Abdal Hakim Murad – Eid Mubarak

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a scene where Insha Allah's behavior is described as rude and lacking, but the inner state is described as calming. The transcript also mentions a woman named Rivoli Radiol who is seen as "dumb" by her peers, and a woman named Aaxarari Leah who is seen as "dumb" by her peers.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim as Allahu ala calm, but Kabbalah CMR

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calm while Salah taco what tarawih faco was so rude ACOEM wa T

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Carthago insha Allah wa Sadako Chico. They will fit Rivoli Radiol

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fatale. This has been a blessed Ramadan a wonderful experience the

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outside world seems to be in a state, but the inner state insha

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Allah is a state of flourishing. And we feel that we've gone up so

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many steps day by day in these days of Ramadan, and Allah has

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brought us to the end of the month and the beautiful day of aid is

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upon us and Alhamdulillah Robben Island mean may this despite the

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difficulties of outward circumstances, be a time of unity

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of spiritual embrace amongst the Muslims when everybody can see us

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as offer to an Asana as an excellent example for all mankind.

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Insha Allah have a great aid Baraka Alfie Kohn was salam or

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aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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