Abdul Wahab Saleem – Explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari #18

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © -- The importance of the Proph sallahu alayhi wa sallam in the prayer of the Prophet. The Prophet had a specific rule of thumb for the prayer, which is to only and not after the Tisha hood. The importance of showing actions during prayer is emphasized, and the use of words like "has" and "has not" to convey forgiveness is also emphasized. The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the use of symbolism to describe actions and the importance of learning from the Prophet's attributes. The speaker emphasizes the responsibility of the mother to ensure religious needs are met and warns not to give false information to her husband and not going against her. The segment also touches on the importance of sheltering family members and giving them clothing.], [The speaker discusses the responsibility of the mother to ensure family members' religious needs are met and warns not to give false information to her husband. The mother is responsible for her husband's wealth and health
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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throughout hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Al hamdu lillahi Hamdan, your Fini OMA who will care for your Alma Zita or SallAllahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala early he was gonna be here as your main Lahoma alumni main photo now on Fernau Bhima and limp dinner was in alemannia Kareem or Bucha actually saw that he was Sidley Emery or homeopathy at the melissani of coho coli or visit near ailment or visit near ailment or visit near Alma. Aloha Melissa Illa Mazda Husa hello and digital hesitant either Sheikh Salah welcome everyone to another class on sahih al Bukhari. We are at Hadith number 49.

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It is number 49 Is the hadith of Abu Bakr, Siddiq of the Allahu taala. And what we'll look at is not a very common narrator. And the reason for that is quite obvious. And that is that he didn't live very long after the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam, although, of course, of course, he was the closest of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but because he didn't accompany the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sorry, he didn't live very long after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He didn't get to report that hadith as the younger Sahaba did. Generally you'll notice the more common the narrator happens to be the younger that's a hobby usually it's not all the time but usually that's the case some of the elderly Sahaba they live very long as well. So they got to report they overcome or the Allahu Allah Allah and he said that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he taught us a DUA.

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I said to him, I know kala rasool Allah is Allah said Salam Alemany dua.

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He said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teach me a dua at the OB Heafy Salah t that I can use within my prayer. Now knowing that this is Abu Bakr Siddiq

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is asking the prophet for a DUA, this must be something very important. Of course, Abu Bakr already knows how to pray, right? 100% So the fact that he's going to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam asking for something extra. So this is obviously something extra in your prayer. This is an additional thing, not every dua that the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam

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Did, did every Sahabi do? Keep that in mind. Because if you look at all of the Hadith that show us how the Prophet prayed different Sahaba they narrate different to us. That means there's some degree of leeway in the area that you will do. Of course, you have to do it as the Prophet did. But the prophet did it in different ways. This is one of the two hours that the Prophet taught Abu Bakr, Radi Allahu Anhu. To do. And he said only and what time or which portion of your salon Are you supposed to be doing this in, after the Tisha hood? Okay, as we find, within the explanations of this hadith, that the moment that you're supposed to be doing this da, is after the Tisha hood after

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the final Tisha hood, not the second one, not the first one, but rather, the second one, who Allahumma in new welcome to Neff see a woman cathedra say, Oh Allah, I have oppressed myself very much.

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Now, if the prophet is teaching Abu Bakr to say, say I have oppressed myself, very much then how about us? He's literally giving him a prescription, a specific dua that Abu Bakr reports if he's telling him that you should be saying that you have armed yourself very immensely oppressed yourself very immensely then obviously us. Allah who wants to have right

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well I am filled with robot Allah and and no one will forgive sins except for you fulfill Li Mo Farah 10 minute Indic then forgive for me a forgiveness that is specifically from you will have knee in Nikka and telephoto Rahim and also have your upon me you Oh Allah are the Ever Merciful and the ever forgiving as well. Now what I'll do is I'll take this to heart and put it into the WhatsApp group so everyone can memorize it in sha Allah Allah again, authentic to Abu Bakr Siddiq. This is Buhari doesn't get any better, right? Now let's look at the DA a little bit. This keeps falling out what's going on with this?

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Yeah, tighten this event

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as much as I can. That's good. Perfect. Yeah, that's good.

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let's dissect this.

