Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 49 – Abdullah Ibn Abbas – PT 02

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The Prophet system is supposed to be perfect, including the spread of Islam among Muslims, the decline of the ACK (the ACK), and the rise of Islam in other countries. The history of Islam is discussed, including the rise of Islam in India and the rise of Islam in other countries. The importance of having a steady life is emphasized, along with the need for a woman to have a stable relationship with her partner and avoid becoming a burden on her shoulders. The segment also touches on the idea of a "hastag marriage" and the importance of having a healthy relationship with others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi minor Marburg I apologize I'm suffering from severe allergies as you know this time of the year it happens

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a lot I'll try my best to continue from where we left off. So last week we had discussed what have we discussed to remind me?

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Can you close the door? Can you close the door that issue of noise coming from outside? What was their discussion last week?

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The definition of

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debate and what is the correct position? What is the definition of debate?

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The whole kurush

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so who that's the question.

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But oh, Hashem is the opinion of one madhhab battle Hashem and Bono Matata, added together as dependent on another and we said, in reality, the only lineage that people still are aware of is that of the bundle Hashem. The rest of them have been pretty much forgotten. So definitely have the our little bait is our person that we're going to discuss that is a beloved Ibis. And before we discuss our beloved bass, we need to discuss the family of Abdullah bin Abbas. So we begin with none other than an Ibis, even uploadable today, what are the Allahu taala and who and today we will discuss briefly a bass and the other children of our bass, so that we get an idea of the household

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of our person, Abdullah Ibn Abbas will also discuss the mother of Abdullah Ibn Abbas. So today's lecture will be the family of Abdullah have been abuzz, and that is above the law, Juan and his wife and their children, some of them will mention not all of them as usual many of the Sahaba they had lots of children. And obviously we're not going to discuss all of them. So Ibis everybody knows who he is. He is one of the most famous uncle's of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And remind me again, how many of his uncle's accepted Islam remind me

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who is the third

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to two uncle's accepted Islam? And the other one was, of course,

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the other one was, of course,

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accepted Islam.

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No, I bust the other one other than a bus

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who comes out of the LA one, okay. And he comes up with the law when he died when

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he died in a bottle of water. So therefore, for the longest time, the only uncle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that was a Muslim was an Ibis, okay, the only uncle that was alive after the Battle of budget, and the only uncle that was a Muslim therefore, was an Ibis, Ibis, rhodiola one he was older than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by around two or three years, it is reported in asuna. Timothy, somebody asked I bust or the Allah one and borrow on Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Are you a crowbar? Are you bigger older, or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? So an Ibis said an Ascended Newman who will who will act borromini Okay, I am older than him, but he is bigger than

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me. Okay, because the phrase Akbar can also mean greater than, so the phrase and abajo amoroso some alaba said, I am older than him, but he is better than me, meaning he has a higher other in the eyes of Allah than I do. And an Ibis rhodiola one. He as you know, each of the coloration, the days of Jamelia, each of the main tribes they had a major responsibility when it comes to the Kava, and when it comes to the pilgrimage, and an Ibis rhodiola, one had one of the most honorable responsibilities pre Islam, and that is the responsibility of what is called the CIO. What is the supplier, this eukarya is to bring the water for the pilgrims, and it was considered to be of the greatest honor to

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help the her judge and to allow them to drink during the days of Hajj. And in fact, it remained in the progeny of Ibis and the children of our bus for another 100 years. So after a bus passed away, his children great grandchildren, great, great grandchildren, they continued this great honor of providing the water to the pilgrims that are judge until finally when the bus SIDS came to power. We'll come to them in Sharla later on, when the buses came to power. Then when they were the Honda, they said they felt Oh, this is now we have to now move on from this and so they handed it over to another subtribe

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It is mentioned that he boasted of this privilege when he was captured at Bethel when he was captured at Bethel. If you remember an Ibis was captured as a prisoner of war in the Battle of butter. And

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Allah boss rhodiola han said to his captors, if you think you're better than us because of your Islam, well then I am better than you. Because I fed the water to the pilgrims. And I used to take care of Masjid al Haram.

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Okay, so he said this to his captors, that if you your Islam is better than mine or your Islam is earlier than mine, then I am better than you in that I have given water to the pilgrims and I have taken care of the Hajaj. So Allah revealed in the Quran a verse in Surah adobo, which is a general term sakarya tell her Gee, what a mountain Cheadle held Army Command Amana Billa, he will Yeoman archaeologia had a feasibility law law is the winner in the law. Do you make the giving of water and the taking care of the harem? As the same as the one who believes in a law and who performs the hijra and who does jihad, those two are not equal. Those two are not equal. You gave water they

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believed and they immigrated and they performed jihad. So Allah subhana wa tada then gently, gently chastised an Ibis for his statement and said that is not better law is the ruler in the law, and an Ibis or the law one before we get to whether he was a sympathetic, non Muslim in the American era, okay, he was a sympathetic non Muslim, similar to a polyp. Similar to Abu Dhabi. He did not embrace Islam in the Moroccan era.

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he never did anything to hurt any Muslim.

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In fact, he did some things here and there the demonstrate his loyalty to the Profit System as an uncle not as a Muslim as an uncle. And most importantly, on the in the covenant of acaba, which took place with the unsolved with the people of Medina,

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when the people of Medina came to Makkah, and they said to the process, and we're willing to take you, we're willing to bring you back with us. It was a boss who negotiated the details of the treaty. It was a boss who went with the Profit System on the ninth of October, the second way, actually October, right before the hegira. And there was a boss who said that I speak on behalf of the orange, this is our nephew, we are handing him over to your protection with the condition that you protect him like you protect your own children, your own families, etc, etc. That was a bus. So my boss was representing the kurush. Or at least those who are sympathetic to the Profit System,

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because obviously, you had the boo, boo labs, and they were not sympathetic. So our boss represented the sympathetic bastion of the Polish, and in the Battle of better he was taken a prisoner. So he fought on the other side. However, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had explicitly mentioned abass by name before the Battle of butter, and one or two other people. And he said when you see them, capture them and do not kill them, why? Who remembers when the battle above that five years ago we did it? Who remembers?

