Yasir Qadhi – Oath with the name of Allah, Competitions with a fee and prize Q&A #10

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The importance of mentioning the name of Allah in religion and his actions is discussed, as it is cultural and important in deeds. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid mentioning his name in deeds and avoid mentioning his name in deeds. They also discuss various scenarios and consequences, including the Tober and "by the way" rule, and emphasize the importance of protecting family members and avoiding tension between oneself and someone else. The conversation also touches on lottery systems and the benefits of defense mechanisms for protecting family members.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was the one well, on my bed, we have our usual questions for the two questions in sha Allah, both of them pretty straightforward, but some benefit in sha Allah. The first question, brother asks, I made a promise with someone. And I mentioned the name of Allah and made an oath in the Name of Allah, the promise he didn't tell me what it is, I made a promise, I said Allah's Name. At the time of the promise, I was sincere. And I felt that I could fulfill the promise, however, the situation deteriorated between the two of us and neither he nor I is keeping up that promise that we made in the Name of

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Allah, I feel very guilty, what can be done? And question now he did not tell me what it is. And the point is not what it is. But the fact that he made an oath with Allah's Name, and now he is unable to fulfill that oath. So we need to understand in our religion, invoking Allah's Name, when you make a promise is a very, very big deal. And our scholars mentioned that there are three categories of mentioning Allah's name when you make a promise, the first of them it is what is called low and low is when you mentioned the name of Allah and the context, people understand. It's not a serious oath, it is simply that you say Allah's name. And this is something that is very common in some cultures.

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For example, you say, are you free right now? Well, like I'm busy right now.

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This here will lie I'm busy. It's just an expression. It's not like you're giving a * of that is serious in nature. Okay, can you make it the on Thursday to have a meeting as well I can we do it another day. It's just you say Allah's name because that is the cultural habit. And in my own experiences, I would say and Allah knows best that in some cultures, it's more common than others. And perhaps in certain cultures, it's not that common so when I say this, people have certain lands so it's not something we're accustomed to. We don't do it in our culture. So it's a very cultural thing. In some cultures, Allah's name is mentioned every second sentence you know, will lie this

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will lie that will lay this every third thing as well lower level like if something like this, you know, so as their culture is common, and this the verdict is, it is Makrooh but not haram. You should not mention Allah's Name for no reason, but it is not sinful me I gotta go to Janam for this, everybody understands what is it all I am busy. It's not like the Wallah who you given a court of law when people are looking at say, I swear by Allah, I'm telling the truth, the context, understandably, and Allah mentions in the Quran surah verse 89. Law you are hidden from Allah Who, below we feed a man, Allah is not going to call you to task it's not a haram thing. Your low level

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means you just say it in vain. You're low and you're a man Yameen is the head of in Arabic Yameen means you give an author custom write an order we say custom kinda you give the custom right then Arabic is called the Amin and the Amin is essentially like the right time because there's degeneracy done with the right time you raise your right hand in the western court in the Eastern society you might shake the person and say I swear by the name of Allah that's why it's called the Amin the seriousness of it is called the right hand. So Allah is saying, law you are you do Kamala who below me? If it is low, you are not sinful, but it is not encouraged because you shouldn't just mention

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the name of Allah for no reason. This is the first category. The second category is the exact opposite. You say the name of Allah and you mean it but you are the biller lying and this is called in the Hadith Alia mean Allah Hamas and Hamas means the one that inserted you in because you go to jahannam for this year mean, Ali Amin, Al Hormuz, Alia mean the oath that will cause you to enter our villa with Ebola Jahannam the Prophet system said should I not tell you of the major sins? They said yes, yeah rasool Allah. So he said, to do shake with Allah to do this. Then he was lying on his back, he stood up not stood up but he got up from he was on the wall, he got up and he said, and the

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false Yameen the Yemeni Hamas, the middle Vamos, Damita, vamos the false you mean to to show how important it was, he got up and he made this the to mention the name of Allah in vain, knowing not sorry, not in vain in Boulton. And in another version or another Hadith. We learned that or with the villa with the villa, there is learner of Allah, on the one who uses the name of Allah in a lie or with the villa, there is Allah's Lana on this person, therefore by unanimous consensus, to say the name of Allah in a line oath is amongst the major, major sins.