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The first thing and this is a general rule of thumb

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Whenever you're looking at the different doors that are found within the Sunnah of the Prophet when it comes to Salah, if, in the same segment of the prayer, the prophet is teaching more than when there are, you can pick any of them. Just like that is the Tisha hood. There's not just one Tisha hood, there's a number of different types of Tisha hoods. Same thing with salatu Janaza, there's not just one dua that you can do for them. And yet, there's more than one da ne dua you memorize, you're good that there were Joe, the beginning of your prayer, all of those, you'll find different doors that the Prophet was doing, it's okay to do all of them, or any of them, and they all work and the

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same goes with the dua that you're supposed to do after the Tisha hood. And they'll Salatin Ibrahimi or any salatu salam, you can do this dua or any other two other two prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam had taught and you can even mix, you can do more than one. That's also considered okay. Right more than one in this particular segment of the prayer. Now, what is the DA saying the first thing this DA is saying Allahumma in Neelam to Neff see Holman, kathira. Oh, Allah, I have oppressed myself very immensely.

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And what's happening over here is you're basically telling Allah, Oh Allah, I've messed up. Right? And this is a key to seeking pardon. Even if you're dealing with the creation of Allah. Sometimes you can go to a person and say, I'm sorry, but they're not going to forgive you. But then you say, look,

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I was mistaken. I admit my fault. Completely. I messed up, there is no doubt about it. When you give them that speech, you give them that precursor you give them give them that purpose, they begin to say, Oh, the guy is really regretting, right? So similarly, when you're talking to Allah azza wa jal, and you want to seek forgiveness from Allah, one of the tried and tested ways that you can get forgiveness from Allah azza wa jal is by expressing your mistake. How so? I'll give you some examples from the Quran that tell you that this is tried and tested. There's actually many verses in the Quran that shows this. I'll give you a couple. Okay. Number one, the foremost literally Allah

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says in surah Toba, he says what are Haruna Tera forbidden obey him?

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Hello to Hamelin slaley Hanwha ahora se.

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As a Mahonia toolbar I lay him.

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Allah says that

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there are other people who expressed and admitted their mistakes. So what did they start with? They admitted their mistakes. They had mixed evil deeds with good deeds. So they've done some good they've done some evil evil, but now what have they done? They've admitted their mistake. Admission of your mistake is so important. It's a it's a crucial element of you having your there are accepted and beginning forgiveness from Allah azza wa jal, Allah literally says, As Allah Who aka toolbar lay him, it is these people, Perhaps Allah will forgive them, because they admitted their faults. So the first thing you start off with when you're out when you're trying to seek forgiveness from Allah

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azza wa jal is say, Oh Allah, I've messed up.

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Just as when you go to your parents, or you go to your mom, and you tell her, you know what, I wasn't trying to do this, but I really messed up, right? As opposed to I'm sorry, just to dry sorry like that. It doesn't quite work. It may work. But there's no doubt when you express your regret, you tell the person I've made a mistake. You even expressed the angle of your mistake, or why you ended up making that mistake. All of these reasons are going to give you a greater chance with Allah azza wa jal than with your parents and with anybody else, for them to forgive you. That's why you start off with expressing your mistake. And the greatest way you can do that is by calling yourself

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a volume and oppressor but not have anybody else. Have your own soul. How are you oppressing yourselves? Well, when you commit a sin, what is that? That is going to lead you to jahannam hellfire? If a person is forcing himself causing himself doing things that is going to lead him to hellfire and torment? What has he done? He's oppressed himself. So this is self oppression. And that's why when you talk to Allah azza wa jal say I have oppressed myself. That's why even the Melaka to Sabah, the Queen of Sheba, she did the same thing she expressed her regret by expressing that she has oppressed herself. She said that a bee in Neelam to an FC was a slum to Missoula

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Emanuel illa Billahi Alameen. O Allah, I have oppressed myself. Right and I have accepted Islam along with Solomon Alehissalaam, Musa alayhis salam. He said the exact same thing as well when he accidentally killed that man, after which he headed out to Medina and he said, I'll be in

