Yasir Qadhi – The Amazing Story of Safwan B. Umayya & `Umayr B. Wahb

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a situation where a man named Sattou bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin bin, with no indication of whether they are killed or whether they are injured. The transcript describes a group of people reacting to the death of one another and mentions that there is no indication of whether they are injured or alive.
AI: Transcript ©
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spell hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was a woman who won

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the battle of Badu was one of the most magnificent victories of Islam. The Muslims could not have asked for a better result. The list of who's who of Makkah had all passed away from rich by Robbie shebna Robbie oma even heard of Abuja Hall and then Ebola have the week after whether all of the senior leadership of the auto show had basically disappeared. A lot of soldiers took care of them. And a few days after better to have the courage for sitting in the shadow of the cab. One of them was the son of oma yet had been one of the one who tortured who did it torture Oh my you haven't heard of Bella omiya had died in the battle the bed that his son was suffering they've been over a

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year and the other was his cousin, roommate had been the nephew of ommaya cousin first cousin. So so funny but omega and omega are made up in in Wahab are sitting in the shade of the Kaaba. And they began discussing how bitter life is. What's the point now because firstly realize as well, the Muslims, they had migrated from MK come up because now half dead anyway, half the city's gone anyway. Now after the battle about the senior leadership has gone as well. The thing has changed the whole society has changed in one year, one year dramatic change. So fine and omiya are talking to one another. And someone says what's the point of life anymore? You know, my father's dead, my

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uncle's dead, everybody's dead. What's the point? And his cousin omega?

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entre is the same sentiment. All of this they say is caused by one man, and that is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Then in his fate of anger. Amir says, you know if it weren't and by the way, Romero's son, he had only one son, or a matter of son had been captured, and he's being held in Medina at that point in time. He has no family now, except to three daughters. He has no sons and his family's dead a whole family. The whole tribe is very the bunu Juma tribe. It's suffered immensely at Bethel. So Romar says, in a fit of anger, he says, you know, what, if it weren't for the fact that I have daughters that have to take care of, and I have some debts left, I would

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personally march into Medina and kill the one man who's responsible for all of this. So we're done with this affair.

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SFX one his cousin was the richer of the two he's the son of Alma even harder for me it was one of the chieftains who may was one of the big shots. So if one says is that your only reason for not going, don't worry. I swear by Allah under the shade of the Kaaba, your children are no my children and your deaths, I will pay them off. You go do what you want to do. So Omar said, I will do it but don't tell a soul, keep it between us the shade of the Kaaba, keep it between us, when a man went home, poisoned his sword and marched immediately to Medina, telling nobody he marches in takes around 10 days for a soul writers come. Nobody has preceded him from mcca he has marched on his own.

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And as soon as he enters Medina, he walks to the masjid of the prophets of Allah who I knew he was sending them. And Ramadan, no hotdog is sitting with the unsought telling them the stories of others and what happened and what they missed. Okay, and this happened, and that happened, and we did this and they're all around him, because a lot of people didn't go for better because they didn't realize what's going to happen. But Omar saw coming in the distance, or mayor

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and his face scowled. Romero's title in the bottle of butter was shape or no crash. That was his title. And Earl Mayer was a Archer. And Romania was a very well known and respected warrior. In fact, Romanian was the one when the two armies are in the distance. They sent to Romania as the scout and said, Go and estimate how many and what weapons Do they have, or Mayor took his Campbell in the Bible about that and from the distance watching them, and he comes back, and he says, around 300, plus or minus a little, and he was on the mark, they were 312, around 300 plus or minus, and they don't have a lot of weapons, they only have the, you know, the the bare minimum. So he

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explained and this is a sharp eyesight and his assessment of the so he was known for his experience and his warrior and skill. So what are the allaahu and sees him and he says this

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As the caliber of the orange coming, the shape of the orange coming, he does not want any good. He jumps up and he holds him by the collar. And he says, What are you doing here? So he says, I've come to speak to Mohammed Salim have come to speak to the Prophet so he said he didn't say prophet obviously his apology is another Muslim at the time. You have to let me come speak I've come I mean, how can you stop me from going to speak to him? So Romero de la Hawaiian, drags him by the collar and takes him into the masjid. And he says to the unsought gather around him and guard him, because this is not demand we can trust, he knows him Do not let him go unguarded. And he has on him a sword

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on his site, a small dagger or sword on his side. So, he is put in front of the profitsystem The problem is, let him go, let it go, let go of his color. So he says, Oh man, what has brought you here? So he says, I have come. So he says, he says to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that the the the greeting of Joe Hillier. Anam Saba and that was the way it is to say good morning, the prophet SAW Selim said, Allah has given us a greeting better than this. He has given us the greeting of the people of Jana. It is the greeting of Salaam. Notice here so technical, he did not say a sellout why they come. Because generally speaking, you don't say to a pagan, but he is teaching Romania, we no

