Yasir Qadhi – The Stories of The Prophets #13 – The Story of Adam 01 – The Meaning of ‘Adam’

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the origin of the name Adam, a combination of Arabic and English, and the importance of learning the language and its history. They also touch on the confusion surrounding the origin of Adam and its connection to the fruit of Adam, as well as the importance of language learning for rethinking issues. The conversation also touches on the use of "IT" in various religious concepts and its link to the fruit of Adam. Finally, the speakers briefly touch on the history of the Bible and its use for various purposes, including religion, culture, and politics.
AI: Transcript ©
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humulus shavon Raji

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Bismillah lungu Rafi

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call them

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I said I'm only Kumara Missoula. He thought I would begin by praising Allah subhana wa tada The one who is worthy of being ultimately praised. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to send this or that and his Salaam, upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked what follows do your brothers and sisters and handed athermal hamdulillah we are finally starting I know a lot of you have been waiting in anticipation. But in sha Allah, Allah We did a lot of useful preliminary lectures about the concept of prophethood, the reality of prophecy, the characteristic of the prophets, the quantity and the quality of the prophets of Allah subhana wa Tada. And so these were

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very introductory and necessary lectures, we did a whole long, lengthy series, which took us a number of months. And now we shall load data, we will begin the story of the very first prophet and that is our father, Adam it his Salaam. And as I explained in a few lectures ago, that one of the great benefits and joys that I also enjoy about the series is that we are under no deadline. And so we can meander, and we can graze upon various fields and benefit from multiple disciplines and go into areas perhaps we're not too many people have gone before maybe even nobody, and inshallah to Allah benefit and at least probe some questions or bring about discussions, because there's so much

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to benefit from so many things to think about. And in the end of the day, we're always going to remain with only a fraction of knowledge as Allah says in the Quran, that 182 minutes at me in pallida of knowledge, you have been given nothing except a small amount. And we will see this over and over again that there are so many interesting aspects and questions, we'll try to answer some of them and the rest of them will simply say Allah subhana wa tada knows best and most importantly, we're going to be trying to derive lessons from the lies of the prophets. These aren't just stories, as Allah says in the Quran, mechana, Hadith anusara these aren't just stories that are fabricated,

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no, these are actual events that took place we believe there was a human being called Adam and he said that his wife Hawa and him they are the the parents the the prime modulators of all of mankind we firmly believe this and in particular with our father Adam it his Salaam, not only is his story mentioned so many times in the Quran, but there are too many lessons to be derived from it. So we will inshallah be spending a long period of time in shallow to other on our father Adam, perhaps maybe even I would say and it's a bit premature at this stage. But perhaps even I would say, we will spend more time on his story than perhaps any other Prophet, because simply because Allah xojo

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himself mentions the story of Adam and so many different facets and so many important issues pertaining to that story. So inshallah, tada, we will be dissecting that story, and the many, many tangents around this and of course, in particular with our father Adam alayhis salam quite a lot of modern issues are also raised that we need to be very frank about and at least begin the conversation I do not claim that we will answer every single you know, discussion or problem a problematic issue so for example, the theory of evolution and how do we reconcile that with our father adamant destroying the Koran and when we get there not today, but when we get there Charlotte

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to either you know, I will give you certain ideas and certain you know, people and ways that it has been done and then inshallah you leave it up to you do your own research and Allah knows best you know, how we can definitively answer some of these things, but we can try to do that and there are other questions that come to mind as well. So as I said, plenty of discussion and inshallah inshallah to other as long of a time as Allah subhanaw taala gives us So today, let's begin with some really, really basic facts, the story of Adam at his salon where I should say the name of Adam, the name of Adam occurs 25 times in the Quran, and that is actually quite a large number. Hardly any

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other prophet has been mentioned that many times of course, Mussolini Brahim come to mind as well but at the mighty his Salaam, his name occurs 25 times in the Koran, and of course it is mentioned in many, many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu it he was selling them and these are

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authentic hadith in Bukhari and Muslim and in many other books in the very first pages of the Quran, the very first name that Eliza legit mentions of any prophet in terms of

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the chronology of the Quran as we read it now Surah Baqarah. On the second or third page, Allah says, Why lemma demin Smart Aquila, the first proper name of any human being that is in the Koran as we read it, it is befitting that it is of our father Adam alayhis salaam, and our Prophet salallahu it he was seldom mentioned Hadith isn't behati and Muslim Harlock Allah who to Allah, Dharma, Allah surah T, that Allah xojo created them in his fashion. So Allah created them. So this is very explicit the Quran and Sunnah very clearly affirmed the name, damn it his Salam. So what does this name mean? What is the origin of the name, Adam? And what is the linguistic meaning of it? Well,

