Yasir Qadhi – The Book of Du’a From Sahih Al-Bukhari #5

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is emphasized, with affirmations and affirmations of promises and affirmations of oneself emphasized. The distraction between the Prophet sallali's teachings and the god's daughter is emphasized, as well as the importance of praying at night to strengthen spiritual connection between the gods and culture. The importance of belief in the word "IT" and its significance in modern day life is emphasized, along with the concept of time and its relationship to time.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tip number seven

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was happy woman while we were still doing the book of Kitab a die was every moment of it quality. So hey, and we were had not yet finished the chapter number 10 What do is to make when one wakes up in the middle of the night and we had done the first headache which is the Hadeeth of light, we now move on to the next Hadeeth which is similar to that and it is another day that our Prophet Sall Allahu Allah he was selling would pray when he woke up in the middle of the night before he did salata, 200 and the Hadith goes as follows Allah had written Abdullah, Mohammed and Clyde had done a

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soufiane Condor similar to sulaimani being a Muslim and Anton Wilson and even a bus and all the Allahu anhu ma canon abuso de la jolla he was sending them either comme la dia to hedger to call Allahu Malik al hamdu lentinula semi watty was the woman fee when when I called him do anti homosexuality was the woman fee him? Well I call him due until help guar Duca help on wako Luca How can we help with gender to help when no one was there to help whenever you need help? When Mohammed Salah Allahu Allah He was sending them a hawk Allahu medica Islam to Wiley cutter workers to what we can amend to a lake and never to be kaha some to what he did to help them to fulfill the Lima dem to

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him a hot woman throws to an island and mocha dem wanton walk through la isla in the end, Allah in Iraq, this beautiful narration from urban bustle of the Allahu taala and Houma says that whenever the prophets of Allah Allah who was sending would wake up in the middle of the night to do to head Jude, he would make this drop he would make this drop and the the previous Hadith is also from Eben ibisworld de la Juan Houma, and this hadith is also from urban Ibis, and therefore he is memorizing different ideas different to us that our Prophet sallallahu Sallam was saying the middle of the night and this one, our LA to you belongs all praise You are the light of the heavens and earth and

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all that is in them and to you belongs all praise You are the aim and the aim is the one who controls the aim is the one who is the moon. The aim is the one who makes sure that everything is running in order, you are the aim of the semi watty and the ALT and all that is in between them. Well I call him to you belongs all praise until help you are the truth of Allah. There is no truth greater than you. You are the decider of truth, truth comes from you, you utter nothing but the truth. You are the arbiter of truth in every sense of the meaning of how Allah azza wa jal is and that is why of the 99 Names of Allah is the name and help in the law who will help Allah is the one

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who is help. Well, what do your promises are true Allah, and the promises here imply anything that Allah has promised will occur, most importantly, the promise of Judgment Day, and the promise of justice and the promise of punishment for the tyrants and volley mean, and the promise of rewards for those who are righteous. So your promises true, your speech is true, nothing that you utter Allah except that it is the truth. And as Allah says, In the Quran, woman osterholm in Allahu Allah who speaks more truth, who speaks more truthfully, then Allah, no one speaks more truthfully, then Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah, and the meeting with you is true. And the meeting is, of course,

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every one of us will be meeting Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, and the agenda is true, and the null is true, and the Day of Judgment is true. Now, why are we going over this list? Why is this in the law, when we're supposed to be asking something? Why are we making this a statement of fact that will allow you our true happiness? True, * is true. The profits are true, the books are true. Why do we go over this number of reasons, first and foremost, as a testimony of our own faith, that Oh Allah, I believe in all of these things. Secondly, to reaffirm it within ourselves. In other words, it's one thing to just say it and then by saying it, we then affirm it in

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our own lives, and we remind ourselves of this reality and we inshallah, Allah will then begin to act upon that reality. So by saying this statement, we are affirming it to be true, and then we are reinforcing its truth within us. And then the third reason we uttered these factual statements is then to get to the point of the law, or the second half, I should say, not the point but the second half of the law. The first half is that we praise a

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Last Hana with Allah. The second half, we asked a lot for what we want. And we learned from this is that before we ask Allah what we want, we preface that asking, by praising Allah the way that he deserves to be praised. We don't just jump and say, Oh Allah give me this No, we raise our hands and we begin by praising We begin by affirming the truth. We begin by made and the spear We begin by clarifying that, Oh Allah, you are the one who is who is worshipped. We are the ones who are worshipping you. And when we utter these phrases, we do so with humility, and that humility then precludes we're going to ask Allah subhana wa Tada. So this whole list so you are true, you the

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meaning of you are true, is true happiness, true happiness. True. The Day of Judgment is true, the prophets are true. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is true. Then you mentioned based upon all of those truths, what have I done, Oh Allah, I don't just believe in them, Oh Allah I have submitted to you as laka Islam to our law. And by the way, this is such a powerful, it really is one that we should go over word by word. It's phrasings are so poetic, that they move the soul they're so eloquent that you cannot help but to get into the spirit of this door, and you now confess to a lot that based upon what I believe, I am now moving on and my actions, affirm what I believe a lot

