Yasir Qadhi – The Stories of The Prophets #07 – The Specialities of the Prophets

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the Prophet's sleep, sleep, and the importance of protecting from actions and events that can cause chaos. They stress the need for individuals to not forget the message and the importance of protecting from actions and events that can cause chaos. The speakers also discuss the controversial position of the supposedly "helpful" message and the need for individuals to not forget it. They stress the importance of protecting from actions and events that can cause chaos, and provide examples of people losing their temper and losing their minds.
AI: Transcript ©
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humulus shavon Raji

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Bismillah lungu Rafi

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call them

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While the early he was so happy he woman while I'm about Welcome back to our series after our Ramadan break hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah we are in the month of Shawwal which is corresponding to May of 2021. For those of you that are going to be watching, You shall love it and I tried it many, many years down the line, we have just taken around five or six week break for the month of Ramadan. And now we are returning to our series on the lives of the prophets and we're still doing our introductory session. So inshallah before we dive into prophet after Prophet, we have to talk holistically about the

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concept of the prophets and the roles and the responsibilities in our previous lecture before Ramadan. The last thing that we had discussed are what is called an Arabic Casa is su MBR. The speciality of the prophet SAW that there are certain things that the prophets are blessed with certain privileges that they're given that the rest of us are not given. And of course, obviously we would expect that because that's what makes them prophets that Allah azza wa jal has conferred upon them certain privileges and certain responsibilities and certain tasks and chores that the rest of us do not have. And we had begun this topic. So we're going to continue today on insha. Allah next

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week will also be a very, very interesting and somewhat even controversial one, as you will see inshallah, as we're going today. So let us continue from where we left off. And I'm assuming that you know, you have listened to the previous lectures. So let's continue on the list. The next point that we have, is the fact that the profits are perpetually aware that their sleep is not like our sleep. So when they go to sleep, their sleep is a different category than our sleep there, they are still connected somehow, and they are aware in a way that we don't quite understand and of course, we will never understand. It is reported that our mother is Chateau de la who asked the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that almost syndrome Allah, do you sleep before you pray the winter prayer, and the width of prayer he here means the night prayer or the tahajjud we call it do you sleep before you pray the witr prayer, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a year 10 Imani, what are you now more Colby? My eyes go to sleep but my heart does not go to sleep. My eyes go to sleep, but my heart does not go to sleep. And in the other famous report inside Bahati as well, that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was taken on the night journey of a dystopian Mirage that two angels came to him, and they were speaking and the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam the Hadith says that now imagine it now, that whenever you sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now imagine it now what are you now mukalla boohoo the prophets of the law have already said in his eyes were asleep, but his heart was not asleep, unnecessarily, Malik said, What karateka and be up to now you know whom What are xr mukuru boom, this is how the profits are, their eyes go to sleep, and their hearts do not go to sleep. Now, this therefore indicates that the sleep of the profits is a different type of sleep that they of course, sleep and of course, we know that they go to sleep because we know this because the the the fact that the profitsystem went to sleep is

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something that is reported numerous times his wife told us this. And it is mentioned as well that

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once I show the Allah who I know was waking him up for failure as well. And she said that after that he would pray 200 sometimes he would lie down, and I would hear the heavy breathing of the one who is sleeping. So that heavy breathing that comes when you are sleeping, our mother I sure would hear it. And of course we have the very famous example that our Prophet sallallahu I sent him on the expedition, the famous expedition that they were returning back and they It was very late at night and they were very tired. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to be loud, that will you stay awake and wake us up for failure and he volunteered to do so. And they all went to sleep and then

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also went to sleep. He couldn't help himself. He went to sleep. And then next thing you know the sun was shining and everybody was asleep. They were so tired. And our profitsystem said Obama didn't worry he was supposed to wake us up.

