Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 13

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Surah and Memorial Surah are home to important learnings and use of words like "imaging" and "imaging the truth" to point out misunderstandings. The speakers discuss various topics such as " opposbs," "has been distorted," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "has been messed up," "
AI: Transcript ©
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shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem hearing that he carries a new model yam Oh lol help the lady fi m Tarun mcenany la dee da dee da

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da da Silva Hannah either Cabo I'm Rafa in amya Pula who

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be one of boo boo had it all

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stopping for

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me benei him for a little vena cava roomie Mashhad el Mina alim a smear be him while Oppo sleep Yo man to Nana lackey near Bali moon la Omen feed all moving

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homie on Reddit has Suraj he is or the Alamo won't be off let you

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know in

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our man

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our man la Hawa Elaine, your general

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ledger Oglala meanwhile Optiva to Lima Sakina wa Salatu was Salam on as he didn't want saline. Well Allah he was sorry he woman to be our homeboy son, Elijah Medina.

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From today, we're starting from number 34. And this is

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this is a separate passage, you can understand this as a separate passage. And it serves as a very beautiful segue between the beginning the introduction, the opening part of the surah. And then the middle part of the surah. I talked about this in our introductory lesson on sort of medium, how the beginning first talks about the miraculous birth of Yeah, Allah His salam to very, very, extremely old parents. And then we have the even more miraculous birth of a saligan salam, without a father. After that the middle part of the sutra then goes to addressing the contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. So then it goes to addressing the mushy Kuhn of Makkah, and

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the people of Makkah, and the necessity for them to believe so you can understand the first part of the sutra as a message definitely to the Christians, and even to the you yahood, for that matter, the annual Kitab in general, but more particular pointed towards the Christians because of the facade because of the corruption of beliefs that they had in regards to these individuals being spoken about, like like Zachariah, like, yeah, yeah, like mme and Isa Jesus Aleikum, WA salatu wa sallam, but at the same time, then later on the sutra does have a very pointed message at the people of the time of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This passage right here serves as not only just

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a conclusion to the previous passage out what was the point of the narrating all of those stories? but also as a segue, how is this transitioning into addressing now? Do people have McKenna moochie kona maka who have a very, very different situation altogether, they have a different predicament altogether. So Allah subhanaw taala and I in number 34. He says that he carries 71 Memorial that is a sad the son of Medea, that is Esau, the son of magium. Now, by Allah subhanaw taala, saying that valleca that, and how the shadow lid buried. This is the smaller shadow, this is the pointing word that is used to point out something that is a little more distant, that is a little bit farther

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away. Why is the distant one being used versus the near one, either. It's saying that this discussion that we've just concluded that was in regards to our Isa, but now we want you to focus on the discussion here at hand, that you've heard the story you've read about the miraculous conception and birth, you've read about the circumstances. Now it is time to focus on this particular incident and the occurrences that are here now. And that was what was mentioned previously, a mass Ababa, this is what has passed. The second reason that the scholars point out that the pointing word for FAR is being used, because by either I'm Maya pollun, the ISA who are buried on Maya Kowloon, that

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easily he said, um, he is very far he's very distant. He has nothing to do with what these people say about him. That that was the story of Isa and he has absolutely nothing to do because now what allies Allah subhanaw taala so far has been telling us the true story of Isa the true story of Easter.

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Now the last panel retana is going to talk to us and talk to humanity in general, about what incorrect things these people have said about Isa. So now it's using the distant pointing word, the farther pointing word to say that what is about to be said right now, Isa has absolutely nothing to do with all of that. He taught me some is very far and has absolutely no connection to what these people say about him. That he carries seven. That is, he said, the son of money of colon,

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colon, the saying of the truth, the saying of the truth or the speech of the truth. Alright, so speaking of the truth, so And you, I'm translating it like this, and it sounds a little awkward. But if we were to kind of make it into English a little bit smoother, it would almost be like saying that this is a word of truth. That this is a word of truth. This is this is the truth that's being spoken here. Now, there's a little bit of a discussion as to what this is referring to colon hub, what is the true Word? What is this? Speaking of truth, what is it referring to?

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So there's actually before I even get into that, what I'd like to point out here is that there are two different narrations there are two different recitations rather, that are narrated about this ayah one is O and l health and the other is O Luna.

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Alright, Kowloon help, would mean that this could very well be a description of a talisa. Now, that he was a he was a speech to speech of truth. He was a result of the consequence of a true Word, a word that was spoken in truth. All right, meaning that we already know from Sudan, Iran, that the more that Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to her as Ali Salaam is beginning Mateen Minho, who be Kelly Mateen min who, as that is Ali, Sam's conception was a word from Allah. And we're going to see in the very next day and I in number 35, Allah says jacoba Ramadan, when Allah has decreed an issue for India, Maya kulula, who confess that he simply just says B and it is. So we already have that in

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the next day in the subsequent Daya that when Allah subhanaw taala wants something to be he says B is simply the owner of Allah that brings it into existence. So that's what it could be referring to that Italia Salaam did not have a father, how did he still come into existence? By the coal of a law by the coal level up by the coal oven half? All right by Allah subhanaw taala speech by ls command by Allah Ahmed, that is our HR liaison came into existence. However, the more commonly known recitation of the Quran is Vanessa, Colette Huck harp. Oh lol Ha. So in this case, what it what it means or the way that we interpret this is that the verb that precedes this has been omitted, that

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the full context is, I am saying a saying of the truth, meaning I am speaking the truth. I am most definitely speaking the truth. All right, but the verb has been omitted. Whenever the verb is omitted in this fashion or this manner. It's done for emphasis. It adds exclamation. You know how we put an exclamation point on something, it adds emotion and adds exclamation, it adds a level of emphasis. Alright, so colon, Huck, there is Ali Hassan. That was Isa been Miriam the son of Miriam, colon, Huck. So this could be very well that either Allaah himself is saying that this is the word of truth. This is the truth, that everything that has been said about it, that that is the truth.

