AbdelRahman Murphy – Jumuah Khutbah 06-05-22

AbdelRahman Murphy
AI: Summary © The importance of returning to a relationship with Jesus is emphasized, as it can lead to distraction and lack of focus. The speakers stress the need to reset one's plans to achieve their goals and reset their plans to achieve their goals. The importance of remembering Allah's advice and not forgetting his words is emphasized, along with the need for community time and practice. The segment also discusses the importance of finding the right answers and not just finding them, as well as the need for better expectations of Allah's and practice.
AI: Transcript ©
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DNS Allah, Allah, Abdullah Quito but well I mean to Allah Who will hamdulillah Allah de la mula, mula Dwolla. Mia conda who phone I had on hamdulillah monastery, you know when I stepped foot on estar de when the earth of Allah him and Cerulean fusina Women say Dr. Medina, Mejia had to hit LA who fell on mandala Wamena Lilith fella had the Allahu eyeshadow en la ilaha illallah Wacka who la sharika I show the unknown Mohamed Abu Hora Soto Salawat Allah He was sent him on La Raza Allah Allah Allahu Taala Phil kita available been now there are the builder him in a shade on the regime, or inocula Allah hooligan of him about

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in a foundational Hadith Lhotse a tradition or a hadith in which the prophet is also narrates on behalf of Allah Subhan Allah to Allah, Allah tells us something very beautiful, he gives us a very hopeful and incredibly optimistic teaching. When he says you have good Allahu Taala in our ignorance on the RDB.

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This foundational principle is something that is mentioned in many different texts, you probably have heard it in hobos before the Prophet SAW Selim tells us that ALLAH SubhanA wa, tada reminds us or teaches us something critical about our relationship with Him. It allows us a glimpse, it allows us a chance to have the answer to the question, how is my relationship with Allah? This is a question that every person has whether or not they admit it. And whether or not they think of it frequently or infrequently. Everybody wants to know, what is the status of their relationship with Allah, this is something that we do even with other people. What's the status of my relationship, my

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wife, my kids, my parents, anybody with a relationship wants to know where they're standing. And so Allah tells us out of His mercy, out of his favor, what the relationship barometer is for us, and he doesn't have to do this. Because when you think of anyone in authority, at work, or in your personal life, they don't have to give you an indication, they don't have to tell you. Right, then being an authority means that they are in complete control. Allah to Allah is an absolute authority, and he doesn't need to give us anything, but he gives us this so that we can know how we're doing with him. And the answer to that question of how is a person doing with Allah? is how is a lot in that

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person's life and their end? Divani appdb that Allah says, I am to my servant, exactly how they think of me.

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Whatever way the servant imagines Allah, then that is according to the commentators how Allah to Allah will be in that person's life. Now, what does this mean? We know that Allah subhanaw taala is not something that we can imagine we don't change who he is no. What this means is that the way in which we imagine Allah actively in our lives, is exactly how we will see Him in every scenario. There are some people that constantly see the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala around them at every turn, no matter what. They will always recognize Allah's generosity in every situation, no matter how bad.

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On the other side, there are also people that exist, may Allah protect us that will always see the negativity in the situation, no matter how fortunate it might be, you know, the famous English saying that If life gives you lemons and make lemonade, right, that's kind of what this hadith is alluding to. That If life gives you lemons, or in our case, if Allah gives you lemons, right, then it's your job to see in the universe in the world around you. The favor of God the mercy of God so that the sugar that you have then can make those lemons something palatable. But there are some of us that no matter how much lemonade we're given, we turn that lemonade back into lemons that Allah

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Tada might send upon us favor after favor, situation that is full of protection and mercy and grace. And because again of the negativity that we harbor within ourselves towards Allah towards God, then we successfully extract all the sweetness from that refreshing cool lemonade and turn our life back into the sour, bitter experience that lemons offer.

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So this is the beginning of this tradition, this hadith narration now, when Allah Tada gives us this gift, I want to remind us all that this is something that is from Allah's generosity, that a person doesn't demand this from Allah. But Allah lets us have this barometer so that we can know the status of our relationship with Him. Ramadan is a month that gives us a chance to recalibrate that relationship. It allows us the blessing and the privilege of being able to do

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This for 11 months of the year we get distracted for 11 months of the year. And how come with the cathode, Allah Tada says in the Quran that you are completely and totally your concentration is destroyed, your focus is decimated by what? By the cathode or by trying to gain more trying to earn more trying to acquire more. So for 11 months of the year, we're so focused on acquisition, on growth on progressions materially that we tend to forget spiritually that we have needs as well. So Ramadan comes in it pauses, everything, don't eat during the day, right? Don't sleep, or at least most of us don't sleep too much. Don't do anything else. Everything else that you focus on, do as

