Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 101 – The fall of Abu Jahl

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallran alayhi wa sallam column discusses the actions of Islam's movement, including the use of angels to fight against Muslims, the removal of bodies from wells, and the use of body parts for experiments. The importance of following the messenger of Allah and WhatsApp messages is also emphasized. The historical significance of the Shahada mark on people's bodies indicates their success or failure, and the need for sensitive and cautious approach to dealing with people who have similar experiences. The importance of the Mah conc passion and disregarding the Mah conc passion is emphasized, as it is crucial for everyone to stay true to it. The segment also touches on the loss of people from the battlefield and the need to recover them and bring them back to their former locations.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're listening to the Calum Institute Podcast Series Syrah life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam column is pleased to announce that admissions for the next column seminary intake are now open. For more information, please visit olum institute.org

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was v h marine.

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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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sha Allah continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a secret in Abuja, the prophetic biography.

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Over the last few sessions, we've been talking about the great event of the Battle of badet, one of the most landmark events

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in the history of Islam in in the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. This event of the Battle of bunded occurred towards the end of the second year of the profits, a lot of Sims residents in the city of Medina, it was it was about halfway through the month of Ramadan on the 17th of the month of Ramadan. What we've talked about up to this point is not only what led up to the Battle of budget, but also you know, the day before how exactly everything was strategically set up in the battlefield. We also talked about, if you will, the action in the battlefield itself. And in the previous session, what we talked about was, as the battle was winding down, basically what was

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happening and transpiring at that time, were the prophets, a lot of them started to check on and see what the situation of the Sahaba was, where were the Sahaba, who had fallen, who was okay. And the prophets, a lot of them was kind of, if you will, taking count of the believers themselves. And similarly, the prophets, a lot of them started to enquire about who had fallen in the battlefield from the side of the disbelievers. And one specific person that we talked about a couple of rather who may have been heard of. We also talked about Abu Jamal and how the prophets a lot of reason was not only informed, but shown that Abu Jamal had fallen in the prophets a lot and praised Allah

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subhanho wa Taala and said that this was a fish out of this oma, after the Battle of butter had basically concluded, the next task at hand, was taking care of the fallen, the individuals that had died in the Battle of the Shahada, the marchers from the side of the Muslims, and similarly disposing of, you know, taking care of the bodies of the disbelievers that had fallen at that time as well.

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For the Shahada, of course, they were buried in accordance with, you know, the proper Islamic etiquettes. And the prophets, a lot of them personally stood over their janazah and had them properly buried, as in there were 14 Sahaba, who had fallen on the day of budget. As for the disbelievers, it's mentioned that there were about 70 of them, who had fallen at the time above that there were there were nearly 1000 of them, who had come for the battle, but only 70 had fallen only 70 had died. In cathedra him Allahu taala specifically talking about this, he mentions that of course, we talked at length, over the last couple of sessions about how the angels and melodica came

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down from the sky, they came from the heavens to aid and assist the Muslims in the Battle of budget, and to fight on behalf of the Muslims. And there's multiple numerous testimony not only from the Sahaba, but even from some of the non Muslims and from some of the individuals I came in exam, and others who would become Muslim later, but were not Muslim on the day of budget and they are actually fought on the side of the disbelievers under the above it and they actually also note and talk about how the angels were there in the battlefield on that day and of course, above all else, Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran talks about that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down angels into the

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battlefield on the day of better.

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So even cathedra hamdulillah which Allah says now that the angels are coming, and gibreel alayhis salam was amongst them. We know about jabril alehissalaam the prophets a lot a sermon, the Hadith Sahih Bukhari describes gibreel and he Salam has his feet are on the ground, his head is in the clouds, his wings are so huge. When he spreads them he covers the entire horizon east to west, and he has 600 of such wings. Right there are narrations that tell us authentically that jabril alehissalaam was sent to destroy some of the past nations and juliani salaam by himself was sufficient to eradicate and completely destroy entire nations of people. So Allah subhana wa tada is

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sending an army of 1000 angels down into the battlefield on the day of bed.