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longer say, you know, I'm sabaha. And we don't say this greeting anymore. We have a set on why they come. So Romania says this is something you guys have just invented, and I'm upon the culture of my people. I'm not in your salon when your Islam and whatnot. So then the Presidents had major, a big Why have you come? He says, I have come to negotiate the ransom of my son. His son was a prisoner in the Battle of whether I have come to negotiate the ransom of my son. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said anything other than this. He said, No, just my son. So he said, What's up with the sword? So he goes, Oh, the sword? What use was swords in the bottle of butter? It was just just there. He's not

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to try to, you know, minimize it. The profitsystem said, No, that's not the reason you have come, rather you And so finally when omiya were sitting under the shade of the Kaaba, discussing the loss of the bottle of butter. And then he said, Why doesn't somebody go and kill this man, and you offered to come and kill me, and he took charge of your children and your deaths? If you did this deed? He said to him the conversation in detail from beginning to end.

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Oh, man, was dumbfounded. There is no way. Firstly, Stefan wouldn't have told anybody. Secondly, he has just come. As a single writer, straight from Mecca to Medina, no one could have preceded him.

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After some silence, he said, a show to unlock a lot of solo law.

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No one could have told you this, other than Allah subhana wa no pause you by the way, by the destroy has so many benefits. But as usual, time is limited. You know what this incident also shows it shows us many things. One of the things that shows us that some of the Porush really did believe in their gods, they really did. And it just didn't occur to them. That La ilaha illAllah is the correct religion. And they had to be shown these miracles, these mini miracles to be like a smack in the head would drawn with you can't you see? So here we have Romanian? Actually, as soon as he sees something, which is a mini miracle, he understands you know what, I'm on the wrong side. So deep

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down inside, they weren't sincere in their false hood. Some of them not all. Others were clearly up knowingly upon Boulton. But people like romaine, it's very clear from this incident that deep down inside he genuinely believed in his religion. Now he sees this miracle equals a shadow under Colorado law. While law he no one could have told you this information other than a law because I just came from that conversation. There's no way you would know.

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And the profitsystem said to the Sahaba take care of our guests, teach him the religion and gift him his son for free Yella. Bismillah. No need for any ransom. Otherwise the ransom would have been very high. So he said here Rasul Allah, I'm going to go back to Makkah and every single gathering and house that are used to curse your deen and you I will now preach Islam, every single house and every gathering that I would be in and say bad things. I'm going to go every single place and I'm going to preach Islam. And one he had gone so far and even omiya had spread the news that guys, I can't tell you what's happening, but you're going to hear some really good news from Medina soon. Okay, a

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secret, but I mean, I'm going to tell you, and so one day, a caravan came back from Edina, and they said, you know, SFX one you were right. A major news has happened. He goes What happened? What happened? He said Romania has embraced Islam.

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What a

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complete shock. And so when omate came back, he lived up to his promise of preaching Islam for a while. Even as hot mentioned a number of people have mucca converted and then he migrated to Medina lived his life in Medina, then the conquest of Makkah takes place. Romania is in the army of the conquest of Makkah. He's coming back to Makkah with from Medina obviously, and he's missing his cousins of one they're very close friends grew up together as his cousin. He rushes to someone's house in the conquest of Mecca, only to discover surf one has fled. So one has fled, because he did he knew he was a dead man, he had caused a lot of damage and he did not want to embrace Islam. So if

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one had fled, where did he go? He asked the family he went to Judah, by the way, is called Judah back then he went to Judah, and he's going to run away to Abyssinia to live in exile, self imposed exile. So someone went to the Prophet system, said Dr. rasulillah. You know, my cousin, sorry and also from Romania went to the process of Mr. Yasuda, my cousins of one you know, He is the Savior of our tribe. He is the son of oma. He is the son of omega ebonheart. He is the CEO of our mini tribe, the bunny Juma. He is the CEO of our tribe, please, I asked you to grant him your personal safety, you're a man. So the process that I have given to Amir Amir says he's not going to believe me. The

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profitsystem took his turban and said here show him this. his turban that he wore during the conquest of Makkah. He gave it to roommate he said go to San Juan and show him this is a sign that he is under my safety. So Romain rushed to Judah before the ship would depart he caught up to surf one they haven't seen each other since since Mecca, and surf one sees him he says Get away from me. Oh enemy Oh liar. You promised me this and that You humiliated me that he's very angry. Don't talk to me and suffer romaine, continue to say yes or no, my cousin embrace Islam, my cousin, our relative, the Prophet sallallahu I think he was sending him his azula out of an acrimonious an Ala

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Moana he is praising he is the bravest and the most generous and the most forgiving. And then he says Don't you see his is is your is when he rises, you're gonna rise meaning he's bringing in an element of joy Haley, you're here. He's a quarter she like us. And this is fine. If you want to use it for something like this. No problem. He's saying he's our tribe. Why would you run away? So then someone says, but I'm scared. After all that I've done. I'm scared. He said the profitsystem granted you a man because how do I know? So this is the turban he took out the turban, he gave me the turban as the sign. So soft one grudgingly came back with omega. And he held on to his had walked into the