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All right, or some of them have a similar also say that this is now narrating to us with a Sally Salama saying. So this is a Sally salon after being introduced to us who he is where he came from, how we came into existence. Now, we're getting to find out now we're reading what is there a solid asylums, own personal explanation of everything that has transpired since that time, fine. He came into existence through a miracle. He was born through a miracle he was a prophet of Allah. But from then till now everything that has transpired a Saudi Salamis himself personally giving us an explanation of everything that has happened since then. So he says,

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the truth, the truth is what I love the fee untrue that this is the truth, everything that has been said up until now that is the truth. I love the VM Tarun, but at the same time, the tragedy is that that is the same truth in which these people are arguing, and they are fighting and they are calling. Actually, I forgot to mention one last opinion, poll and half this is bigness of this isn't a NASA format. This is monsoon and one of the other reasons for being monsoon very beautiful opinion by some of them of us Iran is that this is a little mad when Iran I will magically draw

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That what it basically means is that it's, again that exclamation point but in terms of praising and when you praise someone or you praise something like this, it occurs in this particular grammatical format. So it could be that Ally's praising, that this is the actual truth. This is what you should stick to. This is the truth. But this now we go on and let the V m Tarun, however this is the same truth in which young taruna young Tarun. Alright young Tarun, this comes from the root word, media tune. And what media refers to is not just simply doubt, but it means to put doubt into something for someone to try to make people doubtful about something that that person himself knows that this

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is true.

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So when someone realizes, okay, this is the truth, but for whatever reason, he's not like we say he's not down with it. He's not down with the truth. He doesn't like it. He has some quarrel with it, he has some beef with it, he has some issue with it. And then what he does is he brings very, very weak arguments, he brings unsubstantiated arguments to try to poke holes in a bullet proof, truth, truth that is bulletproof, he comes in and tries to poke holes in it, and he's got nothing to really show for it. He's got nothing to offer. That is what interiour young turtle, this is what that refers to, that these, this is the truth in which these people are trying to find some type of

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fault. These people are trying to poke holes, these people are trying to create some type of doubt.

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However, there is no doubt this is bulletproof. This is solid, this is rock solid. This is the absolute truth. There is no room for doubt in this, but these people are trying to make trouble young and then Subhana Allah The other thing is that this is Bill fairly Movado that this occurs in the Medallia form, which is the present slash future tense form. And the implication of that is not only are they doing that right now, but they will continue to do that. And we've seen that for centuries. Now. This is that one very, very profound truth that has maybe been bent and has been distorted more than any other truth out there.

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The Birth of a Sati Salaam Hasani Salaam in general,

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a southern woman, Maria, is that one truth that probably has been twisted, has been molded, has been distorted more than anything else.

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I mean, the Jews simply dismissed him as the child of an illegitimate relationship.

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And as someone who is a heretic,

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the Christians deified him. So this is that one truth that's been completely, completely been messed with all over the place. So Allah says young Tarun, they're messing with the truth even though they have no evidence, no proof to do so. And they continue to do so. And we see that till today. And Poland have this is the true Word in which they're trying to put doubt into

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my candelilla he Makana lillahi

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Allah subhanaw taala in a number 35 says makanda de la IE, it is not befitting a lot. It literally if you translate it, it would say it would mean it is not for Allah. What that means as a figure of speech in Arabic is that it is not befitting a light is not appropriate for Allah, it does not suit Allah.

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It is not sued him a lot. All right, and this is in the past tense form. Now this is occurring in the past tense form, for emphasis for tacky for emphasis, that this is absolutely completely inappropriate for Allah. What is so what is so inappropriate for a lot? What is so

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what is so unsuited to say about Allah? And All right, the next word is and yet Duffy, do you have an aunt of Syria? Now it's going to explain what is so inappropriate to say about a law yet Duckie the weather then somehow Yeah, tequila. Meanwhile, I didn't Suhana yet tequila, meanwhile, he didn't that he took from a child. Now I'm translating against kind of strangely here in English, that doesn't make a lot of sense. Right? What that basically means is that he took a child that he had a son, this is completely unfitting Allah, this is completely unsuited to a law that is completely inappropriate to say about a law that he would have a son. And we see here that the reason why I

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stuck that myth that word from in there before when I translated it, is because of the word men. Now the word men can have many, many different meanings. One of the meanings or one of the effects rather of men.

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Under Construction is that it can add the meaning of it is not even in the least bit.

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Like we say even in the least bit, it's a very, it's to mean even a part or a portion of something that even in the least bit, at any level, it is completely inappropriate at any level. To say that Allah would have a son to say that Allah would have a child is completely inappropriate. And there's no justification for this doesn't matter how you meant it what you were trying to say, but you mean it like this, but you perceive it like this, but you explained none of them. completely unfounded, completely inappropriate, completely uncalled for, it just doesn't suit a lot, my candelilla he, he can't even you can't even fathom this alone would have a child the son can't. And yet the healer

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Meanwhile, anyone at any level, no explanation for such a thing. Suba Hana. Now this is kind of like a statement in and of itself. So Hana.