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Welcome to Neff CE, O Allah I have oppressed myself fell in fig leaf Allah for Allah in who who and follow him I have oppressed myself. Then he asked Allah azza wa jal Oh ALLAH forgive me. What did Allah say? Fela Fela Allah Allah forgive him. So that means by expressing your regret and admitting to the fact that you are an oppressor of yourself, Allah makes the chances of your forgiveness more. Allah literally says right after the love for Allah so Allah forgive

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Musa Ali Salam. Similarly, you see with Adam and Hawa, same story, what are they doing on a bonobo alumna and fusina they both said, Oh Allah, we have oppressed ourselves. We both have oppressed ourselves. We're in lentil Fiddler now otter Hannah learner. Coonan nominal Cassidy. If you don't forgive us, and if you don't, pardon us, then we will be from the losers they are also expressing that they have oppressed. So we have expressed to Allah azza wa jal and admit to Allah that we are all oppressors of ourselves. Allah He each one of us is a person who has oppressed ourselves. Every single time you have committed a sin, you are an oppressor, but you're an oppressor to yourself. If

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you're going to stop other people from oppression, why don't you stop yourself from oppression? When you see someone harming somebody else? What do you do you stand up and you stop that person? Every time you commit a sin, you are oppressing yourself. Stop yourself because if you truly believe that these sins will be consciously consequential on the Day of Judgment. That means that you should also believe that you're oppressing yourself because sins are going to be leading you to hellfire.

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They will lead to hellfire. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from the hellfire. So there are that you make over here Allahumma inni vollum to Neff seal will men Kathy era and I want you to really imagine this Abu Bakr literally the man that was promised Jana, by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who was mentioned by Allah azza wa jal in the Quran as he said Xerneas name is Uma Phil Han the to the second of the two as both of them happen to be in the cave. Allah has mentioned Abu Bakr in the Quran, and the person who was the father in law of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the one whom the Prophet said if they do believe they naman badly, it'd

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be back to normal. Follow those two people who will come after me Abu Bakr and Omar to him the Prophet is saying, say you have oppressed yourself Immensely.

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Immensely. This is immense amount of oppression, that he is being told to admit in front of Allah azza wa jal, Allah He then we are

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top to bottom we are just oppressors of our selves ask Allah to forgive us. But when I am filled with Vinoba Ian's no one can forgive the sins except for you or Allah. Fulfill lead and forgive me, Millfield. authen Mundo Indic a mellifera forgiveness that can only be from you there is no one who can forgive your sins except for Allah. You can get forgiveness for your mistakes with other people but these sins are only going to be forgiven to Hola Hola. Hola man. German que la la que have to understand this in your relationship with Allah, that there is no way you can learn from Allah except to Allah.

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In that way, Allah azza wa jal is an of course for Allah al methyl Allah. Allah has a greater example but just to bring it home. In that way, Allah is closer. In that way you can imagine a child

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who doesn't have anyone to go to except for his parents or her parents when they make a mistake, right? Children, they make mistakes, they cry over the mistakes and they don't know where to do, where to go and who to go to. They'll go to the father and the mother and they'll cry their heart out hoping that the parents will feel sorry and they'll let it go right. Similarly, when it comes to Allah azza wa jal, you have no choice but feel rotten. Mandic the only way you can get this mellifera forgiveness is from Allah azza wa jal, so you have to turn to Allah and Allah is willing to embrace you. Allah is willing to embrace you. Sometimes people feel overwhelmed by their sins,

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Allah has enough mercy to go around in all of humanity and more and he never, never will finish because it's infinite. Allah's attributes are infinite, there is no finite limits to the attributes of Allah azza wa jal, so you will forgive, he will pardon he will do it again. He will do it again and again and again. He's the far he's the hassle of them, even before the day of judgment comes when Allah will be forgiving since Allah's name is still love, even now, why? Well because this is an intrinsic quality of Allah that Allah is forgiving. So whenever you ask Allah

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Azerbaijan, Allah will be there to forgive in a photo Rahim indeed you Oh Allah azza wa jal is the ever forgiving and also the Ever Merciful Hadith number 50 Is the hadith of Ibn Abbas or the Allahu Allahu Anhu. He says that an ibis Abara who another fat salty be thicker

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I will not but he said that even Abbas had told me that raising your voices when

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when a person is doing vicar

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raising voices when a person is doing thicket remembering Allah supplicating, right, until everyone leaves or until some people begin to leave after prayer was something that was done at the time of the prophets of Salaam. So as soon as you finish

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raising the voices, okay?

