Yasir Qadhi – Maximizing the Rewards of Our Sadaqa – Ask Shaykh YQ #162

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of verbalizing intentions to avoid causing harm and avoiding giving things out to avoid causing harm. They also discuss various types of charity, including those that benefit the person in front of them, and emphasize the importance of building a foundation for future benefit. Consistentity in small actions is also emphasized, and the speakers stress the benefits of diversifying one's charity and building a foundation for future benefit.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our next question we have brother Ibrahim from Myanmar Mashallah Tabata call is very happy to receive this email I did not know we have viewers watching from Myanmar, which is the technically correct term for for Burma. We ask Allah to facilitate and make it easy for all of our Muslim brothers and sisters in Burma in Myanmar. As we know they're going through a lot of issues. Brother Ibrahim

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emails a very, very beautiful question. And it was so moving. I thought, I'll just read all of it that all of these questions are related to charity. Brother Ibrahim says that when we give sadaqa must we verbalize the intention? And there are many types of sadaqa there's Vidya. There's fara. There's another Sadako, there's zecca, which of them is the most beneficial? And he says when I give his money better or food better? Or how about helping somebody out? And he also asks, What are the additional steps we can take to derive the most benefit out of charity? And then he asked the final question is that when we give charity? What should our intentions be? Can we intend that we want

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something of this world as well from Allah subhanho wa Taala? Or must we intend only for the next? And it would be problematic to give something for this world as well? Ie what he means by this is that what if I give charity and I want to, you know, protect myself from evil? What if I give charity and I want to cure a sequence? What if I give a charity and I want more wealth? Is that going to harm the purity of the intention? One

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out of seven?

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No, he lay him first.

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So all of these questions of martial arts about akula deal with the reality of charity and how to maximize this the impact of charity. And I want to just point out that martial arts vertical, our brother Ibrahim is really thinking deeply about this issue. And you can tell he's like deconstructing every single aspect he wants to and he's eager to gain the maximum reward and for me, inshallah, this demonstrates inshallah, tada, good heart. And it demonstrates that indeed, our brother is upon, you know, the right path to get the maximum reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, in terms of the specific questions he's asking, so he says that must be verbalized the

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intention. And the response is that the verbalization of intentions, it is something that generally speaking, the sooner has not come with the only time that the sooner has come with verbalizing the intentions is when we go for hedge. When we go for hedge we say the baker lahoma bake out loud and we make dua to Allah that Allah make this hedge or O'Meara both of them are the same in terms of verbalizing make this a hedge or omura in which there is no showing off in which we are doing this for your sake. And we we say that Oh Allah I am intending to do hedge Allah This is an MRA for your sake. Oh a lot of this systemic or or a fraud are caught on otherwise, for every other deed that we

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do. The shut er has not come with verbalizing the intentions and therefore it is best to avoid doing this there is no need to verbalize. Allah knows what is in your heart, right? Allah is the one who is our limo. He was Shahada. And so I know some of our scholars and some of them as they want you to verbalize and they think that by verbalizing your purifying your intentions and you're focused on what you're trying to do I understand that philosophy. So they say when you stand up to pray say our law This is to the car for to hire to Masjid you know that sooner that's for your sake, Oh Allah, this is for rock solid the door, you know, so you are focusing on the intention. I understand where

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they're coming from. But of course the the the flip side is that you don't need to verbalize to focus on the intention. Allah knows your intention. You are standing up to pray to her or to the calf to hear the message, whatever it might be. So there is no need to verbalize the intention for any deed. Allah knows your intention. Yes, you must have the intention, but there's no need to verbalize it. Our brother then says that there's so many different types of words mentioned in the Quran and in reality

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You know, Vidya, and cafaro, and others, these are technical terms that you only need to do when you have done a particular you know, penalty. So video, for example, that if you are in the state of your home, and you break one of the rulings of your home, you paid the video. So the video, for example, it's not done any day of the week, it's done as a penalty. The same goes for cafaro, that cathedra is only done to make up a penalty. For example, if you make a custom to Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah, and then for whatever reason, you have to break the person, then you will pay a cafaro. So Vidya and cafaro are both technical charities, technical sort of cause that you only have

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to give if you have done something that that necessitates it otherwise, these are terms that the average person everyday does not need to do. The term our brother says also saw DACA and Zika. And in the in this case, the term sadhaka and Zika. This is one of those terms that really confuses a lot of people. Let me put it to you this way very simplistically. So DACA and Zika. Imagine you have two Venn diagrams, okay. So what you have is that there is an overlap between these two Venn diagrams. And there is an area where Sobotka and Zika are the same. And then there is an area where is the cat is separate and sadhaka is separate. Okay, so two Venn diagrams and they're overlapping.