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Because they have been forced on the battlefield, they did not come willingly. So the Prophet system said, when you see our bus do not harm him, Do not kill him, Do not strike him, capture him and bring him so I bass was one of the two or three people mentioned by name prohibited to be killed on the battle above it. And that is why when the ansaldi came, who had captured a bus, and he said Yasuda law, here is a bus I captured him. He was boastful that I have captured that bus. And the Profit System said ma No, you have not captured him. Rather, it was an angel who helped you to capture a bus and our bus verified that yes, your Rasulullah there was a person, you know, on a, you

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know, a camera on a horse and whatnot, and he captured me and then this man took me after that. So an angel basically made sure that our bus was protected by capturing him and then handed him over to one of the Muslims and unsightly brought him back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when the time came to ransom, when the time came to suggest a ransom, and I busted that yellow suit of law, I'm a Muslim. He said, I'm a Muslim. And the Prophet system said, what is in your heart, Allah knows

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We have to judge by the outer. So even his uncle, he did not take anything other than the outward. He did not believe his uncle outwardly said if if you are a Muslim, that's between you and Allah,

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we have to judge on the outer, and what is the outer? You were on the other side, and you were fighting us. So I'm going to set your ransom. So he said the other soudal I don't have any money. I don't have any money. So the profitsystem said, and how about the money, that one day before you went on a journey, you hit it in such in such a place. And then you went to your wife or my father. And you said to her, if something happens to me, then give this much to Abdullah and give this much to obey the law and give this much to him and give this much to follow. And he mentioned each one by quantity and whatnot. Immediately, Ibis said, I testify that you are the messenger of a law, because

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nobody knows of that, other than me a normal father. The fact that you know that I have money hidden in this place, and the quantity and you know how much I said, Only Allah could have told you this. So Subhan Allah, He says he was the Muslim when we believe him. But when he heard the Prophet system testified to that his Eman itself went up. And he clearly then embraced Islam. Now, there is an opinion that this is not where the slight controversy occurs. That No, he did not embrace Islam until right before the conquest of Makkah. And the reason why some people have this opinion, is because the prophets of Sodom essentially allowed us to go back to Makkah. Now, why would he go back

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to Morocco when everybody had to migrate to Medina in this interim timeframe. And this is where the second opinion comes, which has been hijacked and the majority opinion that ally bass was sent in order to inform about the ongoings of the people of Makkah. Okay, so he was sent essentially to collect information, and to send it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to inform the Prophet system of what is happening in Makkah. So he was essentially a covert Muslim, a secret Muslim, if you like. And the people of Makkah did not know about this, and that Abbas would then send and that is why also we say that this is the way that the Prophet system found out that the

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Quraysh are essentially leaving, that the conquest of Makkah is going to take place all of this it was an Ibis with the law and who is giving him information based upon which the process of decided to go and do Fatimah or the conquest of Makkah. So an Ibis of the law, one of the strongest position is that he embraced Islam after the Battle of better and he was the only Muslim that was commanded to live in Makkah, when every other Muslim was commanded to migrate away from Mecca. Okay, so Ibis has the distinct blessing of being the only Muslim who has given divine permission. Now, were there other Muslims in Makkah, at the time, yes or no?

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Yes. And what was their status?

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Not openly Muslim. They were persecuted. Some of them were unable to even migrate. And they are forgiven because they were persecuted. Al Abbas was not persecuted because they didn't think him to be a Muslim. And Al Abbas was of the highest nobility of the college. So he was very strategically placed lineage wise and geography wise, he was very strategically placed by the prophet sallallahu Are you send them in the heart of Mecca, and right before the conquest of Mecca by a few days, and abus decided to leave MCC and migrate to Medina, but it was too late to do the migration, because the processor was already on his way to America to conquer America. So I met the army of the

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profitsystem a day or two outside of Makkah, syllabuses leaving and the process of is arriving. So a bus is the only Sahabi who intended the hedgerow so he got the idea of hijra, but he never actually made the hedgerow he never actually got there, because the hedgerow is now finished because conquest of markers taking place. So when I busted the law Why did not make it to Medina at this point in time, and that is because the Prophet system already was on his way. So after the conquest of Mecca, obviously Islam is now public. And an Ibis with the law one participates in the remaining battles, therefore abus did not participate in the early vitals, how good he he's in Makkah, the major battle

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he did participate in is the post conquest of Makkah, which is the Battle of her name, and it is in the Battle of her name, that our buses

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stature is demonstrated. If you remember in the Battle of grenade, there was a trap setup and the process of entered the valley. From on top of there were archers and the people had set up a trap, and many of the Muslims began to flee Helter Skelter. Only a small group of Muslims remained around the Prophet sallallahu Sallam at the head of them was a bus for the loved one. And our bus was the main person who remained when everybody was fleeing. And in fact, he was the one holding on to the stirrup of the horse of the prophecies and he was holding on to it, because even though horses terrified even even the horse wants to fleet and that our boss was holding on to the steer of the

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profits of the law while he was setting them. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to our boss or Ibis call out to the people and he mentioned every tribe by name. And a boss was known for many things of them. He had the loudest voice, the deepest voice, he had what is called the booming voice. You know, some people when they speak, the whole Hall, verb reverberates. This is a bus when he spoke, it was a loud voice. So the processor said, Oh, I bus call out to the buddy for lunch. But if we're not the venue for that, and so I began to call out and the first group he called out was the Atari one, or people of the third one, where are you? And when our boss said this, the whole

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valley shook with his voice, and by the hundreds and 1000s of Sally began to flock back, and then also and so where are you? Oh, so and so. And when they heard their name, they were jolted light with electricity, and they came back to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this is the main story of Ibis after the conquest of Makkah. Obviously, the process from passes away a year or two after that, and we don't have much knowledge about him. After that time, it appears he lived a very quiet very apolitical life. He did not get involved in the controversies that are the issues that took place and he was not also given any major political opposition. He wanted to live a quiet

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life after the death of the Prophet salallahu idea he was setting them at some point towards the end of his life, he became blind, he became blind. So he spent the last few years of his life not able to see one of the main incidents narrated about him is that in the time of Omaha, Pablo de la Han,

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when there was that infamous drought, that infamous drought that caused the deaths of lots of people and animals and livestock, and an agriculture so there was the call for Salatu is this call the rain prayer. And Abbas was already blind at that time. So our mo hubub commanded everybody should leave Medina and pray the rain prayer. And the way that they would do this they would go to a place outside of Medina these days is called Monsieur little hamama. If you exit from the message of the prophets or some of the front side, and you walk towards the right hand side, you will see a Masjid outside of the marble place and that is called masjidul hamama that is where they would go to pray

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de Sala touristy spot. In those days I was considering outside the city these days are still considered to be inside the Harlem You know, they're literally just exit the gates that are there. And then especially a little hamama over there. So I'm a little hot dog gave the whole diva, the salon is this hot? And then he said, Oh Allah.

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And this is a famous Hadith that has a lot of theological discussion. Allahumma in Khulna Natasha was cielo la cabina Vika

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while an Nutter was solo in a cabin Amina beak, only a bass was there alone yes piano.

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Almost our law we used to make the West soul through your profit.

