Aarij Anwer – Qur’an for Teens #8 – Back to Life

Aarij Anwer
AI: Summary © The importance of reading Arabic language in relation to prophets and past events is emphasized, along with the need to focus on current events and people who are mentioned in scriptures. The speakers stress the importance of asking questions to reassure one's heart and improving understanding of Islam, as actions are a wrong action. The importance of bringing birth to life after death is emphasized, as the upon upon upon death is a loss of control and the journey is difficult to navigate. The speakers also discuss the importance of avoiding promises and unlawful trade laws, as well as the need for individuals to show their commitment to charity. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for the upcoming show.
AI: Transcript ©
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What does the law say in number 243? Does

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it let's have a couple of people, a couple of volunteers.

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I'll hammer you there.

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Huh? I'll go for a hobby. Oh, you got to read the Arabic as a habit. You read the English for now. And then the Arabic text. Okay.

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All right. Um, do you want to read the the Quran part there?

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Nina chiffon in LA Jean Bismillah. He was Manny Maki. lm. e della Deena followed

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moved to

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LA. Nina. Nancy. Next one, sila. Yes, Guru number one.

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Have you not seen those who fled their homes in their 1000s for fear of death? Were upon God said to them die, and later brought them back to life. Surely God is bountiful to mankind, but most of them are ungrateful. Hmm, very nice.

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This is a very, this is a passage of number 243 of the poor of sotto voce

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is speaking about a incident that took place in in the past, right? It's something that took place

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in with the people who were before us. This is, you know, the Quran speaks quite a bit about things that took place with prophets that lived before us.

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This is quite often the case, to make a point, right? Like what, like a lost partner wants to make a point. And the way he does so is he uses history. What took place in the past as the as the waiter make his point for the, for the future, right? Or for the excuse me for the present. Just give me one second here. Let me just I think this streaming is not working. If you can just give me a sec here. Sorry about that.

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Just a sec. Yes, sorry. I think we're good to go. Barco FICO. So here is a lot using an example of what happened in the past. alum Tara Illallah. Deena Zhu min dare him right. Now. Tell me you guys. Does it say who it is? Like, which people like are they mentioned by name here the people that Allah is referencing? Is it as their name mentioned?

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Yes or no?

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know their name is not mentioned. Very good, right? It just says those who fled their homes, right? Correct.

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So this is how the Quran gives examples. Sometimes Sometimes it gives an example using like concrete names, right? We saw the name which which major group of people the BC mentioned a lot in the Quran.

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Bonnie, Bernie sorry, very good. So Bernie is not evil, we saw mentioned quite a bit, right? Allah mentions them by name. What Prophet did Allah mentioned by name?

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As he was talking about when he saw he, which Prophet was it?

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Hence his name begins with M.

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mazon is not very good. Right? Also, Allah mentions another great prophet. The one that is like, the role model for us. All.

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Right, my name

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Ibrahim al Islam. Yes, exactly. So let's talk about mentions, those specific people. And those specific prophets by name. Yeah. And when he does that, he's doing it. And he's trying to make a particular example, but sometimes he mentions it without referencing in history who it is, and he's left it to us to like it, like why does he do that? Why does he mention an example from history without specifically referencing the people who it's talking about? There's two reasons. Reason number one is the purse. The people are not important.

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What happened is important. So the focus that Allah wants us to have is look at what took place. That is what your focus should be. Not that you worry about who, and where and why. But what that should be your focus. And

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this is one of those instances, Allah wants us to focus on the, on the incident incident that took place, not

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not like who they were specifically. The second thing also is, Allah wants us to focus on sometimes these are things in the coroner there that are mentioned in other scriptures like the Bible, okay? And the Quran would reference these incidents, and the people who would know the Bible would know that this Quran is actually commenting on something that is in their books. And that would be a way for them to come closer to, to, to, to, to accepting Islam, right. Last part law says, first victory in kuntum lotta alimony says about, you know, like ascertaining being sure that this book is from Allah pantalla. Right. He says I'll show you the here's the

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right that first Allah Allah decree in kuntum la talamona major streets transition

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you Yeah.

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As the People of the Book if you do not know this, right, so the idea is sometimes Alice Walker will comment on things, or he will, he will reference some things point at some things that are mentioned in previous books, previous revelations, and that's a sign or a hint for those people that hey, this book is also from Allah subhanaw taala. You should you guys should be accepting it. Now. What's the point of this example that Allah is giving us? The example that he's giving us is, there were people who,

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who were

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who were brought back to life, okay.

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This is one of the themes of Surah Baqarah that Allah will bring us back to life. Hmm.