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So the HANA All right, the word sub had come from the root word, which means to swim, but this is used in the Arabic language, to express you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala being free, or above and beyond any type of shortcoming or fault. And the explanation for how that word comes from the root of swimming. It's there's numerous explanations, one of the explanations is lifted up.

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There's sometimes a word just spins off and develops its own meaning. And that's okay, that can happen. All right. Second explanation is there is some connection here. The one of the explanations that we find in the lexicon is, there's two words for swimming in classical Arabic, one refers to swimming submerged inside the water, the other is for swimming with the head above the water, maintaining the head above the water, this is that term. So just like the head is above the water or lies above imperfection, just like the head is above the water or lies above imperfection. The third and the final explanation that's mentioned in some of the books of tafazzin. Some of the books of

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the explanation of the Quran. So again, now this is not so much of a linguistic explanation, it's more of a reflection. And the reflection that some of them are facilitating offer is that like swimming is an effort to remain a float in water. Swimming is what we call an effort to remain a float in water. Similarly to be glorifying and praising Allah is an effort to remain afloat amidst all the temptations, all the desires, and all the distractions of this world. That the only thing that keeps us afloat is us doing it the speed and the thinking of a lot.

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The second we start doing that would be like a person stop moving within the water,

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he would start to sink into the water he would drown. Similarly, we will begin to drown in the temptations and distractions of this world. So Subhana now this is in the very hyperbolic form. This is in the exaggerated form so high.

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So it's like a proclamation how absolutely perfect. how amazingly flawless who, Savannah who, how absolutely perfect, how amazingly flawless is he, and the he refers to a lot.

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The heat refers to a lot. Now, like I told you, this is kind of like an interjected statement. This is like a statement in and of itself, just this one little word, or this one little construction. How absolutely perfect is he? So where's the rest of the sentence? Again, this is another example of the rest of the sentence being omitted. And the reason why it's done here, I want you to imagine just writing one word, like we would write amazing. And then you would put like eight exclamation points after it. Like you would say lol and then four exclamation points after it. Right? So that's the effect that this creates when you omit the rest of the sentence and just leave one word there.

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That grammatically speaking, rhetorically speaking in classical Arabic, that's the effect that it creates. How absolutely perfect is he and then a string of exclamation marks.

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That and now why is it being plugged in here? Because we just got done talking about Allah subhanaw taala just said makanan de la jolla tequila. Meanwhile, again, it is absolutely inappropriate to say in any way shape or form to say about Allah, that he would have a son that he would have a child Suhana how amazingly perfect, how, how absolutely flawless is he? So this is like this is an and something very interesting in the Quran. And we find this in a number of places. Like it's sort of too soft right off the top of my head and sort of number 37 when Allah subhanaw taala tells us about

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that the machete cone of Makkah, they said that what jallianwala cattle Lavina

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I forget the exact ayah. But it mentions about how they made the angels, the daughters of Allah. They made the angels, the daughters of Allah, they called the angels, the daughters of Allah, when it mentions that fact. And of course, it's mentioning that to refute it, it mentions it to refute it, that how inappropriate

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how inappropriate that they would, they would assign some creation of a law and they would they would call some creation of a lot the daughters of Allah, how completely inappropriate is that? So unless hunter mentioned that to refute it, but immediately after, what does he say?

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For Subhana luggie on my a boon for Subhana Allah here on my Yossi phone.

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So behind Allah Yama, you'll see phone right away. Immediately after that Allah says how absolutely perfect is Allah how above and beyond is Allah subhanaw taala. From what compared to what they say? How absolutely above beyond Perfect, perfect and flawless is Allah from what these people attribute to him what these people say about him. So this is a pattern within the Quran, that even when Allah mentions the fact that these people have said that he says the son of Allah or they say that the machine can say that the angels are the daughters of Allah, even though Allah mentions that in refutes that immediately following that, Oh Allah subhanaw taala says for Subhana Allah He here he

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says Subhana who Subhana who how absolutely perfect is he that he has absolutely nothing to do with these what these people talk about a laser above and beyond what these people say about him is alpha Omron. And now that that that complete that refutation has made completely and that word of faith any man has been spoken with exclamation Subhana who now we have a little bit of something to chew on something intellectual here and intellectual argument is that the Omron

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is acaba Imran whenever

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whenever he did decrease something Cabo I talked about this word about Korean. Whenever he decreased something he decided something

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Omran any type of an issue for innama, then all he does, the intimate creates a hassle. There, all he does is Yoku, he says, to its know who all he does is your hula who he says to it couldn't be fair, good. And it is, he says being it is. So whenever he decreased something, anything at all, all he has to do is say be and it is. So this is the intellectual argument here, that if you are so fascinated, if you are so baffled, if you are so

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intentive, if you will, by the miraculous conception and birth of Isa Ali Salaam, and if you are so blown away, by as it said, I'm performing all the miracles that he did, like speaking, when he's just an infant, and reviving the dead, and curing the blind, and curing lepers, if you were so unlike completely blown away by all of this, then what you really need to think about and you're so blown away by all of this, you're so impressed by all of this, that you said, We have no choice but to say that he's a deity, we have no choice but to say he's the son of God. How else could somebody be born without a father? How else could somebody speak? While he's an infant? How else could

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somebody perform all of these miracles, then realize that what you really need to be focusing on what you really need to trace all this back to that this is not the power of Isa on display. This is the power of a long display. When Allah wants anything to be, he says Be and it is.

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That's it. So this entire world that exists around you,

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be and it is.