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And there is no Farah, other than genuine repentance to Allah, you cannot just make it up by doing something. This is the type of sin. The only thing to make it up is your class and your Toba between you and Allah. Otherwise it is amongst the major sins, to mention the name of Allah and to intentionally live. And that's why dua is made against that person in some Hadith, for example of the doors that are made against this person is the businessman, the merchant, who makes a * of an oath with Allah, that he purchased a product for a certain amount, and he's lying to sell it at a higher profit. So Allah's name is so cheap, that he's willing to sell it for a few dollars, how can

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they be Baraka in this person, that person liner has been given and there is no Baraka. So, the opposite is a Yemeni Hamas, and that is to lie intentionally knowing you are lying and bringing the name of Allah into it. And the third category which is what our brother is asking about, this is called Al Amin al Qaeda, they mean that is a serious you mean that you mean that is meant to be the real oath in the name of Allah subhanahu what to Allah? And Allah mentions in the Quran, why Falvo a minor calm protect your oats when you mentioned them and they move Allah protect your oats. And Allah says in the Quran, that in the lady Nacional de la Hua Imani hem Thurman and Colleen and Hola.

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Hola. Hola, carnival ACARA What are you calling Muhammad Allah cavity? Wala Jambo la him? What are you the key what a home is that when Aleem those who mentioned the name of Allah in falsey, Amin, those people Allah says listen to this. Number one, they have no share of the market or they'll get nothing. Number two, Allah will not even speak to them in anger, Allah will not even speak to them. Number three, Allah will not even look at them. Number four, Allah will not purify them. Number five, and they shall have the painful torment. What more do you need? What more do you need to warn you do not mention the name of Allah in a lie? Never ever, ever mentioned the name of Allah knowing

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that you are lying. This is amongst the greatest Akbar Al Qaeda amongst the greatest of all evil deeds. And in another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, a cabal cabal are the biggest of all evil number one he said, committing shidduch with Allah number two he said rejecting your parents being disrespectful to your parents. Number three he said murder number four he said Alia Amina was almost just look at the list after shooting and murder and rejecting parents what was number four? This year mean? It is next to murder on this list. So be careful Muslims when you mentioned the name of Allah, Be careful. It is mentioned in our books in the catabolism of Muslim

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Ummah of Imam Muhammad, that receving Imodium was walking on the path and he saw someone steal. He saw someone take another person's property. He said also in So fear Allah don't steal. The man said Wallahi I didn't steal. At least I said my eyes are lying. And you spoke the truth because you mentioned the name of Allah. I would rather accuse my eyes of lying then accused you of mentioning Allah's Name in vain so he retracted so as not to punish the person but that's up to Allah. He retracted I must have lied My eyes are lying. My eyes didn't see what they saw. And Allah's name is valid out of respect for the name of Allah when he heard the man say well Allah He I didn't steal

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it. My eyes relying on okay, you didn't steal. This shows us the impact of using the name of Allah. So this is an Yameen Allahu Allah Amin.

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Aloha most then you have your middle mana after that, which is the effectively I mean, what is the effective you mean? Where the effective you in the context clarifies you mean it, you mean it? And the most obvious example is in a court of law. And the judge says in this court or in the Islamic court, do you swear by Allah, you are telling the truth. This is now as a very serious matter. You cannot just does not You mean a low or there's an argument going and somebody says, Oh, you're lying. Now your face changes. You say I swear by Allah, I am telling the truth. This is not Jimmy the low anymore right? Now you are invoking the name of Allah to bring something serious, so serious

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that the other person will say, okay, he's not going to disrespect that name. Do you understand why it's so important? So before we even answer the question, I wanted to clarify, this is a big deal to mention Allah's Name. And that is why we need to be careful when we mentioned Allah's Name and do not mention it in vain. It is better to face all the consequences without mentioning Allah's Name lying than to mention Allah's Name lying and then face that consequences of this dunya and the archaea. So, the context tell

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Moses, it is the immediate monoket The real human, okay? Now the brother says I made it sincerely. So this is not Jimmy no homos, he was sincere. And he said, Whatever it will, let's give an example. I promise to maintain whatever visit your house every few weeks, whatever it was, we don't know what it was, he made a promise to Allah. Maybe there was some tension between the two of them this looks like then they tried to reconcile. So they mentioned Allah's name. And they said, Okay, let us promise by Allah that we will do this and that and the both of them made an actual promise, maybe the both of them were sincere, then Subhanallah things happened and the promise is not met. Here we

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have two scenarios. Here we have two scenarios. Slight difference in the verdict of either one. So I'm going to take a step back the first scenario, you mentioned the name of Allah in a solemn oath, for something to deal with the future, and you are sincere. But time changes, and you think or you feel or you presume, that this oath,

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I made it and it was a mistake. And something else is better than my oath overall, in the eyes of Islam and the laws of the Sharia. I said it, I meant it at the time, but I regret it. And I shouldn't have done it. And I realized that the alternative is better for deen and duniya than what I said. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, idealism Bukhari and Muslim. If you swear a custom by Allah, then you see the other alternative better than your custom, then do the alternative that is better and make a fodder for your your mean. Let me give you a simple example.