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One of the you can call it like a sub theme, like a secondary theme that allows pantalla has the power to bring this back to life. Okay, so he uses here an example of what took place in past in history. Okay, number one, there are people who, by the 1000s

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all died at the same time. And then by this housands, all of them were brought back to life. So makia home, okay. Now, this is something that is historical, like it's something that's recorded in history is something you find in the records of bunnies about equals the people here were bunnies that I use.

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But this was done to show a loss, hansala has the power to resurrect people after they have passed away. Okay, the same theme will repeat if you go to the next *.

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Last month, Allah talks about Ibrahim on a set up and it says Ibrahim in Assam says has to last patata Let's see I do have a volunteer who can read the English.

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Let's pick somebody

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I can read it.

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Right. Is that a handout? Right? Yes. Okay, Hannah, could you read that please? Yes.

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Ibrahim said show me my Lord, how you revive the dead. God said do you not believe Ibrahim answer? Yes, indeed I do believe but just to reassure my heart. Then God said take four birds and train them to come back to you. then place them separately on each hilltop and call them they will come flying to you know that God is almighty and wise. Thank you. So again, here's an example. Right of Allah spotless showing how he can bring

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back to life someone who or something that was dead, right. In this example, it is birds. It lost panto says to Ibrahim alayhis salaam Ibrahim Assam as Allah, my Lord My Lord, show me how you bring the people back to life. Okay, now, Ibrahim in Islam doubting Allah subhanaw taala

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is he

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that's all I know people.

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Is he doubting what, you know, the message of the dean is no he's not. He just wants to

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Like reassures what

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he wants. Of course he believes, but he wants to reassure his heart. This is important. Sometimes in Islam, we will learn things, and you know everything it makes perfect sense hamdulillah that he many times, and sometimes you will learn things that the first time you hear it or even the second time, you're not like you're a little puzzled by it, you're like, you know, I don't know, I don't understand it. But the key is, we ask questions to get answers, right. This is how we're taught in Islam. We ask questions to get answers, of course, Ibrahima some who's going to Who is he going to ask a question of like, he's going to ask a person like on the street, Hey, tell me about this. No,

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he's a prophet of Allah. Right? He is going to speak to Allah to get his answers. And we will get our answers from the prophets and their stories and the statements of the prophet SAW Salah. So we have in Islam, the way we're taught to ask questions to understand this is part of our religion. We're not a it's not like frowned upon. And Ibrahima sounded did it, excuse me. In rahimullah exam, did it. He wants to add these answers to reassure his heart. So if you want answers to reassure your heart, even more, you know, it's a right it's even more of a feeling for a person to do that. Because, you know, it's not like we are in conversation with Allah Spano, tala, like even though he

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was right. So it is something that we're encouraged to do. Now to reassure the how hard of a Rahim Allah Subhana Allah gives him an example demonstrates for him something that's miraculous. What is that? How many birds was he supposed to take?

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For four birds. Now? Do you know? You know, there's people who like train pigeons to you know, like, fly away and then come back? Have you guys seen that? How many of you seen that? I didn't what I know about it.

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Right. So like, you know, I'll show you something. A messenger pigeons.

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Do you guys know this messenger or homing pigeon?

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Yeah. What is that? What's a messenger pigeon? Yep, there

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they go. Like the pickup in like, before the mail was like invented, pick up, get mail delivered to a specific person.

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And get, like, delivered. Okay, but then how is the pigeon? How does the pigeon know where to go? And where to come back?

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Ah, so you train the pigeon? You guys know, pigeons? All right.

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This is a pigeon, right? Can you spot where the where the messages?

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Right here and his leg right title is like right here, huh.

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So the way it would work before, you know, male and female was that you would have pigeons that you would train. And these homing pigeons or messenger pigeons would be trained to fly between two spots, okay. And these two spots were very far, they could be like, you know, hundreds of kilometers away. But the pitch is so smart, that if you train the pigeon, it can find its way back to the place like the between the two spots, you can navigate very precisely between the two spots, you will train the pigeon to do that. And then you can send messages to like people that are far far away very, very quickly through a pigeon, right. It's kind of like, you know, you have your own personal

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you know, like

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postman, right. But but so you have a pigeon, the post person.

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pigeon as a postman. Yeah, exactly. Now, this was actually really beautiful, a really cool way of doing things, right. Because you can get messages across. And you know, people will do that. And it was nice.

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Even today, do you know people use this sometimes homing pigeons? Because? Because if they don't want their messages to be tracked, right, because if you send your messages by, by email or by text, someone can hack it, right? Yes or no? Yeah.

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If you send it by like a postal service, there's a chance someone could intercept your message, right. But if you can train your pigeons, you can have a communication without anybody spying on you. It's very interesting,

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huh? That's pretty smart. It is right? So I lost my bow says de Rahim. train them to come back to you. So what is he going to do? He's going to train the pigeons.

