Abdul Wahab Saleem – Did The Prophet Divide the Quran in 30 Parts – Introducing Quran #18

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary © The Lawaleon Law Press discusses the idea of dividing the Quran into 30 or 60 sections, as it is difficult to read all of it. The operator emphasizes the importance of practice and learning to read the title in a timely manner. The speakers discuss the use of words to summarize the title and the importance of reciting the Quran by numbers and pronunciation. The importance of praying for the Prophet and not wasting one's faith is emphasized, along with the need for questioning to the messengers and following the messenger's instructions. Pranksters and followers of Islam are encouraged to try their best and find the right direction.
AI: Transcript ©
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The Law salatu salam ala Rasulillah hamdulillah him that you are free now now we will carefully OMAS either SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early he or satrapy. Germaine Allahumma aluminum and Pharaoh known for ANA Vemma alum Jenna, was it an argument? Yeah, Kareem Bucha. Holy Saudi was simply embryo who recorded the melissani of Baja coli or visit near element or visit near element or visit near Alma. Aloha Melissa Hello, lamb Angelica, who Salah will entertain your husband either shoot the Salah, welcome, everyone to this lesson on the Tafseer of Surah Al Baqarah. We're just starting the second year is the beginning of the second years. And I thought that this is a good

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opportunity to talk about the idea of the edges themselves, right? The Quran being divided into different

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so the reality is that during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, there was no observe system, there was no idea of 30 different parts of the Quran. There was no idea of 60 different parts of the Quran. There is no idea of 120 different parts of the Quran.

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All of this, obviously, was made or done over the years to make life easy for people. Whoever wants to divide up into 30 parts, let them divide into 30 parts so that you can organize your reads. But the prophet alluded to this. The Prophet alluded to this, how did he allude to it? He alluded to it in the hadith of Abdullah had a number of us who want it to be a person who basically is a hobby, he wanted to be

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the best in everything. You want it to be the person who's fasting as much as possible. You want it to be the person who's reading the Quran as much as possible. So the prophets Islam basically taught him to calm down a little bit, right. And when it comes to the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them, it got ill Quran, Fisher hadn't read the Quran in one month.

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And so he said, I can do better than that, the Prophet gave him a little bit more, he said, I can do better than that. The Prophet kept on giving him more until the prophets assylum told them to read every third day so basically, divide the Quran into three parts then.

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And but if we go back to the beginning of the Hadith, the Prophet saying read it in 30 days. So how do you read the Quran in 30 days, you have to divide up the Quran then into 30 days. So that's why some of the Sahaba some of the scholars later on they basically they did their each they had they use their judgment to divide the Quran up into 30 different parts. Now the thing about this is that some of these parts,

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they don't actually stop at the ending of a sentence.

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You understand some of them when they're starting, they're actually the previous juice is directly connected, even the sentence is connected to this juice.

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And that's because the way they were dividing it up was there, we're basically dividing it up by counting the words as best they could. Literally, some of them they sat down they counted the words of the Quran from the beginning from Zoltan Fatiha all the way to Sula to NAS. And based on that they ended up dividing. And obviously, and not every I finishes, right at the perfect

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38th of the Quran, right? So because of that, they had to use some degree of judgment as well. And that's the reason why, if you notice in the most half, not every time does every Jews finish at the finish at the end of 20 pages as well. Sometimes it's 20 and a little bit, sometimes a little bit less. Right. So this is the reason why you see that issue there as well, because they have to use some degree of judgment. They're counting the letters. And also the eyes don't finish exactly at the end of the 38th. Right. This is an important point. But there's no problem in this division. But there's another division. That's the 60 Such sections, right? Those are the logical that heads up.

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But what's most important about all of this is that we have to have some way of being able to divide the Quran that makes it convenient for us to be able to read it

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in a way that we decide for ourselves. Every person has to decide for himself of the load and I'm gonna want it to be the guy who does it every three days. Now honestly, if you think about it, it sounds like it's three days it's on accomplishable right? It's not really an accomplishable it isn't impossible, it is difficult. It can take a lot of time. It can take a lot of practice, but it

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is something that is possible. And I've tried actually to see how far I can get. And there was one time where I was able to read half of the Quran in one day, that's the most I was able to do. But still if you try it, and that's because I have so many other things I'm doing. But if you try, you can actually read the entirety of the Quran when you get into practice within one day.