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Kaaba, the process of is there. So if one wanted to confirm, he said, he said, Yeah, Mohammed is not a Muslim yet, Yamaha said, I have heard from homemade that you have granted me a man is this true? He literally wanted to verification, the profit items that I have granted it to you, he says I want two months, at least two months, I want to have safety. Let me think about my affairs, take care of my business. And then I'll see what I want to do. He's not a Muslim. The problem said, I'll give you for not just to give you four. So for four months suffered and remained in Makkah as a non Muslim, and during this timeframe interacting with the Muslims there, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is going

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to certain battles of them as the Battle of how was in from Makkah, they need to do other battles in life. And I wasn't so so fond being the rich man that he was the professors and went to the house of one said, I need to borrow your armor and your bows and arrows. I need to take them for my military expedition. So if one is one of the big guys, the wealthy guys, he has entire you know, silos if you'd like not silos, would you call them? You know, the place where you keep all the weapons? Would you call that? The magazine house? Whatever you call it? He's got that he's got storage more than it is said 100 armors? Can you imagine somebody in Mecca have 100 armors is a milli mini militia. He

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has it. So the process of went to his house and he said, I want to take your your armor, you know, for that for my army? And so if one says, Are you taking it as a stealing? Or are you taking it as a loan? Literally, he's like, are you just grabbing it from me? I want to know, what is it? Let's be clear here, or is this alone? Our profitsystem said no bellaria tune mode moonah. It is a Guaranteed Loan. It's a loan that's guaranteed meaning it's a lend, I'll take it from you. And I guarantee that it's going to come back to you if anything is missing, it shall be replaced with something else. And this shows us by the way, that the general default when you borrow something from somebody else, and

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you may make a mistake, you're liable for that mistake. If you borrow somebody's car and you mess it up. Generally speaking, you are liable for that mess up if you take somebody you know whatever it is appliance and you break it up. You are

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The one responsible because the president said no, no, I'm not taking it from you. It is idea mode Muna, it is a guaranteed lend, you're going to lend it to me. And I guarantee you, you're going to get this or the equivalent back, because if one of them is missing another one we placed in its stead. So the profitsystem took all of this, and then he gave it back to him, then in the battle, other battles as well, the Battle of how wasn't took place. And then, of course, the famous battle towards thought if took place, and that was when the minima that was captured in her name was the largest minima in Islamic history, as you're aware of that the battle in the wind was still not a

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Muslim. And it's still within the four months, right. And it was in the Battle of her name, and the Battle of her name, where the profits are some chose around 10, or less than 10, of the elite of the Quraysh, some of whom were still non Muslim. I was soufiane was on that list. He was a Muslim at the time, but he was on that list. And he gave each one of them 100 camels from the minima of her name. Do you understand 100 camels is literally more than a million dollars from our equivalent. One person gets, maybe we would call it 5 million realistic or 5 million just here, take

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that incident caused the unsolved to get irritated, famous story. And they began grumbling amongst themselves, these evil people of the rush, these are now the the of the kurush. Go back with millions. And we go back with nothing. Right there are grumbling because of the treatment of San Juan, and a few of the elites, but so far isn't that elite, the profitsystem heard this, and he enters in upon the unsolved and he gives them a very moving lecture about the status of the unsolved and he says, were it not for the fact that it was born Akashi, I would choose to be an unsought if I could. And he says at the end of it, he says, Are you not satisfied that the Quraysh are going back

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with sheep and camels, and you're going back with Rasulullah sallallahu, I knew he was selling them. And when he said that the entire tent was sobbing and in tears, and they said, rodina, we are, we're satisfied, you're satisfied. And he explained to them, he is doing this from what

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he is doing this so that these people when they convert, they're going to convert large tribes after them. And that's exactly what happened. Finally, someone converted at that point in time, after grudgingly seeing Islam for four months, and then being gifted a massive amount. Now he realizes, you know what, this is not a man who has any ambition. This is Rasulullah sallallahu I knew he was sending them and Subhana Allah and he has so many points of benefit. But one of the interesting things we see is the relationship between homemade and soft one and how that friendship enjoy helliya that culminated in Joe Hillier in a plot to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how

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Allah subhanho wa Taala used it to eventually cause reconciliation and cause the other one to become a source of safety and bring him though the same one that was sent to kill the the Prophet system brought his cousin back in safety to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the both of them died Sahaba and in fact, one of them died is Shahid fighting that is omitted he died a show he did later on and his son will have also died to show he He is buried somewhere in Roman lands and below the Sham which was Roman lands back then. But Subhan Allah What an interesting story and how it shows us the reality of how Allah subhana wa tada uses friendships and connections and this is a

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panel that one of the beautiful side notes of the of the syrup and one of the things I like to mention these what I call the the footnote stories of the COO May Allah subhana wa tada make us of the righteous and be allow us to be amongst the companions on the day of judgment was said it was Allahu Akbar.

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