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to you, I submit our La La Cotta workers, my trust is in you, Oh Allah, because I meant to I believe in you, oh, Allah eneko enough to return to you, oh, Allah, beaker ha some. I argue because of you all the meaning of somebody rejects Islam, somebody rejects the Day of Judgment, that is when I will argue, I will not argue for my ego, I will, I will argue on your behalf. I would love to try to prove the truth when they could have come to to you I judge our law, something is right. Something is wrong, something is ethical, something is unethical. How do I know you are the one who you owe a lot who I turn to for judgment. Now, based upon all of this, and what a beautiful, you've affirmed

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the truth. And now you've shown the law that you acted upon the truth. This is the essence of pre cluding to a doula. What do you do before you ask a lot what you want, you begin by praising Allah, you begin by affirming that you have acted upon that belief. And then you say, oh, Allah based on all of this now, what do I want from you fell fittingly, forgive me a word. The whole drama revolves around this issue of asking forgiveness, but we ask it after we praise Allah, and after we affirm what we ourselves have done, so Oh, Allah, based upon all of this, forgive me. However, it's not just forgiveness. And it's not just the simple Forgive me. Even in our petition and plea, there is a

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very, very eloquent methodology for doing so. And this is one of the etiquettes of drop that when we ask a lot, we don't just ask and and that's it, we ask in a manner that demonstrates how much we need we asked by reiteration, we asked by repeating the same thing, and by reaffirming the concept with different wordings. So it's fairly Forgive me, but then what fulfill the market them to a hurt, what I have done, and what I have yet to do, and what I have hidden and what I have done publicly. Now, you could have just said it will love Forgive me. But there is a point of thoroughness, there's a point of pleading, there's a point of begging, or a law, I want every sin that I've ever done, the

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smaller than the large, the big, and that is that hated and unhidden, the past and the present, you are affirming because you want to demonstrate to Allah, how much you want to be forgiven. So all of this is an affirmation that I want to be forgiven, Oh Allah, that which I've done secretly that which I've done in public that which I've done in the past that which identity future and in other narrations as well in other doors, that Allah forgive the large and the big, the public and the secret, the past and the present, will love forgive the the one that's an intentionally the one that's done unintentionally. So you have a whole long list of adjectives about the types of sins and

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if you said, Oh, Allah, forgive me all my sins, you're including all of this, and that is a valid throughout and that is found in other dogs as well. But right here, our Prophet sallallahu wasallam is describing various categories of sins, to be fully thorough, and then he ends by praising Allah until mocha, until Allah, you are the one who brings some people high or forward and you are the one who debases and lowers and brings other people in the back meaning what to zoom into shout out to the Illuminati Sha, Allah is the one who can confer is an honor. Allah is the one who can raise the ranks and Allah is the one who can lower the ranks if a person deserves that as well. So a lot is a

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mocha dim and and this means mocha dim here means to bring up forward mocha them here means you're in the law.

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line and Allah has the right to pick somebody and push him forward because of a mercy a blessing because of something that the person has done a lot has that right 110 will help and a lot can take somebody back if they deserve that as well. And so by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and concluding this in this manner, we are once again affirming that Oh Allah, we we believe in your power, your ultimate power, and we want to be brought forward, we want to be pushed up or La, La Ilaha Illa and La Ilaha is a rock that there is no deity worthy of worship besides you. So this is another beautiful day that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, when he woke up in the

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middle of the night, and this is before 200 we move on to the next chapter now.

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Chapter number 11 in my edition Baba tech bat with the speaker in Delmon.

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The chapter regarding saying took a beat and despair when one goes to sleep. So before going to sleep, you should do some of God. So what is this hadith Allah had detonated a man who had been called heatherton assured by Daniel hakobyan ob ob later ID and NFlt meta rhodiola one Houma shacket matter of coffee ad homina raha for editing Libya sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this Allahu hajima Phantom tegid who further further karate radically Asia phenom Kabbalah to call for Jana was a hurtin Mr. Balaji for the hub to akun for Paul mechanically for jealous ebina hetero jet to battle the academy here either Saturday for call, I do lucuma Allah who hydralic whom I mean called him

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either way too much either. furor chikuma a hot to Malmo Balaji Akuma Kabira out of bandwidth alateen WhatsApp B has a lesson with a lesson.