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And that's because really, when you get into practice, it just takes about 20 minutes to read one just this is on a good pace. And if you're super expert, then you can actually get through it within 16 minutes, 15 minutes through one just so if you just do the multiplication on that, how many hours is that you do a little bit in the morning, you do a little bit in the afternoon, and you're done at least 10 years is completely accomplishable, you go a little bit less five jobs. Again, it's very, very accomplishable, most many of the Sahaba, many of those habits reported from, I would say the majority of the early self that they would divided up into at least seven days, that's just four and

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a little bit, this is very, very accomplishable. This is very accomplishable, it'll basically really just takes about an hour and a half of time or maybe two hours if you're really, really struggling. And of course, if you're really struggling, it might take a long time, right. But once you get into the habit of it, that's the idea, you have to kind of build that habit and be able to slowly ease yourself into it. And the way they would divide it the Sahaba they wouldn't divided by the agenda. Because remember, there is no agenda at the time of the Sahaba there is no 30 parts of the Quran at the time of the sahaba. So

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how do they decide divided? They were divided based on the sewer? Okay, so some days you're going to end up doing a little bit more if you're following this, the Sahaba scheme. Some days, it ends up being a little bit more, although this particular scheme is the best. Why? Because the problem in dividing it up by word count, or pages or

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if not, the problem with that is oftentimes you end up stopping at a place where the thought is not complete yet. The Sahaba they decided, okay, let's read a little bit more some days, a little bit less some days, no problem, that will still keep it in a way where every single day we're completing a thought. Okay. So they would do it in seven days four and a little bit, give or take. And if you listen to this the way I'm about to say it, you will never forget it.

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Got it? Listening carefully.

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The way you summarize it, you call it Femi Bishop, how Femi B Shulk

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Femi bishop, and basically that means my mouth is longing. You know, when you get into the habit of reciting the Quran, you kind of longer recite the Quran. So, some of the self they ended up giving it this acronym for me, be sure my mouse is longing. So the fat is for the Fatiha This is where you start.

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Fat is for the Fatiha. You start with the factory how you go you go all the way till the end of earlier Enron and now you start off the mean. Can you guess what I'll be sorted out either, obviously. So name is salted Merida. And then you go and you go and you go you get to the Yeah, which is the

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unis so then you go from Eunice and you keep on going until ba The problem is there is no bar over there. Right? So the sutra that they used because obviously they're looking for the right words for the right acronym. So the sutra that they're referring to with the bat is Surah Israr. Because another name of Surah to this era is Surah to Benny Surah Al Surah to Benny Surah Al or Surah to Israel. So then you have similar to surah. And you go with Surah to the surah what's after the

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Femi B so what would it be sharara Surah sharara maybe Schilke now the WoW is a little bit tricky. And that is sort of a soft fact because Surah soft starts off with what

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while soft, fatty suffer so well is similar to soft fat. And then obviously you keep going all the way till her Judith and what comes after that. So right

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and then you go and read Sula to off all the way till the end of the Quran that has been Mufasa this would be the way the Sahaba would divide up the Quran. And if you remember that acronym, if you remember those few words Femi Bishop, my mouth is longing. You will never forget this Dazeem of the Sahaba This is how the Sahaba would divide up the Quran and they would read it every seven days. And again when you

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We'll go and calculate, you'll realize it's four, give and take. So,

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because if you do for daily, then you're doing 28, right? But it's four and a little bit more. Okay? So this way, you end up finishing the Quran every seven days, as the Sahaba did. And really, if you get into the practice of this, it is not difficult, you can do it. And it's something that is completely possible. And you would be able to get through this. And of course, if that's too much, and there's too much on your plate or whatever, you know, a little bit less than this, sure, three, two, but the point is, as the prophets I seldom said ACARA Al Quran, Fisher read the Quran as a bare minimum, within the month. And that's something I believe that everyone can accomplish. When I say

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this, and I explained this now, in your mind, you should be able to make sense of all of those crazy stories. You've heard of someone reading the Quran overnight, someone reading the Quran to Quran is in one day, someone reading the Quran in one Raka. Right, I saw an advertisement a few days ago.

