Yasir Qadhi – The Fiqh of Umrah

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding major sins and the physical journey of the people facing, shaving hair, avoiding mistakes, and loggingically speaking. They also stress the need to increase physical safety and drink more gottaes, and advise against giving money to gangs and distracting people in public places until people are ready to do so. They also emphasize the importance of praying during air travel and not drinking alcohol, and mention a new app called IMG. The Kaaba is discussed as a potential reward, with a focus on avoiding dangerous activities and not giving money to gangs until people are ready to do so.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad Ali, he was mine I'm about, I apologize about the delay, we're having some technical issues about broadcasting it live. So right now we're just on audio for our online interview online. Guests, but for us in the audience, obviously here shala. Obviously, it's live for us over here. So inshallah, we're going to have a short, talk about the blessings of Ramadan. And just very briefly go over the filth of it, and then open the floor for q&a. And I hope that inshallah you have already seen the video that I already sent out on our list, and the main purpose of today's really the q&a,

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and inshallah later on, we'll have a little bit of logistics as well. So right now, it's not really about the logistics, it's about the procedure of performing overall and for to get us into the spirit of performing overall. And the fact of the matter is that many of us, we kind of take aroma as something not as big or as a trivial act of worship. But the fact of the matter is, that aroma is one of the most important and one of the most blessed acts that Muslims can do. And in fact, it is really second only to the Hajj itself and that is why the oma is actually called the minor Hajj. In fact, you can call the ombre al Hajj Alaska can even call it is this smaller hedge because you do

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most of the rights of hedge and you show respect to the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we should go with that Nia when we go for that we are undertaking one of the greatest actions of worship that a Muslim can do, because we are venerating the house that Allah has called his own house. And this place that we are going to is of course a place that Allah declared sacred before any other land. This was the first land that Allah declared sacred, and it was the land that of course, upon the tongue of the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, it was declared to be the very first house of worship. And Allah subhana wa tada mentions in the Koran, that the land of Mecca or the

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Valley of bucha has been declared sacred and it is the most blessed place in the entire world. And therefore Allah says that whoever intends to do any type of evil in this land, Allah will give him the most severe punishment. When I used it VPN had simply wanting to do evil in Makkah. Our scholars say, If Allah says, wanting to do evil and moko will get you a sin, then wanting to do good in Makkah will also get you much more reward simply wanting to do good. So when we go for MCC, our new year should be that we will do as much a bother as possible that we will give to the full court on that we will pray that we will do tawaf and that will of course, do aroma, and that the mere

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intention of doing these good deeds, it will it will magnify the blessings of these good deeds, and our Prophet Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam praised going for Umbra. In so many Hadith we don't have time to go into all of them, and many of them are mentioned in the lecture that I sent you, but just to get us into the spirit of going for that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Hajj, and Umrah al Hajj jewel O'Meara, the both of them, they get rid of your sins and your poverty. Two things regarding rid of just like a furnace gets rid of the impurities in Iran. So when you throw the raw ore into the furnace, what comes out is the pure metal. So our processing them as describing

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hydrogen and water as that furnace that gets rid of two things. What are the two things that fall number one, our sins fall off. So just like when we go for Hajj, we expect to come back a fully clean person. Similarly, we should have the same intention, we go for water, no drama is not as blessed as hedge. But nonetheless it is right under it. It is the hedge. So when you go for omoto, our Nia should be as well that we've come back as a clean person as a pure person. And also we intend and there's nothing wrong to intend this, that over law, I'm spending so much of my money and my time for your sake. And your profit system has promised that when I go and spend money for ombre,

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that Allah will eliminate fuckup or poverty from me. So we want to be eliminated from the poverties that all of us obviously want to avoid. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that one O'Meara to the next camera will forgive all of the sins between them, as long as the major sins are avoided. So number two Illuminati can afford to live by by that one camera to the next camera, it will be as if it's a cleansing experience for all of the sins as long as the major sins were avoided. Of course, the major sins are like Zina and murder and these are the major sins. If we avoid these major sins, then the overall acts as a cleansing factor that from one era to the next.

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So this is an encouragement we should go for more frequently. And unfortunately, many of us are a little bit lackadaisical when it comes to Roman I would like no big deal, you know, shala once every decade or so but our process is saying what that the more O'Meara's you do, the more you will be clean. So one camera to the next camera. So we should already be thinking when is the next time I'm going to go from

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Amara should already be there in her mind, maybe not next year two, three years from now, it's my Nia to go for and what if Allah has given me the wealth to do so, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Hajj and O'Meara is one of the two types of jihad, Jihad then, of course, the other jihad is the actual haweswater. So he called hedge and omura. He said that in the huddle jihad in it is one of the two jihads and this shows us that the greatest physical journey that we can do after the husba of a legitimate nature, the second greatest physical journey will be the journey for Hajj and aroma. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that raising the voice now here's

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another point, by the way, a lot of us think that the baker lahoma bake is only for the hedge. And this is a big misconception. In fact, the Tobia the baker lahoma bake is for the state of Islam. So whenever you're in a home, you say the Silvia and therefore the Omer also has the Tobia in it is not just for the Hajj, and all of the blessings of the telopea that we mentioned. Before we go for Hajj, we talk about them, they apply for the Roma as well, because the omala is also an active telopea where you say the baker lahoma Baker Baker lashley color color bake in the hem that will never matter, like our milk, luxury color. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said before he was

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going for Hajj, he said gibreel came to me and he commanded me that I should raise my voice when I say the telopea. So Allah sends you breed to our process and him to tell him to tell his oma that when they say the Tobia, they should raise their voice, and this tells me as we said, is not just for Hajj, it is also for Ramadan, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the person gives Tell me everything that here's the tell via will intercede for that person on the Day of Judgment. So imagine every rock every tree, everything that you pass that here's the Tobia, the more you say the Tobia, the more objects will testify that Oh Allah, this person announced that he's

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coming for the camera, he announced that he is answering your call. Therefore, we should raise the voice with tell BIA and make it our regular routine. As soon as we enter the terminal for omura. We're only going to be in Iran, literally for less than half a day. Right? We're gonna in our program, we're entering a harem from outside of Medina. So from literally it's not even like how do we have four or five days? It's literally less than half a day. Why don't we spend extra energy mentally prepare ourselves that for those seven, eight hours, you know, maybe even less than that if the bus driver is driving the way that they drive usually, maybe even five hours right? Before we

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get from the mythos to Makkah, this is the time that we have that we should raise our voice with to tell BIA that the bus should be buzzing with detail via as much as possible so that we get our sins forgiven. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whenever the person raises his voice with to tell via the process of said everything on his right and left even the ledger and the ledger, they start saying that Elvia as well, so they of course we cannot hear it. But when the inanimate objects hear people saying the Tobia, Allah azza wa jal gives them the ability we don't know how, but everything will say the tibia along with our tibia as well. And this is a good

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incentive as well for us to say that Elvia as frequently as possible, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us that touching the two rockin the corners, which is Hazardous Weather record Yamani, touching these two Lukens. They're called Dodo Colonia in the tokens touching these tokens, it causes our sins to be forgiven, so we should try our best to physically touch the to record and inshallah we're going at a time. Yeah, it's not it's not offseason, but neither is it peak season is kind of in the middle. So we're going at a time that it's not hatch season and hamdulillah. But of course, it is the December break, so a lot of people will come, but inshallah we

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will be arriving in Makkah, relatively a little bit later on 9:10pm. And it's not going to be it's going to be a day that nights that inshallah to Allah, it's not going to be the weekend over there. So relatively speaking, it will be a better time, then

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later on in the week or before that week. So inshallah, my point is that, for those of you still feeling energetic and young, maybe you can make your Nia that at least one of the seven, I'm going to try to, you know, touch the Hydras with shala. We'll see play it by ear. I mean, obviously, if the rush is very bad, then we skip that but make it an intention. And by the way, so touching the Blackstone doesn't have to be done only in the camera. You can do it in any tawaf in any thought of So suppose you come in it is too tired or too tired, you're too busy. No big deal. Okay, then just do the toe off the next day.

