Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 142 – The Conclusion Of The Battle Of Khaybar

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallama Alayhi wa sallam's life is discussed, including his interactions with people and actions during the Battle of Faber. The segment also touches on the topic of mental illness and suicide, as well as the importance of actions in one's life and finding one's own success. The segment also explores the historical context of Islam, including the rise of Islam in India and the spread of Islam among Muslims. The segment concludes with a discussion of the loss of eating of donkey meat and the use of horse meat in the Battle of labor.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam go to Sierra intensiv.com to register and for more information.

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Similar will happen the lava salat wa salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah He was a marine. inshallah, continuing with our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a siracha number we have the prophetic biography. In the previous session, we were talking about the Battle of Faber. And as we discussed previously, the Battle of Faber was in the beginning of the seventh year of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam residents in the city of Medina, known as the seventh year of digital. So we had talked about that at the end of the sixth year we had the Treaty of who they be, after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophets, a lot of these

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him was able to settle that ongoing issue with the people of Morocco with the operation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now turned his attention to another source of a lot of difficulty and even anxiety for the Muslims. And that was the stronghold at hubbub, and the gathering of a lot of the enemies of the Muslims at the table. So the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam proceeded to escape, but we talked about it, were they the enemy retreated into a fortress, the Muslims laid siege to the fortress. And as we talked about previously, that the Muslims were eventually able to break through, we talked about it miraculously, through the death of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi

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wasallam. There Oliveira, Vitaly Brody, Allahu taala, and who was able to lead the charge, break through the fortress, and be able to conquer the fortress and lead the Muslims to victory. So what I wanted to talk about this, in this session was the continuation and also talk about kind of the conclusion of the Battle of paper. So there's a very, there's a couple of very beautiful stories, when you know, whenever we ended up talking about a lot of these different major events from the life of the prophets, a lot of them, particularly in the Medina narrow, there's a lot of battles that we talked about a lot of military expeditions and campaigns, obviously, because the Muslims

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were establishing themselves in the city of Medina, and for a lot of the powers at that time, the forces that be the powers that be, they found the Muslims to be a tremendous threat. And for that very reason, there were many attacks against the Muslims, and there was a lot of plotting and conspiring and planning against the Muslims and against the city of Medina. So it ended up necessitating a military response to a lot of these people who intended to harm Medina and the Muslims.

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But one of the things that's very insightful, that's very beautiful, that when we get past the idea of just having a quick summarize 10 to 15 minutes on each major epic event of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because, you know, we're we're covering the entirety of the life of the Prophet. So some in 200 pages are recovering the entirety of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in a number of hours. Right. Once we get past that particular point where we're able to delve deeply into exactly what happened and why it happened. You're able to uncover a lot of very beautiful interactions, a lot of gems in the profits a lot a sedums interaction with the people. So

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I always like to share these because it shows a softer side of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It shows the caring consideration that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam had for the people for his own followers and even the other people and how these were human beings at the end of the day.

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So in an international body, it's mentioned that

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yes, he even if you're obeyed, he says hlsl verboten fee sockeye salmon. That he says that I saw a scar on the leg of Sonoma radi Allahu taala and who sammartino laqua Fukuyama Muslim is kunia was Abu Muslim, so he said Yaba, Muslim. I hadn't thought about what happened to your leg.

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And he says that had he gotten so bad hayama Haber that this is from a wound that I had sustained on the day of labor for fallen so we'll see. But Salma there are people and it was such a bad severe wound that I was like crippled I couldn't walk. So I was on the ground, holding my leg, unable to walk into people, you know, started to create some commotion. Oh my god, Selim has been injured Solomon has been wounded. So for I teach him to be a sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So somebody brought me to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for an fsfe Salah as an afterthought in

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He said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he blew into the wound.

