Yasir Qadhi – The Meaning of TABARAK

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The title of Tabata in Islam is Tabata, the source of good, and it is related to the Quran. Tabata is the " Mitsubishi, the hill Meralco Allah Krishna and Claudia" and is the ultimate source of good. Tabata is also the "medicela" in certain countries to increase profit margins. The importance of gathered together on food to increase profit and profit systems is discussed, including the use of "med Luca and Jerusalem" as locations for "medrows," "medourcing" is occurring, and "med Luca and Jerusalem" are locations for "medrows." Tabata is the " Mitsubishi, the hill Meralco Allah Krishna and Claudia" and is the ultimate source of good. Tabata is also the "medicela" in certain countries to increase profit margins.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who is early he will be one way to Charlotte today short hotter. So, we recited sorbitol for on and inserted for upon the term Tabata occurs and this is a term that we're all aware of because of Tabata could either be added milk, feta Baraka, lux and Harlequin. And it occurs in the Quran around eight nine times. And in fact, the only time it occurs in more than one surah is Surah Furqan occurs three times, and in the first truck I was two times to Barack in the last track one time to Barack. So the term to Barack The only time it occurs in Multiple sources is Surah Furqan. And, of course, the other soda that begins with the baraka soda

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bottle so two sodas began with Tabata and soda ramen ends with about about the last of the soda ramen has about again. So what is Tabata commune we've heard of Tabata and what does it mean and what is the difference between Tabata and Barak Allah? So what is this term here? So the term Baraka, the calf, the apostle the root Baraka, the term, bollock or the verb, it means to remain, that's what it means. So the Arab say Baraka era, the camel has parked, the camel has sat down, because once the camel sits down and remains there for a long period of time, so about a callback or the outro is also called a pool of water, a bit of a bit of water is a large pool of water because

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the water remains there. So the bit of cut is the water that is there. So what has remaining got to do with our concept of Baraka? When we say something is Mobarak, when we say that may Allah give you Baraka, when we say that may Allah give you Baraka, in your wealth, Baraka in your health, Baraka in your life, may Allah give baraka in the food, we are asking that that object remains for a longer period than otherwise. We're asking that that item, that food that money, it has more benefit and it remains than otherwise if it didn't have the baraka. So, classic example of Baraka we understand what his Baraka, we understand what is baraka is the famous, the famous incident that occurred in

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the Battle of taboo, not taboo, well taboo, because well actually, it happened, but I'm talking about the Battle of Hunter, the Battle of Isaiah, when the people were cut off for food, and there was no food left and a Sahabi you know, saw the prophets are starving. So he said to his wife, whatever we have, we're gonna give it so then he came to the problems he had a suit Allah, you and maybe five, six people come and you know, that's I have food for you. You choose five, six will come. So the process I'm stood up in the Battle of 100, he said, Yeah, Allah can duck. You know, philon has made time for all of you. So the man panicked, went home to his wife, his wife said, What

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have you done? I told you five people said, but it was not my fault. But he said to the man, do not open the pot till I come. Do not open the pot till I come. So the Prophet of Islam came, and he gave his blessing it spit into it, the Prophet says, some saliva has Baraka in it, he put that split into that pot, and then the entire people of the hunt duck ate from that one pot or bowl, despite the fact they were maybe 500 people, and it was meant for five people. This is what you call and when they finished it, what did it what did the Sahaba say? It was as if nobody had touched it, right? This is the quintessential example of Baraka. This is what Baraka is, it just keeps on giving,

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giving, giving, giving, and it's still there. That's what Baraka is, and multiple times in the life of the prophet saw some small amounts of food sufficed a large group of people also in the incident of conduct when that glass of milk was given to the profit center and Abu Huraira wanted if you remember the long story as well, and that glass of milk suffice an entire room and it was still brimming to the end. This is what Baraka is and if you want to translate into Arabic, Ziad that will fail, increase the utility increase the benefit of something that is what Baraka is, so, what is Barack enter Barack Barack is the request to Allah to give baraka to something, okay, so we say

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BarakAllahu laka, may Allah give you Baraka, okay? Baraka, Luffy Angelica, fie Malika. May Allah put Baraka in your wealth in your health. So, Barack is you making dua for somebody and you ask Allah to give that being that person Baraka, that's when Baraka is used Baraka Allah, to Barack is not a DUA, it is a praise. And it is never used except with the name of Allah right after it to Barack Allah who also know how to clean right to Baraka, Lady be the hill monk to Baraka Latinas, L for con. So, tubba rock, Allah was Anita like to Allah. If you are saying that Allah Himself is the ultimate Baraka, the source of baraka and he himself is