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And weather I think, for her the highroller Kuma minha. This is a very beautiful Hadith from Ali rhodiola, one from Fatima, his wife, and that is the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu I think he was sending them. And this hadith is so moving, that we really should think long and hard about the reality of this Hadith, Fatima complained of the fact that her hands had become coarse, because she had to grind the mill in order to cook the food in order to

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take the barley out and then cook the bread from that. So Fatima, her hands had grown course because of all of this grinding because of using the millet because of the manual labor that she had to do in the service of basically being a wife and taking care of the household affairs. And so she decided to ask the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam for a servant. And in one narration It was her husband idea of the Ola one who said to Fatima that, oh, Fatima, you know, I feel so bad. Obviously it is doing his work he's doing out in the fields, he is doing his business and trading. And then he comes in, he sees his wife toiling and tired and there is, you know, there's there's marks and

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whatnot. And in fact, in one version of the Heidi Thorne other narrations as yours, I should say that because of the rope that she was using, and putting it on her back, when she would go to the water well, that there was a mark on her back as well. And because of her sitting down and rubbing the millet of the the barley that there were marks as well on her chest. And so I do the law one felt sorry for Fatima. And he said to Fatima that look, you know your father, he is going to get so much wealth from Bahrain from other places, you know, the wealth is going to come? Why don't you ask him to from that wealth get you a slave get you a servant, why don't you get somebody to help you in

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this regard. And so the and by the way, the the house of Allah and father of the Allahu anhu was a little bit far away. They had a house in the area of Medina called Li Hua Li and it is around a 30 to 40 minute walk from the master to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So she came all the way back into the town. And she entered or she asked permission to come in and the Prophet system was not there. She was there. And she waited, he didn't come and so I she says, Well, what did you come for? So she told Isha, the reason why she came, and she then returned back the profitsystem was busy in some errands or some visiting we do not know where he was, he was not there that day. And so she

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returned back home before it became nightfall, and when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam came, I should explain to him Oh, you know, Fatima came and she told me such and such By the way, this also shows us you know, this version of history that some groups have that there was major tension between Asia and Fatah, what are the Allahumma that they did not get along, etc, etc. This is clearly very much not true, it is highly exaggerated. Look at this narration here that Fawlty men are a Chateau de La Hoya and Houma are conversing. She's asking her knee issue then.

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conveys it without any issues to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is a later edition that people have read some groups have that there was tensions between the Sahaba to the level of you know, boycotting and whatnot. This is simply not true. Unfortunately, a lot of weinheimer they got along fine and there have been conversations and and whatnot. So I should conveys this message to the prophets of Allah while he was send them. And the two of them Fatima and the idea of the Aloha Noma had gone to sleep, it's late at night, they've gone to sleep, they're lying down. Next thing you know, they hear a knock on the door. And who is coming at this time of the night, it's the same

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night that she came the Prophet system as a mercy and as a tenderness is his own daughter, he feels her pain. And the same night he walks all the way to their house, and that's like a half hour 40 minute in the minimum. And he goes all the way there and he finds the two of them. So I leave the last one opened the door, Fatima was was lying down what and of course I do ask the processor to come in. And Fatima wanted to get up out of respect for her father. And the problem said lie there. Don't worry lie there. And you know, in those days, it's something difficult for us to imagine. their houses were very, very small. They In fact, typically had one room with a small little cabinet

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or closet or a pantry for stuff that they would hold. So they had one room that room was where they ate and where they drank where they slept, where they had visitors everything was in that one room, there was no space, that was the way it was they didn't have the wealth that we do that this is living room. This is dining room, this is our study. This is what not you know, Subhanallah sometimes the the the restrooms that we have in our modern houses, it is bigger than the original houses of Medina that the people used to live in because Subhanallah wealth has changed us. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered the house and there is no place to sit except on the

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very bed that felt him and Addy rhodiola, who are sleeping on us the only place that they have and of course it is like a son to him. He raised it like a child remember and Feltham is of course, his daughter, and he doesn't have any. This is his own daughter. So he sits down. And it was a cold night it was a very freezing night. And I have lived in Medina for 10 years, I will tell you it is very cold in the winters. And the profitsystem was cold and he put his feet inside the blanket. And Fatima said I could feel the coldness of his feet, even on my chest even though there is a blanket or something separating them but he put his feet inside. And it was so cold that Fatima can feel the

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the the coldness of the feet of the prophet SAW the love why the heat was sending him. And then he sat down. And he said, I heard that you came for such intense reason, should I not tell you something that will be better for you than a servant. So panela his heart was in pain that his daughter needed some help. And he could not sleep that night until he goes to his daughter's house, and he takes care of it. But how did he take care of it and this is really so powerful. Those of us those of us that have children, we know how we would feel if our children had to do this type of hard manual labor. And we know if we had wealth, we would make sure that they are taken care of in

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that manner. But you see, our Nabi sallallahu Sallam he is a different level than any one of us and his macom is something we can only look at and admire and his purity and the purity of his income and how he would spend it is something that is exactly why he is the ultimate ambia and more serene, no one can compete with this level of Eman and taqwa. And he said to them, that look, you want something of this world. What if I tell you something that will be much better for you than a servant of this world, I will tell you something, that if you do it, it will be a treasure that is far more precious than a servant who will clean and cook and do the dishes and what not, I will tell