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So let's find out what Allah told the child to come into existence without a father, and he came into existence. And that's the exact reason that I mentioned previously as well in Sudan, Iran and Sudan. Number three, why Allah subhanaw taala says in the mercenaries are in the lucky commodity, Adam,

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that the example of an ISA in the sight in the eyes of a law according to a law is just like the example of Adam

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no stretch of the imagination there. I'm not told Adam B and he was a lot older a savvy and he was easy as that. So this is an intellectual argument here that think for a second

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that if you are

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following some type of a divinely revealed religion, even though it's been distorted with it's been messed with, but if you are a follower of some form of a divinely revealed religion, then at

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That time you obviously do understand you do grasp the fact that there is a love, there is a Rob there is a creator, there is a God.

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And if that God is almighty and all powerful, and all creating and all sustaining,

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then why can't you come to terms with the fact that yes, this man and his existence is a miracle, but it's a miracle of that same God.

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And it's no different than the miracle that you are. And it's just like the miracle that that tree outside is. And it's just like the miracle of the sun that you see in the sky. They are all creation of God. Sure, there's something very unique about that particular miracle. But just like when you look at the tree, and you look at yourself, and you hold your child, and you look up at the sun, and you say, Wow, God is amazing. Look what God's created. Why can't you look at an ISA and also say, Wow, how amazing is God? Well, how amazing is God's creation is about Omron, feeding them, Maya Pula, who confess

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in the next ayah,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we're in the la hora B, we're a boo, boo. So again, this is continuing to relate to us what eSATA his Salaam is saying.

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All right, and like I told you previously, that there's a difference of opinion among some of us. And some say I am number 34. And 35 is actually a law speaking himself. And this is a lot interjecting in between the column of Isa alayhis salam, some say no, this was actually Italia Salam also speaking. Well, Allahu taala on him. And again, like I've mentioned numerous times, there's nothing wrong with actually taking both understandings and benefiting from both because that is the versatility that is the beauty of the Quran. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says an EIN number 36. Why in the law be a boon for Abu

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hanifa Serato must have been this is a very, very

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amazing IRA. Now, when you read everything that we're going to be reading today, and what we've already read today, you see a lot of very, very interesting things. And it's a very, you know, some of these are out there very unique. And so you figured there's and when you get to an I like winning the lotto be what are you comfortable do? Even if you speak very little nervous, you can pretty much take that if you know what it's saying. Basically, waiting a lot of be what a boo, boo, boo boo, has a Serato Masaki. So you're like, Oh, that's easy. I Okay, it looks like we'll be done with this in 10 seconds. The The amazing thing again, this is the problem. Is that how this is a complete summary

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of my faith?

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This is a complete summary of our Deen and this one I am. So it says we're in Allaha. So first, it begins with emphasis that most definitely no doubt about the fact.

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You know, we came across this word in the in our Arabic class. And I told the students because sometimes, you know, we when we read translations, it kind of gets a little peculiar. Alright, so we read and very early, and then you think, what's a fairly, right?

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I don't know. No, verily. Right? So it's confusing. So I explained to them that this is for emphasis, it means no doubt, actually told them it means for sure. Right? So most definitely, Allah is Robbie.

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So you have the Messenger of Allah, you have a seven nobody amount. He said, I'm saying what in the law rugby? Most definitely Allah is my Arab.

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What buku and he is your rub.

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He's all of Europe as well. Now, first of all, we understand we need to understand what does Rob mean? And we've talked about this probably numerous times in different lectures or even previously in these

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tissue recording subsidiaries. But just real quickly, in 30 seconds, Rob, it doesn't, we need to understand the full context of it. It's one of those words that has many, many layers to it.

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It's kind of like, you know, you keep peeling an onion layer after layer. That's how some words are they have layer under layer under layer under layer. And when you finally get to the bottom, then you cry. Alright, so we're in the lobby. So Rob is one of those type of words it means the one who creates the one who maintains the one who sustains the one who provides the one who protects the one who guides. So basically, to summarize is not just the one who creates, but the one who creates something, and then he takes it from creation to fruition.

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From creation to fruition.

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That is the one who is Rob.

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All right. So that that is the one who is Rob, so we're in the lobby, so that that understanding needs to be there. When we say Rob, we just don't say understand what that means. I'm not just saying that Ally's The one who created me. So raizada time is not just saying Ally's, the one who created me and all of you but he's saying he's the one who created all of us. And then he literally gave us the ability to grow. He grew

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through us, he sustained us, he maintained us, he provided for us, he protected us. And he continues to guide us. And he continues to do all of those things for us. And he's the same one that will make us transition from this life into the next life. And he's the same one that will continue to take care of us over there. That is the one who is Rob.

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And so that automatically makes you reflect on

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all the blessings of aligning your life,

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that I owe my existence to a lot. I owe my my health, my physical form, my emotions, my in my intelligence, everything that I have in my life that I benefit from that I enjoy, I owe everything to Allah. There's a natural sense of gratitude at that moment that overtakes a person. You can't help but feel grateful. This is my rub.

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And if that is your rub, if he's your rub, and he's giving you everything that you have, and you truly start to feel a sense of gratitude, you're overcome by gratitude, then what is the consequences a consequence of that fabu fabuleux. So then worship him

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a bother. But then again, we know that the word ibadah comes from the same root as the word

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which means slave. So worship, not just simply worship don't just perform a ritual. But the reason why the word a bar that comes from the same root as the word slave, is because when you worship, in the proper manner, in the proper fashion, with the correct intention with the right focus, it is a manifestation of the servitude that you feel towards a law.

