Yasir Qadhi – The Stories of The Prophets #29 – The Story of Adam #17 – The Quranic Story of The Two Sons of Adam

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and legends of the Prophet's story, including the use of "has been" in Arabic to point out negative consequences and the importance of habit and passion in learning from the gods. The story is a soothing tactic that is effective and better than any other situation, and is a minimalist stance. The transcript also touches on the origin of various popular teachings and the importance of criticality in our practices.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah yo, yo Rafi

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call the call false

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hola he'll Barakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While Ali he was a happy woman What am I right? Welcome to our continual series of the Stories of the Prophets. We are still doing the Prophet Adam, our father Adam and our mother Hawa and we still have some loose ends to tie up before we move on to our next Prophet and so, today we will discuss Inshallah, to either the Quranic story of the two sons of Adam. And this is mentioned in skeletal ma ADA verses 31 to 32. That Allah subhana wa Tada says, that what do I lay him never been a Adam a bill healthy, relate to them in truth Bill, how are y'all rasool Allah, the story of the two sons of Adam, the story of the two sons

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of Adam, in a robber Corbyn that each of them offered a sacrifice for to obey them in a hadith Hema wala muta Ebell Minella her the one of them's was accepted and the others was not accepted. So Call of Cthulhu and the one who's offering was not accepted, said I shall kill you the Aktueller neck color in aitoc Biloela luminometer kin, the brother replied, Allah only accepts the offering of the righteous the imbecile Illa Yetta Kalydeco toolani Morakniv Basildon near de la Korea kotula in the Ahafo la Herat Bella mean, if you raise your hand to kill me, I shall not raise my hand to kill you. Because I fear Allah the Lord of the worlds in the arena and turbo or bathe me What if mecca for the

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Konami has happened now, I want to let you bear your sin against me along with all of your other sins, so that you will then be destined to the fire of to the punishment of the fire. And indeed, that is the recompense of those who are volley mean, those who are wrongdoers? fatawa Atla, who Neff su Kotla ahi foccacia Allahu, and so the brother was convinced to kill his brother and so he killed him. False Mohammed Al Hossein, he became of the losers forbartha Allahu horrobin he ever had to fill out Then Allah sent a CRO that was digging in the ground. Yep, had to fill out it was digging in the ground. Some say the CRO was digging for food. Others say the CRO was burying another CRO so

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for bathala Who Robin Yeah, but how to fill out the Llyod who okay for you worthy, so a to Fe in order that the brother be shown how to bury the corpse of his brother all the way that he said Woe to me I lost to me have I even failed to be like this crow and to bury the corpse of my brother false by Homina nadie mean he became regretful and full of remorse mean Ashley radica. Because of this cabina Isla bunny saw Isla, We ordained for the children of Israel, that whoever took a life unless it before adjust cause or for spreading mischief in the land, it will be as if they killed all of mankind, and whoever saves a life it will be as if they have saved all of mankind. Now, this

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story is of course very, very important. It is relevant and it is or ironic, unlike so many of the other, you know, things that we read in the books or whatnot. This is straight from the Quran. So we have no doubt about its authenticity. And to make it even more clear, Allah subhanho wa Taala commands our NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to recite the story to us what do I lay him recite the story to us. And Allah says been healthy, it is a true story not that he needs to but when Allah says it is true, so the point is to emphasize and the point is to benefit now,

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what are the details of this story what I have just recited and the translation is straight from the Quran and the Quran translation. All of the details of this story are found in the Iliad and in the folklores and the legends. There is nothing more than this verse in the Quran. There is no Hadith about this incident except one which we'll come to and and even that one it doesn't mention the details is simply saying the sin of all murders. A share which will go to the brother who started

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The first death of first murder. So there's no details, all of the details that we know including the names of the brothers, they come from the Judeo Christian sources. So in Arabic We say have been and called Beale, and the English are is Cain and Abel. And have you been copied or simply aerobicized from the Latin from the ancient Greek? In reality, all of the details are taken from these types of sources. And so, we are left with one of the biggest conundrums that comes to this entire topic, that to what level should we rely on the details and as I have said, from the very beginning, my methodology is to go ahead and tell you these details, but to point out these come

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from his struggle yet, these come from sources that are not considered to be untampered, rather, they are tampered and so there's no problem like the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, go ahead and narrate from them. There's no problem, but we should not make it affirm part of our theology. So if you go to even our books, in Cathedral poverty, and you go to the Australia which is basically these books are taken from Israel yet, what we come to is this notion or this narrative, that Cain and Abel were two sons of Adam two brothers, and there was a lot of jealousy between them and a lot of animosity, and one aspect compounded this animosity and jealousy and it is said that Cain desired