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I stay awake late at night, you know 2am 2:30am this is one of course, this the the rush goes a little bit less than you do your toe off and you make your idea that insha Allah, you know, I'm going to try my best to touch the hedges a sweat because touching and kissing the hijab is of course an act of worship. And it does forgive the sense as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that never does a person raise a foot or put it down when they're going to the toe off or the Hajj or Umrah never. In other words, whenever they're taking a journey to Makkah, never do raise the foot or put it down, except that Allah will raise you

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one level or forgive us in. So every single footstep to the haramain, every single footstep to Makkah, will give us that reward and therefore Alhamdulillah we thank Allah we live so far away then, because when we do go now that far, this becomes a blessing that we are spending more money than a person you know, from within driving distance, we're spending more of our time and we hope that inshallah this long distance that we're going to travel literally halfway across the world that inshallah tada we will get the extra adjure for that. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the tawaf of the Kava is just like the Salah. But tawaf will Beatty sila tune. So during

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our tawaf around the Kaaba, we should be in the state of who assured that we have during the sada because it is a type of Salah, except that Allah subhana wa tada has allowed us to speak in the tawaf and we are not allowed to speak in the Salah, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would regularly kiss or touch the black stone. And we know that the black stone is of course, one of the stones that Allah sent through gibreel to the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, and it is a stone from the stones of Jenna. And I have said before and a reminder here, that if Allah does allow me or you or any of us to be right in front of the black stone and kiss it, then just take a millisecond

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to make sure you're kissing at the right space, right spot. Why? Because I mentioned in the theater class three and a half years ago, and I showed you on on our TV screen here, I showed you that one, the kuramoto, which was a radical is my ad group in Bahrain. They came in they ransacked the garba in Was it 200 something 207 to whatever 200 something hijra they ransacked the GABA, they stole the Blackstone, and they had to break it in order to get it out of the GABA. So it splintered. So the Blackstone splintered, and therefore, when the buses got it back, they had to put pieces of the black stone in pure silver. So most of what you will see there is pure silver.

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And there's only some fragments of the black stone that are sticking out the rest is embedded inside the silver. So and you will see it clearly. You will see there's seven slithers or seven fragments of the Blackstone. So when you kiss, if you're able to, and if not, then your life is more precious than trying to figure out where to kiss okay, but if you're able to then try to kiss on the actual Blackstone, and if not intimate, Mr. rubinius, Allah knows you stood in line, you tried your best to get there, and you were able to do as much as you can. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged the Sahaba by saying to them that Allah has made the tawaf and the Safa and the hitting

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of the Jamaat which will not be doing, Allah has made it a symbol of Allah to decree law, you are resurrecting and establishing the decree of Allah in this earth. So the tawaf and the salary and the Jamaat, no, this is not jamara time for us, but to to often say, this is if karma to decree law. So this is establishing a law, stick it in this earth, and one of the simple realities of establishing elastica the tawaf is a non stop act of worship 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 30 days of the month, 360 days, it keeps on going, except for the actual Salah, and then immediately it starts again. So imagine or process something that often this AI is a manifestation of a loss decree on

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earth, and we see it non stop. Isn't that the case? Never ever does it stop. It's something that is a continuous act of worship. So just like a law should be continuously worship so to the people are doing the law of non stop since the time of Islam, frankly even before Islam that we should call doing follow up right so that is a non stop act of worship that is continuing throughout centuries and centuries and nothing stops it even though Salah you stop just for the Salah 10 minutes, we stopped and then we resumed again. So we should feel a part of this continual ritual that has been established from the time of Ibrahim, now you two will take you apart and doing that if karma to

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decree law on this earth, and also we're going at a season that insha Allah who tada

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We're able to, we're able to take advantage of the militarism and the militarism is the place between the hedge of the last word and the door. There's a small area around seven feet or six feet, it's not that much space, that our Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that what is between the hedger and the the the bob or the door is a place that whatever a person asks for Allah subhana wa tada will give it to him. And our Prophet says that now this hadith a little bit of a laugh, is it authentic or not? Some say it's slightly weak, some sense authentic. Now, even if the Hadeeth is a little bit weak, our processing we know for a fact he stood there for long periods of time, and he

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put his hands up and he beseech Allah subhana wa Taala. So this kind of makes this concept completely valid that between the hijab as well between the hazardous wood and the door of the Kaaba between this is an area that is especially sacred for us that we should try our best to go and make do out over there. And you don't have to do this on off. You can do it at any time. So when we're in Makkah, Mashallah, we'll be there, you know, four and a half days, we'll be there in Makkah. So any of that time, see what when you can, and if you're not able to touch your chest on the Kaaba, then even It's alright to take, take a step behind and just make sure you're still between the hijab and

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the Bab, you're still between IT. And especially for our sisters. Of course, for them, it is almost impossible to be able to touch

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the cab at that at that place. But after the hazardous wood, there's this big empty hole because everybody wants to touch the hazard and then they want to leave. So in fact, the rush is not that much after the hazard right at the tip of the cab, but you get my point here, right? That it's literally as if there's like a vortex that goes straight to the hatchet. And then after that it just disappears because people just walk straight out. And so a foot or two after the hazard is what it is possible for our sisters in offseason in the middle of the night, maybe 2am 3am it is possible for them to kind of come a little bit close and make dua between the the hazardous wood and the

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door. And again, this is if they are able to reach that area without physical harm and whatnot and you be the best judge of that. Your physical safety is more important than standing at that particular place. Also, when we are in Makkah, we should try our best to fill ourselves with as much Zamzam as possible. Try even to just stop drinking anything other than Zamzam. And take a bottle and just fill it and use it in your hotel room as well. For four or five days just try your best to fill yourself with the water of Zamzam that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the best water in this world is the water of Zamzam. hygroma in Lima Zamzam This is the best water in this world.

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And our processing said Matt was Mr. Lima shooty better who the water of Zamzam will get you the reason why you drank it, meaning before you drink Zamzam, you make the intention to Allah, why am I drinking Zamzam you make $1 to Allah, that Oh Allah, I want such and such, Oh ALLAH forgive my sins, oh a lot less my children, Oh Allah, this and that and then you make dua, so and then you drink. So, drinking, Zamzam is one of the causes of death are being accepted. So therefore, for that period that we are there, there we should increase, drinking Zamzam as much as possible. And when we finish up the hedge, and sorry, the ombre in this case, when we finish up the umbrella that we know that

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we're supposed to be trimming, or shaving the hair, and our Prophet sallallahu wasallam made special for those who shave as you know, he said three times all law forgive those who shave forgive those who shave forgive those who save, then he said forgive those who trim as well. So those who are able to shave at hamdulillah that is good, and those who are trim Alhamdulillah that too is good. And for those who are taking children for Umrah or Hajj, a lady asked the process and um she picked up an infant that she had and she said you had a school of law

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can this child do Hajj or Umrah can this child Come with me and do it and the process of them said yes, he may and you will get the reward. So because you have to take care and you are going to be in charge. So those who are going with their children, then inshallah this too There is a a double reward because you are in charge of the children and much more can be said but

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some basic stuff that when we are doing so when we enter the ashram we'll be doing tell beer and just do liquor and do our nothing other than that when we get to Makkah, so the Tobia stops when we get to Mecca, or when we see the Kava Some people say that there'll be a stop. Some people say when you get to market stops. Some people say when you get to the bottom, it stops a slight controversy. And inshallah I think when you see the How long have you stopped the tibia? Because then you've answered the call. Right? The point is that you're answering the call with this love bake me and I said this in the Hajj season where we'd give the lecture about the hedge the bake means

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Lambda is a word that doesn't exist in English. It doesn't exist in English. lebuh means that somebody called you so I'm answering the call, right? So I have to explain the whole thing in Arabic in English. Otherwise, we don't have one word that translates as lambda. Lambda means that somebody invoked you. So you're saying, Okay, I'm coming now I'm answering the call. So this is what lambda means. So the baker lahoma bake, I'm answering your call. Of course, the call is what Abraham's call that come for doing for the name of the of the house of Allah for showing respect to the house of Allah, well as infinity, give the other than proclamation for people to come and do hedging, of