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quite a number of our odema posited the meaning the original meaning of the term Adam, and they felt that the term Adam is of Arabic origin, and hence they said that it should have a meaning that can be derived from the Arabic language. And it is true to state that perhaps this is the majority opinion and that one finds great aroma, such as Khalid Ibn Ahmed Al fahidi, the great linguist, one of the earliest Arabic grammarians died in the second century of the hedger very early on, he wrote one of the earliest dictionaries Kitab, Al Ain. And he mentions in this, you know, some of the theories about the origin of the name, Adam, as a judge as well, even at Forest as well, these are

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great grammarians and some of the main founders, if you like, of the discipline of Arabic linguistics back in the second and third century, and pretty much all of them are many of them. At that stage, they felt that the name on them must have an Arabic origin, and therefore it has a meaning to it. And this is also the position of many of our scholars have seen, like even God robbery, and like a bell, Huawei and others, they felt that there is a meaning to this term, Adam, but they differed amongst themselves, what is the origin of this term? So while they all agreed that it must have a meaning, and that it is somehow linked to the Arabic language, they then disagreed,

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what is the origin? What is the three letter root? And what does that three letter root quantitate? What is it what can we derive from this term? And what is the morphological structure or the surfy equivalent if you'd like the was in the Arabic term is the wasn't the morphological structure of the name? Adam. And so one group of scholars said that the word the name Adam, it comes from adeem adeem. And a de means the outer layer, and sometimes a skin, a leather skin is called adeem. And so Adam is the morphological structure or the wasn't of far either demma far either according to this term, from the term adeem and the reason why Adam comes from a Diem according to this group, and I'm

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not going to go into the details of which particular scholar said what are this is overall those are keep on saying these series are intermediate slash advanced, they're not super advanced and they're not inshallah, definitely not basic as well, inshallah, all of my series that I'm doing, and hamdulillah I am very grateful to Allah that they are a shallow tada the most advanced in the English language, but you can always go more advanced, and, you know, much more detail levels. And I don't find that to be of particular value about specifically who said which opinion about these languages about these language origins, you can look this up in the, in the classical dictionaries.

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But the point being that one group of scholars said that the name Adam, is upon the morphological structure of Allah from a deem, which means the outer layer, and they said that the reason is that Adam was created from the outer layer of the clape, or the upper layer of the dust or the topsoil of the earth. And we're going to come to the idea that mentioned this, there are a hadith that mentioned that Allah subhanho wa Taala, Cabo Cabo, that he took a fistful from the various portions of the earth, and he then fashioned Adam from that. So based upon that this group of scholars said that Adam implies that he has been taken, or he is constituted from the top layer of the soil,

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however, and again, not to get too technical. morphologically, from a sort of perspective, it does not add up and you have to do a bit of linguistic gymnastics to figure out why from adeem did they get Adam, it doesn't make full sense and it kind of breaks the rule. So it is an opinion out there. Another group of scholars said that Adam is on the morphological

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structure of a file a file not far either but a file there wasn't is a file and that the origin or the three letter word that originates Adam is a dama to hums as dama and when you have two hamsters in the Arabic language anytime this happens, the second Hamza is merged with the first and the hums a sound is dropped, this is called the seal. And so you elongate and use you make it dumb. Okay, so anytime this happens the Arabic language ever you have to hums us together, the second Hamza will become an elongated Elif, and it becomes a wahoo for example, writes in the Koran. So, they said that the original structure of of the name Adam is a file dama to hamsters dama but then to

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pronounce it to make it Adam so What does adema mean? What does this root mean? So, the or the the the the technical definition of oedema means to join together. And Dima is used to describe something that has been put together right. So a clump if you like, has been put together. So it is as if our father Adam alayhis, salam, according to this opinion was mixed up together, okay. He was mixed up together, he was mixed up from different ingredients from different parts of the soil, he was put together from watcher and from clay. He was put together from body and soul, he was put together from rationality and emotions, he was put together with, you know, elements of anger and

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elements of patients. So he is like a mixture, a cocktail mixed up. This is what edema means. This is one interpretation. So are them according to this group of linguists and move and Professor rune is the one who was made up of different constituents. That's what adema means edema. That's what it would mean. So this is why it is called Adam. This is yet another opinion. Yet another opinion, is that the word Adam or the noun Adam, the proper name, Adam, it comes from who Dima, which means a particular type of color. This is the same Ouma as the previous opinion, but the different meanings, so let's say a homonym is the same word, but it has different meanings. So it would be my can mean

