Abdul Nasir Jangda – Stories of the Prophets #25

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the negative impact of human interaction and the importance of focusing on personal health and well-being. They emphasize the need for everyone to live a healthy life, including physical and mental health. They also highlight the negative impact of socializing and the importance of healthy behavior in protecting oneself. The speaker emphasizes the need for everyone to live a healthy life, regardless of one's situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Inshallah, continuing

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with our series here in the month of

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the stories of the prophets from the Quran.

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And we try to extract

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a practical lesson every day from these different

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stories that we can live by.

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Today, inshallah, we're going to continue talking about

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Dawud and Suleyman alayhim as salam.

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We started talking about them in the previous

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that Dawud and Suleyman

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are 2 prophets of Allah who are father

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and son.

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while they are prophets of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala and so there's

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so much that we can take from them

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and learn from them and benefit from them

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as Allah says in the Quran,

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That these are the people whom Allah gave

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guidance to.

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So follow them

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and look at their example and learn from

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them. So there's so much we can take

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from them but different prophets

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some different unique lessons.

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And the lesson

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A lot of the lessons from the life

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of Dawud and Soleiman Alaihi Salam

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is related to the fact that along with

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being prophets

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that they were

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kings and rulers.

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so the lesson that we're going to explore

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the lesson and the understanding

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of power.

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Power is

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a very

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it's something that everyone thinks about. It's something

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that everyone talks

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about. It's something that's

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on our minds. It's something that occupies our

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conversations and discussions and thoughts.

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Power is something that human beings have always

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struggled with.

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So when talking about power,

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we need to understand exactly

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what the Quran teaches us about the nature

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of power.

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And what the Quran

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tells us about

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what power is and what its reality is.

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And how do we view it? How do

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we perceive it? And how do we interact

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with it?

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The very first thing Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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tells us as a foundation

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is that And I commented on this, I

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think it was during when the qiyam talks

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but the first thing the Quran tells us

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is that

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human beings do not possess any power,

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not real power at least.

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Human beings,

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when it comes to power,

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what they possess is the delusion of power,

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the intoxication

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of power.

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But they don't actually possess power.

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Power belongs to Allah.

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And then it is given by Allah to

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the messenger of Allah.

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And then

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the benefits of that power are enjoyed by

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the believers.

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But power belongs

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to Allah.

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Allah is the king of the kings over

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the kings.

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And so Allah is the one who is

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Al Aziz,

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wal Jabbar,

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wal Qahar.

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is the only one who is truly mighty,

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dominant, and powerful.

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So power only and solely belongs to Allah.

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Now if that's the case,

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then what do human beings,

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you know, transact in? What are human beings

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dealing with? What are human beings operating with

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if it's not power?

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Then what human beings are dealing with or

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interacting with is essentially responsibility.

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That's really the gist of it. Now,

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if somebody

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succeeds in that, it's a blessing. If somebody

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fails in that responsibility,

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then it is their doom and their destruction.

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May Allah protect us all.

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A person will be questioned about this on

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the day of judgment.

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The feet of the human being will not

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be allowed to move from their place.

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He'll be glued to a spot

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in front of Allah until the person is

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That what did you do with what I

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gave you?

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And if that was responsibility

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over the other servants of Allah,

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that is a very, very scary responsibility.

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And so if someone ever does now,

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now that we've reframed it hopefully for ourselves

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it's not about power.

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It's about responsibility.

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The prophet

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said, Each one of you is responsible, not

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Allah is the only one who's powerful

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and we're all in need. We're all

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We're all desperate.

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None of us have power.

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But the prophet did say,

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Every one of you has different levels of

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So if we are given responsibility

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now how do we interact with it?

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How do we behave with it?

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So this is where now we will invoke

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the example of the Prophet Saud

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and today, more particularly the Prophet Soleiman

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Alayhi Musallam.

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And so first of all, when we talk

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about responsibility

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and authority

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and privilege,

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What we have

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deludes us so quickly, so easily.

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Let's look at what it really looks like

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in their in their hands, in their lives.

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Allah says in Suratul Saba, surah number 34,

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Dawud alaihis salam could mold iron with his

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bare hands.

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He could basically

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create armor

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and weaponry

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out of iron,

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pure iron with his bare hands.

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He controlled the wind.