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Sometimes, in

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a state of anger, you have an argument with somebody and you say Wallahi I will never visit that person's house again. And you mean it? Like you say it and you may it's not wajib to go to the other person's house. So you made a habit of with Allah, you say Wallah, he, that person he Dishonored me, He disrespected me, he said this about me and you make custom your family is there your friends or your brother is there say Wallahi? I will never visit that person's house again. Now, the mean is halal. But is it was the hub dear Muslims, is it good? No. What did our profit system say? If you made a Amin, then you realize the other option is better than your your mean? What is the other

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option? In this case? Solar correct. The other option is solar. You forgive and you make up Correct. Our Prophet system said don't even hesitate. Don't even hesitate. You choosing the better off this is Wallahi a mercy from Allah. Because if Allah had wanted to he could have said hello as you have to bear the consequences. And dear Muslims how often we use the name of Allah in a state of anger and we mean it. When we calm down.

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We regret how often a husband says to a wife a wife says to a husband if you do this again Wallah I will divorce you I will be left with the villa with a villa. That's not a successful marriage. Number one, what type of marriage will be successful when the wife is always stricken with divorce? Number two, you mentioned Allah's name. Don't do this. You don't mention Allah's Name. And another verse in the Quran Allah says, Why don't attach Allah autodata li a man don't bring in the name of Allah to use in your custom to do things that are not good. Allah is saying don't use it. Don't use my name in a custom for something that is not positive. And tomorrow what a todos Robaina nurse

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don't do this, that you're not going to do better. You're not going to have Salah had been a nurse don't bring in my name, Wallah he I'm never going to talk to him again. Allah says in the Quran, don't bring in my name. But people do. It's not haram but it is mcru Definitely mcru You're using Allah's Assam, for something that's not positive is not haram, because it's not wajib to visit you. And so what I'm saying right, you understand this point, he's not making custom for how long I'm gonna drink alcohol with without with the Buddha. He's saying, I'm not going to visit this person visiting that person is not wajib. So he's not sinful, it is a legitimate Yameen to legitimate oath.

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But now he realizes I shouldn't have done that. He comes down he wants to forgive, but he has mentioned the name of Allah. This is scenario one, he sees something better. In this case, there is no repentance, but there is a FARA because why is there no repentance? Because he's doing the better of the two.

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His option of custom was the worst of the two I'm not going to visit I'm not going to talk whatever it is, you understand. I'm going to divorce you if you you know what, maybe your wife went to somebody's house and you don't like that family say, Well Allah here if you go again, I will divorce you Subhanallah what type of marriage is this? But suppose you said it has what do you do now?

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Now you mentioned Allah's Name, you're not going to get away scot free. You're not going to get away scot free because you brought him the name of Allah. If you simply said if you go there I will divorce you. There's not Allah's name. You made a mistake you kill yourself for Allah move on End of story. But you mentioned the name of Allah, you bring it in, nobody told you to bring it in. Now you have to give Kuffar is that clear? This is scenario one, what is the cover? We'll come to scenario two. It's not that you saw a better option. It's simply that you as a human being are not able to do what you promised to do. So you are the Arabic word is Arches even though the arches okay, you're

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not able to do that. You made this sincere intention. Let me give a simple example that suppose you both in a state of good brothers had Wallahi we will visit each other every week. Life happens, you move, you know, move apart, you move to different location, whatever you get my point, okay, you shouldn't have done that. You know, it's something that only you you brought in Allah subhanaw taala. Now you are arduous to do in this case, to the level of your incapacity you must repent, if it is truly beyond your control. There is no repentance. But if you're falling short, for example, if you're falling short, because you don't like the guy that's different than falling short, because

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he moved away. Right? If you're falling short, because tensions between you and him, I'm giving an example that we understand Wallah who we're going to visit weekly. Suppose as I said, there was tension between the two you made up you said okay, from now on, we swear by Allah, we will be in touch every week, every month, then another tension happens. And both of you that looks like this, like he's saying, we have gone apart. Obviously, before I answer, try your best for Salah always be the better of the two don't don't cut off ties. Nonetheless, it happens. My point is, if it happens because of you, you are guilty to the extent that you are not fulfilling the oath, in which case you