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April's sister Abel sorry tables wife so basically the lady who was destined to be Abels wife, right cane desired her and of course she was held on because remember, we talked about this last time that every brothers sister they were held on for one another, and the next you know, brother sister, they were held on for each other and they would be swapping that would be like cousins in their, in their genealogy. However, according to this idea, this is not in the Quran, it's not in the Sunnah, that Cain wanted to marry his own full blooded and the one who would have been destined for Abel. So the one whom had been was supposed to marry and the reason being that he felt that she is more beautiful

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or whatever. And so the both of them they decided to they they had a verbal altercation or whatnot and then they said okay, let us present an offering to Allah and whoever is offering is accepted that person's position is valid, okay. And so in those days, when you presented an offering, so you present your whatever it is heavier or whatever you have sacrificed, you present it to Allah subhanho wa Taala in those days, a lightning would come and consume it, a lightning would come and extinguish in front of you or get rid of this offering, so that you knew that Allah had accepted it. And so the both of them presented an offering. Now, the Quran mentions they presented an offering

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the Quran mentions it was accepted in the Israeli at the story of the girls of the story of this jealousy for a lady and the story of you know, these things are added, but the overall skeletal version is clearly in the Quran for to obey them in the Hydra Hema wala muta. Cabella. This in the Quran, one of their offering was, is accepted, the other was not accepted. So it became clear therefore, according to the Israeli at that Cain was not supposed to marry, you know, his own sister, he became very angry. And so in his anger he said to Abel, I'm going to kill you have to learn neck and neck and

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Abel responded. It's not my fault that you're offering was not accepted. Allah only accepts from the righteous from the pious in Nima it's Acaba, La Mina mucho Cain and Abel in response says I'm not going to defend myself against you. Let him basalt de la Yeah, decorator kotula knee if you stretch your hand out to stab me to kill me, ma nav, Basa tinea er de la curry Aquila, I shall not stretch my hand out to kill you know, I fear Allah subhanho wa Taala The Lord of the worlds and so in his anger in his jealousy photowalk LA who knows who who got lucky. So Cain, his anger became more and he decided to go ahead and kill his brother Fatah who he killed him. And as soon as he killed him,

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Allah says false Baja middle cosseting, he destroyed himself. Now, this is the first death in humanity. Nobody has died up until this point in time. Demon Hawa are healthy and alive. They have Allah knows how many children and of those two now Cain and Abel are now young adults, they're young men, and the two of them they have a fight and Cain kills Abel. So this is the first death in all of humanity. And Allah it is so sad. It is a tragedy for all of humanity, that our first death was a murder. This was the first time the Angel of Death came to this earth and took the soul of a human being. This was the first time death occurred amongst children to the children of Adam. This was the

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first time

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There's a corpse. This was the first time that now we have to do something. What do you do with this empty shell? What do you do with this with this body. And so for batha, Allahu wa and he ever had to fill out a law sent a CRO that was searching in the sand. And again, as I said, Some scholars say just, you know, digging here and there and in the process of digging, as you're digging, you're going to cover something up. And others say that the Crow was burying its dead, because it is true that some birds and some animals do bury their dead in some fashion or they put them in a certain like, you know, location or whatnot. It is true that this happens in some species. And so according

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to one interpretation of the Crow was covering up, you know, the other crows body. And this was Allah's way of teaching Cain of what he should do. And so he covered up the body of his brother, and as he did this, he felt guilt, he felt remorse, and foster hominin do you mean and then Allah azza wa jal says that to kill one person is like killing all of humanity. Now, our Prophet sallallahu it he was sending, there's only one narration about this, and that is that in Sahaja, Sai Muslim, that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no one is killed unjustly, except that the son of Adam shall have a share of that murderers sin, because he was the one who began the institution of

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murder. He was the one who started he was the one who basically indirectly taught all of mankind how to kill somebody and the concept of killing somebody. Because

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the the reality is that the notion of taking a life was not something known to mankind, until Cain took the life of Abel. And so even if a later murderer comes in and says, I've never heard of Cain, I don't know who Cain is, how did he know the concept of killing, and that when you stab somebody, then this person ceases to exist? You know, this is something that Cain began and instituted, that Cain was the one who started the institution of injustice and murder. And so that is why indirect if you like, chain indirect, it's not everybody who kills it is as if they're taking the notion of killing from the first human being who did it and that is Cain. And so Cain shall get a portion and