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Like he blew on to the wound, right three times. And NAFTA is also used to describe dealt with the prophets a lot except him before he would go to bed before he would rest at night. The profits a lot is what he would do is he would recycle a lot to fill up and sultanas and then

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and then you would do NAFTA, like you would kind of blow into his hands, and then he would wipe his hands over his body and authentic nation. So in this narration of Bahati, it says, similarly, the process and blew into my wound three times and he says for much for much tech at NASA, my wound, not only did it heal, but my leg has never heard ever again till today. And so much of an inequality Allahu taala and who was known as a warrior, he was a fighter. He fought in, you know, many, many different expeditions and campaigns and battles, but he said my neck, my leg never bothered me ever again. So this was the miracle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Another very interesting narration is that this is also mentioned in the PSA. He remember what he said he will say, he narrates that Abu Reda radi Allahu taala and who he says shahina Haber. Remember I had mentioned that

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to fail when amber had arrived at the time of haber. So bahauddin or the Allahu taala who says that we witnessed the Battle of caber for color Rasul Isola decemberat lira Julian mingma, Ahuja, Darien, Islam has been added now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to one of the people who claim to be Muslim, that this person is from the people of *. For the Mahabharata, from Madeleine Pathan original Twitter, hashtag Catherine de la Jara ha,

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that when the battle finally started this man, he started to fight very ferociously like he bought, he fought very bravely until the point that he was injured. Quite a bit. he sustained a lot of different wounds had that got about the NASA tab.

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And some of the people they started to not doubt. But some of the people became a little confused. Because this man who was with the Muslims, the prophets, a lot of these hymns said that this person is not sincere in fighting in the battle. Now, I want to take a little bit of a sidebar because when a lot of times we hear that we get kind of taken aback How can you doubt someone's sincerity? You and I cannot doubt some someone's sincerity. I cannot doubt anyone sincerity. I have to worry about my own. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has a different position, because the prophets allottee seven receives communication directly from Allah. So it's very different. All right, so the

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Prophet salami, some said this man is not fighting sincerely. And when the battle started, and he was fighting so bravely, so ferociously, and he was getting wounded, injured and kept fighting and fighting, that some people got kind of confused. That was the profitsystem talking about him. Was it him?

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For what is the Roger Lu elements JIRA, but eventually the man kind of started to succumb to his wounds, and he fell down into the battlefield really weighed down by his wounds

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for a while because he lacked an annuity. And while he was laying there in the battlefield, kind of fueling his wounds, he reaches back into his quiver, and he for Sakurajima as human

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and he pulled out an arrow for now how to be had an officer who

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and he killed himself with his own arrow.

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He killed himself with his own arrow took his own life. For cemetery gentlemen, I'm assuming some people who are nearby they saw this and they ran to check on him and they found that he was dead, yet slit his own throat he had killed himself for Kalia Rasul Allah subhanaw taala, who had his

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own messenger of God What you said was true.

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into her fallen and forgotten and so this man killed himself for Paula komiya Fulani, for admin, Anna Julio, Janata, Illa movement on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said stand up and make an announcement to the

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People that only believers go to Paradise what an ally you ate you do Dena Rajan. In fact, this is the reason why I brought this purchase. why I decided to mention this narration even though it tells a very difficult story. Right. And and I'm, before I talk about the moral of the story in the lesson that the prophet SAW sent him so powerfully and eloquently states here, at the very end of this narration, I want to explain on the side a little bit, you know, some of the nuance of the discourse on you know, the issue of suicide that our scholars talk about. Now, there is no doubt about the fact that our religion much like the many of the other religions before the other Deen some outweigh

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the other like, you know, religions that are based on scripture, it condemns suicide as something that is a major sin, something that is very, very problematic, something that has been forbidden, something that we are not allowed to entertain. Okay. Having said that, one nuance that has to be taken into consideration and one wrinkle that has to be understood, and that is the dynamic of mental illness. We have to understand mental illness, right, where the profits a lot ism also teaches us about raffia Alamo and Fela

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that there are three types of people who are not held accountable before God.

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They are not held accountable before God their existence in this world is not for their test, it is for our test. Their presence amongst us is not to test them, you know, like Allah says about us, and let the helical multiple hayata Leah Balu Akuma youcam Asano amalan. Allah created us and gave us life to test us to see whether we would do right or wrong.