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you something that will be a genuine treasure that will benefit you in this world and the next world. When you go to bed, when you lie down, then say that to Kabir 43 times and say that this be 33 times and say that I made 33. So So Subhana, Allah hamdu Lillah Allahu Akbar, you say 3333 34 to get a total of 100 times before you go to sleep, do this Vicar 100 times 33 times that means 33 times the spirit and 34 times a year say this. And that will be better for you then a servant. And then he said no, this is not in this version. But it is mentioned in other versions of the Hadith. And again, remember I told you this many times that we compile all of the narrations to form the

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full picture emammal Bahati at times the he doesn't bring the entire narration for various reasons. At times. It's not authentic to his level. So we go to the other books as well. At times he's looking for a particular phrase, so he's not interested in the full narration. But we learned from the other narrations that he explained. He explained something to him

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His own daughter, and he said, Well law he, I cannot give you a servant for your needs, when the stomachs of the people in the sofa in the sofa are growling because of hunger, and I have not fed them. In other words, there are people that are poor, and they don't even have food to eat. And the there was a group of people called the yellow sofa. And the yellow sofa were a group of companions that were so poor, they had nowhere to live except in the messages of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they had no source of income, generally speaking, except if there was some manual labor to be done. And the main reason for them being there was to be in the company of the profits of the Law

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Center as much as possible. Abu hurayrah was the leader of the Ellis sofa, Abu hurayrah, demonstrates who are the other sofa, they were the people who wanted to dedicate their lives to be next to the Profit System at the expense of a worldly income at the expense of a career and a job. So they would just sleep in the masjid and be with the Profit System as much as possible. And the Mahajan and the unsold. Whenever they had a surplus of food, they would bring it to the masjid, and they would give it to the people of the sofa to eat. And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam explains to Asia, sorry to fault him, and he says will lie. I cannot give you a servant. When the people of

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the sofa, their stomach is empty, and they don't have food SubhanAllah. And you know, this narration, he didn't go the next day and publicize it in front of all of the Sahaba when one of us does a good deed, we take a picture of herself, you put it on Facebook, oh, I've had the poor today Oh, I give this day. That's what we do. That's our standard and philosophy. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sacrificed not his own pain. Of course, he did that the pain of his daughter. And that is the ultimate sacrifice. Every father knows this, to see your daughter in pain, to see your daughter having to manual labor for I mean, obviously, it's a noble thing, doing it for her

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family and husband. But still, he has wealth in his pocket metaphorically if he wanted to, he could have assigned a servant to fault him. And no one would have ever said anything until the day of judgment. It is him. It is his daughter, it is audio, Audible, who would have said anything? If he had given a servant to them? Nobody would have said anything. But you see, this is why he is hot, have an MBA will mursaleen. He is saying Sal, Allahu Allah? Who is selling them? How can I spend money for a servant for you, when you have food, you have a house, you have a roof over your head, and you are doing some manual labor? There are people that have none of these things? And how can I

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give my family a servant when they don't even have food to eat? And therefore he said, Look, this is better for you. This also shows us another thing that even if you have to say no to somebody, he had to say no to him, he had to say no. Even if you have to say no, there is a way to say it that actually feels as if you said yes and given them a gift. So he visited them in their house, he could have waited, and he would have come back the next day. But the fact that he visited them, how do you think they felt? How do you think they felt knowing that the same day he walked from his house all the way to their house, the honor that he gave it and thought about the Allahu anhu just for this,

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going all the way back to their house, sitting with them, and comforting them, and then saying, you know what, I'm going to gift you something that is better than a servant, and he gifted them an act in a good deed that will be better for them than a servant. And then even when he said no, he explained why he said no in a manner that they could not say anything. So look how much we learned from this heady not just don't just don't just jump on the issue of the guard. That's good. You do that? Yes, definitely do that. Do make sure you do the car. So from now on, by the way and again, the purpose of all of these lectures dear Muslims, is that we change our own habits. I want every

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one of us before we go to sleep, if you used to go to sleep at 10:30pm go to sleep at 1020 and do all of these ask God that we're going to go over do the tech via disappear I mean, it is better for you than a servant's panela better than a full time servant. If you can just do this, it will be more precious for you than having a servant and the purpose therefore as we act upon this also it is narrated that idea of the law. Why did when he narrated this hadith

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when he narrated this Hadith, he said to his student that I never left doing these have God ever since I heard the Prophet system say so. Now he he narrated this hadith when he was the halifa and one of his students said that, oh Amira meaning Oh, I don't know the law one. Not even on the night of the Battle of Safin, the Battle of Safin was one of the most traumatic and one of the most difficult episodes in all of our early Islamic history. It was a civil war that we

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We are commanded by the Sahaba, to not think too deeply about how we simply pass on and move on. And we don't. And we don't say anything bad about the people involved. It was a very big tragedy, where 10s of 1000s of Muslims lost their lives between two camps of the Muslim Ummah, and the loved one was on one side of it, and they went to sleep that night, somebody so later on, the person is asking it to the loved one, you're telling me that you have done this Vicar. Every single night since the Prophet has taught you that? And it said every single night The man said, even the night of the Battle of Safin, and the loved one was quiet for a while. Then he said, You have asked me an awkward