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And he said, you're sort of like the one who took your soul also took my soul because I couldn't help it. I tried and I wasn't, I wasn't able to. So this shows that he is asleep. And he went to sleep. And of course, this is the only time in the entire life of the Prophet system. As far as we're aware, the only time that accidentally Phaedra was overslept, and this shows us that he is a human being. Now what this also shows us that the sleep that the profitsystem said, My eyes go to sleep, but my heart doesn't. It does not mean that he is awake, because he literally said my eyes go to sleep. And then the verse the narration of his eyes went to sleep. And in this incident of

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solitary surgery being overslept, there was oversleeping. And obviously, it was not as if there was full awareness of the surroundings. So we say that the Prophet's sleep is a different type of sleep, that they are still somehow aware, not the way that they would be when they're awake or else they wouldn't go to sleep, but still their awareness and their perception is more than it is when they when we go to sleep. And this is something that is of the speciality is of the profits. Their sleep is a different type of sleep. We also know as well that they do not have the types of evil visions and nightmares and the types of dreams that are vulgar in nature that the rest of mankind sometimes

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is undertaken with. That does not happen to the prophets, the prophets. They do not have terror nightmares, they don't have vulgarities in their dreams, and all of their dreams are from Allah subhana wa Tada. So this is another speciality that they have that when they go to sleep, somehow they are still connected with Allah and everything they see in their sleep without exception, everything they see it is directly from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Another speciality of the prophets is that they do have some awareness around them, even when their eyes are focused in one direction, they are still aware of the things around them, not the same way that we see with our eyes. But

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still there is an awareness that Allah has blessed them with a perception that is beyond the perception of the normal eyes. And this is something that he himself told the Sahaba as is mentioned in the Hadith so heavily that he said for Allah He ma Allah Yahushua Rocco, Rocco come in Neela araku minhwa eva Hurry, I swear by Allah, your who Sure. In Salah, your humility, and your attention in salah and your record, it is not hidden from me for I can see you from behind my back. I can see you I know how you are. So he's basically telling them pray properly, because I am monitoring you. So he's telling them I'm monitoring you. And that monitoring is not something any one of us could

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do. We could not monitor when we are facing the Tabler. We're monitoring the people behind us yet our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was able to do that, and this is of the speciality of the profits. Another we should call it not necessarily speciality here, but a task or responsibility of the profits. Or a Mahima, if you like is that they are tested more than anyone else. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tests every single prophet in ways that we cannot even imagine. And the reason for this is to obviously raise their ranks, and to demonstrate their patience, and to make sure that they maintain their sincerity. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I should do nasib Tila

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and ambia Oh, somebody I'm 30 for those who are tested the most are the profits, and then those that are most like them, and then those that are most likely them. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very sick once and this was towards the end of his life. And his wives, our mothers were shocked at how hot he was and how much sweat and the fever had reached heights that they could not even understand. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that we are those whose Bella whose testing is increased and therefore our agility is also increased. So he said, We are tested more than others, our fevers are not like your fevers. Our pain is not like your pain, our suffering is

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not like your suffering, we have a different trials and tests that are put upon us and therefore our rewards are the highest as well. And therefore we have to understand and realize that the prophets because they are who they are, Allah subhana wa tada does not treat them in a in a manner that is actually if you like lifting from them the pressures of this world On the contrary, he places on them pressures that we cannot even imagine. And the reason he does so is to raise their ranks and to increase their reward and to make them on

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be honored and deserving of whatever Allah has promised them in the next life. So this is something that as well, that is unique to the prophets. Another thing that is unique to the Prophet This is a very interesting one is that the prophets of Allah are the only category of people who are asked by the angel of death if they are ready to die or not. It is only done to the prophets. Even the most righteous human being even Abu Bakar is so different the last one and I'm gonna go photogra, the last one and the rest of the Sahaba they do not have this privilege. No human being has this privilege that when the Angel of Death comes, the Angel of Death asks, Can I shake your soul? Are