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That that is more than enough to completely wipe out all 1000 of the disbelievers but only 70 fell on that day. And so even theater I'm Allahu taala talks about the wisdom on this, that Allah subhanaw taala says, Leon lichterman halakhah I'm begging it. We are here man. Hey, I'm begging

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right that Allah subhanaw taala

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Did not decreed for all of them to die. The 70 individuals who fell who died from the side of the machine cocoon from the side of the corporation on the day of bother, were the individuals about whom Allah subhanaw taala had decreed that there was no hate left in these people, there was no more recourse for these individuals, they had been given the proof conclusively and completely, and who had delivered the proof to them, this is not us saying, We are very deficient. If I say I gave the proof completely to someone, you have every right to be skeptical, because who am I? But Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I personally delivered the message to these individuals and

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that they are time and time again, rejected any notion of belief. So Allah subhanaw taala decreed for them to be to be fought to fall on that day, and to die on that day. As for the other 900 plus that remained alive on the day, even from design of the operation, it's because Allah subhanaw taala had still given them some time. Allah subhanaw taala gave them another opportunity. And we find many of them accepted Islam later on and came to Islam later on and their children came to Islam. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala had written some type of hate for them. So nevertheless, now that the profits are loving, some is serving the situation, and 70 of them have fallen. Again, similarly, the

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profits, a lot of them ordered the Sahaba to remove their bodies, to basically bury them or to, you know, to dispose of them to bury them. And specifically, one of the ways that they dispose of some of the bodies was that the place of bud that it's called the place of abundance, because of the wells have been, there were wells there. And so many of the wells were empty and abandoned. They no longer had water in them. So the prophets, a lot of them ordered the Sahaba to take the bodies of some of the parish and dump them into these empty wells, and then cap the well from on top. And so specifically, it talks about how some of the leaders of the flourish, that their bodies have been

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put in one particular well, such individuals as Abu Jahan, who may have been have

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been robbia,

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shea butter, robbia, and others they have been put all inside of one well,

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and then after their bodies had been put in that well and they had been disposed there. The profit or loss allottee system then stood at that well, and there are multiple narrations from human body from your Muslim, the Muslim head of Mr. Muhammad, all the books of Sierra citizen his heart had been a sham. They've been copied. They all mentioned these narrations are a multitude of narrations that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Yeah, Talib. Yeah. And Ali calib referring to the Well, yeah, but even in one narration. He specifically mentioned surnames. Yeah, artifacts of Nairobi. Yeah, shea butter naraba. Yeah, omega sub Nicola yarrabah Jellybean Nishan for

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addendum and kanamycin filopodia. And he named off he counted off their names. Then the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said halwa to Marwa, Dara bukem. haka,

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halwa. Juma, Mahara? bukem haka, quoting an ayah of the Quran the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Have you found what your Lord promised you to be true?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala sent you a message.

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And I delivered that message to you. Allah subhanaw taala sent down his column, his speech, the Word of God itself. And I delivered it firsthand personally to you, that told you that if you believe in Allah, and you obey Allah and you submit yourself to Allah, and you follow the messenger of Allah, and you live your life in accordance with the book of a law, that you will find success in this life, and then the next, that you will find peace and tranquility here and then the eternal life of the hereafter. But you're also told that if you deny this book, and you deny the Messenger of Allah, and you refuse to believe in submit before Allah, then there's punishment in torment, and misery

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that awaits you. Not only in this cipher, particularly in the life of the hereafter for how to moderate bukem haka. Did you find what Allah promised you to be true? Because he says, For me how to adapt to modern era be Hakan. Because I found that what Allah promised me what came true.

