Abdul Nasir Jangda – Gentleness

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The host of a video reminds viewers to keep the message of Islam alive and to use the daily reminder to remind them of the day. The speakers then go on to explain two stories about hedging and the history of the Prophet Muhammad sallavi, highlighting the positioning of Muslims and staying in a safe zone. The aftermath of the Prophet sallavi, including the loss of many followers and negative reactions from the people, highlight the importance of giving advice to others without harming their own well-being. The speakers also discuss the challenges and struggles faced by families during the pandemic, including negative behavior and the need for gentle and Kindness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah you are there and he was supposed to be here as a seller on a camera to LA he was going to cut to.

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I want to welcome everyone to our series that we've been doing here I call him character from the Koran, where we explore a noble, dignified character, as described to us and as presented to us within the Koran within the book of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Specifically, today's reminder also serves the purpose of today's video in today's reflection also serves the purpose of the fact that it is Yeoman Juma, it is the day of Friday and it's the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan, which makes it a very, very blessed Friday. And so

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as we've also been trying to during this lockdown situation, have reminders for the day of Friday to inshallah keep that Juma spirit alive. So hamdulillah today's video on the character from the Quran also serves that purpose of being a Juma reminder.

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Before I jump into the actual reminder, I wanted to once again just remind everyone of our responsibility towards our community towards our brothers and sisters towards the aroma of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam that there are millions of people around this world who are struggling who are suffering, and this whole situation tragedies only made it more difficult for them.

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So please go to a helping hand.org

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go to helping hand for relief and development HHR d.org helping hand is they are our partners in so much of the good Mashallah that both organizations are able to do. We really admire the work that they do until we partner with them for the programming in the month of Ramadan. So if you go to hr.org, you can shala contribute there. So getting to the actual reminder that we're going to be talking about today. And today's topic is gentleness. Now, what does that exactly mean? What does it mean? Well, what I mean when I say gentleness, so allow me to elaborate and allow me to explain for a moment.

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I'll start by telling you two stories.

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The first story is that in the third year of hedging, so this is about 16 years, almost 16 years after the prophets a lot of a sudden received divine revelation. After his mission began 13 years in America preaching and teaching the message of Islam.

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And now it's a third year of his residence in the city of Medina.

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There was a battle called the Battle of

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the year prior to that they had the Battle of badet where the Muslims fought against their oppressors,

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their enemies, the people who try who murdered many of them, tortured them, tried to even assassinate the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the harsh and they had a battle and Allah subhanaw taala granted the Muslims a miraculous victory. The following year, the array swore, you know what we're going to be back, and we're going to avenge this loss. So they came back the following year, and they marched all the way up to the gates of Medina, what's called the mountain of Oakland. It's right on the outskirts of Medina.

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They marched all the way up there to basically

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kill the Muslims, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. After some consultation and some process with the Muslims with the believers, he ultimately came to the conclusion that we should that we're going to go outside of Medina and meet them in open battle

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at the place of where the mountain of code is. So they went out there, and they got ready for battle. Now, the thing was that the Muslims, the way they strategically positioned themselves was that they put the mountain of her to their back, so that they could not be attacked from behind, because they knew the enemy was going to outnumber them. They knew that the enemy was going to have a cavalry that the Muslims did not have, that they were going to be a lot more well equipped and have be a lot more resourceful. They knew that.

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But they said we need to be strategic here. We need to be smart about how we go about all of this. So that what they did was that they put the mountain over to their back.

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And now that they positioned themselves like this, they said now when the enemy comes from in front, we can fight them.

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There was one little problem, there was one weak point

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that could be exposed behind them, that the mountain of herd had this kind of mountain pass.

