Zahir Mahmood – The Army of The Elephants Destroyed_ For The Imaam To Come

Zahir Mahmood
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the dean's role as the leader of the United States and the dean's
is a child who was born in a tree without any recognition. The dean's
the dean's role as the leader of the United States is to ensure everyone is on the same page, while the dean's role is to ensure everyone is on the same page. The dean's role is to ensure everyone is on the same page, while the dean's role is to ensure everyone is on the same page.
AI: Transcript ©
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Then you turn around in their ways the leaders of the dean, I'm ask you a question. Did you put your bright child to become a leader of the dean? Or did you put him in a university without any recognition of being?

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The Why are you complaining for

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us paid 25 pounds an hour for his tuition? You sent him to the best schools, you are him tuition, you'd never care about him adapter studies. And then you turn around you have the goal and adversity to say Where are the leaders of the dean? You never invested in the dean, and you want mangoes on the tree?

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Why would Allah subhanaw taala protect the house of Allah which had missionary keen in it

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against that army, which was Christian, at least they were a little Kitab and these people are Mashallah keen and they had 360 idols in the house. Why would Allah subhanaw taala protect the house against these people?

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Very interesting.

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The reason that Allah protected it was because the imaam of this house to come was the Messenger of Allah. Similarly,

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the Messenger of Allah was meant to be the Imam and he was to become the Imam of this house. Otherwise, it was not because he was special in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Actually, if you look at it, what's worse, the destruction of the house of Allah or schilke in the house of Allah, but Allah did not destroy Abraham because of the machine again or because of the age. He destroyed them because the Messenger of Allah was meant to come. And this is very, very important. NMR

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is the leader of the masjid and the machine is not the leader of the Imam.

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The the murshid is the building. And if you have a building, which is worth 1 million, then the mom should be worth 5 million doesn't necessarily mean money. That's how it works. Allah, Allah kept the Kaaba, because of the coming of the prophets of Allah ism, the greatest imams. And this is why the people that you have imams should be the best in the community, they should be looked after, because they should be the leaders. Nowadays, unfortunately, the committee group people or the people with a few words, the notes are those who run they're much much kids, and their mom is worthless, and the committee want to keep some imams worthless. Why? Because it allows them to perpetuate their

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ignorance and remain in charge.

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Allah destroyed the who, the Kitab not because of the machine, but because the mom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was coming.

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And this is until you change the mindset. You will always have a problem, the elite of our community, go to the universities, those who are totally and utterly worthless, you know, no future, put them into a madrasa make them molvis

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in the countries that we come from, all those people who are the poorest the teams, those who are regarded as the low cost of put into models are none of the elite go to the dark rooms and the models. And then you turn around and you say, Oh, you know, what are more V's? Firstly, you don't respect your model v. Because in your culture is of a lower cost and you secondly, he's a team he has no family to back him up. Thirdly, he was maybe in many cases, not very good in any education. So you put him in a model.

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And then you turn around this is this is then you turn around, say you know what, but movies.

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You reap what you sow.

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Then you turn around the waist. The lead is of the dean, I'm asking you a question. Did you put your bright child to become a lead of the dean? Or did you put him in a university without any recognition of being?

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The Why are you complaining for

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you paid 25 pound an hour for his tuition. You sent him to the best schools you are him tuition. You'd never care about him a dumpster studies and then you turn around you have the goal and adversity to say Where are the leaders of the dean, you never invested in the dean and you want mangoes on the tree

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and unless we shift the paradigm

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unless we change our mentality that you are going to be

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perpetuate the same mistakes that we have perpetuated in the past.

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Don't talk about movies if you've never done anything.

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Don't talk about the oma when you've never ever invested in a day of your life, including the deen of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Don't complain about the state of the Ummah, if the only thing that you can do for your Creator, only thing, and it's better than nothing more than any gift, but the only thing that you can give for the sake of Allah is half an hour on Friday.

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And then you start talking about the oma, you talk about leaders, you talk about machines, you talk about malanez

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What have you done?

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So brothers,

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my elders

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if we weren't faithful, this ummah, we need to shift the mentality.

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We need to shift the mentality that a man is the best person in your community. Choose the best people for your employment. Don't choose those people that you know you can keep under the thumb

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that you can control. Allah kept the house of Allah from the Christian abraha because he knew that the sable Muslim, the Mr. mala ima the greatest of creation salaallah alayhi wa sallam was coming to become the Imam of the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Otherwise, what the Missouri kid were doing was maybe grieving greater than destroying the Kaaba, they would shoot in the house of our last panel dollar. So May Allah subhanho wa Taala makers amongst those who appreciate the deed May Allah subhanaw taala keepers united in this dunya may last month Allah reunited agenda for those nations

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