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To train the birds to fly back to go to Mr something and then come back exactly so they fly away and then he trains them any any calls the birds the birds come back Hmm This is a skill by the way you know like training a bird to fly away and come back to you this is like a it's an art and a science game I don't know this I wish I did because then I'll be super cool I could you know I have a bird that flies away that comes back but I call it

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but you know this was something that people did

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are a necessity and out of you know something that was like a hobby for them even today you see people in the desert that train Eagles the eagle flies away from their arm and then comes back to the arm right have you guys seen bird shows? Yeah I did right bird shows is you know the the trainer calls the bird and the bird comes to them right?

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Or he calls the burden of bird goes into like it's a little nest that they have created. How many of you have seen something like that?

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Pretty sure I did.

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Anybody else?

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Nobody else has seen a bird show Come on guys.

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Okay, anyway, so this is something that used to happen now Ibrahim in Islam is being told by Allah train these burdens but now after you've trained them do what pleases them separately on each hilltop What do you think this is referring to place them separately on each hilltop huh? Wait, there was something I heard that he did. Like he kills all of them and then like mix the blood with the flesh and

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feathers and then he put a bit on every forehead one of four hills like a bit then he made draw and then they got resurrected. I'm pretty sure that's the story. Excellent. Well done, man. Okay, but let's let's

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but let's do this in a step by step way. Okay.

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Okay, now, here this is ID number 260.

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We have Ebrahim Elisa Lam and the birds Okay, now what does the law say to him? He says number one take how many birds take four take four birds very good.

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Oh, wait take four birds number two

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do what

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people want on each

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Hill Oh before that as much the blood with the flesh and feathers knows more of that train train them right train them to

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come to you. Right

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like just like hop messenger pigeons pigeons are just like any other birds are trained by their trainer to fly and come back to a certain spots train them okay. Then he says place them separately on each hilltop. What does that mean?

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It means what other harnessing

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sacrifice the birds

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mix up the

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the, the meat of the birds. So like it doesn't like it's like okay, this is like the

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you know, the piece of flesh. This is the wing of this bird and this is the wing of that bird. Mix it all up. Okay. And place it

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on an akula Javelin hoonah just on

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a separate hilltop.

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Alright, what does that mean?

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It means what is trying to show what is the last one I'm trying to show you what it means

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that you once you've done this, you are going to make it so that the

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the birds are all like, you know, mixed together it's going to be important impossible for someone to say this piece is from this bird. This bird the pieces from this bird, okay, then you please this all in different different spots. So it's not like they're all together.

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Then you call them

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Call them

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just like you call the bird and you were training the bird. What's going to happen?

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Yeah, Dina casaya, they will come flying to you.

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ie, they will be brought back into life. The meat of the birds last one that wants to show Ibrahima Sanders. He imagined there is like a mountain here and a mountain here and a mountain here. And on this mountain hilltop, there's like a bunch of flesh of birds all mixed together. We don't know which flesh which word is from which, which, which meat is for which bird. And on this mountaintop, there is a mixture of meat, and I miss mountain and there's a mixture of meat and feathers and beaks, everything is all mixed up. It's impossible to discern which word is what, okay, then Brian Wilson goes to his spot where he was standing. And he calls them and the birds miraculously, their

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meats from different hill from here from this hill, this piece of meat from this hill, this piece of leg, it will come together and they will recreate it they'll be recreated as burbs and they will fly to Ibrahim Islam, like they were flying as if they were alive. When they were alive.

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They will the birds will be resurrected

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or brought back to life.

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You know,

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like basically in the air essentially.

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And then fly back to Ibrahim on SLM.

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If you were to do this, this, nothing will happen by the way, because me and you are not people who can perform miracles. Right? But a prophet of Allah is given miracles, Allah gives them miracles, to show that this is a true prophet of Allah, conveying the message from Allah. Yeah, this is one of the miracles that Allah sponsor gave to Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, the birds. Again, what is the point of this, these examples, they all tie together to one theme, bringing back to life after death? Yeah.

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You see that this is a very important theme in the surah, bringing something back to life after death, a lost part Allah is giving us that in history, this has taken place 1000s of people died or brought back to life. Ibrahim Alayhi Salam performed this miracle with birds. And these birds were not just like, you know, like it was a more It was a difficult, complex resurrection, right? Because their meat was all mixed up. And they were all separated by hundreds or of meters, right? Because they're all in different different places. Yet, when Allah wants to bring something back to life, space and time becomes irrelevant. Hmm.