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And now we will make was sold through the uncle of your Prophet, stand up on a bus and make dua to Allah that it rains. So our boss stood up and he made to our to Allah subhana wa tada a sincere prayer that it rained and it is said that it rained after that point in time now and I bust. So what is the theological controversy? The phrase we use to do to was sort of through your prophet What does this mean? We used to do that was to through your Prophet, and there are various interpretations. What does this mean? But the Hadith is very obvious what it means. The fact that mother speaking in the past, we used to do to our son, then he said we can no longer do it. So now

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we're going to do it through our bus and then he says stand up or a bus and make dua. So what is the worst so here tawassul is to make dua. So it is permissible to ask a living person to make dr for something that you need. This is the torso that is permitted. Okay, that there was so that is the gray area the torso that is the point of controversy, and that's where this head is

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used by both sides to prove and against is that there was sold by the name of a dead person. So you say, over a law by the rank of your profit, the more common a V cobija in a vehicle, right? I asked you by the status of your Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Okay? A lot gonna be give us this. Okay, this type of phrasing is the gray area.

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And some groups allow it and some groups don't allow it. And the groups that allow it have their evidences, the groups that don't allow it to have their evidences and both of them use this hadith in cunanan at our seminary Cabrini B, and whatever position you follow, in my opinion, this hadith cannot be used. This Hadith is very explicit. Because this Hadith, this hadith clearly shows what type of there was so is this hadith talking about? It's not by the name of a dead person. It is by the daughter of a living person. Is that clear? Right? So this hadith cannot be used by the camp that wants to prove it. And they have their other evidences, which is not the place to get into

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right now. So an Ibis rhodiola one lived a few more years after this, he passed away in the year 32 H 32. Ah, and so he did not live to see the civil war between the Sahaba he passed away before the time of the Civil War, and he passed away at the ripe old age of 85 rhodiola with Thailand at the ripe old age of 85. There have been mentioned that are about rhodiola Juan was of a handsome appearance tall with a deep and booming voice, and he would typically braid his hair in two braids, two knots. So in the Arabs in those days, the men would braid hair with a masculine not you know, in these days, even there are some men that have their their thing. There's a masculine way to do it.

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There's a feminine way to do it. And the pre Islamic herbs they would have that so Ibis had those two knots as well. And Ibis rhodiola. One, he had 10 children, 10 children, and either three or four wives, either three or four wives. We're not going to go over all of the children were just mentioned his first wife and his most famous wife and four or five of his most famous children. And of course, Abdullah bin Ibis is the most famous child I will mention him in detail inshallah. In our next class, today, we will talk about his family. And then next week we'll talk about Abdullah in our bus. So rhodiola Juan's first wife is his most famous wife, and also one of the most famous

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Sahaba yet, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a very special relationship with this onto his because this is his arm, right? It is his aunt. And so this Sahaba she is known primarily by her cornea, so much so that the majority of people who don't even know her full name, her cornea is Ahmed Father omal father. And then Ibis is called a boon for them, a boon for them. So omal father is her most common nomenclature, but her actual name is Lu Baba, Lu Baba bentyl Hadith and in fact, she's also called Lu Baba al kubra. The bigger Lu Baba, because she has a younger sister called Lu Baba a sohara, the smaller Lu Baba, but she is commonly known known as Ahmed father, and

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Mother Father. She appears in the Sierra a lot of times but usually in the background, as is the case with most women in this era. You don't have prominent roles, but she is clearly there. And in a number of traditions, we learned that the prophets of Salaam would visit the house of our bus animal father regularly in the days of Mecca. And in the days of Makkah, it was very common, especially after Khadija died, that he would spend the afternoons with our boss and his aunt Omen father, and in fact, he will usually have his afternoon nap in the house of omal father. So he and this is his Auntie has a very close relationship with her. And it is also mentioned that the first lady to

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convert after Khadija was omal father. So this is one of those interesting tidbits to ask, Who was the first woman to convert after Khadija it is on my father, the wife of our boss now, in those times? I shouldn't say in those times in that time frame, a Muslim lady could be married to a non Muslim man.

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So Oh, my father had converted and Ibis did not convert at this time and that was fine at that time. Because only later on was it made how long Okay, so all my father had converted and Ibis did not mind the conversion, which shows you is very sympathetic to Islam, but as we know, he only actually converted in the conquest of Makkah. And,

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but for the Lu Baba, by the way, I mentioned her

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a few months ago in somewhat detail when we talked about holiday

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And then the mother of how to do it.

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And I'm sure all of you remember all of the genealogy correct. So there's no need to go over it. And our note taker isn't even here for me to quiz him. Not that he ever can answer, but that's okay. And hamdulillah. Nobody can ever answer these questions, but that's okay. I'll very quickly go over it because I know obviously, it's too many names to remember.

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Oh, my father, my father.

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It is said by our early historians that this family of sisters was the most noble family in human history, when it comes to the son in laws that their mother had. I all of these sisters, their husbands, were the most noble in all of human history for one family to be a part of Is that clear? Right. So the mother of Lu Baba, her son in laws, by the way, the mother of Ababa died in the days of pre Islam. She never except I mean, she never saw Islam. But that family she lavas mother had six daughters. And the husbands of the six hour scholars have said no mother was more dignified with her son in laws, then the mother of Lu Baba. Okay, so when I mentioned this when we're talking about

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harlot, because obviously they're related so we're gonna very quickly mention so that it was just a refresher that there were six, six sisters. Okay, Lu Baba is number three of the six low Baba is number three. And

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lo Baba is mother married three times one after the other. So there are three different fathers to these six sisters clear. Okay, the first of her husband's was hoceima.

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So, Xena Binti hoceima was born and as the eldest sister of Lu Baba, who is in Ubuntu hoceima.

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Our mother,

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one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she was married to the process of in the third year of the digital and she was one of the few who passed away in the life of the Prophet system. So, Xena bentuk was the oldest sister and her husband is the Prophet system. So she is our mother, then Jose Medina. So she the mother married and had it. And from a hadith she had three daughters maimunah bentyl Hadith. Also, our mother

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now is not allowed to marry two sisters. In the same timeframe.

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Zane up into Jose mama died.

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Two three years went by then the process of married may have been till hardest in the seventh year of the hedgerow and maimunah and Xena By the way, this is not Xena vintage, I don't get it confused. There were two setups, Xena bit the Joshua is the cousin of the prophets, Islam. That's sort of the law was revealed. Right? That was she was the wife of the wife of the wife of zayde. Great and Allah revealed the Koran verses that we talked about that awkward story we talked about it. That's another sanem this is Dana had been to hoceima her younger sister is maimunah bintan had it and she was one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and she was one of the last to die as well in

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the year 50 151 one of the last of the ways that the process of to die, her younger sister from the same father lubob have been tell her that this is the wife of Ibis. Okay, so the two older sisters are married to the profitsystem Third sister is the wife of Ibis. And she was the main wife of Ibis and she remained his wife throughout her life. She never made any other husband and she died. married to ibisworld, the Allahu tada and who now for some reason that I don't know why.