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Allah subhanaw taala told me that if I think that one of the two groups, either the caravan of Abu sufian, or the army of the Quraysh, one of the two groups we would meet and we would overcome, I found the promise of a lot to come true. Have you found the promise of Allah subhanaw taala to come true. And so some of the companions of the prophets, Allah the same as he's sitting there at the

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edge of this well saying this reflecting on this. Some of the companions of the process have said, Yeah rasulillah to Kelly McCollum and Mota, you speak to these people that are dead. And the prophets, a lot of them said la da, da, da da da boo haka. They know that what Allah had promised them is true, they know it for a fact. Now they have seen it with their own eyes. Now they are in the life of the hereafter and they know exactly what Allah said was true. And what I delivered to them was the truth, meaning that the prophets a lot, he said, I'm alluded to the fact that the purpose here is so much that I'm literally engaging them in a dialogue. But the profits a lot was

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reflecting on the fact that what Allah says always happens, and what a lot less plan is always what is realized, as Allah subhanaw taala says, specifically about the Battle of brother after the Battle of butter, in Surah, till and fall, Allah subhanho wa Taala remarks Wham Karuna, Wham Kuru LA, Allah says, wham, Karuna, Wham Kuru LA, they were making their plans but what they did not realize is that Allah was Allah had his own plan, will la Hadrian macchine analyze the best of planners?

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one specific narration talks about how it will maybe have been cut off now may have been Caliph, was a really terrible individual. He was somebody who had personally tortured many of the companions who was responsible for the death of many of the Sahaba due to torture in the days of Makkah,

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and the profitable and below the Allahu taala, who had personally been tortured by who may have been *, if he had threatened the prophets a lot. He sort of multiple times in his life in Makkah, who may have been have when they found the body of a man who had been Hala very strangely, literally hours after he had died, he was wearing an armor and his body started to decompose. His body started to decompose so quickly, that usually a part of decomposition is that the body starts to swell.

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Right, the body starts to swell, he has started to swell up so much that he had gotten stuck and trapped inside of his armor.

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And of course, the armor, even if somebody wasn't going to use it, it could still be melted down, it still was worth something, it was worth some value. And so they needed to remove the armor. And when they tried to remove the armor, his body started to his skin started to tear apart and break apart. And because he had decomposed in a number of hours, and this is very interesting because one of the football in a one of the virtues that Allah mentions in the Quran is talking about the shuhada. The martyrs, right people who have given their lives for the sake of Islam, that well that's a coolie levena Cuttino feasability laggy, unwatchable. Ah yeah, when angara being used upon the people who

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have died in the past have a legend I called them dead because they are alive with their Lord and they are being sustained near their Lord. And of course, that has its obvious meaning that in the life of the Hereafter, Allah continues to honor them, and bestow His blessings upon them. But there are actual narrations, even at the time of the prophets, a lot of the some, some observations about some of the Sahaba. And even afterwards, that one of the miracles of the Shahada one of the remarkable things about Shahada is that sometimes days, even weeks after they have died, their bodies seem as if they are still fresh, the blood is still fresh and warm and oozing from their

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wounds. And this is part of the nobility that Allah bestows upon the Shahada, the crown from Allah. And so you see the opposite and the reverse of that in the case of a man who cursed the prophets a lot he sent him who tortured the companions of the messengers a lot, he said, that hours after he had died, his body has decomposed as so quickly, it would take days for your body to decompose that much. So now that he had swelled up so much that the armor wouldn't come off and they tried to pull the armor off, his body started to literally tear apart

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and so because of that, the profits a lot of them told them leave him wherever he is, they couldn't even lift him up anymore. So they he said leave him where he is and they just brought dirt and rocks and just buried him there. And basically kind of built a grave over the ground and just buried him over there to take care of his body. So you see and the profits a lot he some remarks at that time. I guess suitable come from Allah wa Sula. Don't you wish now that you would have obeyed a line is messenger sallallahu Sallam for inaka jedna ma de la buena Hakan, Fallujah to Mahara.

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We found what Allah had promises to be true. Did you find what Allah promised you to be true, Don't you wish is sudocrem and nakoma tato la hora Sula. Don't you wish now that you would have listened to a lightness messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was also very remorseful and sad that these people just would not listen

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They did not listen. It didn't have to come to this. Right time and time again the prophets a lot of them tried, but due to their stubbornness, they were not willing to listen to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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his son been Sabbath radi Allahu taala and who Companion of the prophets a lot he someone who was a very talented poet, he met he had some poetry about the day of bud and it generally talks about the prophets a lot of them and the message of the process and but specifically about but that he says, philosophy now who may or may not be German guy who's still hobby Medan in washy be a mama Muhammad in the wazoo. Alan Alda, he left hellotoby ad him sawari marhaba tune wakulla mucho Robyn kottakkal Coby Bernal oziel hatari Phu was Arata banana geography Dena Celebi, the prophet Hassan bin tabet says that we met them in the battlefield, like lions from the jungle instead, and we fought in front

