Yasir Qadhi – The Ties of Kinship – The Story of Aishah R.A & Her Nephew Ibn Zubayr R.A

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Sahaba were the best of human beings but not the best of their generation, and the importance of human history and not giving up on people's opinions is discussed. The Prophet's mother had a gathering and spoke to the two senior members of the elite, who were also known as the COO and Jodi. The importance of human nature and the concept of a "hasn't been met" is emphasized. The transcript uses a range of personal experiences and references various stories to illustrate the importance of human nature and the concept of a "hasn't been met."
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was happy woman who Allah, but

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a lot of us have a perception of the time of the Sahaba that they were absolutely 100% perfect like Jenna on earth. And this is actually not the case, the Sahaba were the best of generation. But the best does not mean they were angels. The Sahaba radi Allahu anhu, whom we speak nothing about their character. But if we have an illusion that the Sahaba never had issues between them, they never had arguments between them. The Sahaba never committed any sins amongst themselves, then how are we going to relate to the best of generations, if you study the books of history, any book, any book, you will realize the Sahaba are human but they're the best of human beings. Today's brief hot era,

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an anecdote reported in body and all the books have had it all you got to do is read and you understand they were amazing human beings, but even in their mistakes and slip ups there's so much to benefit from beautiful anecdote emotional anecdote that took place after the death of the Prophet system around 30 years or so 20 years or so that Abdullah bin disobeyed was in Makkah and he had taken charge of Mecca. And he was the Khalifa at that time, the donors would have revolted against you see if you know your history, and so he was now a separate, if you like entity, and his aunt, Arusha, rhodiola Juana Carla because of the Masood, who's his mother,

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a smart minty abubaker asthma is the oldest sister of Asia. So Abdullah bin is obeyed his holla is Asia. Now, back then the Islamic State would give stipends to the senior Sahaba okay abubaker lawhon began this Omar then gave a salary based upon when you converted, there was a ranking based upon when you converted there was a stipend given to the senior Sahaba and the highest stipend was given to our mothers. The highest salary if you're like this, the steak once a year, it was a large amount of money. It's a gift that because of your services, right? This is your gift. So the highest category was to Omaha didn't want money.

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So, Mr. Bear, he's taking the head off. He is now sending the money to his aunt, Chateau de la Juana. Isha rhodiola, who I know her, she is generous. And she gives and she gives and she gives, and she doesn't keep the money to herself. So once I've done them, the absorber sent a large amount of money. And he hears now he's in Makkah, Ayesha is a medical biller, when he hears that she has given all of that money to the full crop.

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And he feels I'm giving it to her not so that you can give to the vocoder. I'm giving it to her. It's her money. Why is she giving it to others? Why should I give to her? So he said in public, she is going to stop giving this money this way, or else I will stop the stipends Hmm, you see what's happening now? If she doesn't control because I'm not giving to the football I'm giving to her. Now by the way, it's not his right to say that. Once he has given a tie show the alarms his his hers, now she can do whatever she wants with it. Right now, news reaches Arusha in Medina, or the Allahu Ana that Abdullah Zubair said

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he said if you don't stop, I'm gonna stop. I should read the law one has said Did he really say like that Did he really threatened to cut off my stipend? While law he has a law is my witness Assam Billa. This is your speaking, I shall never speak to him until

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I die or he dies. She gave a some using Allah's Name. so angry. My nephew, they were very close by the way. Nobody was more beloved to Russia after the process and then her nephew

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or the living is obeyed. She was called Omar Abdullah by that Abdullah almost a son, her kunia Omar Abdullah her quote unquote nephew son hurt unit so nephew saying this about me. No way. I'm going to speak to him until one of us two dies. Okay. By the way, so much here, human psychology. Firstly, no Mima and spreading back what somebody said you don't do that. You don't do that. Yes, even as Uber said it was something you shouldn't have said. But it's also a mistake to