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The same parents had another daughter and they gave her the same name. You know what happens? It's rare, but it happens. Okay, so there was two there were two lumabas lu Baba el Cobra and lo Baba sohara.

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Clear. Lo Baba al Cobra is the wife of Ibis. Lu Baba surah was the wife of algo Lea diplom O'Hara, the father of Harley the vanilla lead. Okay, so this is why I went into that story back then, few months ago, and we did the continuity. I mentioned the story of how did the mother of cotton that I went into a lot more detail I'm just reminding you know, refreshing your memories. Yeah, right. But anyway, just refreshing your memories about what we had already discussed. So that is the second Lu Baba She is the mother of Khalid even Walid then had it as well. The marriage ended and the this lady married the final of her husband's and that is roommates, and from roommates. She had a smart

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been two roommates, and outwash been two roommates, and a smart interface. We have mentioned her story at least 10 times in the zero

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She has so many incidents and whatnot. But the main thing is she married Jafar and then she married a bucket and then she married a little below one and from each of them she had children This is a snap into your face. So of the son in laws of this lady is Jaffa Abby, Pauline, Alia and abubaker.

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And then the youngest daughter of hers, Ottawa, Binti roommates, she was the wife of Hamza bin Abdulmutallab, and from them they also had children. So just look at this group of Southern laws that this one lady had, right, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Hamza Arbus, and a worker and Ollie and Jafar and alwaleed bin Molina, who is not a Muslim, but he was the most famous chieftain of the bundle Cosima, as you know, so, this is these are the six sisters. We are interested in number three right now. And that is who What's your name? Lu Baba, and she is known as, Oh, my father. My father is the common name that his story is known her by and this people have seen Oh, no. Oh, my father,

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my father and we said that the Prophet system had a very close relationship with this aunt and

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he was a regular at the house of Ibis and his odd omal father, Omen father. She passed away two years before her husband in the year 30 hedgerow 30 after the hedgerow, and they had many children. All of the famous children of Ibis were through work from home my father, he had other children from other wives, and they're not as famous. So it is almost fallen, and I bustled the law, one who have the series of famous children, we will only mention four of them, and all of them are relatively famous. The second one is I believe an Ibis will mention in next week's class. So today we'll mention the remaining three, the eldest son of Ibis and Lu Baba is whom?

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don't you get it? Our Father, normal father, the eldest son as of our bus, his father, and I'll follow David Ibis.

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Not much is known about him. One of his most famous incidents in the Sierra. And again, that father was not in Medina remember, her father was not in Medina, he was in Makkah with his father. And what we know about our father, the main incident in his whole life, was that he was the one who accompanied the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, on the same animal during Hajj. And so he gave us a lot of Hadith about Hajj.

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So in the process of his doing Hajj, he took a photo behind him, because you know, in those days, you didn't have the luxury of having your own animal. You have to share animals. And that father was the person who the process on chose to be behind him and at this point in time, he would have been a young man, probably 17 or something like at the prime of his youth now. And so we have so many a hadith about hedge because the father because he said the processor took me behind him when he went on the camel doing the hedge and the father passed away a year or two after the death of the process of fighting in he died a Shaheed in Arjuna during the Battle of legend today and remember the

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conquest of Syria. He died in vain, and he's buried over there. The second son of an Ibis is our person Abdullah have an Ibis, I will mention him next week. That's the second son so I will have an Ibis is not the oldest he is the second eldest son, the third eldest son is obey the law even Ibis obey the law had been a bus and obey the law had been a bus was one year younger than Abdullah had been a bus one year younger. And therefore when the processor died, he was probably around 12 years old, 12 years old, so he's old enough to remember and to narrate Howdy. And we have a handful of Hadith from obey the law if an Ibis obey the law. When he grew up, he became a very successful

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businessman, very wealthy businessman. And he was one of the most generous of all of the bundle Hashem. It is said that he would sacrifice every single day, a camel to feed anybody who wanted food. That is an immense amount of wealth. Every single day, he would sacrifice a camel and have just an open buffet. You know, just you know how rich people sometimes they just feed the poor, just have an open whoever wants to come and eat. And it is said that Abdullah Ibn Abbas, our guy said to his younger brother, don't do this. Don't don't spend so much money every day you're feeding like one camel. There's a lot of money. Don't do that. So he wanted to obey his older brother, but he

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still wanted to feed the poor. So what did he do? His brother told him don't sacrifice a camel. He began sacrificing two camels are really

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to get out of that. That okay and obey. My brother is

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don't sacrifice a camel. I won't sacrifice a camel. I'll sacrifice two camels now. So from then on, he sacrificed two camels every single day till he died. And our historians have said that whoever wants to see, sorry, they said, the household of Ibis has been blessed with everything, beauty, knowledge and generosity. Whoever wants to see beauty or handsomeness. Let him go to alpha, the eldest. Whoever wants to see knowledge. Let him go to Abdullah bin Abbas and that's we're going to discuss next week, and whoever wants to see cudham generosity, let him go to obey the law. So handsomeness Jamal, Erin, and Khurram, it's all in the household of Abbas Eva, I've been with Polly.

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And there's a story narrated about him in the ancient books of history, even Katherine and others, they're married a very beautiful story, that one day, obey the law was traveling

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on one of his business trips, journeys, and he had his servants and whatnot with him and he's in the middle of the desert, and he sees the tent of a veteran in the middle of the desert. And he introduces himself but not as the ven Ohashi simply says, I am a traveler traveling, may we spend the night in your tent? Because it's cold. It's what not maybe spend the night in your tent. So the travel the bedroom did not recognize who is this man? But he said to his wife, we have a noble guest tonight. What do we have to feed him? And his wife said, you know, we have no food?

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She said absolutely nothing. I mean, this is a noble guest. Let us give him honor, let us honor Him, even though he didn't recognize this is the cousin of the Prophet system. So the wife said, we only have a goat left. And you know how much our daughter is attached to that goat, don't kill the goat or our daughter is going to be heartbroken that, you know, you kill the goat. But he said we must because this is an honorable guest. And we have to give our last goat to feed this guest of ours. So he did not realize that

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are available abus was able to hear it did not realize that their conversation was overheard by or whether they had been abuzz. So they sacrifice the goat and they fed or whether they have not bus the next morning when they went to leave obey the law said to his servant, how much money do we have? He said we have 500 dinars 500 gold coins. So obey the law said give him the whole package. Leave nothing. The servant said on Master, he gave you one goat that's worth two three coins. And you're going to give him 500 coins. Just give him a few he'll be more than happy.