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what he himself is guilty of, is enough to, you know, cause him to be punished the way that Allah chooses, and we leave his affair to Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, there are many, many lessons to be learned in the story of habit and hobby. And once again, remember how being a puppet or not names in the Quran and Sunnah. These are simply the Arab besides names from the ancient Greek. So habit, and of course, what can we learn from them? Well, the things that we can learn is that Allah subhanho wa taala, accepts good deeds only from the righteous only from the pious, and that it is possible for an in pious person to do a good deed, and that good deed shall not be accepted. However, our

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scholars mentioned that generally speaking, this only applies to the in pious person whose heart has arrogance against Allah, because, generally speaking, an in pious person, a drug addict, or somebody who's guilty of you know, whatever they're guilty of, when they feel guilty, and they, and they do a good deed, that good deed is a mechanism of kuthodaw that good deed is meant to expire the sin. So why then will Allah not accept the good deed? When the person who does it, there is a sense of okay, I'm doing this now. Holla I'm done with like, a sense of throwing it back, if you like at Allah azza wa jal, a sense of our will to be less superiority or arrogance. And Allah does not love the

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arrogant, Allah does not love the one who has given in the heart in his heart. And it seems as if Kobe had this notion of how I'm going to be the better one, and I'm going to show you know how being and and thinking that holla now he has done it. And you know, some also say that he presented better offering because he was richer and have been had not as much of an offering. So the notion of Allah rejecting the good deed, really we have to put in some, some conditions here because it's common sense and the Quran and Sunnah dictate that one in pious person when a sinner turns to Allah, Allah turns to the sinner, this is well known. So why would Allah not accept when, as we said, that sinner

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is not really regretful of the sin when the sinner does not even recognize his or her sin, and in fact, thinks that he's doing a favor Unto Allah by doing a good deed. And Allah has no need of somebody who's going to boast or somebody who has a ounce of arrogance in his or her heart. So in nama Yakubu La Mina Mutata in now, there's no doubt that we as well. We should not affirm piety unto ourselves. We should always be worried. You know, we should always have a healthy dose of skepticism that what if I'm doing something that

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You know, Allah will not accept from me. So this is healthy to have but it should not lead us to an obsession of not doing good deeds right. So that's that millet middle balance between wanting Allah's reward and being scared of Allah's rejection. So another point that we have here of the benefits of the story is that the primary cause of not committing sins is the consciousness of Allah. So Hobbes says to corbeil, that, if you try to kill me, I will not kill you because I am scared of Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. So the concept of being scared of Allah having Taqwa of Allah, the concept of being conscious of Allah, this is the primary cause of somebody not committing

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a sin. And there is nothing that substitutes the Taqwa of Allah, when it comes to protecting oneself from sins. Another benefit from this story is that we should remind sinners, we should remind people who are doing an evil deed, to remind them to fear Allah subhanho wa Taala try to use this as a deterrent against others when they commit to their sins. And this is something that even Miriam it has said, and we learned from her as well, that she said the same thing when she saw the man she did not know it was God. And she said that if you have belief in Allah, if you truly fear Allah, then don't come here. And of course, the notion of instilling the fear of God in a criminal you try that

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it is a tactic that is from the Quran, and from the Sunnah. Another benefit that we have, is that we should always be or try to be the one who is the better of the two, in any situation, here, we have hobbies, here we have copied, we are supposed to act like hobbies will always be the better of the two, if you're going to show injustice to me, I will not show injustice to you. And this is one of the main lessons and the morals that Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to put on us. And so the point is that we should strive to be the better of the two in any situation, also have the interesting benefits over here as well, of the interesting benefits that we have over here as well from the

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story but heavier than a call

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is that Hobbes says that I would rather that my the sin of killing me should be added to all of your other sins, and that Allah punishes you in the fire of *. What we learn from this is that, frankly, it's a very interesting tidbit here, religious revenge is far more effective and far better and far sweeter than any worldly revenge. Hubby left it to Allah, to act with justice against his brother. And he said, You know what, I don't want to do anything that's going to cause me to give any of my good deeds to you. On the contrary, if and we do not know, you know what other problems and issues and how long the volume was done between the two brothers, we do not know, this is

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culminating in murder. Allah knows how many years and how many injustice has have taken place for it to culminate in murder. And so Habib basically says that all of the sins that you have done, I want to add your murder of me to those sins, and that will cause you to go to jahannam. So Hobbes says, Let Allah take care of you. And your punishment will be because of your own deeds. And this is a very, very soothing tactic and a soothing mechanism to those upon whom injustice has been done, and they cannot do anything. They will say, you know, what Allah azza wa jal will deal with you on a judgement date, we will see that justice enacted against you. And so this is one of the benefits and