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The as we say to Allah so He himself has the compounded Baraka, Baraka is Allah azza wa jal coming from him and the source of hair and the source of good it is from Allah subhana wa Tada. So to Barak the ultimate good is Allah and the ultimate source of good is Allah that is what Tabata means and it is only used in the Quran when Allah is emphasizing that good comes from him and everything comes from Him. Tabata kalorien SLL for Khan, right so Allah says He is tubba rock because he has revealed the four Khan and the Quran is the Quran and the Quran is what Kitab unza nahi Lekha MOBA rock the most Mubarak Mubarak means that which has Baraka so, you know, all of us know Mubarak that which has

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Baraka right, as Johanna said, which I'll enable Baraka Aina Macoun, to Allah has made me Baraka, wherever I am, I am blessing wherever I go without any Mubarak and NML going wherever I go, I spread good, I spread there. That's what Mubarak here means. So the Quran is the ultimate objective Baraka in this world. There is nothing that is more blessed for us in this world in existence than the Quran. Everything about the Quran is baraka and that's why Tabata Keleti nuzzel Furqan where does that Baraka come from to Barak the source of baraka and to Baraka, Lady via the hill Meralco Allah Krishna and Claudia. So this entire Dominion goes back to Allah subhana wa Tada. And when Allah

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describes the creation and the stages of creation, and how many from Northfolk and from Allah, then what does Allah say for Tabata kala who will call the pin the one who gave all of these stages to about Allahu isononyl, Harlequin and all of the verses when you look up to Barak they are all in the context of Allah is the source of good all good comes from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada this is what Tabarrok means. Now, what are what are some examples of Baraka that we can benefit from? So we already said that obviously, the ultimate objective Baraka in this entire existence for us is the Quran. There is nothing that has more Baraka, everything about it is Mobarak. Its recitation is

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Mubarak is memorization is Mubarak acting upon it is mobile gatherings where it is recited is mobile rock, it's very presence is mobile with the Quran itself is you honor it, you saw you you give it itself is and respect because it is a source of Baraka, we do not respect the disrespect the Quran, we have to have whoodle When we touch the Quran, this is the source of Baraka as well. And the whole issue of wearing Quran Taoism is a whole different issue. But some of the Sahaba would do that. And others did not want to do that even amongst the sahaba. Some of them felt that yes, we should put some Quran even you know, Ash and others would do that point being they understood the Quran is an

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object of baraka and it is a Kitab that is Mobarak. What else has Baraka so, as well knowledge and acting upon knowledge has balaka and gatherings of knowledge have baraka and that's why anytime people gather together for Salah for the good for him, the angels come and surround them and ask Allah to bless them. So that too has Baraka in it as well. What else has Baraka, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam told us certain food items are extra special, and of them he said dates have Baraka, every house that doesn't have data is a poor house. And he also said in one Hadith scholars have derived that zaytoun oil, the oil of zaytoun also and also of course, the most Mobarak food

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item is we all know it is awesome, right that our prophets have said that it has Baraka in it. So zamzam itself is the most Mubarak food item as well when we follow the Sunnah Baraka comes and our Prophet system explicitly mentioned ways to increase Baraka in our food. So he said that when we eat food we should gather together because there's more Baraka that comes on the food so I'm Anwar headache for today was our destiny yet with a letter and he said, coming together for food has baraka and unfortunately and I'm guilty of this as well. May Allah forgive us all that we have not followed the Sunnah for a long time, we are selfish mashallah, everyone has his own plate and we put

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it aside but the actual sunnah, which is undeniable that is the Sunnah we should gather together on food, and our profit system said Baraka increases when we gather together on food, rather than having separate plates. If we ate from a common plate, our profit system promised that one person's plate will be enough for two people. This isn't a hadith to Anwar highjack fifth name. And if you think it's only going to be for two people come together, three people will be, you know, sufficient for this is a miracle that our Prophet system gave the entire Ummah, that if you gather together for food, you're not selfish and you take your plate away, then a small amount of food will be

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sufficient for larger groups of people as well. He told us what else to do with Baraka. He said, When you eat food, do not eat from the middle of the plate, eat from the corners, work your way to the middle, why, the Enel Baraka 10 zeal, the baraka comes

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down he was at a time there's a Hadith of the Prophet system, where does Baraka come down on a plate of food, he was out in the middle of the town. So we work our way. Because if we jump into the middle, it's as if we've destroyed the baraka. Right? So if you are gathered around a table of food or whatnot, so obviously there's things you want to whatnot, you don't just dive in, and you make the middle part empty. No, you even if you want to take one bit of meat, let's say you take it and you bring it to the side, then you work your way in and all of the people should work their way in and the baraka will be increased. So this is an example of Baraka in food that our prophets have