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And in the middle, sometimes when you use the term sadhaka, you means a cap, and we'll use the cat you mean soccer. And there are other times when the terms that God takes on another meaning and sadhaka takes on a unique meaning. So what is all of this mean? The Koran, the Quran uses the term Zakat and sadaqah to imply charity for the sake of Allah. So for example, in the Masada cultural for karate, so instead of the Toba, Allah says sada is for eight categories of people. And Allah says, well, the dino musica Tifa, those that are constantly giving you know Zakat in both of these verses. Allah azza wa jal is using terms Zakat and sadaqah. And in reality, each one of them is apply

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implying the opposite that most people understand from these terms, and they get confused, because when you read the books, they will say, Zakat is the obligatory 2.5% and savarkar is the voluntary and this is correct, sometimes, sometimes the Quran uses the terms a cat and it means sadaqa, like, for example, was when the animal is licatafiled under constantly giving charity, any type of charity. And as soon as the Toba Allah says, Allah, Allah says that sada is for eight categories, and he means Zakat is for eight categories. Okay? So bottom line, the term Zakat can mean technically that which is obligatory, but it can also mean all types of charity. And the term

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sadhaka technically can mean that which is not obligatory, but it can also mean that which is obligatory Okay, how do you know all of this? How do you know by context, you go to the scholars, you go to the books of Tafseer. And then you see, you know, what, when is the cut and when a sadhaka being used under which term and in reality, the context is very, very clear. Nobody gets confused in terms of the language of the Quran and Sunnah. So just keep this point in mind, our brother is asking what is the different types. So now you understand, Vidya and co founder are technical types of charity that you must give as a penalty to make up something that you have done, and sadhaka nzqa

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as I explained that, there are technical definitions, and then there's linguistic and technically Zakat is the obligatory amount you have to give once a year 2.5% on the amount that you have above the nisab and sadhaka is anything that is you know, above that amount, and yet the Quran uses both of these two terms for each other. Our brother also says what form of charity is the most beneficial, and then he gives examples giving money or giving food or helping others out. And the response is that the most beneficial form of charity is that which is going to help the person the most. Overall, the most beneficial charity is that which will benefit the person in front of you the

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most. So for some people, giving food is the best charity. For others giving money is the best charity for others giving of your time of your effort of your you know, somebody needs a ride, somebody needs your car, and you say hello, so I'll take you no problem. Okay, for some people smiling our profitsystem said smiling is charity. Time is charity as he said in one heading.

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pouring your bucket of water into your neighbor's bucket is an act of charity. So there is no one charity, that is, everything is underneath it. No, the charity that is the most beloved to Allah is the charity that is most beneficial. And this varies from circumstance to circumstance, and the son of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the actions of the righteous before us were to diversify one's charity. And this is something that, unfortunately, not many of us think about. When we think of charity, we think of writing a check, and that is it. And in reality, that is, but one form of charity, there is charity that is beyond this charity of your effort, physically doing

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something for somebody else, right, literally standing up and going somewhere and helping somebody out. There's charity of your physical strength, there's charity of your status, can you believe so if you're a person, you know of fame of respect, and you know, you have connections, and somebody needs a handout help, no problem is nothing, you know, you're not doing a bribe or something, to help our Prophet system encourage this, the Koran encourages that woman Yes, fat chef, I didn't have enough, whoever does a good chef. And a good chef are means you use your connection of something that is legit, we're not talking about using them for illegitimate for a good connection, somebody

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needs a job. And you know, you know, this brother is qualified, and you know, the CEO of the company, okay? Or you call them and say, Oh, you know, I know this brother, he is a trustworthy brother, right? And I know him, and I encourage you to look at his resume, this is a shefa this can be charity, and Subhanallah if you help this brother, you know, get on his feet and get the heck out of job and he helps his parents and he gets married, this is the best you can have. He doesn't want your your check this brother, he wants that connection that you might have, that he does not have, right. So my point being that there are different types of charity. And so you need to look at what

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is going to be the maximum benefit. And then do that. And also realize as well that Yes, it is true that certain types of charities, you know, there are certain ahaadeeth about them. And so try to diversify, don't just do one thing. For example, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in particular, he encouraged the helping of the orphans, right. And in particular, he said that when a man came to Mr messenger of Allah, my heart becomes hard. So our prophets Allah said him said, Go and feed a hungry person and wipe the hair of the or the head of the orphan means hug the orphan, love his charity, do your brothers and sisters love, so loving an orphan, okay, showing that orphan