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Now, in Canada, it's rarely that you will see this happening even in our masjid, that doesn't really happen even though it should be happening right?

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But like for example, if you go to Saudi Arabia, you'll see almost every Masjid as soon as they say Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah Salam. o aleikum. Wa Rahmatullah. Everybody will say Allah Allahu Akbar, a stone for Allah stone for Allah so Allah, Allah whom and to sit at home because Adam, and all of the gods right here, all of the gods that happened after the prayer, okay, so, doing this loudly, was done at the time of the Prophet. That's what a blessing. Now, the question is, is this a sunnah? All right. There's a group of scholars who believe this is actually a sunnah, meaning that it was done at the prophets I said last time, and it should be done. And it is, in fact a sunnah.

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Another group, they say, No, it's not a sunnah of the Prophet was raising the voice to teach the people. And then later as everybody was already taught, that's why in the time of Abbas, this is the time of this happened, the taboo, I mean, they weren't doing it anymore, right. Clearly, the reason why bass is mentioning this is because in his time, this wasn't happening anymore. Do you understand what I'm saying? So because of that, another group of scholars and this is the opinion of Imam Shafi. They said that it is sunnah to do it sometimes. Okay, not all the time. Why? Because every now and then there'll be new people who are coming into the congregation. So you need to teach them

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what are the God to be done after the prayer. So it's so not to do it, sometimes. It's not. So not to do it all the time. But anyways, there's no harm if you do it louder if you don't do it loud, meaning like if someone decides, as it hasn't been others believed that you should be doing it all the time, loudly. And most of the massages in Saudi Arabia that I noticed, would do this as well, no harm in that in sha Allah. It was something that was done at the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and it would be great because surely, there's someone who's going to going to forget some of that car, but if you don't do it, and you follow the other opinion, which is, by the way,

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more common among the scholars that sometimes it should be done louder. Sometimes the shot should be left. Like let's say a week or two. The Imam reads it loud until people get to know it. When I was living in Malaysia, they will do the car out loud completely. All of them without even though Malaysia Shafia Yeah, right. Imam Shafi, he said that you should do it loud, sometimes not loud, other times but over there all the time. It was loud. And

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I remember

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one of my friends used to be the Imam over there when I met him.

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Like I think he was worried I'm going to say why are you guys doing your god loud? So he told me that we're we do without even asking. He said, we do this over here because we're trying to teach the people and that's fine. You know, as I said, that there are two views on how to understand this. Should it be done loud all the time? Should it be done loud sometimes only to teach the people and that's it. We have them written over here. So you know, you can read them from here as well by having them now Hadith number 51.

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And Abdullah ibn Umar Radi Allahu Allah, Allah and who and Houma and now send me how Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, your code could look Umbra in or could look a mess Odin arrived at every one of you happens to be a guardian or a shepherd, and everyone will be asked about their flock as well. There are people the people who are under their care everyone is responsible of are in charge of then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Phil Imamura in almost all 100 a yeti he, the ruler, the Imam overhears referring to the ruler. The ruler is considered a shepherd as well and he will be asked about his flock he will be asked about his sheep as well.

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Like the people who are under his care all those people who are his responsibility so the ruler has a big role by the way. A very that's what Bob used to have these

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nights in which he would patrol right

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let's give me an idea maybe one night we'll do a talk on the patrols of inaudible hot dog is to have these patrols that he would do somebody remind me because I always have these ideas and then I forget by so

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he would do these patrols every night. Why? Because he was worried I'm gonna hop up and he saw many things those patrols why they have many Hickam many benefits that you can benefit from any wisdoms that you can benefit from right. So

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pause here for a second. Last night I talked about Sheikh Mohammed Sharif, how many of you heard the lecture? Whoever didn't at least listen to it on YouTube? It's available. I remember one of the things about Sheikh Mohammed the Sharif, you know, I just said I forget. So

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in the middle of the talks, every time he was teaching, he would stop take a penny. He said, Give me a second. And he would write down whatever thought he had. Because of course you have 100 thoughts and you forget so every single time you'd have a thought he would stop the class in the middle of the class, take a pen, write down a note so he doesn't forget for the future. Right? It was a good practice. I don't have my pen with me anyways. Like

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it's okay. No, I don't have a paper I mean, the pen for my

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Allahu Akbar sent me a text message man Come on.

