Yasir Qadhi – The Parables of The Quran #08 – Surah Baqarah 266 – Insincerity & The Destroyed Garden

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes various parables and their meaning related to Islam. Examples include a woman giving money for a garden to show off her garden, a man promised to give money to his children, and shava-ish, where it is revealed that shava-ish is a promise rather than a means to achieve wealth or fame. The importance of giving in return for one's own happiness is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hi I'm

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Nina Shay. banyo lungeing Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim

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smilla al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Ali he was a woman while I'm about so yesterday the parable was about those who give for the sake of a law if the law amaravati law What does wait a minute footsy him they have Mashallah Tabata Kala agenda at a very good plateau that is giving double its income. Today Allah subhanho wa Taala we're gonna we're gonna move on Allah azza wa jal mentions the flip opposite. And once again, all of these parables back and forth back and forth for parables, two of them about the righteous people who give for the sake of Allah, and two of them about the unrighteous people, two of them that are giving not for the sake of Allah, but for

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the sake of showing off. So now we get to the final of those parables. And remember, the other parable about the one who gives for showing off was like a rock that has a thin layer. It's an illusion that it is fertile, but in reality is a hard rock. Now, today's powerful verse 266, Allah subhana wa tada says, Yo, what do I have to come? And takuna lagenda to Mina healing, what would you like to be the person Allah is asking a rhetorical question he gives an example, he lays out the scenario. And he says, Would you like to be this person, which person, a person who has a beautiful garden that has no heel, and now here is of course dates. Now there's of course grapes. So the two

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most prized fruits, the two most precious, the most expensive, everybody wants them dates and grapes, and daydreamin tatian and how the water is coming. He doesn't have to irrigate, there's no need for rain, there's natural water coming in. Right. And there are other thammarat as well. lofi have been Cooley some a lot. It's not just dates. And it's not just grapes, he has other fruits as well. So Allah is saying he has the prime garden, multiple variety, he doesn't have to lift a finger, it is the best you can imagine. On top of this, he is elderly, and he has young children. In other words, he's not young so that if anything were to happen, he can start from scratch again,

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he's leaving this world and he's about to die. And he needs to leave this legacy for the next generation. And his children are not at their prime such that they can start from scratch. No his children wonder whose return. In other words, Allah says it is the ideal land and the ideal garden. And he himself is the one that he is leaving this world and he needs to leave a legacy he needs to because his children don't have anything else. Now what's going to happen fall Slava aerosol, don't freaking out on fat off. But in an aerosol, aerosol, what contains like a tornado, it's a strong wind that swirls round and round. Not only is it a tornado, but within it, there's also going to be

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fires, so it completely destroys the garden. Now, what is the parable? What is the symbolism being given here? Allah subhana wa tada is telling us, the one who gives money for the sake of showing off. People think he has a beautiful garden. People think they're jealous, oh, wow, this person is somebody that has this beautiful garden. But in reality, when he most needs the garden, ie in this case, he's an elderly man, his children are are still young, ie on the day of judgment when he needs his job, on the day of judgment, when he needs to cash in on the investments for the sake of Allah. When he most needs the return on his investments, what happens? It becomes completely obliterated in

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front of his eyes, and nothing is left. So when he needs it the most in front of his eyes, it is obliterated. Why? Because he did not do it for the sake of Allah subhana wa Taala. So Allah saying, Would you like to be that man, that he thinks he has the prime he's given 1000s of dollars 10s of 1000s. And the people are impressed as well. But he didn't do it for the sake of Allah. He did it for the sake of the people. He did it for Ria, he did it for people to see and to praise him and then on the Day of Judgment, he will come walk by them now. I'm Illumina Hamelin, for Jana Hubba. And man for all that they sent forward, we are going to cause it to disintegrate into dust. This is

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what Allah tells us if you didn't do it for the sake of Allah than it is of no value whatsoever. So this is a powerful parable that underscores the importance of giving for the sake of Allah and not giving for the sake of showing off

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And it and it causes us to understand that when our intentions are polluted when we don't do it properly, then the deed might appear good to other people. People will be jealous of such a garden that is situated in this place. It has all of the choices crops, the water is coming, but in reality it is not a permanent garden. It won't be a legacy you're not going to plant. Contrast this to the previous parable that the righteous when he plants it continues to sprout seed after seed it will grow to 700 notice the contrast between the parables here right the one who gives for the sake of Allah, it will last many generations, the one who gives for his own ego when he most needs it, it

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will completely be gone. And then in the next verse after this, Allah subhana wa tada mentions a shell Bhanu yokomen falcata morrocan bill fascia will love who you are I do como fear Autumn in Houma fog Allah, this is a powerful verse and will conclude on this shavon is promising you poverty, and he's commanding you to be stingy fascia here means stingy. Okay. shavon is promising you poverty. What does it mean? He's promising you poverty? It means shavon comes and tells you don't give. If you give, you're going to be poor. How can you give your money your children needed? Don't be generous, keep it to yourself. So Allah says shavon is promising you What is he promising you

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poverty, he is telling you if you give you will be poor, and he is commanding you to be stingy. In contrast to this will law who your ideal MMA fighter men who have fought law or law promises you notice he begins with Mo Farah, not with Father Father means more father means I'll give you back but that's not what's the most precious thing. The most precious thing is not our wealth. It's not that we get the money back that we gave more precious than that is to achieve Allah's mercy. Allah Farah, Allah. So Allah says, when you give, I promise that you will be forgiven. And yes, don't worry, father, I'll give you back what you gave, don't worry. So bottom line and with this, we

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conclude these series of problems will want to the next user shallow tomorrow. Bottom line brothers and sisters, Allah is telling you, there are two promises, the promise of shaytaan and the promise of Allah, it's very simple. shavon is telling you when you want to give, don't give, you're going to become poor, don't give be stingy. And Allah is saying give and I promise you, you shall be forgiven. And I will give you more than what you gave back. Which promise Are you going to believe? And now I have an action call for all of you sitting here and I begin with myself inshallah, as well, that after hearing all of these parables, I asked myself and all of you to then follow up and

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to give something extra that you were not planning to give just for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala believing in these parables, because knowledge is useless if it is not acted upon knowledge means nothing if it doesn't reach the heart. So I asked myself, and then I ask all of you that after listening to all of these parables about charity, and I'm not telling you which God to give to, that's up to you. It's not a fundraiser here. No, it's a fundraiser for yourself. You find the charity, you find something that you would not have given but just because of these Quranic parables, you believe in Allah's promise, and you say, Oh Allah, I reject the promise of shaytaan I

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don't believe the promise of shaytaan I am not going to be poor when I give for your sake. I believe in your promise that you will forgive me and you will give me much more than this. That is the whole point of all of these parables and the purpose of knowledge May Allah Subhana Allah make us of those who understand knowledge and then act upon it to the best of our ability and will continue tomorrow inshallah.

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ganas who can serve in return TGV shaviro xu Ernie be worth to be

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had an

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inward journey.

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