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you ready? No category, except for the prophets of Allah. The prophets of Allah are so high in their rank, that the angel of death will first ask permission. And when the permission is granted, then the Angel of Death takes the soul. And of course, the default is that the prophets accept and they agree for their soul to be safe taken. And this is of course, once again, how do we know this? Because our prophets of the law Why do you send them said this to the Sahaba when he was alive, and then our mother I should have the Allahu Juana heard the expression of allowing the Angel of Death to come at the very end of his life at the time of his death. So we know this both from his

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informing us and then the actualization of that information at the end of his life. And as for the Hadeeth of informing us we have it in a number of authentic works, including cyber hottie that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mommy newbie and young build Illa, hooey rabina dunya will ask that whenever the Prophet profits fall sick in their sickness of death, they are chosen, they are asked to choose I should say, Excuse me, they are asked to choose between this world and the next world. they're asked to choose if they want to stay or if they wish to go. And when our profits a little off while he was selling them was lying in the lap of our mother Arusha, and his fever had

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reached an all time high. And he had given his final advice. The last words that I share heard him utter is for fear, Allah This is the last thing that he said I want to be in the company of the highest of all of the creations amongst the elite angels close to Allah subhana wa tada filled or fealty either in the company of the highest this is the expression that I should not be allowed or heard. And after he said this, then his soul left his body. So this is now Julian had come to him and Jubilee is asking him Do you want to stay or do you want to go and the profitsystem said, I want to be up there. And so when he said this, then gibreel took his soul and we also have the very

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interesting narration that we will come to inshallah tada when we get to the story of Musashi Salaam.

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That the famous incident which was also reported in body, that when the angel of death came to Moosa, Moosa did not recognize him. And when the Angel of Death basically says, I'm here to take your soul, I'm here to you know, cause you to die. You know, Moosa basically punched him and he got so angry, like he didn't recognize him, like who are you, he just hit him punched him. And the angel of death went back complaining to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then a lot as we just spoke to most up and then Moosa recognizes the angel of death. And so the angel of death came, and he returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So all of these incidents clearly indicate that the prophets are asked

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between life and death, and all of them choose death. Obviously not no prophet, you know, wants to even remain once that choice is given, because they know what is being expected of them, and what is awaiting them. They know their rewards in the hereafter. And so they choose those rewards over the life of this world. Now, these are some of the main speciality teas and tasks of the prophets. We've done them for the last two, three weeks, the tasks, the responsibilities, the roles, and the speciality is now for the remainder of today's lecture. And also, most importantly, next, because today even is going to be introduction to the topic, it is going to be one of the most

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contentious issues. And also unfortunately, it's not, you know, it doesn't need to be the case. But in sometimes it happens. It also becomes somewhat of a controversial and emotional issue. And it should not be the case at all. And these are a series of classes that my standard has always been, I say high intermediate, it's not liking very advanced. It's not you know, very basic, even middle, most of the series that I do from the syrup, you know, to the previous series I've done about the size of Day of Judgment, and the bozak and the heaven and * and how and the interim periods, all of this I would say it is fair

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really advanced. It's not obviously you cannot really do the most advanced for this series of lectures. But it is not basic, it is not even intermediate. It is between intermediate and very advanced. So this topic is well that I'm doing, which is the lives of the prophets, it is the similar standard. And because of my standard that I have chosen, I cannot gloss over this topic, despite the fact that unfortunately, some people do become very, very emotionally charged over this issue. And they do not allow the text to speak for themselves. Rather, they have a preconceived notion. And so they they battle with the clear incidence in the Koran and sooner that go against

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that notion, what am I talking about? What is all of this, you know, skirting around the issue, the issue is over the infallibility of the prophets, okay. In Arabic, we called it tourismo, to ambia, risk material ambia. And this is actually out of all of the topics that we're doing. This is actually the most contentious that scholars from the past, in fact, various theological schizont of Islam have taken positions. And then even within those systems and groups, there are various positions as well. So Sunni Islam has taken a position Shiri Islam, the shear group has taken the more intensity group that evolved the group, they have taken a generic position. And then even