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Okay, but there are some types of pee there are some individuals that are less created, in this world, in the oma in our in the community, in society, in families, there are some individuals that Allah subhanaw taala has created, they are not tested by Allah.

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But they are people who are completely absorbed by Allah, and they will not be held accountable by Allah. But they are a test for everyone else around them. And one of those types of individuals is somebody who is tested with the or excuse me, somebody who is dealing with, or somebody who is afflicted with mental illness.

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Right, that they are not accountable before a law because a lot did not give them sanity, soundness of mind and heart. Love did not grant that to them. So they're absolved by a love but they are a testing a trial for everyone else around them, how do we treat them? How empathetic and how kind and how forgiving and how gentle are we with them? That's what the test really is. So when someone who is riddled with mental illness, which is not my, my, my position to judge who is mentally ill, and who's not, ultimately only Allah knows, and aside from that, maybe an expert of that particular field, somebody who specializes in that can inform someone can analyze or diagnose someone. Right.

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But what we do have to understand the reason why I'm mentioning this here is that there is a nuance to the issue of suicide, and that is that if somebody is mentally ill mentally even deranged, then that is a completely different scenario in case and we leave their matter to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we try to confirm the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala for as many people as we can. This particular case mentioned in this narration is not an incident is not a situation of mental illness. Why? Because the prophets allottee, some condemned it. And the prophet of Islam has a direct line of communication with Allah subhanaw taala.

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So he's pointing this out. Now, what exactly did the men end up doing? So some of the narration or some of the scholars analyzes narration, and they said it was it was a couple of things. Well, one of the dynamics that was very prominent was that he had become very severely, he had become wounded or injured enough to the point where he was in it, and he was not able to fight effectively anymore. He was not able to fight. But one of the things that people used to do, and this might not make a lot of sense to us, because we're from a different culture, in that particular culture. If you died in the battlefield, fighting as a warrior as a soldier,

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it was a great source of honor, your name would live on. And it was a great source of honor for your family.

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So he had gotten wounded to the point where he was not able to fight effectively. But he realized that he was not going to succumb to these wounds. These wounds were not serious enough to the point where he would lose his life in the battlefield. But they could probably, you know, they could probably take him from there and nursing back to health.

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And so he ended up taking that particular arrow and killing himself to be able to etched amongst the marchers. And he did not realize that there were people nearby who would see him do this

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but that's

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When they saw, they ran over, and they realized that he was already done. So the profits a lot of the time was actually exposing the fact that this man was insincere in what he was doing. He was trying to make a martyr out of themselves, he was trying to become some type of a legend, where his name would live on. And again, we might not understand that's so stupid, though you you die in your name lives on, like, who cares, you're dead, you're dead, right? But we all read books of history. And we all read the names of famous warriors of the past. And we commemorate them. And we mentioned them and we talk about them. So we know that that's a dynamic that exists. And the other thing is

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that in that culture, that was a very prominent thing. That was a very big deal. And young boys would be raised from the very beginning, admiring and desiring and wanting to be some type of a legend one day, who have died in the battlefield for the glory of His people, and so on and so forth. Right. So that's one little nuance that I wanted to mention about this. The last thing is that that statement of the prophets of Salaam, which I feel is something we can really, really benefit from all of us can benefit from the prophets. A lot of these hymns are one the law you add to Deena, by Rosalind forget that sometimes Allah subhanaw taala, aids the religion, sometimes Allah

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subhanaw taala utilizes for a good cause a very bad, sinful, terrible person.

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And what's profound about this, is that action is very important in our religion. What do you do? Right? Like, what what have you done? What is your record? What do you have to show for yourself in terms of work, but there's an opposite extreme that we have to be careful about. So a lot of times we'll talk so much about, you know, good vibes and good feelings and being a good person, but not ever doing anything good. Oh, I'm a very good person. I don't pray, but I'm a good person.