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Had this pathway that came through the mountain. Because the mountain of Oakwood or hood literally means one. It's called that because it is like a small sequence of mountains. It's almost like a small mountain range. But it seems like it's just one long, continuous mountain. Right? It's not like very, it's not separate separate mountains with a lot of valleys in between, it almost looks like one big mountain. So there's one place where there's this path that comes through that would have been behind them. And the prophets alabi sent him said that that can be exposed. That could be a weak spot, and we got to be careful about that. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he instructed, he gathered together 50, Sahaba, 50 companions, archers, and he placed them on this little mound, this little hill, facing that mountain path behind the Muslims. So it's like the Muslim armies in the front.

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Then behind them, there's this little mountain hill with 50, Archer standing on it further behind the Muslims watching over this pathway that comes through the mountains.

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And he said that your job is sustained here. Your job is to not move from here Your job is to remain locked and loaded.

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And if anyone comes through there, you see any movement in that pathway, you let loose,

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does dozens and dozens of arrows, hundreds of arrows, 50, archers, you just go right at it, Fire at will.

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But do not let anyone come through there.

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And then the prophets a lot even told them.

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This is your job.

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This is your responsibility. This is the only thing you have to focus on. You do nothing else, you do not move from here. And in some narrations, he said that you only move from here when I come and get you. Or otherwise you die here. There's only two options. Either I come and get you. I mean, the prophet to lobby some personally,

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or you die on this hill. You're not leaving here otherwise, another narration

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do not come down into the battlefield. Do not help us do not assist us. Even if you see vultures picking away at our bodies, like we are dead in the battlefield. And you see vultures eating our bodies, you still do not come You stay right here.

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Got it? Everyone's got it.

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The battle begins.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala grants the Muslims, initially a victory where the Muslims start to repel the enemy. The enemy outnumbers the Muslims 421421, there were 3000 of the enemy, and like 700 of the Muslims.

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So the odds are against the Muslims. But once again, just the strength, the conviction, the belief of the of the Muslims, and then the help of Allah subhanaw taala, of course,

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the Muslims start repelling the enemy, and they start winning the battle and pushing them back, further further back.

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And they start to the enemy starts to turn and run.

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And they start to drop their stuff, their equipment, their supplies, and the Muslim start to pick it all up.

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And if you were watching from a distance,

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it really started to look like like the Muslims had one. That's it, the battle is over.

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So now these 15 archers who were standing up on that hill,

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right, the kind of backup watching the back of the Muslims, they see all of this,

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they start to kind of look at each other that, whoa, the battle looks like it's over.

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And they start to kind of glance at one another.

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And ultimately, after a while, they say, Well, it looks like that the battle is over.

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Why are we still standing here on this hill?

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Right? Imagine

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if I told you I need you to volunteer and help organize the parking.

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And then you do all the parking and now the event starts and no more cars are coming in. You'd kind of look around at the other parking attendant or the other volunteers and you'd say, well, the event started I don't think anybody else is coming now. I guess we can go inside. We have to we have to manage the parking and parking is done.

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So they kind of started looking at each other.

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They said I guess

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Well, we can go.

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Now some of them said, No, no, don't go, don't go, we're not supposed to leave yet. We're not supposed to leave yet.

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The profits a lot. He said, I'm told us explicitly,

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doesn't matter what you see happening in the battlefield, I come and get you otherwise you do not go.

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You do not go You do not leave.

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And now a discussion breaks out amongst those archers on that hill.

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And ultimately, unfortunately, tragically, the majority of them

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there were about 50 archers, most of them, at least 3040 of them

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decide to leave, see the bed but the battle is over.

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He was emphasizing that never leave your post during battle. And now the battle is over. We can go now.

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So they leave the hill.

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Now what was going on was that as the enemy army as a Moroccan army was approaching,

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Khalid bin Walid, who went on to be a great companion of the prophets, a lot of the time the prophets, Allah ism, dubbed him, gave him the name, say for law, the sword of God. But at this particular time, he was not Muslim.

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He was on the side of the enemy, he came with the mccanns to fight. And he was a military genius. So he had a cavalry of 300 horses, which is a force.