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That's the point of the example, that Allah wants us to understand that on the Day of Judgment, when an aloha season Hakeem he is almighty and wise, he can bring us back to life, on the day of judgment, just like he brought us into existence the first time. This is a very critical idea of people, we have to understand this. And think about the idea also of

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there's a hadith of a person, okay, and this person is, you know, scared of a loss pantalla because he's done many things that are evil in his life. He scared of Allah and being held accountable by Allah. So what does he do? He tells his children that when I die, I want you to burn me. Okay, my body and scatter my ashes everywhere, all across the world. Okay, how many of you have heard this Have you?

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You haven't no problem. So this is someone who lived before Islam before the prophets, Allah right. And what he's doing is something in our religion is not acceptable. But there's a point to learn from the example and that's why the problem shared the example. This man when he's asked his children when I die, I don't want to be held accountable, but Allah, I want that I just disappear in the universe.

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But he doesn't realize allows one click and bring people back. And time and space are not something then restrict Allah, you know, scattered over like your particles are scattered everywhere. It's not going to stop a lot from bringing you back to life putting you back together again and bringing you back to life. Because we are limited by time and space. Our reach is limited. how far we can live is limited. How many hours we can stay away is limited. Allah has no limits, right? But it is a

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In his,

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you know, primitive understanding, he thought if he could just disperse himself everywhere, he'd be free. So he did that, or his kids did that they burn him, and they scattered his ashes everywhere, right? So for a person, it would be impossible to gather his ashes. But last month other, as the Prophet tells us, brought him put his ashes together, and brought him back to life, and asked him, Why did you do that? He said, I did this all because I was afraid of your, of your accountability. And Allah said, Did you not know that I can hold or I can I give life? And I bring people back to life after death? Right? It's like, Yes, I know now. And the last part other than, you know, forgive

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this person, because they did not understand the religion. They had done something that is actually inappropriate. We don't accept this cremation, we don't condone this. But here is a person who they did something wrong. While their intention was good, and a lot of His mercy forgive that person. This is one of the things that we learned in Islam, that we don't condone wrong actions. It doesn't matter what intention was wrong, action is a wrong action. But Allah smart Allah is the one who has the authority to forgive someone, if he wants to, if he chooses to,

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despite them doing a wrong action, if their intention was pure.

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This is purely a last choice, not our choice for us. We decide things, or we, as human beings, do things according to well, is this the correct? Like, is this action right or wrong? If it's wrong, we don't accept it, we don't condone it, it's right, we accept it, we condone or we accept it, and we, we, you know,

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you know, roll with it. Whereas with Allah subhanaw taala. He is the one who knows the intentions of people, and he can hold them accountable. And he is the one who is the ultimate judge. Now the point of the example that the person was giving us is that there is no escaping Allah subhanaw taala there is no escaping don't think that a person can escape the accountability of the zero, there is no escaping it. Every single human being who has ever lived, will be brought back to life will be held accountable by Allah spawn, Tada. And Allah gives examples in the Quran that shows that. Okay, the examples that we saw right now, in circle batara. These are two examples that he shows that are

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historical, right? What are they?

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historical, right? It's mentioning something that took place in history, right? This happened in history. It doesn't happen every day, though. All right. But then he also gives logical examples. What is the logical example?

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Anyway, no other logical example is

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anyway, know what I mean by logical example.

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A logical examples like something that has human logic has logic, right? It's something you could like. So it's like a last month, I will make a point, you would say, Here is something, okay, here is something exactly similar to this is another thing. If this thing can happen, then this thing can happen as well. You see, that's what the idea of a logical example is. You can make that analogy between two things here is Allah giving illogical example? For what is resurrection? Right. Coming back to life, this isn't a difference. We're also number 22. But it is the same example and I wanted to, you know, mention this to conclude the topic of how bringing people back to life is mentioned in

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the Quran. Okay, so here is a lot. Let's see, do I have a couple of people who can read for me? I can read. Okay, so the funny one read the English. Okay.

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Maybe let's have another person as well to supplement that one.

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are having Do you want to read the Arabic again?

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Okay, so all right. And I'm How about you read um, to like,

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like, stop at like a point and then I'll stop. Like, I'll point where that is. And then other fun Can you guys can take turns to resolve Okay.

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Okay. All right. Okay.

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morning Raji.

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Bismillah in wash man you want he? Yeah You

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hola hola

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to love you and I mean no fat

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no fat You

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know what? I love it love it. I love it

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well people if you're in doubt about the resurrection remember that we first created you from dust then from a sperm drop dead from clotted blood, then a lump of flesh, both shaped and done shape so that we might manifest to you or power.

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When you play roofie feel funny Manisha.

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nanofluid you can please let

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me know, should

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Go ahead, we cause what we will to set the stain the warm for an appointed time, then we bring you for this infants and then we cause you to grow and reach for growth.

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Well, I mean, you tell us, I mean

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radula Oh, Daddy normani da da da da da, da da me.