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morals of the story. Another benefit of the story is that our souls are very weak and fragile. And many times our souls command us to do evil for tall, white low, who enough so who got lucky that the corbeil his soul kept on whispering to him or kept on, you know, encouraging him to murder his brother. And Allah says in the Quran, in the NAFSA, Amara tone bisutti that indeed, the soul is commanding to do evil, except those souls whom Allah has protected. And so we need to be aware of the evils of our own souls, and the more we corrupt our souls, the more easier it is for our souls to corrupt our body. So the more we cave into the desires of the soul, the more darker our soul

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becomes, the more evil our inner reality becomes, the easier it is for the body to then follow in more and more and we learned this from RB fatawa Adler, who loves to get lucky. So the soul of carbene his knifes, it kept on encouraging him and this is shows us that evil thoughts. They come from shaitaan and they come from evil souls which we ourselves are making evil and that's why the pure the soul, the less the evil thoughts that will come from it and the more evil the soul

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The more evil parts that will come from it. One of the benefits of this story of arbete and habit as well, is that what we call an English Mother Nature. And of course Jenny, when we say Mother Nature, we don't mean that nature is mother. It just it's just one of the ways that people describe it. We of course, realize that nature is a creation of Allah subhanho wa taala. But what we learn is that Allah azza wa jal is teaching us through nature, that nature has much to offer us to benefit from not everything that nature does, we have to do. But there is a lot that nature does that we can benefit from. And this is shown in the CRO teaching RB how to bury and that Allah is saying I sent

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to the CRO, so the CRO is being sent by Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So we have much to learn from the animals around us, the pure animals, their hearts are pure, and their filters are uncorrupted, and they're worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada in ways that we do not, you know, worship every animal praises Allah and every animal is in its own way of worship of Allah. And so, indeed, some of the things that the animals do, we will benefit from it of course, other things they do, we are not allowed to do so, obviously, this is not justification, whatever they do, but still, there is much to benefit from and we are encouraged, therefore, to ponder over the creation and to see what

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benefits we can attain from it. Another benefits of the story of of the benefits of the story of habit and COVID is that it is human nature to feel guilty when we have committed a sin but not every guilt is religious guilt and not every guilt will help you in your path to Allah. In fact, we can divide guilt into two. The first is religious guilt, Islamic guilt, guilt of a spiritual nature, nature. And the second is the guilt that is non religious. It is the guilt of the conscience the guilt of not not a connection with Allah subhanaw taala and it is the first guilt that will cause our sins to be forgiven. And the second guilt has no relationship on forgiveness of sins. So when

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our prophets Allah, Allahu Allah, who was send them says, another mu Tober. Feeling guilty is the essence of repentance, he is referring to the first type of guilt, which is that you feel guilty for having disobeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala because there is another type of guilt and this type of guilt is demonstrated in Pibil. It is demonstrated in every criminal and murder who does not believe in Allah and every * or * or a drug dealer or you know, Mafia Lord who has killed people, every evil person on this planet. At some point in time, their conscience begins to get to them, and they feel an overwhelming sense of disgust about what they have done. But this disgust if

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it is not linked to Allah subhana wa Tada is not linked to a higher level of purity of wanting to be better and repenting and returning back to Allah, if it just comes from the fact you are human. Because Allah created us to feel guilty when we commit sins, we call it in English a conscience. This conscience it comes from our fifth I talked about the fifth row a few lectures ago. So it is human nature to feel guilty when we are bad when we are evil, when we hurt people when we wrong people and it is healthy, to feel guilty. Islam tells us take that guilt, and motivate yourself to be a better person and use it to reconnect with Allah subhanho wa taala. And when that happens, then

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that guilt becomes a positive. And that guilt becomes something that eliminates the bad deed. However, if somebody feels that guilt, and there's no connection with the law, and there's no desire to turn over and be a better person, well then of what to value will that kill to be in the journey to Allah, and that is why, even to Allah says for us, Mohammed and nadie mean that Bobby felt guilty, that guilt has nothing to do with his forgiveness because Allah has himself said false Mohammed kasidy. And the hospital was before that they mean that the that we know for a fact that because of this, that he shall be punished for that death. And we know this for a fact. Now, the

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fact that he felt guilty, as we said, it wasn't the guilt of repentance, and therefore, it did not benefit him in the hereafter and in his journey to Allah subhanho wa Taala of the benefits of the story of habit and COVID. And obviously, perhaps the main benefit, perhaps the main benefit of the story of happiness hobby, is the dangers of jealousy, and that jealousy is indeed one of the most evil and one of the most filthy of all inclinations. And that's why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, er Cornwell has said, I warn you against jealousy. He told us that jealousy consumes good deeds, it destroys good deeds, and it is one of the only feelings that when we have it in our

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heart, it will in and of itself be a sin. Most feelings as I have explained in other lectures, not this one today, but other lectures. You can find them online