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and above, not above the law said

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that way hack woe to you don't trivialize that he has been more generous than us.

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He has given everything of his and I'm only giving him

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a fraction of my

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like he was Mashallah. He was very rich. So he said Don't you realize he has out beaten us. He gave everything of his and I'm just giving a bit of mine.

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And so he gave him 500 gold coins even though you could have purchased a goat for one maximum two gold coins, you could have purchased it, but it gave him all 500 and was left with no money till they got back to their destination. This was how basically a bus or a bus was and obey the law lived a long life and he passed away in the early time of the oma yet he laughs So he lived to see while we and some even say yazeed and you live until the time of yazeed or the Allahu taala is the final son that will mention there are more sons than this. But we're only interested in four of them and all for our children have omitted from the okay all four gentlemen father, the final son, the

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youngest son that will mention his bosom, bosom and close them we have mentioned him before. Can anybody remember? When do we mention them? We mentioned them before.

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them was one of the four people who wash the body of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So he gets a very special honor. Very special honor. Actually, there were five people there was a servant as well. But it was a bus and father and him and a little the loved one. These were the four main people along with chocolate on the molar of the Prophet system, who washed the body of the prophet SAW Selim and asked them at this point in time he was probably eight years old.

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They did not treat eight year olds all the way that we do.

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They have to be made into men and he

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Until he was eight. He was in the room, and he helped turn the body of the profitsystem. Obviously he would not have done it by himself. He's too young to But father and both him and abus for their loved one. They were the three who were holding the body and an eyelid. The other one was the one. Washing the body of the process of Quran was pouring water on the body of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and with them, it is said that with him out of all of the children of abass, he looked the most like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he looked almost like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the new Hashem there were four in particular, who were said to

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resemble the prophets or some almost identically, the most resembled of, of all of the Sahaba were who who could tell me

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that's number two.

00:40:57 --> 00:40:59

You're missing the most obvious.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:02

The most obvious

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young Sahabi

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has an rhodiola one. Hasson who is going to resemble the process more than his own grandson has said was etc almost identical copy no one was more close resemble into the process and then has another loved one. After hasn't it was Jaffa Jaffa who and after Jaffa was put him in a bus after Qasim. It was another Sahabi we mentioned him a cousin. We mentioned him in the conquest of Makkah, Abu sufian but not the Abu Savannah

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Abu sufian, the first cousin of the Prophet so solemn, Abu sufian, ebenen, Hadith even Abu Talib

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so al Haddad is the eldest son of Abdul Hadi, and his son, Abu sufian. And if you remember the process of Sudan were very close together, growing up, but then Abu sufian became bitter enemy. And that was Sophia would write bad poetry. And when the conquest of Makkah took place over soufiane begged for mercy and he cried, and he brought his son and he said, I made a mistake. I acknowledge I made a mistake, and he accepted Islam and the process as well then forgive him that is our Sophia, who is to resemble the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And there were other brothers and sisters of these four. As we said, there were 10 children of an Ibis, even Abdul Kalam, one of the

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interesting points as well historians say that we have never seen a household whose graves are more scattered than the household of an Ibis, a normal father.

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All of these children were born in one house in Makkah,

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and each one was buried at a different corner of the Muslim Empire. And this shows you how Islam was spread. This is the classic example of how Islam was spread. None of them were buried in Mecca.

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The oldest unfolded, we just mentioned where he died, as Nadine, in the conquest of essentially as Nadine opened the door for Jerusalem.

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The conquest of that region, Abdullah Ibn abass, who knows where he is buried,

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thought if I have visited the grave of life, it's a message it must have been a bus. And right next to the Minister, there is a grave. So even a bus died in thought if and that one will get to his story. He wanted to flee from the internal warfare, because he lived to see it. He did not want to participate. So he went to five which was a quiet city. He was from Makkah, but when all of these fit that happened, he wanted to go underground. He did not want to be prominent. So he moved to the neighboring city of five where he is very to this day. So that is even a bus. The third Aveda that we just mentioned, he died in the peripheries of Yemen. So from Syria, we get all the way to Yemen,

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put them died as a Shaheed in America, of some our current

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way over there. Some have gone beyond of understand Abdur Rahman, another son died also in Syria. And Mara, but another son died in essentially what is now Libya or something. Right. So look at the geographical regions, where each one of these sons is buried, and you get the peripheries of the Muslim Empire, along with the center of an Ibis, which is basically next to Makkah. And this shows us how Islam was spread. Now above the law one,

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there are a number of traditions by him and from him, there are many blessings narrated about him, and of them is that one, somebody irritated and I bust for the loved one, and he came to the Prophet system and the processing could recognize

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He was irritated and he asked me what had happened. So the boss told him all that had happened. So the profitsystem then said

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and I Bosu mini what and I mean who I am from a bus and I buses from me. And another version of the Hadith he said, Don't you know that the am of a person is the same as his up.

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So we have two beautiful headings you should memorize them and harder to be Manzella to them.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

You know, and a lot more soon Whoo.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:36

Okay, the harlot who's the harder

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mother's sister is like the mother that's what our process to them said. I'll holla demon zillertal

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and in this Hadith, he said, a Lamb who is the um, the father's brother, the father's brother is seemed which is similar to is the same level as the Father. Okay, so here also, we see one of the reasons why our processing would respect Ibis so much. It was the last remnants the link between him and his father.

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So this is the sin This is the, my, the equivalent of my father. So whoever makes him angry has made me angry. So this is the macom that our Profit System gave to an Ibis in another Hadith he said, Whoever irritates a boss has irritated me. Whoever irritates a boss has irritated me. And my boss or the old one did not narrate that many ahaadeeth it was a quiet man when it came to narrating Hades. We have a few edits of his one edit only in Bahati, two or three in Muslim. And then we'll say Mama, we have only five or six hadith of Ibis, not that many a hadith of Abbas. Now, one of the interesting things about Ibis rhodiola. One is that, of course, the most famous dynasty of Islam is

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named after him.