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I think it was during Ramadan, if I'm not mistaken from one of the countries and they were like, Okay, we're gonna do a hot monk in one liter. Right, and they had a shift to do that for them. Somehow they ended up canceling it. I don't know why they ended up canceling. But the idea is, it is quite possible, it is not an impossibility.

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Seven to 10 hours, guaranteed, it's possible. Okay? If you have the speed, and you have the pace without even a 10 hours without even breaking the rules, when you get to seven, it becomes complicated, it becomes in a way where you might be breaking a lot of the rules that says read rules. But when you do 10 to 12 hours, this is something that is completely possible with all the rules involved, as well. And now if you divide that up over days, you can just see, right? So this is how this is the reason why you have the Quran divided into 30 categories. There is no real division like this. Similarly, there's no real division like this, they just divided up arbitrarily.

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Well, the way they say it, we did it based on the number of letters in Tamia argues against that nice as well, if you did it based on the letters, there's a difference between letters and pronunciation and letters on paper. So you will never be able to get it perfect based on the letters as well. So that's why he argues that the best way for you to recite the Quran is the way doesn't have I didn't if you wanted to really divide it up. So this is a little bit about that. And the prophet had as well a certain his a way he had divided the Quran up as well. What exactly was it?

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My gut feeling is that it's exactly what the Sahaba used to do, because they would have learned from the Prophets Islam, right? But there is no real we don't really know exactly what it was. We don't know there's no Hadith that tells us how much did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recite but we know that the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa salam had a specific portion that would that he would recite. How do we know that? Well, we know that from the Hadith, of Abu Dawood and other books as well, that a group came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were

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a delegation from a thief. They came to the prophets of Salaam and the Prophet told them to go settle by the House of Allah Mahira Ibn shorba. There they all got settled, and the Prophet would come to them every single night and he would speak to them. This is a delegation the prophet is giving them Dawa. And one of the things the prophet would tell them, as he says, like you will be tired sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? The narrator literally said the prophets as a lamb would switch between his legs, Euro Houben, originally, it would switch between his legs as he's speaking to us. Why? Because he was tired from standing, it's late night. But the prophet had a specific

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moment at nighttime that he would come out to this delegation. He would sit with them and he would sort of stand before them and he would give them guidance. He would tell them of curation, all of the harsh harm, hardship that they had to go through due to Quraysh and all of the harm that Quraysh had inflicted upon them. And he said that, you know, we used to be in Mecca with the Qureshi and we were mustafina. Musa Lin, we were people who were humiliated and we were people who were, who were harmed as well, who were subjugated as well. And then he said, finally Allah brought us to Medina, and then the situation changed and we became people who are equals Dekoration. Now, they fight us

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when sometimes we fight and we win another time, right? So the profit is giving them all of this information. One day the profit didn't show up.

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It didn't drop. They're waiting. They're waiting, they're waiting. The Prophet SAW Selim, he doesn't didn't show up.

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And then finally, a little bit later, the Prophet came to his appointment. Okay.

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This is very

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This is the prophet

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basically late for an appointment.

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Right? Because they're, they're so used to this particular time. So the Sahaba the delegation, they're expecting the prophet at this time. It's not like he's given them a promise the Prophet, if he gives us Word, He gives us work, but they are expecting. He did it every single day around the same time. They're expecting. So the prophets I send them gets there, but he gets there later than usual. And then he excuses himself. And he says, look at these words of the prophets

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in Novato. Isla Yeah. His be in some reports, Jews II mean Al Quran. My portion that I regularly recite from the Quran, it held me back. Some people may have come to the prophets and send them out of the norm. They have questions they want to talk to him. Somebody has a fatwa that they're trying to seek So the Prophet got busy from his regular recital of the Quran. Now he has this final meeting before he goes to bed. But the prophet wants to make sure that his daily routine, his daily regiment of the Quran, is not missed. In the whole bottle, Lady FSB, I will use immunol Quran and then he said, fuckery to energy I had that with him. Well, I didn't want to come to you until I finish it.

