Zakir Naik – The Quran says the Sun Rotates about its Axis

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the rotation of the sun and the moon, which is seen as "ge habitism" by scientists. The Sun is the center of the solar system and all the planets, while the moon and sun are copies of the same planet. The rotation of the sun and the moon is seen as "ge habitism" by scientists, and the sun and moon rotation is seen as "ge habitism" by schools.
AI: Transcript ©
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Previously, the the open scientists

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they believed that the Earth was the center of the solar system and the universe and all the planets, as well as the moon and the sun, it revolved around the Earth. This was called as geocentrism. And the force believed since the time of Ptolemy, and the second century BC, till as late as 16th century, until Nicholas Copernicus in 15 112.

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He propounded the heliocentric theory of the planetary motion, and he said

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it is the Sun, which is the center of the solar system, and all the planets as well as the Earth. It revolves around the Sun.

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And later on, a German scientist by the name of Johannes Kepler, in 610, and nine, he wrote in his book by the name astronaut, Mia Novia that not only do the planets and the earth, the revolve around the sun, but they also rotate about their own axis.

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And when I was in school,

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I passed my school 19 To

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about more than 25 years back there, I do read

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the planets and the Earth does revolve around the sun, and the planets and the earth, they rotate it about their own axis.

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And the whole solar system, also in the galaxy revolves, including the sun, but the sun did not rotate about its own axis. In this context, the son was stationary.

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But when I read the verse of the Quran, in Surah Ambia, chapter number 21, what's the mortality rate says, Who will Lizzie halacha Leila Maha

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It is Allah was created the night and the day worships our camera, the sun and the moon golden free phallic es balloon, each one traveling in orbit with its own motion.

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So the Quran says the sun and the moon. Besides revolving, they also rotate about their own axis. The Arabic word used here is your spoon, derived from the Arabic word Saba, which describes the motion of a moving body. If I use this Arabic word yes Baja. For a person who moving on the floor, it will not mean that it's rolling, it will mean he did the walking or running. If I use the same word, for a person in the water, it will not mean a floating it will mean is swimming. Similarly, when Allah subhanaw taala uses the same word for a celestial body, it does not mean that it is flying in the air, it means it is moving along with its own rotation.

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It is rotating about certain axis. So Quran says the sun and the moon besides revolving, it also rotates about the phone axis. And today,

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science has discovered that even the sun rotates. Since we can't see the sun directly.

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You get blinded if you see directly. If you have an equipment and have the image of the sun on a table top, we find that there are spots in the sun. And it takes about 25 days for the spots to complete one rotation indicating that the sun takes approximately 25 days to complete one rotation.

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Imagine when I was in school, I was taught the son was stationed he didn't rotate but one axis and the Quran mission 14 years ago that rotates and now hamdulillah most of the schools have incorporated that the sun also rotates

1400 years ago

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