is allowed. It's impermissible to do this. In fact, the amount of shatter he himself, he said

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in taking, taking the rocks out of the heroin or the dirt of the heroin taking it out or the heroin because

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It is known that that particular land is considered sacred by Allah Azza wa Jalla. And I don't think it's permissible to take that sacred land,

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rocks and pebbles and dirt out of it and place it in a place, which doesn't happen to have that same sort of sacred. And so this is considered impermissible. And this was one of the practices that the pagans of Arabia did as well. Along with them in their journey, they would take rocks from the bottom, and, you know, slowly but surely, they started to get connected to these rocks more than they were connected to a law, but it was gentle himself. Okay.

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And the last point, of course, is the how the certain fee. Okay? Now, we know a little bit about Arabia, we know about the geology of Arabia, we know about the geography of Arabia as well, in Sharla, a little bit. Now, how did or when did the birth of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam occur? Okay.

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In the year in which the birth of a sort of loss of a loved one incident occurred, there were some precursors to this birth, okay. One of those major precursors was

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the famous story of the people of the elephant. Okay, what's the story of the people of the elephant? It goes as such that a king by the name of abohar had

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come from Yemen, remember, I told you, Yemen was one of the only places where there actually happened to be civilization.

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Very, you know, acceptable level of civilization, right. Why because it was an extension to the Abyssinian Christian Empire. Okay. So about a hurricane. And he was the the person who was placed by the obvious Indian to take care of Yemen, right, the king, so he comes to

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Mecca. But why does he come to Morocco? He comes to Mecca, because

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the heroin was the place. Kava was the place that most people would travel to if they wanted to worship, if they wanted to make Hajj, if they wanted to make a pilgrimage. Right, we make Hajj and we go to the cabin. Isn't that so? Other religions, by the way, they have their own forms of pilgrimages as well, right.

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So people do travel to other places for their type of Hajj as well. Okay. So in Arabia, everyone that wanted to make hedge, they would travel to

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Canada. Now, in Yemen, this person abre had made a church and called it a police. slowly, but surely, this church started to gain a lot of attention. And people started to go over here.

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So one of the people from Arabia didn't like this so much. So what did he do? He went to the church, and he,

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you know,

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he desiccated in this church.

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And that, of course, led to abohar becoming very angry that you've made my church filthy, you've done this, you've done that. So he said, I'm going to go to war against the people of Arabia, and I'm going to destroy this house as well the cabinet. So he takes an army and he goes to Arabia. And as he is coming to Arabia on the way here, you know,

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I've been with olives, camels,

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many of them 200 of the camels have been the grandfather of law, so lots and lots of them get taken by this man abroad as we're booty, okay. So after that, it goes to a Baja. And he says to him, that

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I have to ask you something. Now, at the moment, it is like the leader of Nakata, right? So when abota sees the metallic, he feels, the type of haibo the type of

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aura that you'd feel from a leader, right? And he actually gets off of his chair, his high chair and comes down to meet. I've done it.

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When I asked him what he wanted, suddenly abraha changes his mind. He said, I used to think you're a man who's a very great man. But now I realized otherwise. What was the question that I've been asked? He said, All I want from the king, who is the opposite Ian King, the Yemeni the opposite Indian person who has been installed almost in Yemen. Right. All I want from you is I want you to go and give me my 200 camels back. Aloha says, you know, you're going to leave your forefathers and you're going to leave your the house of your Lord and you're going to need all of these things. And you're going to ask me about 200 camels. That's it. That's all you're going to be asking me. Right.

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I thought you're going to come and tell me not to destroy the cowbell. Right?

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I've been obsessed in ni have been in the Hon. I am the Lord of these camels. Now the word the hub

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doesn't necessarily mean lowered by the meaning of God. Okay? Sometimes it's used as caretaker, okay? And even in English by the way, sometimes the word Lord is used as someone who looks after things like England they have the House of Lords, right? They don't mean gods. Okay? So, he said in the Hon eBill, I am the owner. Let's put it this way of these events, the caretaker or these?