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Hurry that all the way back to Medina and then tell our mother out why. Why be quiet? If you hear somebody speaking about somebody else, why are you going to the other person's, Hey, you know what he said about you, you're going to cause problems and Misha kill. And that's why it is not allowed in our religion, even to spread the truth about LIBOR. LIBOR is a sin Nomi Mei is also sent to separate sins, right? If somebody says something bad about a third party, you should not go to the third party to say, Hey, you know what that guy said about why? Why be quiet? It's not your business, leave it between them and Allah azza wa jal, nonetheless, this happen. So I Isha says,

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Well lie, Allah is awesome. I will never speak to him until I die, or he dies. This came back to him. Okay. And now he became worried. My color Omen meaning I should know the Allahu Allah. So he sent one message, silence another message, sigh the message after message, and she's living up to her custom. I'm not going to even respond back. Nothing. He began shafa with other people, can you go and speak to Arusha? They tried. She refused. I'm not going to speak to him. Okay. Now, years have gone by. We don't know how many books don't mention. But looking at the historical Yani, my estimate would be my estimate would be at least seven years minimum have gone by, there's an

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estimate, not in the books, but just as long term as seven years have gone by and nephew and Aunt have not seen each other, or even spoken via message or letter to each other. Nothing because of that custom SubhanAllah. By the way, how can I actually have made this custom?

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scholars differ maybe she didn't know the Hadith that beyond three days, or maybe she had an interpretation that for some reason, yeah, I need whatever we really don't know. Because, generally speaking, generally, if anybody other than I should have the alarm sheet is, you know, the most knowledgeable Lady of our entire oma, right? Even hedger says fucky. How to hide the Roma. She is the fakir she is the scholar of the female scholar, the entire oma, how did she reach this? He had the only people have their interpretations. But for all of us here, whatever her interpretation, none of us should ever make a custom to not speak to somebody for more than three days. Okay, that's

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our ruling. Whatever I chose ruling what maybe she knew someday when we we don't talk about that. Allah knows why. In any case, she said I'm going to live up to my custom. Now, Abdullah bin Zubaydah is getting very worried. What am I going to do? And he hatched a plan.

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And he approached two of the senior members of the coresh, who were also students of our mother Arusha there in Medina. He sent them a message. And he said, I'm asking you for the sake of Allah to help me he's begging them, he is now worried he is the rewards mentioned he became you know, very worried, what am I going to do if I should speak to you till I die? How am I going to meet Allah what I need to mend this, whatever happened? I need to mend it. So he sends a message to a mishap. democra an abdominal sweat. There are both from the elite of the kurush they are respected people. And they are both of those who would regularly sit in the gathering of eyeshadow, the Allahu Ayesha

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had a gathering. How did you have a gathering? She had a gathering in the house of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And she would speak from behind the curtain and she would give what we will call it halaqaat. Yeah, she would give it in knowledge, a hadith. And so select group very select, you had to be very select to get to that audience, right? Our mother, our Isha has a curtain the hijab, right for a hijab. Nobody enters behind the hijab. She's speaking and teaching them from behind this hijab. I'll miss her and Abdurrahman, one of those students, okay, that can come to this gathering, and Asha knows them and they are respected and they are both Sahaba miners, meaning they

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were children when the process was live now they are adults, you know, for 40 or 50 years have gone we're talking about 50 hedgerow. 30 years of constant data processing, Ignazio bear begs them and even they are bulking This is a show you know what's happened you know, she's not speaking we've tried. He says by Allah you know that she is my Honda. I have to have relationship hit my heart. I'm gonna meet Allah with what I beg you by Allah facilitar Rahim helped me he's literally begging the two. So the plan is hatched. What is the plan? Just get me into the room had let me speak to her one on one. That's the plan. So they agree. Even as obey travels all the way to Medina. He is the

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halifa. He is in charge of the affairs of the oma in his world. Right. But this is more important to him than the affairs of the oma his own personal relationship with his aunt his Hala Arusha he travels all the way to Medina and after Miss imahara

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Remember, that's what they meet up. And the two of them with him go to the door of Arusha. And they say, yeah, oma, that's how they would address her. Yeah. Omar, may we come in?