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little as possible and then dedicate the rest of your month to Allah subhanaw taala. Why because you need to calibrate you need to reset just like when your phone loses orientation when you're using a compass, or when you need to reset something to the factory settings to make sure what that it's functioning properly. So Ramadan gives us that chance to reset and our ability to think of Allah is cleansed during the month of Ramadan. Everybody is astounded I'll never forget, I met a security guard who wasn't Muslim who was outside the masjid one time. And it was thought, time to break fast. And so I go out and I see him and I say, can we get you a plate of food? And guess what he says? He

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goes, Oh, no, I don't want to take away from your food. I want to make sure that you have enough. And I started laughing. Because I said Brother, if there's one time of the year that Muslims never have to worry about food, it's Ramadan. It's if thought there's always enough it's a miracle of Allah that there is always enough provision in the month of Ramadan. Subhan. Allah surprisingly, that everybody gets to eat. Why? Because not because there's magically more food not because the rice multiplies in the tray. No, but because our perspective, our needs, our desires are limited more so then than they are every other day. And so surprisingly, the same plate that we can eat by

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ourselves now can feed four people, the same sandwich that we could normally take in inhale in 30 seconds. Now we call another brother or two other and say Come share, And subhanAllah after three bytes, we say what I'm full actually, I can't have I can't finish this. So that security guard was under the impression that I don't want to take away from your food and I told him when it comes to our perspective in this month, there is no such thing as taking away food. Right? The generosity of Allah cannot be kept. The generosity of Allah cannot be limited. Especially we learned this in the month of Ramadan. The second thing we learned in this hadith, that Allah Allah says in there in

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Divani appdb. When am I who either that Karani and I am with my servant.

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When they make mention of me, so long as or when they make mention of me, this is another interesting statement. Because we know that Allah subhanaw taala is with us at all times. We know that Allah Tala is never we are never hidden from him, we know that he has knowledge of all of our actions or deeds are statements. So what does it mean when Allah says that no matter who you are as a company, that I am with him when or she when they remember me, it means that when a person wants to have ALLAH SubhanA, Allah has presence in their life on good terms, that action is necessary.

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If a person wants to have a lot in their life, they have to take action here the action is to make mention of something to say something to talk about Allah subhanaw taala to even say the word or the phrase and Hamdulillah that all praise and thanks to Allah. But this statement can also be replaced with other actions. Just making a statement about Allah is one action but there are many others. It reminds me of the hadith of Abdullah bin abbess, where the Prophet SAW Selim once took him aside and he said, let me give you some advice. Yeah, well then, in your early Mecca kalimat. Let me teach you some some some words and he told them the first thing he says, For the lawyer for the Protect Allah,

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and Allah will protect you. It's a very interesting verb. We never think about protecting God. Why because God is not in need of protection. What is being meant here is that if you preserve and protect who Allah is in your life, then you can take comfort knowing that you will always have a protected state with Allah in His in your life. But the minute that a person forgets about Allah and their life, then their status with Allah begins to tumble before their very eyes. Whether it's Hakuna who can levena Salah and sat home and fossa Han. Allah says, Don't be like the one who forgets Allah. Why? When you forget Allah, you will instantly then start to forget yourself.

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All of your morals and your beliefs and your virtues will start to crumble before your eyes. Why? Because nothing holds them up anymore. Nothing stands behind them, like the backbone that is Iman That is faith. And so here in this hadith, the Prophet SAW Selim is telling us that Allah is telling us that so long as you make mention of Allah, He will always be with you in your life. But Ramadan is the month perhaps more than any other year that we remember Allah We mentioned Allah, we read more Quran, we spend more time in the masjid, we spend more time with people. And we give up so much for the cause of being able to attain that status. But Subhan Allah, I don't think anyone here would

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disagree that in the month of Ramadan, you attain a sweetness that cannot be replicated by any other acquisition. In fact, you only attain the sweetness by giving things up. You don't eat you don't drink, you barely sleep, you donate more money than you do rest of the year. All these things you give, give give you don't take anything. But what do you achieve at the end of all that giving is that you've attained something that you cannot replicate, try. Try to replicate it at the Tesla dealership. I know they don't have dealerships online, right? Try to replicate it when you sign up a contract when you close on a new house, try to replicate it when you go shopping for clothes or get

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new bags and try try to replicate that feeling every other way possible. You can't do it. It's not possible. Right? Going shopping at Northpark mall will never compare with going to Hutch.