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Are these camels.

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What nll Beatty have been saying no, and there happens to be a Lord of the house as well, he will take care of that, and he will protect that. So abohar became really arrogant at that point. And he said, Mark Anthony Anthony amini, there's no way he's going to be able to protect this house from me, okay, I'm going to destroy this house. So Abdulmutallab simply said, enter without you deal with that. That's your problem. Because I know we know that a lot of soldiers will take care of this house. So now we move on. If God is camel's back, he went back to Makkah, and him a number of the Arabian state leaders especially, they went to the Kaaba, and they started making derogatory

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remarks. Remember, they still had the concept of a lot? Yes, they are associating partners with the lives of Egypt, but they definitely had the concept of a lot from the Dean of Ibrahim Alexandra.

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So they may or they may, Allah azza wa jal, and now as a bra is proceeding Mecca, his his elephant stopped, his feel his elephant stopped, it wouldn't go further. So they tried to move it and try to kick it, they tried to get it to move, it's not moving, it wouldn't go proceed towards it wouldn't proceed towards MCI.

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So now, what happened, they tried to take it the other direction, and suddenly, it started to go really, really fast.

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And at that moment, Allah is the origin. So every time that they were trying to bring it towards Mecca, it would stop every time they would try to make it go back towards Yemen, it would start, you know, going really fast, proceeding really fast. So at that point, a lot as the origin sent upon these people,

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the feeling about being a loss and birds which happened to have rocks within their claws, right. And then they started throwing these rocks at the people, one after another after another and this particular particular stories actually captured in the put on as well, right? Allah subhana wa, tada sent rocks upon these people, one after another, and it killed many of them. abraha was saved for a little while, but he was also struck.

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On the way back to Yemen. abraha started to have a slow and painful death, one portion of his body after another started to literally fall apart. Until finally when they got back to Yemen, he had completely finished that he had died, and he died over there. Okay, then, we notice that after this incident, the Quraysh became even more prevalent and important to the herbs because already they thought because of will say even keel out getting back all of the shut off the honor of Mecca from cozaar. But it is an important tribe. Now, after a lot protected the cargo under the leadership of orange peoples that Polish or the people have a lot, right. So they started to love Croatia even

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more so now. And they started to love the Kaaba also even more so. Right. So the love for the camera increased in their love for cooperation also increased as well. Right?

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And this, of course, increase the status of the profit the status of everyone who has

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who is affiliated to price as well. I asked Allah subhana wa tada to grant us the trophy, to practice to convey and of course, based on this year, this is the last point inshallah I know, we've went a little bit over time. Based on this particular incident, the Arabs began to mark their calendars, okay. Remember, sometimes the Christians, for example, when they're doing their calendars, they say after death before Christ, right. And since a lot of the world uses that calendar, we end up seeing the Common Era instead of after death, right. So, for example, we say after the hedgehog Rasulullah sallallahu. It was in them right ah, after the hedgehog. So the Arabs,

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they started to mark their calendars, the year of the fee. Okay, that was the first year. So they would say two years after the year of the fee, three years before they hear the fee that the

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Elephants right? And it was in this year in which a lot sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also born to this incident was almost like a precursor that said just as Allah Sojin protected the Kaaba from this, Allah azza wa jal will protected the cat protect the Kaaba from any other evil including paganism that had become prevalent within Arabia at that time and a loss messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent a dark time, which was in the year 570, who was born in that time, but of course, his prophethood will be around 40 years there will talk about his life from the beginning of his life, the birth all the way till the prophet of inshallah, in our subsequent lectures. So inshallah

01:00:43 --> 01:00:53

I hope to see you all tomorrow be the largest Docomo Hara was Allahu Allah say EDM hamedan. Early he also had big marine or Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Arabian Peninsula Before Birth

In this video, Shaykh Abdul Wahab Saleem speaks of yet another important precursor to the Seerah of the noble Prophet ï·º.

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