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I'm a good person. I care about people. I don't give any charity or volunteer or help anyone, but I'm a good person. I care about people. I have a good heart. Right? We're used to that dynamic and that's why our, our de Francaise, Illa, Latina amanu wwami lucidly hace gotta do good. Can't just talk about being good or think that you're good, you got to do good. You got to put your money where your mouth is, you got to back it up with some type of action.

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But there is an opposite extreme.

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And the opposite extreme is that you preoccupied and busy yourself so much in what seems to be apparently good deeds or good works. But you don't actually focus on the goodness of your own soul. You don't ever actually concern yourself with fixing your heart, your internal condition. So you're in the midst of volunteering all the time. But you really sincerely from your heart, hate people?

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Right? You volunteer in the community, you work with the community, but all you do is talk about how much the community sucks and you have disdain for all the people that you serve.

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You're constantly praying

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and reading Quran and doing Vicodin. Like I'm not talking about fluoride, I'm talking about extra stuff. fluoride, everyone has to do a lot more extra stuff. You've written a lot in four hours, you read four on four hours, you do the good four hours.

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But you talk bad about people and you think bad about people and you have bad relationships.

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And you you don't hope for good from Allah subhanaw taala you have a lot of negativity inside you, you're not actually cleaning and working on your heart.

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That that's the opposite problem, where we replace goodness with just buisiness it's busy work. I'm just keeping myself busy.

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Right think of the person who basically is just,

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you know, chopping down trees or building something in his backyard.

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But what's he going to he just chopping down trees, but he never makes any. He never sells the wood. He just keeps chopping down trees, chopping up logs and stacking them on top of each other. And then at the end of the month, he can pay his bills. So what have you been doing? I've been working?

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Well, yeah, I understand you've been working but you have to sell this at some point. You have to convert this into money. Your work has to convert into cash. Otherwise you won't be able to pay your bills. And he says I don't know what I'm busy. I'm working. You're talking about making money. I'm talking about working. Yes, brother, but you're not going to be able to pay your bills. It's that disconnect. The same idea that we have that success in the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. And success in this life in an eternal life that you're after is a combination of a pure, pure heart eliminates a lot because even Solomon, you have to actually come with a good sound clean heart.

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Before a lot, and one of the ways that you get to a good clumps, a good clean, sound heart, is by doing good work. But it's a combined effort of actually trying to fix yourself, understand who you are and what you're doing and why you're doing what you're doing. And then do good work. It's a combined effort.

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But what the prophets a lot is talking about here in the law, how you ate you to Deena bit Rajan and virgin, sometimes you're involved in really, really good work, but you yourself are still a sinful, filthy, dirty person, in terms of internally, your heart, your heart is a dark, nasty place.

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It's a sinful place.

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That no matter how much work busy work you're doing with your hands, it's not going to result in anything. And it's actually a warning for all of us, we should be very careful that we don't become one of those people who's just, you know, when I'm going to do a Katara de Allahu taala. And we saw a monk, he saw a monk who obviously believed did not have the correct beliefs. And he saw this monk who is worshipping all the time, and you know, he's deprived celebrate life. He has no family, and he doesn't even eat a lodge because he's doing Mujahidin, right just like depriving himself of any type of food and luxury or comfort or anything. He's wearing torn, tattered clothes and he's

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worshiping and the Allahu Allahu sees him. And he's bent over hunched over, he can even stand up straight, and his clothes are ripped and his face is sunken and he looks dehydrated, and he masturbated malnourished. And he sees him as a matter of the Allahu taala, who starts to cry. And he says the I amI LA to La ceiba.

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These people work harder than anyone, but their work is worth nothing.

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That's the thing. We also have to be careful about, that the heart is correct. And that we're doing good work. It's a combination combination of both things.

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The other thing is that another very interesting, beautiful narration is that on the day of labor, this African slave, I've done

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this African slave who was from the EU who resided in Hey Bob, he was a slave of one of the people of labor.