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By Jeremy No, I'm serious. I will. I think at this point I will forget we've talked enough about the idea by Jimmy So

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the Prophet said Phil Imam Orion. The leader is a a shepherd and he always will be asked about his flock this sweater a little hotdog, he's going around

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in the nighttime, to make sure that when he's asked on the Day of Judgment, he has an answer. People may have need someone who's hungry. He doesn't want to be that leader does that does not follow up with the needs of the people.

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Well, Raju fie le Beatty he or Well, Raju Dora and fairly Beatty, when the swell will miss Odin Avila Yeti and the man is also responsible when it comes to his family. What are the responsible responsibilities of a man?

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Number one, you have to shelter them the family. Number two, you have to clothed them a skinny Honda man Hazel second to me, would you give them a place to live just as you are able to from the capability that Allah has given to you right? And also you have to give them clothing as well. I'll Malou dealer who is this? What Oh, no, you have to feed them and also give them clothes as well. All of these are responsibilities of who of the man of the father of the family. These are the financial responsibilities. Beyond that it is an obligation listen to this very carefully. It is an OB religious obligation for the father to ensure that the children and the wife are getting all of the

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religious education that they need. They're being guided, he has to ensure they're praying, they're Salawat on time, he has to ensure that they are being looked after. And I remember I was with the grandson of chef with Basil haimo Allahu Allah. His name is Saudi holebas. And this particular grandson

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spent a lot of time with Edwin bass Rahim Allah. And one night, you know, he had me over at his house for dinner and he gave me like a huge biography of the shape from the beginning till the end. So I heard it all from the lion's mouth. And he told me one of the practices that she had when Basil haimo lo data had was that yeah, a lot of grandkids Of course, right. And he said literally the she would go from room to room. And he had a house a relatively large, large place, right? He would go room to room to room and wake up everyone for Salah.

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She will not throw him a lot and and in the old days, this is his grandkids. He would go room to room to room to room and then he would make sure that everybody is getting up for solid Fudger. Everyone's prayed. So this is actually an obligation of who the father a lot of times the father is I leave this on who? The Mother Yes, the mother needs to get involved as well. And that's important but as a responsibility, the top of the family, the CEO of the family is going to be the father. And so this is something that you will be asked about on the Day of Judgment. are you ensuring that

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They were praying they're Salvatori are you ensuring that they're getting their knowledge that they need to, to be directed in the right direction, they're getting the therapy that they need to be directed in the right direction as well. And as I said, this is an obligation. Oftentimes through people forget Allah literally said in the Quran, who and Fusa como Alikum. Nara, this is a commandment, save yourselves and your families from the fire. And I held doesn't include the husband

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is two things.

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It's your wife, and your children. Both of these words, both of these meanings are found within the Quran. And the husband is not within the lease, the husband is the caretaker of the family, your * is your wife and your children. That means as a man, your responsibility is to ensure that you are looking after this angle of the Therby of your family. And unfortunately, this is unfortunate that most of the fathers are very, very neglectful in this.

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It's usually the mothers that take the lead in this 14 And they're the ones who are trying to even get the Lord the father back into the dean, right. He's going astray and the mothers are trying to work and because they have time to listen to Halaqaat and this that so sometimes women they end up getting closer to Allah after marriage. The father is always busy with work and tired, I understand the circumstance. But you're a man and Allah wouldn't have given you these responsibilities, unless he knew you're capable. Right? So this is your responsibility to ensure that these angles of the religious needs of your family are being fulfilled, right?