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question. But I will tell you, yes, even on the night of the Battle of Safin, he never ever stopped this habit until he died. And this, my dear Muslims is the sign of true piety. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that

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the best of all deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala, or those that are consistent, even if they're very small, you know, I want you after this lecture is over, or if you want to pause right now after after I asked you to this, I want you to sit down one day with the timer with your cell phone or with your watch, and click it on and start doing the speed and technique and to meet and do 3333 34. And before you do that, ask yourself a question. How long do you think it's going to take me to do this? Do it properly? Don't do it super fast. And don't do it super slow? Do it the way that it should be done? Subhan Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala. So you're not going to know do you have

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to go Suhana law and go super slow, do it at a normal rate. And ask yourself, how long do you think it's going to take? Then actually do it? And then I guarantee you, you will be surprised at the answer. Then ask yourself once you actually I'm not going to tell you anything more. Once you actually figure out how long it will take you then ask yourself, why would I not do this every single night to get the rewards that our Prophet sallallahu wasallam asked us to do so this is one of the scout that the moment Buhari is teaching us in his book, that before you go to sleep, make sure you do these as we move on to the next chapter. What else should we do before going to sleep?

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chapter 12 Bible attack with it well karate in Delmon,

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the chapter of a Dao, with a Dao with here seeking refuge in a law and how do we seek refuge ulquiorra in Delmon that going to sleep while reading the Quran? What should we recite to seek a loss protection so in this chapter, a moment Buhari is going to tell us what we should recite before going to sleep. And the Hadith the famous Hadith Allah had done Abdullah Yusuf Al heatherton, a late caller had death and he wrote a loon honeybee she had been hired by Disney World War Two and Asia to rhodiola. One her under Rasulullah sallallahu early he was sending them can either Asada Majora who never fee. We'll call it a bit more with that. When I say habima just there who so this Hadith,

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Chateau de la when it says whenever the profitsystem would lie down to go to sleep, he would never he would blow into his hands. Now neath Neff is to blow with the sound of a spit without actually spitting. Okay, there is no English word for it. Neff is to blow. That sounds like a spit but there is no saliva that comes so

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that is nothing no actual saliva comes is not the gold the gold is not an actual spit. The gold is this, the breath that comes out. And this never thought he would do it into his the palms of his hands. And while the palms were still there, so he's lying down the palms are in front of him, he goes like this. And then and other versions we say three times and this one it only does not it does not say three times but in other versions of three times, then he would recite them what are we that? What are the what are we that tomorrow with that are suitably floss and this version we learn that in another version, excuse me We'll learn the more I will that are suited closer to fell off

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uncertainness three suitors, he would recite a class fed up and us who Allahu Ahad, put your calf alone pull out you better be nice, he would recite these three sewers. And he would recite them. And again, in this version, it says only once and the other version is a Muslim. It says three times he would do this three times. So he would blow into his hands, recite these sutras three times. And then he would wipe the body symbolically he would wipe the body that this is the Baraka of the recitation of the Quran to protect me at night, and another version says he would wipe it as far as his hands go down. He would not get up and touch his feet. No, no need to do that. But lying down on

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your back, you just go over

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Until it you can reach as low as your hands go. And then you do it again. And then you do it again. And he would do this three times before going to sleep. And the goal here is that you protect yourself from shavon and you seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from any harm coming to you. So this is yet another thing that we can add to our routine before going to sleep. The next chapter chapter number 13 Bub and this chapter does not have a chapter heading. And it is very common inside Bahati that when he wants to switch slightly, but it's the same topic, he just says about a new chapter. He doesn't really give you a name, because there's nothing new but he wants you to know

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this is another narration or another version that you can also benefit from in this topic or this concept of what do you do when you go lie down at night? Carla had that enough with the news quite a bit so he didn't call her death and her widow loved neuroma called a head death and he said he didn't say he didn't bury an OBE I never heard of the Allahu unqualified interview solo lahardee who will send them either our arducam Lf Hiroshi for alien food thirassia, who be the healer t izadi. He for in a hula de Mahalo for Who are they somewhere who'll be speaker up they will go to gym B will be our fellow who in M sector and FC for humhub. When ourself to have bought heavy metal to be here,

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a bicycle saw the metaphor to be here about okasada hoon. So this is another door that our profit system would say. And also, there is something that he's asking us to do if our situation calls for it. And of course, the situation in our times, for most of us would not necessarily call for this. But the point is that the people of Medina, they're living in a desert environment. And they have to constantly worry about predators, or predatorial animals. And in particular, the two most obnoxious things that they would worry about are snakes and scorpions, snakes and scorpions were fairly common, especially scorpions, they were fairly common in Medina, and the Prophet So Sam is

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instructing us even issues of this world to protect us. And this is something that he himself never mentions in a hadith. And oh, Buddha would be centered in his life that he said that my position with regards to the rest of you is like that of a father teaching his children, I'm teaching you what is you need to know. So he would teach us things of this world that are also necessary for us to to know as the and remember, a lot of the early Muslims, especially those that are coming from outside the city, they are coming from many cultures or subcultures in which we would consider to be uncivilized. They haven't learned manners, they haven't learned a depth. And so our profit system is