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feelings will not get us into trouble on the Day of Judgment. If you feel like you want to drink alcohol but you don't drink alcohol. If you feel like you want to commit Zina, but you don't commit Zina, and you control yourself. There's no sin on judgment date. However, feeling jealous and allowing jealousy to remain in your heart, in and of itself, it is one of the few feelings when you have it. Another one is arrogance. By the way, you cannot feel arrogant and let it go. You have to fight arrogance. And you have to fight acid. So to feel jealousy is itself sinful, and you must fight the feeling of jealousy. And jealousy is something that blinds it's something that destroys

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your conscience, and you will do out of jealousy, what you will not do for any other motivation. And we see this in the story of use of as well. What did the brothers do to use of Subhanallah we see that his toy of habit and copied that jealousy. Now, if you want to add here of the astroglia the story of the ladies and you know the jealousy over women, then this is yet another

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benefit for us as men in particular, the dangers if you like of an infatuation, that is not Islamic the dangers of going down this this route, and losing sight and track of what is halal and haram. We seek Allah's refuge in that.

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And of the benefits of the story of Kobe and Hobbes is that not all sins are the same, and some sins are far worse than others. And other the worst of all sins is the sin of murder. And Allah azza wa jal says that because of this, we decreed that whoever kills one person, it is as if he has killed all of mankind. And the point being here is that this death of Allah beat of Hobbes, this death of Abel, in this early timeframe, when they were the first generation, if you were to imagine in another, you know, reality, if have been had not died, then our population on Earth might be double than what it is, it would be a much higher by a much higher percentage than what it is. So the death

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of that one person, it is as if humanity is no longer humanity because of that one person. And Allah azza wa jal says that we decreed that whoever kills one soul, it is as if like the enormity of the sin, the monstrosity of the sin is as if he has committed genocide against all of mankind. And whoever saves a soul, it is as if he has saved all of mankind. So it is as if every soul is representative of all of humanity. And when kabhi killed Habil, it is as if he is killing all of mankind, because all of mankind is happy, and all of mankind is that is as innocent as had been. So this shows us that not all sins are the same. So this is the story of how Sabine and Colby in the

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Quran, just decide point that there is a very minority opinion that

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when Allah says to the story of the two sons of Adam, a small minority opinion says that these aren't the direct sons of Adam, but rather many generations down. And that is an opinion, but in reality, the hedonic term ebony Adam, why would Allah say, the two sons of Adam, when, you know there are so many other stories in the Quran, and Allah never says, the son of Adam and the two sons of Adam, you know, the man came from the midst or the end of the city, or a man entering the garden or this or that the entire Quran is full of stories. Allah never says the Son of Adam to any of them except here. So that is always a very minority opinion. So I'm just putting there for your

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reference. In reality, this story applies to the two immediate sons of Adam. And as we said, the biblical narrative as a lot of details, and the Quranic narrative is really, as well, you know, strict or blatantly clear. That's the problem really are the major problem here is that of jealousy, and that of doing sins for the sake of feeling a sense of superiority against others, and we seek Allah's refuge in that. So this is a story of hobbies and hobbies, we now move on to the next story, that we just have to tie up those loose ends, as I said.

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And this is the alleged story. So I'm going to already set the stage of a legend and realize many say it is a real story. So I'm going to get to this point of Adam and how we're obeying shape on and naming their child a name that they should not have named. And this is a story that is mentioned in the Hadith literature. And according to a number of scholars, there are verses in the Quran that are revealed about this alleged incident and you already know that others are going to deny this because I'm using the word a legend. So where is this hadith found? It is found in Muslim Imam Mohammed, an incident at Timothy and it is narrated from an

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Hassanal Basilea from similar activity jundo from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said that

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when how wa gave birth, when Huwa gave birth, a bliss came to her. And before this point in time, how was children would die? And it believes said, some me here Abdel Hadith, and he shall live. And so she named him Abdullah Hadith, and the boy lived so how did this not what are the names of Allah right? Not Abdullah Abdullah Rama No, called him another name Abdullah Hadith, and he shall live. So according to this report, how was named the child Abdullah Hadith, and that was a part of the revelation or the commandments that shaytaan gave and how was followed. So this narration is found in a Timothy and in which city Muhammad and there is a verse in the Quran that has been interpreted

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to mean this and that is sorted out off verse 189 190. So till our offers 189 190, who will lead the Halacha Kumi Neff sin wahiduddin was so much Ilm. It has Oh Jaha Leah schooner, La Jolla. He is the One who created you from one soul. Then from this soul he made its spouse so that he can find comfort in her father, Mata Shah her Hamlet Hamlen huffy fun for Marathi after he enveloped her this is the act of * after they were united. She carried a light burden that it developed gradually from Earth color to what it became heavy Tao wala Hara Bahama, the both of them pray to ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala lend data now Sala Helena Coonan Nimisha getting, if you give us good child,