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So Allah

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the Quran is revealed to the prophet, but he has a specific his portion that he is reading sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, every single time then the narrator asked the sahabi, how did the Sahaba used to divide up they said that they will divide he said that they were divided up into seven the way I've already explained to you right? He said they were divided up in 3579 1113. And this is another way of remembering it with the exception of Suhler, the Fatiha so starting from Surah, Baqarah, three surahs, then five surahs, then seven surahs, the nine surahs, and 11, and then 13, and then it has been Mufasa. There's another way of remembering it, or you can remember it the

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way I described it as well for me, Bishop.

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So with both of those ways, you know exactly how the prophets of Allah who is the Sahaba used to recite what Allahu Allah, I personally have a feeling that this was also the husband the prophets. So maybe it was more we don't know. But the idea is that this is how the Sahaba they had chosen, that some people they have

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once a day, some people have more or less. But there is the recommendation of the prophets of salaam to Abdullah having to just stop at the three don't go above that, that's reasonable. You have other things in life as well. And if you're just racing through the Quran, and I've seen that happen as well, someone just literally sits in the corner finishes the whole Quran in one gathering.

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It's possible, but the point is that you're not going to be focused on what the Quran is saying. Right.

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And that's also important as well, and also considering the rules as well. Anyways, I wanted to give this bit of a pre preface when we go into the second just so we understand why we're going into a second just Allah subhanaw taala says, Say oh Lucifer, ha so keep that I've stayed very, very mild today. Allah subhanaw taala say Akula so for her own meanness.

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Now Allah hum and capability haemolytic and Alia co Lilla Hill rashid al mockery, yeah de Manisha it off so rotten Misaki

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the sofa

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the unintelligent people,

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they will say that from the people they will say that what is it that has moved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam and the Companions from the Qibla direction that they used to be facing towards who Lilla Hill machico Well, Maghrib say to Allah belongs the east and the west as well. Allah guides whomever he wills to the straight path, as well as the sahaba. He explained that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he prayed after traveling to Medina, the Prophet SAW Selim carried on praying to bathe in Makkah, this, this was the qibla in early Islam, you continue to pray towards that direction 13 to 16 months different reports 13 to 16 months, he continued 17 months, he

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continued to pray towards bathe and McComas and but the profits are setting them. He always wanted to face towards the Kaaba even while he was in Makkah, the prophets of salaam would face from the camera towards bated muchness he would go in the corner that would face towards a sham so that he can basically hit two birds with one stone SallAllahu it was so Oh,

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was wanting to have the cabinet in front of him. This was something that the Prophet desired because this was the house that was the first house in a will abate and will they're adding us Nila de vaca. The first house that was placed for the people for worship was the one in Bucha. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to face the camera.

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And that's why Allah subhanaw taala said that, right after that this Allah subhanaw taala says that, but Narada Luba Chica, we can see but definitely have a shorty. We can see you moving your face around for summer towards the heavens. You're hoping that somehow Allah azza wa jal changes me from beta to buck this to the Kaaba. And then Allah says we're going to move you towards the direction of the Qibla that you're happy with, you're pleased with so Allah subhana wa Tada did exactly that for the prophets of salaam when he did, people ended up saying all sorts of things. The Jews, they said one thing, the national team, they said another thing, the Sahaba, they said another thing, the

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kuffaar of Quraysh, they went and said, another thing as well, the Jews, they said, Look, if this person, he continued to stick to the basic muchness that we would have believed, they were not planning on believing. But they said this is our opportunity to have a reason for us to be able to not do the right. If he continued to face towards faith in America, this we would have believed.