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course, as well to this house. So Abraham gave the event or he made the call, and we are answering that call. So we say the bake Allah whom I'm answering the call, so when when do you finish answering the call when you arrive? So when do you arrive when you see the huddle? When you see the huddle, and some people say when you see the minarets of the atom, okay, maybe there's some people don't see the Kaaba, it's technical is two minutes difference. So the point is that around that time, you stop the television, then when you stop the tibia, and you start the you don't have to start the toe off immediately, we will be tired, we will check into the hotel, you can take a shower

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if you want. And if you want, you can change the harem even though there should not be reason because this is not hygiene, how do we understand you have been in Iran for 234 days, but in Ramallah, we're going to be in your home for five hours, five hours, we're going to be at a ramen shop, not more than that, I hope six hours max. So there should not be any reason to change the number if somebody wants to change their home. That is no problem in doing that. And then inshallah tada once we are ready and fresh. So our group by the way, just a little bit of logistics. If you want to go by yourself at home, then feel free to do so. And my honest and sincere advice if you

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know how to do ombre, go on your own. Because aroma is an act of worship. And you want to do acts of worship on your own between you and Allah. Okay, Omar is an act of worship, and you want to make your own Do you want to be or your own pace, going in a group honestly, is not as good, personally speak for you and you just to be spiritual, right? Then going with yourself or your family, that you are now making your own two hours and going as but for those who are going for the first time, they're a little bit, let's say concerned or a little bit, you know, wanting to know that we will have three groups departing from the hotel, the time is usually later, but we'll have three groups

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one hour apart. So whoever wants to go with the first group just meet in the lobby, we'll go as a group, then the second group and then the third group. And if we go in a group realize that the purpose of the group is just to be logistically together. I will not be doing group to add because I don't believe this is appropriate. You know, some, some groups they go on the violin will say everybody repeat after me, right? But in my opinion, this is against the Sunnah of the Prophet system, that when you do tawaf, this is not like praying behind an Imam, that he recites factor how you all say, I mean, this is your act of worship, we're only going as a group so that to give you

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some comfort that will take you where you need to go. We'll do seven times, then we'll you know, some people a little bit confused, how do I get to suffer more what understandable first time you're there, it's a little bit overwhelming. So for those who are there for the first time, then we will have three time slots and maybe every time slot, whoever wants to go 10 1520 will go every time slot. So we will have the three groups coming. And again, it is going to be just for logistical support. I will not and I believe it is not right even this is my position. It is not right for somebody to tell you what to add to make you know your do as best. And you know what you want to

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make, and you should make your own door. It should come from your own heart and your own test beer and your own Koran. Whatever you want to do. It should be between you and Allah subhana wa Tada. So we will just go as a group just for the logistics. After we finished the seven tosses. Just a reminder, I hope you've all listened to the video. But if you haven't, please do listen to it. Just a reminder that a lot of people make a trivial mistake is not the end of the world. Don't worry that they make eight tech Virata rather than seven. And this is not correct, because you're supposed to do it odd. So when you begin you say Bismillah when you begin, then you say Allahu Akbar and our

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Prophet system, if he wasn't able to touch or kiss the hijab, he would point towards it. So for us, 99.9% of us we're not going to touch the headdress with especially when we begin because we're going to begin on the outside. Then some of us might work our way in but we always begin most of us on the outside. Okay, so we we

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move our hand or point our hands towards the hedgehog, and we don't have to face the hedgehog. You don't stop all the traffic and say law work but you're not praying for that. Okay, you are processing was riding on his camel. He did not stop the camel. He did not stop the camel. When he passed by the edge of the Blackstone. He would simply point so if you're walking, you may just turn it a little bit, but he did not stop

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And so to stop is of course, as for those of us who have been we know, the number one cause of, of congestion is what is the stopping everything, you know, mess and if they followed the sooner or later it would be such an easy even in peak season, even in peak season, if everybody's moving, then hamdulillah. But the problem again is, people just think they're doing better than the sooner, we're not supposed to stop. So, as you move along, you just say Allahu Akbar, and you walk normal pace. So

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that is the first one. And you begin. So you, you begin every shot with the tech Bureau, you begin every circle with the tech Bureau. Now, when you finish, you do not say the tech Bureau. And that's a small mistake. It's here. So here, the love is not bolted if you say it's just a log, but but I'm saying you want to be precise. You don't say the tech bureau at the end of the seventh. Now people feel weird that I'm just walking away will realize you're supposed to pray the to the guy, that's your ending of the toe off. Okay, realize that the point is that when you move on, then you go find the place and you pray that to the guy. That's like the seal of the toe off. Now, the truth is tuna.

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So if you don't pray, then your talk is still valid. But technically you don't do the Allahu Akbar, when you pass the hedger at the finishing of the seventh round. Okay. And I've said this many times, and I'll say it again, do not ever think that you will remember the shot in your head. It's very common. I am an Hamdulillah, seasoned expert. When it comes to hygiene and dental off, I've done more than I can count in terms of O'Meara's, and yet still I get confused. Sometimes you're in the crowd, you're in the rush and like, was it five? Was it especially around five and six? that's when it really then when you're in six, you're like, Am I beginning? The sixth ending? The sixth? Right?

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This is like always, like, you know, okay, I know I'm the number six is in my head, is it the beginning or the end, and you really get confused. So the easiest thing to do is to have a marker on your hand, just like keep your hand in a certain position. Or some people literally have a clicker or something or that's fine. They were they have this via and they they move it that's fine as well. I'd rather just follow my hand. So you just follow this and just say that, okay, and the first now you need to decide when will you shift from one to two, at the beginning of one? Are you at one or are you at zero?

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You understand because that changes everything right? When you start, are you already on one, because then when you finish one, you move to two. So then in reality, you're in the middle of two. Whereas if you finished one, then you move to one, then so you understand the point, right, you need to decide your own language to yourself. But I'm saying logistically speaking is always a confusion. Suppose you're totally lost. And you don't know which one you're on, you do info off as you're supposed to do in Salah, which is that you based on the screen. So if you're confused between five and six they obtain is five, if you're confused between four and three that you obtain is three. So

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you based on the octane, get rid of the shock, which is the extra one, and then you go as if you're in the lower of the two, and then you continue and then that will be acceptable. So after we finished the tawaf, we then perform the to record, it is almost impossible even in offseason to pray the tool to the guy behind the camera brought him directly. So you go if possible, behind macabre him far away.

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As for directly behind the camera, but on him, you can only pray there when it is literally off off off season, where the Hajaj and the mortality are very few. Maybe it would be mid February these days or something of that nature when nobody's coming in the middle of the night at 2am. In February, you know something may be at that time, then the office so few, you probably have, you know, maybe a few 100 people, that's it. Okay, those are very difficult for people like us, because we're working we have jobs, what not, this is only for those who generally they live there, or whatever I mean, otherwise, we rarely get that. So for us, don't expect to pray directly behind

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Macumba Ibrahim, we will go far behind and try to have macabre him in front of us. Okay, so we'll try to go far behind but still in the direction of Abraham and if we can find space even there, then Okay, we'll just go somewhere else and pray to the gods. And then after that the sooner of our processing was to fill up with them. So then after that you drink Zamzam and Zamzam is blessing water so you even pour it on yourself he would even do we'll do with them no problem. So and there are fountains as you know, taps between between the toe off and massage, and then inshallah We will do our site. I was very sad to see this year that they have put up barriers between the actual

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mountains you cannot touch software and mobile anymore. And it's very sad to see this I grew up in the 1980s. as a little child playing always, every time I would go to Ramallah, I would literally climb all the way to the

00:30:00 --> 00:30:22

The top this was my memories of early 80s when I was a kid, 789 years old, that every time we go, we'd go, I would go all the way to the top. Because I'm a kid, I love it, you know, and then come all the way down this year I saw they actually put barriers, you cannot even touch the fan model anymore. It's now a relic, you just see it. As far as I know that still right now, but in hedge for short, and hide, you could not even

