Abdul Rahman Chao – Manners With The Divine

Abdul Rahman Chao
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of good manners, including having good character with Allah and being proper with actions and emotions. They stress the need to teach children to have good manners and avoid association with partners. The speakers emphasize the importance of actions and deeds in shaping behavior and emphasize the need to avoid words like "has been" and "hasn't" to indicate strong desire to do something. The speakers emphasize the importance of good manners with actions and deeds as foundation for behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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100 an ounce of cinema, Allah, Allah, Allah He was a he was a bad Santa Monica to La Jolla.

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Today I want to briefly talk to all of you about a very important characteristic that for that's not only very close to my heart, but also I think it's the bedrock of how

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we as Muslims should behave that I know there's a lot of emphasis these days.

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And and rightly so, people saying that we need to teach our children we need to teach the younger generation and we as adults also need to have good character to have good o'clock, right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said

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in my brief to legal term Mima metab mcherry Malala in them alboreto, Litem Mima, Makati mahalo processor and says in an authentic narration, verily, I have been sent in order to complement to perfect, the best of manners, and the wording that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used here is to complete to perfect manners. So in other words, there are many good manners, across cultures, across regions and different people. However, the process of selling is refining those manners. So, when we talk about having good manners with people, when we talk about having good adapt with individuals, whether it's with our friends, whether it's with our colleagues or Muslims non Muslim,

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we have to remember that the first

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the first set of the for the first source that we gather our inspiration from in terms of having good character is having good with Allah subhanho wa Taala to have good etiquette with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And what does this mean when you say that you have good advice with Allah subhanho wa Taala and it comes to my mind a couple of things that I want to share with you. So having good character with Allah subhanahu wa taala

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can come in three ways. The first way is how we think about Allah subhanho wa Taala and the prophets lifestyle and tells us in a hadith Pudsey that Allah subhanho wa Taala says, I am the way how my servant perceives me to be, if he perceives me to be good, then that is for him. And if he perceives me to be bad, then that is for him. In other words, I was bound to Allah will be how you want Allah Spano hautala to be, of course, this hadith is not a free pass that for someone who

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hasn't been doing their responsibilities, and doing what is there.

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In other words, worshiping Allah subhanahu wa Tada, this doesn't mean that a person can just say, Well, you know, last time I think of a restaurant as being very, very forgiving, therefore, you know, I can just continue to send my way through No, but it's just simply saying that we should have hope in Allah subhana wa Tada, we should not think of a restaurant as a tyrant will either below or that is mean or that Allah subhana wa Taala is malicious or that he's trying to get people back, so on and so forth. So, this is the first level of the first level of mala hazaragi the first level of having manners will last from the way how you think, right? That you think of Allah subhanahu wa

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taala in the best way possible, okay.

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Then there is also

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there is also the second aspect and that is by your speech of how you have to deal with a Lost Planet.

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And the prophets and the messengers, they all had amazing adapt in their speech with all of us.

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And that is if you look at the lives of all the different prophets and messengers, we find that an incident occurred during the time of the process alone. And we'll give you some more examples that during the time of homicide, there was a drought and as you know, it doesn't get any better when there's when they're living in a desert. So there was a drought and some of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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They the center versus lm, yo rasulillah make do it for us, right. Make do it for us that we will have rain so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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made, and the rain started coming down. And it kept raining and raining and raining and raining. And it probably went on for multiple days, if not even a week. Until and this was one man had walked into the door of the prophets, I sent him a message and he asked for the rain, and the processor may die. And of course, the processor is immediately accepted.

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And then when the rain continued and it started flooding, the companion came into the door and he said, you know, Hello Kitty mawashi. Right, all the livestock and the field there are ruined, etc. It's just the waters too much. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He didn't say Allahumma MC and el mapa like, Oh Allah, stop the rain rain from us. And even the way how we look at weather these days, right when the weather gets a little wet, or it's a little windy. You know, we're like, oh, well, you know, we just wish that the stupid rain would end. But as I said, I've always viewed rain as Baraka as a beautiful thing. And so when there was a lot of rain, he had a, he had manners

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in the way he addressed the last kind of water Island. And so he said, Allah whom house lane, wala Alena, he said, Oh Allah, Let the rain be around us in the surrounding areas, and not directly upon us. And he says a lahoma Island cam. What the Rob and what boonville Oh, dear woman happy to shudder, right. So, here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he's

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saying, Oh Allah around us and not directly on us. Island, a camp. Oh Allah Let the rain be upon the foothills. Okay. And I come are like foothills. And what Rob? So Rob is sort of like Highlands, right? They're like, actually, I don't want to say Highlands. They're sort of like medium sized hills. So I come and Rob are very, very similar in meaning.