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That is somebody says, I am a slave of a law. I owe everything to a law, I've dedicated myself to a lot, but that person cannot have does not have the sense or cannot make the commitment to stand up and just simply pray before Allah. Then there's something that's not connecting there.

00:32:01 --> 00:32:03

There's something that's not connecting, there's a disconnect.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:16

Because if you truly felt that way, he would have no problem standing up and worshiping Allah. So win the lotto than praise. So lots of fun in the morning, you'd say, the Baker was Sadiq.

00:32:17 --> 00:32:18

I'm ready to go.

00:32:19 --> 00:32:24

When he was sold fast for a month in Ramadan, Bismillah, where do I sign up?

00:32:25 --> 00:32:31

When he was told when he would be told, give charity or write, to who and to whom and how much.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:49

That's it. No questions asked. Because when you feel that sense of gratitude, then it leads you to obedience. It leads you to obedience, I told the students in the daytime class in the Arabic class, that obedience is a side effect of gratitude.

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Obedience is a side effect of gratitude.

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I even told them about a very

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interesting conversation that I got to witness. It was part of an Islamic awareness week program. And there was a sister on the panel, a recent very, very recent revert, she was speaking and talking about some of the things she'd gone to. She'd literally taken childhood maybe four or five months ago. And somebody asked her about the hijab. She was wearing a hijab, somebody asked her about it. And she actually opened up she said, I actually just started wearing it a couple of weeks ago. So for the first few months after I accepted a psalm, it was just something that I couldn't come to terms with. And she said, I was a part of dozens of, you know, discussions, which turned into

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arguments, which evolved into debates about whether or not hijab is necessary or not, etc, etc, this and that, I read so many internet, forums and articles and all that stuff. And none of it convinced me one way or the other just left me more confused.

00:33:50 --> 00:34:30

The thing that convinced me that I wanted to wear hijab that I needed to where he job was gratitude to Allah. And then she went on to talk about some personal tragedy she had just recently experienced, and how in Las panatela helped her through those personal situations. And she said she was so overcome with gratitude, when the luck presented to her such a beautiful, perfect solution to her problems, that at that moment, she just said to herself, a law you do, you've done so much for me and you continue to do so much for me, I'll do whatever you want me to do. So if that's a job, then no problem, then no problem. So obedience is that side effect of gratitude. And that's it wait

00:34:30 --> 00:34:40

in the lobby fabu fabu. So worship Him in slave yourself to Him, commit yourself to Him devote and dedicate yourself to Him

00:34:41 --> 00:34:50

have asset optimistically. This is the straight path. This is the straight path.

00:34:52 --> 00:35:00

And you know, we have so much discussion again about Serato Serato stuffing is in our Serato something we're gonna say it in some

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Again, we said it Mugler. We're gonna see it again in a shot.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:21

All right, so much discussion about it. But here lies saying this right here, this, it's right under your nose, what you just read the four or five words that you just read what in the law be what a boo, boo, boo, boo boo, have that Serato sign. Once you realize how indebted you are to Allah,

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how infinitely indebted you are to Allah, how infinitely and eternally grateful you are to Allah, and you make that commitment, you come to that realization, I will live my life to please Him, I will live my life and devotion and dedication to him. That is Dean right there.

00:35:39 --> 00:36:14

That is Dean right there. Everything else we might talk about, whether it'd be an Aikido discussion, or it'd be a fifth debate, or it'd be some intellectual arguments about the about something in regards to religion or a dean or whatever, everything else is then supplemental. Everything else is supplemental. Everything else supplements this, but this is the foundation. And that's the tragedy, a lot of times that we lack this foundation, both people that are not so people that might be a little distant from their Deen, definitely like this foundation.

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And even people that are quote, unquote, more involved in the dean. A lot of times they lack this foundation, they get caught up in the periphery,

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they get tangled up into barbed wire on the boundary. And they never make it into the actual center of the matter. They never get to the actual core the point. All right, and that core in that point is the gratitude you feel to a law and how it compels you to be obedient to Allah and you decide to live a life of devotion and dedication to Allah, everything from there will fall into place. Because after that point is no questions asked. So a lot What do you want me to do? How do you want me to do it? When do you want me to do it? Just tell me let me know. And I'm ready to go. That's it. No questions asked. How does Serato Masaki the next I number 37. Allah says, fuck della Zaboo

00:37:04 --> 00:37:05


00:37:07 --> 00:37:30

So now we're remember we're talking about a Saudi Salaam. And how as Ali salam, the matter, the issue, the story of a Saudi sama, so distorted, and it was so conflicted amongst the people, and how they distorted the story. And it led to a distortion of their demon Gen 11 says nine number 37, Fox,

00:37:31 --> 00:37:31

amin beanie him.

00:37:33 --> 00:37:39

So, in conclusion, if so, that thought is so therefore, so, if that

00:37:40 --> 00:37:54

is the last in the Arabic language, specifically in karate, it just means to differ, it means so they differed. Alright, but it means in chronic language, it refers to a specific type of different and that is different with

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very, very strongly to differ with each other, to very strongly disagree, not just to disagree, or to differ, but to very strongly differ and disagree.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:10

All right, so they strongly disagreed, who strongly disagreed, zap,

00:38:11 --> 00:38:36

zap, zap is the plural of the word his his one. And, again, the word his refers to a group of people that are united by some type of a cause. And again, the implication of the word his What is unique about the word Hayes, is that again, it means not just a group that is united by a cause, but a group that is united by a cause and they are very severe in their cause.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:39