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from here. And then some of you that some of you will pass away early in life, while some of you will reach extreme old age in which they will know nothing of what they once knew.

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What they're all Oh, Blimey, that

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does that one I bet

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that mean query so Jean, he, you see the earth doesn't burn but no sooner do we send down rain upon that a begins to skirt swell and produce every kind of luxuriant vegetation. Okay, thank you guys. There's a very long idea. Okay. But it begins by saying or people talk about all to all its addressing every single person, Muslim or non Muslim? Are they all included in this? Ayah?

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Yes, right. It's because a lot pathless speaks to everybody. In certain parts of the Quran, certain parts are meant specifically for Muslims, like how to pray or what meant to pray, or other aspects that are specific to the religion. But this is a concept that everyone needs to understand. And this is a the the gateway the passage from it, a person would enter Islam, the concept of what the concept of being brought back to life after death, this is central to our analysis, this is central to our faith, we believe is going to happen. Now, belief for us isn't just based on just like belief like Hallelujah, right? You believe and that's it, belief for us has to have some precedent, what is

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precedent, some evidence, something to show something for us to anchor our belief upon. Okay, so that is a historical example. But he saw 1000s of people dying at the same time 1000s being brought back to life, or a miracle given to Ibrahim al Islam. This is historical incidents. However, these are in history. I and you cannot see them with our eyes, but we accept them as historical evidences. But there's also logical evidences, logical evidences and all of us can see and think about and then conclude that resurrection being brought back to life after that is a reality, or it's a feasible reality. It can definitely take place. Yeah. How so? Here's the question. Here's what Allah puts

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forward. It's a very beautiful argument. If you're in doubt about resurrection, right resurrection means what? being brought back to life after death? Yeah, you will meet people.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:59

Yes, people please type Yes. If you're with me, I know like, a lot of you are there Mashallah. Freaking this type? Yes. Okay. Now, what if I want you to follow this example very carefully with me? A lot smarter. That gives us an example, to convince us that he can bring this back to life.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

He talks about how he brought us into existence the first time. How does that happen? Where do babies come from?

00:35:08 --> 00:35:19

Okay, created from dust. What is this created from dust? This is referencing who which person that was create from dust.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:23

And the first person ever

00:35:26 --> 00:35:38

the malasana was created from dust can read it from dust, and it was a miraculous creation of a loss patola in heaven, then all of Adams kids, how would they create it?

00:35:39 --> 00:35:58

How are they conceived? They were conceived in the wombs of their mothers, okay. And that happens after an act of you know, marital relations, sexual relations came from a drop of sperm that fertilizes into a

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into a fetus, okay. And then that fetus turns into a you know, it goes from stages clotted blood to a lump of flesh, whether the first the lump of flesh has no shape, then the lump of flesh starts to have bones in it, and it starts to form the shape of a human baby. And then it expands, that expands in size under the eye of the Quran references this too, by the way. Okay, Nina, welcome to show you our manifest power. Hmm. So here is the last part of giving the first you know, parallel. Okay, if you think bringing a person back to life is difficult. Look at how difficult bringing a person to life was that they're conceived from a drop of sperm, there's only one sperm out of the millions

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that succeeds. And the probability is so low of conceiving, it's almost like it's very, very close to zero the probability of conception, okay, yet despite the odds, conception happens, then the fetus is in a very difficult, very, you know, it's a precarious situation. miscarriages happen quite often in the early stages of pregnancy, yet, slowly, but surely, this baby grows up in the womb, then this baby stays in the womb as a fetus for a while, and then comes out as a child. Right? labor, if that is according to many, many

00:37:38 --> 00:37:45

biologists, and, you know, people who are like ob, ob, ob,

00:37:46 --> 00:37:49

what's that? gynecologist excuse me,

00:37:50 --> 00:38:37

the most difficult journey a human being takes, and is the journey from the womb of the mother to the world. That journey is one of the most dangerous journeys. And many, unfortunately, kids pass away in that time. They don't make it. Many complications occur. Sometimes it's so complex, you have to do a surgery and Section A C section, you have to slice open the mother to take out the child and then resets the mother up. There is such complex things that happen at that, in that stage, a very frightening and very difficult stage. before modern medicine, you know, many, many women would pass away after giving birth because the pain was so much that their bodies couldn't handle it. Right?