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He comes, he sees the Muslim army approaching. He sees the profits a lot even coming with the forces. And so when he sees them, he comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he asks he asked a Muslim metodi doon cardiomyopathy who has a radula ligature more on the hoonah Beagle. And then he sees that the people of haven are coming. So he asked the people a favor, where are you going? And he said, we're gonna go fight this man who says that he's a prophet

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for McAfee nuptse, he's gonna be salatu salam, so that slave when he hears that, oh, that the people of hatred are about to fight this, these people because there's a man who says that he's a prophet. Then he remembered some things that he had heard about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that again found to be very fascinating. So he goes, until he finds the profit cells and he goes into the Muslim camp, and he finds a profits a lot of money goes through the process, and he says, Ilana,

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what do you have to offer? Like, what do you call people to? I'm here, I'm all ears. I'm willing to listen. What do you have to offer? What do you propose? He says there okay. lol Islam, I call you to Islam. And Tasha Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah wa Rasulullah that you bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except for Allah. There is no God but Allah, and that I am the messenger of Allah. The Prophet system says, Well Elijah Buddha in the law and that you worship no one other than Allah for Karla Abu for mother Cooley and check it to Danica man to be laggy he says okay, I get what your messages Now tell me that if I listen and I embrace and I accept, what do I get out of it? What's in

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it for me?

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So the profits allow the Simpsons agenda to in machala Dalek. If you accept this, and you die while this is in your heart, then you go to Paradise for Islam Allah so that African slaves he becomes Muslim

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for calling gonna be a law in the housing in Indiana. He says a messenger of Allah these sheep and some goats that I have, these are a trust. Like I was sent out by my owner, my master to go and graze these animals for color also likes a lot of free to happiness. Karina warmia bill hutzpah if you're the man attack, the profitsystem says you need to get them out of our camp. I don't want anyone being able to accuse me. The Muslims and the prophets a lot of them that we stole someone's property. So remove it from our camp and he says tie it outside of the fortress of club you know get back to where it's supposed to get to. For Fila for rajaji Bula sangria and exactly happened that

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way. He tied

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them up outside the fortress and then they made their way back to the owner. Friday fully a hoody and the hula hoop Islam and the master of the slave he realized that my slave who left the animals outside the gates, he must have become Muslim for Commodore slicer Luddism for that for wilden NASA Carl hadiza thought he arrived at allegan what do we even have sir Yahoo de Vaca t Marhaba, La Cucina, Ma Li Angelica Abdullah sweat.

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And the story goes on we talked about in the previous session, that then the prophets a lot of these some says I will give the banner the standard the flag to a man that God will grant victory at his hands and that was alida. Delano. And the Muslims go to the fortress and it defeats the big warrior model. And then the Muslims achieved a victory. Well, that African slave would just become Muslim. He fought with the Muslims, he was actually in the battalion of adira the Allahu terrano he joined the the advanced group of Allah the Allahu talana. So he was also killed in the battlefield for terminal Muslim Muna Illa scaring him. And after he died, when they were collecting the Shahada, the

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Muslims were died in the battle and they were bringing them to bury them. They found this African slave and people the Muslims had witnessed him becoming Muslim at the hands of the prophets a lot he sent him. So they picked him up and they brought him back to the Muslim camp for Audrina filfil starting for zamanda Rasulullah sallallahu taala I feel to start so mattala Allah as hobby, then the product they brought him into the 10th of the profits a lot of these Amanda promises and saw him and then the profits allowed him after he looked at him he looked at the companions and he said look at the Accra mala who has

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God has honored this man what's aka hula hate him. In the law of brought him he was a slave serving some some some individual, but Allah brought him to that which is good. But the kind of Islam in Nevsky haka Islam has a right meaning Islam entitles you to certain rights

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or interests he isn't attaining mineral Hudler in and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically, what he said was that when you accept Islam even and some of the narrations, they mentioned both Elijah Hayden, why am I suddenly lacking such data, this man became Muslim went to the battle died in the battle, and he had never performed a single subject in his life.

