Zakir Naik – Virtuous and Blessings of Reciting the Quraan in Ramadhaan

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The title of the conversation focuses on the benefits of reciting the Quran for peace and prosperity, as it provides guidance and advice for the day. It is emphasized that reciting the Quran is important for teaching others and providing guidance for the day. The discussion also touches on various versions and their potential implications for modern day life, including the importance of reciting the Quran for guidance and advice.
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Furthermore then, can you explain to the viewers
what are the virtues and blessings of reciting
this wonderful book, the book of criterion between
right and wrong during this month of Ramadan?
There are various virtues mentioned in the Quran,
in the authentic Hadid
about reciting the Quran
and it is mentioned in Bukhari,
morning number 3 in the book of fasting,
Hadith number 1902.
The prophet Mohammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was the
most generous of all the people
and his generosity
used to reach the peak in the month
of Ramadan.
And Archangel Gabriel
used to come every night
and recite and rehearse with the prophet the
his generosity
was much stronger
than the most strongest uncontrollable
And the first revelation,
the first Wahi, the first verse of the
Quran to be revealed to the prophet
was from Suri Ekra
chapter number 96 or Suri Alakh chapter 96
verse number 1 which says Ekra. And with
the first word when he recited of the
Quran to the prophet when he was in
in Jablinur,
The prophet when he heard the word Ikhra,
he said, I am not learned.
Angel Gabriel
again repeated, Ikhra. The prophet repeated
I am not learnt.
Archangel Gabriel again repeated Iqra then the prophet
understood that Iqra also means to recite
to read.
One of them read, the other is recite
and rehearse. So, the Prophet repeated Ikra,
then the relation came.
So reading is important
but in the name
of the Lord who has created those very
And reciting this glorious book
there are various virtues
and our Beloved Prophet said it is mentioned
in the Hadith of Thermidi,
Hadith number
where the Beloved Prophet said
that every letter you recite of the word
of Allah, of the word of the glorious
Quran you get a blessing and each blessing
is equivalent to
10 hasnat, 10 blessings.
Each letter you recite of the word of
Allah you get a reward. Each reward is
equal to 10 Hasnat
and Alif, Lam, Mem is not one letter,
Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter,
Mim is a letter that means 10, 10,
10 you get 30 blessings if you say
Alif, Lam, Mim
And a beloved prophet said
it is mentioned in Sahibukhari,
model number 6, hadith number 5027.
The Prophet said,
The best
amongst you
is the person
who recites the Quran
and teaches to other, who learns the Quran
and teaches to other. That means it is
important to learn the Quran and teach it
to other.
And the Beloved Prophet said,
it is mentioned to say Muslim.
Model number 2 in the book of Salat,
hadith number
of the Quran
will act as an intercession
on the day of resurrection to the reciter.
The Quran will intercede for you on the
day of judgement, on the day of resurrection.
It is further mentioned in the Fai Hadid
of Musladd Ahmad
1 number 2, hadid number 6625
which says that
and the Quran
will act
as intercedeurs
on the day of resurrection, on the day
of judgement.
the fasting will deliver Allah that
the person because of me
he left his food and drink and desires
so I would intercede on his behalf.
And the Quran would say that
the person sacrificed his sleep for me, so
I will intercede
for him
on the day of judgement.
So the Quran will act
as an intercede on the day of judgement.
It is mentioned in Suri Abasa chapter number
verse number 34 and 37.
It says
no person on the day of judgment talking
about the day of the Russian, that a
person will not be bothered about
his brother,
Neither will he be bothered about his mother
or father
or wife
and children.
He will not be bothered about the mother,
brother, wife, children,
and he will be so much engrossed about
his own
that he will not be bothered by other
person's concern. On the day of judgment, on
the resurrection
each will bother about himself
and the Quran will act as an intercede.
It is mentioned in the Sahib Bukhari
1 number 6, Hadith number 5,011
that the Sahaba was reciting the Quran
and the horse was tied with 2 ropes
he saw the cloud descend and
the horse was frightened.
The Saba went to the Prophet. The Prophet
said, do you know what happened? He said,
no. The angels came down
to listen to your recitation.
And the hadith
of Sahibuhari on number 6
Hadith number
it says there is a harbor we have
said in the Quran
and he saw
the clouds
descending down and it had something like lamps
and when he came out so that he
couldn't see it
and then he went to the prophet and
prophet said, do you know what was that?
And the prophet said,
on the cloud there were angels who had
come down to listen to a recitation and
if we had continued they had been there
till dawn and people would have seen it
and then they would have disappeared.
It is further mentioned
in say Muslim
volume number 2 in the book of Salah,
Hadith number
that if you recite
the 2 that is Suri Bakr and Suri
they will come down as 2 clouds or
2 canopies or 2 flock of birds
when they intercede on your behalf.
It is further mentioned
in the Hadith
of say Muslim,
Hadith number 6,518,
that the beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said
that anyone who recites the Quran in the
house of Allah,
in the mosque.
That's when people gather in the house of
Allah, the mosque and when they recite the
and they learn it and teach it among
on them will be tranquility
and they will be calm
and the angels will descend and they will
send the blessings on them.
It is further mentioned
in Sai Bukhari
poem number 6, hadith number 4,474.
A beloved populist listener told one of the
Sabas while living in the mosque that I
will inform you of the greatest Surah in
the Quran before I leave the mosque. And
when the prophet is about to leave the
mosque after some time, the Saba reminds him
that which is the greatest surah in the
Quran which you are going
to tell me about. The prophet says
talking about Surafatia
the of repeated 7 verses.
It is further mentioned in Sahibuhari
volume number 6, hadith number 5009,
the beloved Pafnus Salam said
that anyone who recites
the last two verses
of Surah Baqarah
at night
he will be safe.
The beloved prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said
in say Muslim, by the number 2 in
the book of
hadith number
The prophet said, anyone
who memorizes
the first ten verses of Surah Kahf,
he will be safe from the Dajjal.
And immediately next Hadith, say Muslim, warning number
2, Bukhassala, Hadith number 1767 safe, that anyone
remembers the last inverses of Suraj Khaaf, he'll
be safe from the Dachshal.
It's further mentioned
in Say Muslim
in the book of Salah, Hadith number
that the beloved prophet said that,
O Abu Luhnder,
do you know which is the greatest
of the whole Quran?
And he said
that the messenger of Allah knows the best.
Again, the prophet repeated, oh, Abu al Mundir,
do you know which is the greatest
verse in the Quran?
So he started reciting
And the prophet said,
may you be pleasant with the knowledge of
the Quran.
The greatest source of the Quran is Ayatul
Kursi Suri Baqarah chapter number 2, verse number
it is mentioned in the same Muslim or
in number 2 in the book of Salah,
Hadith number 1774,
the Prophet said that
the 2 Suras have been revealed,
no one has seen before or heard before
and he spoke
Surifallak and Surinaz. I seek refuge
with the lord of the dawn, Klaus Grappi
Kol Ausgreb bin Naas,
say I seek refuge with the Lord of
the dawn. So these 2 are the most
and this will protect you from evil.
So this was
some of the virtues mentioned of reciting the
Quran and you can go on and go
on the various other words in the Quran
and several say had been talking about the
virtues of reciting the Quran Alhamdulillah.