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to mix up. And Obama can also mean a color in the Arabic language. And the color of odema is basically a British brownish color. Okay, it is a brown color. This is Ouma, and it is still used to this day among certain Arabic dialects and certain lands. Obviously, we're all aware that the Arabic language has over 25 active dialects right now. And each one has its own specific terminology. So the color would Obama is still used in some of these dialects in modern times, and it is used to describe a shade of brown, a shade of brown. And so this opinion goes that Adam was called Adam, because he was brownish in complexion. So it is like the quintessential human color, it's like the

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middle color between all of the human colors if you were to bring them together. So you will get the the original color if you like. And so Adam was called Adam, because of the color of his skin, and because he is the quintessential mix of all of the human colors put together, this is yet another opinion that exists as well. Now, this is the opinion of quite a lot of scholars that you know, Adam comes from this or this or this or that, however, there is another group of opinions out there. So, this is all of these opinions are presented, they are one a one B one c one D they are from one group of scholars who says the word Adam is Arabic an origin and it has a linguistic meaning derived

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from Adam from sorry, derived from the Arabic language, and therefore that linguistic meaning should have a correlation with our father Adam, something to do with him. This is a whole group of scholars, dare I say perhaps the majority, especially in early times, however, there is a second group of opinions, which is one opinion and that is that there is no derivation from Arabic to the term Adam, that the term Adam is a proper noun that has nothing to do with the Arabic language and that it is a mistake to try to read in an Arabic meaning to a name that predates the Arabic language. And that is because of course, our Father Adam was called Adam by Allah subhana wa Taala

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in Jenna, right well called Nyah Adam, Allah saying, we said Oh, Adam, and at this point in time, the language that is being spoken we're going to come to this in a while and later on as well is clearly not Arabic. It is something else. And the word Adam is found in the Old Testament and the New Testament it clearly predates the Arabic language.

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And even hedger, for example, says that the word Adam comes from a Cydia Nia now for our scholars of that era of medieval times. City Ania, or Syriac, we call it in our in English was the quintessential was the quintessential Semitic language predating Hebrew. Right. So they felt that Syriac is the the original, if you like Semitic language. And so what even hedger is basically saying is that Adam goes back to an ancient language that is Syriac in, we would now call it Syriac. And that is a position that fits with the broader notion of the word Adam not being linked to the Arabic language, but rather predating it. And by the way, I looked up very quickly as well for this

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lecture, some Hebrew references as well. And there are a number of Hebrew linguists who say that the word Adam, the name, Adam, indicates the skin color, and it means the sun of the reddish Earth, so the reddish tinge of the earth. So again, by red here, we mean, a tinge of brown or a tinge of you noticed by read, obviously, you know, you mean a skin color that is neither pale white, nor dark, but rather somewhere in the middle. And another group of Hebrew linguists said that the term dumb comes from the Hebrew term adema, which means Earth, because Adam comes from hurt. So it's as if the Hebrew scholars are also trying to link Adam to some Hebrew root. And again, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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knows best. And by the way, of course, interestingly enough, the word or the name, Adam, is one of the common universal names in many countries around the globe, because it is a name that Jews and Christians and Muslims, they all understand. So it is a name that transcends any one faith, and people name their children, Adam, from all of these faiths, civilizations, and there are many, you know, famous preachers and teachers and theologians and philosophers and you know, average people, all of them that have been called Adam. And this is one of the common names around the the globe. Now, the second opinion overall, that Adam is not linked to the Arabic language, but rather it

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predates the Arabic language. This is clearly to be to be very frank here, not just the stronger opinion, but rather the only legitimate opinion. And with our utmost respect to the esteemed ruler ma who held that Adam has somehow derived from Arabic and whatnot, we have to say, with our utmost respect, there is simply no question that that is incorrect. And, you know, we have to again, we're going to come to this point over and over again, multiple times in this in the course of our lectures, and it raises, you know, for some people, you know, awkward issues and questions, and for me, it is a reality of life, that we now know, certain things that our earliest scholars did not

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know. And the fact that we know them is not dismissive at all of their knowledge. That's what knowledge is, we I have said this two lectures ago as well, that we are standing on the shoulder of giants. And because these giants have preceded us, we can start from where they left. But because we can start from where they left, we have the opportunity to explore and to rethink, and to have a bird's eye view that they did not have the fact that we might have a bird's eye view, the fact that we are now standing on their shoulders. So we can look down and see how did the building come up and point out, maybe there were some issues here and there we can correct. The fact that we do that is

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not disrespectful to our predecessors, on the contrary, it is honoring their legacy, we would not stand where we are standing had they not preceded us, they have pushed us forward all this way. And so we can start from where they all left us off, but because we have so much more knowledge now, and because we can benefit from so many other disciplines, we do have a little bit of leeway, if you like to look back and say well, you know exactly, that may Allah bless all of our roadmaps that have come in the last 14 and a half centuries, and now we have certain aspects and knowledge that they did not have. So, let us take their knowledge, let us take the knowledge we have and let us go even