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And he died as a shahidan the prophets allottee Some said, by virtue of simply becoming Muslim, that entitles you to certain rights. And one of those rights is that he's a man of paradise. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I see already by his head companions, beautiful companions of Paradise, that are welcoming him to the life of the hereafter.

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So this goes to show the sincerity,

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the sincerity of Islam, the sincerity of human making the Exactly. He's the opposite example of what we just talked about somebody who fights and fights and fights and fights, but it's not sincere from the heart and look how he dies. And this man didn't do much at all. He didn't spend any time as a Muslim at all, but he was sincere from his heart and look what his end is directly to paradise. And he's very nice as being mentioned being affirmed, being confirmed by the tongue of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which we know is the truth.

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After in the aftermath of the Battle of clay, but of course, there was the distribution of the spoils of war. So there's some narrations about that as well. emammal basically mentioned that there was a man from the bedwin, from the Bedouin tribes, who had joined the profits, a lot of these women, the Muslims, he had accepted Islam and he followed the process of Solomon he said, I would like to migrate and, and I would like to travel with you, I would like to go with you. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he advised some of his companions to look after him since he was a new member of the community to process him said look after him, when the Battle of labor

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occurred, the profits a lot a settlement, the Muslims, of course, they received a lot of the spoils of war and the profits, a lot of them distributed them amongst the Muslims the companions, so he gave all the companions their portions, and that particular individual

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they, so this man, this, this is better than men who had joined them. He actually did not fight in the battle, but some of the animals that the Muslims had come with their

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Transportation and their rides, they had left them a little bit farther back from where the battle happened. And somebody had to be posted with the animals to look after them and protect the animals. Make sure nobody steals them or they don't run away. He this new Muslim this better one man was posted with the animals. So when they got back, they came to him and they gave him his portion of the spoils of war.

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So when they gave it to him, he says, Maha What is this? Why are you giving me this? I don't it's not mine. They said kosman Kasama who laka Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophet sell some cut you a portion as well. He says ma Allah, hava Touka. He goes to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with whatever the process of gave him and he presented to the process and he says, I did not follow you for this.

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I don't believe in you for this. I didn't come with you. So I can get this. I don't want this. Well, I can eat you bracha Allah and Mia Hakuna. Why Shara? Illa healthy, because I'm in a mood for the whole agenda. He says I came to fight. And I was willing to give my life for Islam. That's why I came. I didn't come so that I could have Do you know, I could have babysitting. Right? I could sit here and watch the animals graze the animals Shepherd duty. And then after that, that I get like the spoils of war.

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Like I just feel it feels worthless.

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So the profits a lot easier said into Snoopy, La Jolla Stoker. If you are truthful with God, then God will be truthful and fair with you. Through manabu inaccurate Allah do. But as we're going to talk about the Battle of K bird, it was not it was one major battle. But then after that there were other small fortresses one after another, they felt.

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So when they moved on to the next battle, he went and he fought for OTB hero, so lice allowed him.

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And somebody brought his body to the professor some after the subsequent battle. And when he was talking to the professor, suddenly he had pointed at his chest.

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He had pointed at his chest and he said that I came to fight and give my life for Allah and for Islam, and I am sincere. And when they brought his body to the process of that he had fallen in the battlefield, the arrow was sticking out from exactly where he appointed

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exactly where he had pointed for fall in love, he saw some who are who the process is actually he was asking, who are who are like, is this the same guy? Like the process of missing Subhan Allah, that's him. The arrows right there. aluna and they said, Yes, the proper system says sadaqa lava sadaqa he spoke the truth to God he was sincere with Allah so Allah was sincere with him. Waka fana who no visa selfie Jew but in the visa salah

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and his clothes had become ripped off in the battlefield. So I I've talked about this before in the Battle of boyhood, that the rule of the Shaheed is that you don't necessarily have to shroud the body of the shade you remove the clothing, but if the clothing kind of gets ripped up or ripped off, then you should take a sheet and just overall covered the body should not leave the body exposed. So they needed a sheet to cover up his body. So the profits a lot Tim was wearing like a cloak, like in like kind of like a shawl or a cloak and over garment. The Profit System took off his own cloak and you wrap the body in it in his own cloak. The man was buried with the shawl of the profits of

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the Mubarak shot that used to touch the body of the processor

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for catherina who feature buttenwieser mocha for an episode some feature but in some academic goofus Allah Allah He is in the process of made God for him and then said okay, now go and bury him Academy Mahara mentality I love him haha that abduch and then the prophets a lot he said um they heard him making this a loving my husband abduch Oh, a lot. This is your slave.

