AbdelRahman Murphy – Jumuah Khutbah 10-09-22

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary ©
The importance of pride in Islam is highlighted, including the Prophet's teachings about pride and the difficulty of finding common ground in conversations. The shift in world view of religion is discussed, where children are seen as better at writing and communicating than adults, and the importance of avoiding pride and letting anyone in who has a history of fault is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right

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bla bla

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I had one bla bla

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I shall do one

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more Han

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Solo or

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I shall do one

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more Han

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Solo or

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high salt

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high or low salt

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all what's going on Hello Blackbaud

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hamdulillah hamdulillah Lydians Allah Allah update kita but well let me gather who will hamdulillah Allah de la mula. mula Mala Mia canola who coupon ahead what hamdulillah namah the bonus don't even want to step through an SD when there was a bit ly Manchurian fusina Women say at Yeah, Medina mejor de la who Philomel Delilah, why don't you delete fella? How do you Allahu Akbar the ilaha illallah wa who la sharika who I shadow under Mohamed and Abdul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Ali I bet Allah but Allah to Allah feel lucky to have even been back there or the bIllahi min ash shaytaan the regime were in that kind of Allah who you can have him about.

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There, there's potentially nothing more distressing to a person than when they get the news of ill health, that there's something wrong. And nothing causes more stress than when a person hears that information. And they're not sure the severity of the disease or what the treatment plan will be or what the prospect of their life or the quality of life will be after that. This is something that even the conversation when you hear, for example, that somebody has been diagnosed or somebody has received a diagnosis, even if it's not you or your family, the heart of any person pretty much feels sympathetic, and feels pain towards the diagnosis, or the tragic news of another person.

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Imam Al Ghazali. In one of his great works, it'd be diet and diet, he compares the diagnosis of a physical disease with the diagnoses of spiritual diseases. And he says that while many of us would become very overwhelmed if we received news of physical ailment, he said many of us are aware of the spiritual ailments that we carry, or are aware of the symptoms and sometimes how they rear their ugly heads. And he says, But these things don't trouble us as much. They don't bother us as much the diagnosis of hassad of envy, or of Kibet of arrogance, or react, showing off these diagnoses, although we might see symptoms as clear as day. They don't cause us the same level of stress as they

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would if they were a physical disease. And he says this is a problem, not because he thinks it's a problem, but because the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in a hadith made very clearly that on the Day of Judgment, the health of one's heart is what's going to be indicative of their success. The Prophet SAW Selim said in

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Neville just said the mudra either Salah hut, Salah, * just do Kulu why either faceted festival, just do Kulu Allah, He'll calm. He said that every single person has in their body in Oregon, a piece of them. And he says if this Oregon is good, if it's healthy, either solid, then everything else in their body will be fine, every other piece of them will be okay. But he says if this organ is failing, if it's corrupted, then it doesn't matter what the person does, everything else will follow the path of this corruption.

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And this is a really, really profound announcement, he's saying that there's one piece of you, that can dictate your success or your failure. As much as you concentrate on everything else. There's one essence one core, that if it's good, you'll be alright, if it's bad, there's really not much you can do. And then he says ELA, well heeled pipe, he says, Indeed, without a doubt, exclaims says it's definitely the heart.

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The Prophet SAW Selim spent his entire mission

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of teaching people the message of the Quran, in an effort to reform the heart, that organ, that one piece that would dictate their success or their failure. Everything that we see everything that we do, all of the different acts of worship, all of the different statements and lessons and lectures and acts that we participate in. All of these are meant to be by design, by Allah's incredible design a means of purifying the heart that we have. Now, what is interesting is that these diseases, their symptoms, they aren't so outlandish, they aren't so rare even. And today, I want to go over just one of the diseases, just one that Imam Al Ghazali, he speaks about, well, it's kind of like

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three put in one, but he puts them in one category, because they kind of all share the same root cause. And I want to talk about how this disease becomes manifest. And what is a good way for a person to take care of it, what the effects of it are, and how they can help themselves. This disease is known either as Arrojo, or kibin, or fucka.