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further. And so, where is all of this leading here, you see, what we need to understand is that we now have a fairly solid grasp of the concept of languages and the evolution of languages we have a knowledge of this field of linguistics, that many, in fact, we can say that they that our earlier scholars, the knowledge of linguistics simply did not exist in pre modernity is something that only for the last 300 years, 200 years and especially this century, where so much

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much work has been done on the origin of languages and the theory of languages and how languages have formed and the interconnectedness of languages. You know, 1000 years ago, people did not know 500 years ago, 300 years ago, people did not know that all of the languages of the world are actually linked together, that, in fact, they had this notion back then. And you find this in the books of our earlier tradition, that language was something static. And so there is a question that is asked, in many books of our tradition, who was the first to formulate Arabic, right? Oh, one, lumen woba, Allah, Allah the year, right, the first person to, to to formulate the Arabic language,

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they literally conceived of language as a set of rules and a set of words that is static, that is stagnant. But that is not the case. And we now know that languages evolve, and that every single language on Earth, at one point in time was connected to the other languages. In fact, the majority of the world's languages are now extinct. Now, the number of languages that are that are that are spoken is only a fraction of the number of languages that have been spoken in human history. And language is never static, even Arabic. No one speaks the Arabic of the Quran anymore, except as we recite the Quran. As for the Arabs themselves, yes, they understand that, but even you know, modern

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fuscia, as they call it, it is not exactly the same as the first half of the classic times, and even that it is a language of the Scripture and a language of the veneration, it is not a lived language, even Arabic has moved on to you know, Egyptian, and whatnot, and all of these different manners and they are so different from one another, that anybody who learns actual or onic Arabic will not understand the soap opera in any Arab country, it has moved on so much. And this is the reality of all languages. So this notion that Adam is somehow linked to the Arabic language is an antiquated notion that we have to with all politeness, simply dismiss, as we said, there are now families of

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languages and you have clusters or bunches of languages that form a family tree and have a common origin. So for example, you know, English and French and Spanish, this is one, you know, cluster, you know, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese, Chinese, this is one cluster, Arabic and Hebrew and Aramaic. And Amharic is another cluster. And if you go back these clusters, they have a language that no longer exists, but from which all of these languages came. So for example, English, French, and Spanish and German and all of these, they come from proto indo European p, ie, proto indo European is the original language, nobody speaks p anymore, it is gone, who was spoken maybe 4000

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years ago. Now from that one language, all of these languages that we know them English and French or Spanish, the romance languages, you know, they have come and by the way, even Farsi and Sanskrit they are from p, which is why very bizarre Li overdue and English actually are distant, distant cousins, right? Very, very strange. And there's still remnants here, you know,

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upper and upper for example, right? You know, Danton to it, believe it or not the from the same thing and so many words that can, that can, even the word or doing a horde, in English horde at the hordes of armies, the word ODU comes from the same English that the horde of armies. So again, interesting of all that is attention to which wasn't intended. But anyway, although there's some benefit, and we're going to come back to this point, when we talk about languages, My point being that back to the issue of Adam in the Arabic language, the Arabic language that existed when the Quran was revealed, did not exist 500 years before the revelation of the Quran. In this world, of

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course, in the knowledge of Allah, everything exists, right. And of course, the Koran is eternal, and it existed in the knowledge of Allah from eternity. But on this earth, nobody spoke the Arabic of the Quran 500 years before the Quran was revealed much less 1000 years, much less 10s of 1000s of years whenever, you know, either Maliki Salam lived. So the notion of the word, Adam being Arabic, an origin, and we have to somehow link with Dima or adeem, or adema or Dharma to somehow, you know, figure out what Adam is, is absolutely i mean, to be polite here. It's coming out of thin air, there's not a shred of reasonable evidence to even think this because the Arabic language did not

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exist when our father Adam,

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existed, because our father Adam spoke a language that nobody speaks anymore. As I said, we have actually we can prove we know we know how pre Arabic you know used to exist and our you know, specific scholars and you know, academics out there

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To know the origins of these languages, and it goes back to it's called proto, Afro Asiatic, by the way so proto Afro Asiatic languages, is the family of languages from which Semitic and Berber and ancient Egyptian, they're all linked together, just like Sanskrit and Latin are linked together with P, so P, proto indo European, and proto, Afro Asiatic. These are the big clusters that existed maybe four or 5000 years ago. And before those, these big clusters all link up to the Mother Cluster to one language that existed before that, that is the language of our father, Adam alayhis. Salaam. And by the way, again, an interesting an interesting point over here is that modern Specialists of the