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teaching them civilization is teaching them manners what to do, even in matters of this dunya. And of course, this issue of what of course, the translation, you have it on your screen, that when one of you goes to to your bed, then make sure that you dust the inner part of your blanket with your undergarment that is out the underground is like the the robe that the people wrap around, right. So this under the under clothing if you like So, remember, you know what people were for how long the two garments that they were on, realize that was the default clothes for most of the poor people. And to wear a shirt, the job was actually a sign of middle class or you know, lower middle class to

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upper middle class that was the the garment of the middle class of society. If you didn't have money, you would wear the two garments up and down. And in fact, when it was cold, you would wear the up and down garment and then put a bow on top of it. So this lower garment that the profitsystem is talking about. It is like a cloth that you just loincloth you just roll it around your lower part. And then you take another and you put it on top of your upper part. And that was the standard garb of the poor folks and the majority of Sahaba would wear that. So the profitsystem is saying that when you're going to go to your bed, and of course your bed has been lying there all day. And

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there's a blanket on top of it right there's something there You do not know when you've gone what has gone and stuck under that blanket whether it's a scorpion, whether it's a snake, and here this Hadees shows us that taking precautions and acting in a wise manner is a part of a man a man isn't just you jump in and say to Allah No, before you get to bed in a society and the land with the scorpions, you make sure there are no scorpions and obviously in the lands that we live in and most of us I would say we don't have to worry about any type of Scorpion any type of bug so therefore this type of of advice is not as binding as it was back then. And even back then this is something

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that is so now almost have to do. So he is telling us when you go to your your your bed, then make sure that you use your inner garment and you use the side of it that is facing you. So you're going to take your garment you're going to fold it backward and then you're going to just dust you're going to dust the the the sheet or you're going to dust the blanket to make sure there's nothing over there. Now why did he say use the inner part of your garment some of our schools

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Say it's something that is

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a Buddha or something that we don't know the reason we just do it, and other scholars said, No, it's pretty obvious why. And that is that when you're going to dust it, it will get dust on the garment. And you don't want to have dust on the outer side of your garment. So you imagine you're wearing this lower garment, what he is saying is you fold it back, such that the side that is facing your thigh or your shin is now on the outside, then you take that and you just use that to brush against the the, the the sand or brushed against the blanket that is there. The point being when you're going to do that, it will get a little bit dusty, when it gets dusty, you don't want that dust to be

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on the outside to show that it was dusted. And this also shows us another point of our shediac, which is that the shed er aims for us to look dignified within the confines of this area, we're not expected to look disheveled, unkempt, dirty, no, we're expected to look dignified and neat and clean, within the confines of the shediac. So this hadith is another Hadith about what we should do. And also the draw over here, this mcrobbie will talk to Jim be in your name, our law, I am lying down in your name, Oh Allah, I'm putting my site on the ground will be cut out of Pharaoh who and in your name of Allah, I'm going to get up with this as well. We began everything with the name of

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you take my soul, Allah, then be merciful with my soul. And if you send it back, Oh Allah, then send it back with your protection and the protection that you give to your righteous servants. Okay, so this is a simple drop. And by the way, if you cannot memorize the Arabic, it is no problem. If you say these to us in the English language, if you do not memorize them in Arabic, the concept is very clear that it will lie in your name, I'm lying down, and in your name, I'm going to stand up Allah, if you take my soul, then take it with mercy. And if you send it back or Allah, then send it back with protection, and then what type of protection the protection

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that you give to your righteous servants. This also shows us another point. And that is that

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it is permissible to ask Allah subhana wa Taala. What is called conditional do as what is called conditional to us, and conditional to us are that you are asking a law with a clause or a condition, you're asking a lot and you're linking it with something else. And this hadith is a clear example of this, where the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is saying that you say, Oh Allah, grant me the protection that you give to your righteous servants, you don't mention with that protection is, but you're saying Oh, Allah, the amount of protection you give to the righteous, I want to have that amount as well. And this is something that we learn in other classes as well, that will allow any

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whatever good you to create, then give me the good that you have given to the best of your creation to the bicycle solid, and avert away the evil that you have verged away from, from the chosen of your creation. So we're allowed what is called to make timely, or make a condition or blanket to something else. And this is something that is permitted in the Sharia. Now, the issue as we said of the commandment to cleanse the bed, as I explained that the vast majority of our dilemma, they understand these commandments to be commandments that are dependent upon the circumstance. This isn't a religious advice, per se. It is the advice of wisdom that is meant for protection of our

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worldly affairs. And therefore, when there is no need for this to be done, then there is no there is no need for us to actually do it. In other words, the advice to clean the blanket is not the same as the advice to recite the last three sutras of the Quran. Because the first advice is something about this world and this world's advice we look at it Do we need it? Do we not need it if we don't need it? No big deal we don't do it. As for the second advice, it is a spiritual advice. And that is the advice that our Prophet sallallahu Sallam came to give us as a newbie and a result. We move on to the next chapter, chapter number 14.