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you know, the orphan does not have a father figure, and you become a part of that person's life, and you are there. So look at what he said, give food to the hungry, and wipe the head of that child in Sahara selia. Team. Why, because that your team, what he's missing the most is the love of a father. And so if you step in, and you take on a fatherly figure, that is charity, you're spending your time and your love, and you're showing your dedication. So diversify, you're just like, you know, the the income, you know, analysts, the, the wealth generators, they tell us to diversify our investments, right, invest in this stock, and invest in mutual funds and invest in real estate and invest in this

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and that they say, don't put all your eggs in one basket. So we as well, when we invest for the sake of Allah, we don't want to invest in only one, we diversify, because we do not know which do a which brother will be the most beneficial for us, we want to do as much as possible. And we build, for example, one of the best charities is to build water wells, right? This is something that was very common in the Muslim oma, throughout our history, one of the most significant charities that was always done is to have a public water source, because everybody will benefit and they will thank you for it, just have a you know, in those days, it didn't have running water. So people would have a

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well, they would dig it, and then they would just leave in there. So Wharf FISA vilella anybody can drink from it so much. So our profit system even said, that if a bird or an animal drinks from that water, you will get your reward for it. So these are things that we should think about diversifying our charity, making the maximum amount of benefits, and also for the longest time. So you're saying which charity is the best. I said that which is the maximum benefit. And also that which goes beyond one instance in time. So the longest impact to the greatest amount of people. That's what you should be thinking about. And so having a charity that is perpetual, it's called a walk is better than a

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one off charity. And a simple example is, as I explained, building a well, or constructing something that people can benefit from for longer generations for multiple times. And that's considered to be considered a charity. So that

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was a question about which form of charity is the most beneficial? Now our brother says as well that what can we do to derive the most benefit from our charity? And somehow? That's a very deep question. And I must say that, you know, I don't recall anybody's asking that question to me anytime before and my shoulder, this is a brother from me and Moto, emailing Mashallah to botica law. And he is saying that, okay, we're giving that money or whatever. But I want to have, you know, as we saying, here in America, the most bang for my buck, I want to have the best Baraka in my charity. And I say to this brother, you know, you've already you've already begun that journey by this

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question. The very fact that you are asking from the depths of your heart, and you want the charity that you give to have the maximum impact insha Allah, that is the beginning, because in an amount of money yet that actions are judged by intentions, don't look at the quantity of what you're giving. Look at the quality of when you give it. And we have over here the beautiful example, inside a body of the lady of ill repute, right, a lady who, whose lifestyle was to seduce other men for the sake of money. And that lady, we don't know her circumstance, but it is clear that, you know, she had very difficult circumstances. And so she was doing what she was doing this is not to justify but it

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is clear that Allah forgave her for something which indicates that she has a positive side as well. What did Allah forgive her for we all know the Hadith, she was charitable to a thirsty dog. In the summer day, she was thirsty herself. And she's looking for water. And she sees a well, and the daughter, the the, the dog is outside of the well panting because it doesn't have access to the water. And so she goes into the well she drinks herself, and then she takes her shoe. And she gives some water to that dog. And the dog is also a creature like we are creatures and the dog needs water, like we need water. And she had in her heart, a class that only Allah knows how to look like,

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Look, this was a lady of bad character, who is feeding water to the dog. Don't look at the charity. Don't look at the quantity. Don't look at the one doing don't look at the one whom it is done to a lady of ill repute, doing this water giving this watch it to the dog don't look only at one thing, the quality of the heart Subhanallah all of these factors of the story became irrelevant. And what mattered was the quality of what she was doing in her heart. And a law forgave her her whole life since because of that one act of charity. So you have already begun this step when you ask how can I maximize it by your intentions number one, number two, another thing that maximizes It is to be

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consistent in your charities to be consistent. Allah says in the Quran, talking about the people of fear those talking about the highest level of agenda, while Edina whom live zucchetti, fire Elune those that are constantly giving charity, okay, so

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do not just give one off every few months, try your best to do small acts of charity continuously throughout the year, if not daily. And remember, charity doesn't have to be money, it can be good attitude, smiling face, it can be a good word, it can be helping hand. So consistency in doing small actions. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the most beloved of all deeds to Allah subhanho wa Taala is that which is consistent, even if it is small. So that's the second way to increase the maximum benefit of charity is to keep on being charitable as a lifestyle constantly. And whoever is charitable by heart will find ways to show that charity in the daily life. And then