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within this, they have so even soon, ism is not united, and you have multiple, you know, strands, and you have scholars that are very passionate and emotional, sometimes and whatnot. And my purpose and job here is to introduce you to the opinions and the controversies and the evidences, and then to present to you what I believe, and then leave it up to you in the end of the day, you know, nobody's forcing anyone to do anything, it is really an opinion that I will advocate for, and it is also the position of many, many, many hours per se, this is the majority position that I advocate for. However, in the minds of most people, this position is not something that they have ever heard,

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and they find it something that is strange to them. Nonetheless, the evidence is speak for themselves. So today we will begin this topic and the topic is the infallibility of the prophets. How infallible are they? You know, can they make mistakes? Can they get angry? Can they forget? Can they

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commit a sin? Small sin major sin? Can they do something even more than this? Is it possible for a prophet before he becomes a prophet to do something that is not even Islamic that is against it against you know, submission to Allah? These are the questions that this topic of Esma deals with. So today, we're going to begin by defining isma and then talking about what pretty much everybody has agreed upon. So today we're going to begin with the agreed upon stuff and then next lesson inshallah we'll we'll get to what is controversial. So today is not controversial, don't worry today is just making sure everybody's on the same wavelength. We know what pretty much everybody that is

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mainstream Muslim, we're not cared we're not concerned with one or two fingers that might belong to the philosophical strands or the extreme heretical groups or whatnot. We're not interested in that basically, the bulk of the oma and that is, you know, mainstream you know, soon ism and even non Sunni strand. So, today's topic is basically anybody who prays to Allah five times a day, anybody who fasts the month of Ramadan and believes in the Quran, that what we're talking about today is basically agreed upon, by and large, there's one or two small things that we're going to come to but the bulk of it is agreed upon. Now, what does isma mean? Esma is to be protected by Allah subhanho

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wa Taala, as Allah says, In the Quran, linguistically, that the son of noise said, so are we Elijah linea Simoni minalima. I'm going to climb up a mountain, the mountain Yah, Simoni Esma will protect me from the water. And in so the use of that, the wife of z says, well, Ecuador, what to whom I never see he first stout some I attempted to seduce him, but he protected himself a stout some. So it's smart to protect oneself. And there's a notion here when we talk about there is some of the prophets, Allah is protecting the prophets. So in other words, the prophets without any doubt, have a type of Esma the controversy is what type that's really what it is. All groups say the prophets

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have a type of Esma the controversy comes to what level to what degree you know, how much are they protected. And today, as we said, we're going to discuss what they have agreed upon what all of the mainstream movements of Islam and especially Sunni Islam has agreed upon without any two opinions about the issue is that the prophets are protected divinely from by Allah subhana wa tada from corrupting the message they cannot corrupt the message that the message that Allah sends

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them, they are protected in their ability to carry the revelation. And they are protected from ever doing something to tamper with the revelation. They are protected from ever attempting to hide or attempt to to conceal. They are protected in conveying the revelation as is without tampering without changing without altering. They are protected from permanently forgetting about the revelation as if it never, it never happened. And they are protected from concealing the revelation, they do not conceal the revelation. If Allah has revealed something, they will tell it to the people as it was given to them, they will not lie against Allah subhanho wa Taala they will not deceive the

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people about what Allah has told them, they will not hide it, that they are protected from permanently forgetting about it. This is something that there is absolutely no controversy over no prophet of Allah could ever claim that something is from Allah when it is not from Allah, that would be the height of Cofer, and it is impossible that the prophets can do this and there is no controversy over this position whatsoever. And there are many, many verses of those verses is that Allah subhana wa tada says, Allah who yes Luffy middle Malacca, Toulouse, Sudan, wamena nurse that Allah subhana wa tada chooses from, from the angels, he chooses prophets and he chooses from human