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam assisting him in every way against the enemies in the heat of the battle. And he talks about how we went out there with our hands and ourselves carrying our weapons. And it wasn't just the Mahajan, but it was the unsought as well who came to fight and to support the deen of Allah subhanaw taala unity him rasuluh lucky landmark of nahoon Kava, Kava Kiba philokalia be lm Taji do kalami can Hakan Well, I'm lucky Yahoo Bill kulu B, Furman otaku, wallow Nakula colusa Dr. Wakanda da mo CB and he says, I remember the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, after we have put them inside of the well. He stood above the well. And he said, Did you find what I

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told you to be the truth? Can you now affirm that my message was true? Now that you've crossed over, so to speak to the other side? You are in the life of the year after Now, can you tell me that what I told you was the truth? And he says that they cannot speak now. But if they were able to speak, they would have said you spoke the truth. And you were correct in everything that you told us. So it was a very, very heavy day, a day of really powerful emotions. It's mentioned about automatic naraba Robin robbia his son,

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his son who's who's

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who's couldn't say I was a boohoo, they found a boohoo. They found in Aruba. Even Robbie. He was a Muslim. He was a Muslim and he was from the Mahajan. He had left McCann come to Medina.

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When they were removing the bodies from the battlefield, he saw the body of his father, Archbishop nerubian. He sees his own father's body, dead body.

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he became pale when he saw his father's body

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and the profits alarmism noticing this he said yeah, bajo de la la casa de la Carmen Shania became a one

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that I can tell that it's really deeply affecting you

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to see your father in this situation.

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And he responded to the prophets a lot him he said La Ilaha Rasul Allah. No messenger of Allah I swear to Allah, Masha to Fie a be one of you. masari

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he says that I had no doubt

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that I chose what was right in my father chose what was wrong. My father made his bed and he's lying in it now. I have no doubt about that fact. We're like kidney country, our if woman Abby Ryan, was a man of Atlanta.

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I think back and I remember my father being a very intelligent man

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being a very decent person

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having some good even redeemable qualities

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for come to urge you and Yahoo's radical Islam. And I had never lost hope that because of some of the good that he had that I can remember, I can recall.

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good moments. I never stopped hoping that that eventually would bring him to Islam. I'd never given up hope for lamora at masaba who by now standing here, when I see the situation that he ended up in was a curcuma Mashallah human recovery bardella Deacon to a jeweler who and now I know for a fact that he died without believing in Allah.

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Right? Even though I had so many hopes I had never given up hope.

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Neither luck. It makes me sad.

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It makes me sad. You see the humanity. Right? This is very important for us to note for a couple of reasons. Number one is because even first let's talk about the obvious thing. A lot of times Dean Dean

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On Muslim perspective, particularly Do you orientalist a European perspective on the life and deceit of the prophets a lot, he said on situations like the Battle of brother was one that these were a bunch of bloodthirsty, crazy,

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wild animals that just started wreaking havoc on all of Arabia.

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They had lost all their humanity, they had lost all their sensibilities, and they were so bloodthirsty, they were willing to kill their own family.

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That is, that was one portrayal of this era.

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And this was the orientalist presentation of the life of the prophets a lot he sent them. And unfortunately, a lot of what we find the rhetoric that we run into a lot of times from islamophobes, or just generally, not properly informed people non Muslims, is that that's what they've read in books. These textbooks are these quote unquote, history books that were written the last couple of 100 years. This is a perspective they were written from this was the European orientalist perspective.

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And when you read something like this, you find this to be quite the contrary years as a hobby, who shaking completely his faces pale. He's sad, he's grieving that his father had to die in this situation, there's humanity here.

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And the other, the other issue here is that sometimes even we as Muslims,

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right, whether I don't know what it is, whether it's, you know, watching too many movies, or reading too many comic books, or whatever it is, but we like to also sometimes portray this as like, here's this, you know, superhero, or here's this powerful being, that's just like destroying everyone and everything in their sight.