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And he separated from the army before they even got close in Medina and he said, I'm gonna go try to find some weakness to expose here in the in the area. So he rode out from like, half a day before he wrote out and went searching for some kind of like weakness that he could expose. And he came around Medina and around the mountain. And he saw that mountain pass, and he came into that mountain pass from behind the Muslims, and kind of looked over, but then saw that there were 50 archers lined up, locked and loaded, ready to fire away.

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And so then he backed off, and he said, No, no, no, we're 300 cavalry. But 50 archers, can actually stop us, and they have a vantage point. They're up on a hill, they can actually stop us. So let's hang back here. Let's see, let's wait this out.

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And they waited and waited and waited, and the battle started. And then the enemy, the operation, his side started losing the battle. And you know, his people are like, what are we doing? What are you doing? And he said, wait, wait.

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And finally, when majority of the archers left their post, they left their Hill. And he looked out there and he said, maybe there's 10 archers, which now we can actually push through. Because 10 archers will take out a few of us, but it can't stop us.

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And he said, charge.

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And they rode out from there. And they ran right through the remaining archers. And they came up behind them with some army, those chasing their enemy out of the battlefield. And with 300 cavalry, they hit them in the back and that's like getting hit with a battering ram with a tank.

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And it hits the Muslims hard. It's like getting the wind knocked out of you.

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And the Muslim started to scatter and disperse this, there was some panic, what's going on what just happened?

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And the enemy that was fleeing the battlefield, they started to turn around and be like, well, what's going on with these guys? Looks like they're starting to lose some of their positioning. And so the enemy turns around again, that already got numbers of Muslims, and from behind you that the cavalry, and then they

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crushed the muscles in between.

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and so many tragedies unfolded as a consequence of this. The uncle of the prophets, Allah vsam, Hamza, the Allahu taala, who, who wasn't just an uncle, he was only a couple of years older than the prophets, a lot of the some of they were nursed by the same woman. They were foster brothers. They weren't they grew up together. He was like a big brother to the prophets a lot he sent him.

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He was one of the most beloved people to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in his life. He comes out of the Allahu taala and who died he was Shaheed he was martyred. In the aftermath of all this. His body was mutilated by the enemy. The cousin of the process of Abdullah bin geohash was like a little brother. He was assassinated, he was killed and martyred. His body was mutilated, 70 companions of the prophets, a lot of them fell as a consequence of this, including people like wasabi Namaste

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We had been there from day one, serving the profits a lot from serving the dean in the religion serving the on the message of Islam.

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Even the prophets, a lot of his own himself in that just panic and chaos that ensued. He himself was severely injured,

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where he bled from his face profusely, someone saw that he couldn't see couldn't breathe, until they were able to get the blood off of his face. He was severely injured. So much tragedy unfolded in the aftermath of this.

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And we're not in any position to assign any kind of blame to anyone.

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But for a moment, think about when things turned.

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Think about

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when did things turn for the worse?

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It was when the archers left their post.

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And while I'm saying that it's understandable the thought process that they kind of had, while we were told here, this, I gave the parking attendant, your parking team analogy.

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Okay, my job is to just manage parking. Yeah, but if the event started and no one else is coming, there's no more parking to be done.

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Right. So they said, Well, we were supposed to watch the back of the Army during battle, the battle is over.

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Yes, while that's understandable, but the prophets, a lot of them had said, you do not leave here.

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You either die on this hill, or I come and get you there's not a third option.

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You doesn't matter what you see going on out there.

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We could be crying for your help, you don't leave this post.

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And unfortunately, they did end up leaving the post.

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And terrible things happened afterwards.

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And as a consequence,

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you can imagine now, in the aftermath of all of this,

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how upset everyone would be and how upset the profits lobbyism would be.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala talking to the prophets a lot about the aftermath of this, some of your followers, some of your people,

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did not follow the order exactly as you gave it. And you warned them

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to follow my instructions exactly. Otherwise, bad things can happen.

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And they did not follow your instructions exactly. And bad things did occur.