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beings, messengers as well. So the fact that Allah subhana wa tada chooses, from both the prophets, at from the angels and from mankind, certain prophets, it shows that Allah's choice to them, they are raised up that they have a privilege and a rank that others do not have. And Allah xojo says in the Quran, yamasa in this stuff a toukiden nursey very sad it will be kalami that omo Sir, I have chosen you above everybody else with my message and with my speech to you for who took so take what I have given you notice this point, take what I have given you so the prophets are protected by Allah subhanho wa Taala in being able to carry the revelation in being able to get the revelation

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that Allah has chosen them, and they are qualified to carry that revelation and the prophets of Allah only speak what Allah wants them to speak as Allah says in Surah nejm where my young took wind in our in Hua Illa What do you have that they do not speak from their own desires, rather, it is a revelation given to them and they are as we said, protected in conveying the message certain by the verse 67 is a key verse here my the 67 Yeah, you are Rasool Allah is speaking in the singular to our nebby all profit or school, bell lil Maroon z de la cama rahbek convey but as what Allah has sent to you convey it to mankind, what in them defiled from below Teresa letter who if you do not convey

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what Allah has chosen given to you, you have failed you have not done your job in conveying the message from Allah, this is very explicit Belial Martin zelenka rhombic you have to convey so the prophets are protected when they conveyed the message that message is the message of Allah they do not tamper with it they do not change it they do not distort it, they do not cut it off, they receive it and they send or they sell it tell it to us as it was received in spiritual health. Verses 44 onwards, Allah subhana wa tada threatens any profit and even our profits as in another thread here is not meant for him. It's meant for us or it's meant for the Cornish we should say it's

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meant for those who reject Islam, that there is a threat here. What would happen if a prophet were to our usabilla ascribe something to a lot that what otaku Alina Baba aka we, if he were to say that if any of the Prophet system were to ascribe any statements to us, and falsely attribute them to us, if you were to say something and then say Oh, Allah told me to say it, and Allah did not tell him to say it. There are further now I mean, who Billy Ameen. thermocline I mean, Hoon watin we would hold him by his right hand and cut off his arteries and jugular vein when I'm in camino, Helena and who hydrazine and none of you could protect him against us. Now, this is a very, very graphic verse. Why

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Allah wants to underscore here that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu it he was sending them can never speak from his own

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It must be from Allah subhanho wa Taala. What he says is from Allah it is from Allah and were he to theoretically hypothetically ascribe something that is not from Allah, the divine punishment would come instantaneously in front of all of us to see. And Allah azza wa jal also says it is not possible this is a sort of either embrun verse 79, one qcon mcenany Basha in annuity a hula hula Kitab Well, hoekman wonderboom water from Maya holiness eukanuba journeymen Daniela, it is not possible that a prophet prophet is chosen by Allah and Allah gives him the book and Allah gives him wisdom and judgment and Allah makes him an abbey and then he says, Oh, don't worship Allah worship

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me instead of Allah. Now, of course, the context here is Jesus Christ. The context here is Jesus Christ, but the evidence for this I mean, the, we can extrapolate from this, the prophets cannot change the message Maracana, the Basha, and it is not possible for a human being that Allah chooses this human blesses him with the book blesses him with power and wisdom blesses him with Prophethood and then he changes the message and he says, Oh, don't worship Allah worship me instead of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. This is not something that any prophet can do so they are protected and conveying the message. They're also protected from permanently forgetting the message, unless Allah wants them

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to forget it that they cannot forget the message accidentally, permanently. They they can forget it if Allah wants them to forget it. And this is explicit in the Quran as well. In surah, Al Baqarah, man and sakmann are yet in our noon. See, ha, that's my nan suchman Alya tiene el noon. See how not to be afraid in Minho, mystery ha we never abrogate a verse or cause a verse to be forgotten Oh noon see her except that we bring something better than it. So we cause the verse to be forgotten. We cause the verse to be forgotten. It is possible that Allah subhana wa Taala wants to

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abrogate the verse and it is done by causing the verse to simply be forgotten. It is not an accidental slip up. Allah has promised that the prophets will not forget accidentally, permanently, they might forget, like humans forget but just like forgetfulness that happens, but they're not gonna forget permanently. And this is something that again, is explicit in the Koran, that sort of Okayama Allah subhana wa tada says, law to Henrik B Healy sonica Lita jollibee, he in Alena jamaah por favor Khurana, who Butterbeer Khurana some in Elena bayana, that it's so happened, the very beginning of the revelation.

