Zakir Naik – Allah can do Whatever He Intends but Allah will never Intend to do UnGodly things like becoming

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of the legalization of religion and the importance of acceptance of the rule. They argue that if someone claims to be the end of the world, they may be able to become the end of the world, but it is impossible to prove that they are truly the end. The speaker also discusses the importance of acceptance of the rule and the need for people to make a decision based on their beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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There are many non Muslims

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who come and ask me that

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God can do anything and everything. So why do you have a problem if God becomes a human being?

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God can do anything and everything. So what's your problem if he becomes a human being, I said, Fine if I agree with you for sake of argument, that God can do anything and everything, and if God can become a human being, if God becomes a human being, he ceases to be God, because the qualities of God and human beings, the opposite. Almighty God is immortal. human being is mortal. You can't have a person who's immortal and mortal at the same time, you can either have an immortal person or a mortal person. You can have an immortal immortal person, it is meaningless.

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Almighty God, he has no beginning. Human beings have a beginning. You can't have a god man. person, having a beginning and no beginning at the same time, it is meaningless. Almighty God has got no end. You made me have an end. You can't have a person who has an end and no end at the same time. It is meaningless. It's like me telling you I saw a tall short man. I can either see a man or a short man. I can see a medium man. I can't say tall short man, it's meaningless.

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I can't see a fat Thin Man I can either see a fat man or a thin man or a medium man, Mara fat Tin Man. Therefore, if you say Almighty God became a human being, then he ceases to be Almighty God

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is almighty God can do anything and everything human beings will be required to eat. Almighty God does not require to eat. Allah says in the Quran in surah chapter six verse number 14. He feeds everyone but does not require to be fed.

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Almighty God is not required to eat

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we human beings

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we request sleep we require rest. Almighty God does not require sleep and rest. It's mentioned in the Quran uniter courses Rebecca chapter number two was number 255 Allah Allah Allah lotta Oh, no, no, no Mufasa mahatama filler. He's Allah, only, absolute eternal, no slumber can see them not as the require rushed.

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When belongs, everything is in mln the earth.

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Therefore, if you agree

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with the argument, that Almighty God can do anything and everything, and if Almighty God become the human being, you have to agree that it ceases to be God. So if a person who ceases to be God and become the human being like you and me, then why should I worship a human being like you and me? It does not make sense. And if some people say again, that human being became God is human being can become God, even you and I can become God. So where's the question of human being becoming God? So therefore, this argument

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that God can do anything and everything.

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If we go step further, if God can do anything and everything, what can even tell a lie?

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But to tell a lie is ungodly. The moment God tells the lie, he ceases to be God.

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In the same argument, Almighty God,

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if he wants, he can do injustice, but it is ungodly to do injustice. Allah says in Surah chapter four, verse 40, Allah subhana wa Taala is never unjust in the least degree, the moment God does injustice, he ceases to be God.

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In the same argument, if God can do anything and everything, Almighty God if he wants, he can forget,

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but to forget is ungodly. Allah says in Surah Taha, Chapter 20, verse 52, Allah subhana wa Taala never forgets, the moment Almighty God forgets, then it ceases to be God. If you agree with the same argument, God can do anything and everything Almighty God can make a mistake. But to make a mistake isn't godly. Allah says in the Quran in surah, Chapter 20, verse 52, Allah subhanaw taala never, he never makes a mistake. The moment Almighty God makes a mistake ceases to be God. Therefore, if you read the Quran, nowhere does the Quran say Allah can do anything and everything. What does the Quran says in

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God, Verily, Allah has power of all things. It's mentioned several percent the Quran in surah baqarah. Chapter number two was 206 surah baqarah. Chapter number two was the 109 surah baqarah. Chapter number two was number 24. In surah, Lim Ron chapter three, verse 29, in chapter number 16, verse 77, and sorry, father, chapter number 35, was number one, Allah says, in Allah, Allah, Allah and Cody, For verily, Allah has power of all things. And Allah says in Surah, chapter number 85, was the most 16 that Allah is the doer of all the intentions, whatever he intends you can do, for it does not intend doing ungodly things like telling a lie, like making a mistake. Like forgetting,

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like doing injustice, like becoming a human being.

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The Quran says in an

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La, de fer Verily, Allah has power over all things. Allah can do whatever he intends, but does not intend doing ungodly things like making a mistake, like forgetting, like doing injustice, like becoming a human being, that there is an almighty God will not become a human being

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