Yousef Bakeer – Reflections Names of Allah, ArRazzaq

Yousef Bakeer
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of risk in Islam and how it is widely discussed in media. They share stories about family issues and the risk of harm caused by staying in Egypt during the pandemic. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing who Allah is and emphasize it in children. They also touch on the natural risk of risk and how it can happen during long trips.
AI: Transcript ©
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While early he was happy he was selling to Sleeman Kathira

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Allahumma salli wa sallam one Mr. Berry Carla and Abby, you know,

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have you been hammered in Villa welline? Or suddenly we're selling

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one mo barik ala Nabina Wahhabi Habibi now Mohammed infill?

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ATHLEAN are suddenly we're selling one or more Berek Allenby you

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know, Habib Muhammad infil Malay, Allah, Allah Yomi Deen

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there is this concept in Islam

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that we all have to be very aware of.

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And which is

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this idea of focusing, focusing when it comes to our children,

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emphasizing the importance of knowing who Allah Allah subhanaw

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taala is

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you don't when you look at the Quran

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every around 80% from the entire Quran is about Allah's names and

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attributes. The Stories of the Prophets, reminders that we can

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glean from these stories. Halal and Haram issues in the Quran are

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very little by the way.

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It's not more than 20%

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In fact, it's way less than that.

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So when we raise our children,

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we have to acknowledge that

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we have to emphasize and instill in instill this love of Allah

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subhanaw taala within our children's hearts before diving

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into halal and haram.

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We don't want our children to perceive the religion as just

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commands. This is halal. This is haram. This is halal. This is

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haram in a daily basis. This is all what they get when it comes to

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the religion who comes to Islam. It's about halal and haram.

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So what about the core of our religion, Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu Sallam in Mecca and Medina but in Makkah more

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importantly in Mecca, because this is the first years that Islam is

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being exposed to the people that did not know anything about Islam.

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And you will find Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem always speaking about

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who Allah subhanaw taala is, in fact even the mucky and sewers,

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the source, the source that will reveal the Mecca, it's all about

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hate. It's all about Allah has names and attributes. It's all

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about the beauty of Allah subhanaw taala through his attributes is

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Mala a result. Today I want to talk about a similar result by the

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way, but this is just an introduction. Because when Allah

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had the knowledge of Allah is very important to be instilled within

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our hearts and within our children's hearts. So very briefly

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when it comes to this concept of risk, I just recited so that part

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of sort of LM Ron and Allah subhanaw taala it says in Allah

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Yasuko min Yasha who divided himself, right? The Allah is the

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old provider and it gives you provision it gives you risk right?

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And I'll leave that the Taalib said beautiful words about this

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concept of risk. He said

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a risk pool now I run

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a risk pool now I'm risk is divided into two types.

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Risk con yucky Lubuk What is cool talk LuBu

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Ameresco Lendy talk LuBu selenium T Laker Illa beside what Ameresco

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Alethea yet Luca fossa yet de la que wala Walla graphic file I will

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add lumen Allah with any font lumen Allah beautiful words and

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I'm going to translate it I promise.

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So he said there are two types of risks. The first type of risk is

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the one who use try for you wake up in the morning, you go to work

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you put all of your efforts you pursue to seek that risk. So Allah

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has promised is that he will give you that risk that you're you're

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pursuing no matter what you will get it. We all know that. This is

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a simple concept of risk.

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But he said the second type of risk is that the risk that will

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actually search for you,

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they will find you this risk will find you

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without you even thinking about it. This risk is coming to you

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without you even thinking about it.

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So it would not be tolerated said the first risk is justice and the

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second risk

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is a fever from Allah subhanaw taala. Now let's put this into

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What about risk, risk, it comes in so many different forms.

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You wake up in the morning and you're feeling, you are feeling

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healthy. That's a risk. You have paired caring parents did not put

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any effort for this. But that's a risk, this risk of searching for

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you. You wake up under a roof and you feeling secure in your

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That's a risk. You did not put effort for it.

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There is no guarantee here. That's risk from Allah, you're having a

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righteous spouse, that's a risk.

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You find comfort in your house, that's a risk. You find

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tranquility in your house, that's a risk.

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You, you, you, you're you're you have this this, this beautiful

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children, healthy children, that's a risk. That's a risk.

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So he said, This is all risks that came to you without you even

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asking about Subhan Allah. I'll share with you this quick story

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before I end up this hotline sha Allah Allah.

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One time I was I was traveling from Egypt to America.

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at the airport,

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you know, I had issues with the airline.

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So the airline company told me that you cannot, you know, you

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cannot travel, your wife and your kids can go, but you cannot.

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And you have to do you know, another COVID test all of this,

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you know, hassle that sometimes they require. And you will have to

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get to get us back after two days. And the first flight will be in

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one week. So you have to stay in Egypt for one week.

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So just imagine this, um,

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I am at the airport. My wife and my kids are leaving without me.

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And I have to be stuck in Egypt for a week. I have newborn babies,

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it's very hard on my wife to take care of them.

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So it's very upset.

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It's very angry.

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And then I called one of my students. He came and he picked me

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up from the airport.

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And then we went to get our breakfast. So we went we went to a

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very humble guy who sells the best beans ever food. So in this truck

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in this food truck in Egypt, we went and while we were eating

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while we were eating our breakfast, my students looked at

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me and said something very profound. He said Subhanallah

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if I asked you yesterday,

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if I asked you yesterday, if you're going to eat the breakfast

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with this with this guy, you will definitely tell me there is no way

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I have my flight tomorrow morning. I'm actually leaving Egypt, there

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is no way I can go to that guy. He said that is Allah's risk to this

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Allah willed for you to go through all of this, because Allah has

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written in the law homophone that this man will get risk from me in

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that day in the morning. So it happened.

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He said that you have no control over this.

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This is Allah's command, that this humble man will get risk from you

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before you departure from Egypt. This is written so that's risk

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that he did not strive for, that's risk that Allah has sent it to

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him. So may Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who can

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contemplate on his names. May Allah subhanaw taala give us more

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and more risk. And Barak has in our houses in our health, in our

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in our properties in our children. I mean me hon Allah means is that

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Kamala Hallo salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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