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Now what do we do?

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How do I What do I how do I react to you now.

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And the last one talks about the reaction of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Allah subhanaw taala says

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in Surah number three, so that's it. I'm Ron, verse number 159.

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From the motto, my team in Allah healin tell him

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that it is only and suddenly by the mercy of a law, that you will have the ability to be gentle with them, linked alone, Linda, that comes from the word lakyn. llegan literally means for something to be soft, it silk is described as llegan, that when you put a silk sheet over something, how it accommodates, and it conforms to the shape of things. Similarly, Allah subhanaw taala is saying that you were accommodating to them. You were soft with him, you were gentle with them. And that is not a weakness. For the model met him in Allah, that is by the mercy of Allah, the mercy of God allowed you to be gentle and talk to them at such a difficult and critical moment when open to fuck

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vulnerable evil. And had you been harsh and mean hard hearted with them, learn from them in Holic, they would have dispersed and left you a long time ago.

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if you were mean and harsh and iron * with them,

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unless they would have left you a long time ago. They were stuck around for the good times. Everyone sticks around for the good times while we're while you're winning.

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But then when the difficult time comes, when difficult times arrive, then they don't stick around so much. But is your love and your compassion and your kindness and your gentleness?

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That made them loyal.

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Then just make them work hard. Yeah, you can be tough on somebody make them work hard. What makes somebody love

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Boil it is the kindness the gentleness and softness

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so pardon them, overlook the mistake that they made. It's okay let it go

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What's up

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and pray for them? Make do it for them.

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ask Allah to forgive them, they do offer them

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well shot with him for longer.

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And then so the first part is you yourself, you got to let it go. Number two, you got to make dua to Allah for them.

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And number three wish I would have been for them. Number three, you have to communicate to them that you're not, you haven't disowned them, you're not angry with them, you don't hate them. So consult them, bring them into consultation. Say Hey, I'd like your opinion on something. You know when somebody comes to you

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and after you messed up you did something wrong. Hey, I need your opinion on something. You look around like Who? Me? Yeah, you I'd like your opinion on something.

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phased out as interpreter vocal Allah, when you commit to do the right thing, then you got to put your faith and trust in Allah in the light of heaven without killing Allah subhanaw taala loves those people who put their faith and trust in Allah.

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So Allah subhanaw taala specifically talks about the gentleness the softness of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in dealing with his followers in dealing with his companions in dealing with the believers.

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There's another story

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that I wanted to share with you. And that other story is that Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran, tells us about the story of the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave Musashi he said, I'm a very, very difficult responsibility. The difficult responsibility of lugging Musashi Salaam was Allah subhanho wa Taala, told Musashi Salaam to go into preach the message, to go into deliver the message of a law, the message of God, to none other than the greatest tyrant on Earth, fit out.

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The Pharaoh fit on was this

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terrible, tyrannical, oppressive ruler and King, who was oppressing, you know, not only was he oppressing, you know all the people. And he had

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basically declared himself to be Lord Almighty to be God Almighty, Allah.

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But then benissa, he,

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when he saw he lowered the children, the progeny, the generations coming after the prophets,

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that he had oppressed them, he had enslaved them subjected them to servitude and he had turned them into slaves, and subjected them terribly and miserably.

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And Allah subhanaw taala, sent out a set out to fill out. So long story, I won't get into all the details right here. But he sent him to him and he said, Go and tell him to believe in Allah, stop claiming that he's God, first of all, tell him to believe in Allah. And release bunnies are eaten from the slavery in the oppression that he has them in.

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So don't think about who sadly, someone's going to talk to, he's going to go talk to this madman

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who calls himself God, crazy, wild, out of control.

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And then this man who is such an oppressive tyrant, that he kills the babies,

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of this entire community of people. Vanessa, he

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who some mentioned that there were 70,000 of them, or 100, hundreds of 1000s of them.

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They killed he massacred their babies, their infants

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to control them.