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She recognizes the voices. She says yes. They say, COO, Luna, all of us, she thought is only those two.

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She thought it's only those two. This is how their permission is. Okay. This is Jodi as * out in the shed. Yeah, but don't use it too much. Okay.

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All of us come in. And I sure as all of you she didn't know that there's three she thought there's two. So even as zubayr comes in years have gone by, they have not met now at Miss word, and Abdur Rahman, are not allowed to go behind the hijab. But Abdullah Abu Zubaydah is one of the few people in the world who can go behind the hedgehog. You understand why he is the nephew, okay? His Son, by the way. rawa. Even a survey is the main narrator of Hadith from Arusha, or whatever zuba saw his younger brother noticed. His younger brother is the main narrative headed earners. So Abdullah Abu Zubaydah comes in and immediately jumps behind the curtain arches or who is this and then obviously

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recognizes it is it is her nephew, and he begins crying and begging and hugging her and the two of them on the outside of the curtain. Both began crying and saying, Yeah, Omar forgive him. Yeah. Omar, forgive him for the sake of Allah. He is your nephew. Yeah, Omar, he made a mistake. They're both begging and she he's begging and the entire room is crying. Now they're saying all four of them are sobbing tears, because she hasn't seen her nephew that she raised as a child. She hasn't seen it for so long. And they're all he's begging forgiveness. And she is saying but I gave a custom. I gave her a son with Allah azza wa jal, a son with a law is a big thing. I cannot break it. And of course,

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she's allowed to break it as you're aware. But she felt that our Prop, by the way, 50.0 profitsystem said, If any one of you makes awesome to do worldly issue, and then he sees something that is better than that custom. Go ahead and break the custom give the kuffar free a slave fast three days give the kafala and then do what is better are shady I was easy with this called cofounder to you mean are shady as easy if you gave a custom in this regard. By the way, that's the high level custom generally speaking for us, we should never make a custom that we're not going to speak to somebody for more than three days. That's technically for us not allowed. I show how to reach the HUD. She

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saying I gave a custom to Allah and even as obeyed is begging her break the custom give the kuffar you know of the slave, you know, and forgive me, until finally the three of them convince her that we should have sort of and reconcile and so she agrees to this. And Abdullah Abu Zubaydah sent 10 slaves for her to free, she freed all she has to do only one slave, she freed all 10 he sent another 10 she freed all 10 another 1040 slaves she freed, that is a fortune that's like the equivalent of hundreds of millions 40 slaves, she prefer not 10s of millions 40 slaves out of the cathedra that she had to do. And they had reconciliation after this. And this story shows us of how Allah so many

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things, but of the interesting things that shows us is that you know, it's human nature, that one word is specially from a relative, especially from a close relative, it hurts much more than from a stranger. One word from a close relative it pierces your heart, such that if a stranger said it to us, yeah, whatever What a crazy guy, but I have nothing to do with him. But I relatives says it. Even our mother ha he just had one law, he has some Billa I will never speak to him and seven years or however many years went by and she lived up to that custom until finally, it Zubaydah understood, you know what I need to do something drastic, all the way traveling. And this shows you the

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importance of soul arrived, Senator for him and the importance of solar that if a mistake has been made, he realized I shouldn't have been that harsh or shouldn't have said this. If a mistake has been made. You have to own up, apologize, and then work diligently to make sure that solar has achieved in this beautiful anecdote. Lots of you just see the humanity of everybody involved. Right? You see how great they were, despite these things back and forth. Still, it's human nature. You see even the best of people even as obeyed and I surely allow being irritated at one another because that's the way humanity is. Well, I every one of us has issues with our brother, our sibling, our

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aunt, our wife, but we have to overcome it like the two of them did. So my philosophy is very simple. In studying the humanity of the Sahaba we find a role model in them we find so many stories we can relate to and that's why they were the best of the oma not because they were angels without anything but because we learn

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From their own slip ups or minor issues, whatever it might be, and we understand why Allah azza wa jal said about the Allah who will do it. May Allah subhana wa tada resurrect us with the Sahaba with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was said it was reliable

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he can

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