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In one morning, he could travel the distance

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that it would take a person on the

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back of an animal to a month to

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How far a person would get on the

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back of an animal. He could do that

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in a month on the back of an

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animal. Soleiman Alaihi Salam could do that in

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one morning.

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And then how long it would take a

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person on the back of an animal to

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travel for an entire month? He could do

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that in a single evening

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because the wind would carry him.

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Allah made the natural minerals of the earth

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pour out of the earth for him. And

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he could mold them into whatever he wanted

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to on command.

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Imagine that.

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Stay with me. Alright? Don't go down the

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rabbit hole here.

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And the gin.

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Yes. I said the j word. Okay?

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Stay with me. Focus.

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My one of my my my sheikh actually,

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may Allah grant him paradise.

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He always used to joke about this. He

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said, don't use that word.

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Because everyone will forget everything you were talking

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about. They'll be like, Jin?

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So but this is the Quran saying, alright?

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Stay on focus.

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And the jinn, this powerful creation, what I

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was at his disposal

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and at his command,

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he could make them do whatever he wanted.

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That he could make them build palaces,

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you know, entire like like bowls or containers

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that were the size of entire craters,

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pots that were the size of an entire

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ditch like a crater.

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He had that kind of command.

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Think about that.

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Dawud alaihis salam,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us about him.

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That Dawud alaihis salam

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he could communicate with animals.

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With all the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala, he could communicate with them. He could

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talk to them.

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He could

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control like we talked about

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That the wind

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in all of its ferocity, like entire tornadoes,

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hurricanes, he could summon them on command.

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He could command those same jinn

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to die down to the floor of the

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ocean and bring up

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different precious stones from the floor of the

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ocean for him.

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Think about that kind of power,

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that kind of control.

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here's the lesson.

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What was their attitude

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in the midst of all of this?

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The attitude

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that they had,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us about it.

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When Allah talks about Dawud alaihis salam,

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Allah says, Dawud Adal Aidid, he was powerful

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but he was humble

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before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala when he tells us

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about the prophet Dawud alaihis salam,

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He tells us that Dawud alaihis salam

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He would seek forgiveness before his Lord.

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He would fall down in sujood and prostration

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in front of his Lord.

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He would seek forgiveness

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from his Lord.

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When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us about

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Dawud All day long, He would make the

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zikr and the praise and the glorification of

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So beautifully

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that the mountains would move with him.

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The birds would start to chirp with him

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as he made the dhikr of Allah

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morning evening.

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When Allah

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tells us about the prophet

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us about Suleymana

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alayhi salam

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that he would say

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That famous statement,

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we have those frames on top of the

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doors of our houses.

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That's from the statement of Soleiman

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He would say this is all from the

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blessing of my Lord.

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I don't own any of this.

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Allah granted me all of this

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and he would say

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If you are grateful, you are only benefiting

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And if somebody is ungrateful to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala

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then they should know that Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala does not need any of us.

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That Sulaiman

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he makes dua.

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Look how humble before Allah he is.

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Oh Allah, guide me, inspire me.

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Will I inspire me that I always be

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grateful for your blessings

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that you have showered upon me and showered

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upon my parents.

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And that I always do righteous deeds.

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That are pleasing to you, oh my Lord.

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And, oh Allah, enter me into your mercy.

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your righteous devout servants.

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That is

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the lesson

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of power

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that while we talked about reframing and re

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understanding that power

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as more

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than power.

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But even when we look at

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the people

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who had what we would describe as power,

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they were powerful,

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really truly powerful,

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unlike anything we've ever seen or witnessed.

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But what made them so remarkable?

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Look at how humble they are before Allah.

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The more dominant you are,

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the more control you

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seem to have,

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the more powerful you seem to be,

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the more humble you have to be in

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front of your Lord.

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The more humble you have to be before

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That's the lesson of power from the Quran

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Where it says about Dawood Alaihi Salam.

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was always turning back to Allah, making dua.

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Says about

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He was always humble turning back to Allah,

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sincerely asking for forgiveness

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and repenting to Allah.

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That's the real lesson.

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So first of all, we ask Allah to

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protect us from the delusions of power.

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We ask Allah

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to protect us

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from responsibility

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that we are not ready for.

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And we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that

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if he's given us responsibility

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that he give us the ability to fulfill

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that responsibility properly.

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And we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to

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always keep us humble.

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And the more Allah increases us in responsibility

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to make us more and more humble.

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