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Allah says,

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the Prophet says and he continues with a trophy Beatty's OG Hara, yeah, totally. We're here, Miss olatunde. At her, and also the woman is responsible in the household of the family. Now, this means that when the husband is gone, what is happening behind her his back the rules that the husband has placed down, the woman will be asked about that. Similarly, the tarbiyah as well, this is where we say that even the female obviously has a great role in the tarbiyah. Obviously, much greater, I'm trying to say the outline needs to be placed by the Father, the woman is going to be fulfilling that, right? If he notices the father notices that the religious guidelines are not being fulfilled,

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then he has to stop it to make sure right. But at the end of the day, the main moral BIA will always be the main person to do the therapy is always going to be the woman. That's why a poet says at a moment, there are certain is that that Tasha bento evil Iraqi that the mother is a school all on her own? If you prepare her, you're going to be preparing a great society, a society of great people. So this mom is really and that's why the person who knows nothing, what do they call them, they call them an AMI, meaning he learned only from the mother, right? Because the mother is the main teacher of the children. But when I say the father is going to be responsible, what I mean by that is that

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he has to make sure if the mother is not fulfilling her duty, he has to step in to make sure that she's doing it.

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Do you understand what I'm saying?

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It's not like the father will have an excuse on the day of judgment that hey, I was at work and I was busy. The mom didn't do it. No, no, no, no, no, you are going to be responsible. If the mom is not doing it. You have to make sure she's doing her job. RIGHT.

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Jimmy? Welcome to fee weight is OG Hara yet and we're here in school at

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another angle of this is that the mom or the mother or the wife, she has to protect the wealth of the husband. Right? Sometimes what happens is,

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you know, the husband works hard and he builds piece to get pieces together the household and comes home and the sofa has cracks inside of it. And the you know, the the closets are breaking and the doors are bashed in. And oh, the children were doing it. No, no, no, no, no, my sister's you're responsible for this. When the wealth of your husband is being sabotaged. You are the one that is responsible while he's not there. Okay, this is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you have to make sure look after the kids ensure that they don't break things because all of this is going back to the wealth of the husband. He's working hard and that's one of the reasons why

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people are not able to climb up some families with a lower income they're able to go really high because the woman is right on the ball with her things. Other families they have a very high income, but they keep drowning because every time something is bought the next week it breaks. Who's responsible for this the woman is responsible for this in the absence again of the husband, while more atrophy bait is OG Hara Yeah, don't worry Ms. Hola. Tada, Yeti. Ha.

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Another thing is that a woman is not allowed to bring into the house someone that the husband is not happy with the rules, these major guidelines are placed by the husband if she knows that my husband doesn't like food coming in.

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You're not allowed to bring that person into the house.

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someone who's corrupting your relationship, maybe he sees every time this woman comes over, she corrupts the relationship. There was a case of a Muslim and how Milani, who is from the Olia of Allah azza wa jal, from the web. And he was one of the who, in that, to whom the exact same thing happened. That happened to Ibrahim alayhis salam, when he was thrown into the fire, the fire didn't burn him, I will Muslim how Ronnie was thrown into the fire as well in Yemen. And the fire didn't burn him.

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So Omar will help out when he met a Muslim, he was so happy and embraced him. This is a very great man. One day he was he came into his house, and he noticed and they had like a secret code of

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telling each other that I'm here, they will do some vicar. And that's how the woman would know that my husband is here, instead of saying, you know, hey, I'm here. They will do like Hola. Hola. Hola. So this is how the, they would tell each other that I'm home. Okay. So one day, he did what he had to do. And the woman did not respond. He came in to the house. She did not respond. He came into the room.

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She did not respond. She said that people are doing very good.

00:31:33 --> 00:31:35

But we're not doing very good.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:40

So what's going on over here something doesn't seem right. So

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he asked her what's what's up like? What's what's the problem? What's the matter? She responded that the Khalifa is granting his gifting slaves. So would you go there and bring something for us so we can get help in the house as well.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:16

But Muslim realize something is going on. This is not normal. She's asking for more than what she usually asks for. So he realized that someone must have come to my house who's corrupted my woman.

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So he made a DUA, and he says

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Allah Humam and Hubbard the Eliya, Marathi amoeba, surah. Oh, Allah, whoever messed up my wife for me, then make them go blind.