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Right? It never will. And so Allah Tada is saying that the only way that you can gain this exclusive feeling is by mentioning me. Okay? And then Allah continues and says something even more powerful in that got on the fina FC heat that kind of to hoof enough see, when this person remembers me to themselves and I remember this person, myself. Right there is a place for solitude and individual.

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Personal worship of Allah.

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Right, it is necessary. There are some things that you can you can gain in the company of others. But remembering Allah when you are by yourself gives you access to things that you can gain in the company of others. Write reflection can only be attained in solitude, you can't reflect at a MAVs game. You can't reflect in a gathering of people you can't think deeply about your life and your decisions and mistakes and hopes and fears and aspirate. You can't think about those things. When you're with your friends. You have to be by yourself, you have to be in a state of reflection. Right? As they say that you can't see reflection or reflection and a pot of boiling water, why

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there's too much motion. There's too much commotion. When you're with people, there's too much going on by yourself is when you're able to attain this beautiful state of reflection. We're in Zeca, Ronnie Fiammetta and the kind of two who female and played him in him. And when this person remembers me or makes mention of me in a gathering, than I make mention of them in a gathering that is better than the one that they are in. So we just said that you have to remember a lot in isolation in private. But guess what? The Hadith also then tells us there are certain aspects that you can only gain through community. You can't make it on your own. You can't attain spiritual

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success, the pinnacle of eemaan by yourself, Idina slit autonomous docking, if you want to be part of those that are guided, you have to realize that you're part of a collective, you're part of a group. And this is another thing that I belong gives us Ramallah and gives us the last 10 nights where you sit by yourself in the corner of the masjid or you're at home reading Quran making dua it gives you the solitude but it also gives you the Iftar time with your community. It gives you the tunnel we prayer it gives you the Aisha Salah it gives you all of those opportunities that again you cannot replace.

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So we learned so far in this hadith, that our status with Allah is critical and us knowing who we are with Allah is critical that you need to have alone time you need to have community time.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala continues well into Katara but you may be Shiburin took her up to La he the Iran that as long as the person comes to me even in the amount of a hand span that I will come to them in the amount of an arm spend what you that's a karate layup the Iran to cover up to La he bet on that if a person comes to me in the amount of an arm span, I will come to them even greater, when at 10am Shi T to who had will attend that and if they come to me walking I will go to them running this last part of the hadith is absolutely mind blowing. And that is that if you look at every scenario when Allah to Allah tells us when they do this, I do this

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If my servant he or she does x I will do Y. What is the formula that we find here? What is the pattern the pattern is no matter what you do, Allah Tala always returns more. No matter how much you give Allah to Allah will always give you more back. This is a guaranteed equation, when it comes to knowing who Allah subhanaw taala is, never ever do you get less than or equal to what you give Allah. And this is a very interesting, interesting paradigm shift because we are taught in capitalism in the dunya in the material world, that I work this many hours, I get paid this many hours. Right? We we rely on that what reliability we need that that's how contracts are written. You

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work this much you get this much you take this many credits, you graduate with a degree you do this, you get this. But with Allah, you cannot quantify, and you cannot limit the amount of return, you're going to get back from Allah subhanaw taala. All you know is that it's going to be more than whatever you gave forth. And this is the last lesson that Ramadan teaches us about this hadith, that this investment that you've given Subhanallah the scholars asked the question, why is Ramadan only one month of the year? Why can't Ramadan be two months or three months of the year. And some of the scholars they wrote about it not being sustainable. You can't do 30 days more than once a year, it's

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too much. But some are like that they wrote and they said because one month of giving devotion to Allah, the amount that Allah gives you back lasts you the other 11 months of the year, that whatever you give, the return is so much greater. It's like concentrated Iman.

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And so in this devotion to Allah this month of devotion, it's important that we recognize that starting you know, this week, up until insha Allah in the next Ramadan May Allah Allah grant us that

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that we are part of a divine transaction. That this is something that we need to realize that we are in the privilege of having that everything you did in Ramadan did not end. Your prayers did not just simply cease. Your Quran recitation did not just simply pause No, it was an investment. And just like when you invest in anything in life, you start to see the returns and the returns give you a feeling of hope, a feeling of gratitude.