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must also do Tober along with the kuffaar This is my point. Scenario one there is no Toba, you're choosing the better option. There is no Toba you just do the kuffaar scenario two is not the better option, but you are Arges you cannot do it for whatever reason. In this case you must repent to Allah and repentance you feel guilty you do is still far you make an intention. You learn your lesson, you're not gonna do it again. This is Toba and on top of that you do Cafaro so both scenarios I've got Farah what is the kuffaar? Allah says in the Quran surah Dilma either verse 89. Memorize it. Now you are looking for love in love with a mannequin Wallah. Could you you're afraid

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to mold a man Allah is going to forgive for the level but Allah will call you to task for them when Al Qaeda for the serious one fucka Farah to who this is in the Quran. If you're not able to fulfill the oath fucka Farah to who number one your time or I shall not the Messiah keen man Oh Sati molto termina Alikum feed 10 people the average meal of what you feed your family. Number two, oh Kiswa to home close 10 people the average of what you close your family number three out of Aqaba freeing a slave. There is no number three in our time so that's gone from Allah myalgic if you don't have the financial means to pay for 10 people's food or pretend people's clothing for Siyam with HANA 30 a

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yam you must fast three days the Lika Cafaro to a man who comida Hello, this is the kuffaar of your oath if you are not able to do it, but Allah reminds us why follow a man come try your best to fulfill your oats don't use it in name. So response to your brother you have two options and inshallah all of us can afford if you really cannot financially afford then you move to number four which is fasting three days number three there is nothing previously the two options and you may do either one. Both of them are equally valid feeding 10 people what you normally eat what do you normally eat some rice and some meat is our normal food let's say okay or mashallah burger hamburger

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and french fries. normal meal. The point is what is the average meal man Oh Saudi and look at Allah's mercy. He could have said the most expensive when you go to the five star cuisine, or if he didn't say anything, some lazy people said okay, sometimes when I'm really hungry, I eat a granola bar. So I'll give 10 granola bars No, Allah says min Oh salty Matata ammonia Alikum the average meals that you feed your own family. So 10 meals must be fed to poor people. And if you want to you can go to option two, option two is what

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10 clothings to poor people. So the average clothing item, you know, in certain Arab lands are sold in Buxton show alchemise In America, a regular shirt and also the average that your family will wear, you will buy and you will give to people. This is the cathedra of your domain. So that answers our first question in Charlotte clear. Jay, we move on to the second question or a final question for today. The second question and this is a

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Very detailed one, actually. And I'm going to try to summarize it. Is it permissible to participate in competitions that have an entrance fee and a prize?

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If so, why is this not a form of gambling?

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So there's a competition, and you have to pay $10 to participate and the winning prize is $1,000. The brother is saying, can I participate? Or you know, it's very common.

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A corporation has a fancy car, for sale or not for sale for price. And they say $20 coupon $20 You get the coupon. And we're going to pull that one, and whoever gets that will get the car. Okay, so you're paying some money. And the goal is to get something more back now. Scenario B, the car, everybody here knows this is what?

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gambling? The question is about Scenario A. And he is saying, Why is not scenario a the same as Scenario B? That's the question. Is it Hala? If it is, why isn't this like gambling, you're paying the $10 entrance fee, and we want to win first prize, which is $500 $1,000, or an ombre trip, and it's only $10 fee, and the trip odometer trip is $2,000? Why isn't that a type of gambling? So very good question. And I don't even think the question realizes actually that how complicated this question is, and I kid you not I have in my library, three specific monographs and PhDs written about this dissertation is not an easy topic, entire books written about the difference fifth

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rulings about participating in competitions is not a simple answer. You have as is to be expected a whole spectrum of opinion. Everybody agrees that if you purchase a ticket that is valueless, in order to gain something valuable, this is gambling. Everybody agrees this is Iijima on this point. And Allah says in the Quran sunnah my divers 9190 91 Yeah you live in a normal homebrew while may sue while ensemble is now moving us from amateur chef on Oh you who believe alcohol and gambling are filled from Shaytaan and Allah says Allah once sorry, Allah says Shavon wants to cause enmity between you two via gambling and via alcohol that in Nima you do share * and you okay Albania