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Right. And again, that was not the Sahaba, the Sahaba, were a humble, God fearing, pious people.

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These were people who had empathy. These were people who had pain in their hearts for the plight of humanity, they wanted to guide people not kill people, they wanted to take them with them to paradise, not burn them in the fire of him.

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That was not the perspective of the Sahaba.

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And so it's very important for us to understand and realize this. And there's a third lesson here,

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that we, you know, at least I'll speak for myself, that those of us who come from a background, where our families or our parents and our loved ones are, if not all than mostly Muslim. There's a lot of things that we take for granted.

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And there's a perspective that we lack.

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And we need some serious empathy and disregard. And we need to be very sensitive and very cautious. The prophets of Madison was watching the face of the Sahaba. You don't think he knew that? Robin Roby are one of the dead that lies there in the battlefield from Quraysh, that his son is with us.

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Amongst the 300 Sahaba. How was it that the prophets a lot isn't right at the very precise moment that a Buddha sees his father's body in the battlefield that the process of just happens to glance at his face, that was not a coincidence. This was one of the people the profitsystem was keeping his eye on. Because he knew his father has died today, his father has fallen on the other side today. And he's gonna struggle with this, it's gonna be hard for him. So the process is keeping a watchful eye on it.

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And the second, the profitsystem, sees the color leave his face.

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The racism is immediately there to put an arm around him to hold his hand to hug him

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saying that it's okay. Talk to me.

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And that's where he, he expresses himself. I remember my dad being a good person.

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I was hoping he would understand and listen, but he didn't.

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And it hurts. So it's very important that we be very sensitive about this perspective.

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Right, we shouldn't just put people into a small little box or relegate them as to some cute little demographic in the community. Oh, convert. None of these are Muslim brothers and sisters, the Sahaba were all converts. And what we need to always keep in mind and remember is that Be very careful and be very sensitive around people. You never know where someone's coming from. You never know what they're dealing with. You don't know their background, you don't know how much pain they're walking around within their heart.

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Right? So be very careful and very sensitive around people like that. And be very cautious and careful about the kind of comments and judgments and fatawa that we tend to throw around and be very sensitive and dealing with this. The prophets. A lot of them didn't say brother.

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He was a caffeine okay

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and he fought on the side

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Musa Khan, he goes to * you have a problem with that. Have a man brother, though hate the profits, a lot of him didn't reprimand him to process them, hug them and consult him and let him talk. When he said that I remember in the good to ahref woman Abby Ryan, we're Haman, we're in the process of c'est la sera la

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laserline caffine rockin

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right the process of didn't dismiss him, but he listened to him, and he comforted him and he consulted. So you see the humanity in the human side of the Sahaba on that particular day. Imam Bukhari Rahim Allahu taala narrates from Abdullah bin abass that he said that this ayah from Surah Ibrahim is very relevant to the Quraysh and the sad choice that they made on the day of

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Allah Vina de Luna mucha Lucha cofrin Hulu como la

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La Nina, but de Luna mucha Lucha Frank he said Muhammad sallahu wa Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who are Eman Bella, who Al Quran that the blessing of Allah was upon was the messenger Salamis and was belief in Allah was Islam, that these people chose Kufa over the blessing of Allah. They had the Quran, they had the messenger, they had Islam, everything sitting right in front of them. But they voluntarily chose Kufa over the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they ended up in the worst of places. And then finally, it mentioned that typically the protocol was just to maintain, kind of and make sure everything was okay and give some time to be able to take care of

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all the people that had died in the battlefield. And also to allow some of the injured to be able to nurse their wounds before traveling again, because traveling, of course, is not very easy.