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Baba do I miss Elaine? The chapter of making dua in the middle of the night called Addison Abdulaziz delightful Latin American and English you have been an OB Abdullah hidden a lot of Ruby Selamat Abner Brockman and Abu huraira the Allahu Allah Rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam across call yet and as Rob Burnett about aka water, cooler Layton Illa sama dunya hayner call through through Laden, her fire cool. Many Rooney first ajibola men Yes. aloni for clear, many Estelle ferroni for all federal law, this editor Borrero the law one, it is one of those Hadith that is that is water water, or has been narrated by many companions. In fact, a number of earliest

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Scholars have written treatises about this narration of Newsela Rob or the coming down of a lot subhanho wa Taala and more than 20 Sahaba more than 20. So habit, narrated the concept of this hadith. And this shows us that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say this to many, many different Sahaba in many different wordings to get the point across and what is the point that we prioritize praying at the middle of the night or towards the last third of the night, that we should be encouraged to pray, to emulate, and to wake up when everybody is asleep, and the blessings of clamor laid and the blessings of the head Jude are too many to list right now. But of those

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blessings Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, that a Jaffa julu boom I didn't mobile Algeria Dora Bonhoeffer wautoma woman moroccanoil mountfield boon fella, Thailand munaf. Some fellow human karate ninjas and the McHenry balloon that Allah is describing those who they their sides are fighting their beds and they get up to pray in the middle of the night they're making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then Allah says, Only Allah knows the rewards they're going to get and a lot describes the relievers kind of an academic elite name is how long that they would sleep little at night, they would be 200 and night, well as hardy homea stuff you don't they would seek Allah's

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forgiveness in the middle of the night. So so many verses in the Quran, Allah is linking his monk theater and the describing of the righteous with the night prayer. And in the very first revelations that are given to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah says to to the prophets of the lives of Kobe, Laila Illa de la misma, who our postman who co de la Rosa de la, he was to the parameter of the less spend the night in prayer, all of the night spending in prayer, then Allah says, No, not all of it, half of it, or a little bit more than this, or a little bit less than this. So the Prophet system is commanded by Allah to spend a good amount of time in night prayer, and Allah says

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in the Koran woman, a lady for 200 BCE, nephila Tilak and during the night, then pray your to help Jude and because of that Allah is saying, perhaps Allah will lift you up and resurrect you upon the mcommerce mucho Allah links the macabre mood to the nightly prayer and our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that the nightly prayer he said, I advise you to pray the night prayer Docomo laid because it is the custom of the righteous before you and it is something that forgives the sins and it is something that raises the ranks. And in what he did, he said that the highest levels of agenda, other people will look at that level and they're going to be jealous at that level. They are meant

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he was asked Who are they meant for? He said they are meant for those who pray when everybody is asleep. So so many Heidi's talking about praying and the last part of the night, so your mom will Bahati when he's talking about sleep, sleep, sleep and going to sleep using look. Also make sure that you don't just neglect this notion of pm will lay try your best to pray as much as possible. And my advice to myself and all of you is if we cannot pray every single night at least every once in a while. Let us wake up and pray to hydrate at least in Ramadan for sure that it's great to have you at least throughout the rest of the year. Every few days. Every few weeks, every few months, we

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should try to wake up and pray salata Hedrick, and this notion of praying in the last or the night, it is also one of the most important reasons to pray is to make this whole chapter is done. And emammal Bahati is telling us if you want your daughter to be answered, then pray in the last third or the last half of the night. You want your daughter to be answered. Not every time is the same as other times not every timeframe is equivalent to other timeframes. Yes, it is true, Allah created all times. But some times are more blessed than other timings. And those timings are blessed because Allah has made them bless it. And because those who are eager will do research and find out those

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timings and then come to a lot in those timings and then ask a lot for what they want. Some of our scholars of the past said, If you really want something from a law, and yet you are not waking up in the last third of the night to ask a lot for that thing. This shows that you really don't want it that much because you cannot even sacrifice your sleep to get it. So the one who can sacrifice his or her sleep, and the one who can get up in the last third of the night and ask Allah subhana wa Taala for what they want. That is the one who truly desires that object that they're making dua for and this hadith is very, very clear. Our Lord himself He attended Zulu or yen zero and other

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versions our Lord comes down now, this notion of Allah azza wa jal coming down. I've explained this in other lectures, but in a nutshell, we

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Don't think too deeply about this, we are not obliged to understand how we simply believe. And we affirm as Allah says, There is nothing like Allah subhana wa Tada. And we understand that Allah is free from and above the limitations of time and space. And therefore, we do not argue the will posit Allah within a three dimensional system, we do not pause it all within our timeframe. So if somebody were to say, How can a law come down, and the last third of the night in one area when it is day and the other, and then it will be one third in the other area? And then the other? How can Allah do this? We say, asking how is something that we are not obliged to do? And our minds will not