00:38:37 --> 00:38:48

It's a very difficult moment, it seems very straightforward, right? Like you knew someone had a baby. But it is one of the most difficult things that both the mother or the child will ever go through.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:13

So a lot smarter showing us that despite all the odds, the odds are against being conceived the odds against a person lasting in the womb, miscarriage odds of passing away as they're being born. Despite all odds, here you are, as a child being born, but no caribou, our tomato, cajon, deflower, then

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there's back in the day used to used to be a lot more, you know, infants who would pass away because of bad health care, because of, you know, just the lack of, you know, medicine available, many, many kids would pass away in infancy. Today handler we have vaccines. Today, we have many, many ways of protecting kids. But even today, you know, like

00:39:40 --> 00:40:00

little kids when they get sick. Oftentimes, it's some of the most oftentimes there's no treatment, right? I've had that in my family on my friend's baby passed away. This is, you know, treating a child is very, very complex medically. But despite the odds, you will come and you

00:40:00 --> 00:40:23

Reach, full growth, you reach and you become a fully grown man or woman. So that's what I'm showing here. Example number one that you come against all odds in this world, you are brought into this world against all odds. If you think those odds were so small, hmm, such, you know, difficult odds to bring you to life,

00:40:24 --> 00:40:27

the odds of bringing you back to life are the same or better.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:51

Why because if they're the same, like very, very low odds, last month, I can bring you back to life, just the way he brought you into existence, against all odds. And if they're better odds, isn't there a better chance for that to happen, because your flesh and blood the materials that you are creating from our existence in the world.

00:40:52 --> 00:40:57

So that is one example he gives. Then he gives another example, he says,

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you see the earth dead and barren. This is something we can see right now it's spring hamdulillah. Or, I mean, it's gonna get fall soon, but when you see fall, and then you see a winter what happens to the earth, it you know, that the trees they shed their leaves, the grass dies, yes,

00:41:18 --> 00:41:22

things that are around us are things that are

00:41:23 --> 00:41:39

that the plants and vegetation, the trees, all of that. So, the eye then says just like dead Earth is brought back to life, right? Dead Earth is brought back to life by the

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by the rain, right? The earth is revived by the rain, the same way a lost model will bring back to life people who have passed away, you see, so in this ayah, Allah spotlight gives an eye number 22 five, he gives us a, a parallel,

00:42:02 --> 00:42:04

the parallel of

00:42:06 --> 00:42:35

the, the the the examples of resurrection. Okay. So the parallel of being born. Okay. The idea is, if you could be born and brought into life, the first time being reborn is just as you know, plausible it being brought born is plausible. being reborn is also plausible. Would you agree with that?

00:42:38 --> 00:42:51

Yes or no? Yes. Because being born was against all odds. So being reborn is also against, if that is also against all odds, a lost public can do it. The example also of

00:42:52 --> 00:43:06

the dead Earth, the dead Earth being brought back to life? Hmm. That is something we can see. We can see that after winter in the spring,

00:43:07 --> 00:43:42

yes or no, you can see that in the winter time, that the earth after it has, you know, become barren, can be brought back to life, or specifically parts of the world that doesn't get rain, but then there is rain, that rain will rejuvenate the earth and it brings back to that Earth, it gives life to that Earth. So this is the message of this part of the Quran, giving us certainty that life after that is something is a reality. It's something that can happen based on a person's

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based on historical evidences, based on the examples from the

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from logic. Okay, so Rebecca concludes by talking about people spending their money for the sake of Allah, why it is such a beautiful thing to spend money to for the sake of Allah, spending money in the sake of Allah, meaning helping people who are in need. This is like a,

00:44:10 --> 00:44:59

this is like a grain of corn but sprouts into seven years, with 100 grains in each year. It's like one seed of corn gives you are 700 700 grains of corn. Right? That's the analogy. Okay. 700 is like a word that is hyperbole in Arabic, meaning one grain of corn. If you plant that seed will give you many, many, many grains. Right? This is how it works. If you plant a seed, an apple seed, and if the tree grows and produces fruit, it will produce many, many apples. That's the idea. That's what Allah says. Charity is like you give $1 in charity, and the fruits of it are many, many dollars for your record of good deeds. Just like a seed.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:20

Many fruits when it flourishes, and harvested the same way is charity. It's like you're planting a seed, and it's fruits you will reap in the next life. We're told though, when we're spending money, I know we're a little over time, or just give me a couple of minutes because of the nonsense. Because I want to wrap this up with you guys and Shiloh Is that okay?

00:45:21 --> 00:45:23

Are we okay? A couple of minutes extra.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:40

Okay, um, the Rila. Okay, so charity, very beautiful, very important part of Islam. What Allah says about charity is, charity is something that is done,

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not to hurt people.

00:45:44 --> 00:45:48

You cannot give charity and then taunt people and insult people.