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So this is a wretched terrible monster

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in a lessening Moses to go in, talk to him.

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Now how would you expect to go and address a monster like this?

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala

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tells Musashi Salaam in Surah number 20, Chapter 20 verse number 44 I in number 44,

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telling Moosa in Harun Harun Aaron, the brother of Moses, because when Mousavi Sam was given this mission by Allah, he said, Can my brother Aaron can my brother Harun Please come with me? Can he accompany me? I could use his support. And so Allah subhanaw taala told both of them for hula hoop Latina

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That when the both of you address Pharaoh do so gently

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speak to him gently.

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Lala who yetta that Tarot. Oh yaksha so that maybe he'll understand what you're saying, and listen to you, oh, yaksha are you'll at least be a bit mindful and fearful, and you might back off.

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Because Allah subhanaw taala said, speak to him gently speak to this monster, this is crazy. ruler. Speak to him gently. There's a interesting story, that one time this individual, he was going on his way. And there was a, you know, there was this pious man in the community. And there was a king, in fact, the king was walking by was going by his with his procession. And, you know, he had his guards and his armor Armory and everything with him, and he's a king. And he's going by nurses, really kind of like old, you know, worship or pious man in that community. And he saw it. And he started, you know, saying that, you know, God is going to destroy you and humiliate you, and this and this and

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that. And so the king, he stops the precession. And he says, yes, you know, uncle,

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what's the issue? And he said, you know, you have all this fanciness, and glitz and glamour and power and all of this, and God is going to ruin you.

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And he said, if you felt that I was maybe not doing something right. Why would you not kindly and humbly advise me?

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Because you're not better than Moses, and I'm not worse than Pharaoh.

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I understand. You're a pious man.

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But you ain't no Moses.

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And I understand that. I might seem like a problematic person to you.

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But I'm no Pharaoh. I don't kill babies. I don't tell people that I'm God.

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So, and when God sent when Allah sent Moosa to fit on Moses to Pharaoh, he told him for hula hoop Polina, he said, speak to him gently.

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And here, you condemned me to help.

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So, yes, I appreciate your counsel.

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Let me offer you this council

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that address people with gentleness and kindness. And there's a particular mentality here because what's the goal and the objective if the goal the objective is to get the other person to take the advice, not to just put the other person down? If the goal and the objective is to get the other person to take the advice, then what's going to be more effective, berating them, humiliating them?

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Or being gentle and kind with them?

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What's going to make them more receptive to the advice that you're actually giving them think about that for a moment?

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And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam said,

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majority letter if boo, fish a lasagna, who? Mama Lucy, I'm in che in lashana, who beautiful Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, where he says, anytime you add gentleness and kindness into something, you make it beautiful.

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And anytime you remove it from something, you ruin it.

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The prophets a lot is on one time hosted a delegation of you know the Jewish community.

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And some of them came and started you know, doing a play on words and trying to say bad things that have salami some they said sama alikum, which meant like made cursory upon you may death be upon you. And they started to kind of look at each other.

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I chose to decode the Allahu taala on her the mother of believers. She saw that she spotted this and called it up and she said aleikum wa salam O Allah

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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immediately said, Melania Ayesha, easy, take it easy.

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And she said, Oh, did you not hear what they said? They were cursing you. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I know and that's why I said, you know why they come? Same thing upon you.

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But then the prophets, a lot of them said, Russia.

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In the lie you have bereft of equally.

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God loves mercy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, softness in everything.

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And I wanted to conclude this is, of course, a very big topic and we talked about it from the point of view of the Koran, the life of the prophets a lot he said them and in general,

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I want to talk about some

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very specifically,

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during this very challenging and unique and difficult time that we're experiencing,

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a lot of folks are locked down kind of bunkered in with their families.

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And a lot of people are experiencing a lot of difficulty in that regard. Yes, everybody loves her family. But nonetheless, due to the very close,

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you know, constant

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interest interaction with one another. And without the going outside and going to work and going to school and interacting with a whole lot of other people. How that kind of, you know,

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eases the tension sometimes, that people can develop when they're interacting with one another constantly, in very, very close proximity.