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When the when the angel Jubilee would come to the Prophet salallahu it who was selling them, and so happened that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would panic, and he would want to make sure he doesn't forget. So as soon as GB would recite something, you know, yeah, even resemble O'Malley de la calida. The profitsystem before jabril would finish he was a young was me I was me That was him, he will start reciting repeating so that he's making sure that I'm not gonna forget. So Allah revealed and this is the third or fourth revelation, the earliest of revelation sootel kiama. Allah revealed that to Henrik be Hedy sonica, don't, you don't have to hasten your tongue? Lita jollibee, so that

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you quickly try to memorize it, don't worry, it is our job, to gather it, and to recite it to you. So when we recite it to you, then you pay attention. And after this, he stopped repeating, while Jubilee was was reciting. And once you read would leave, he will be able to recite without any problem. So the prophets have an Esma a protection that when the revelation comes their memories, take that revelation, and they then recite it as it was revealed unto them. And

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the, the, it is also possible, however, that the prophets might forget the way that humans forget for a period of time, but not a permanent forgetfulness, and this is authentically narrated that in Sahaja, we learn that and I should narrate this I Bahasa Muslim, that a person was reciting the Quran in the masjid, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by and he said, may Allah have mercy on him, may Allah bless him. He reminded me in this recitation of such and such a verse that is found in such and such a surah even Hatcher comments on this, and he says, it is possible that a memory lapse occurs after he has conveyed the message meaning perfectly, it is impossible for

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the memory lapse to occur before the conveying of the message.

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With the condition that he is reminded, and the memory lapse does not continue and quote, so even hydro says, it is possible that the profits are profits or the loss while he was selling them might not remember a verse when somebody recites that he goes, Oh, like hitting this head, like, Oh, this person reminded me of such and such a verse, right? But it's not as if it's gone from his memory. No, that's impossible. It's simply that Oh, I remember I recall this verse. And this is something that happens to all of us. I mean, so many of the falls, you know, and I am a half of those. Well, and this is a feeling that we all know like, you know, sometimes we read the verse Oh, I suppose as

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if the first time we're hearing it in a different way for the first time. So it's not as if it is forgotten, you know, from the memory that's not possible for the prophets to forget from memory unless Allah wants to abrogate Sunoco, aka Fela tensor, Illa Masha, Allah turritella either, we will cause you to recite, so you're not going to forget. But if Allah wills you shall forget Illa Masha Allah, if Allah wills you shall forget. So the forgetting of a verse permanently is not possible for the prophets, unless Allah wants to abrogate the verse, in which case, the verse might actually be lifted up. And this is actually narrated in a hadith insert into this, that a Sahabi was reciting a

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sutra and he stumbled he couldn't remember the verse and the next day he met another so heavy in the same issue happen of that verse. And they both came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the prophets Assam said Allah lifted up that verse last night, Allah azza wa jal lifted up that verse and this is the concept of abrogation or ness which is well known amongst the students of knowledge and it deals with one of the topics of the original Quran now is not the time to discuss it. But there is something called abrogation and this is in the Koran balance, document it and so no Carioca tansa la Ma sha, Allah. So this is explicit, but we are saying that the forgetfulness that

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occurs permanently is from Allah, and that's explicit, and it is possible anything other than this is a one time lapse and they are reminded and they go on in this manner, also, of the things that the prophets are protected from is gets mounted, which is to conceal the knowledge that the prophets of Allah never conceal. And we learned this from many verses and incidents, and of them is the famous verse of certain