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It's either it's a form of pride, that can also be a form of self amazement, vanity, as we say, in English, or a job or a form of arrogance, a form of looking down upon somebody. Now the Companions when they heard of pride, they became very concerned they actually had a conversation with the Prophet SAW Salem about what pride was because as we know, it's good for a person to feel a sense of accomplishment. You know, if a young person comes back from school and says Baba Baba, I got an A, I got an A on my test. We don't say stuff for Allah. Don't be proud. We don't we don't rebuke them. When somebody accomplishes something. In fact, the Prophet SAW Selim even taught us either so Rasca

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Hassanal taka was the efficacy Attica for inter movement. If your good deeds make you feel happy, and your bad deeds make you feel despair, sad, then you're a believer. So, feeling good about something feeling overjoyed or happy about being able to accomplish something is not to be mistaken for pride. The Prophet sallallahu sallam, he very clearly defined this when the Companions asked him Yeah, Rasul Allah, what is pride? He said, it's two things. Pride is when a person bustled will help wantonness that a person, they reject the truth and they look down on other people for some way shape or form. And the mominul Azadi. He comments on this. And he says that the first indication the

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first symptom that a person needs to know that they suffer from this path of pride is the word enter in Arabic, which means what? Me I, me I write sounds like a child. Why? He says because if you look closely at the archetype for who was proud in the Quran, Allah mentions that of the people who were proud. You have a couple of main characters you actually have a few but we'll name two you have che Athan Iblees and you have frown.

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And he said both of their proclamations, in which Allah distinguished them as being two toxically proud people began with the word enter for a bliss when he was commanded to bow to Adam out of his system. His response to Allah was what Anna Clayton men I'm better than him. That was che thorns demonstration of his pride. And Allah as a result of that says what? That he rose himself up in private stuck about that he attempted to be proud and

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In front of Allah subhanaw taala. What about further down for nouns? famous statement, Bala, Anna Bookman, Allah, He said, I am your lord the Most High. So nominal society says if a person finds themself catching themselves constantly referring to themselves in conversation, how does this happen? It actually happens more frequently than we acknowledge. If someone comes to you, and starts to tell you about something in their life, sometimes a response that we struggle with, is instead of engaging them in conversation, we start to talk about ourselves. So someone says, oh, you know what, I just went on vacation. Where'd you go? Oh, I went to Turkey. Oh, I went there, too.

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i Nobody asked you if you went there, too. Right? The person is trying to share their good news with you. They want to explore their memory with you. They're not asking you if you want now, I get it. Some people, the way that we connect is by trying to find common ground. But realize that there's a very thin line between trying to find common ground and trying to redirect the focus to yourself. So Imams, as Ali says, the first thing that a person can do, to become better at conquering this pride is get over and get over me. If you're talking to somebody, your spouse, your kids, your parents, and you're talking to them, try to see if you can last five minutes in conversation without seeing

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me. Try to see if you can continue to ask them more questions, explore what they just said, and try to learn more about the person you're talking to. And try not to inject yourself into the conversation as much as possible. The second symptom email, as it says, which is very difficult, if we're honest, it's very difficult is that he says that everybody, everybody, all of us, we all have a vulnerability and a weakness. And that weakness is that everybody in this room, there is somebody there is a category of people or there's somebody or something that when you see it, you feel that you are better than that person or that thing. For some people, it's gender. For some people, it's

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race. For some people, it's socio economic status. For some people, it's what kind of car you drive, what kind of clothes you wear. It's religiosity, how long the beard is whether or not they're wearing Koofi. Everyone has certain standards by which they subconsciously decide who's better. Right, we size each other up. This is kind of how one of the weaknesses of human beings okay. He says the amount of Azadi says this is a trait that needs to be stamped out and extinguished at its core. He says that when you walk up to somebody and you see them face to face, you need to think, for 10 seconds, about how it's absolutely possible. And not just possible, but probable that that

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person is better than you. Not for competition, but for humility. So he narrates and he says, If you see a child, so he starts talking to our elders, me too. If you see a child, instead of looking at a child and saying, What is this kid know, this little child doesn't know how much experience in life, silly kid, they don't understand how the real world works, you know, making these very condescending comments towards children, which doesn't happen when they're cute. But when they start to talk more, that's when adults start to have these comments, right.