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we shall be grateful. But Allah says Allah Mata masala had one Allah granted them good children, John Allahu Shoraka a female Tahoma, the associated false gods they gave they made Shediac with Allah in what he had given them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted above what they associate with Him. Now understand this first actually look it up, pause here, open up the Quran Surah 189 190. The first part of the verse seems to indicate Adam and Hawa He created you all from one soul from the soul, he created its spouse, and so that he may find comfort in her then when he envelopes her father matava Shah, ha, this is now are we talking about the very first couple, that's admin halwa. That's what

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many are Allama said, and they linked this hadith into the middIe. They linked it to this idea that what Allah is referencing is how WA and Adam obeying shaytaan and naming their child a name that they should not have named him. And that is Abdul Hadith. Now, this is, so this is the verse and this is the Hadith, okay.

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To be again, there's so much to go into detail, but you know, and I love to go into detail at times, but for this, I'm going to just gently summarize the two main points here, there are two primary methodologies or two primary opinions. Pause here within each one, you have nuances, so I'm just being very simplistic and whatnot or not very simplistic, but this is intermediate level, I keep on trying to clarify which level we are teaching, this entire series is intermediate to intermediate advanced, sometimes I'll go very advanced, and sometimes we'll go intermediate. Inshallah, never am i doing very, very simplistic, that's not the golden this series. So in this case, I'm just being

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intermediate and saying that, if you look at our heritage, you look at our dilemma, our scholars of Hadith, our scholars of Tafseer, our scholars of theology, okay, because these are the three disciplines that all of these intersect with, because you have you have Hadith problems, there's a hadith, you have the sea issues, because there's a verse in the Quran does it apply to Adam, then you have al Qaeda issues? Because are we going to accuse Adam and how why of committing shirk? Because the Quran is saying that gyla, who Shoraka they made Shariq so if this is a reference to Adam and Hawa then there's a theological question. And if it's not, then it's not a problem, because

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mankind does commission. So there are rules of Tafseer rule ama of Hadith, and rule ama of aqidah, all of them discussing this, this, this, suppose it incident, and obviously, you know, there's not just two opinions, there's actually many nuances in the many shades in between, but I will say there are two primary camps doing this research and looking at, you know, over 30 scholars with said, there's two primary camps. The first primary camp is that they accept this narration in a Buddha in Timothy and was the Muhammad and they link it to this verse. And so they take

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it at face value that yes Hawa named their child Abdullah Hadith, and that this was a mistake but they all say that this is not major shit. They didn't worship other than Allah but rather it is a sin or they said it is obeying shade lawn or they said it is minor shit. Okay, so within this you have position ABC would not but overall they accept the narrative. What is the narrative that the hadith is authentic, and that the verse in the Quran is written out off references, the children of Hawa, the child of Hawa. And so it is linked to the story of Adam and Eve. And this is probably the majority opinion really, especially early scholars Tabari the giant Alberto we I mean before them

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before we get to Tibet, and by the way, even a bus or the Allahu Allah, he is right there even a bus although you've been cab, is there, Qatada su De all of the students who have been a bus and in fact, even shareholders, some Ibn Taymiyyah and Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahab in his GitHub toe heat, they also go to this position, and they agree with this overall interpretation that Hawa obeyed Shavon named her son something that he should not be named. And this is a type of minor should what was the minor should have says that to make our bid before anything other than Allah subhanho wa taala. So Abdullah had it and how to design what are the names of Allah, this is a type of minor shit. And so

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they say that our parents fell into a sin, obeying the shaitaan. disobeying Allah falling into minor shirk by naming their son something that they should not have named. Now, this is a very large group of very prominent scholars, obviously, as you're aware, now, there are two opinions. And the second opinion says that the hadith is not authentic. And the verse of certain out off does not apply to Adam and Hawa. Or at least the second half doesn't. The first half is Allah is generically saying, we created you all from one soul, and that soul, you know, from it, we created his wife, then Allah saying, symbolically all of you, you know, all of you, like the sons of Adam and the daughters of

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Hawa, you know, you're all in this together as humanity. And then when the husband envelopes the wife, and the two of them, you know, are about to have a child or they're becoming parents, so then the two of them will become super religious, and they're going to become all this and that, then when the child is born, they turn away from Allah, and they might even teach their child to do shit, etc, etc. So the Quranic verse is not applying, or it is not applicable to Adam and Eve directly, rather to the, the beginning of the verse that he created all of you from one, that's Adam and Eve, then the verse says, that it's basically all of mankind. And this is the position of none other than