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And the Quraysh they said that Muhammad is getting confused about his religion.

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He is getting confused before he used to think one way, face one way, and now he's doing something totally different. He is getting confused about his religion,

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the Sahaba they also became worried they followed the prophets and settle them but they were worried about what about all of our prayers that we prayed towards? They didn't like this or they're going to be unacceptable prophet of Allah. Right? This also happens sometimes if a chef changes his photo, they say, What about all those years that I was following that one?

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Sometimes reasons change. So fat was also changed. This is a one of the principles by the way, one of the principles is that, that the fatwa can change depending on the circumstances, yes, Islam doesn't change. But fatawa are different. They have circumstance as well involved so they can change. But here obviously, there's an abrogation taking place, the deen itself, like the rule itself is changing. It's not like the circumstances changing here, Allah is changing the Qibla direction from one place to another. So it's even more serious. And so these people are saying some of us have are saying that what about all of our prayers that we did towards bathe and knock this?

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And they said, What about those Sahaba who died, and they used to only pray towards bathe in this.

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So you have all of these groups that were not 15? They had their own things to say as well. So everybody got

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something to say, Allah says that the sofa, the stupid people from the people, they're going to say, what is it that's leading you to change your qibla, from the Qibla that you happen to be upon, Allah says Allah, To Him belongs the east, in the West, Allah guides, whom He wills to the right direction. So the direction doesn't matter. It's who you're praying to. And that's very important as well, because sometimes you might make might make a mistake in terms of the Qibla direction. It's important because it's part of the process for you to try your best to face the Qibla. But sometimes you'll make a mistake, right? It's inevitable that you're going to make a mistake, once, sometimes,

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by the way. And before modern times, sometimes the Qibla of massage would be faced towards the wrong direction, because maybe there wasn't anybody who had the sophisticated knowledge to be able to, to define which direction the Qibla is. So you have massage, which the mohareb of which are in the wrong direction. Many years later, people discover actually, it's not supposed to be this way, and then they have to redo the whole thing. So you're gonna make a mistake, that does happen. It's Allah that you're praying to. Allah, To Him belongs the east and the west. Allah guides whomever he wills to the straight path Allah continues and he says, What can Lika Jelena come just like that we made

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you into a mutton Wasaga just like that. We made you into the middle nation.

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What is what's that mean? The best nation that's what it literally means okay. Although what that means the middle as well, but what it refers to within the Arabic language in this type of a context, the best nation this is how we made you into the best nation and by being in the mid

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It'll have the two extremes you end up being the best. And you can see that within Islam in many capacities, when it comes to the who, then the Christians.

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Islam is right in the middle as well. The Jews, they don't want to believe in a Saudi Sara,

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the Christians they want to take Lisa Ali Salaam and give them divinity. Muslims they say well believe in isa but we're not going to give him divinity. So it's the middle ground from this angle. But what's important to notice that sometimes the middle is not between the middle of two groups. Because sometimes the extremes could all be in one direction. And then the middle path is the right path. So the idea is that this middle doesn't literally mean middle every single time it it's referring to in the Arabic language has this concept as well that the word was out. It means middle but contextually or metaphorically reverse to the best. Okay.

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The best so the best nation Gallica Jonah come on metanoia sopan Lita, kono shahada, Allah na us. So you become witnesses for the prophets

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upon the people.

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Big because this nation will be asked by Allah on the Day of Judgment, did the people actually follow their prophets? The Quran is the book that is the criterion for all of the books that preceded so in the Quran is the clear instructions for bento Israel.

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Allah literally says in the Quran that Allah has explained within this Quran for Ben who is Surah Al Akbar Allah the Humphrey here telephone most of the things that they dispute and disagree about. So the Quran gives us that information. The things that the previous nations disagree about this guy is he a prophet? Is he a not not a prophet? How to Understand divinity, how to understand

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the relationship between Allah and His creation. All of this is explained in the Quran, things that blue Israel became divided about between the Christians and the Jews, right? So the Quran has prescriptions about all of those things. So Allah is saying that you will people will become witnesses for the prophets, against their people upon their people, that the prophets they gave the message and the people they ended up corrupting the message as well. Well, yeah, hakuna Rasulullah alaykum Shahida and the messenger he will become a witness for you as well that you followed the correct path. So this is important, there will be questioning to the people and they will be

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questioning to the prophets as well. Because Allah subhanaw taala says yo management hola hola Gemma.