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And Spatola, if you were young, you may even recall and remember when you were told these things, to put you down as a kid. Notice the Prophet SAW Selim never did this, the prophet Isaiah to Sudan, in fact, he would make a big deal out of a small deal for a young person. If there was a child that had something that in the grand scheme of things wasn't a big deal. The Prophet SAW, someone would magnify it, he would elevate it.

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There was once a young boy whose pet passed away his bird. And he took time out of his day to go visit that young boy. And he said, What happened to your bird? Tell me all about it. And he gave that young boy a chance to process and to go through the grief of losing a pet. Now, some of us might say it's a bird, right? Some of us might say, did they eat it? Some of us might, you know, have these questions about dismissing the value. But to that young boy, the bird was everything. And the profits all sudden he recognized that. So emammal has it he says, If you see a child, what should you say? internal conversation, don't say it out loud, right? It might be kind of weird.

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Internally, you should say, this child is better than me, because I have accomplished more sins than he or she has. This child is better than me and wallah, he I've seen some of my own teachers. One of my teachers should he have in Chicago, he used to have a habit of asking children to make their offer him. It was weird. We used to be like, Sheikh, why are you doing that? And he would say the dura of the sinless goes to Allah quicker than the sinful.

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So these children, they don't have sins. So he would go up to a young kid and he would say, can you make dua Allah gives me Jana and the kids like Sure. Right? You know, and he would walk away. After a couple of times and Schick. He said, This child has no barrier between them and Allah. They're sinless. Right? Again, it's a paradigm shift instead of seeing children, as, you know, undeveloped, and they're gonna get smarter and this and that, why don't we see them as what they are? Which are what? That they are souls that have not accrued the burden of sin? While we have May Allah Tada, forgive us, then he flips it, because a young person now reads this book. And I'm like, Yeah, that's

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right. Right, I don't have any sins, I don't have nearly as much sense as you. So then he talks to the young person and he says, If you see an older person, then you should say what this person is better than me. They've been worshipping Allah longer than I have. They've done more. They've prayed more salah, they've given more charity, they fasted more. So you need to find an explorer away, as to how to extinguish and diminish the arrogance that you might feel over somebody. If you see a knowledgeable person, a person of deen and knowledge, right? He says that you should say, this person has been given what I have not been given. So maybe, for example, and this is common,

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especially if you talk about some of the places that Muslims live in a majority status, you know, places like Egypt or Pakistan, or if people study the religion, the answer typically is what? What happened, why you should have gone to something that was a little bit more successful. You know, in Egypt, historically, you would see that a lot of the Messiah were actually what they were blind, historically, because why? Because if a young kid lost their sight, or was born without eyesight, right, then they would not have the ability to go into medicine or law, or engineering. And so they would just relegate that child, to what memorizing the Quran. And then that child would memorize and

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learn and memorize and learn until they became some of the greatest machete Shia Kiske Rahim Allah is a great example that everyone can think of. So instead of looking at the people that have dedicated their life towards establishing and studying religion, as Messiah King, you know, these people man, the malanez, and they just, you know, maybe we can give them some solid, no, look at them and say, subhanAllah, this person has accomplished more knowledge than I have. Right? Now. All the mache is worried. But he says, No, you should not feel arrogant. He says, if you look at somebody that doesn't know what you know, they haven't studied the religion. He says, This person

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sins and I sin, but they sin, innocently. I sin and I know what I'm doing. So you see how he constantly flips it, no matter who you're meeting, there's always a reason for you to see the other person as being what better than you constantly, then he even extends it beyond SubhanAllah. He says, If you see a person who doesn't believe in Islam, subhanAllah so he's now he's going outside the community, if you see a person who doesn't believe this is like a big question that people get, by the way, how should we feel about people who don't believe? Can we backbite about disbelief, etc, etc, right? Whether or not the fifth on that is different, but what does that say? Right? What does