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theory of languages pretty much universally acknowledge that there must have been one language that is the common ancestor of all the languages on Earth, but they don't understand when and how that occurred. They don't understand the quote, of course, they don't believe in Adam, they don't believe in, you know, Alonzo jail, you know, gifting them the art of language. They're looking at the scientific evidence, they're looking at the linguistic evidence, they're looking at word patterns, they're looking at the origins of their various languages, they're trying to back construct the trees of languages. And pretty much universally the theory goes, that there was a mother language,

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that is the origin of all the languages, but because they believe in evolution, and they believe in, you know, the theory of evolution of you know, various life forms coming forth, they are still trying to figure out, how could the first proto human speak and what made humanity speak because no other species on Earth communicates with even a fraction of the eloquence of mankind. We'll get to this point again later on. But we are well aware. Animals communicate basic concepts. There's danger here, there's food there, they communicate. But animals don't have poetry. Animals don't record history, animals don't philosophize, no creature on this earth, and even the jinn, their language is

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a fraction of our jinn, we are the ones I lemma hold by, and we are the ones Allah says he has taught a speech that is beyond and beyond is unique to mankind. kalaam animals do have column animals can speak. Allah tells about the end, and says, Hey, so the man is going to knock you down. This is communication, there's dangerous when a man is coming, he's going to talk to you down, that's communication basic points can be communicated. But these scientists who don't believe in a God and they don't believe in our father, Adam, they are troubled, they don't know how can we understand when and where? And how did one species break away from the rest of all of this species

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of, you know, proto cro-magnon and all of these different humanoids out there and begin the theory of language? Where did that come from? And from our perspective, Subhanallah, this big mystery is solved quite explicitly in the Koran, language was not something because again, so I'm going a bit technical here, but there seems to be a huge gap or a leap, a lightyear leap between the communication skills of all species and the communication skills of Homo sapiens of human beings, there is no corollary, one would think if one believed in evolution, that you would have one species that speaks 10% of us, then another species 20%, another species 60%. And then here we are at 100%

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of our speaking faculties, there should be an evolution but there's nothing like this, there is nothing in between animal speech, which is less than 1% of what we do, and our speech is just a gap. How did that happen? What is this? You know, mystery, from our perspective, it is not a mystery at all. Rather, it is a divine gift that Allah gave to our species. If Allah had not given us this gift, that we would not have language, while I lemma, devil, smart Aquila. That is the first gift that Allah gave to us. It is Salaam, that Adam was taught a language and this is what Allah is saying that Adam who did not know how to speak, there was no language in Adam, he did not know how

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to communicate, then Allah bestowed upon him Allah blessed him with the faculty of speech while I lemma Adam as a divine gift straight from Allah to this new creation, known as human beings. And this is where language comes from, fits in perfectly with everything we know about the theory of linguistics and the origin of language. So what that language was, is clearly not Arabic, because we know for a fact that Arabic at the time of the Prophet system is itself coming off of a few 100 years of evolution of the proto Afro Asiatic languages, which itself is coming off of other languages, so on and so forth. And so Arabic is evolving. So the language that

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Father Adam spoke predates any language on earth, and it is the mother of all languages. So it is frankly, and again, I'm not trying to be ultra harsh here, it is nonsensical to pretend or to presume that the word Adam has anything to do with the Arabic language rather, it is his proper name. It is what Allah subhana wa tada named him. And maybe maybe it would have had a meaning in the language that Adam spoke. But that language is long gone, we have no records of it, we cannot reconstruct it as of yet. This is these are things that specialists love to do. There are 1000s of such linguists around the world who love to tinker with proto indo European and proto Afro Asiatic,

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but really nobody amongst them has gone beyond those that from these proto languages, what is before them, we have no written documents, we have no obviously recordings, and everything beyond that, to simply surmise we do not know. So the point being that the correct opinion without a shadow of a doubt is that Adam is a proper noun, and that it has no relation to any Arabic route whatsoever. And so it is simply not something that we pursue. And by the way, I while we're speaking about languages and everything, I might as well get another thing out of the way. And that is this notion somehow that the Arabic pronunciations of the names of the Prophets are the correct pronunciations. No, they

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are correct insofar as Arabs should say Adam as Adam, yes. But did our father Adam pronounced Adam as Adam? Did his wife Hawa use Adam the way we use it? Or was there something slightly different when a Westerner says Adam, he goes Adam, and we say, Adam, and when we say Ibrahim, and they say, Abraham, and in Aramaic it is Abraham. And the same goes for his heart and your open others. And he saw and he saw, these are all accents. And these are all pronunciations. And every single language will take these names of the Prophets and pronounce them according to their pronunciations. And when we recite the Koran, we should recite with the Arabic pronunciation because the Quran came down in