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So you see now that after praying five times a day for 30 days, somehow praying five times a day now and so well is even easier. You see that having a relationship with the Quran for 30 days, it's easier now to listen to the Quran being recited, it's easier to open up the most Huff yourself and start reading. You see that after giving sadaqa especially last 10 Nights. Now you don't feel so foreign when you walk up to the donation box. Now it's like a familiar friend. It's like a experience that you're used to now all of this are the fruits of the work that you did the last 30 days. And this fruit, this harvest is meant to carry you through until the next year. We ask Allah

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subhanaw taala to grant us that and more. We ask Allah to Allah to grant us the ability to practice everything we've learned. We ask Allah to Allah to accept from us all of our fasting and our praying and our Quran and sit in charity Akula Cody Hello stuff for Hola Hola. Hola, como Elisa Illa Muslim number semester so flew in the hula hula Rahim.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah, Karim, Allah, Allah, He was such a huge amount in Europe. There is a very beautiful moment that everybody has during the month of Ramadan. And hopefully that moment is tied to making dua. That moment maybe it's on the odd nights 27th night, maybe it's by yourself at home, who knows when it was but everybody engaging in some form of dua to Allah subhanaw taala, where the heart just opens and maybe the tears are shedding and the emotional floodgate is just rolling. And you're talking to Allah about what you're talking to Allah about your regrets, your fears, what you hope for, what you're thankful for all of these emotional

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conversations with your Creator and your Sustainer. Now, the Hadith that we mentioned, during this cookbook is all about having a good expectation of Allah, what's called Hueston of them Billa thinking well of Allah, right. The prophets all sudden has other Hadith where he tells us about the importance of having positive expectations of Allah. One of the narrations is very forceful, very powerful, in a good way where the Prophet SAW Selim says, or Lucha, went to Mukhin runnability java. He says, Make dua to Allah and be absolutely certain in the response that it's coming. Now many of us are wondering, okay, it's been six days, right? It's been 10 days. Where's the response? This is

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something that takes some practice, but this is something that Ramadan also teaches us. The response of the DUA that we make to Allah does not always come in the way that we want it.

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nor the way that we expect it. So instead of searching for the exact response that we were hoping for, one way that Ramadan teaches us the patience, the trust, all of the things that we learned that month, is that we have to become better at looking for the responses of Allah in languages that we didn't think.

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What does that mean? We asked for risk, oh, Allah grant us risk give us more sustenance. And instead of seeing all of a sudden magically checks, more money, more money, more money, oh, hamdulillah do I was answered? What do we see, we see our home filled with happiness. Maybe we see that our families getting along better. Maybe we see that something good happened, right? Maybe my insurance rate went down or maybe something different. But it wasn't just in the form of getting more cash. These are all forms of risk. And in this we trust that Allah Tada is giving us not what we want, but what we need. So we're asking Allah to give us Oh Allah give us give us give us and maybe in preparation of

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your heart or your soul, instead of giving you exactly what you wanted Allah to Allah knows better than you what you need. Right? And so it's not about asking and then waiting. It's about asking and then observing. Looking around, seeing how Allah was giving is so different is so much better and perfect than anything we could have expected. And this moment of realization is something that everybody can have every single day you can look around at your life. You know, we ask Allah Allah protect me, Oh Allah, keep our family safe. And you're driving on the road and you just barely missed a car that could have hit you.

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How many of us in that moment, think to ourselves that was ALLAH protecting me? How many of us are convinced that this was the answer to my drive on the 27th night that in a moment's notice, my family could have been gone. And just because of something a yellow light, or a warning in my car, some signal that popped off beeping telling me you're swerving. My family is saved. Many of us attribute that to chance or ourselves, but we don't realize that that was hola todos answering of our dua. Right. Not every draw is being answered in the language that we expect. We just have to get better at look looking and finding those answers. We ask Allah to Allah to grant us Sophia, we ask

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Allah Tada to allow us to be cognizant of those answers we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept all of our deeds. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept and to give she fat to everyone who was sick. We asked Allah parents to give mercy and forgiveness to those who have passed away we asked the last parents audit to answer and to grant us responses to all the deposit we made. We asked less farmers to book on happiness in our homes. We asked the last parents audit to protect our Eman and faith and to grant us greatness in our faith era. We asked you Oh Allah to grant us the ability to follow the messenger Muhammad SAW Salam in his actions and his teachings. I mean me Hello, Bill Alameen in

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Allahu Allah kita for us Soluna Allah Nebia you will live in Amman of Saudi Arabia who was a luminous Lima. Allah was the guy that Muhammad Anwar Ali Muhammad came so late to Allah Brahim or Allah al Ibrahim for Alameen in Nicaragua Mina Medina Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed come about Dr. Eide, Ebrahim or other early Ibrahim for the Alameen in NECA Fermina Majeed in Allahu yet motivated Andy what son what you did what about where you inherited fascia I will manconi will budget year the company I look them to the Quran actually masala

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