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Raja Mahajan, FISA bielek he went out striving in your path in your cause butina shahidan when Allah He shahidan, he died as a martyr in the battlefield and I am a witness to the fact that he was sincere.

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He died as a martyr and I am a witness to the fact that he was sincere. And the promises are made to offer him.

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Another very

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touching kind of a very, you know, cute story. In the aftermath of the Battle of labor that transpired there was the fact that as the spoils of war were being distributed, as I talked about before, one of the Sahaba

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His name is

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Abu Well, I'll talk about the Seder, another Sahabi, whose name is Abdullah ibn MacGuffin, Abdullah ibn MacGuffin. This is an operation that's found in the Muslim Ummah Muhammad in the Sierra Club in his heart and men, many other people

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So Abdullah, even more often he says Julia gee Robin, mean Jasmine Yama haber that when the spoils of war were being distributed, I came across a sack. So for us think of like almost like a gallon

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that was filled with Sham refers to quite literally like the fat of an animal. But what it basically refers to is almost like,

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like a type of grease, or a fat or even like it was almost like a type of porridge. So they used to put grease and fat and even some dates and things like that. And they would kind of cook it. And it was considered like a delicacy. It would be eaten with bread and things like that. Alright, so he says, I came across like a gallon of this stuff.

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And it was very, very good. It was very, it was good for your health. It was strong. It was it was considered very expensive as well. So I came across this, I found this filter them too. So I grabbed it. I kind of clutched it. I was hungry. I hadn't eaten for days. So I see this gallon of this thing. And I clutch it and I grab it. And one of the Sahaba who the profits a lot. I put in charge of collecting the spoils of war and distributing them amongst the people he saw. And he reached out and he touched me and said, Bring it here. We need to put it into distribution and give it out to the people. And he says that I snatched it to myself and I pulled myself away and I said no, we're

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00:36:28 --> 00:36:32

He said that was it. I had that minutia. I'm not gonna give it to anybody. It's mine.

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And he was like, No, you have to give it I was like, No, it's mine.

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And then we started kind of getting into a little bit of a tussle. He said, You give it right now. And he said, No, no, it's mine. It's mine. And he says that, while we were going back and forth, all of a sudden, I felt like someone else was there. And I turned around the profits a lot. Ethan was standing there watching this for the Bessemer dahican. And the process was started to laugh at me. Like look how hungry this guy is. Right? He's fighting for this. And so did the profits a lot. He said, um, he told the collector of dispose of war that Oh, leave him let them have their holiday. No, baby, no. Well being the hot like, let him have it. It's okay. It's okay, go go, go go. And he

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says that I went back to my people, a couple of my buddies and brothers and cousins, I went back to their homes like Look what I got, and I sat down and I ate it. And he says while I was even eating it, I looked over and the processor was watching me eating and he was still smiling at me he was like okay, right so this was the the humanity of these people simple people. Right this was this is who they were.

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And another narration very beautiful narration blessing narration, I believe Yes, sir.

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Yes, sir. whose name is Gavin amor Abuja, sir, his name is Gavin amor. He says in Lima rasulillah, Salam behavior data, as you get it. We were with the prophets, a lot of him during the campaign of labor.

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So he says a man from the people of labor, he had some goats and sheep with him and he came, and he says that.