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I would say like, No, okay. No, K and O. ll right. No. So

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these foothills and and small Knowles, Allah upon the valleys, and the gullies etc. So, so upon these valleys and the wadis. And as you know what, why these are valleys, and it's also an Arabic word

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that English has used, okay. Women happy to share sugar and the forest woodlands. So here the process seller is not saying all are suffering, I don't want it anymore. It's just too much. He had it with Allah subhanaw taala. He instead wanted the rain to go to these distant lands because that's where rain is stored best when it goes into the rivers, the valleys, the canyons, that's where rivers collect and farmers and shepherds they can benefit from it. So just by looking at this phrase, the prophet SAW Selim had such a dip with Allah azza wa jal, and that is he.

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Even when the rain was becoming difficult for them, he didn't say, oh, LA, stop this rain. This is just too much. He said all around us and not directly upon us. We also find other examples. For example, when Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam was describing a Lhasa agenda to his people, he says what either metaphor for who he is, and if I am sick, then Allah

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cures me. Now, of course, we know in Islamic theology that Allah, Allah has created good, and he has created the opposite of good and that is evil. But unless like we said, Allah creates everything in pairs. So when there's good, there's going to be evil. Now, part of the Adam, that Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam part of the matters that he said he had towards Allah is that he didn't attribute evil to Allah subhanaw taala even though we know Allah, Allah is a creator of good as well as its opposite and evil. So he says what either mareel fufa Jolla screen and if I get sick he didn't say you know if you make me sick then I'm then you're the one who cures me. Right But in all the other

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verses before that if you look closely, the verses all

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talk about what Allah is doing. Okay? What are the other you know, what are the optimal and you're fairly clear to me, Dean right? I am the one who I want Alicante Allah to forgive. He is the one and then of the verse before that, right? He is the one who feeds me right but here when he is

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referring to

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sickness, he doesn't say, if you make me sick then you cure me. So this is having manners with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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So that is in terms of speech and one more thing I want to add on to is when it comes to the way how we speak about Allah subhanho wa Taala and how we speak. It also includes the DA and

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the prophet SAW Selim tells us in an authentic narration on the authority of God alone, he says that there is nothing more honorable Okay, there is nothing more honorable or more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than to in other words when we make when we go around and we ask people for things people get annoyed people get really really fed up right you keep asking me like why you keep asking me but when it comes to almost kind of hotel a lot of likes that you ask him Allah loves that guy's from Allah doesn't get annoyed when you ask him right? In fact, the LS hotel it tells us through the words of madness, I said, that when you ask Allah subhanaw taala we hope to do in other words, be

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forceful, be yearning and forceful and extremely strong willed in the way how you ask? Allah so you're not saying Oh Allah insha Allah if you wish, then Forgive me. But you say Allah forgive me Allah if fiddly right Allah directly friggin right. You don't say Allah if you like, then you forgive him. Because there's a there's a there's a tone of arrogance, right? Or luck if you want to be merciful to me, no, but you should directly as and that's the speech, this edit that we have towards our parents that when we ask Allah, we asked him directly, we don't associate partners with him. And we ask sincerely, and we don't mince our words with all his content and electron Carla

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likes that. And all those problems Allah doesn't like when you assign partners with him, and you go through an intermediary and idol, something else between between you and Allah subhanaw taala and you say, you know, Oh Allah, you know, because of blah, blah, blah, this you know, because of this idol, you know, they're gracious to do that. They used to ask Allah through an idol, right? And they used to say, we don't, we don't worship these idols except to get us closer to Allah right now, but to whom Allah you are reborn, right? That we don't worship except to get closer to us. rocktown. And those words that they used to utter, were very offensive because Allah subhanaw taala wants you to