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Arabic, but let us not presume that if reciting his salam, or were in front of us, that he would pronounce his own name, as Lisa, the way we do, maybe some accent here, some slightly different here, you know, we have no clue how Abraham's father or his nephew, or even is how would have called the name Ibrahim, and the pronunciation of each letter and the intonation and the variations there, we do not know. So just again, to be precise here that these are all

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approximations in the languages that exist. And so if we speak English, we say Abraham, you know, and I say this, because sometimes when I speak, and I say, you know, you know, Isaac or Abraham, some Muslims get your kid No, his name was Ibrahim. No, actually, in Arabic, we say Ibrahim Yes, no problem, you can say that. But his actual name, the pronunciation of it is gone. We don't know actually how it was pronounced. And it is impossible, really, that it was the exact same as what you are saying. And one simple reality as well, that your pronunciation of Ibrahim is not the same as a person from any other region of the Arabic world or Eva of India or of Turkey, we all have slight

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differences even right now in the same timeframe we live right somebody in Iraq is gonna pronounce this slightly differently as somebody in Morocco and they're both speaking Arabic much less the Turkish speakers and all those speakers. So even in our times, there's slight pronunciation differences. Do you really think that during the time and blame it has said that it was exactly how a person in Jeddah says the word Ibrahim not at all So please, we should learn and be educated? And yes when we recite the Quran will recite in Arabic Tajweed and that's the way we should do it, but just understand them with the way we pronounce it is the aerobicized name, and that's the way we

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will pronounce it when we speak in Arabic. And if I were to say it in English, and I say yes, Adam, that is absolutely fine in English and Hebrew would be its own and Aramaic would be its own and these are approximations that we do have the original and all of it is good because in the end of the day, we do not have the original exact pronunciations okay. So we shall all of this is about the name and the term Adam and we went into quite a few tangents and openshot Look, you enjoy some of those tangents. Okay, let us now move on. So we talked about the name Adam and its origin and there is an origin it's a proper noun. We talked about some of the theories out there and we discussed

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very briefly the issue of languages and pronunciations. Let us now move on that. What does the Quran tell us about the

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process of the creation of Adam, and what do we know from Hadith literature that can add to that knowledge and inshallah This is going to be a part a portion of this today and we'll continue with this inshallah In our next lesson because we have too much information to summarize in only one lesson. So the Quran mentions that Adam was created from a number of different terms and in fact, the Quran has at least five terms for the origin of Adam, it has said what are the original ingredients of Adam, the Quran actually has five terms, but when you look at them very, very carefully, these five boil down to two and I'll explain why. Okay, these five terms they boil down

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to two and I'll explain why. The terms that the Quran mentions for the origins of Adam are five number one, Allah azza wa jal says water is one of the sources of Adam, Allah created Adam from water Ma and it is mentioned

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in the Quran multiple times that Allah created all the creation from water. So Allah says in Surah nor verse 45 that Allah is widget created will Lucha colada button min ma Allah created every creature from water and so little MBI verse 30 Allah says that what y'all nominal ma he couldn't lashay in Hey, we created every living creature from water. And Allah says specifically for man, well whoever the * are communal man he Bashara sort of for Converse 54 that he is the one who has created mankind from water. So Allah azza wa jal literally says Bashar mankind has been created from water from mud. And if you remember, in the Sierra lessons that I did,

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almost a decade ago Subhan Allah and the lengthy Sierra lessons, the Prophet says and obachan were on an expedition and somebody came across them, they were looking for them, and the process that wanted to hide there is his identity. When the man asked, Where are you from? What are you from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said hello min ma We are from water. And the person got confused what tribe is ma I never heard of Matt. And the process of did not intend to try he intended We are from h2o from watcher We are from watcher. So Allah azza wa jal says we are created from water that is one of our origins. So one of the ingredients in us is water and the human body as you are aware

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is 70% water, the bulk of our fluids I should say, the bulk of what we are created from is in fact, water or liquid. So this is water. The second term that the Quran uses is to rob and to log means dry dust it is the dust of the desert sand when you go to the desert and you pick up that fine sand that is to rob and Allah mentions to rob seven times in the Quran as being the origin of man seven times Allah says that he has created man from that fine dust of deep desert. So for example, Allah says his route elka have a comfortable lady holler come into Robin, did you deny the one who created you from to rob and Allah says sudo room verse 20, women Rei T, and harder and harder come in to