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explicitly said, saying, Bismillah and sitting together at the table and sitting and eating from that which is close to you, the baraka of the food itself would increase, what else has Baraka places have Baraka which place we believe there are three places on earth that have baraka and only three, there is no other place that has Baraka, there are three places that are Mobarak when you go there, every act that you do will be more blessing. So what is when you go to haram of Makkah, what is one rock rock equivalent to everybody knows 100,000 That's Baraka right there. What do we say Baraka is Ziad little higher, that's what I said Baraka is right, increase the good, so this is

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increasing good one. Raka becomes 100,000. This is what Baraka is everything you do in Makkah in Medina and in Jerusalem, right, this is what is going to be mubarak, every good deed, every charity you give every dollar that you make, that's why we go there we make special dua because the place is Mubarak it is worthy to travel to. And we believe that there's no other place that is inherently Mubarak other than these three places. So that's the place of Baraka, what else has Baraka the persona of the prophets of Allah who I just send them has Baraka. His body has Baraka sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his sweat has Baraka his hair has baraka and this is something more touted amongst

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the Sahaba there is no controversy some people who have just begun studying they think this is the issue. Of course, we know all Sunni Muslims, all of them know if they laugh, the prophets of Salaam, himself, his body is a source of Baraka, the Sahaba would seek baraka from even the will do that would fall down the in the famous Hadith, in the famous Hadith, of the incident of Arabia, that when the emissary from the Quran came and observe what's going on, he came back astonished, he goes, I have visited ISIL and I have visited Kisara and I have not seen a group of people respect their leader more than the Sahaba respect to the Prophet Sall Allahu Allah, he was sending him he said,

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not even a drop of water of his will do would touch the ground, God who Yakata Runa Allah will do he they would be jostling and shoving to catch HIS WILL DO THE WILL DO would not touch the ground. Why not? Because a miracle came the Sahaba would not allow it to touch the ground, they would take it and they would put it on themselves and they would collect his sweat Salallahu it he was setting them and they will use it for perfume and they will take his hair and they will put it in their drinks and they will drink it for cure. This is well known and water water. As I said, there is no controversy some very beginning students they might say no, there is no empty laugh about this

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issue. By the way, the footnote here where does the controversy come? The controversy comes due other people that are following the Prophet system also have Baraka in their bodies. That's the controversy, whether in the Arabic a tomato, Bertha Salia hain, that's where the controversy comes Imam an nawawi and many of the ruler ma they said that any righteous person, you may you know think that he has a smaller amount but yes, the concept is there that we also get baraka from that person. And you know, even to me and others, they said no, this is hos for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, that's the controversy over other people. There is no controversy about the Prophet system.

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He himself was a source of Baraka in his teachings. And in his Hadith, obviously, and in his body as well. Even his body was a source of Baraka, what else has baraka and what time is going late. What else has Baraka

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timing has Baraka timing has Baraka so we have multiple things that are Mubarak of them is timing. So Ramadan is the most blessed month and the last 10 nights when you worship Allah and one night How much do you get at yours that's Baraka right there. What is baraka Xia that will hire that's what happens at increase in good, so baraka of time as well. So not every time is the same as other times. So Ramadan is the most blessed month the last 10 days of the last 10 nights I went on the other most blessed nights, the first 10 days of good hedger are the most blessed days. And also even in the times of the day, right after fajr is the most Baraka time that our prophets alyssum

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encouraged us to do even our worldly chores. He said, This is the time of Baraka right now. And by the way, that's why every one of us Muslim or Kaffir, when we start our work early in the morning, we get a lot more done than if we started 4pm 5pm. Right? If we sit down in our computer or with our chores, and we have you know, we

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start our work we get more productivity we call it right and that's why all the companies in the world they tell you to come early in the morning productivity is there and our profit system said that my Alma has been given Baraka in its early hours right now, this is the time of Baraka. So, these are various things of baraka and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for Baraka obviously, we conclude on this point is understood, simple point. Baraka comes from where only from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada it is only Allah Who else can make something within English blessing who can increase the productivity something no one other than Allah subhana wa Tada. So we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to

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give us Baraka in our health, we ask Allah to give us Baraka in our wealth, we ask Allah to give us Baraka in our children, we ask Allah that everything he gives us, He gives us a Baraka because indeed he is the baraka what to Allah and all good comes from Him inshallah we'll continue leaders like Mala so much alive what to cut

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