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be direct in your glass. So that's the second point. So the first thing we said is in the way how you think about Allah subhanho wa Taala you think of Allah in good in a good way that you don't sit there and think of a law in a negative way as this evil god that's going to come after you right to have good personal one about a restaurant and the second thing we said is how you speak. And we gave example of the adept that we have towards Allah subhanaw taala in the way how the prophets did it as well as the DA and the third important thing in regards to having adept with Allah subhanho wa Taala is our action. Right? And the greatest, most beloved thing to Allah subhanho wa Taala in our in our

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manners towards Allah subhanaw taala is to not associate partners with him right in the sugar level Muna when verily should is a great transgression, it's a great transgression. So the greatest form of Edom that you could have with I was contacted is by and abou de la. Harley finally wedgie. Suhana hotel that you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala sincerely for his, for his sake, right? Sincerely for all those kind of hotel. The restaurant guy tells us and they had you could see Anna Agnes shorter carry on a shirt, I am the I am the most I am not in need, I'm the most free, right? I'm

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most free to ever need an associate a partner. Right? So whoever associates me with another false god as a lighthouse and how you would see turn up to who was eurocode and I leave him and his and his ship and his sin up associated partners with a loss find out what's out. So that's the greatest adept in action that we worship. Allah Subhana. Allah sincerely, to please allow us to look at another aspect of, of editing that you have good manners with Allah subhanho wa Taala is that

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us in a narration, I don't have the narration in front of me, but I remember the wording of it. That the process Selim says on the Day of Judgment, there will be people that will come and they will have so many mountains of good deeds, mountains of good deeds of asset. And unfortunately, a lot of data will make those deeds blow away into the wind for about an hour right that is going to blow them away into dust and they won't count at all. Why is it that they're good deeds that they didn't realize?

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Don't count anymore. And the prophets of Salaam tells us the reason being is that when they were private, alone by themselves, right, they would engage in sin, they would engage in harm acts. And that's why it's very disrespectful to Asante either in public that you would behave in a certain way, but in private, you would behave in another way. Right? And that's sort of the meaning the gist of what hypocrisy is right.

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Obviously, this is the Falco and Emily This is a hypocrisy of actually not hypocrisy of faith, right, because the hypocrisy of faith will is

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completely unacceptable one throws you out of the fold of Islam. But hypocrisy of of action is, you know, that you behave in a certain way, in front of people in public, but you behave in a certain way complete different you approach and you do those sins in private, right? So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us, and that let's remember that the best source to start with in learning good manners is our dealings with Allah subhanaw taala at Adorama, Allah azza wa jal to have good manners with Allah, Allah. And if you think about all these categories that we have said, number one, having good character, thinking good about Allah, Allah, this is what Muhammad wa sallam

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expects us when it comes to dealing with people as well. Right? So not only do you think good about our county, but you are also required to think good about individuals, the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When it comes to the way how we speak, we don't hurt people, right? The person Selim says the Muslim is the one who doesn't harm other Muslims with his actions, or with his speech. Okay. So in the same way the processor is teaching us that the editor that we have with other people, is in line with how he teaches us to have a dialogue with Allah subhanho wa Taala. As for the case of a DA and asking people for help, that's the exception to it because we don't want to

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bother people. But of course the process that I'm always teaches us that if someone does come and ask you for help, that you go and help them because you will bring happiness to them. Right. And also when it comes to

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you know, having manners, adobo manners, with people, how do we benefit from our manners with those phone counting action, that we are that we do our best that we don't hurt people that we do what is good for them, you know, now you know i Dooku hotter you have very sad he may have been upset right? That you love for that you know, if you truly believe until you love for your brother, what you love for yourself. So, all the matters, that the process and teaches us regarding having good manners with all this data, it is all echoed in as a as a foundation in the way how we behave with other people with exception to our because guys only for the last five hotels. So we conclude here is that

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we ask Allah, Allah to make us among those who have good, good manners with Allah subhanho wa Taala and that he counters among the righteous. So Hanukkah, lahoma diction or Laila elantas. Africa where to break is America

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