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come to Safa. And Marwa you just come to a little bit of the base, and then you have to go back. So we have to stick with the whatever the authorities say. And so we will go seven times between Safa and Marwa and of course we end the seventh time on Motorola. So you have to walk back anyway. But that doesn't count as a shot. That does not count as a as one of the things. And after you finished the seventh one right there are the barber shops so our sisters can go back to the hotel, they should have a small scissors with them that is travel safe, TSA friendly, safe world, there'll be an issue. So it's very healthy, healthy for helpful to the sisters have their own scissors they can use

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in the hotel room, and for the brothers. They can just go to the barber shops right after you finished Mandala. There's hundreds of barber shops there. So we can just go there and whoever wants to shave shave who wants to trim can trim? And then of course we are done with the rumble. Now the common question that always comes up and I have given a much more detailed answer in the video so you can see it for those who want to go for multiple cameras. So I said that this is a classical controversy dates back to the time of the Sahaba. So whoever wants to go there are free to do so of course logistically that's their business we will not provide. Second unless you just take two two

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years taxi and just go to Mr. Dyson come back. That's up to you. not that difficult at all. And if you want to rent your own taxi to realize means you'll be stuffed with five people. But if you want to take your own, it'll cost you 1520 rails and then you just go and you can even tell him to wait and he'll bring you back not a problem.

00:31:54 --> 00:31:56

It's really up to you and whoever wants to Alhamdulillah

00:31:58 --> 00:32:00

I prefer the position that

00:32:02 --> 00:32:48

doing too many cameras makes the sanctity of the memorial not as holy anymore, you becomes a routine. And our Prophet says it was his son and the son of basically the Sahaba after him to do one omo per trip. And it makes the oma feel more special. But some people say I want to do I want on behalf of my mother she passwords okay for that I understand, you know, I mean, it's not wrong, it's not wrong, but also do realize that, yes, it is true that the asset or the general ruling is one or more per trip, because then you will feel more enthused more, you will value the umbra more, but whoever wants to do it, then it's not a problem. That's that's permissible. But some of them I would

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say this goes against the sooner and others you might medic and others are even more stricter in this regard. That in fact, Mr. Malik and others did not even want person to go for him or twice a year because he said I want to devalue their own raw, don't make it a routine. So even he didn't want people to do Ramadan, even twice a year. So the omura should be once a year just like the Hajj. Don't go more than that. And not because he wants to not tell you to torture but because you want to keep the sanctity and the feeling of all that you go from raw in that feeling that you don't want to make it into a routine habit. So these are some of the main points and inshallah Tada, I want to now

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open the floor for q&a, please realize that my q&a right now is not logistics. It's about the fifth as for the logistics, what time and who and why that will be brother Dinesh inshallah, towards the end, come a little bit more about the logistics about our particular package, but from my side, inshallah, we can now open the floor for q&a. So let's begin with our live audience here. And then those brothers and sisters online as well they can participate by

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by emailing or by emailing a child love data. And do you have received the email how to do that inshallah. Tada. So questions from our audience Bismillah?

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00:34:13 --> 00:34:55

Are there any recommended two hours between for the left hand side so there are some doors that our Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, and especially between the rukon Yamani and the hazardous word, we know that he will tear up and it never dunya has an offer that has an opener, I have enough. So this is just for that last quarter of the tawaf and when he would start the Safa and the mandala. So there's a long draw that you will find in your booklets of O'Meara vocalist of hygiene Amara, he would stand on sofa and on Marwa face and say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, he would say for

00:34:56 --> 00:34:57


00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

sort of a wider one, also

00:35:00 --> 00:35:27

Whereas agenda was Amanda has de bois de la ilaha illallah wa la la casa de novo query capital and then he would make long to us. So this is on Safa and then on madhwa so there are certain things narrated but for the bulk of it we just do our regular Vicar regular record or open up almost half very good. You open up a Quran, you have your phone, use your iPhone, iPhone with a foreign, just read some Quran and just make dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. Okay, hand was on this ideas.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:41

Trimming is anything that constitutes trimming. So if somebody

00:35:42 --> 00:35:58

sees you and sees that you've had a trim, then this is trimming, as long as it's something that is, so it must be for the entire area. Right? And if one of us is bald, I'm getting bald Marvels myself as well. You are not bald, you're half bald. So give yourself half credit.

00:36:00 --> 00:36:16

So if somebody is bald than the scholar say for him, he should just dab budan just as an act of a powder. Just put the shaving over his hair just to show a lot of xojo that he's doing it even though he doesn't have here. Okay. Yes.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:33

Like we just said, so you will just shave even if there's nothing you will just do it dab Buddha. Allah just as a showing a lot that this was an activity by the Okay. Yes, sister good.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:40

Yes, you contribute on here. Not a problem at all. We have a question from online that.

00:36:41 --> 00:37:18

Can I take a shower once we arrive in Makkah? And the sisters saying Can we change our garments and undergarments because we might be tired or sweaty or whatnot? Yes, as we said, you can take a shower, and you can change all the garments, even for the men, they can change into another home if they so want to. And for the sisters, if they want to change whatever they're wearing, they may do that as well. Question from online giving the Ebola breakouts? Is it permissible to wear a mask and do a photo? Or is this not a valid excuse. So I'm not going to talk about the medical issue of whether one should wear a mask or not from a medical perspective that's up to you and your doctor.

00:37:19 --> 00:38:01

And how effective that is. That's not my business. But from a physical perspective. If you feel that you wish to wear a mask scholars differ. This surgical mask in our times is it's one of the things that breaks the conditions of Iran not breaks but breaks the the shirt or the cuff. The issues that are hard on it, how long does it break it or not? Because it's not fully covering the faces just covering the mouth and the ear? So how technical Do you want to be there are one group that says that this is not really covering of the face is just covering the nose and the breathing apparatus right. So they say no kuthodaw is needed. And another group of modern scholar says no, it is

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covering the face because it covers basically most of the face. So they say go with the majority. So it is a gray area. And Alhamdulillah. The kafala is very affordable for us from America. Right? It's not something that is so you feed six people, for example. So you buy food for six people, and then you give it to the people. You can see they deserve the food and that's enough for a kafala. So my suggestion would be even though technically, fick wise, I sympathize with those who say it's not covering the face, no casada is needed. But just to make your heart at ease. We're allowed to break some of the truth of Islam. We're allowed to break them if there is a legitimate need. And for the

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one who is genuinely scared of Ebola, and they feel it is a legitimate need. And that's not my business to say whether it's legitimate Ebola or not in Jeddah Saudi, that's not my business, you ask the doctors but if you feel that it is something you are worried about, then you may wear the mask. There's no sin on you. And just for your own heart sake, I will say feed six people, even though technically I say I don't see this as breaking the ground because you're not covering the entire face. If we finish the top off during the makuu timings of Salah should we pray too soon or not? This is a classic controversy that dates back 1390 years back to the earliest days of your own

00:39:20 --> 00:39:31

debit of your own, that this is the classic controversy. Suppose you did your toe off after us. And you finished still after acid is before Muslim? What do you do?

00:39:32 --> 00:40:00

So three of the mother have say that actually two and a half because when the mother has to maturity hired say that you wait until mother then you pray to God. And one and a half of the mother had basically one and wondering why I say that you should go ahead and pray. And in my humble opinion, it makes sense that in the Haram in Makkah, there is no mcru timings because the Kaaba is in front of you. And I kind of sympathize with this opinion that there is no mukou timings when you finish

00:40:00 --> 00:40:25

Have you pray to God because the gap is right there. So the confusion that somebody might have while you're worshiping the sun or whatnot, it will never happen inside of the harem and this is an opinion within the humbling method. And otherwise, I hope that there is no mokou timings for the Kava itself. And in any case, yes, if you want to pray immediately, not a problem there. Can we drink? zum zum at any time or just between?

00:40:27 --> 00:40:42

The wife Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah, between dolphin sorry, Safa. And Marwa, is it a legislator soon. So you may drink sums up at any time even when you're doing so often. So you can drink thumbs up. But it is especially a sooner between the tail off and the sorry.