00:45:50 --> 00:46:00

ie if I help you, doesn't mean that I own you. If I've helped you sometimes doesn't mean all of a sudden you all you owe me always like this kind of

00:46:03 --> 00:46:47

this this submission? Oh, yes, you're there for me one. So now I'm indebted to you forever. No, as a person who's helping you, I should be helping you. For the sake of Allah. That's it, I don't expect a return from you, I should expect a return from Allah spawn, Tada. In fact, the one who's spending their money and they're doing so just, you know, gain favor and and, you know, be talked about in a good way amongst people. That is someone will assess laptop status, or the party company manual. They are the ones who cancel out their charitable deeds with reminders and hurtful words. Right. So doing something good, does not give you the license to then hurt the one who you've done good to,

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that is actually cancelling out the good that you've done, nullifying the reward of it. That's a serious matter. Okay. Whereas we're told that if you can't give anything, then be quiet. See a kind words. That's actually a type of charity as well, better than you giving charity. And then insulting and hurting the one that you're giving charity to? Right, reminding them of your the favors you've done, that's hurtful, don't do that better is to say something good. That's much better, even if that means you didn't do anything you didn't give anything. Hmm. Now also, we have the example of

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you know, the ones will respond law says, the people who are giving in the sake of for the sake of Allah, they're spending their wealth by night and by day, privately and publicly. This is a very important matter, something that is very beautiful, helping people publicly so that others can be inspired how many people privately so that the sincerity is pure, you know, we're not doing it for the sake of media, or we're not doing it for the sake of like getting likes on on social media? No, we're doing it for the sake of a lot. You know, if a person wants to give,

00:47:58 --> 00:48:44

if a person wants to give openly, it's good. It's not a problem. It's nice to inspire people to give charity, but secret charity is better. Secret charity is better, because it shows you're doing it purely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And that's the case with you know, with good deeds, by the way, okay. Doing it publicly. It's nice, because hopefully you can inspire people to do it. But good deeds in Islam are meant to be private. If I do something good, I do it. Not to tell people I did something good. I do it so that Allah can reward me for that good. You see, I keep it private, because I want a lot patola to reward me for it for my sincerity for my devotion, because I want it

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to be done only to please Allah. That is the idea of keeping good deeds. Private. Right if I pray at night, I'm not supposed to come the next morning as I you know what I did last night, you guys. Yeah, I was up at night break. That is not good. Because I'm not really inspiring anybody I'm kind of showing off here, right? Whereas what we're taught is don't show off. Right? Don't show off. Keep your good private, so Allah can reward you and that is better for you. That is what's better for you and applies to charity and applies to many other things as well. Okay.

00:49:22 --> 00:49:29

Then a lot smarter speaks about Reba. Reba is translated here as usury. What is another word for Reba? Anybody know?

00:49:36 --> 00:49:37

river is

00:49:40 --> 00:49:42

what's the word for river people

00:49:44 --> 00:49:46

will not use another word for river Charlotte that I

00:49:49 --> 00:49:52

trust you interest interest? Yes. Oh, yeah.

00:49:53 --> 00:49:59

Right. Not interested. I'm interested in this. Interest is on money. Hmm. Are you

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00


00:50:01 --> 00:50:27

interest that's paid on money is a sin in Islam and not just any cinema not the greatest sins, okay? And you're like, Yo, what's up with that? That same interest is impermissible in Judaism, in Christianity in Islam, all of in the Bible in the Quran, Old Testament, New Testament everywhere. It is impermissible. Did you know that? Yeah.

00:50:32 --> 00:50:38

Your voice going off, actually. Oh, I don't have my headphones on one second.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:45

Let me let me conclude this. Yeah, man, if you don't mind. So

00:50:46 --> 00:51:19

labor is something a lot Partha says he has made unlawful. He's made trade lawful halala hold our Hydra mareeba you can make money. You can make a profit, you can make a lot of profit. That is lawful. That is hallen. What is unlawful is Riba if I wants to buy a product for $100. And I send it to you for $200. This is halal or haram. That's Hello. Hello, is it? I'm pretty sure is 100%. Harder, right? If I want to

00:51:21 --> 00:52:13

buy something for you a product? And I give it to you. And I say this is a loan? Do you pay me back? This this product? You know, you couldn't pay $100 for it? As you say, let me give you an example. Here's the product. Here's the phone, okay. I buy it for you for $100 and I sell it to you for $200 and you give me $10 a month. Is that halal? or haram? That's heroin. That person didn't pay for you. That's harder because I'm buying a product. I'm selling you a product. Okay. That's called what it's called. Trade, huh? Yeah. Arabic Albania trade. Okay. If I was to be like, Okay, you know what, you want to buy this phone? It costs $100 in the market, but you don't have $100 Okay, I'll loan you

00:52:13 --> 00:52:31

$100 Okay, here's a loan of $100. You go buy the product for $100. But then you give me $200 when you return this money to me $10 a month for the next 20 months? Is this halal or haram? That's Riba. That's how long

00:52:32 --> 00:52:33

you see the difference between the two?