They are very, very serious

00:38:41 --> 00:39:10

about their cause, to the point of literally being severe, they are so serious, that they take it too far and they become sometimes they can become too severe about their cause. So folks that have Zaboo So, these groups that are taking their matter their opinion very seriously, they are now different, differing, and they are disagreeing with each other very, very, extremely, very severely, severely, very seriously. I mean, bamie him, but Subhanallah

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all these differing, and all this disagreeing and all this extreme opposition to each other. This is happening happening amongst themselves, Min benei him from in between themselves.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:43

They didn't harm anyone else. They just only confused themselves. And a lot of the scholars at this particular junction in the Tafseer of this ayah they now bring into discussion, the many, many factions, the derivations, all the many different

00:39:44 --> 00:39:47

deviances within the Christian faith.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

And in the previous ayah you have to make note of the fact that loss has hada Serato stopping and we know that the word set off the word set off in the Arabic language and classical Arabic has no plural

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

It means a singular united path,

00:40:03 --> 00:40:11

a singular united path. So previously it was saying that is the singular united path. But once you get off that path,

00:40:12 --> 00:40:13

then it's like off roading.

00:40:14 --> 00:40:38

It's like off roading. Now there's no lanes, and there's no boundaries and there's no shoulder, there's nothing anymore. Now it's just a free for all. Someone's there, someone's going here, someone's going there. Everybody's just running all over the place. It's haywire. Everything's gone crazy. And Fox telephone, and beanie him. Once he got off the right track,

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then it just got out of control.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:57

Then they just kept extremely vehemently, severely differing with each other amongst each other. And they kept splitting up splitting off splitting off splitting off spinning off spinning off to the point where you can't even make heads or tails of where it started in word and

00:40:59 --> 00:41:02

Allah subhanaw taala then says for whale and

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therefore whale, whale in the Arabic language is an expression. This is again what you'll see in translations as Whoa, B two or something like that. All right. What it basically means is in our common language, what we would say is, how pathetic How pathetic when you would have pity on something or someone? How pathetic How sad.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:43

How pathetic, how sad. And who are we having a who is who is this pity being expressed upon? Linda de Naka for who for the ones who have disbelieved?

00:41:44 --> 00:41:45

Because this is disbelief.

00:41:47 --> 00:42:23

Yeah, this is not some variation of the truth. This is not just some other shade of the truth. No, no. When you say that someone is the Son of God, that's called disbelief. For Waylon Lin Latina cafaro How pathetic those people who have disbelieved me mush Howdy, and wire Why is this pity being expressed for them? May mesh howdy from the mesh had the presence or the standing or the witnessing, of yo minute, I'll leave the very great day, the heavy day.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:43

That day, that is very profound, the profound day. All right. And Mashhad can mean a number of things either it can be also be a Muslim Mimi, which means it's the IMG version of the word and shooed shahida Shahada can also mean to be present.

00:42:44 --> 00:43:26

That the presence, the presenting of that day that these people will be presented on that day. All right, these people will be presented on that day, they will have to witness that day. And how pathetic will their condition be on that day? In this world? They got by and they said what they said and they did what they did fine. But how pathetic will their condition be on that day when they are presented? When they are made to stand on that day? How pathetic will their condition be? How sad will their predicament be? It can also be used as in this could also be in the Sabbath. And it's inverted. Meaning it describes the place or the time of something, a noun for place or time. All

00:43:26 --> 00:43:41

right. And in that particular sentence, it could mean that how pathetic How sad will be the standing position of these people on that day, because these people will stand on that day. But they won't be like those people who sit under the shade of the auto ship a lot.

00:43:42 --> 00:44:15

Rather, these people will be standing under the burning scorching sun on that day, which will be a mile above people's head. They'll be drowning in their own sweat. And they'll be standing face front facing the Hellfire with their faces literally melting off of them on that day, as the Quran tells us about how pathetic and how sad well they're standing beyond the day. Or it could also mean the time that is referring to the Day of Judgment. Or it could mean all of those things at the same time. And it can also mean how sad and how pathetic will their condition be when they will be witnessed against.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:42

And the Quran tells us that the Gambia the prophets will testify against these people. This Omar Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam will testify against such people, their own hands their own feeds their own tongues will testify against these people. Their own skins sort of facility even tells us that their own skins What do you do to be mechanically amanu their own skin will testify against them on that day.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:57

And we even know that he saw alayhis salam or east Ave Maria, about whom they concocted all these lies and they diluted themselves in about him. He Himself will testify against these people on that day.

00:44:58 --> 00:45:00

He himself in sorrow to them.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:35

Either in IE number 116 and 117 Allah subhanaw taala tells us with call Allahu era seven Imodium, Allah will say to her, he said the son of Medea ends up telling us did you say to the people, it the whodunnit, were omya illa Hanuman do not that you should make me and my mother, deities aside from God for aside from Allah, palace of hanoch he'll respond by saying, how absolutely perfect and flawless Are you Allah? How much beyond this and above this? Are you this type? Are you above this type of talk Allah, Maya Kunal Lee, what's wrong with me?

00:45:37 --> 00:46:19

What could possibly possess what could possess me? An akula melissani bihac that I would ever say such a thing. Meaning I would have to have lost my mind to say such a thing. I would never dare say such a thing. Molly's le bihac to say something that I don't have the right to say in going to poo fucka Darlington Oh life I was truly said this, then, you know, you would have known that if I would have said it. Dalai Lama CFC Allah you know that which is inside me, when I asked him if enough sick and I don't know what you know, Allah, in the Quran tomuu most definitely you and only you are the complete Knower of all the things that are hidden. And he goes on and I am number 117 makuta whom I

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did not tell them except for my amount and he be he that what you had commanded me? And what was that and yeah, Buddha law be what I become, that you should worship Allah, Who is my Lord and your Lord, we're going to lay him shahidan madam to feed him and I was a witness upon them as long as I remained amongst them for no matter what faith any but when you took me away go into into rocky Valley him you were the one watching over them. When the other condition shaky then you are witnessing everything Allah, you are witness to everything Oh Allah. So as Ali said, I'm in sort of my either we see he's Ali Salaam, himself will testify against these people on that day of judgment.

