Zakir Naik – What is the Authentic Method for Performing the Eid Prayer

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of learning the authentic method for performing prayer. They explain that there are different types of Muslims who can do the prayer and provide detailed instructions on the sources of their daily prayer. The speaker also provides information on the importance of praying in graduation and mentions a recommendation for a book called Surah Fatiha.
AI: Transcript ©
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Could you explain to me what is the authentic method for performing the prayer and perhaps you would give us a short description for the benefit of the viewers watching today as far as Eid Salah is concerned there are different types of Muslims pray and their different opinion but as far as you go to the authentic sources the Quran and the Hadith then you have one common method and what is authentic sources of all the say Hadith if you collect we come to know that I find the eat salad is concerned with they'll be it'll filter or other we have to offer to Salah to rocket Salah two units of Salah its mission the hadith of Sunon bakkie one number three book of Juma Salah Hadith number

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5719. Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, the law on who he said that the tireless prayer is to regard the other prayer is to recall talking about Abdullah

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and the Juma prayer is to record this is the full length of all these prayers as it came from the Messenger of Allah that we need Salah should be purified

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when we do that before it Salah there is no other and there is no karma. It's mentioned in

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say Muslim one number two in the book of Salah Hadith number 1929 jabber Melissa Moura he said that he prayed along with the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala both it's on more than one or two occasions and there was no Adam and no karma that mean for each Salah there should be no other and no karma is different than the normal congregation Salah one of the three that there is no Salah before the it Salah and after the Salah.

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There's no two raka sunnah before after that. And it's mentioned in the hadith of so number one number one in the book of Salah. I did number one mon phi phi, where the Abbas May Allah bless him. He says that the Prophet came out to play the salah on April 5 Day de and your photo rocket and before that and after that he did not pray that we went after his Salah there are no other prayers. Further point number four when a person starts to eat Salah he should say the Al haram that's allowed but and then said open supplication. This is followed by seven Takbeer in the first record

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and in the second record he should say fight rugby this becomes more of an authentic sources of

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so number

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one number one in the book of Salah Hadith number 1145 and 1146 we had Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, may Allah be pleased. She says that the Prophet when these to offer the Idul Fitri salah and the other Salah that means salah of both deed

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he used to say seven Takbeer

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in the first card, and five in the second card. This is an authentic way of offering a Salah after that

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a person should say I was bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, I think refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed and in the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. And then he should recite Surah Fatiha

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and after city fathia in the first record, recite Surah Kahf chapter 50 followed by in the second card. So they cover chapter number 54 Or in the first part, you can decide so the law chapter 37 and second card. So the Russia chapter debated both these types of first and second account have been drawn from authentic hadith, but even if a person recites any other Surah any other will serve the Quran Yeah, and the salah will be accepted. These are the recommended ones. It is sunnah with the Prophet recited for the moon after the Eid Salah there is a codabar

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of the Salah. It's mentioned in say Buhari on number two in the book of tweets, Hadith number 962. Now batsman lopid me said that he has offered it Salah with the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala Prophet Musa al salam with Abu Bakr with Omar with man, may Allah be pleased with the model

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and all of them they offered the salah first, then followed by

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all of them, they gave the codabar after offering the salah. It further mentioned

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In southern O'Dowd

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I'm number one in the book of Salah Hadith number 1151

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Prophet masala salam after offering in Salah. And before starting the football of it, he said that all those who want to listen to the cut back and listen to the code bar, all those who want to go they can go

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now here is a very important point. Most of the times you find in the code bar of each Salah most of the Imams say they don't get up it is wrong and the prevent them from going and they say they have a sin and they say many things is wrapped together etc. Imagine the Prophet masala Solomon he gave the hot bath. He said if you want to listen you can listen if you want to go you can go does it mean that the Imam they could buy that the gift today is much more important the combat furnace was salam. It's a pity that they had they said that Bolton was a Muslim said if you want to go back in if you want you can go but it's preferable you had to cut back but the Prophet gave permission that

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if they want they can go and further as mentioned in Sedona without on number one in the book of Salah Hadith number 1068. The Prophet said that both the Aedes had synchronized The Illustrated and the Friday Friday is called a weak lead. So those who do not want to offer the Joomla Salah may not do it because the Eat salon congregation is sufficient but we will offer the Joomla Salah that means imagine the prayer is so important in congregation so if it falls in the same day it Salah is sufficient. Juma Salah may not be perfect if you pray it is good hamdulillah but those who don't preach masala it becomes compensate that they should pray the Dasara

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this was in short regarding the authentic way of offering the salah.

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