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como el Bofill humbly will may say, while your suit the command decree Allahu Anhu Salah and shaitan wants you to not worship Allah via gambling and via Hummer. So will you not pay attention. And even Abbas said, in the days of Jamelia, a man would have a bet with another man with something of his valuables or his property or even sometimes his family. And whoever won, they would hand the other, you know, the item that they had bet or they had lost, right? Whoever won would be handed over. So this is something Allah forbade, and that is why unanimous consensus of all the muda have any type of lottery system in which you pay money for something that has no value to gains to have the chance

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to gain something that has value? This is haram. Now, this is a lottery ticket. There are after this the controversial areas? What if you don't buy anything? And it's an open competition? Okay, open competition, you're not paying any money. And it's just an open competition. For example. You want to go grocery shopping? And

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the grocery shopping has, whoever is the 1000 person who comes in today will win $100

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card. Did you spend any money?

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No, you're just walking in and you just going shopping? In this case, it is not lottery because you're not spending any money. This is a gift that they're doing to advertise their business. And that gift they can do whatever gift they want. You are not spending any money. What if so, if you're not spending money, it's not an issue. What if you spend money for an item, but the item has a coupon in it?

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For example,

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when we were children, I would love to buy cereals that have the

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the coupons or the not the coupons would you call it

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Box Tops whatever right or

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sometimes the can right if you are like if you have a when I remember once the question was asked to me in Canada was teaching a class and their famous brand Tim Hortons which by the way for the record is not coffee, but that's besides the point all the Canadian people watching are going to be boycotting me after this, but that's just colored water. That's not coffee, but anyway.

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I love Canadians, but Tim Hortons is non coffee. So, Tim Hortons

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They had a very big deal going on. And I was asked this question in class that they had 1000s of prizes. If you purchase the coffee, you unroll the cup, a million, a million dollars, a car, a house. I mean, Tim Hortons is a multi billion dollar corporation, they were giving prizes after prizes. Right? So the question was, well, for some weird reason, they liked that brand. So everybody's drinking Tim Hortons. And a Muslim brother wants something a Muslim brother wants something. So is this halal?

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The response, this is a gray area, the majority of aroma of our time say listen to this, if the goal and the intention was you're purchasing the product for the product, and the product is being advertised at the same price, everybody knows is the same coffee and your knee and Allah knows your Nia is that you want to drink the coffee, you want to get the cereal box, you want to do whatever.

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And if this comes as a secondary thing, not the primary, then it is permissible, because your goal was not to purchase the coffee for the rare chance of getting the million dollars, your goal was to get the coffee drink. Okay, so in this case, the knee does count and our shareholder with him and also said, and the corporation should not increase the price. To demonstrate that there's an extra fair if you want to participate, you pay more, there should be the same price. So the coffee is for $1.50. And then they advertise, Okay, anybody who buys, you have the chance in a million to get a million dollars, the coffee should still be dollar 50 cents, you should not have if you want to

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participate, then you have to pay the $2 coffee, you get the point should be the same price. And the knee should be I want to purchase for the sake of that in this case, because this is an incentive that people should be buying but it's not a lottery per se. There is a position that says lottery and that's fine. But the majority of scholars of our time say this would not be considered to be a lottery J it this the third and final scenario, which is what he is saying.

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What if

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it's not pure luck, but some skills?

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That's what he is saying competition. What if it's a competition, and this is really the meat of the motor? This is where the controversy occurs amongst the classical folk Haha, I'm going to summarize Believe it or not, it's not that simple. Why? Because Hadith and a Buddha would our Prophet SAW Selim said, there should be no competition, except in arrows and horses and camels. I'm paraphrasing la Sabka Illa for insulin or whorfin or half authentic, I don't know Buddha. Now, what does it mean there should be no competition. Everybody understands this means there should be no money for competition. Obviously, I can have a competition for anything who has the cleanest house, okay, who

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has the whatever, here what is being talked about is gambling money. You know, the horse gambling, whatnot, there should be no competition for money,

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except in these three things. Now, what does this mean?

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If there is to be money, then it is allowed to have monetary competitions for arrows for horses, and for camels. Can anybody guess why

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these three are allowed. Firstly, before we get to exceptions.

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Because all three are, let's just say defense mechanisms.

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Let's just say this is a legitimate struggle. And there are times when one needs to struggle to protect one's family and honor. And so these three things are

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defense mechanisms, okay. So because of this, the Sharia has allowed me to go ahead and encourage the people, let them aim better, right? Let them train their horses, we want to encourage this. Why so because when there's $1,000 price, right, and whoever has the fastest horse, what's going to happen 100 People will train the horses, okay? And even if one wins the prize, the other 99 If there is ever a struggle, they can struggle along with those who struggle, okay? So the OMA benefits, therefore processing, if there must be a competition to it for these types of things, okay. Now, does this mean that everybody can then pay $100 And one person wins the $1,000 prize or $10 $1,000

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This is where the controversy occurs, the majority opinion is as follows.