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that say about the heart of a person. He says, If you see an unbeliever, then you need to say, I don't know, maybe this person will become Muslim, and their life will be sealed with the Kalima the shahada, believing Allah, His messenger. And as a result of that, they will be free from sin. Just like he said, you remove a small piece of dirt from dough, like this person is pure, and you just need to take this small piece of dirt out, and they will be free from sin at the end of their life, they will die as a believer he's asked for me, Allah might cause me to go astray, Allah might not guarantee my Eman and I might become one of those people who reject Him. And my life could be sealed

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with the worst of deeds. So tomorrow he says, This person might be one of those people who draws near to Allah, and I might be falling away from Allah. And this is exactly in summary of the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, where he taught us what there will come a time where a person spent their whole life going the opposite direction, going away from God. And suddenly at the end of their life, they feel this inspiration, they feel this humility, they feel this repentance and they turn back to Allah. And he said, Eisah to Sudan, that there will be a person that lives their whole life, worshiping God, but as the end of that worship, they will have something inside of them that

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corrupts and will turn them away from worshiping Allah subhanho wa taala. So, after these examples, the Imam he gives a cure. He says arrogance will not be removed from your heart, until you come to know that the only person sorry the only being that can decide who is better is Allah. He says them

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minute you understand if I step in front of this brother or this sister, and the first thought that enters my mind is only Allah knows who's better between us. I don't know. They don't know. No one around us knows only Allah knows. He says, now you have conquered arrogance, because it's beautiful. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran in a chronicle Mirandola unit at Qualcomm, that there is in fact, something that makes us better. We're not all equal. It's true. I'm sorry to burst everyone's bubbles, right? Some people in here are better than others, but Subhanallah the only being that knows that is Allah. It's hidden on purpose. So the scholars say the safest way to

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interact with people is not that you could be better than them but what that they could be better than you. So he says, come to realize and know that Allah is the only one who knows what state this person's heart is in and what their final state would be. And because you don't know your final state, you Mamilla Sadie says, the best thing you can do is to keep your mouth quiet. We ask Allah to Allah to give us the success in conquering this disease and to extinguish arrogance from our hearts Akula Cody how there was suffered a lot and he will come while he sided Massimino musty manifesto Pharaoh in hula.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Ashraful MBI almost an insanely Mohamed Salah Salem what other early he was hobby he had rain. There is a lengthy Hadith that emails that he quotes when he talks about the impact of arrogance. There's really two impacts of arrogance number one is that in this life, nobody wants to be around arrogant people, right? There's many, many impacts of what happens to a person. People don't like to be around arrogant people they repel people like oil and water don't mix, right? Like no one wants to be around somebody who thinks that they're better. And they're always right. May Allah protect us. The other thing that happens with arrogance is a form of

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delusion. There's a sense of delusion that a person enters into where they can never see themselves as being wrong or incorrect, right, it actually becomes like almost a part of who they are their DNA. But there's also an afterlife reality as well, which we know is far more powerful because it's infinite. There's a narration that And while I've been genital de la han, who was a very close companion to the Prophet SAW Salem. He asks, the Prophet SAW Selim Yato, Sula, Allah, like Teach me something. You know, this was kind of his approach. And by the way, the Companions they said they heard the Prophet SAW said, um, so yeah, more in your head book. I love you. And they became jealous

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in a good way. Not like jealous, jealous, but they became like, Man, I wish I had that. So one of them asked, like they asked each other, like, what was it about Murad that the Prophet SAW Sanlam gave him that specific statement of love. And the other companions answered, and they said, What? That he was so eager to learn. He was the best student of us, you know, out of everybody. Murad was the one that tried the hardest to learn. And so as a teacher, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was, it's natural that he loved the one who tried the hardest. And so he says, Oh, my God, let me teach you a hadith. And Murad when he's narrating this, the the narration says, as he's narrating this,

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they said he started crying in a way that we thought he was never gonna stop crying was so emotional for him, as he's telling the story. So he said that the prophets all sudden them told him, Oh, my God, verily, Allah subhanaw taala, created seven angels. And those seven angels distinguish the seven heavens that the people will be designated to on their path to paradise. And he says, At the first heaven, a person will be brought up to that layer, there will be a group of people that will be brought up to their first layer of Jannah, okay. And the angel at the gate of that first layer will announce to the entire group, send back, anyone who has done the sin of backbiting. Send back,