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Suddenly, there was a woman sitting there, she went blind.

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She went blind. This was a person who was a very pious person and his daughter.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:51

We hope that it'll be accepted. And it was in this case, right? So then she she thought to herself, did they turn off the lights? Something went wrong. So

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she asked the people around her, did you guys turn off the lantern? Right.

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They said, No, everything is fine, exactly as it is trivialized I went blind.

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So then she thought about recta introspected thought about what did I do wrong, realized she went to herbal Muslim and Hawala, nice house and she spoke to

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the wife of a Muslim, and she corrupted the mind of this wife to ask and demand more from her husband. And that's the reason why this happened. So she started begging up all Muslim to make the dua to Allah that Allah azza wa jal gives her back her eyesight and he did an Allah did

00:33:32 --> 00:33:43

the HEMA Allahu Allah, the unknown. So this is a serious matter. You don't go to the wives of other people, and start giving them ideas that's going to corrupt their relationships, right?

00:33:44 --> 00:33:45

You don't do that.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:53

This is you. It's none of your business mind your own business. People are living life like why are you bothered?

00:33:54 --> 00:34:35

If they have a problem, they will deal with it themselves. The Prophet said, mean Hosni Islam and moderator Kumala Yanni. The best thing that a believer can do is that you leave things they don't concern you. This is the beauty. This is a beauty mark of the faith of a person. And the prophets I send them also said ladies have been men have the ultimate Enzo Jetta that the person who corrupts the mind of a of a wife to honor husband, mate basically talks a wife into going against her husband, that person is not from us. So don't do that. Don't go get involved in people's relationships. And if you do that, then you will be sinful and you will be causing problems within

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the household and the problems will never come to an end.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:50

Well, her the movie Melissa up here on Oahu, I'm assuming Hawaii at the end also the hadham. The servant is a

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is responsible for the wealth of his master.

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

Well, we'll miss Odom

00:35:00 --> 00:35:39

Well, you know, we, what does this mean? Basically, if you're working for someone, right? It might be your direct servant or your employee, for instance, you are considered responsible for the West wealth of your employer. Sometimes employees what they do is they just start spending like crazy. Oh, I've got a budget let's just back No, no, no, no, no. Doesn't work like that. It's not because you have a budget you're going to spend, how would you be spending if it was your own money? Think about that. Accordingly, you're going to be spending as with the money of other people as well, you are responsible for the money that you spend for from your employer's budget as well because at the

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end of the day, this is a wealth of someone who's whose care and whose guardianship or whose patronage you happen to be under right so you're going to be considered responsible as an employee for the wealth that your employer has as well ask them lots of hands on with data to allow us to be people who are responsible hola Mami.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:21

Allah for similar to Allah imminent Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam, whereas it wouldn't be as Allahu it was simply makan. He said that I heard all of this from the Messenger SAW Salam and I believe that the prophets I send them also said Roger roofie murli a be here I will miss Odin, Allah Yeti, he is that I think that the Prophet also said, see how careful he is.

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This is a hobby.

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00:36:28 --> 00:37:02

when he's not 100% sure about what the Prophet said he's careful in his wording. I think the Prophet also said, Well, what do you do if he Malli a V. And the man is responsible for the wealth of his father as well, sometimes fathers are very lenient with their children, you know, kick will take the credit card, go take the car, go do anything, whatever you want, right? So some children, what do they do, they take the car of the Father and go out drifting, messing up the tires, you're destroying the car, you're going to be responsible for the wealth of your father.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:17

Just because he's your dad doesn't mean you could do whatever you want with it. At the end of the day, when you exhaust those tires, every layer, that you're exhausting from those tires, you will be you'll have to repay it on the Day of Judgment.

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00:37:20 --> 00:37:30

Why? Because you're responsible for the wealth of your father, one must own and that's just an example any other way as well. For couldn't look Umrah in war couldn't look

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at all of you happen to be shepherds and everyone is responsible for the people under his care. I ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to be responsible human beings and Allah will stop over here with me later allah sallallahu ala Sayidina Muhammad mahalo early. Also heavy Germaine

Why Hadith From Abu Bakr Are So Few

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