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And that is the

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Ibis, Ibis. And the abasa dynasty, is the longest ruling dynasty of Islam. No dynasty rule for longer than the bastards from 750 to 1258. See, memorize these dates 750 to 1258 ce, and it was a bus's great, great grandson,

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whose name was a safari who founded the dynasty and then a safari died and his brother a monsoon to cover and from one monsoon, you get the whole lineage of the Abbasid dynasty. So all of them how donor Rashid then an amine and then walk on the moon, all of them are direct descendants of Abdullah ibn Ibis for the low one. So they're all the Hoda or literally the lineage of a bus or the lava. And that's why they're called buses who have bus and there is no denying that one of the main golden eras of Islam was the era of the Ibis is no pause here. Some people get very emotional. How can you say this was the golden era? The Sahaba was the golden era. There's no question the Sahaba was the

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golden era. There's no doubt about that. In terms of Eman and taqwa and piety, and in terms of zoning laws, everything. So we're not talking about the Sahaba there is no competition with the Sahaba. So apart from the Sahaba, because there's no competition, they're not in the competition, Aslan, you cannot compete with the Sahaba. Apart from the Sahaba. When did Islam flourish apart from the era of the Sahaba? There is no question that the greatest flourishing of Islam after the Sahaba occurred in the time of the early ibises, especially the later Ibis is kind of sort of, you know, plateauing and then going down, but the early Ibis is this is the era of how to enter Rasheed. This

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is the era of Islamic civilization flourishing all of the Islamic sciences, the mother had basically the books of ID, the the codes of law, the Arabic language being codified, calligraphy, the recitation of the Quran, Quran, so Islamic sciences, secular sciences, this is all of these famous guys we mentioned about chemistry and biology. And this isn't the time of their busts. Right. The famous 1001 nights right of Laila, whether it was the the timeframe that is written in is the time of the ibises, the city of Baghdad, which was the most the greatest civilization, in all of humanity at the time, a million people living in a city at a time when London had 5000 5000 people in London,

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and there are million people in Baghdad, you have lights at night, the lanterns were lifted by that and again, we can go on and on and on. So the reality is that you know from from the angle of Islam as a civilization, there's no

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Question. It was under the children of a bus or the loved one, that Islam reached the pinnacle of its civilizational glory after the time of the Sahaba now 1258 what happened in 1258 that the hypothesis came to an end 1258 What happened? Mongols Chang is Han gang GIS con. Okay, Mongols came and they destroyed the Abbasid caliphate. However,

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interestingly enough, they are busted Caliphate did not fully come to an end.

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When the mom Luke's destroyed the Mongols, and the mom, Luke's were ethnically non Arabs, the Mamelukes were non Arabs. They were actually somewhat Russians, you can say, sir, occasions, Russians, they were like a different group. I mean, they're neither Russia nor Turks, but they're basically a group from up there. So the mom Luke's wanted to be the whole alpha, but they realized the Muslim Ummah would not accept us. So what did they do? They installed the Queen of England.

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What do I mean by this?

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a figurehead,

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a figurehead. They installed a figurehead. And it is literally called the shadow caliphate. That's the term given to it, the shadow caliphate. And they found one of the living because the Mongols massacred all of the herbicides, the immediate family, but obviously the family is massive. It's large by now. And so they found one of the distant cousins. And they installed so he's a direct descendant of Ibis, obviously, and they installed him where

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Cairo, our hero,

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our hero. And so another abasa dynasty began in a car hero from 1261, up until 15 1715, so another 300 years 200 something years, you still had the Abbasid Caliphate in our hero, but this is a shadow caliphate. The Caleb is simply like the Queen of England. She's in her palace, or they're in their palaces, and it is the maloofs that are essentially in charge. Nonetheless, there is still the official ceremony. Every time I Caleb dies, another one comes, there's the official ceremony. This is the halifa the Hoda is right in the name of the halifa. So even though it's symbolic, still it is the holder of the battle bus. So there are buses, essentially where the whole alpha from 750 to

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1517. Think about that. The descendants of our bus, even Abdul muttalib were at least in name for some of those centuries, but still even a name Let it be for not 800 years, the descendants of abass rhodiola. One were the rulers of this oma and by the way, interesting tidbit that even I did not know until I was doing my research for this class, that when the Mongols invaded in 1256 1258, one sub branch of the family fled, and they found refuge in a small province that is called bestech bestech. And it is now in the modern country of Iran. It is now the modern country of Iran, and that province hosed them posted them, that province adopted them and made them their rulers. And I did

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not know this until I did my own research for this class that from 1260 1258 when the Mongols invaded up until Believe it or not 1961

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the rulers of this small province were from the herbicides continuously in 1961, some of you were alive at that time before my time, but some of you were alive at that time. And then of course, the Iranian government basically acquired that region otherwise, even up until 61 they were the governors of that particular province. And that essentially therefore means that from 750 until 1967 at least some buses continued to have some power somewhere in the Muslim world. Now what happened in 1517, by the way that the Mongols sorry that the mameluke stopped having their bus, the caliphate. What happened in 1517 to the transfer of the caliphate? Where did the falafel go and 1517

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No, no, no, the Fatima's are never our whole of the Ottomans. There are many Yun in Selim, the greats. In 1517. There is a ceremony between the final ambassade Calif, who hands over the symbolic mantle and he gives it to the Ottoman Calif Selim in 1517. And that is the first time that a

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total non Arab becomes the halifa and then that lasts up until 19.

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Is 21

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we still have people alive that were born at that time. So panel to think about how recent that is.

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Before we conclude, today's class, I just wanted to quickly go over as I typically do some edits from a boss or the Allahu taala. And there's only a few edits from Ibis. The book that I'm using, as you should all know, is Muslim Ahmed, which is the largest collection of Hadith. As we know, Mr. Mohammed collected all of the Hadith and what's interesting, as we know, how did you arrange the Hadith, Mr. Mohammed? By who? By Sahabi by companion, so that makes it very easy for us when we want to see what are the hadith of Abdullah Abbas in our group. So in volume three, we have from the Hadith that I narrated for that he narrated from above.

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And we have many, but we're going to do only some of them. So it's very interesting, one of my favorite headings from Ibis, and it really shows

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what a boss or their loved one is thinking about this hadith is also a Muslim. I busted I will probably read that one day I said, O Messenger of Allah, your uncle Abu Talib, used to protect you. And he used to do this. And he used to do that. Were you able to benefit him and the hereafter?

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Before I answer the question, or go on, isn't that a beautiful Hadith?

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Because who is abuzz to Abu Talib?

00:56:28 --> 00:56:38

Brother? They're full. They're not full brothers, but they're have brothers have brothers, right? So our boss is concerned about his brother, your brother.

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He did so much for you. He protected you. He defended you. Were you able to do anything for him in the era. And our Profit System said yes, I was in no field bah, bah, Minh, and now we're Lola Anna kind of darker as well, because of me, he is in the peripheries of Johanna. And otherwise, he would have been in the lowest depths, I've managed to make the punishment much less bah bah in the fringes.

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Otherwise, he'd be in the pit of the fire of help.