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So he came our way. And he said that I have some of these animals Would anyone like any of them? So the Prophet Sessoms at Monroe juniata mo Nam in Havana? The process of them said that this man is offering some of his cattle, animals, goats and sheep for our food. So is there anyone who will basically prepare some of the animals for us? So I will Yes, Sam says he was very young at this point. Since I was like a teenager I was a young man. So he says I got really excited. So I went and I grabbed two animals, like two goats. I grabbed them one in each arm, and I picked them up in our in my each arm. And he said, I ran and I was running so fast. You could even tell that I was

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carrying two animals at the same time. And I went to the prophet to love him and I put him down. And I said here I brought two animals about jasola and the Prophet says, Some said, I love them. I'm Dr. Nabil, he, in the process of made to offer me he said Oh Allah make him a source of benefit. Like allow us to benefit from him and allow him to benefit from us. So he says that after that, I we put the animals down. A few other brothers came a few Sahaba came and they helped us and we you know, we sacrifice the animals. We we cleaned it out. We cut up the meat and we cook the meat and then we served it to everyone there including the prophets of Salaam.

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Abu Yes, sir. is known to be one of the last living companions of the Prophet SAW Selim. He was one of the last of the companions of the Prophet ism to pass away.

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And he lived till a very, very long age, and he was healthy until his very last moment, even though he lived to be like 100 years old, he was still physically very active. And Allah gave him a lot of wealth. He was very well to do us physically very healthy, very active, long.

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Life and whenever he used to tell the story what kinda either had that either Hades Baca, every time you will tell the story he we used to cry. And he said to makalah to be lambri had to come to me asking him Mota. He says that not only did they benefit from me on that day, but I benefited from that day to the point where I am the last one living amongst them till today.

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So that was also from the Battle of labor. The last kind of technical thing that is mentioned, and and this command was given at the time of labor, that by the time the Battle of paper was done, many of the Sahaba had not eaten for days. And they were starving. So when they were starving, they looked around and there weren't a lot of there was there were there was no food left. There weren't a lot of animals like goats and sheep and stuff. But the people at haber had a lot of donkeys that they used to use for transportation and work and carrying loads back and forth. So some of the Sahaba they basically ended up sacrificing some of the donkeys and you know, preparing the meat of

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the donkeys and cooking it when the prophets allowed him to sadita Buhari when the process of happened by there he said What are you cooking? We didn't have food What are you cooking? And they said that there were some donkeys and so we're cooking them the prophets of Salaam said no, this animal is haram it is not permissible for us. This animal is not permissible. He said dump the pots spill all the meat out and do not eat these animals and the profits a lot they said I'm had an announcement made in the Rasul Allah who nada Muna den munadi Rasulullah sallallahu ala So, the process man had announced and made in the Mahabharata Sula, boo Yan hyah yen, hyaena Kuma alumina

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for in the Hudson, Fox who have to do the food rubia

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so the professor said I'm there now the person making the announcement said garden is messenger forbids you from eating donkeys, donkey meat, because it is considered to be unclean. It is not okay for Muslims to eat. So dump the pot spill the pots over and not only that, but the narration basically another narration into Sahih Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim it goes on to mention that Jabara the Allahu Allahu narrates, now how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Yama, Faber and Roman Hammadi were a husafell hate that the prophet SAW on the day of labor he forbade the eating of donkey meat, but he said you can eat horse meat when necessary. Right? The the meat of horses was

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allowed, but the meat of donkeys was not allowed. Alright, so that's a little technical detail from the actual Battle of haber. The last major detail or the last major,

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you know,

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story involved with the Battle of labor is of course the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to omo meaning momineen the mother of the believers, Sophia bincho, a bit of

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Sofia been through a bit after all right, who was from the residence of labor, and when labor fell, then the prophets a lot of them ended up marrying her she was known as the Princess of labor, and she became a wife of the prophet SAW Selim and a mother of the believers. So in the next session, inshallah we'll talk about their marriage. And then we'll also learn a little bit more detail about our mothers Sophia, radi Allahu Allah, Allah. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard. So behind Allah who become de semana Colombe Hambrick Nashville La ilaha illa Anta nasaka cabana to blue lake

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