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That they would remain at the place where the battle had taken place. Like the the side who had even been victorious, they would remain in the battlefield or right there by the battlefield for about three days. They would camp there for about three days. And that will give everybody the opportunity to be able to recover and somewhat recuperate from the battle before they hit headed on home. And so they stayed there for about three days and there were about 70 plus individuals from the parish who had been captured who were prisoners of war and we'll be talking about them in next week's inshallah does about what exactly because there was even a situation about them what to do about them. And

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there were some differences of opinion about what to do with the prisoners of war, but they remained there for about three days. One of the prisoners of war was Ibis,

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abasement, Abdul muttalib, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was not Muslim at this time, he did not want to come for the battle, but Abu Jamal had forced him to come. And so he ended up in the battlefield. He was not actively fighting in the battlefield. But he was captured and he allowed himself to be captured. Right? And so he was there. And after the battle had ended, somebody suggested this is very interesting. This very remarkable, somebody suggested to the prophet SAW some yellow Sula, we defeated the army. The caravan of Abu soufiane is still on its way back to Mecca.

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The caravan of Abu sufian is still on its way back to Makkah. Why don't we go chase after it and try to grab that as well.

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And a batsman Abdulmutallab the uncle of the gentleman who was who's tied up nearby, who was sitting nearby, he said No, you cannot.

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lanta study, he said you will not be able to. So somebody turned to him and he said Why? He said because Allah subhanaw taala has said in the Quran, where Allah Who is that if attain, I was paying attention.

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Allah revealed in the Quran. You people believe in the Quran, you say that you get revelation. Allah said in the Quran that Allah has promised you one of the two groups, either the caravan, Abu soufiane, or the army of the police. You got the army of the operation. Now you can get the caravan of Abu sufian so much the man in the Quran because they knew it deep down inside. They fundamentally knew that it was the truth. And that's the remarkable thing. The disbelievers of that time.

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They didn't believe sometimes our best friend Abdul muttalib radi Allahu Allah, Allah basara de la No, of course, accepted Islam later on.

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No doubt about that. But even many of the disbelievers at that time had such convictions about the Quran. They didn't believe for their own personal reasons like Abu Jan has the testimony, the famous story where he goes and he listens to the prophecies and reciting the Quran and he says no, I can't believe this.

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I can't follow him, because he doesn't come from my family, then his family will have superiority over my family, then he will be more powerful than me in the city. If I believe in him and I follow him, so I can't. I'm the big dog here. I'm in charge here. Right? So people like this, they had their reasons. But one thing was there that they had this unshakable conviction that this Koran isn't the truth, this Quran, it doesn't lie, they could not refute, they could not refuse, they could not argue against the Quran. Such such just conviction about the Quran, granted in translate into

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one little reflection that I'd like for all of us to go home with tonight is that we believe Alhamdulillah we believe.

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We know we believe in Allah, we believe in the Messenger of Allah, we believe in this Hold on. We need that type of conviction in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That when Allah says something, it is what it is.

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When a las panatela promises something, when Allah says whoever believes and does good, Allah will give them paradise. Allah will give them happiness in this life and success in the eternal life of the hereafter. We have to learn to believe that when Allah says that whoever disobeys a lion is messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then that person will be ruined in this life in the next we have to learn to believe that with that same type of conviction, we should be head and shoulders above a disbeliever in his conviction.

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So we had the very least can look at this and learn from the story that even they had that much conviction about what the Quran said. So let us learn to take a lesson from that. And let us learn to try to internalize, you know, our emotion and conviction in regards to the Quran, and have that type of firm conviction and belief in the book of Allah subhanaw taala that the promise of Allah subhanaw taala is true, as a prophet sallallahu Sallam said,

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Fallujah to Mahara bukem haka. Have you found the promise that allow me to you to be the truth for me, to my widen era?

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Because I know for a fact that what Allah promised me is the truth. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us that type of conviction, and May Allah subhanaw taala grant his firmness and our faith in our emaan and shall and coming sessions will not only talk about what happened with the prisoners of war of but we'll talk about the profits a lot asylums return back to the city of Medina and then I haven't forgotten We will then go through the IRS absolutely and file where Allah subhanaw taala completely details and shows us the guidance throughout the entire situation of the battle about their circle and file talks about the Battle of Bunker in great detail. So we'll go through

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Switzerland file and learn from there what Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us through the Battle of Verdun. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was said and heard. So how do I like it would be humbly he sort of Hannah columbium Nick Nash Hello Ella. ilaha illa Anta necesito cabana Timberlake

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