00:40:43 --> 00:41:00

It is especially as sooner because our processing them did it. So just because he did it, we should follow it. Okay, so when you finish the tail off, on your way to say, you just stop and there are they actually have a place over there. Lots of taps for some of them because of this one. So we should try our best to do it.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:38

Somebody already asked if I do two cameras and I shaved after the first What do I do for the secondary said this to our brother that if you have shaved and the next day go for ombre, you still are completely bald, go ahead and just symbolically shave even if you just purchase a safety razor from down there and just quickly do it yourself just to show Allah subhanho wa Taala that you have done the the shave, so you just do it symbolically, just like we do tell mom symbolically, there's no water, but it was showing a lot of xojo that we are doing it once you finish the room, what are what are the recommended acts of worship and macatawa the last off as much as possible between every

00:41:38 --> 00:42:19

psychologist guru to have as much stuff as you can do, number one, number two, do I one of the main reasons we're going to Makkah is to make special to us for our needs. Because the Tao of maca is one of the most precious to us. So we go to market to make those dollars we should have in our head. Some of us write it down, no problem. Some of us put Word documents or whatever Google documents, no problem. So that you know what do you want to make keep it in mind. So lots of do out over there. And then every good deed or on zeker sadhaka. In fact, what I recommend people to do is to tell their family and friends that look I'm going to Makkah give me any charity you want

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any extra charity you have given to me I'll be as long as you're trustworthy, obviously, we're not telling you to stop but Allah do something. So if you're a trustworthy guy, so anybody has 550 $20 So now you have Mashallah $1,000. Right, you have five days in Makkah, and there are so many people and what I tell our brothers and sisters, especially the number one person's people, you should give him the item or the workers of the item. Those people that are dressed in the, the the cleaning, clothes, they are paid, literally pennies, for pm will lie I mean, you'll feel for them, they're treated in a way that is really heartbreaking. Many of them are genuinely good Muslims, you see,

00:43:01 --> 00:43:29

Mashallah the big beers and they, they feel enthusiastic, they get paid maybe $100 a month or something, you know, maybe 150. Now, when I was there, when I was there living, the guy told me he gets paid less than like it was 300 or 300, less than $100 a month, that can you imagine he has to send money home, and he has to take care of himself and this need these people? You know, so and I know this hurts for to say this. But my general philosophy is not to give to a professional beggar.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:55

This is my general philosophy. Now this is my opinion, you can take it or leave it. I do not give to professional beggars. Because I have lived there too long to know. These are gangs. These are scams. And what is really, really pathetic is that the leaders and masterminds of these scams, they are creatures, they are animals, they take innocent babies, and they deform them.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:30

So that you see all of these kids without a hand without this. Where do they come from? Now? Of course, the flip side, somebody says it's not the kids fault. I agree with you. It's not the kids fault. But where is that money going? It's not going to the kid. Well, I wish I could do something at a national level, you know, kid, they help these kids. But in the end of the day, these are gangs. And they take these children and stuff with the law. They mutilate them, they do this and that and then you That's why I remember once somebody said to me, why is that that mark is full of deformed people, deformed beggars. I haven't seen these deformed beggars anywhere in the world. You

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know, the reason is because these are gangs. It's a very sad thing that happens there. And there are professionals that are doing this. So it's a sad reality. I mean, you know, I don't know what to what to tell you. I don't know what to tell you. And these children, these young people, and then eventually these children get older and you see, you know, men and women, all elderly without an arm without a limb. I mean, I'm sure some of them are genuine, I'm sure. But I know for a fact that the scams and the profession

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or more. So my philosophy is I never give to,

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you know this and you, you just keep your eyes open and you'll find the family from this country from that country living out in the home. You see, they don't have anything, they have their bags with them, they can't even afford a hotel, give to them. Why would you want to give to somebody that, you know, they have made their life into begging but this is my advice, by the way, it's up to you. And you know, I mean, I'm not telling you not to give to them. From a fifth perspective, this is your position or whatnot. But for me, personally, I I cannot give to them when I know there are genuine people that are not asking they have dignity, they deserve the money. So if you find that

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$1,000 ministry collect $1,000 that's Mashallah 3700 is a good amount, you know, so you give these workers 200 300 rails for them. That's a good amount. And if you find somebody really good at 500 Why not? I mean, these people, they're living single lives, their wives and children are back home, you know, they cannot they're not allowed to live with their families. Sometimes they go back once every two or three years to visit their children. I mean, speak to them well, like they all speak will do anyway. I mean, you know, most of them are you know, will do Bengali speakers anyway, speak to them. How can I met Where are you from? Go give me you know, a good neighbor can tell me about

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and you will see man their stories are so genuinely you know, heartbreaking How could you not help out this guy? So my opinion is there are plenty of people to help out. So collect the money from family and friends and make this another act of worship. The question was what acts of worship this is one of the things that is so easy to do, you just become the medium Allah will reward you because the money's in your pocket not even because you gave it you're collecting from family and friends give me some money by the way, so collect some family and friends inshallah and we'll go and we'll give it to to the people in Makkah.

00:46:45 --> 00:47:31

So, is it is the DA during say Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allah but all over the has long to is supposed to be said at the top of safa and marwah all seven times. So as I said, Our Prophet says, and when he began the study at Safa, and then at motiva, and then safa and marwah, he would stop and face the fibula and stand there for a long period of time. This is sooner it is of the finer Sooners. Many times people don't have the time to do that. They're, they're tired, they're with family. So if you just walk, it is completely fine. No problem. But our profit system would spend a good amount of time on the mountain, making dua to Allah. So yes, it is soon, all seven times. Once

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again, when you finish the seventh, you don't stand, you just walk out. And the finishing is the shaving or the trimming. Just like when you finish the seventh off, you don't do takbeer. Similarly, when you finish the seven size, you don't stand, you just walk and you are done. So yes, the response is all seven are soon to do.

00:47:52 --> 00:47:56

The brother says that when I shaved my hair, do I have to shave my mustache as well?

00:47:57 --> 00:48:09

No, you don't have to shave your mustache or your beard. You may keep that in Sharla. In fact, you should keep the beard you should trim the mustache as the senator but you don't have to do it at the helm timing.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:16

So the sister is saying that she will be in her menses most likely, what is permissible in Medina and Mecca

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in the time of the menses. So, if you feel that you will be in menses for all of those days, in Makkah, this is a bit of a problem. Because we'll be in Makkah for four and a half days. So if you feel your add your routine is such that it will be overlapping that entire stay, then this is a bit of a problem. And

00:48:44 --> 00:48:49

well, I mean, honestly, this is not in your hands, of course.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:26

In this case, I actually suggest speaking to your doctor and seeing if you can take medication that will not be harmful, as long as it's not harmful, so that you will be able to delay. The menses even though I don't like interfering with the natural cycle. But in this particular case, for hygiene romola it actually makes sense once in a lifetime or once every few years that you delay it for a few days, if it is possible. If not if there's any other reason, or I think it might even be too late to start the procedure. We have some doctors here, maybe it will be too late even right now, because we're leaving in two weeks. For whatever reason. If that is not the case, then in this case,

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books of filk would say that you should remain and muck until you're able to do the ombre. This is what the because in those days there were no flights. If you had to wait a day or two, you'd wait a day or two and then catch up quickly because your caravan will be going slowly. If you're by yourself with your husband, they can be faster to catch up. So the books of fic would say that you just wait until your monsters are over. And then you finish up and then catch up with your caravan. And that's a very good opinion. I suggest to you if you're able to do that, and it is technically you can even enter

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Group, it's not hedge, which means the flights are negotiable, and has the fighter almost set in stone and normal other flights aren't negotiable. Speak with the other side and see if it can be arranged. If it cannot be arranged, and you are not able to do this, then in this position, you must follow the boluda opinion. I don't like saying this, but it is a Lula. And that is that you perform the top off in that state, even though I don't like to do this, but it is Aurora, there is no other alternative, you're in the column, you need to do it in that state. It's like the one who cannot do will do and cannot touch with water. What should he do? He simply prays in that state. It's about

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aura. It's not the general rule. So if that is the case, then you have no alternative and speak to me inshallah, you're coming at my group, so speak to me. And we can go in more detail as for Medina and what you can do. I mean, you can do all the other acts of worship. You can do all of the other two hours in decline. Of course, you're just not going to press harder. That's it. And you can go to the courtyard of the huddle and just sit in the courtyard of the huddle. I would suggest you don't go inside the huddle. But even if the person went inside, there is no controversy you should the woman in menses is she allowed to go inside the mustard or not? Some of them say yes, some of them

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say no. So it's not something that is smart or clear cut, there is a gray area. So if you just to be on the safe side, stay in the courtyard. You know the large courtyard outside of Medina stay in that and in the bottom as well stay in the courtyard outside. Don't go inside the physical structure until the menses are over.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:38

Question. I want to perform a hijama. There there. Can you suggest anybody? You know what I will find out for you? Yes, I can. But I'm not responsible.