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send them away, because the angel says, Allah has ordered me to not allow the deeds of backbiting to enter into this place. And so people will be turned back, but some will make it past. Then the next level, the angel says they go up to the second level. And some people are going in and the angel calls out and says, Send back. Anybody who when they sat in a group, their heartfelt fried over others in that group, send them away, because my Lord has commanded me not to let people in who had had that feeling in their heart. So now you see the impact of this pride. It's not just something that goes away when we die. It actually impacts our destiny in the next life. The third angel, the

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same process, they get to the third level, and the angel says send back somebody who, when they did a deed, they would feel vain about it. They would feel ostentatious, they would show off. It wasn't for the right reason they were doing it so that others

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When people would praise them, and then the next level, the angel says, Send back anybody who had in envy in their heart. And they would speak ill of other people as a result of their envy. And the next level, he said, Send back anybody who would never show mercy to somebody who is afflicted with difficulty, that when somebody came to them and asked for help, they would say, get away. This isn't my problem. Don't Don't bother me, this is your issue, not mine. The next layer, the angel says, Send back for the one who did deeds for other than Allah sake. And then eventually it gets to the highest level. And the angels say that for those who have reached this point, without accomplishing

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any of these sins, they will enter into the seventh level of paradise. Why did I share that long hadith is very summarized by the wait because these are the sins that we tend to ignore. These are the ones that are like they fall through the cracks. You know what I mean? We're really worried about the big ones, the big sins, but the amount of Azadi, he talks about this in another place, and he says, It's not the big sins that will take you to hellfire. It's the ones that you deemed insignificant. The word that you said the face that you made the feeling that you had the shooing away that you did very lightly. You know, somebody's asking you just like that. He says that one

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moment is so heavy in the scale of Allah, that a person could show up with many salon many, many Hajj many Amara many all of this stuff. And as a result of that, one moment they deemed insignificant, they were turned away, it spoiled the rest of their deeds. So we asked a lot to audit to grant us sincerity. We ask a lot to audit to not let us be from those people who are turned away. We ask Allah to Allah to grant us Eman. We ask Allah aspirants audited forgive us of our shortcomings. We ask Allah to Allah to grant us the ability to practice everything that we learn. We ask Allah Tala to grant you fat to those who are ill. There was a dear brother, his name is Yousef,

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he's seven or eight years old, and he is struggling very seriously right now with a serious diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. So we asked a lot to audit to give him she thought, we ask a lot to Allah to give his parents and his family strength. We asked Allah subhanaw taala to cure any of those who are sick. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to give mercy and forgiveness to any of those who have passed away in the law to America to who you solely on the island. You're living in Amador Salah Allah He was the limit as Lima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Muhammad came so late to either Brahim or other Ebrahim for Alameen in NACA Hamid and Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad

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diwata Ali Mohammed came out about Okta, Allah Ibrahim or other early Ibrahim for the Alameen in Nikka Hamidah Majeed in the La Jolla Mota but it will shun what Ito is a quarterback why in Hainan fascia he wouldn't want anyone to build a year the company under come to the Quran Aki masala

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wa lot like you got a long, long life but a lot less. A shutdown Leila in the law shed on Lulu a shadow anna Muhammad Rasul Allah Xiao

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Hai Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah and the almighty Salah Salam salam

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straining rose as best you can in sha Allah and pray this prayers if it's your final prayer.

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If there's any space try to complete the row before we started in Europe

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Allahu Akbar Al.

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Al Hamdulillah here, Amina al Amin outwash man you want him Manichean? Me Dean A Cana Ubuntu on canister green and then I'll slit off on the mill staff beam flit off on another Deena unarmed on a him leaving him up boom Yeah, I am one of those on the scene

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when they're asleep in an EU sign and if he was in an arena um and more I mean no song he had what I was being happy once I won some of his slumber

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send me out along Neiman Hamidah

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on long

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