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Al Hassan Al Abbas study. And it is also the strongly argued position of Ibn Kathy, and a Muslim actually, and I would say most of the scholars of the seat of our times, and most of the people who talk about these issues in our times, they seem to go with this second opinion, even though it was a minority opinion for most of early Islam. Now, again, and this is not the first time and especially I speak to the advanced students and I have spoken about this topic in some of my library chats. And you can listen to the library chat I gave on this made in this Hawk for a further example of this, that it is not uncommon at all for majority opinions to shift over time, and majority opinions do

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not indicate a correct opinion. And so, what if a large group of early scholars held this view and a large group of modern scholars problematize it this is something that we have to be brave enough to acknowledge and it is awkward, but I do have to point this out. So at a very basic level or intermediate level, let me say this, the fact that Israeli yet have crept into our tradition is undeniable. And any open minded researcher will not be able to deny that such narrations permeate throughout our books of exegesis, especially our Tafseer narrations, Our Stories of the Prophets that are found in the early books of poverty and what not, and sometimes even, not authentic hadith.

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And this is an example right here. I do not and I cannot affirm the story as having occurred from Adam and Hawa because of multiple reasons of them the Quran, quite literally, it's if you ever say this, as Adam and Hawa the Quran is saying they committed shift and I understand has an adversity, his position here, which makes a lot more sense to me that it's not a reference to Adam and Hawa. It's a reference to generically all of the children of Adam

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and how what that's what the reference is that what is what makes sense to me. And as for the Hadith, it is weak according to the more discerning scholars of Hadith. And that is because it has an adversity did not meet somewhere I've been joined and there is a missing link and also more important than this as well is that in other narrations in a number of such a hadith, the the the report is not emanating from the Prophet sallallahu. It was seldom it is emanating from the companions. And so the fact is emanating from the Companions is an indication that it is not coming from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is exactly what even Kathy says that will

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tell her that Arthur and Abasi metals heavy Eben abas was the one who propagated this opinion. And so Mujahidin say the village obeyed and Eric crema, and from the next generation of Katana and Su D and many of the setup and many of the highlife and many of them are first soon and so many they cannot be counted. They took this opinion and then they've been Kathir says, What can now who wala who ILM asked to whom to whom in a lil kita and it is as if and Allah knows best that the origin of the story goes back to the Maliki tab. And that is because Eben abas

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took it from obey even gab and obey is taking it from the his throat. Liat. Okay, so this is even Cathy's assumption. I mean, this is he's waiting what can know, as if he's not saying I know for certain because he doesn't know for certain. But he is saying that it doesn't feel right to me. And I feel that this narration is coming from the holy kitab. And interestingly enough, ignore him, in contrast to his teacher, even Taymiyah have no claim also problematize this report, and it is as if He also rejected this report. So this is the if you like intermediate level than that is that this report seems to be from the Australia now I'm going to say something that is for the more advanced

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students. And this is the following.

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For the advanced students, for the genuine researchers, for the open minded thinkers,

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we apply an inconsistent methodology, when we pick and choose what to take and what to reject, and what to problematize, based upon our preconceived notions of how the things should be. The fact of the matter is that most of us in this generation and time and age would not like this story. And we don't like our father and mother to have followed shape on and we think this and that, and we're going to reject it. I actually agree with that sentiment, it doesn't make sense to me. But then there are many other narrations that just because we like them, but their source is the same, we will affirm them. And when somebody comes in problematizes, for other reasons, we find that

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problematic even though the origins or the potential origins and this has happened to me multiple times when I point out, this might be from the Australia or whatnot. And you know, people don't understand how the biller is found intimated this report isn't enemity What are you going to do about it? This report is is mostly about Muhammad, what are you going to do about it? And the weakness to be brutally honest is not a huge weakness. It is a very, very slight weakness has sent from somewhere every student of Hadith knows it is any okay, it's yeah, it's it's weak, but it's not like a very big big we it is there. It's one of the one of the, you know, well known, you know,

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traditional things of the scholars of Hadith, they know this. And generally speaking such reports when they deal with stories, when they deal with not will let it pass. But what this shows us is that what this shows us is that

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such Israel yet did creep into the folklore of the first two, three generations, and there were people narrating it. And I have already pointed out when it came to some of those issues, like for example, women being created from a rib, or other things of this nation. Oh, by the way, by the way, once again, in this narration, who's the guilty party here Hawa and honestly, the Quran never criminalizes women over men, consistently. But we find a number of such you know, a pseudo a hadith they're not authentic. Women were created from a rib women are crooked women, this and it really doesn't seem to be in the spirit of the Quran. We have to be honest here. But it does fit perfectly