00:52:34 --> 00:52:52

In both cases, you're making money, right? In fact, the same amount of money. But in one case, you have trade, you're buying a product and you're selling a product. That's trade. The other one, you are lending money and making money of money. That is

00:52:54 --> 00:53:04

that is Riba that is what allows me unlawful. The reason why this is unlawful is because who is the one who will borrow the one who has money? Or who doesn't have money?

00:53:08 --> 00:53:10

Who's gonna borrow the one who was poor? Or the one who's rich?

00:53:12 --> 00:53:32

The one who's poor? And will he pay more than what he's borrowed? Yes or no? Yes, yes. Right. So here what it does is a system makes the rich, richer, and the poor, poorer, you have to work extra hard to pay the rich guy

00:53:33 --> 00:53:36

just to make just to break even, yes.

00:53:38 --> 00:53:41

And the rich guy is getting Richard, just by virtue of lending money.

00:53:43 --> 00:54:30

So the system of interest the problem is not with like one transaction only problem is that the system will is going to be corrupt, where the poor guy is gonna get stuck, and has to work so hard just to break even. And the rich guy will keep getting richer and richer and richer, exponentially richer. And the poor guy if he can make it the rich guy can take everything he has. Right so this is the problem with the system. You know you don't you many of you may not remember when 2008 2009 the world economy collapsed because of the the highly speculative interest based commodities ever been traded. Literally the whole world economy collapsed, people's pensions were gone. People's savings

00:54:30 --> 00:54:55

were gone. This is a real life matter. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. But what Islam tells us is well hello, one day I will have Rama Reba speaks about this last one speaks about the idea that this is such a big deal. It is if you don't give up on Riba. It is like you're waging war against Allah and His Messenger, huh? It's such a big deal.

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59

A lot smarter than then they're in this

00:55:00 --> 00:55:17

Surah is the IRS called IR today this is the longest I have the Quran guys look at how long this is. This ayah the longest ayah is talking about what in one word Tell me when you contract a debt for a stated term put it in writing what's the word here?

00:55:20 --> 00:55:46

debt? Yes. A Dane B Dane in this hole is teaches us how it is that we are supposed to make debt agreements, loan agreements without Riba fearly justly right? In a matter in a matter that you know, no one is hurt. The witnesses are present. What are you Laura khatiwada Shaheed

00:55:49 --> 00:55:51

the the person who is

00:55:52 --> 00:55:59

let no harm be done to describe or the witness where if you do harm, it'd be a crime on your part. Don't exploit

00:56:00 --> 00:56:18

Be mindful of God. This is how Allah teaches us how to do business. Very beautiful. This is a long topic, but we can talk about it a lot. But I just wanted to give you a taste of what this is. And then finally circle back concludes with two of the most beautiful ions in the Quran, the ayah that speak about

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what it means to be a believer. The believer is the one who believes in Allah and the angels in the books and the messengers not differentiating between any messenger and the one who then after believing says, oh, Lord, we hear and we obey. We hear what you have to say and we obey your commands. Grant is your forgiveness to you We shall return.

00:56:45 --> 00:57:29

And then how do they express what is the this is the public life of the believer? Right, that they express their their Eman publicly in this way, privately. They are making their our our Lord do not take us to task if you forget or make a mistake. Our Lord did not place on us a burden. Like the ones you place some people before us, our Lord Do not place on a burden that we cannot say that we don't have the strength of beer. Pardon us And forgive us a mercy on us. You are Lord and sustainer help us against those who don't have the truth to panela. It shows Surah Baqarah people began by talking about the people of faith. Who are the Mateen who are the ones who have Eman Surah Baqarah

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ends by talking about what

00:57:33 --> 00:57:57

ends by talking about those. What does a man look like? Right? It means in believing in Allah the angels the scriptures, the messengers, yeah. It's began by seeing the believers. Yes. Look at the beautiful thing here. The beautiful symmetry began by talking about the believers as they're praying steadfast in their prayer, the span from what they provided, what an end by the surah

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it ends by mentioning the prayers of the believers our Lord don't take us to task if you forget or make a mistake drop it before this passage or we were discussing about spending right charity and business yes or no.

00:58:16 --> 00:58:51

You see how beautiful the surah how it begins and how it ends. The sewer begins by talking about believers ends by talking about believers begins by talking about describing characteristics of the believers ends by talking about how these believers are living their lives to show how their characteristics are. So this is the end of Soto Bukhara inshallah we will conclude with that exact moment and forgive me the extra time to do so I apologize for the delay, but unfortunately we had the little hiccup in the end there and inshallah I'll see you all next week, when we will start sort of move on Okay, inshallah.

00:58:55 --> 00:58:56

Along with the behind the show

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