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That there is a lot of stress, and there's a lot of frustration and there's a lot of, you know, pen kind of things that are building up between family members and within homes and within families. This is a time when we have to remember to be gentle and to be kind. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, in the law, he that I'd rather be activating Hadar

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that whenever it was part of what Allah wants to bless a family and the inhabitants of a home

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that Allah subhanaw taala puts kindness and gentleness and love and softness amongst them.

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And when Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to deprive a family,

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a household, from goodness, did a lot of removes that loving that mercy in them, that compassion from them, that kindness, that softness from them.

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So it's a profound source of goodness from Allah and blessing of Allah, to be gentle and kind with one another, make dua that Allah subhanaw taala gives us good in our homes and our families. And he blesses our homes and our families, so that we can be soft and gentle and merciful and compassionate with one another during these difficult times. And remember, if you're looking for, you know, many parents, who have kids, and especially older kids, are gonna find themselves very frustrated, you know, the kids are not, you know, keeping the schedule, and they're not being productive, and they're not doing their schoolwork, and they're not doing this and that and we're gonna get

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frustrated, we're like, we're gonna have to tighten the reins a little bit. And that's fine, you can discipline. But again, always doing it with an element of gentleness and mercy and compassion, and kindness goes a long way. The prophets, a lot of a sudden said that Allah rewards efforts, Allah gives better results for efforts that are made through kindness and gentleness and mercy. Then he does,

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then then the blessing that he puts in the results that he puts in efforts that are made through what Allah what the process a lot of some calls are, and

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that Allah subhanaw taala in the law, you know, and that if the malla your Inner Earth, that God will help you achieve better results, through kindness and gentleness, then the results that you will get by being mean and harsh with people.

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So we pray and we ask them to Las panatela blesses us with the character of the Quran, the character of the prophets a lot he said I'm and that during this very difficult time that we can continue to practice the kindness, the gentleness the softness, the mercy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as I put on describes, particularly with our family members with our the people of our household in our home, I mean yellow blond and mean. Zakouma located on medical off equal thank you very much everyone for watching, listening tuning in, shall as always, please go to support column comm to support the efforts the ongoing efforts that we're making your iPhone, and today is

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as we're here in these last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan, and tonight will be the 23rd night. We're really ramping up our efforts here at column to make sure that everyone can have a very productive and beneficial Ramadan. We had this reminder right now about the character from the Quran and as Juma reminder,

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inshallah later tonight, we will be having

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our nightly hold on recitation and reflection, we're going to be going through the 23rd Jews of the Koran.

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Once that's finished in at midnight, that that's going to be inshallah at 9:30pm Central Time.

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At midnight Central Time, started there when Murphy and myself we're going to be coming on here to share some thoughts and reflections about how to make law and seeking from a log or eyes of the eyes of the prophets.

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And then in sha Allah Tonight, we're starting a very, very special program at 12:30am. inshallah, we are going to from 12:30am to 4am. Many of our students are going to be coming on here and we're just going to be having recitation of the Quran all night long. And the goal is tonight, which I guess you could call Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night, three nights, the 23rd 24th and 25th nights of Ramadan. We're going to complete the reading of the Holy Quran in these three nights. just reading through the Parana inshallah, conducted by our students. So in sha Allah, please, you know, go to the Canon website, you'll find all the Ramadan resources there, you can go to Hunter live.com.

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It's got all the resources listed there. But we're here for y'all. We're here to serve y'all. And Zach from Alaska located on Baka Luffy. co may you have a beautiful July and a beautiful day of Ramadan and a wonderful if thought and a wonderful time with your loved ones and your family members. And for those who are struggling those who are alone. We pray and we ask Allah to make it easy for you botica low FICO just knocked on the locator was set on Wiley Kamara from the lucky one market.

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