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Robin, some identity assurance and tissue rune and of His miracles is that he created you from to rob and lo and behold, you are mankind walking around on earth spread out everywhere, and of His miracles is that from this dry dust, here you are all of mankind. So Alize origin links our creation to the dried dust. So we have water, we have dried dust. The third ingredient that the Quran mentions is the earth or an orange By the way, speaking of languages, earth, on earth out of the and that is because the term Earth comes from the Hebrew edits, and the Hebrew edits and the English aren't are this sorry, the Arabic out of there are the same cognates And so, in the English word

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earth and the Arabic word are old, they are similar cognates because they go back as we said two languages and this is the reality of all languages is giving and take and a lot of times you find the same root origins in them. So Allah mentions in the Quran, that twice that Allah created us from Earth. So Allah says in Surah najem that will hold the unshackle mineral outwardly and he is the one who caused your origin to be from our from Earth. Okay, so Earth what is Earth? Earth is that topsoil Earth is the what you plant your seeds in that is Earth. Okay, it is the soil. It's not to rob which is dry. Earth is the odd

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Which is what you're walking on. Now, technically, anything that is on the top of the the, the land can be called Earth out of, but generally speaking when you say the term Audible, you mean that which is you know plantable okay you can arable is the technical term, you can you can you can plant things in it. So Allah says that he has created us from from Earth This is now number three. Now, number four, Allah subhana wa dementias that he has created us from plein air from plein. And in one verse Allah gives an adjective to the clean and that is clean Illa zip. Okay, what is clean, clean? Is clay clean is what the Patras use if you go to any pottery shop and you know you will find them

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spinning the wheel and they have this this malleable mix that they make that pottery from that is clean. And Allah says in the Quran that in the harder commercial ramen clean pseudo sod, I'm going to create a man from clean so our origin has been linked to clean and a police gets angry and says Anna hi Roman haluk attorney menhaden wahaca hoomin clean he addresses Allah subhana wa tada and he says I am better than Adam, You created me from now from fire and you created him from clean from clean. And Allah says in the Quran Surah sulfat. In Hakuna whom min clean in LA zip. We created them from a sticky clay from a clay that is malleable, so cleaned and large. If you put your hand in it,

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it's going to come out and it's all going to be there that is last if it sticks to you just like the potter's clay, this is logic. So now number four that Allah has linked to our creation one of the ingredients is clean. Now number five, Allah zoa just says we create to Jew from Saul Saul from Saul Saul and this occurs at least three times in the Koran Sol Sol and the term Sol Sol the term Sol Sol it means the clay that has been dried so clean the clay that is wet and Sol Sol the clay that has been dried and it is called Sol Sol because if you were to knock on it the Arabs would hear the river The reverberations of Sol Sol Sol Sol okay and again this goes this goes back to Onomatopoeia

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when the word sounds like the the when a word sounds like the name. So for example

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the term hiccup for example, hiccup Okay, it's meant to sound like a hiccup Okay, so that's what Sol Sol is for the Arabs for the Arabs Sol Sol. They heard sauce on my ears don't hear your ears don't hear because our cultures are different. In most other cultures when you say hiccup, they're not gonna think of hiccup because that's not what they're used to. But the point is Sol Sol is the echo of reverberation that would be heard when you hit solid clay. And so then the term became Sol Sol the dried clay that comes out of the oven, that is Sol Sol and Allah subhanho wa Taala use this language of Sol Sol multiple times in the Quran in surah hedger Allah says with all the ROB Booker

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in Malacca tea in the harder combat Sharon min Sol Sol in min hammer in Miss noon, that Allah said to the angels, I am creating man from Salt salt from hammer Emma Stone and hammer Emma Stone it is from Salt salt that is a hard and darkened clay that has been changed okay hammer is a dark clay must known undergone changes okay so must known means you have put it in the oven and it has undergone a transformation that is what must known means okay. And it is from the same root as soon by the way must known soon. Okay so how much it must noon in the same surah Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he believes he says that I will not prostrate to that which you created from Sol Sol that

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which you created from Sol Sol as root or man Allah subhana wa tada says that He created man haidakhan in sandemans Sol Sol and in Khalifa har. He created man from Sol Sol that is like for her. So now I'm putting all of these in number five, but rather than number five actually as a B and C you have five eight which is only Sol Sol five B Sol Solomon hammer in mazoon. Once in the Quran, and five, see Sol Sol in CalHFA har so five a BNC Sol Sol hammer is known for hard they're all linked to salsa

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We said hammer hammer is dark clay bassoon has been transformed. And the last one that Saul saw it in Kalfa har Sol Sol like for her for her is this specific clay that is used by the porters when they make their jars when they make their, their items. So for her is the Patras clay and in that case for her is actually the precursor to Sol Sol which is interesting because Allah says that He created man holla pal in Santa min Sol Sol and in Kalfa hot this is interesting salt salt is dried clay for har is the wet clay. So Allah as origin is mentioning there were stages that occurred in the creation of man and one of those stages is like the wet clay which is clean elastic we already

