Yousef Bakeer – Your Character is What Matters

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The importance of delivering the message of Islam to everyone is emphasized, along with the need for acceptance and engagement from the creator. The speakers touch on various topics including being a good character, partnering, and judge. The importance of acceptance and engagement is emphasized, along with the need for love and engagement from the creator. The non-M-thirsty brother talks about selling a car and promises to keep it until the buyer is sold. The speakers emphasize the cultural implications and impact of Islam on society.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm about just reciting salata, parts of sudut facilite. And Allah

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subhanaw taala says, in Surah facilite were men, Sen or colon,

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men men die ilahi wammie lasagna, he says, What's better?

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What is something that's more rewarding then there are ill

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Allah, calling people to Islam for delivering the message of Islam to

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people. In other words, there is absolutely nothing more important

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in our lifetime, then delivering the right message of Islam to

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people Subhanallah in the last hotbar, the last ceremony of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Mecca,

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about 100,000 Muslims attending this Hotbot last hub of the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And after the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam listed all of the points that he wanted to convey to the

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OMA to the people that actually were present at the moment, he

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told them something very important. He said, Allah fell you

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builder al harbor min Kamala. He said, Now since you heard my

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words, it becomes a duty and a responsibility on every single one

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of you to convey my message to the next generations. So since this

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moment, every single Muslim shares that responsibility all of us

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giving Dawa are delivering the message of Islam is not limited to

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the scholars and the Messiah is not limited to the scholars. It is

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a responsibility of every single one's holla if you open but before

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I go into this, I want to ask you a question. What is the

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ingredient? In that message of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam the fundamental ingredient in the messenger is Dawa. What is

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the most essential what's the core of the prophets Allah Salam is Tao

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What do you guys think? What was so essential? In the Prophet

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sallahu wa Salam is Dawa. How did he conveyed it out? Yes.

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Though he that's the reseller. That's the message, right? But

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what actually attracted people to Islam, through the prophets, Allah

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his Allah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, my dear brothers and

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sisters. That's why we're saying that Dawa is not limited to the

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scholars and Allah and the Imams and the Hotbox and the speeches

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and the classes.

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delivering the message of Islam through good character, the

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prophets, Allah Salam had an exceptional character,

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the way he deals with others, his integrity, his patience, his

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honesty, his his his way of dealing with the poor with the

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needy, that will actually attract people to the ilaha illAllah

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Muhammad Rasul Allah, which is the message. Now, if you open any

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Factbook, any Kitab flick, you will find that first sections the

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first section is Kitab taharah purification, then Salah then cm

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then Hajj. And then there is a whole section that's called ficou

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l Moi, mellette ficou Elmo and mellette the thick of the

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interaction with others under this you will find how to get married

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how to get divorced how to get hola how to deal with business

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transactions, everything that has to do with human interaction

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that's a fundamental section in quotable fell in the books of why

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because this is the core of our religion Prophet sallallahu sallam

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said the Hadith reported by Abu Huraira Allah and when I read it

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that hadith he said in nama Boris to leave 10 Me mana caramel

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o'clock. I am here to perfect, a good character Subhan Allah a

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couple of days ago.

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That one inspired me to talk about today about this subject today. A

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brother who wanted to sell out his car.

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So he listed up his car on Facebook marketplace. And he has a

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has put an amount for his car. He said I want to sell my car for for

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$18,000. He listed his car up. Somebody reached out to him he

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wanted to buy this car from him. This brother is Muslim. And the

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one who is you know, the buyer is not Muslim. So the guy came to

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him, checked out the car. He loved the car. He wanted the car. So he

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said you know I want to buy the car from you

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There is a problem, the bank is closing in five minutes. So it

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looks like we're not going to be able to actually make the

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transaction Now, what if we actually make that transaction

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tomorrow? So the Muslim brother told him, Okay, I will actually

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come tomorrow, and we will get the deal done. But the buyer got a

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little bit worried that maybe the Muslim can get a better deal, so

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he can actually sell out his car. So he told him, Do you? Do you

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promise me? Would you promise me that you will keep your car for

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me? And the Muslim brother told him yes, I promise you that I will

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keep the car for you until tomorrow. Because I cos they left,

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the buyer got a little worried he really wanted to know if the

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seller would actually sell the car if he gets a better offer. So he

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actually logged in from different account on Facebook and reached

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out to him and told him I want to buy your car for $20,000.

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So that the Muslim brother responded to his text, and he

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didn't know he did not know that he's the same person. He told him,

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I'm sorry, but the car is taken the car is sold.

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The next day,

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the non Muslim brother came to, to the to the seller here to the

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Muslim and told them, you know,

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it was so interesting seeing you rejecting an offer that's actually

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higher, you can easily make a couple of $1,000 on the spot. Why

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would you even do that.

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And the Muslim told them, there is nothing really special I did. The

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Prophet, our Prophet, he has taught us to be a man with Word.

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If I promised you something, I will keep my word. It's as simple

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as this, by Allah, this, this non Muslim brother May Allah subhanaw

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taala guide him, while Allah he says that day his he kept

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searching about who this messenger is, who this prophet is, that will

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have an impact on his followers to the point that they will reject

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money. You know, like in corporate, or in the in the world

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that we live in. Now, money is, you know, something that is not

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negotiable, money and character, I will pick the money, this is how

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it is now. And so seeing something seeing somebody who's actually,

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you know, sticking to his values, and the character of the prophets

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of Allah and embodying the character of Prophet sallallahu

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sallam was actually bizarre in the time and life that we live in

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right now. So my dear brothers and sisters, Allah He that is, that is

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the best way of delivering Islam to others. No matter how not how

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much knowledge you have, maybe you have no knowledge at all, maybe

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you have tons of knowledge, if your actions if you action

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actions, matching the values and the principles of Islam, Wallahi,

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that will be the fastest way to attract every single one who lives

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in this planet to Islam. This is a fact. And we've seen this

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throughout the history just for the sake of time, there is a paper

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by the European Institute, beautiful paper actually asked

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everybody to check it out and how Islam grew, how people were

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attracted to Islam, one of these, you know, ways, essential ways

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that attracted many pupils to Islam is through teacher business.

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You know, like in corporate, they say they have a whole thing that's

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called work ethics. It's basically Islamic values. You know, because

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we live in a time that we're desperate to see somebody with

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good character. We were trying now to instill laws, just to make sure

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that people have honesty, and people have integrity. We are

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carrying this message. And what's so unique about it that this

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message doesn't change throughout time. You know, regardless of the

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society changes, regardless of the people changes, regardless of the

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ethnicity, regardless of the peoples nationalities, this

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message is the same.

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That's that is something so unique and powerful, and that's what's

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attracting people to Islam. May Allah subhanaw taala make me and

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you among those who will be ambassadors of la ilaha illAllah

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Muhammad Rasul Allah just icon located on wa salaam aleikum wa

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rahmatullah wa barakato.

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