Abdul Nasir Jangda – 30 Days 30 Questions about Ramadan – EP26

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of reciting the Quran for hipster feeling is discussed, with the recitation of the statement of the holy grail and the holy spirit being the most important. The agenda for the session is to keep it simple and easy to remember, with the recitation of the statement of the holy grail, the holy spirit, and the holy spirit's influence on the brain. The recitation of the statement of the holy grail is a general recommendation for live recitation, while the recitation of the holy spirit is for praying for a recitation of the same prayer, and for a different prayer. The speaker encourages viewers to leave comments or email questions for a hashtag or email questions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu desoutter Nasir Jenga from Calum Institute, welcoming you once again to a special session of the column hangout 30 days 30 questions, answering your questions about the month of Ramadan. So the question that we got today is what's up with the such died during tarawih prayers. So this is called to Judah to our or sensitive to our, the prostration that is done for the recitation of the Quran. And I thought I'd take this opportunity to kind of explain this basically. So first and foremost, why do we do sajida while reciting the Quran, so there's about 15, places 14 or 15, there's a little difference of opinion about one of them, sort of 22 I am number

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77, there is a very, there's a difference of opinion about whether the such that a sort of Hajj at the end of the surah whether it is required or not. So generally speaking, 14 or 15 places in the Quran is where we do set it up. Now, why do we do such a there? So there's two things. Number one, obviously, if you read the translation of those, if those verses, you will see they're talking about such duh, and but that in and of itself does not make it a place that you do such that otherwise somebody could sit down with the Koran, and everywhere they come across the word such that you start doing your prostration that would not be okay. But this the major thing that makes it a place of

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such as not only the fact that it's talking about, but the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, when he would recite that if that verse, he would perform a prostration, he would do a salute at that place. And that has been authentically narrated from him. And that is what makes it an official place of performing sadaqa. Now, how can somebody know it's very easy to find a list of all the souta the pseudo number, the ID number where the sessions take place, but to keep it even more simple, all the prints, the prints of them must have the the printed core ons that we have, they are all marked with the subject, wherever

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it does occur. So you can just pretty much rely on that. Now, what do you say when you actually do a substitute for the recitation of the Quran? says it now what do you say in that sense? So there's two things that I can share with you. Number one, you can keep it very basic and simple. You say exactly what you would say in a normal, such sort of hunger appeal.

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Like three times to keep it basic and simple, three times, so how not to be an ally. How absolutely perfectly is my Lord, who is the most exalted the highest, there is an extra narration where I shadowed the Allahu taala. and how it relates that the prophets Allah is someone who would do this such the 14 hour re citation of the Koran, he would say, such as what he left, such as what he left the halaqa, who was shackled somehow who were basara, who be holy, he were who, what he thought about

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the thing that he would take that my face has been put on the ground, my face has touched the ground, for the sake of the one who created it, my face. And he gave me the ability to hear and to see through his power and his ability. And so how absolutely magnificent and blessed is my Lord. And he is the most excellent of all of those who have any ability to create anything. So it's very beautiful. But again, like I said, you can keep it simple. So how not to be an alpha. Now, there will be three scenarios I'd like to talk about where you might come across an i o where there is a such de number one in a prayer like tarawih prayers. So what you'll do there is that the Imam

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leading the prayer, who is a who inshallah is well informed about this issue, he will read that IO where there is a subject and he will say a law about it and you'll go into such depth. Once that's done, you will follow him into such depth so how neurobiol Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, and then he'll say Allah Akbar and stand back up, and you'll follow him back up to standing and continue with the prayer. The second scenario is that because it is the month of Ramadan, and so inshallah hopefully you're reciting a lot of for on in your free time and throughout the day. So when you're sitting in reciting the Quran and you come across an iron, it's marked there

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such that you got to do a studier. So what do you do in that situation? Make sure you have a little face towards the Qibla you don't have to stand up. You can sit in the disheveled position, say Allahu Akbar going to sajida somehow not obey Allah Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, you will sit back up Allahu Akbar. You don't have to read the Shahada. You don't have to do to disclaim the salam, nothing. That's it, you're done. We'll do sit down, sit back up, you're done. The third scenario is you are listening to a recording of the Quran. So the general recommendation from the scholars is that the such de is for live recitation of the Quran life that are so

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If you're listening to a recording of the Quran nd come across an if sajida and you did not recite it yourself but you were just listening to it, then it is not mandatory upon you to do such due to hearing the diverse being played through a recording that says that will not be mandatory on you. So that's basically explaining the procedure and the performance of decision to get our, I'd like to end by kind of sharing with everybody, the virtue and the blessing of doing this such that there's a beautiful Hadith of the prophets a lot a salmon, DISA havilah Muslim, where the prophets allottee some says para adema a such that for sajida that when the son of Adam when the child of Adam, the

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human being reason IO where there is the such that the sujood and then that that human being does a subsidy. Yeah, it does Allah shape on gravity, that the shape on draws away, he pulls away he retreats crying, and he says, Yeah, we know who he curses the human being. only job is to do the facility that he was commanded to do, etc. And he does the St. Jude fatherhood agenda, and because of that he is promised paradise. What will need to be surgeon the I was told to do a subdued for I'll say two but I disobeyed My Lord, funnily enough, and I've been doing to the fire of *. So such as a very powerful thing. I hope and pray everyone's having a really blessed Ramadan, praying

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tarawih prayer reciting lots of Quran doing lots of sujood inshallah does Akuma la halen for tuning into the column hangout is something Nasr Jenga from column Institute. Remember, if you want your questions answered, you can tweet them to us, leave them on our Facebook page, the comments of the video, or you can email them to us questions at column institute.org. Just remember the title or tag your questions with hashtag column hangout does that Camilla Hayden was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Why do we do Sajda during Taraweh?

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