00:51:39 --> 00:51:42

What is hijama? blood sucking,

00:51:43 --> 00:51:48

copying? copying you cut? And you? You know,

00:51:49 --> 00:52:00

but but I will tell you of people but it's up to you to trust them or not. I can easily find out for you. I have good friends who know or know people who do a good job. Okay. But it's your liability, not mine.

00:52:09 --> 00:52:14

Yeah, the thing is, where are you going to do the hijama? Which part of your body if you do it on the back of your head?

00:52:15 --> 00:52:17

They're going to be vicious gashes.

00:52:19 --> 00:52:21

It's not that bad. Huh?

00:52:24 --> 00:52:40

What's the significance our process and I'm praised pajama more than he praised any other schufa he praised his drama as a means of curing more than any other chifa there are over 20 a hadith about the blessings of pajama.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:47

copping copying. Right. So bloodletting Gani like you you? No,

00:52:49 --> 00:52:58

no, no, no, no, no, he the brother is just asking he wants to do hijama It's nothing to do with Roma. No, you can do hijama at any time of your life. Nothing was wrong wrong. But

00:53:00 --> 00:53:27

But the thing is, yeah, the 60 to 5030 4050 is the best time but the thing is, because you're going to shave your hair in Makkah. And because the most common place of pajama is the back of the head. So a lot of people they want to do hijama in Medina, because then when they go to Makkah, then the hair will be shaved anyway. Because if you were to do a pyjama at any time of the year, in here, you don't have to shave half of your hair.

00:53:28 --> 00:54:08

And that looks very awkward. That's why a lot of people combine the pajama with the aroma because of the shaving. That's the only reason. Otherwise you don't have to get pajama in the back of the hair. You can get the head you can get and depending on what your ailment is. Now you go to the hijama to doctor it's a alternative medicine doctor just like these other alternative medicines or acupuncture what are the alternative? So there are doctors that are doctors of hijama and they train in that field. So you tell them I have headaches now the most common thing I have had plenty of friends that have told me this that they have migraines or and and hijama helps them plenty of friends I have

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never done it. I've never had that issue of migraines or not but a lot of my friends have done it and they have told me it has helped them immensely. And so I mean whoever wants to I mean that's their business, I can help you so the brother who asked the question, inshallah with data I will find out for you but again, liability is yours you go and you judge the guy yourself. I'll just tell you that this has been recommended by my own friends but other than that it is yours.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:34

So are we allowed to drink caffeine during Ramadan?

00:54:37 --> 00:54:40

I will drink my mocha and mocha and you will see me in sha Allah, Allah.

00:54:42 --> 00:54:50

You will see me doing that. So you will find ch Allah that it is halaal insha Allah to drink a mocha in Mecca. Okay, Other questions? We're done over this year. Yes.

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

So do we have to have whoodle during philosophy and science

00:55:00 --> 00:55:44

The majority opinion is that yes you should have will do and it is the safer opinion to do and therefore in shallow data you should have Google however even taymiyah and others they they felt that it is not necessary to have will do before you fall off so my suggestion to the people that come with my group is the following always make sure you have although before you go but in case you will do breaks in the middle of the throw off then inshallah Allah you can resort to obtain beers opinion because there's no explicit evidence to say that you have to have will do before during the off okay.

00:55:45 --> 00:55:57

Pull off as for Sorry, no scholar in the history of Islam ever said you have to have all by unanimous consensus, sorry, you don't have to have

00:55:58 --> 00:56:02

there's no afterlife at all. the afterlife was overthrown off okay.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:22

So the brothers saying if we have to break the middle of the pole off and then come back, so our scholars say if the break is trivial, and for a reason, then you may resume from where you left off. classic example the Salah

00:56:23 --> 00:56:37

if the break is trivial, and for a reason, so that will take three four or five minutes and is for legitimate reason. No problem. If the break is long, and for no reason, not to legitimate reason, then you start from the beginning. Okay. Yes, good.

00:56:39 --> 00:56:51

Are you coming with us this year? No next year Charlotte, you're coming. Make the near Charlotte next year. You're coming in Sharla next year, I told him next year Sharla. Halas we have a witness in the back that will make sure you live up to your promise.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:02

Yes, between the hairdresser's and the door.

00:57:04 --> 00:57:17

Yes, the corner it's around six, seven feet. It's not that small. You can easily have eight nine people squeezed in and then even if you don't touch it, you're in the second third fourth row have the men squeezed up shala?

00:57:24 --> 00:57:27

You mean the door and the hidden the door? And?

00:57:30 --> 00:57:47

Yeah, so that's the hinge area. That that that is not that is not the sort of place to do it. Yeah, it's not the center place. But neither is it wrong. Anywhere in the cabinet is good. So anywhere over there is good, but the the most blessed places between the hedges, sweat and the door.

00:57:48 --> 00:57:49

Okay, yes.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:44

So the brothers saying is it an act of worship to merely look at the Kaaba, there is a fabricated Hadith that says that merely looking at the Kaaba is about the Hadith is fabricated. However, looking at the Kaaba should make your EMR go up. And you should feel a sense of who sure and humbleness and thankfulness that you are there. And that is definitely a part of Emacs. So yes, but there's no Hadith, but there's no Hadith that looking at the garbage is, is very bad, but looking at the garbage should make you feel emotions have a bada and in those emotions, you should make dua to Allah. Yes. And will light it is

00:58:45 --> 00:59:14

a sign of weakness of a man if being in front of the Kaaba and you are not moved. Isn't that the case? You know, I mean, if you're in front of the cabinet, and you're not feeling that all, this is a problem, you know, so this is a sign of weakness of demand. So we have a question from online. That can I pray in the hotel with the congregation? My dear brother or sister will I respect you You're coming with my group, but why are you coming all the way there? To pray in the hotel?

00:59:15 --> 00:59:59

I mean, you have spent money and you have been time. And now I understand Well, lucky and hedge I fully understand the timings of hedge It's crazy. And I prayed in the hotel lobby, you know when you go down, it is literally connected to the bottom. I prayed there because by the time you get the you cannot even go outside of the you go 15 minutes before you can even go outside. I understand. But we are not going at that peak season. And if you leave 10 minutes before you will easily get to maybe even soft oil on the roof if you're a brother. Maybe even the front row you can see the hidden beneath you. So I would say unless you are elderly or sick. Why would you want to do that? Right And

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59

as for the future

01:00:00 --> 01:00:10

perspective if this will foof are not connected then you praying in the hotel lobby or the hotel masala will not constitute the Gema.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:17

Because the so forth have to be connected and when are the so forth connected that are we had hedge

01:00:18 --> 01:00:32

otherwise the so forth are not connected from the harem to any of the hotels. It's not that busy. You know, I mean unless things have changed dramatically. I don't think I'm a designer. I haven't been in December for many years. But I don't think is that busy? Yes.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:21

Yes, praying in the Hatim is highly encouraged because praying in the hygiene is the same as praying inside of the Kaaba. So you will get the rewards and following the son of praying inside of the cabinet because the Hatim is inside the Kaaba. And it is a mercy from Allah. The Hatim is the semicircular round thing, right. The Hatim is inside the cab and Allah in His wisdom and mercy before the before the prophethood began what happened we all know that the Quraysh ran short of funds and so they built the cabin smaller than they should have and this was a was designed because that is why To this day, that area is open otherwise it was closed for 4000 years imagine for 4000