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The head is that the only headache that is narrated in a body of a bit of a bus, a bus they only Hadith that is narrated in his or her body. So is the most authentic hadith of our boss or the other one is the famous Hadith that is used in that the prophets are best narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when a person does such the seven things must do such that with him, his face, his two hands, his two knees and his two feet is a fifth Hadeeth and abus is already good. And it demonstrates that excuse me, when we do such the we must have seven body parts touching the ground. If we do not have seven body parts touching the ground, that is not such the

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and then the last idea from my boss and there's a few more but these are the main ones I wanted to do.

00:58:09 --> 00:58:11

Excuse me, the last Heidi will do

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it even Abdullah bin Ibis came to us for Hajj, the narrator is saying and I said to him narrate to us. So he said my father Abdullah Ibn Abbas narrated from his father abass. So there's a family chain Mashallah, right so family chain, so this is the grand son of our bus narrating the Hadith, that one time he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said O Messenger of Allah, I am your uncle, and I am old, and I'm about to die.

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So teach me something that will benefit me.

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But a beautiful Hadith again, right? I'm coming to you because I'm your uncle. And I'm old, and I'm going to die meaning no, How did he know the process would die before him? He thought he's gonna die first. I'm older than you. I'm going to die. Teach me something that will benefit to me. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh, I bus unto me. You are my uncle. Wala una uncoming Allahu Shia, but I cannot benefit you in front of Allah at all. Just because you're my uncle, that relationship will not benefit you on Judgement Day. But ask Allah for Allah via cellular Illa Allah via ask Allah for alfia and I did this hadith we're doing the chapters of da in the Novi book Rio de

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solder in

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in this world and the next so Ibis seem to like trivialize this like, that's all you need to ask for alpha. and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yeah, I'm on my uncle. ask Allah for alpha, for there is nothing that is more blood.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:00

less than alpha.

01:00:02 --> 01:00:05

And what is alpha? We mentioned this in the no weight class, what is it alpha

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the absence of any pain or suffering or calamity,

01:00:14 --> 01:00:25

we don't want any misery and the pain and the suffering. We ask a love raffia in this world and the next, okay? to not have a tragedy is the best blessing

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and to not be punished is the best blessing. Because if you're not punishing the outcome of that means you are rewarded. So that these are the hadith of Ibis, rhodiola hotellin. Very quickly, the next chapter in most of the month, is the chapters of the hadith of Ibn abass. Okay, the next chapter is the chapter of fallen and Ibis and I'll just mention one or two that follow them and Ibis narrated. I was the one whom the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, put behind him on the camel from was Delica until Mina

01:01:02 --> 01:01:09

and he never stopped saying the Tobia until he hit the jungle.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:13

So from was delaford to Mina, meaning in the hedge

01:01:14 --> 01:01:18

the process have never stopped saying the baker lahoma bake

01:01:20 --> 01:01:43

until he threw the jamara. And this now is the fifth question. When do you stop saying the telopea. And there's actually many positions many opinions. But this is crystal clear. You stop saying the baker lahoma bake when you arrive back in Minar, after having spent the night and was deliver so even after out of fact, you continue to telopea

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even after the fact on the night of was that if you continue to sell beer, on your way to Mina, you continue to sell beer, then when you throw the first stone, and on the 10th you only throw the first pillar, right you only throw one pillar, if you haven't done Hajj then start planning from now right I'm going for hikes this year as well. By the way, just put a plug in there as well if you want to come and shall load data, but even if you don't come this year, make sure you're planning for it because it is getting more and more expensive, by the way, so don't set it aside, put it in your plan from now whenever you can go for Hajj. So when do you stop doing the Silvia, as we said, is

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when you throw the first Gemma, and ladies majority of them are about hedge and what was done doing hedge and we'll just do one more Hadith from the youngest brother of Ibis

01:02:36 --> 01:03:21

that narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Sorry, nothing is Heidi throw away the bus Heidi throw away the bus. So this is the one that we just mentioned the generous one. Heidi probado live in a bus. And by the way, the rest of the book is the hadith of Abdullah had been a bus and it goes on to the next chapter. So Abdullah had been abuzz narrated of the most headache out of all of the Sahaba. The top five of the living Ibis is amongst them. Okay, so the other siblings two, three, and rubella about one Howdy. Look, the chapter is just one chapter with the left nav bus one ID, that's all he has. That's all he narrated. And that's all that is preserved. It is Abdullah bin

01:03:21 --> 01:04:06

Abbas, who is the scholar of the oma the hadith of herbatint. Omnibus is a little bit 50 issue. But I'm not going to translate it but the it goes as follows that, as you know, in Islam, a lady and a man once they have divorced three times, they are not allowed to get married, correct. You know, this 50 issue, right? Once the three triple divorce has taken place. What must happen in order for the marriage to take place again? She has to marry another man. Okay. So this issue is what this hadith mentions. So the lady was triple divorced, and she had to marry another man. So she married another man, but refused to be intimate.

01:04:08 --> 01:04:12

Because she wanted to go back to the first one. So it was a type of

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trickery, and that's not allowed in Islam. And so the complaint came to the prophet SAW Selim, and the Prophet system said,

01:04:24 --> 01:04:59

Are you trying to go back to the first one law that's not going to happen? means you don't want to be a wife to him, you're married him. You cannot now say I don't want to be a wife that doesn't, you can't that you cannot be that way. And then the Hadith says that basically, I mean, I'm not going to translate it because it will require 10 minutes of explanation, but the gist of it is until you consummate the marriage. Then there's a legitimate but up then you can after they get the go back and married the first time. You cannot play games with the shady I have a fake marriage contract. Just get a marriage done. No.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:07

The game that doesn't work that way. Okay, so the marriage must be consummated. This Hadith is a dilemma

01:05:08 --> 01:05:32

that you cannot just have a fake marriage contract. So it must be a legitimate marriage. So by the way this means is you cannot have a fake marriage, and a fake marriage is bartered in the eyes of Allah, even if in the eyes of men, it is accepted meaning if your Nia was, Oh, I'm just having this fake marriage, right? Just to get them back or get her back or get him back. Right? If that was the Nia, in the eyes of Allah

01:05:33 --> 01:06:14

doesn't work that way. You must marry a genuine marriage, a real marriage. And then an issue must arise in that other marriage that doesn't work out. And then after that often, if you want to, then you can go back to the first husband. Okay, so this hadith is the main Hadith that is used by the alumni bus to demonstrate that that second marriage must be a legitimate marriage. And if there's to be a fake marriage, it will not be accepted in the eyes of Allah that's from obey, they live near a bus. So inshallah with this, we have come to the conclusion of today's lecture next week in sha Allah, we have done all the preliminaries, we will dive directly into Abdullah bin Abbas, who is one

01:06:14 --> 01:06:23

of the most fascinating of the Sahaba and the habit of the Koran. Any quick questions before we conclude for today?