00:46:58 --> 00:47:18

They'll have nobody in their corner, though nobody in their corner for a living in Medina cafaro me How pathetic is the condition of those people who have disbelieved and how much more pathetic will be their condition on that day, and when they are made to stand that day. And when they are testified against on that great day on that profound day. I in number 38

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Allah subhanaw taala says, a smear be him. Well, I will say,

00:47:25 --> 00:47:27

as well smear be him Well, I will say.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:32

Now this requires a little bit of an explanation grammatically speaking.

00:47:36 --> 00:47:41

A smear be him what I would say. Both of these are examples of what is called fear luta. I do.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:48

Fear looted you tajo. Which means that it is a verb that expresses

00:47:49 --> 00:47:50


00:47:51 --> 00:47:53

It's a verb that expresses

00:47:56 --> 00:48:14

a lot of emotion. Its astonishment, its surprise. But especially but when we talk about a lost power with Allah, it's in the sense of that it's mocking these people. So normally, if somebody else like a human being wants to say it, it would be a smear be him.

00:48:15 --> 00:48:35

Wow, how amazing can they hear now? How amazing can they hear now? While I will sit? And how amazingly clearly Can they see now? And you will truly be surprised? like wow, you can really hear clearly and you can really see clearly. But when the last panel whatever is saying it about these people, it's mocking them.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:37

That Wow.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:42

You can really hear clearly and see clearly now right?

00:48:43 --> 00:48:46

But what happened in the dunya when the message came to you?

00:48:47 --> 00:49:14

What happened in the dunya when the message came to you? You couldn't hear then you can see the truth then. And Allah tells us about such people in the Quran, the Whom are you known, like of sirona, via whatever Madonna, like a smile on their eyes. But they didn't see the truth, that ears but they didn't listen to the truth. They chose not to see the truth. They chose not to listen to the truth.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:17

But now that they show up on the Day of Judgment,

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now that they've experienced death, and they've been in their graves, and they're resurrected, and they're standing on the Day of Judgment, and every single little thing that they were told about is happening in front of their eyes. Then Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sudo to send stuff. What will these people say robina of a sudden Ah, what sent me

00:49:40 --> 00:49:46

Our Lord our master. We seem now we've seen was sent me I know now we've heard

00:49:47 --> 00:49:59

we got no doubts for Jana now. mazzani had returned us back so we can go go go and do some good deeds. We can go go we can go and do just a little bit of good in that movie, noon.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

We firmly believe now we get we don't even have an iota of doubt anymore.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:11

We believe it was all true. You're right. But like what we say in English too little too late,

00:50:12 --> 00:50:13

too little too late.

00:50:15 --> 00:50:18

And so these people now are being told as me I beat him

00:50:19 --> 00:50:24

now that they're on the Day of Judgment, they're standing there and they're being testified against by their own body. And he said

00:50:26 --> 00:50:36

the one about whom they concocted all these lies, he's testifying against them. As me I beat him while Bill said look out clearly they can hear and they can see now

00:50:37 --> 00:50:41

now they're ready to testify the truth from the top of their lungs.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:53

But Allah subhanaw taala says, yo may tune in a hawk clearly Can they see and how clearly can they hear? Yo may tune in on the day that they will come to us

00:50:54 --> 00:51:34

lacking ivali Moon and Leo Murphy abahlali movie and there's a very beautiful grammatical flow to this ayah Yo man tuna. This is again in their present slash future tense form that when they will come to us why because now the conversation is being brought to the hearing the now the current situation, lacking a volley moon but the volume one volume one means wrongdoers, people who have wronged themselves, people who have an end the root of this word volume actually means to misappropriate to put something where it doesn't belong, but there are shady Lady mahali to put something where it doesn't belong to misappropriate something shit in the shitcan I don't wanna have

00:51:34 --> 00:51:40

him shake his gun. Why? Because you misappropriate our laws right to be worshipped his soul right to be worshipped.

00:51:42 --> 00:52:02

And sending is also a form of love, because you misappropriate all the blessings of Allah and letting give you intelligence and lending give you abilities and money and time so that you disobey Allah, you wreak havoc on the face of the earth. Allah gave you all of this so that you would live a life of obedience and use it for yourself, but in a permissible fashion, in a reasonable manner.

00:52:03 --> 00:52:09

But when people wrong, they sin and the abuse the blessings of a lion, they violate our laws right to be worshipped.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:12

They say that he says the Son of God,

00:52:13 --> 00:52:32

then at that time they are committing Lakin ivali Moon, but these lolly moon, these wrongdoers, these bad people and the oma today, feed balani mubin they are in very, very clear open misguidance they are in very clear open misguidance.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:54

Alright, so today but today here now, they're in clear Miss misguidance. Now the word I want to emphasize here is the word fee. fee in the Arabic language is like a preposition what we call a preposition something like that. And it means in, inside of, in inside of. And this is used in a very

00:52:55 --> 00:53:06

This is used as a visual within the Quran. There's imagery built into this. And what it means is that imagine being inside of something, when you're inside of something, you don't know what's going on outside.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:22

You don't know what's going on outside. Because you're completely surrounded, you're encased you're insulated. Similarly, these people are completely in a bubble, a bubble of misguidance, their own delusions, their own lies, they're encased

00:53:23 --> 00:53:46

they've gotten they've buried themselves so much into lies and misguided said said they can't even see the truth anymore. They can't even hear the truth anymore. So today that is their condition. They guess on that day, they'll see and they'll hear very clearly. And they'll recognize the truth. But today they've buried themselves within their own lies that can involve him on an Goma feed holiday movie.