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If the money comes from a third party, then everything is legit and Hello, the ruler says $1,000 or a corporation says these are the top 5123 And the people are free of charge. No problem. This is the majority opinion for any competition.

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No problem, because you're not the one paying, as we said. So if a third party gives the money, no problem, whatever the competition, but the majority interpret this hadith, if you're going to pay an amount, then the only scenario that this is allowed are these three.

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Do you understand? And by the way, whatever I'm saying there's always other opinions I'm just giving you the default so that we understand the concept. This is a position this is advantageous position, it is a position the Hanafi school and others methods as well that if you're going to pay fees and participate, it had better be for defense mechanisms, okay. For something that is mutually beneficial for the OMA and not something that is not mutually beneficial in that case, only if the money is third party, is it halal? You cannot pay money to participate in that Do you understand this right? Okay. The other month have said

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if you are paying your money, it is only Halal if some people are also participating who are not paying money.

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In which case, then it's not gambling, where did they get this from? Hadith isn't a Buddha would. The Prophet says that I've said many other Hala forests and Boehner Farah saying, Well, who Allah you Manu and you spoke fillet Sybil kaymar, whoever adds another horse to the two horses that are racing. And there is no guarantee that dark horse might win or lose IE. So two people have put the money. Two people have put $100 $100 and they say whoever wins will get the 200 because they're clear. Right? The problem said, If a third horse comes in, without any money, and horses the similar speed as the others you don't bring a

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old horse you don't bring a lame horse you don't bring a blind horse similar then in that case, it is not gambling, even if they put their own money and then if another person comes so what this means

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the safer opinion is as follows. And this is the majority opinion

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Islamic competitions

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are the same ruling as these three because it benefits the OMA whoever memorizes the Quran first, whoever answers all of these questions of the Hadith No, we quiz first. Okay, whoever does the filter exam and scores the highest grade. Now guys understand me if the money comes from the Masjid Haram or Halal

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100% valid, if the money comes from a third party 100% valid, we are talking about if the students have to pay money, this is the whole scenario of potential gambling, the majority opinion is as follows. It is not allowed to hold such a competition where everybody pays $10 And from that money, you have the first prize is 1000 the second prize is 500. Unless you bring in one or two or three other students who are equally qualified and and who what? Who don't pay any fees. Okay, this is the majority opinion. Now, Ibn Taymiyyah Abdelkarim and even Hanafi madhhab they disagreed and they said no. This other Hadith, they interpreted in a bit of a complicated stretch, we're not going to go

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into it they basically said no it is allowed when there is Muslim half for the Ummah it is allowed for everybody to be equally participating with money because the goal is to incentivize the OMA and they use the first Hadith which is there is no competition except in these three and they said the whole point of the competition is what is to bring in money. And some of them consider the other hottie to be weak and others that it is abrogate and others brother interpretation. The bottom line and with this we conclude insha Allah

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in sha Allah it is permissible

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to have an Islamic competition

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that benefits the OMA in any area that the OMA collectively benefits from where students or participants put in a fee. And that fee is used for the grand prize. However, to get out of the pilaf, even Timmy says Helen had to get out of the * off. It will always be wise to bring in one or two students who don't pay anything and maybe a lottery system can everybody pays that one person you just pull out and say okay, you get a free one. You just maybe this way so that you follow the safer opinion and say okay, now this is not a lottery or gambling because there's some people or even one person but as long as they're all equally coming in you do

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Don't you haven't hedged the bets yourself. You haven't yourself structured that okay? The weakest student doesn't pay no, not like that everybody should come equally than one or two should not pay then it is out of the head off and all the men have would allow, nonetheless, if the structure is not like that, then Ibn Taymiyyah Milcah has a long passage in his book a double furusiyya which is a book about it actually mentions about these types of things horse rearing or whatnot, and he says it's completely halal. You're allowed to do this because it benefits the OMA and because of the Hadith and Allah azza wa jal knows best and Inshallah, tomorrow we will continue our Halaqaat

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the youth and basketball tournaments I would also say at least one should not pay this is my opinion at least one should not pay so that it then becomes permissible and Allah knows best inshallah. Zach Mala

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