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that and I went over this in my cereal, you can go listen to this over there, which is the issue of the divorce of Zainab rhodiola, who is from Zaid and then the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to Xena I discussed this in my sera lecture so many years ago, you listen to that. And there is a verse in the Koran Sunita has up that Allah says what dosha NASA will law who helped and Dasha that you had a trepidation or fear of the people and it is more befitting that you fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. Our mother, Aisha said Hadith is in body, our mother Aisha said, if our Prophet salallahu it he was sending him word to have hidden anything from the revelation, he would

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have hidden this particular verse. If our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were to have hidden anything from the revelation, he would have hidden this verse, but he didn't hide it, which shows us what what that he hid nothing from the revelation. Now, one of the footnotes here, we can just put it as a footnote and leave it on words is that one of the incidents in the studio that has caused some back and forth and

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some discussion and I have an entire lesson or episode about this many, many, many years ago, is the issue of the famous pistol to Iran, Iraq, or the flying cranes with the pelicans, the story of the pelicans? And how does one understand this in light of the concept of Esma. And I want to over you know, two or three different positions or opinions out there, and whichever position was taken, each have their own mo who held that position, they still defended the concept of Esma without any problem, including even taymiyah, who has a position that is a minority position on the story you can listen to the lecture is not the time to go down that avenue here. But even even taymiyah, who

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had a minority position on the story of the pelicans, that he himself said, this does not taint the concept of Esma because the Prophet salallahu it he was setting them corrected himself according to Ibn taymiyyah that he corrected what was said, and the perpetuation of a mistake was not allowed, so it was divinely protected. This is an opinion. The other opinion, as I mentioned in the series of lectures on the Sierra is that this incident simply did not occur and there's never any issue with the vs of the Flying cranes or the Pelican

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You can listen to the story. Again, this is not the time I have a whole day, I'm not trying to hide anything as stuff for the law. I have an entire lecture. But this is not the time or else I'm going to confuse you about this issue. All I'm trying to say is that whichever position the groups of scholars took about this incident in the Sierra, they all defended the concept of Esma. But again, the issue comes to what level of risk to what level of protection, and no doubt and this is something that we have to say, frankly, that even taymiyah had a different understanding of isma, even as he affirmed it, then many of the other scholars whose var for Esma was a little bit higher,

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let us say, and had been Tamia said, even if a mistake occurred, and there was a an accidental hearing from the kurush that wasn't supposed to be heard, that it was corrected. And the fact that it was corrected is what Reshma is proven by that it was not perpetuated and he says this multiple times that this Demerol a little hotter to maintain the mistake would have gone against the SMA. So the point is that the concept of SMA is affirmed it's the finer details of how we define that SMA is where this controversy back and forth occurs. Now, one other thing before we conclude for today, so today we talked about that which is universally agreed. There's let's say quickly two other things

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that we'll continue to follow next week that the main controversy that occurs is over the concept of sins that can the prophets commit sins are not okay and if so, then what type of sins are they protected from? So how do we explain that our father Adam ate from the tree when Allah explicitly said do not eat from the tree Okay, how do we explain other incidents as well? universally his solemn and his actions are you know, and other actions that we will come to how do we explain these types of things, and the the Quranic verse, Lille fit, Allahu la cama de Adam, and then they come out, that Allah will forgive your sins, the past and the present. So what does this concept mean?

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And this is where we will inshallah discuss, and this is where the controversies are that we have, I mean, I'm not going to go over them, we literally have nine or 10 opinions in Islamic history about this whole controversy, and we're not going to go run them because there's no need to go to that technical detail. We'll just go over the main two or three opinions and then inshallah, we will conclude over there. One final point. I'll give you some examples about this next time in sha Allah, that one thing that all scholars and trends agree upon, generically, and then they might differ in the finer details is that the prophets are human beings and therefore, when they display the