01:06:29 --> 01:06:34

Any questions about urban abus and the family of the prophecies sell them and I buzzin I know.

01:06:37 --> 01:06:39

He's worried about marriage.

01:06:45 --> 01:06:50

You didn't even get into the multiple marriages. He did not even mention those. Yeah. Alhamdulillah.

01:06:56 --> 01:07:01

So, a marriage in the eyes of Allah subhana wa, tada must be a legitimate marriage.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:12

These other things that take place on paper or whatnot, that's something we have to that's a different discussion. In the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. nica has certain conditions, and it must be met in this regard.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:25

Now, you cannot negate that there might be other privileges that come with marriage. And if that's one of the needs of marriage, did nonprofit system say a woman is married for four reasons?

01:07:27 --> 01:08:14

And have them as well, one of them is fame and shut off. And of them is money. And these other three, these other four, I mean, religion as well? Are they illegitimate? Like if a woman has shut off, now shut off in our die in our times, lineage has gone down. Nobody cares about lineage that much? Nobody unless the family is. So imagine if again, in the American context, if the family is the Kennedy, for example, right? So even the son in laws of the Kennedys have positions of power, okay. And there are many people that are famous in politics, they're married into old families, and they became famous in politics, right? So that's your Mary? Is it? How wrong to marry for multiple

01:08:14 --> 01:08:58

reasons? No. So if one of the reasons is, and it's a two way street, it's a two way street. If a woman marries for financial security and religion, Is that wrong? Of course not. It's common sense. But our processes and prioritize the religion, not that don't care about financial stability. Every woman should marry somebody who's financially stable this in the head, it's in the head it one, two men proposed in the process. As for him, he has no money. He said this, he has no money. He didn't say he's not pious. So we have to be very clear here. There's nothing wrong with having multiple knees. But there must be legitimate nikka Hayden, and this person in the Howdy, this lady, it's

01:08:58 --> 01:09:25

pretty clear. And that's what the President said that I'd like you to read in and tell you, it seems like you want to don't want to have a marriage, you want to go back to him a lot. That's not gonna happen. So he understood what she's trying to do. So no, that's not going to happen. You have to be a wife to him. And then if something happens then but then you can go back and show okay. You know, the problem with marriage questions is call us. Everybody starts asking and I know it's marriage related. Correct? He has does the problem. So can we just

01:09:28 --> 01:09:29

go ahead, go ahead.

01:09:35 --> 01:09:47

No, it is not hard to marry a person that has been triple divorced for the NEA for the NEA to make the previous marriage permissible.

01:09:49 --> 01:09:56

Anybody who does this, the marriage is Bothell in the eyes of Allah. We cannot know your nia. But Allah knows you're near.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

Anybody who does this. The marriage

01:10:00 --> 01:10:27

Bal dill. And in the Hadith in Abu Dawood, in fact is very severe. Our Prophet Sall Allahu Allah send them curse such a person. Alamo Helen well mohalla it's cursed learner to LA and in one Hadith and it's a bit vulgar but it needs to be said it's a hadith our Prophet system called such a person a de sel muster are like the hired like Donkey or bull

01:10:28 --> 01:11:14

like the most vulgar thing you know animals if you understand farm animals if you want to make your animal pregnant your your female animal you will hire or they would hire another animal you know to mate and in this heady the process of literally said this type of marriage is like a hired you know, donkey or bull like just something it's somewhat vulgar to say, but it gets the point across How can this be possible. So such a marriage is bow tail in the eyes of Allah it is a cursed in the eyes of Allah and if we come to find out about it even in our fic now that we know about it will say no you cannot go back to the husband No, okay. Now without getting very controversial. One of the main hubs

01:11:15 --> 01:11:53

does not see it that way. Hence, you have been exposed to your soap operas and dramas in which these types of things occurs otherwise for the rest of the world, other than that particular mud hub, it is never done, but in one culture we have heard of these things and it is common for the mall visa hub to give sadaqa Mashallah tabarka law and get married in this regard and in reality it is one of the eccentric issues of that mehtab that generally are very tolerant and we respect all them adopted but this particular issue loud Aqua syllable is just not allowed it should not be done and

01:11:57 --> 01:11:59

no need to mention a shallow you

01:12:02 --> 01:12:04

know no one of this windy weather heavier one of the cinema

01:12:06 --> 01:12:14

but but don't worry your your people have not are not familiar with it. So you stick with your mother don't change my dad just for that reason. You know,

01:12:15 --> 01:12:17

stick with him. Okay?

01:12:20 --> 01:12:28

Because we don't want anybody to misunderstand disrespect okay. lalala This is within Sony Mata. That's why Yeah.

01:12:29 --> 01:12:35

She has have other things but not this is not one of the Mitchell inshallah with this, we conclude we will continue next Wednesday's

In this talk by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, we get drawn into the life and times of Abdullah Ibn Abbas RA in more elaborate detail.

We are enlightened with details on the wives and children of Abbas RA.he was a handsome phis wife is most famously referred to by her kunya – Umm Fadhl but her actual name was Lubabah bint Al Harith RA. she is the second woman to have converted to Islam after Khadija RA.she had children from Abbas RA and the most prominent amongst them were – Fadhl RA, Qutham RA, Abdullah RA and Ubaydullah RA.

It has been said that in the times of Abbas RA, his family was attributed with the traits of beauty , knowledge and generosity. It was acknowledged by the people that Fadhl RA was an embodiment of beauty, Abdullah RA was an embodiment of knowledge and Ubaydullah RA was an embodiment of generosity or Taawun.

We are then divulged details on the Ghusl of Prophet SAW for his Janazah and how the sons of Abbas RA were amongst the key 4 people who were  part of this prestigious moment – Fadhl RA, Quthum RA.

The sons of Abbas RA also fins another unique way of some connection with the Prophet ﷺ and that is in the way they share a unique resemblance with the Messenger of Allah. The gifted 4 people are :

  • Hassan RA
  • Jaffer Ibn Abi Talib RA
  • Qutham Ibn Abbas RA
  • Abu Sufyan Ibn Harith RA.

We also get to know the various Hadith that have been from the Abbas RA clan.

Narrated/Authority of Ibn Abbas:

The Prophet ﷺ said, “I have been ordered to prostrate on seven bones i.e. on the forehead along with the tip of the nose and the Prophet pointed towards his nose, both hands, both knees and the toes of both feet and not to gather the clothes or the hair.”

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