00:53:47 --> 00:53:50

And I in number 39 Allah says When did

00:53:52 --> 00:53:52

when did

00:53:54 --> 00:54:18

and warn them? This is a command one bedroom and warn them. And I'd like to just for a quick second, clarify this word in the warned mithya Warner, the one who warns. All right. Often, sometimes when you hear it, especially the translation of it in English, we get the message that we get the idea that it's like scaring someone scared of them, warn them.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:25

But what we have to understand that moseyed and the word in God doesn't mean to like scare the living daylights out of someone.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:56

But rather determine Arabic In classical Arabic. It means when you warn someone of some impending danger, that is a very of a very real possibility. When you warn someone of impending danger, and that is a very real possibility. So if somebody is walking towards a ditch, and they're not paying attention, they're looking up at the sky and they're walking towards a ditch. Now, that's a very real danger to them and it's about to happen. It's a possibility. And then when you say, Hey, stop, stop, stop.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

That's invalid. That's in done.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:11

So when it says, the woman says warn them, but out of love for them, because you care about them, and do it because there's a real danger to them. There's a real danger that is imminent.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:26

So this brings back that tone of yes what these people have done or what they've said or what they believed is wrong. But that doesn't change the fact that when you warn them, you do it out of the goodness of your heart. You do it out of love and kindness and sympathy and affection for humanity.

00:55:28 --> 00:55:31

We never, we never preached down to people.

00:55:32 --> 00:56:06

We never condemn people believe this, or else you go to *. That's not the way our message is structured. Instead of goodness, that set of love and kindness and affection and sympathy for people when they're in warn them, because you care about them, warn them of what Yeoman has Sati Yeoman has Swati al Hassan in the Arabic language means very, very severe regret and remorse. Like such regret and remorse that you would just want to cease to exist.

00:56:08 --> 00:56:10

You want to you want to cease to exist.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:19

Such regrets such remorse. And so the Day of Judgment is called the day of severe remorse and regret, warn them of that day.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:23

warn them of that day, Yamaha Sati

00:56:27 --> 00:56:27


00:56:28 --> 00:57:07

the prophets Allah Allahu Allah, He said them in a hadith narrated by Mirage, Benjamin la De La Hoya and winter Bharani. The prophets Allah tells us that even that the Day of Judgment is called the day of remorse and regret because obviously, you know, people who did wrong and will be doomed on that day. Those people will obviously regret the decisions that they've made, the choices that they made, but the promises and tells us that even people that go to Jenna will have a very light, but at some level, they will have some level of regret. And their regret will be that they will regret every little moment, every waking second or moment that they spent without the vicar or the obedience of

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00:57:09 --> 00:57:14

You just can't help but wish you would have done more when you see what awaits on that day.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:17

And there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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That tells us that there's a hadith in Sahih Muslim from Abu Sarita hoody radi Allahu anhu that it's a very long lengthy Hadith that talks about death will be brought on the day of judgment in the form of a lamb

00:57:36 --> 00:58:10

and the people of Japan The people of Hellfire will both their attention will be called and that lamb will be killed it'll be slaughtered. And then a lot the the proclamation will be made yeah and agenda. Hello Don Fela Mota are people of Paradise now it's all of eternity no more death. And the people have died and of the people of fire We Toad Yeah, and then our Hulu and Fela Mota for all of eternity now and no more death. So makara has Eli and then the Prophet says after telling this hadith he read this ayah well, under whom Yeoman Hassan is odious

00:58:12 --> 00:58:52

because it's good the lover when the affair will be decided, when the affair will be decided, when all final decisions will be made, people have genda have gone to Agenda people have how I've gone to *, and then this decision will be made no more death, there'll be no more hope. Because even if somebody ends up in a bad situation, what's that one? What like we call it the light at the end of the tunnel. Right? What's that one little hope that you do have that eventually Okay, I'm miserable right now. But this misery one day will end. This misery will eventually end but their misery will never end it's put the alarm when the final decision will be made. Now the Hadith of the prophets a

00:58:52 --> 00:59:33

lot he said him also tells us about the same predicament of theirs that Hina youth by helicopter shoo in for the Connie and Iran that when that cat when that land will be slaughtered and both the groups will be watching on unable to do anything the people of general will of course rejoice. The people of * will literally want to cease to exist suited to Zoho for law tells us about this one now though. Yeah, Malik. At that moment, and that time they'll call out this uh, yeah, Malik, the gatekeeper of *. The aka the alien out of book. Why doesn't a lot let's just let us die. Call it in the komaki soon. Malik will respond to them. No, no, no, you're gonna stay here forever.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:59

You're gonna stay here forever. May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all from such a fate. cello. We'll go ahead and pause we're in the middle of the ayah and I realize that's kind of strange, but it's time for the add on time for solo. So we'll go ahead and pause here and we'll complete the passage and continue on further in sha Allah. Be in the lab by the permission will have a lot tomorrow. May Allah give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhana Allah He will be handy he subhanak Allah who will be handy

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

Shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta sakurako aneta willing

Ayahs 34-38

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