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When Allah subhana wa Taala will gather every everyone together he will say,

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Mother, a job to moon Mussolini. What was it that you responded with to all of the prophets? What was your response to people to the prophets? What was your response to the prophets now that you have to learn what does that mean? And to the mousseline Allah subhanaw taala will say, Mother crypto.

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So there will be a question that will be posed to the messengers. What was the response of your people to you, oh prophets of God. And the people they will be asked how did you respond to the prophets of God? Allah literally said another verse as well. That fell in is Elena livina Odyssey la isla him wilderness l&l musetti that we're going to ask the people to whom the messengers were sent, and we're going to ask the messengers as well. So both parties will be asked, there'll be a witnessing from the OMA upon the Omen upon the other nations and there will be a witness that will be there will be a witnessing that the Prophet will do also for this nation as well.

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Allah subhanaw taala he continues and he says Wilma Jalan LKB letter Letty Quinta, Allah Allah Allah Allah Romania, Debbie rah rah Suleiman million Kalibo Allah Akbar.

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we did not because people they started to ask questions right, as I said, the Jews are asking their questions. Why is Muhammad doing this? How do you not we would have believed the machete keen, they're saying maybe he's just got confused, I'm gonna feel pain, they have their own way of saying things as well. Everybody's got something to say. So Allah says, The reason why I did this. The reason the primary reason why I made a different fibula for you, is because I was trying to test people while majra I didn't know tibial Atleti Quintarelli allele Now lemme manga tibial Rasool Mimiron Kalibo Allah RTB the only reason why I did that is so it becomes evident who follows the

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and those who don't follow the messengers they become evidence now

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evident as well. Liam is Allah have you sent me a claim so that the pure ones from the filthy ones, they become clear. So Allah only did this to show to the people Allah already is aware of who is correct and who is not who has a pure heart and who doesn't. But Allah wants to show to the people, that these guys that were not 15 they weren't planning on following anyways. And that these guys, they're saying to you all of 13 once went by 14 once went by 1516. And some reports, even 17 Months went by the Jews are right there. The prophet is praying towards beta knock this why didn't they believe at that time if they really wanted to believe, but now they use this as an excuse. How do

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you continue to pray towards bated miraculous we would have become believers. So Allah just wanted to show to the people who really wants to obey the messenger and who doesn't. And this goes back to something very important as well. That obedience of the messenger along with the Quran is necessary. There is a group and they are increasing in number they keep on increasing in our times because they are funded by who Allahu Allah, but they are definitely funded by some dubious sources. And they are people who are going around and saying there's no such thing as Hadith.

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Yes, you're shaking your head because you probably know someone right? All of us know someone everyone knows that one person from the extended family or further than that, some friend or friend of a friend who has been affected by this fitna. If you read the Quran, you will find so many yards in the Quran that show you Allah is saying, follow the messenger. One of them is right over here. The only reason why we did this is we wanted to see who is going to obey the messenger. May May in Kalibo, Allah Huckabee, so that we can make it clear who will follow the messenger and who is going to turn away upon their heels. We're in gun it's like a beer with an ill Island Latina Had Allah and

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truly following the messenger is very difficult except for the people who have been guided by Allah Azza wa Jalla wa Monica and Allah Who Lee will be our iman ACOEM This is very important. Allah would never waste away your Eman,

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rubber, there were a group of Sahaba they were worried. What about those companions who have died already? They never got to pray towards the Qibla doors, the Kappa they never got that opportunity. What about our prayers that we prayed 17 months in the highest estimation. What about those prayers? Are they going to be accepted? Allah Subhana Allah Allah says, Allah will not waste away your faith Allah will accept it. Imam Al Bukhari he said in Sahih al Bukhari, the chapter of calling prayer, Iman.