01:01:21 --> 01:01:36

years since Ibrahim's time up until the Prophet offices no it was closed and the aurash would prevent people from going inside except those whom they allowed just like every Islamic government did the same thing even to this day to go and pray inside you need to get royal permission

01:01:37 --> 01:02:03

in some ways it makes sense Imagine if they opened the door What would happen just imagine if they opened the door there would be mobs and people would die you understand this you need a permission and especially what not once a year twice a year that happens. So it makes sense. So what has a lot of xojo wisdom done instead the head team is open. So the Hatim is the cat but inside the cabin when you are praying there you are praying inside the house of Allah

01:02:04 --> 01:02:07

and so it is definitely a place we should try to go pray and

01:02:11 --> 01:02:19

technically you can pray in any direction but been since everybody is facing the garba he would look very weird if you turned around and did it yes

01:02:25 --> 01:02:25


01:02:32 --> 01:02:32

I had a

01:02:35 --> 01:02:37

positive experience when I was

01:02:41 --> 01:02:41


01:02:44 --> 01:02:46

I have a problem of physical

01:02:48 --> 01:02:48


01:02:50 --> 01:02:54

actually cured it almost instantly. My

01:03:06 --> 01:03:07


01:03:08 --> 01:03:09

my brother

01:03:10 --> 01:03:15

and I met when I had to build the house I could not do

01:03:16 --> 01:03:19

and I had to sit back in a chair anyway that was

01:03:22 --> 01:03:23


01:03:34 --> 01:03:35

Yes it does um Zim has a unique flavor.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:38


01:03:39 --> 01:03:40

and I was so

01:03:42 --> 01:03:46

inspired by my own experience, I bought a big

01:03:47 --> 01:03:49

maybe five or 10 gallons

01:03:50 --> 01:03:51

to bring and share it with

01:03:54 --> 01:03:55

my family and

01:03:56 --> 01:03:57

this will carry

01:03:58 --> 01:04:01

anyway when I opened it

01:04:02 --> 01:04:03

we stopped

01:04:04 --> 01:04:05

on the way back here.

01:04:07 --> 01:04:10

It was the flavor was to me it is to just

01:04:12 --> 01:04:13

in spite of the fact that it had

01:04:28 --> 01:04:38

so I cannot answer to this obviously maybe the guy sold you wrong. So sometimes what they do is they take the bottle which is legitimate and they refill it with regular water to sell.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:59

Yes there. Now if you if you purchase them from the places within the vicinity of the house from those the immediate replaces, generally speaking, they're not

01:05:00 --> 01:05:29

Doing scams, generally speaking, but there are people that will take that bottle. Now the bottle is legitimate because if it has that on it, they have a ministry for Zamzam affairs or they have a branch of the ministry. So if it has that stamp on it, the bottle is legitimate but then what happens is there's stuff with a lot of black market isms and can you believe, right? Well, I hate this is the state of our oma that there's a black market of false Islamism. So they'll take the bottle and they'll just sell you regular water and they'll earn a living off of that so

01:05:31 --> 01:05:33

yeah, so I can't I mean

01:05:35 --> 01:05:41

okay, Alhamdulillah inshallah, keep that point and mighty shuttle and make sure this sums them is the real one. So we have questions from online,

01:05:43 --> 01:06:15

is the dugout at the first sight of the Kaaba Mustafa were accepted. It is authentically narrative that some of the Sahaba, when they first saw the Kaaba would stop dead in their tracks and make long. So whoever wants to do that, that is good. But there's nothing from the Prophet system in this regard. So some of the Sahaba when they're walking in and they saw the Kaaba, they would stop there. But also look at the people behind you. If you're going off season and it's empty, then go behind the pillar and make drama, no problem. But if there's a long line behind you, keep that in mind and don't stop the light. Yes.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:34

During the Salah, should one look at the garba or look down. This is another classic controversy that goes back 1200 years from the ancient times. That in Makkah,

01:06:35 --> 01:07:13

should you look still down or look at the Kaaba and technically speaking, one would say the Sooners always to look down. But it is my position that if our Eman is very weak, and looking at the garbage increases are crucial and the Salah, and the goal of having a crusher is more important. So if you feel that looking at the capital will increase for sure. And having for sure is more important. So in my opinion, it is not a problem to do. So in any case, nobody would say is that macro? Or how long? Nobody would say that. But the issue is, which is better to look down or look at the camera. And my response is whichever one gives you more which one is better. We have a question from online.

01:07:15 --> 01:07:23

That is there more reward for staying in the bottom example sleeping there and to spend most of the time in the bottom.

01:07:24 --> 01:08:01

There's nothing inherently more rewarding if you sleep in the hotel versus sleeping in your in your hotel room. So it's not you should not make it your goal that you're going to spend the night in the hotel. But whoever wants to spend more time there, no doubt it is better in your wakeful state to go and sit in front of the cabin read Quran and music, no doubt. But in and of itself, it's not something that you should prefer to spend the night inside of the atom rather than inside of your hotel, even though it is narrated that sometimes the process of slept in the atom. In fact, according to one opinion, Islamic Mirage took place when he was sleeping in the bottom, according to

01:08:01 --> 01:08:26

one opinion, that he was sleeping in front of the cab, and it is common and you will find people sleeping there in front of the cab. But there's nothing inherently more rewarding to sleep in the hotel. Rather, I would say it is better for your dignity men and especially women, there's no question, man, even it is better for your dignity and whatnot that you sleep and the regular place and go and alert full and wakeful state to the outcome. Mother says that

01:08:27 --> 01:08:52

she might have to breastfeed her child during the throw off, can she stop? And then resume we said yes, you may stop in this case, if there is a need, you may legitimately go to the side and cover yourself and feed the child and then resume from where you left off. Because this is a small amount of time you know, 15 minutes or so that is acceptable that you are a mother that needs to take care of the infant.

01:08:53 --> 01:09:33

Can I make wouldwould Zamzam not just Can you you should make all the wisdoms of it is soon to make will do with some some you should make will do with Zamzam. Is there something called farewell to off for the road trip No, there's nothing called farewell to off. You don't have to do the last thing as a tawaf but some scholars have said out of etiquette, you should, but there's nothing in the Sunnah, but some have made to us and they've said okay, just like hedge, you know, there's the farewell toe off. So similarly there should be one in ombre, but there's nothing there's nothing legal, but it is a matter of etiquette. adept. So I would also suggest that it is good and healthy

01:09:33 --> 01:09:40

that you do a talk before you leave, but it is not. Why'd you start watching. Unlike hij it is wajib to do the farewell. So if

01:09:41 --> 01:09:59

someone says about bleeding during the head on and off, bleeding does not break anything to do with the firearm and the Whoo. So if somebody is now we're talking about bleeding, there's almost somebody stepping or I have a nail bleed, that type of bleeding. Obviously the feminine blood is another issue.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:22

You're in the menses, but any other type of bleeding a cut or a scar, somebody steps on you that bleeding does not break anything of the forearm or a voodoo. So if it's a small scratch that you don't have to worry about continue, if it's a severe thing, you need to get treatment for it. That's a separate issue. But it's not going to break it off for you. We'll do How long are we going to go to finish? Because

01:10:23 --> 01:10:25

five more quick? Do you send them?

01:10:26 --> 01:10:27

Okay, let me

01:10:28 --> 01:10:30

Okay, any questions from the

01:10:31 --> 01:10:32

audience? Yes, good.

01:10:41 --> 01:11:00

It's always better to raise the hands when you can. So if you are doing Pilates and you just want to raise the hands, it's not a problem. It's always better the general rule is to raise your hands during clap, but you don't have to, and you may simply make your drop from your tongue without raising the house drink off, this is also allowed.

01:11:08 --> 01:11:23

inshallah, when we talk about the logistics, but there's no rituals in Medina, other than extra prayer, but inshallah, when we talk about what we're going to be doing, we will go over some other things to be done in Medina. inshallah. There was a hand over here from the brothers as well, huh? there? Yes, go ahead.