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emotions of human beings that has nothing to do with a lack of so that it doesn't more their perfection, if they get hungry, or if they get tired, or if they bleed when they are wounded. This is something that is a part of their humanity. And so when more Sally has said, um, is not patient and Heather says to him in the calendar stottlemeyer, Sabra, you're not going to be patient with me. This doesn't contradict against Esma when Ibrahim Ali has set up the angels come to visit him. And when he realizes These aren't human beings, Allah says in the Quran, what oh GSM in whom leafa that terror entered his heart like what are these entities? What is this are you going to attack or hurt

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me natural fear? So this natural fear is not a problem, it doesn't go against humanity, or sorry, it doesn't go against profit it I should say, Musa alayhis salam, that he gets angry, so angry that he throws the tablets down, when he sees his people doing what they are doing and so, and why he threw the tablets down. So the shows that he got angry and he lost control of his, you know, what he was supposed to do. And the, the Angel of Death coming to Moosa and Moosa not recognizing the angel and hitting him right, or to be frustrated, or exasperated, when things you know, are not going according to plan. It's natural to be frustrated. So and again, there are many incidents in in our

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car that I did, many, many incidents. And once in the Battle of to book for example, the profits that were out of water, they were very thirsty, and the profitsystem sent to people to find a well, and he said to them explicitly, if you find water, do not drink until I get there, because he wanted to bless and he wanted to make sure everybody else got the water. If he went there first you would have made do I would have put a spit in it, and it would have been a miracle. And so the guides went and they saw the water and they lost track of what they should have done and they drank from the water. By the time the profitsystem arrived. He asked them Did you drink? And they sheepishly

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replied Yasuda we drank from the water. So the narration you know, is rather harsh. I mean, he has the right to be exasperated and irritated. And so verbally he gave them what they deserved. He would they would they were explicitly commanded. And because of their you know, hastiness and lack of patience, everybody suffered

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As a result of that, so they deserved a verbal thrashing and they got that verbal thrashing it's not against the smell of the profits if that if that happens, I'm forgetting that which is natural and normal to forget of the issues of this world. You know, it happens to the best of us and the profits are nor our our human beings so in the famous incident of praying so a lot of

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praying a lot to her that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed a lot to do her tour a guy once he prays a lot to her to the guy once and when the people when the people saw him and he said Salaam after to Raka so they said O Messenger of Allah did the field change the new new Shetty outcome? It did Allah make lower tube and he said, No, it is not been changed. So then one of them said the arrow solo you forgot, you forgot that you pray two instead of four. And so he asked the people that I pray to and they said yes, you have prayed to so then when they told him this, then he stood up and he prayed two more. And then he said, I am a human like you I forget like you forget.

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So if somebody makes a mistake, then correct him. So he forgot that he thought he had prayed for and he prayed to Raka so all of this does not go against the risks of the Gambia, as Allah says in the Quran, that in Surah four on that one Marisa Metallica, middlemore sarina in the in the home layer Karuna, tamo Yamuna. Phyllis work, every prophet before you they ate food and they walked in the streets and bazaars. And Allah says in accordance with Ebrahim or at the homebrew pseudo home in nano elaborate Rami Slocum. The Prophet said, we are humans like you were Bashar like you. So to be hungry, to be tired to be thirsty, to get frustrated, to lose one's temper in a normal manner in a

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decent manner to lash out verbally in a manner that is still worthy and dignified, to be angry when is deserving to be angry. All of this is not anything that goes against their SMA. They are human beings in the end of the day, and they bleed like we believe our prophets have some blood in the Bible of water inside his body was blood, it was blood like our blood, he is a human being he eats food, like we eat food all of this does has nothing to do with the Esma and so inshallah with this, we will pause over here and inshallah continue. Next week, we're still going to talk about the concept of eczema and get into some of the controversial areas where you know, can the prophets

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commit mistakes, or are they called sins or are they major, major sins or the minor sins? That's where we have a bit of an emotional and back and forth and inshallah I'll give you the opinion. I'll conclude my conclusion, and it is up to you whichever one you wish to follow. Until then jack mulherin was still on while he was while he will catch

00:43:01 --> 00:43:01

Shangri La.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:04

He can't

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