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Why, because prayer is a sign of EMA.

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So Allah literally calls prayer Eman over here,

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by using the word EMA and Allah is trying to say that the fact that you're praying and you're worried about your prayers, and you're concerned about your prayers, that is a sign of your faith, because faith to us is inclusive of whatever you believe internally, and whatever you profess, and things you do as well. Oh, well, I'm Elijah, it's your word that your actions, it's also your beliefs. So ALLAH SubhanA, Allah is calling an action. Eman over here. Your prayer

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in the law have been Nursey law author Rahim Allah is very kind to the people and Allah is Ever Merciful. So if someone makes a mistake, or they are neglectful, or someone doesn't know, the right direction of the qibla, Allah is going to forgive all of that Allah is forgiving of these things. You don't have to you have to try your best by the way. Some people they have this concept that everything between the East and the West is Qibla.

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Have you heard that? Because there's a hadith actually, which says ma banal Mississippi will never be a Qibla, whatever is between the East and the West. All of that is Dibbler. Now what I should tell you, when I wrote a book on this hadith, this particular hadith is weak.

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That's the first thing. The second thing is that the

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hadith is reported as an ethyl from some of the Sahaba authentically. But what's important is that the Prophet in if we were to say the prophets of this, which is not true, as I said, it's a weak Hadith, meaning it's not raised to the prophets of salaam I looked at all of the chains, or this hadith. So

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the hadith is weak, but still, that author is not saying the entirety of the scope is Qibla.

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It's literally referring to the middle. Do you understand the middle point? Why is that? Because from Medina, which way is the Qibla

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So when you go the Prophet, if we were to say this is a prophetic statement would have been trying to say that whatever is between are literally the center point, that is the direction of the qibla, not the entire 180 degrees otherwise, basically, you could be praying towards a completely other direction. Do you understand what I'm saying? You have to try your best

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to try to face the Qibla. Either. There's two opinions, either your opinion, certainly, and this is very difficult. Or because level one, or you have to try your best, like you have to have a certain level of conviction that the Qibla is in fact, in that direction. You have to try your best. But after you've tried and you end up messing up, your cell phone malfunctioned, you thought you were praying in the right direction, but you weren't. Maybe you

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after you try and you make a mistake, then that is something that Allah subhanaw taala is ever kind and Allah subhanaw taala will forgive not that you literally

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say the entire 180 degrees, I pray wherever I want, you'll be okay. And you know that the Qibla is, for instance, literally in this direction. So you're going off by 90 degrees, because well, I have the freedom to do that. That's not what's intended by this statement of some of the Sahaba because there's not a hadith anyways, you understand?

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Like, so. And this is very crucial because there was a masjid that had gotten the Qibla wrong, the Masjid.

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They did not invest enough in specialists to come and define the direction of the Qibla.

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So for years, they were praying, this is a big Masjid. They were praying in the wrong direction.

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And the management of the masjid, they said that we're going to continue praying in this direction because my banal machine Okay, well, macrobiotic law, everything between the East and the West is similar. This is a Hadith. As I said, it's not a hadith. Fine.

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And then the other reason why they gave is they said that, look, there is more space to accommodate more people, if we pray in this direction, because it's along with the walls of, of the building, or the villa. Just because you want to add a few more people, you're going to make the prayer of everybody else invalid as well, intentionally because here, it's not a mistake. They see they know that direction is the wrong direction, but they're deliberately facing the wrong direction until the community basically forced them into changing that could lead I'm sure there's this story is applicable in dozens of mosques around the world probably. Right. So the idea is that if you are

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listening in your own board member at a masjid, fear Allah,

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do what is right, let the people pray in the right direction, the blur has to be as accurate as possible for the masjid at least. And then beyond that, everybody tries their best if you made it make a mistake in sha Allah. Allah Subhana Allah Allah will ever will be ever forgiving and pardoning, while some of Allahu ala Sayidina Muhammad in one early he was so happy he urged me

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