01:11:27 --> 01:11:28

The selfie in the background?

01:11:32 --> 01:11:35

You had TAs, didn't you? Right? You I knew he would be asking.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:41

Can you take a selfie of the cargo stand?

01:11:43 --> 01:11:45

Well, there was a big controversy right online.

01:11:49 --> 01:11:53

What can I say? It's not how long if you want to do it, and you feel that this is

01:11:54 --> 01:11:58

something you like to do? it technically is not how long? It's it's something that

01:11:59 --> 01:12:11

What can I say? I don't feel comfortable doing it myself. And I feel very odd. But this is my personal personality. If that makes sense. It's my personality. I don't think it's something but

01:12:12 --> 01:12:45

well, it it really depends on why you're doing it. And what is your intention? I mean, for some people, for some people doing that would be a type of encouragement to their friends that are not that practicing that man, I want to be there too. If that's his knee, and he wants to make them feel calmer, as well. Then Charlotte's Hello, you know, and for the one who wants to show off, there's no doubt that this would be how long and you're gonna show off in front of the cameras like Dude, like really? messed up priorities, man. Yes, go ahead.

01:12:54 --> 01:13:22

During the air travel, you guesstimate so you figure out what time am I getting on the plane? What time will it be when I land? And then you guesstimate looking outside of the window? Roughly speaking, what time would it be and it is not that difficult. I mean, you look at and see where the sun is. You're never cloudy. You're above the clouds. So you just look outside and you make a judgment call. And if you board the plane after Muslim, and some of our flights are boarding after Mother's Day, then you pray Maghrib and Isha in the airport.

01:13:24 --> 01:13:35

Right? So you're scot free there. If you board before Muslim, then you Primavera Venetia. Within an hour or two after sunset, you pray both. And then you pray fudger before you land, because by the time you get there, it will be

01:13:36 --> 01:13:39

most likely depending on which flight you're taking, actually.

01:13:42 --> 01:13:50

Oh, okay. So then in that case, we will have to we'll pray they'll head and outside at the airport market and Asia and even have a temporary landing.

01:13:51 --> 01:13:52


01:13:54 --> 01:13:59

Yeah, so even 5g will have to pre select a moment of inertia and pressure on the plane. Okay. Well,

01:14:01 --> 01:14:02

yeah, there's an app or what is it called?

01:14:04 --> 01:14:12

s o. r, IMG soaring, there's an app that will tell you the timing of the timing of the solar in the plane.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:16

Know where you are, it will tell you what to tell you the timing of Salah.

01:14:17 --> 01:14:57

Yeah, the current time of where you are in the plane, you will find out. We have a question from online. Should we pray too soon after doing what we did this daanish number one, we did that. Number two, if doing multiple cameras, can the rituals of anaerobic aroma be performed at any hour of the day? provided you get to the meal court and Star Trek state of Vietnam? Yes. And what I can be done at any time of the day or night. There's no restriction on that. Do we pray the prayer of them wasafi while in Mecca and Medina or should we pray all of our sooner so you are a massage. There's no doubt about that. But you should not be lazy and praying extra no often. So even if you don't

01:14:57 --> 01:14:59

pray so not Atiba. You should pray

01:15:00 --> 01:15:17

double triple that enough. Okay, so you are a Mustafa. But you are going to be praying extra effort because how can you give up 100,000 reward? Think about that. How can you give that up? You should be praying every opportunity you get, just pray to god that's 100,000 on the day of judgment and 1000 in Medina.

01:15:19 --> 01:15:20


01:15:21 --> 01:15:26

we have a long question the Saudi authorities tell my wife not to pray close to the garbage to say segregated

01:15:27 --> 01:16:08

the Saudi security would take my wife tell her to go away. When she was praying next to me. Is there a religious justification that women shouldn't pray on the first level near to the Kava. So we don't have the, you know, security rulings in our control, we can only do what they tell us what to do. So if there is a and this is only typically at peak timings, when it's empty, then the security also gets lacks and their main reason is logistics that it just becomes awkward with so many women are praying in one area and the men are doing fell off. There many reasons logistics is not a defense of them, they have the rules of doing it. So if the security guards tell you to go elsewhere, then I'll

01:16:08 --> 01:16:47

ask you go elsewhere and Allah knows you try to pray behind the mahkamah Ebrahim, can we donate neurons to be placed in the bottom? No, do not donate organs to be placed in the bottom there is a factory specially made for this purpose that we are going to visit. So no, we don't need to donate organs for the atom because they have plenty of organs rather insha Allah for the men amongst us, you will be donated a copy of the Quran inshallah Why do I say this because the women are not allowed to go to the factory, the Medina factory it's not my my control, there are rules only men can go in. So inshallah we are still 100% confirming but inshallah the brothers will get to go to

01:16:47 --> 01:16:53

the factory and you can get a Quran fresh for the printing press inshallah.

01:16:54 --> 01:17:12

Yes, we need to do a final question that we are done that can women wear socks during any time? Yes, not even can they should wear socks? It is preferable for them to wear socks. Anytime Yes, they should wear socks inside inside the state of Iran. inshallah with that we will need to make some logistics or at least tell them about the logistics.

01:17:15 --> 01:17:17

No, we're done. We're not going to go over the you're not gonna you're not gonna.

01:17:20 --> 01:17:56

Okay, so as for the logistics, you will get an email tomorrow in sha Allah with all of the logistical details and then there should be another phone call with next weekend with brother Dinesh all of the logistical questions about what timing and who's going to do this and the word I put my luggage and how big of a bag and this and that all of that will be next week with brother Dinesh inshallah you'll get the email tomorrow. Chuck Moeller Hi, let's make a special shout out to a lot of our omura is accepted that our omura goes with ease and comfort that Allah subhanaw taala does not test us and make us suffer a means of explanation kafala for our sins, that Allah azza wa jal

01:17:56 --> 01:18:27

removes from us the fucker and the sins that we have, that we come back from this Roomba as clean and as pure as our the day that our mothers gave birth to us that this is just one of many other embryos that we continue to do until we meet our Lord and that allows dojo accepts our omura and our tawaf and our sorry and our saga and physical and our do ours that we make that Eliza which is accepts all of them and gives us better than what we asked for me and from I mean, inshallah, we will continue later on a shortlist

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi delivers an amazing lecture on the Fiqhs of Umrah.

What is Umrah? The explanation given is a beautiful one. Umrah gets rid of sins and poverty just like a furnace gets rid of impurity from iron.  Next, the Shaykh discusses the rewards and benefits of Umrah, followed by the Fiqh rulings and most common issues pertaining to Umrah to the house of Allah.  

The Prophet ﷺ performed four Umrahs in his lifetime – An Umrah during Dhul-Qa’dah; the Umrah of Al-Hudaibiyah, an Umrah with his Hajj, and an Umrah from Al-Ji’ranah when he divided up the war spoils of Hunain.

Benefits of Umrah:

  • Expiation of sins
  • Eradication of poverty and attainment of wealth in your life.
  • Jihad of weak people such as elderly and women.
  • Mutamir are the guests of Allah – if they ask, then Allah will give them.
  • Increase the acceptance of Dua

Basics of the Fiqh of Umrah:

  • Arkan of Umrah – Ihram, Tawaf, Saee
  • Wajibat of Umrah – entering into Ihram at Meeqat, shaving or trimming of the hair.
  • Sunnah of Umrah

What is the Meeqat? What is Ihram from a Fiqhi perspective? The concept of Talbiyah is also pondered upon. It should be said incessantly when in Ihram until one arrives at the Bait al Haram.

What should not be done in Ihram?

  • No shaving or cutting hair
  • No cutting nails
  • No perfume
  • No stitched garments for men
  • No garment covering head for men and no wearing Niqab and gloves for women
  • No acts of intimacy

What is Tawaf and Saee? Shaykh Yasir Qadhi answers explicitly and also some Hadiths are shared relating to Zamzam. Zamzam is drunk between Tawaf and Saee.

Can we do multiple Umrahs? Various positions of Imams are shared and we get a clear opinion on the same.


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