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the third thing that we can say about maximizing the benefit of charity is to give charity and secret to give charity in secret. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about the seven people who will be sheltered on the Day of Judgment. And one of them is a man who gives so secretly that his left hand does not even know what his right hand is giving and the meaning here, don't advertise your charity. It's not wrong to tell other people but try your best to have a lot of secret charities, not even your spouse, not even your parents quietly give, in fact, try to give so that the one you're giving charity to does not even know who you are, go to that level. So

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So these are the three things that are advised you, if you want to maximize your charity, first and foremost is loss in your heart. Secondly, consistency and thirdly, secrecy. And the final question that you had is

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Is it okay to intend something of this world? Or will that diminish the reward? And the response is that it will not diminish the reward. If you give charity in order to gain gained something from Allah subhana wa tada in this world, it's not going to diminish the reward. Why is that? Because the very fact that you are linking a good to Allah and you're saying that Oh Allah, I'm giving you know this money. Well, acid production protect me a lot. I'm giving this charity or Allah cure my son. Oh, well, I'm giving this charity give me more in this world and the next world as long as you are linking it to Allah subhana wa Tada. It is not going to diminish because dear brother in Islam, you

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have to realize one thing. You're not dealing with a created entity that is going to be stingy and miserly. You are dealing with the Honda with the rub with the rubble. You are dealing with the Karim. Allah is Al Karim and Allah is Elma none and Allah is Allah Zack, and Allah gives and gives and gives and Allah does not count. So do not presume Ruth Villa Villa that there is any stinginess, there is no stinginess, Allah is not stingy. Allah is the most generous and Allah loves generosity. So when you give, expect the rewards of this world, and expect the rewards of the next How do we know this? Because your brother in Islam, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam literally linked

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charity, with so many blessings of this world, we can go on and on there's many lectures about this and every fundraiser that we attend here in the Western world, we know these you know, from from, from the, from our memory, we know them right? Our Profit System said, give charity to cure your own sick relatives, Del Mar, welcome to socket. So if your child is sick, we are encouraged to give charity for your child. Our Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that, you know, when we give charity, you know, we will get back more this isn't the Quran even right? We will get back more in this world, you know, before the next world. Our Prophet says I'm swore by Allah that when we give

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charity, our money will not decrease it will rather increase. So why did he link all of these worldly blessings with charity, he never once said, by the way, he never once said, you know, if you want you'll get your reward in the in the hereafter. And if you want, your son will be cured because of charity. He didn't make the either or he explicitly linked the giving of charity with blessings of this world as there's the Quran By the way, right? Allah just says in the Quran that Allah blesses sadaqa Allah as origin mentioned in the Quran, who will give unto me a beautiful loan, and I shall return it multiple for you by a photo Obafemi Kathy, Allah will give it back much, much, much

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more. Why is Allah telling you that he's going to give it back much more? Because see, here's the point, dear brother in Islam,

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how can it be evil or negative

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to want this world from Allah, when you give charity for the sake of Allah, because you are demonstrating your Eman in a law, when you say that, Oh Allah, here is my wealth to the poor person, or Allah give me back more wealth, you are demonstrating you believe in the promise of a law. In fact, and let me finish off with this point, no time is almost up here. The term sort of in the Koran, it literally means the proof of your belief. That's literally the meaning of sodapop. So

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we all know that term, sort of a lot of them we all know workers to do. sadhaka means to believe sort of Allah, Allah has spoken the truth, and the term sort of power with a term or Buddha, which implies the charity that we give the term sadhaka comes from that same root to believe. Why is the term for giving our wealth linked for the same term to believe?

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Here's the point.

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When you give money, expecting a law, to give you back more, and to help you in this world, and to protect you, and to lift his anger from you, and to bless your wealth, and to cure your sick, you're showing a law through your money. That Oh Allah, I believe in your promise. I believe I don't have any proof. I don't I cannot see it.

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But I believe when I give $1,000 I will get back much more in this world and the next world. And so literally, as we say, in English, you know, put your money where your mouth is we say this. That's what sadaqa does. You put your money where your mouth is, how can it be evil? How can it be negative? How can you be diminishing of your award when you're telling a lot through your actions that Oh, a lot. Everything that you mentioned about charity, I believe in it, and here's my money. So there is nothing wrong. In fact, this is the essence of Islamic Eman. In fact, this is why we have been encouraged, motivated incentivized, to give charity for the blessings of this world.

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Because in order to get those blessings, we have to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala therefore dear brother in Islam, give and give charity and keep on giving and gift for the sake of Allah and give sincerely and give continuously and give secretly and give all types of charity and expect a lot of hand with Allah to bless you with every blessing of this world and every blessing of the next world. Without inshallah we come to the conclusion of today's q&a. I'll see you next week. Until then.

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