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talked about that the wet clay and another is the salsa which is the hardened clay. Now these are five terms used as I mentioned in the Quran. But in reality they go back to to how so in reality they go back to water and sand because the four other than water. So we talked about to rob and out and clean and Sol Sol to rob an adult and clean and Sol Sol These four are different mixtures of water and sand sand. When you have to rob there's no water. When you have just a little bit of water that is absorbed, this is an adult when you have a lot of water, this is clean and clean. And then when you dry it out and you take the water out again it becomes salt, salt. So in reality, these

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five terms go back to to water and sand, water and sand and there are different mixtures of water and sand and that's what gets you clean, it gets you out of it gets you Sol Sol and of course Rob is without any water. So this is why I said all of these terms in reality, they go back to actually two concepts and it is the concept of water and the concept of soil or sand. And we also learn this is something that our Prophet sallallahu it who was setting them told us that in a hadith and a Buddha would narrate narrated by Abu Salah surely that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah created Adam from a cabo Cabo acaba means a handful if I do ABA, this is a problem for me. Okay? And

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of course the opposite of Allah is something we do not think about. It is in a matter that Allah knows we do not think about these types of adjectives and verbs and nouns we say, Allah azza wa jal knows how we affirm that Allah does what he says he does. And we don't think about how because our minds cannot grasp it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah created Adam from Aqaba, one of them from one mixture of the hand. For us that will be again and again for Allah we do not, again, we do not know how that occurred, that he took from the entire earth. And so the children of Adam came in accordance with the colors of the earth, some of them are red, and some are

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white, and some are black, and somewhere in between. and also some are easy, and some are difficult. And also some are filthy, and some are pure. And somewhere in between those two is Heidi theism or widowed and it's a very, very beautiful Hadith. And it's also insulated by our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, hallak Allahu taala them dama Min De mille. Now, this hadith seems to indicate that Adam and adeem have some similarity, but there's no causal connection. It doesn't have to be constantly conjugation Allah the Prophet system is simply saying, Allah created other from the topsoil of the earth Haleakala with either ademma Min, a demon out from all of it, it's black, and

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it's red, and it's white, and it's soft and it's pure, and it's harsh and it's arid. So you will find all of these characteristics in the children of Adam and this is in the sunon of eBay have been also in the book of a small SUV had everybody happy. The point being our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying just like the soil is diverse, and some soil is pure white like the sands on the beach of Seychelles with the beach of you know, I went to the Maldives once my shell it's about a colon, you know what a beautiful beautiful place there. Or if you go to you know, certain resorts you know, can quote or whatever you find that white soil or the white if you like beach sand, so

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that is also the skin color of some people and then you have darker shades and you have my shade as well. And then you have darker shades and you will find people of those shades as well. So if you look at the shades of the earth, and the skin of the colors of the children of Adam, very interesting, it is correlation between those two, there is no soy

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On Earth, there is no clay on Earth, you know that is bright pink, for example, right? There is no clay on earth clay or soil that is inherently green doesn't work that way. And similarly, mankind doesn't have green unless you put a fake tattoo on the skin color is not green from by natural, I'm saying here. So interestingly our Prophet sallallahu wasallam linked the skin colors of the children of Adam with the colors of soil on the top of the earth, the colors of the sand across the globe. And he said, Allah created Adam from all of these different colors, as well. He mentioned that not just colors, but textures. He said some of the soil is soft, and some is hard. So to some people,

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they are soft, and some people are hard. Some people they can plant ideas and and be fruitful and others No matter how much you try to teach them they will never learn. Some people are easy going and others are arrogant, just like the soil. If you walk on it, it'll leave a mark easy going, I know there's you walk on it, you beat it, and in that nothing's going to happen. So to the people that are like this, and then as well, our Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, some our pure are pure, some of the soil is pure, and some is filthy, and some is in between. So two, he said are the children of Adam, some are pure, and some are filthy, and somewhere in between. So the point being

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in this hadith or these Hadith, there is a direct correlation between the soil of the earth, the diversity of the soil, the differences of the textures, the differences of the colors, and between the diversity of men and our processes and made a direct correlation between that and by the way, the word must noon we're going to come back to this point, it clearly indicates a series of stages were evolved. And that's we're going to talk about inshallah Tada. In our next lesson, we've come to the conclusion of today's episode and lecture insha Allah tala. We will continue next week, but in lightoller until then, saramonic more likely to lie he will catch

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