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with the biblical narrative. And so one wonders once again over here, by the way, so the narration says how what followed a bliss and named the Quran is saying gyla Who does theirs doesn't add up here. The both of them taught their child should for example, and that's why I am saying like hustle and bustle he said that this verse does not apply to Adam and Hawa. It's not about them. It is just

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generically about the sons of Adam and the daughters of Hawa, who are committing Schick. And so they teach their child and they associate partners with their child and they do other things with their child. So bottom line, this is for the advanced students here, that we have to be more critical of our own tradition. And there's nothing wrong with using the right methods to be critical of what we find in our books, even if it isn't books that overall we respect. The only book that is beyond reproach is the Koran that is it. After that, we have the right with the right methodology not based upon our desires, not based upon Hawa, we have the right to question to research those that are

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qualified, they have the right to do that. And Hadith literature is not the same as Quran. Yes, overall Hadith has been Alhamdulillah protected and collected. Yes, we are followers of Hadith and followers of the Sunnah. And that's why we are and I am Sunni, I had a Sunova Gemma, unlike the groups who reject the Hadith, unlike the Quran, the yuan or whatever, unlike the, you know, Morteza and whatnot, no, we accept Hadith. But we have to be a little bit more critical, when clearly something is not matching, when it goes against the entire corpus of our tradition, when we are accusing our mother and father who know the plots. I mean, here's another point after what has

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happened to them in Jenna, do you really think that our mother Hawa is going to listen to Shalonda? Again, do you really think so that after what has happened in Jenna, she's going to come down to earth struggling and toiling now she is going to say, Oh, you obey me. And I'm going to you think she's gonna fall again for the plot of shaytaan after the punishment of the fall of you know, from gender. I mean, the whole story is bizarre, it doesn't make any sense. It goes against so many other you know, overall generic points of the Quran and Sunnah. And it is affirming a high crime to our mother and father, and that is a shift. Basically, the verse is saying should can That's why even I

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do I put it in his laboratory that this has shipped when you name somebody other than Allah without and he's basically he has no problem saying that them in Hawaii, you know, fell into this area will love them was done in any case. So, I am very adamant in this regard. And in this case, I will not even say in my humble opinion, in this case, I will say it is definitive, that this incident did not take place our mother and father did not commit shirk, our mother and father did not obey shaitaan for a second time, we do not going to blame Eve again for something of this nature. Rather, this is one of those bizarre tales and fabrications that emanated from the spider yet, and the folkloric

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stuff just permeated and, you know, it just became a part of our tradition. And this shows us our tradition is worthy of respect. But our corpus of hadith is not divine. And people who love the Hadith and people who love the Sunnah, they have every right if they know their methodology, to go through it again and again and again. And even if many scholars consider the Hadith to be authentic, that the doors are not shut, it is allowed for us to bring up other issues and to question and to what not, because in the end of the day, the attempt to collect hadith is a human attempt. And within this corpus, we do find such narrations we find them in the six books, we find them in the

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famous books, and they are completely wrong. Even if their chains are slightly weak. We have no problem saying they have no bases whatsoever because you know, technically of life Hadith we say the process that may be said it that's what technically alive Hadith, we don't know. But there is no question in my mind. Now again, I'm sure some of you will disagree. That's your prerogative. But inshallah I have the right to hold my opinion after all of these years, I have the right to hold this position. There is no question in my mind that this incident is not true at all. And that we have to ask ourselves, where did it come in from? Where did it come in? And where did it get

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circulating? And how did it end up in our source books, one of the main most important books in Timothy it is mentioned there. And we have to ask ourselves how that happened with utmost respect to mama Timothy, still just because it's in Muslimah, Muhammad, or the tsunami or John Mary Timothy, and it's there, it doesn't mean that we should just overlook this. This story has no basis to it whatsoever. In any case, I have gone more beyond than I should. And I ask Allah for his Nicholson to guide me and to guide others through me it's a very difficult topic, I do understand that I do understand many of you will, eyebrows will be raised and perhaps some of you will feel compelled to

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do your refutation. So be it I am adamant in this regard that we do not describe to our mother and father that they committed shirk and that they are listened to shaytaan again, and so we say the story is completely fabricated and it has no basis to it. Allah Huhtala Adam and with this Inshallah, we will

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We'll continue. I said there's gonna be one or two lectures left I still have stuff to do. So inshallah we will continue some more tangents and destroy vitamin helwa next week until then just akmola head was said I want you can warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Anjali either

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at what

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feels cool Ruby mimma Janita,

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