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understand? Our minds will not understand how we leave this reality to Allah. And we say LASIK, admittedly, he shaped what was semi or ill will see, there is nothing like a law and Allah hears that Allah sees just like a lesson he hears and he sees, and we know the meaning of hearing, we know the meaning of seeing, and we don't ask how similarly, we know the meaning of Allah will come down, but we don't know how. And a man came to my Malik, and asked a similar question that how has a law risen over the throne, and Mr. Malik became angry, and he said, Allah is rising over the throne. This is something that is mentioned in the Quran, we must believe in it. And we understand the

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meaning of the phrase. But so we believe in it and is obligatory to believe. And we, we believe in what the prophet SAW Selim said in this regard. And we believe in what the foreign has said, but we don't understand how, and we are not obliged to ask how, in fact asking about how and trying to understand how this is a deviation, this is not going to happen, our minds are not going to comprehend it. So a lot comes down in the last night we leave it at that and we don't think more deeply about that because Allah subhanho wa Taala is indeed Allah cliche in Korea. We'll do one more chapter inshallah to Allah and then conclude for today. The next chapter, we're going to do chapter

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number 15. In my edition, Baba do it in Valhalla. The chapter of the day when when he uses the restaurant now, Mr. Bahati, he is going chronologically that when you're going to sleep at night, he went through all of the duties of going to sleep. Now typically when you wake up, the first thing you have to do, your bladder is full, you have to empty your bladder. So remember Buhari is now teaching you the DA when you're going to enter the restroom. Bible dry in the holla. Holla is the Arabic word for restroom what the bathroom we call it in English, that when you're going to enter the bathroom, and in those days, generally speaking, they they had what we call the chamber pot that

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they would use for urination. And then if they wanted to do more than this, they would go to a place outside the city, they did not have built restrooms, this would only come in the next generation, when people began to build when the money came in. Otherwise, they lived a very primitive life in Mecca and in Medina. So in either case, even if it's a chamber pot, or even if it is a land that you're going to go to and you're going to go behind the tree or shrub In either case, you will say this draw when you get to that place where you will relieve yourself. And in our case, the the area is very clearly marked as the bathroom that everybody knows what it is. So when you enter this

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restroom, what do you say the Hadith is very clear, quite humbling. our call center should go to an abdulazeez abuso Haven, and NSF dematic and rhodiola one call cannon abuso de la vida, he was telling them in the huddle, holla call Allah whom in the room to be committed who booth he will have

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an asymptomatic says whenever the Prophet system entered the holla and as I explained how Allah is any area you're going to relieve yourself. And so when you enter that area, you say, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from a hole both well haba is and this is the more correct version of the headache with the bat has a bum hole both while harbor and hobos while hobbies and this means I seek refuge in You from the male and the female evil gins. That's the more correct version. There's another version which is also correct, but it is not as strong as this one. And that is a silent silence on the bat and homeopathy will cover it. In which case hold means I seek refuge in You from

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all types of filth and haba it would be the evil genies. So both versions are correct. But the whole booth and haba it makes more sense over here. And the point here is that when you're going to go to the restroom, you are going to firstly

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expose yourself and that's an area or a place where the shell been they they love to see these outdoors and so we say Allah is named before we take our garments off. And then secondly, the shell clean. They love evil and filth. And so they are typically found in places of evil and filth, and physical filth and spiritual filth are the places of the Shelton. So wherever

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hisher takes place is where the Shelton will go, where there's going to be instruments of shape on or the drinking issues or shape on or the dens of vise of shape on. That is where the Shelton are going to be. And also where there is physical filth, so actual places of the restrooms and whatnot, where there is the ninjas from the human body. So the shell teams that are evil, not the Muslim ones because there are Muslim gins, we're talking about the evil gins. The evil jeans are shouting, there are Muslim kids, the Muslim jeans are pure. The Muslim jeans don't live over there. But the evil jeans they love to be impure, and they love impurity. So they are concentrated in abandoned places.

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That is why this notion of graveyards being quote unquote haunted or whatnot or abandoned, there is an element of truth in that the jinns love to be there because people don't want to be there so the djinns love to go there. And also the gyms love to go in the days before there were restrooms and toilets. The gyms love to go to the actual physical filth or with a little bit of stuff for a lot they love that and so they go over there and they congregate over there so when we go there we seek a loss protection and refuge and we say oh well law protect me from those evil entities allow me to do the committed hobo theme well how about it so this is a simple app that I know many of us teach

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our children and we should make sure that we ourselves memorize it and of course even though the the restrooms of today are not you know that type of filth that that used to be but still relatively speaking if there are evil Shelton and we hope inshallah they're not in our houses, if they are, that is the place they will go to in any way because that is where they like to be. And we seek refuge in them from harming us and from doing anything to us. So we say this before we enter the restroom, and inshallah with that we come to the conclusion of today's halaqa and inshallah we'll continue be even delighted after the month of Ramadan. Chuck moolah halen, Santa Monica rahmatullah

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wa barakato.

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In Fei,

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