Yousef Bakeer – Rope Of Allah

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a series of predictions made by Allah to various people, including those who follow the guidance given by Jesus. These predictions include predictions for the birth of a new beast, the delivery of guidance through the prophets, and finally, predictions for the delivery of guidance through the beast's name.
AI: Transcript ©
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Very few words.

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Allah has given him a has given them a piece of advice.

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He said, kona Butoh minha Jamia. Now you go down to the earth for

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ma tn Nico mini Hooda summon Tabea Hudaydah fella how for now let him

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listen. He said, now you're in the earth, you will wait for my

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guidance. And whenever you get my guidance, if you follow it, then

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you will have no grief, no sadness, no fear. And that's,

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that's basically Jen. So Allah here still in Adam Alayhis Salam

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and Hawa that you and your offspring all of us, we get to

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live in this earth. And there is one way we can go back to our

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homes, original homes, which is Jana, if we were to follow that

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guidance, and then Allah has sent pieces of guidance through the

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prophets, Allah himself so you will realize the source of the

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Bacara Allah after this said Welaka Jaya Musa Musa will buy

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units. So Allah has sent Musa alayhis salam with one piece of

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this guidance, and then use of SLM and all prophets. And then towards

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the end. The last piece of guidance that Allah has sent down

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to to mankind was to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam

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and the Quran. So when Allah and Allah now says, shahada Ramadan

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Allah, the own Zilla feel Quran, who the leanness now we

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understand, we understand that this Quran is the last piece of

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guidance that Allah has sent to mankind through Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi salam in Ramadan. So what are we

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celebrating here that Ramadan, we're celebrating the full the

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fulfillment of the promise of Allah subhanaw taala that he will

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send us sort of guidance and whenever we stick to this

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guidance, then we can find a way back home to our original house in

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sha Allah Tala small beautiful about this, the Quran

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was described in the Quran, in the Quran, by being Hamdulillah, the

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robe of Allah subhanaw taala as the old method. And then Allah has

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described how Rasulullah saw Selim has described habenula by saying

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that this is a rope had Mala Hill Mateen Medina Summit, you will odd

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Surah sola said, the Quran is that solid rope that's extended between

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the sky and the earth.

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So think about it this way. This is the last piece of guidance.

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It's sort of a rope that Allah has given us, and it's extended from

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the heavens to the earth. So whoever holds on this rope, then

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we can make our way back up to our original house. So to recap all of

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this beautiful, beautiful Surah Baqarah speaks about

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Prophet Adam Alayhis Salam story, then after this, Allah has told

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Prophet Adam, you will get guidance you and your followers,

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you will get guidance from my from me through the prophets. And then

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Allah has fulfilled this promise he sent prophets with pieces of

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guidance. Towards the end, he sent Prophet Muhammad with the last

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piece of advice. And he described this last piece of guidance as a

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rope that's extended from him subhanaw taala to the earth and

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whoever holds on this rope, then we can I find a way back to

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janitor for DOS, may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those

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who reflect and contemplate in the words of Allah subhanaw taala and

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may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who witnessed the

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month of Ramadan desert Kamala hieronder Salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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